Incurable diseases of stars. Famous people who had sexually transmitted diseases Diseases of famous historical figures

Even kings are not immune from inflammation of the appendix or tetanus. You cannot hide from death either in the highest tower or in a golden castle. And no matter what they say, money still cannot buy health. Our rating includes stars who, like ordinary people, suffer from incurable diseases, but do not lose heart.


The actor was given a terrible diagnosis in 1991 - Parkinson's disease. Only seven years later he was able to admit this and tell how he was fighting for life.

CHER (69)

Eternal Cher suffers from severe form myalgic encephalomyelitis, better known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Back in 1991, she first felt unwell and is still struggling with the disease.


Singer Prince suffered from epilepsy and in 2009 he openly spoke about this in an interview.


This famous singer, despite her serious illness, was able to achieve world fame. The girl was diagnosed as a child lupus And Schmidt syndrome. It is known that these diseases are often fatal; her uncle died of lupus.


Looking at this actor, it is difficult to imagine that he suffers from one of the most terrible and difficult to diagnose diseases - this Lyme disease, or tick-borne borreliosis. This disease causes a person to experience constant fatigue, drowsiness, and problems with joints and kidneys.


In one episode of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians show, Kim admitted that she suffers from eczema− a disease in which inflammation appears on the skin. Stress is believed to be the main cause of eczema.


The son of the famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne is suffering chronic relapsing multiple sclerosis. This is a disease in which disturbances occur in the nervous system, as a result of which all organs suffer: hearing, vision, reproduction and, of course, memory.


It's hard to believe, but the actor has been suffering from severe muscle and bone pain since he was diagnosed fibromyalgia.


The famous rapper suffers from epilepsy. One day he had three attacks in a row and was hospitalized.


The actor, known to us for his roles in the children's films Agent Cody Banks, Big Fat Liar and My Dog Skip, is still so young, but has already experienced four mini-strokes. And who will take their child to the casting after this?


The actress suffered from childhood kidney disease, in 2012 she even had to undergo a transplant, then her father became the donor.


The rapper suffers from a disease thyroid gland , or Graves' disease. In 2008, the girl was diagnosed with this disease, and last years she fights him.


The actress was diagnosed diabetes still at 23 years old. The girl fell into a coma, and when she came out of it, she began to drive healthy image life and sports.


The singer suffers from Crohn's disease, and in 2003 she had a mastectomy because she was diagnosed with mammary cancer.


The actress suffers from thrombocytopenia− a disease in which the blood does not clot well and even a small cut can cause severe bleeding.


One of the most famous football players turns out to be ill asthma! This became known when he had to get an inhaler at one of the matches. Although the PR people tried to attribute it to bronchitis, David still had to reveal the truth.


The actor suffers from a rare disease - prosopagnosia, in which a person does not remember faces.


The actor admitted that he suffers from a rare disease dyspraxia. This is a disease in which a person is unable to purposefully perform movements, and such people are called clumsy.

A recent study published in the Royal Medical Journal insists that the great Renaissance sculptor, painter and architect Michelangelo suffered from osteoarthritis, which caused him terrible pain. Such a posthumous diagnosis forces us to re-evaluate the achievements of the great master, who did not stop working on sculpture until last days life. However, Michelangelo is far from the only significant historical figure whose posthumous diagnosis told us what illnesses, unknown at that time, plagued her.

Michelangelo - arthritis

One of the greatest masters of the Renaissance, Michelangelo Buonarroti worked on works of art until his death, which befell the sculptor at the age of 88. It is amazing that in an era when average duration life was much lower, the master managed not only to live to a respectable age, but also not to stop creating all this time.

What's even more surprising is that Michelangelo suffered from severe osteoarthritis, which greatly affected the artist's hands. But just as Michelangelo managed to complete the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel almost independently in a few years with an incredible effort of will, he continued to carve, write and draw even when the pain in his hands did not allow him to answer letters.

Scientists suspect that his insatiable desire to work to the detriment of his own health led to the early development of osteoarthritis. In later portraits of the master, he is depicted with a drooping left arm, which is additional evidence of the scientists' theory, as well as a poem written by the artist himself about the painting of the famous Vatican ceiling. However, it was probably the famous stubbornness of the great genius that allowed him to fight the disease until his death. We will never know what the cost of this struggle was, but Michelangelo undoubtedly emerged victorious.

Julius Caesar - epilepsy or microstrokes

Historical accounts of the great Roman general, ruler and dictator contain a wealth of evidence indicating that Caesar suffered from regular disorders. Plutarch described regular seizures, during which the commander’s body trembled and he dropped objects he was holding in his hands. Suetonius describes a similar state in which Caesar was several times during military campaigns. Both historians blame epilepsy, a condition well known to Roman medicine. At that time, it was called the “falling disease” and it was believed that epilepsy was an indicator of God’s grace.

In 2015, scientists, after re-reading the description of symptoms, which included frequent dizziness, depression, and paroxysms, suggested that Julius Caesar could have suffered from a series of transient ischemic attacks, known in the world as micro-strokes.

King George III - porphyria

George III ruled Great Britain for more than fifty years, and his royal age included such important historical events as the Seven Years' War and the American Revolution. However, throughout his life the king suffered from constant bouts of madness, which often left him weakened or even bedridden.

In the 1960s, researchers carefully studied medical history His Majesty discovered that his symptoms - muscle and stomach pain, anxiety and hallucinations - indicated that the king was suffering from porphyrin disease. Porphyria is a genetic disease that affects the composition of the blood and the nervous system.

A 2005 analysis of George III's hair revealed that the condition was greatly aggravated by high levels of arsenic in the king's body. The poison was prescribed by a doctor for a “therapeutic and prophylactic” effect.

Harriet Tubman - narcolepsy

The woman, who during her lifetime was called Moses, freed and led hundreds of southern black slaves along the underground route to the North. Fearless and freedom-loving, Harriet suffered from narcolepsy from the age of thirteen, a disorder nervous system affecting sleep.

At age 13, Harriet, a young slave, stood in the way of a white overseer, preventing him from beating a runaway slave. A two-kilogram copper weight, intended for the fugitive, instead hit the girl’s head. For many months Harriet was between life and death. When she got out of bed, she was never well again. In addition to constant seizures and headaches, Tubman suffered from narcolepsy - the woman could suddenly fall asleep and, upon waking up, resume interrupted activities.

Samuel Johnson - Tourette's Syndrome

One of the greatest English writers of the 18th century, Samuel Johnson represented one of those rare cases of Tourette's syndrome occurring throughout life. The writer's close friends noticed some "oddities" in him - tics, constant unconscious gestures and sounds - all symptoms indicating a nervous disorder. Despite the fact that Tourette syndrome is a relatively harmless disorder that does not affect life expectancy or intelligence, Johnson often faced ridicule from strangers who noticed his “oddities.”

Jane Austen - Addison's disease

In 1816, the author of the novels Emma, ​​Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion began to notice unusual, inexplicable symptoms - fatigue, back pain, fever, nausea and skin pigmentation. Jane Austen died a year later at 41. The description of the symptoms helped modern experts identify the disease from which the English writer suffered. Austin was stricken with Addison's disease, an endocrine disorder in which the adrenal glands do not produce certain hormones. The condition became known to medicine just a few years after Jane Austen's death.

The disease usually develops very slowly and causes spots on the skin, which partly explains the information from the writer’s letters. However, some experts call the symptoms too sudden and explain Austen's painful condition as tuberculosis, lymphoma, or even arsenic poisoning, which at that time girls and women often took in small doses in order to achieve aristocratic pallor.

Abraham Lincoln - depression

For most of the life of the sixteenth President of the United States, he was plagued by an inexplicable melancholy, sadness and despair, which Lincoln called “the condition” from childhood. In his youth, Lincoln had thoughts of suicide, and he tried to combat attacks of the “condition” with the help of a sense of humor.

Stay at the White House Civil War and the death of his youngest son only worsened the president's condition. Many of Lincoln's associates noted his deep sadness. According to a close friend of the president, no trait of Lincoln's character describes him more completely and clearly than his mysterious and constant melancholy. Lincoln's condition is still controversial among experts, but most believe that the president suffered from clinical depression.

In my hands is the recently published tome by N.E. Larinsky and V.I. Abrosimov, “The History of Physical Diagnostics in Biographies, Portraits and Facts,” recently published in Ryazan. The book reads like a fascinating novel. On 400 pages, the intriguing centuries-old history of the emergence, development and improvement of methods of physical diagnosis of diseases, primarily percussion, auscultation and palpation is carefully traced, portraits of outstanding clinicians in Europe and the USA are outlined, and how the introduction of these methods on Russian soil went.

About the difficult development of the art of healing - our conversation with the author of the monograph, chief physician of the Solotcha sanatorium, candidate medical sciences Nikolai Larinsky.

- Nikolai Evgenievich, how did it happen that the doctor became interested in the history of medicine?

I was born into the family of an architect and a teacher. But we had a clearly visible medical line: my uncle worked at the Botkin hospital, and my older sister became a doctor. As a schoolboy I studied her textbooks.

And the Ryazan nature, the Meshchera side, lured us into history. Konstantin Paustovsky, Arkady Gaidar, Ariadna Efron walked under these trees. Alexander Solzhenitsyn composed his “Matryonin’s Court” here. Not far from the place where I work, Sergei Yesenin left to study in Spas-Klepiki on a narrow-gauge train...

After graduating from Ryazansky in 1978 medical institute An internship awaited me in Kazan, I worked in Murom, then returned to my homeland for graduate school. I have been working in local sanatoriums for 20 years. I involuntarily became “saturated” with the history of medicine; it, one might say, embellishes my life. At the same time, I understand more and more acutely how little, undeservedly little we know about the instructive past of our medicine. This prompted us to study and popularize it. Today I have about 400 newspaper and magazine publications, more than 120 television shows, and books.

- Probably the teachers also contributed to this?..

Of course. Among them were bright personalities. I warmly remember meetings with professors - Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation Anatoly Lunyakov, philosopher Vladimir Erokhin. One instilled an interest in the study of internal diseases using physical, manual diagnostic tools, the other - in philosophy. As I see A. Lunyakov now when I’m doing my rounds. While examining the patient, he forgot about everything. When tapping, I could hear signs of tiny atelectasis - collapse of the lung tissue. His diagnosis was later confirmed by tomography... I am proud that he considered me one of his best students.

I am grateful to fate for “intersecting” with such amazing figures as academicians E. Tareev, I. Zbarsky, Kazan professor L. Rakhlin and others.

- What qualities should a Russian historian, in your opinion, meet?

The Russian medical historian is called upon to be not only a chronicler, objective, without edification, but also to understand the peculiarities and subtle nuances of the profession, to represent the historical era and the state of medicine of that time. Russian realities often turned out to be much more difficult than in foreign countries. Analyzing them, I once wrote an article “Aplombs and affronts of life physicians.” Not everyone was given the opportunity to become Doctor Haass. For some it looked clearly deliberate...

I am collecting materials about the writer Varlam Shalamov. Tragic fate. He served 17 years in a camp. The history of his illness is very interesting from a medical point of view. He had a rare combination of two diseases - Meniere's syndrome and senile chorea, manifested by convulsions without loss of consciousness. Saltykov-Shchedrin suffered from a similar illness... Shalamov took heavy sleeping pills for years. And eventually he ended his life in a psychiatric boarding school. I know the names of the doctors who treated him. A difficult case, but it explains a lot. And here the historian must be very careful...

- The work of a doctor is compared to the work of an investigator...

Disease is the culprit. The victim is sick. The historian is an investigator, like Sherlock Holmes. The wonderful therapist M. Konchalovsky compared the disease to a movie: depending on the moment at which the doctor sees it, he is able to understand the disease...

Medicine is both a science and an art at the same time. The art of diagnosis developed historically earlier. After all, doctors were equipped with an X-ray machine, a cardiograph, not to mention the current tomographs.

Let's remember. The German surgeon Theodor Billroth performed a complex operation on the poet N. Nekrasov: he brought the large intestine onto his back (at that time they did not operate through the peritoneum). The poet had advanced cancer. The operation prolonged his life, but he died from disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome, which is now treatable.

Our surgeons N. Pirogov and N. Sklifosovsky demonstrated brilliant skills. However, their capabilities were not unlimited: doctors did not know antiseptics, anesthesia...

The history of Russian medicine contains amazing pages. Take, for example, the life of the famous St. Petersburg military field surgeon V. Oppel. He was diagnosed with cancer of the upper jaw. Anticipating that it would be removed along with the eye, the doctor began to operate, covering the eye with a bandage. Training in advance to be able to work in a new state... And although the famous oncologist N. Petrov operated on him, it was not possible to save his colleague.

There were also some ridiculous oddities. Nikolai Ostrovsky was operated on at the faculty surgery clinic headed by N.N. Burdenko, and they forgot to remove the tampon. Suppuration has occurred. The aspiring writer almost died.

At the same time, publications about famous doctors often resemble anniversary materials. Completely textbook gloss. Hence the “white pages”. Why did N. Pirogov leave medicine at the age of 46? Why did S. Botkin create his own school - more than 80 students, but N. Pirogov does not have such a school?.. Strictly speaking, we do not have academic biographies of these wonderful doctors. It would be nice not to repeat, and even tendentiously, well-known facts, but to create a series “ZhZL in medicine”! In the West, solid works have been published about famous doctors, they are remembered. In 2005 the French called new ship“Laennec”, in honor of the talented pathologist R. Laennec.

In Ryazan, three streets are named after doctors - st. Semashko, st. Nikulina, st. Bazhenova. However, a rare passerby will say what kind of people they are. But the same Bazhenov was a prominent psychiatrist, a student of the famous Korsakov, who founded a provincial psychiatric hospital here. He has written interesting medical essays, in particular about the history of Gogol’s illness.

By the way, the lot of the ordinary Russian doctor has always been hard. Zemstvo doctor of the early twentieth century Ryazan province received about 120 rubles. It seems like a lot. But life was difficult: large families, wives did not work, and a rented apartment in Ryazan cost 3,600 rubles. per year... As a rule, doctors did not stay in one place for a long time. There was an even greater turnover among paramedics and midwives.

I think that our historical lack of memory causes great damage to public self-awareness.

- What can you say about the history of physical diagnostics?

The history of its formation covers the 17th-19th centuries. By the way, the first model of a stethoscope for studying lung diseases was proposed by the Frenchman R. Laennec. His revolutionary discovery, which transformed medicine, was quickly appreciated by doctors in Great Britain, France, Germany, and other countries. Objective diagnostic methods began to be used not only in therapy, but also in the clinic of nervous diseases, pediatrics, surgery, etc.

The Frenchman’s invention was adopted not only by such luminaries as S. Botkin, E. Eichwald, N. Vinogradov, V. Obraztsov, but also other, lesser-known Russian doctors. In the book we trace numerous, often little known facts introduction of physical diagnostics in our country.

Your “weakness” is stethoscopes, your favorite physical method is auscultation. Tell readers about your unusual collection of medical instruments.

As a student, I heard from a teacher: “A doctor should have a decent stethoscope.”

My first such tool was a product purchased in 1974 from the Krasnogvardeets plant - heavy and awkward to work with. And then I saw one of the Kazan professors have a Japanese stethoscope made of bell bronze, chrome-plated. I redrew it, and a master I knew repeated it at my request. Today I have about 40 different devices. I remember the history of each acquisition, although decades have passed.

Once upon a time, Polish products with tubes that stuck together over time seemed like a “breakthrough.” Then a device appeared, designed by the famous Soviet therapist Academician B. Votchal. But soon its design flaws appeared, causing distortion of the sounds heard.

The collection was replenished with a simple but good stethoscope from a German company, then an American “Bekton & Dickinson”, a Thai Rappoport model... I keep instruments made of textolite, titanium, stainless steel, ebonite, wood. By definition, a stethoscope made of aluminum cannot be of high quality (only instruments for nurses and for measuring blood pressure). It would seem that the best option is wood. But the products must be constantly processed, and wood suffers greatly from alcohol. Therefore, experts prefer stainless steel.

A stethoscope is a symbol of the medical profession. The doctor always appears on the screen with this instrument. There are some incidents. Our famous academician was once photographed with a cheap “sister” model of a stethoscope...

I know a collector on the Internet who has more than 130 stethoscopes. Recently sold at auction in Paris wooden instrument, created by Laennec himself.

- What is your motto in life?

Don't get complex over little things. And further. For everything that happens to you, you only have yourself to blame. Without trying to shift the blame for this onto someone close to you.

Conducted the conversation
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When you look at photographs taken by the paparazzi, in which celebrities of various sizes shine, one thought sometimes comes to mind: the life of stars is nothing other than a continuous holiday. But, of course, this is not true, because even the most successful people on our planet are ordinary people with their own problems. And health problems are no exception. For example, Oscar winner Halle Berry has been living with diabetes for almost 30 years, and beauty Khloe Kardashian was diagnosed with skin cancer. This is incredible, because people with such serious illnesses continue to create, overcoming all sorts of obstacles.

We are in website Let's tell you which celebrities faced incurable diseases, but did not give up and continued their life path further.

Halle Berry and Tom Hanks: diabetes

  • Almost 30 years ago, a tragic situation occurred on the set of the mini-series “Living Dolls.” Then aspiring actress Halle Berry fell into a coma. The girl was hospitalized, and then received a disappointing diagnosis: diabetes 1st type. In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that it took her a lot of time to accept her illness, because she learned about her illness only at the age of 23.

    According to the actress, after every major event with alcohol, desserts and various dishes A difficult recovery period awaited her. It was then that Hallie began to think about her health. She has not drunk alcohol for many years and leads a healthy lifestyle. This allows a 52-year-old woman to look 15 years younger than her age. It is worth noting that the actress first became a mother at the age of 42.

  • Tom Hanks found himself in a similar situation. For more than 20 years, the actor struggled with increased level blood sugar, but the actor’s lifestyle with regular stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition took its toll. For example, for the film “Cast Away,” Tom lost 25 kg, and for the film “A League of Their Own” he gained 14 kg.

    In October 2013, Tom Hanks admitted on David Letterman's show that he had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Having learned about the illness, the actor decided to give up his old habits in order to please his fans with his work for as long as possible.

Pamela Anderson: Hepatitis C

The most important “Malibu lifeguard” was diagnosed with hepatitis C back in 2002. According to Pamela Anderson, she contracted this virus back in the 90s from her legal husband, when they were getting tattoos with the same needle. The actress was treated for the disease for almost 13 years. In 2015, Pamela Anderson announced that thanks to a new experimental course of treatment, she was able to get rid of the virus.

Tom Cruise: dyslexia

Tom Cruise didn't have an easy childhood. The future sex symbol of America grew up in a large family, survived his parents' divorce as a teenager, and by the age of 14 he managed to change 15 schools. But the most difficult test for Cruise was his incurable disease - dyslexia.

Due to dyslexia and its accompanying dysgraphia, he was bullied at school and considered an outcast. After all, the boy had difficulty reading syllables and practically could not write. With such a set of “skills” in every new educational institution he quickly became known as an idiot. But it was precisely this heavy burden that helped Tom Cruise discover his acting talent. Being “ignorant” in class, he transformed himself on stage in school productions.

Now, we think, Cruise has no problems reading scripts and contracts, because specially hired staff does this for the millionaire.

Angelina Jolie and Shannen Doherty: breast removal

  • In the summer of 2015, Shannen Doherty filed a lawsuit against her former manager. According to the lawsuit, the manager incorrectly issued medical insurance for the actress, which, in her opinion, was why she was unable to receive timely treatment and her breast cancer metastasized to the lymph nodes.

    For almost 4 years, Shannen has been fighting a difficult battle with cancer. To stop the progression of the disease, the actress underwent several courses of chemotherapy. radiation therapy, as well as unilateral mastectomy, which in simple words means breast removal. Most recently, the actress announced remission, a condition when the tumor is under control and treatable.

  • A few years earlier, Angelina Jolie found herself in a similar situation. The actress's mother and aunt are relatively at a young age passed away after a long illness - the so-called tumor syndrome, which is inherited. And Angelina, after undergoing medical examinations, decided to have her mammary glands and ovaries removed.

    Jolie's genetic analysis showed an 87% chance of developing breast cancer in the future and a 51% risk of uterine cancer. The actress underwent surgery to save herself from a non-existent, but without emergency measures, an almost inevitable threat.

Michael J Fox: Parkinson's disease

Michael Jay Fox's illness became officially known back in 1998. Then the actor admitted to his colleagues that in the early 90s he was diagnosed with a neurological disease - Parkinson's disease. When the actor first went to the doctor because of a twitching little finger, he was given a disappointing verdict: a maximum of 10 years of active life.

After his confession, the star of the Back to the Future trilogy took a break from his career, focusing all his energy on treatment. During this break, Michael J. Fox wrote 3 biographical books, in which he spoke in detail about the nuances of life with Parkinson's disease, and also became the founder of a charitable foundation. Through the efforts of this organization, they managed to raise $350 million for research into this disease.

Sarah Hyland: kidney dysplasia

Modern Family star Sarah Hyland has suffered from health problems since early childhood. At the age of 9, Sarah was diagnosed with an extremely unpleasant disease - kidney dysplasia. For more than 10 years, the girl struggled with the disease, but in 2012 she had to undergo a kidney transplant, which her father donated for her.

It is worth noting that the organ transplant improved Sarah's condition, but did not cure her completely. Due to poor health, the girl rarely appears at public events, and fans of her character Haley Dunphy are increasingly noticing changes in the actress’s appearance. In his Instagram the girl openly shares with her subscribers the problems she has to face due to her illness: from critical weight loss to a constantly swollen face.

Michael Phelps: hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder

American swimmer Michael Phelps, the only 23-time Olympic champion in the history of sports, made his way to his triumph shoulder to shoulder with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Michael developed neurobehavioral developmental disorder when he was still childhood. The main symptoms of hyperactivity are difficulty concentrating and the inability to complete what you start. In interviews, Phelps’ coach said that sometimes the swimmer forgot the way to the locker room, and their training became a living hell.

However, thanks to the efforts of the athlete and the people around him, Phelps managed to reach unimaginable heights in the world of sports. Michael Phelps is going through a difficult period right now. After finishing his sports career, the Olympic champion lost motivation in life and is now struggling with depression.

Mila Kunis: partially blind

During for long years One of the most sought-after women in modern cinema, Mila Kunis, was blind in one eye. The cause of partial blindness was iritis. Due to inflammation of the iris, the actress had difficulty seeing, her vision was blurred, and objects were blurred. Young woman for a long time I put off going to see specialists, but in 2010 Mila had surgery with an artificial lens inserted. By the way, the actress’s blindness was kept in the strictest confidence until her vision was completely restored after the operation.

Hugh Jackman and Khloe Kardashian: skin cancer

  • The youngest of the Kardashian sisters is also extremely frank with her multi-million army of fans. Proof of this is not only the family show in which the girl has been starring for more than 10 years, but also her posts in in social networks. In one of her posts, Chloe said that in 2008, a malignant tumor was found on her body, which was formed from a mole. Doctors had to transplant 20 cm of skin on the celebrity’s back to save her from the threat to her life. Thanks to the efforts of specialists and constant monitoring, doctors were able to stop the course of the disease.

Daniel Radcliffe: dyspraxia

Actor Daniel Radcliffe, known throughout the world for his role as Harry Potter, admitted that since birth he has suffered from a rare and incurable disease - dyspraxia. This is a disorder of brain function that results in the inability to correct execution purposeful movements or actions.

Radcliffe's illness prevents him from writing beautifully and tying his shoelaces, and as a child the actor did not succeed in a single subject at school. And the point is not at all in constant filming, but in the inability of the brain to learn. According to Daniel, dyspraxia was the main reason he chose a career in acting.

Yolanda Hadid: Lyme disease

turned out to be a secret medical report. The document states that the first in line to the throne of the British ruling family is seriously ill. Prince Charles has been suffering from incurable Alzheimer's disease for several years. And every day his health is deteriorating. For the first time, people started talking about Charles’ illness back in 2011; due to his health condition, his participation in the wedding of his eldest son could have been disrupted.

Sources close to the royal family say that due to the prince's illness, the next person to take the throne after the death of the monarch will be William, Duke of Cambridge.

This article was created not to talk about the shortcomings of stars of the first magnitude, but so that everyone who has encountered such difficulties knows: there is always a way out. And how we will live, what we will do, how society will perceive us, mainly depends only on us. Create, love and be happy regardless of everything!