Scenario of the event: “We are for a healthy lifestyle. "We are for a healthy lifestyle". Scenario of extracurricular activities for the prevention of smoking, drug addiction and alcoholism. material on healthy lifestyle on the topic Script and competitions on healthy lifestyle

Scenario of the preventive action “We are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Pozdnyakova Irina Olegovna, Deputy Director of the Municipal Autonomous Institution of Children's and Youth Center "Yubileiny", Nizhny Novgorod.

Description of the material. The modern world opens up great opportunities for all-round personal development. But, unfortunately, the desire of young people for the new, unknown does not always have a positive direction. Antisocial behavior of adolescents, alcohol and drug use, tobacco smoking, and computer technology addiction have become a real disaster. Prevention of various types of addictions and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle play a primary role in combating the spread of negative phenomena among young people.
This material will be useful to a wide range of teaching staff: additional education teachers, class teachers, organizers of extracurricular activities.
Event participants: children and teenagers aged 8 to 18 years, teachers, passers-by citizens.
Event form: street action.
Event goals:
popularization of a healthy lifestyle and the fight against negative phenomena among young people;
involving teenagers in preventive campaign activities that promote the formation of motivation for a healthy lifestyle.
Objectives of the event:
- promote among young people the idea of ​​​​choosing alternative positive forms of self-expression and self-affirmation - sports, art, creativity;
- to form public opinion towards an active position of protest against negative phenomena among young people.

Promotion program:
1. Concert program creative teams, demonstration performances sports sections.
2. Sports relay races “Race to health”
Participants – 9 teams. The team consists of 5 people: 3 boys, 2 girls.
Relay races:
- relay race with hoop,
- dribbling a soccer ball around obstacles,
- relay race with skipping rope,
-"sporting goods store".
3. Promotion “Exchange a cigarette for a chocolate bar”
During the event, presenters offer passers-by to exchange cigarettes for chocolate. Leaders – 4 people.
4. Campaign “Green light for health!”
The promotion symbol is a green ribbon. During the event, the presenters (4 people) tie a green ribbon on the wrist of a passerby, symbolizing health.
5. Campaign “I am for a healthy lifestyle!»
Collecting signatures for a healthy lifestyle. Leaders – 4 people.
6. Promotion “A healthy lifestyle gives joy»
During the event, flyers promoting a healthy lifestyle are distributed. Presenters – 4 people (life-size puppets).
7. Campaign “Let's decorate the sky with colorful balloons”
At the beginning of the event, participants are given multi-colored balloons. During the concert program, at the command of the presenter, the balls are launched into the sky. Leaders – 4 people.
8. Dance Flashmob
Activities to attract public attention:
- distribution of flyers promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- coverage of the event on the institution’s website and in the media.
1. Flyers – 100 pieces
2. Chocolate – 100 pieces
3. Green ribbons – 100 pcs.
4. Balloons – 100 pcs.
5. Posters, markers
6. Banners
7. Sports equipment: hoops, balls, jump ropes, cones.
8. A set of sound-reproducing equipment, microphones, musical instruments.
Preliminary work:
-creation of a working group;
-development of a plan for preparing and conducting the action;
- obtaining permission from local authorities;
-search and attraction of sponsors;
-advertising the promotion;
-production of flyers, banners;
-purchase of equipment: green ribbon (finishing tape - 30 meters), balloons, chocolate, sheets of Whatman paper in A 0 format, felt-tip pens;
-preparation of concert numbers.
The promotion events take place simultaneously at several venues.

Progress of the event
/Fanfare sounds/
Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends. We are pleased to welcome residents and guests of the Leninsky district. Today on this square the action “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” is taking place.
Presenter 2: The action was organized by the municipal educational institution of additional education for children “Children and Youth Center “Yubileiny” with the support of the administration of the Leninsky district of the city of Nizhny Novgorod.
Presenter 1: So, we begin the celebration of youth and beauty...
Presenter 2: Optimism and good mood...
Presenter 1: Success and victory...
Together: We are starting a holiday of health!
Presenter 1: Health is one of the most important values ​​in a person’s life, the key to his well-being and longevity. It is health that gives a person the most beautiful and happiest moments of life. But in order to be healthy you need to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Presenter 2: Today we came to this square to say:
“We are for health, we are for happiness,
We are against pain and misfortune!
Presenter 1:
For a sober mind and clarity of thought,
Here’s to childhood, youth, joy of life!”
/The song about a healthy lifestyle is performed by the vocal and pop group "Fiesta"/
Presenter 2: Popular wisdom says: “If you lose your health, you lose everything.” Leading a healthy lifestyle is quite easy. The most important thing is to want it.
Presenter 1:
We have confidently entered the 21st century -
And let this century be completely safe.
Let’s say “NO” to bad habits -
Be a healthy and beautiful person.
/"Long live surprise!" - choreographic composition performed by the dance group “Surprise”/
Presenter 1: Today our campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” is taking place throughout the area.
Presenter 2: Sports relay races “Race to Health” are held on the sports ground.

Presenter 1: We urge you to give up bad habits that kill your health and shorten your life. Exchange cigarettes for sweet prizes.
Presenter 2: We suggest you tie a green ribbon on your hand - a symbol of health.
Presenter 1: Let's give our vote in support of a healthy lifestyle, and say a categorical “No!” bad habits.

Presenter 2: Together we will decorate the sky with multi-colored balloons, symbolizing the rainbow of colors of life.
Presenter 1:
Strengthen your health with sports,
Go hiking and watch the sunrises,
The secret of success in life, know for sure - your health,
Remember this!
/Demonstration performances of the Greco-Roman wrestling section/
Presenter 2: Health values ​​are instilled in a child from childhood, with cheerful morning exercises.
/ The song “Merry Exercise” is performed by the vocal and pop group “Fiesta”/
Presenter 1: We all love our country, our hometown. We are ready to lead a healthy lifestyle in order to glorify our country on the fields of sports battles.
/ The song “Forward, country!” is played. performed by the vocal and pop group "Art Class",
dance miniature “Sport-dance” performed by the dance group “Surprise”/

Presenter 1: We urge you, dear friends, to vote for a healthy lifestyle. Play sports, dance and sing, be creative, telling everyone that your choice is a HEALTHY LIFESTYLE!!!
/The song “On the Wings of Dreams” performed by Elena Mikhaleva/
Presenter 2: We are for a healthy lifestyle today and always. Let's all release balloons into the sky as a sign of loyalty to health! Let their colors in the sky symbolize the rainbow of colors of life, which gives us health. So, on my command, ONE, TWO, THREE - let the colorful balls fly into the sky!!!
/Participants of the action launch balloons into the sky. The song “Rays of Hope and Goodness” is performed by the vocal and pop group “Art Class”/

Presenter 1: Today we say: “It’s great to be healthy!” The following participants in our concert program lead a healthy lifestyle and actively promote it, showing an alternative to everything negative.
/Demonstration performances of the military-patriotic club "Berkut"/

Presenter 2: We invite you, dear spectators and participants of the action, to the demonstration performances of the club of young dog handlers of the Yubileiny children's and youth center.
/Demonstration performances of the club of young dog handlers/
Presenter 1: Our marathon dedicated to a healthy lifestyle continues. A sea of ​​live sound and incredible energy of rhythms awaits you. Musicians for whom a healthy lifestyle is one of the components of happiness will perform before you. Meet the group “Plastic soldies”.
/Compositions performed by the group “Plastic soldies”/
Presenter 2: The concert program is continued by the group “Drive”.
/The song “Sun, Buy Me a Guitar” performed by the group “Drive” is playing/

Presenter 1: Now the young group “Black ace”, which has already gained popularity among young people, will appear on our improvised stage. Each performance of the musicians creates a cool rocker atmosphere. This group’s track record includes participation in “Rock Against Drugs” campaigns, “Rock Debut” festivals, and concert performances among youth.
And today the musicians of the group “Black ace” together with us say “We are for a healthy lifestyle!” Meet the rock band “Black ace”.
/The group’s compositions sound: “Torrero”, “Overcome Fear”, “Will and Reason”/

Healthy - everything is great!!!
Explanatory note
The event “Everything is healthy for healthy people” will traditionally be held in the House of Children's Creativity as part of the campaign as an alternative to addictions.
1. The purpose of the event is to develop a negative attitude towards the use of alcohol, drugs, smoking, and a positive healthy lifestyle.
2. Tasks:
Expanding students' knowledge about the dangers of alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction;
Agitation and preventive work to prevent bad habits;
Popularization of physical education, mass and sports activities in the House of Children's Creativity;
Improving the skills of collective interaction and mutual assistance;
Development of initiative and creativity;
Uniting creative associations.
3. Venue – House of Children’s Creativity
4. Preparation for the event:
Each creative association prepares:
 Team name, motto, emblem
 Draw a poster or drawing about “Healthy Lifestyle” and defend it in the form of a story, song, poem, anecdote, etc.
5. Planned result: Students learn more about the dangers of alcohol, smoking, drug addiction, and come to the conclusion about the need for physical education and sports.

Progress of the event
Music (to the words of the presenter)
Host: Hello, guys! I want to once again tell you this wonderful word “Hello!” And you also say “Hello!” more often. mom, dad, friends, teachers and passers-by. You will feel their spirits lift. The fact is that the word “Hello” is special. When we say this word, we not only greet someone, but also wish him health. This word has healing power. This word, like the word “health,” has many sounds that give us a boost of energy. So be healthy, never get sick and let bad habits pass you by.
Habit is also an infection,
Habit is also a kind of disease,
It hurts and won’t heal right away,
It is very difficult to live with her, believe me!
She grows as a microbe in the body,
It's like a wound inside you.
She is not visible, but in reality
It incinerates and burns.
It costs nothing to be born,
But you only have yourself to blame for this.
She will ask, and then she will force,
Orders given by the hour.
They come out to the music of the Choir. habit and Bad. habit (Good one is dressed in white, Bad one is dressed in black).

Host: Guys! Who came to visit us? That's right, these are our good and bad habits.

Chorus. habit: It seems they are talking about us.

Bad. Habit: Well, let them talk.

Chorus. habit: Guys, good health to you!

Bad. Habit: We'll see about that later! (ha, ha, ha - laughs with hatred).
Chorus. habit: Hello guys! We are the two halves of your body - dark and light.
Bad. Habit: I am dark. You feel comfortable with me. All the pleasures, all the exciting entertainment, all the “don’ts” – that’s me!

Chorus. habit: But you are both diseases and harm to health. They are losing their lives because of you!

Bad. Habit: Yes! And where would we be without this? Everyone is bored and has nothing to do!

Chorus. habit: We need to prove which half is more important for a person.

Bad. Habit: Haha! Only you won't succeed.

(Habits remain to help hold competitions).

Host: Guys! Let's prove to a bad habit that we are stronger than it and that it cannot stop us from leading a healthy lifestyle. And teams from so. are invited to visit us. “Fashionable knots”, etc. "You're comfortable with a computer." Are the teams ready to play? Our game consists of several competitions for which you will receive tokens. The winner will be the team that collects as many tokens as possible over the entire period of the game. Now let's take a closer look at the teams.

1. Greeting (1 point for a loss, and 2 points for the rest)
Teams must present their name, motto and logo. We will check how the teams are determined to play and how friendly they are. This competition will evaluate relevance to the theme, artistry, and originality.

Chorus. habit: Health is an invaluable happiness in the life of every person. We all have an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.

Bad. Habit: She's all about health (referring to a good habit)! Just look at them (treats them badly. Habit towards children). Everyone is somehow frail, gloomy, where will they even get mobility, vigor, and I’m generally silent about health. Soon you will love me! (laughs sarcastically).

Host: But that’s not true. You and I disagree and we will prove it with a story about bad habits.
Guys, what bad habits do you know? That's right - smoking, alcohol, drug addiction. These are the worst health destroyers because they can be fatal. And you must always remember this.
And now all your attention is on the screen; the organs of a sick, healthy person will be presented in front of you.
SMOKING is the use of a substance that produces aromatic smoke when burned.
TOBACCO is a herbaceous plant from the nightshade family, with large leaves. Originally from America. The first Europeans to try it in 1492 were sailors from the famous flotilla of Christopher Columbus.
Among the gifts, the inhabitants of the island of Guanahani, which Columbus named San Salvador, presented sun-dried leaves of the petum plant. They themselves smoked these leaves, rolled into a tube. Residents of Cuba, where Columbus landed on October 27, 1492, called the smoking herb “cigaro.” And although, in the minds of the devout Spaniards, only devils could blow smoke from their nostrils, as the islanders did, many sailors, and even the admiral himself, became involved in this activity.
In England, during the era of Elizabeth 1, smokers were equated with thieves and were led through the streets with a rope around their necks.
In Russia, during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, those caught smoking were punished for the first time with 60 blows of sticks on the feet, and for the second time - by cutting off the nose and ears. After a severe fire in Moscow in 1634, the cause of which, as it became known, was smoking, it was prohibited under penalty of death.
Tobacco trade and smoking were allowed in Russia during the reign of Peter 1. Now smoking is prohibited in public places and the list of these places is expanding every year.

Bad. Habit: Guys! Don't listen to her. After all, leading an unhealthy lifestyle is so healthy! Do you want me to teach you? (children chorus “No”)
Chorus. habit: And in general, why do we always talk about bad habits, look around how many good, healthy habits surround us. To be healthy you need to eat as much healthy food as possible, including vitamins.
Well, now the task -
For proper nutrition!
We climb into the cellar for carrots,
We get the potatoes deftly,
Apples and oranges
Radishes, beets, tangerines,
Whether you are brave or a coward,
In a moment we will determine the taste.
3. Vitamin competition

The team members have plates of vegetables in front of them; the player’s task is to take any vegetable and determine its taste. For each correct answer, the team receives a token. (plates with vegetables - potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beets.) 4 people are called. 1b.
Chorus. habit: This is what good nutrition means. Our guys are not afraid of any bad habits.

Bad. Habit: Oh, oh, oh, just think about it. But my habits are still better. Do you agree with me? (children in unison) “No.”
Host: What are you talking about! Of course they don't agree with you. Our kids are all smart and good, and they won’t fall for your tricks. Really, guys? "Yes".
Well, we’ll watch a documentary about how bad habits affect all human life systems and organs.
Chorus. habit: What terrible and terrible images we saw. Guys! We are given life to live! Yes, live it with dignity.
Bad. Habit: Come on! For me, they showed very beautiful pictures.
Host: No, it’s a bad habit, you’re wrong. What we just saw is very scary and can lead to bad consequences. Well, in the next competition we will see how you know proverbs.
4.Knowledge of sayings and proverbs 1b.

Teams receive sets of words from which they need to form a single whole. For each completed proverb, the team receives 1 point.
First team
 It’s better to know a fool than to play with tobacco.
 The hops are noisy - the mind is silent.
 Tobacco smoke is so addicting: health, money - everything burns.
Second team
 Where there is intoxication, there is crime.
 He who does not smoke or drink protects his health.
 He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy.
Third team
 He who finishes his glass will not live to live.
 Cleanliness is the key to health.
 Take care of your clothes again and your health from a young age.

Chorus. habit: Well done, guys! And you also coped with this task.
Host: Now let’s rest a little. Answer in unison, “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends,” if you agree with me. If you do not agree, then answer “No, not me, no, not me, these are not my friends.”
which of you is always ready to live life without doctors;
who doesn’t want to be healthy, cheerful, slim and cheerful;
who among you does not walk gloomily, loves sports and physical education;
whoever is not afraid of frost flies on skates like a bird;
Well, who will start dinner with chewing gum and a couple of sweets;
who loves tomatoes, fruits, vegetables, lemons;
who has eaten and brushes their teeth regularly twice a day;
Which one of you kids walks around dirty from ear to ear?
who performs physical exercises according to the schedule;
who, I want to know from you, likes to sing and relax?
Host: Life is a wealth given initially, and I really want it to be beautiful and happy.

Chorus. habit: And so that bad habits avoid you.

Bad. Habit: Well, no, I won’t leave you, you will love me.

Presenter: Our guys are strong and love physical education very much. So don't expect them to be on your side. Well, we move on to the next competition.
4. Sports competition with ascorbic acid 1b.
10 people per team are called up.

Opposite the team members there are tables with bowls containing 10 ascorbic acids and cups filled with water. The participants’ task is to put on their footprints, run to the table, take the ascorbic acid, wash it down with water, return to the same place and pass the baton to another.

Chorus. habit: Well done! You have completed all the challenges of the game.

Bad. Habit: And they definitely did it (sadly), I can’t win them over to my side.

Presenter: Well guys! We helped you sort out your habits. And which one is more important? That's right, a good habit. And you and I must get rid of the bad ones, and we will do this with the help of our latest competition. Imagine that balls are bad habits and now we will get rid of them in a moment. We firmly believe in this!
Competition “Multi-colored balls” (preferably dark colors)
Presenter: On the count of “3” you need to burst the dark ball and loudly shout together “We are defeating evil!”
A bad habit runs away to the music with the words “I’ll show you later.”
Chorus. habit: Goodbye guys! I am very glad that good habits are still stronger than bad ones. (goes to the music).
Host: Well, I want to read you the poem “I am happy.”
"I'm happy"

I am today
I breathe like an elephant.
My gait is easy.
And the night flew by
like a wonderful dream.
Without a single
coughing and spitting.
I turned pink
and gained weight in his face.
and flus
and a bed.
Citizens, are you interested in the recipe?
Don `t open?
tired of waiting,
Ready to reproach and cover,
Don't worry,
I inform you:
Citizens - me today
quit smoking.

Presenter: We congratulate all participants in our game today. You not only coped with all the tasks perfectly, but also proved that alcoholism, smoking, and drug addiction are not man’s friends.

Open school-wide event on healthy lifestyle. Scenario for grades 5-9 of a correctional school

Scenario of the event on the topic: Healthy lifestyle for grades 5-9 of a correctional school

Author: Pryakhina Elena Yuryevna, teacher.
Place of work: OGKOU Cherntsy boarding school for orphans and children left without parental care of the VIII type

Description of material: I offer you a script for an event on the topic “Healthy Lifestyle”. The script is designed for children aged 12-16 years. This material will be useful not only for teachers of orphanages when preparing for events, but also for teachers. Carrying out such events contributes to the emergence and consolidation in students of a healthy and safe lifestyle and a value-based attitude towards their health.

Scenario of the event "We choose life"

Target: Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle, encourage self-development and self-improvement.
1) formation of a positive attitude towards an active lifestyle and physical education;
2) show the harmful effects of nicotine and alcohol on the human body, dispel the myth about their usefulness;
3) development of children’s creative and stage abilities, nurturing a culture of behavior.
"Health is the only precious thing." /Cicero/
“If you’re healthy, you’ll get everything.”
"I choose life!"
"In a healthy body healthy mind"
"Smoking is harmful to health"
"Health is more valuable than anything else"
"Take care of your dress again, and your health from a young age"
"We have one planet,
And one life is given!
Not given for vices.
Given to us for happiness!”
“The brave person is not the one who learned to smoke, drink, take drugs, but the one who managed to give it up and helped others do it.”
Progress of the event:

Educator: Dear Guys! Hello! Hello! Hello! When people greet each other and say “Hello!”, what meaning do they put into this word? (Children's answers)
- Right. We wish health to one and all.
The most valuable thing a person has is life, and the main value in life is health. You can't buy it for any money. Being sick, you will not be able to make your dreams come true, you will not be able to devote your strength to overcoming life’s challenges, and you will not be able to fully realize yourself in the modern world.
For some reason people do not appreciate what is given to them for free. For example, the health we get from nature. People take care of things, clothes, jewelry. And they only waste their health. They are lazy to do morning exercises, eat too much, damage their eyes watching TV, and smoke. In general, it’s as if they are doing everything on purpose to reduce their health.
But health is an invaluable happiness in the life of any person. Each of us has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy, to maintain mobility, vigor, energy for as long as possible and to achieve longevity.
Everyone knows that it is better to be active and healthy than lazy and sick. It is better to go through life with a bright smile than with a grimace of pain.
Lately there has been a lot of talk about a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and now all over the world being healthy and looking good has become very fashionable...
(Music sounds, mummers come out: they symbolize bad habits: with a bun - Glutton, in soot - Dirty, with a doctor's certificate - Sloth, with glasses - Teleman, thin, in a fashionable dress - Fashionista, with a cigarette - Hooligan).

Who came at an unexpected hour?
We have an event now.
We weren't expecting guests
Just started listening
And we are dressed beautifully
but these ones look strange.
He's not amusing for some reason.
Who are they? Answer!
Don't disturb our evening!
The mummers introduce themselves (in unison): We are the bad habits of some of the children sitting in this room, and you will understand which ones we are!
Glutton: I like to eat hearty food,
a lot, tasty, appetizing
I eat everything indiscriminately,
because I'm...a glutton.
Dirty: Brothers, I don’t like to wash.
I'm not good with soap or brushes.
That's why guys
I'm always dirty.
And now isn’t it because
They'll call me...dirty.
Fashionista: I'm slim, thin, beautiful
All my friends are amazed.
Although there is little strength left,
But I have become slim.
I eat almost nothing
And it's completely dry
If I don't want to eat,
Then, I’ll probably fly.
I'm proud of myself now
But they call me thin.
Hooligan: I come home from school
I don't sit down for verbs.
I'm going for a walk in the yard
And bully passers-by!
I gave Slavka a bruise.
I made Katka look like a fool.
I lit a cigarette.
I replaced the candy for her.
I know, next year
I'll start drinking vodka.
Telemann: I don't walk and I don't eat
I don't read books.
I announce to everyone today:
I got into the TV
I've forgotten how to speak
I forgot my friends
Maybe turn off the lights at school,
So that I can come to life again?
Couch potato: I don't play sports
I'm not toughening up at all.
I have no strength to run or jump.
The light doesn't seem to be nice to me.
I am stooped and lame,
For everyone, I’m already sick.
(The couch potato falls, the rest of the children catch him and carry him backstage)
Reader 1:- What is hygiene, the cat and the hyena know,
Brown bear, white bear, hedgehog, dog and bee,
That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself, wash your paws and hooves,
Well, then you can safely get down to business!
Educator: Guys, imagine people who stopped caring about cleanliness and order. They stopped washing their faces, brushing their teeth, and keeping their rooms clean. In the morning they would not rush to the sink to wash themselves; their nails would become “covered with black velvet.” Can such people be called beautiful and healthy? (Answers from children from the audience). Of course not!
People who always take care of their cleanliness have a neat appearance and never get sick, and if they do get sick, it is very rarely. After all, if you wash your hands before eating, germs will not enter our intestines; if you wash your face in the morning after sleep, in the afternoon when you come from the street, in the evening when you go to bed, our pores, of which there are many in the skin, will breathe easily and our body will be healthy and strong.
Cleanliness of nails, hair, skin is not only a neat and pleasant appearance, but also a path to health.
(Comes onto the stage: Lazyboka, sits down in a chair, and two Cleanies, who sing to the tune of the song “If you don’t have an aunt”)
If you put things in order,
illnesses are not scary for you
and all the children in the world know:
The main law, the main law,
The main law of purity. Cleanliness! (stand on opposite sides of Lazheboki)
1 Neat: Our advice is very simple... Always be clean!
2 Clean: Our advice is not complicated at all... Be careful with dirt!
(A melody sounds, Dirty enters scratching himself)
Dirty: Are you talking about dirt? And I showed up at your place at the same hour! (trying to shake hands with Cleanies)
1 Neat: Better not come near us!
2 Clean: And don't touch with your hands!
1 Neat:(addressing Gryaznula) Oh, you grimy girl, where did you get your hands so dirty? Black palms, tracks on the elbows!
Dirty: I lay in the sun, I held my hands up. So they got tanned.
2 Clean: Oh, you grimy girl, where did you smear your face so much? The tip of the nose is black, as if smoked.
Dirty: I was lying in the sun, I held my nose up, and so it tanned!
1 Neat: Where do you live, you such a dirty little girl?
Dirty: As where? In the city of Gryazny. Everyone there is like that. In the morning we don’t wash our face, don’t brush our teeth, don’t cut our nails, don’t take care of our hair, and don’t know how to do much else.
2 Clean: You can't live like that! Hey Soap, Brush and Water, come here quickly!
(To the music “Sabre Dance,” Soap, Brush, Water run out onto the stage with brooms, mops and sweep while dancing, surrounding Dirty).
Dirty: (stomping feet) Stop cleaning! Stop sweeping!
I hate rags and brushes! And in general I sing tickles!
(The music becomes louder, and after making a circle around the stage, the participants chase away Dirty. The couch potato lazily pulls a pillow towards him)
Couch potato: Eh, you offended your friend! Give me my pillow!
I’m bowing my head to sleep, I’ll lie down and rest! (makes himself more comfortable in the chair)
1 Neat: Better wake up with the sun! (Wakes up Sloth on the right)
2 Clean: And douse yourself with water! Sports, exercise every day! (Approaching Lezheboka from the left)
Couch potato:(kicking) Here's another! Leave me alone! I'm lazy.
1 Neat: Hey, Sloth! Let `s together! Let's start running on the spot! (Raises Slothby by the hand from the chair)

2 Clean: Left, right! One and two! Your head will be fresh!
(Chistyuli and Lazheboka sing to the tune of the song “If you don’t have an aunt”)
If you don't have health, money can't buy it,
But you can have it in the gym, you can have it.
You can, you can strengthen it. Strengthen! (Leave the stage)
Reader 2: Sport is the dawn of vitality!
Sport is life and a cure for troubles!
Sport is the path to longevity!
And we can handle any load!
Choose any sport you wish!
And don’t give up on your dreams!
Educator: That’s right, in addition to observing the rules of hygiene, a person from childhood should accustom his body to physical activity, play sports, and do exercises. It’s not for nothing that they say “Move more - you’ll live longer”, “Toughen up from a young age - you’ll be useful for the rest of your life.”
But there is another component of health - this is proper nutrition, which some of you guys forget about. And there are several violations that are harmful to health... For example, when a person gives preference only to certain dishes and products, likes to eat cookies and sweets and does not eat vegetables at all. Or he suppresses his appetite by constantly chewing something and not eating soup during lunch.
Scientists have found that if you eat at certain hours every day, then it is by this time that appetite appears, gastric juice begins to be produced, and food is digested faster and better. This benefits the entire body. Food should be varied, because... through it we receive substances and vitamins useful for the body.
But even the healthiest and well-chewed food can be harmful if there is too much of it. Under no circumstances should you overeat, there should be moderation in everything!

Now let’s check whether you listened to me carefully or not, let’s play the game “Yes and No”
- I want to give you advice
It's up to you to decide where yes and where no.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
On the wrong advice
Speak together: no.
- Constantly need to eat
For teeth, for your fruits, vegetables, omelettes, cottage cheese, yogurt.

- Do not bite the cabbage leaf,
It's not tasty at all,
Better eat chocolate, waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice? No!
- Lyuba told her mother: I won’t brush my teeth.
And now our Lyuba has a hole in every tooth.
What will be your answer? Well done Lyuba? No!
- To give shine to your teeth, you need to take shoe polish.
Squeeze out half a tube and brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice? No!
- Oh, awkward Lyudmila, she dropped her brush on the floor.
He picks up the brush from the floor and continues brushing his teeth.
Who will give the right advice? Well done Luda? No
- Always remember, dear friends, you can’t go to sleep without brushing your teeth!
If my advice is good, clap your hands.
- You brushed your teeth and are going to bed,
Take a sweet bun to bed.
Is this the right advice? No!
- Remember this useful advice: you should not gnaw on an iron object.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.
- To strengthen your teeth, it is useful to chew nails.
Is this the right advice? No!
- Well done, you didn’t make a mistake, you gave the correct answers.
You need to remember for a hundred years what is good for your teeth and what is not.
(Hooligan enters the stage).
Hooligan: Health, sports, exercise! I don't like order!
I've heard this song a hundred times! I’d better take a cigarette!
Educator: What are you doing? This cigarette causes spasm of blood vessels, colitis, gastritis,
The entire mucous membrane of the mouth is corroded, and bronchitis develops!
Hooligan: Are you scaring me? Yes, without this fire I can’t even get out of bed!
Smoking helps me think, increases my activity, Yes, nicotine is my first friend!
Educator: Come on, throw it out of your hands! Do you even understand that you are telling us nonsense here?
Hooligan: The filter will protect me!
Educator: He talks like a child! Yes, the filter only absorbs nicotine by 25%, but the rest of the bouquet of substances cannot be dealt with alone!
Polonium, resins and arsenic...Carbon monoxide and ammonia...cyanic acid!
Better stop smoking, Hooligan!
Hooligan: Why?
Educator: Yes, because a smoker becomes an enemy not only to his own body, but also to the health of everyone around him... All organs of the smoking body become sufferers - they signal their owner with various diseases and poor health...
But smokers do not want to hear either their organs or those around them who suffer from their smoking!
Reader 3: Cigarette country -
She's very gloomy.
Who has ever stepped foot in it?
I lit a cigarette
He got it wrong in a lot of ways.
He lost his health.
Health is fading day by day
And the lungs turn black, the skin turns yellow
And yet, your brains are getting dull.
And your head hurts
And the cough overcomes,
The memory is weakening, the heart is shaking
And everything gets sick...
Educator: Smoking is especially dangerous for a child’s still fragile body. Poisoning with nicotine and other poisons accompanying it poisons the growing organism and its growth slows down, and sometimes even stops completely. And a frail and sick child will never turn into a strong and healthy adult.
Reader 1: So, friends, we begin to boldly expose vices.
Let's talk about a cigarette, about how not to start early.
Well, what do we have today? This is worth talking about
The plots are clearly familiar to everyone - it won’t be difficult to understand everything!
We won’t go far – this is a clear example for everyone around us.
Everyone has been talking about this for a long time - it didn’t all happen all of a sudden.
Coming out of the school, you can clearly see the boys, hiding, “puffing”
After all, our boys so want to be like adults.
Educator: We managed to spy such an episode...
Sketch “Dialogue of Smoking Youngsters.” (three primary school students stand in a circle on stage)
1 Child: Well, how much is there in our pocket?
2 Child: Enough for a pack of cigarettes...
3 Child: Buy it at the kiosk quickly, otherwise you have no more patience.
1 Child: Now everyone smokes in every school. Are we not men?! Bring the cigarettes quickly, we're tired of bulls!
2 Child: Are you coughing, bro? And tears are running from my eyes. And my lips suddenly turned blue. God forbid, adults come in!
3 Child: I feel sick and vomit, shaking. And my head hurts. I won’t do it anymore, take them - I don’t want to harm myself...
Educator: This story ended well. The body itself did not accept what was harmful to it. But in life this does not always happen. The elders do not notice how they set an example for the younger ones.
Reader 2: The younger ones are not inferior to them -
There are a couple of cigarettes in my pocket.
They don't understand yet
They cause so many problems to health.
And they don’t pay attention in class,
And they stand at the board, mooing.
Alas! Tobacco poison
Not for young guys!
Educator: Now listen to another story.
Reader 3: (poem by N. Dorizs “Four guys drink vodka”)
Four guys drink vodka
At the entrance to the store
And now they feel good
Such an excess of strength!
Excess strength, ardor of the heart.
The whole world is so dear to them.
If there was talent, any of them
He composed a hundred songs.
Four guys drink vodka
Their smiles are intoxicating,
And now they feel good
That words alone are not enough.
They need to do something
Hug someone.
Or someone with a knife
Punch me under the heart.
Educator: The thief of sanity - this is what alcohol has been called since ancient times. Even in ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks made from milk, honey, and fruit juice. And they didn’t immediately notice that the next day they were feeling tired, headaches, and in a bad mood. We can firmly say that at all times - from the ancient Greeks to the present day - progressive people everywhere condemned and fought against drunkenness. If we look into past eras, we will find out that Rus' was one of the sober powers in history. Only on selected holidays were they brewed mead, mash or beer, the strength of which did not exceed 5-10°. Charka (a glass made in advance from papier-mâché is passed around the hall to familiarize yourself with the item of utensils) passed in a circle, and everyone took a few sips from it. No alcoholic drinks were allowed on weekdays, and drunkenness was considered the greatest shame and sin.
Discussions about the benefits of alcohol are quite common misconceptions. Where does drunkenness begin? Before the age of 11, the first acquaintance with alcohol occurs by chance. From the age of 14-15, traditional reasons appear, such as reasons “for company”, “for courage”, “for fun”.
If you do not want to descend into the state of an alcoholic, get into a drunken company, lose your ability to work, or lose your good name, do not touch wine, even if it is offered by friends and people close to you. Alcohol is poison! It causes diseases of all human organs, affecting the nervous system, lungs, and blood. Our body begins to fight alcohol, strives to neutralize and remove it. But the insidiousness of alcohol is that retribution is prepared unnoticed and it is inevitable.
Now let's look at the truth about the consequences of drinking alcohol. (Watch a video about the dangers of alcohol on the body)
After watching this video, I want to once again repeat a truth familiar to everyone: “Your health is in your hands.” This means that a person himself decides what kind of life he should lead, whether or not he should have bad habits, whether he should play sports or constantly lie on the couch. .
Proper nutrition, adherence to a daily routine, an interesting hobby and a good mood - it turns out that all this is of great importance for health. But you need to strive for and get used to all this from childhood: “What you get used to in youth, you will not soon get used to in old age.”
Reader 1: We have clearly shown you:
Smoking is evil, smoking is poison!
It will give cancer one day -
Everyone tells us about this.
But there is a way out!
Open your eyes! Watch and repeat! (All participants come on stage and speak in unison)
Down with drugs!
Down with smoking!
Down with all the alcohol!
Open the doors to sports!
Educator: And health largely depends on our state of mind. Never be angry with people, even if they caused you trouble. Develop the habit of smiling every day. A smile is the key to a good mood!

Scenario “A healthy lifestyle is the choice of the youth of the 21st century!!!”

(the propaganda team comes out to music)


The topic is very important

Gathered us together in this room,

Both school and family fight

We stood up for a healthy lifestyle.

We are by the sun and by the wind

They took on a fiery enthusiasm,

With alcohol and smoking

We are having an argument today.

When only functions are rushing around in your head,

When the spellings froze in the eyes,

Diseases are so easy to treat here,

Let's quickly run to the gym.

Physical education helps us live,

We develop muscles:

Forward with us - don't chase flies!

In a healthy body healthy mind!

(Sports dance)

Sketch “Healthy lifestyle - Losing weight in dough - Ural dumplings”

Presenter1: Not only sports and trips to nature help us stay healthy. Our school does a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Presenter2: Hours of communication and parent meetings about the benefits of vitamins and the need for hot meals.

Presenter1: Work is systematically carried out at school to combat bad habits.

    What are bad habits?

This is smoking!

- This is alcoholism! (VIDEO SLIDE

This is drug addiction!


According to research by the World Health Organization, human health depends on:

50% - from lifestyle;

25% - from the state of the environment;

15% - from the inheritance program;

10% - from the capabilities of medicine.



  1. a burning cigarette contains 4720 different substances, all of them harmful,

  1. tobacco smoke contains more than 30 toxic substances: nicotine, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, arsenic and others;

  1. If a person smokes a pack of cigarettes a day every day for a year, about a liter of tar settles in his lungs;

  1. Along with the lungs, the heart suffers most from the consequences of smoking;

  1. the main cause of domestic fires resulting in loss of life is carelessness when smoking;


(SLIDE 3) Pay attention!

1. Research has confirmed that alcoholism is inherited. Children of alcoholics are 4 times more likely to become dependent on alcohol.

2. People get used to alcohol gradually, and in adolescents this happens much faster than in adults.




1. Drug addiction! One of the most terrible human habits and diseases.

2. The drug, like a merciless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, take it!

3. Drug addiction has given rise to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!



(Music clip-scene

“Get up! Judgment is coming on bad habits!”)

A boy dressed as a judge with a hammer takes turns pronouncing verdicts on bad habits...

The assistant girls use paint to cross out posters with a cigarette, a bottle and a syringe...

Judge: Stand up, the trial is coming!

If you are a leader, and not a complete zero, we give you a verdict, ALCOHOL!!! (cross out the poster)

If you don’t want the end of life and the world, we give a verdict to you, CIGARETTE! (cross out the poster)

Only sport is a real mania, we give our verdict to you, DRUG ADDITION! (cross out the poster)

1 girl: The youth of Makeyevka, Donbass and Mir say...

Together:“Stop Drug Addiction, Alcohol, Cigarette!”

2 girl: Strength of spirit always wins!

Together: Sports - Yes! Health - Yes!

(musical - sports number)

(leaders exit to music)

We live in a wonderful century,

You and I are lucky (SLIDE1)

In the 21st century

You and I have been given the gift of living.

We dream of good things

And we want everything (SLIDE2)

We didn’t get sick and lived

A very long time on Earth!

Sports, music, knitting will help us with this,

(song remake about health)

We don't need a gun to live

To health - “Yes”, to cigarettes - “No”

Choose health, go with love

You will reveal the secret of your life.

It's a gift of nature, a gift of fate

Strength of spirit is given only for struggle.

Feel free to play sports

Repeating now like us!

As if from heaven, like a miracle of miracles

Sports and knowledge have come to us

We will complete the task!

Sport is a powerful argument for us!

Even if you were the Russian president!

Important lords overthrow mountains,

They are looking for answers to questions...

Training makes heroes

Of those who are ready for this role

For once, any of us wouldn't mind feeling "That's who I am!"

Checkers, chess, skiing, tennis court,

Vitamins, diets, health, sports.

Aim the correct aim at the target.

And get what you wanted so badly!

Our feet lead us along the road.

And the roads build bridges for us.

They open up hope for many

And make dreams come true

Not many will have to decide for us,

We've been used to it for a long time.

We choose our own paths

But there is an intersection and a traffic light!

We don't care about bad habits.

We will always have your back

We don't care whose you are, who you are,

But for your sake, we are ready for anything!

As if from heaven, like a miracle of miracles,

Sports and knowledge have come to us.

We will complete the task!

We sail away from the earth like ships

And many, and many, and many, many, many,

Let us open the roads to happiness in life!

(background lyrics final words of the presenters)

Presenter1: Life is a blessing! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.

Presenter2: And it depends on us what content we will fill our lives with.

Presenter1: It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!

Presenter 2: It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!

Presenter 1: It's great when you have real friends, and when you are loved and welcome at home!

Presenter 2: It's great to be surrounded by happy and healthy people!

Presenter 1: It’s great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!

Presenter 2: Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, and a symbol of faith in the best.

Presenter 1: Let the sparks from this fire ignite in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, and harmony.

Together: A century of healthy life!

(final sports dance “Gymnastics!”)

Success and victory...

About the healthy meaning of life

We must discuss the issue.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become cheerful and successful

And be beautiful, of course!

Don't grumble, don't be sad,

Don’t give in to difficulties!

Don't be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

No diseases!

You can easily recognize his posture:

He's like a mattress! What's wrong with that?

There is a song about Vovochka.

Heel will eat and go for a walk,

Three sweaters, two sheepskin coats,

The presenters sing ditties:

1. I was constantly sick.

ARVI and acute respiratory infections!

I just started to harden,

I can sleep in a draft!

Holiday scenario

  1. The topic is very important

Both school and family fight

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took on a fiery enthusiasm,

With alcohol and smoking

We are having an argument today.

We develop muscles:

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course

We are nowhere in sports either.

  1. Games and hikes together,

Relay and tournament

Let's go to nature together

Let's discover a healthy world!

  1. Helps to be healthy

We have both school and family.

After all, the unity of spirit with body is

This is the only goal for us!

(Sports dance)



Leading: Competitions, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on the topics:

  • “Our health is in our hands!”
  • "Three pillars of health"
  • "Family - healthy lifestyle"
  • « Ten rules of health"
  • « Travel to the country “Health” and others.

Leading. Work is systematically carried out at school to combat bad habits.

  • What are bad habits?
  • This is smoking!
  • This is alcoholism!
  • This is drug addiction!
  • They are harmful to human health.
  • The saying is true: “If you lose money, you lose a little; if you lose time, you lose a lot; I lost my health - I lost everything!”
  • But do we always take care of our health?
  • No! (Together)
  • Nicotine is one of the most dangerous poisons of plant origin!
  • Remember!
  • Birds die if you just bring a glass rod soaked in nicotine to their beak.
  • A rabbit dies from one fourth drop of nicotine.
  • Dog from one second drop.
  • For humans, the lethal dose is 2-3 drops.
  • Each cigarette smoked shortens human life by 5.5 minutes.
  • Smoking causes great harm to children's bodies:
  • Anemia,
  • Digestive disorder
  • Heart diseases,
  • Memory impairment
  • Slowing of mental and physical development,
  • Another harmful habit that ruins human health is alcohol.
  • Remember!
  • 10-20 seconds after consumption, alcohol reaches the brain.
  • Alcohol circulates in the body until complete decomposition within 2 weeks. At the same time, the heart, liver, and kidneys suffer.
  • Remember!
  • The brain reacts even to tiny doses of alcohol: memory and attention decrease, sensitivity and sincerity disappear,
  • Cynicism, anger, and aggressiveness appear.
  • Remember!
  • There are no healthy alcoholic drinks!
  • Figures and facts:
  • There are 160 bottles of vodka per man in Russia per year.
  • Thousands of people die every year from alcoholism before they reach 30 years of age.
  • We cannot be at peace when this happens!

It's getting very scary

If you hear this terrible word “plague”!

Over the planet, over the whole world

She is raising her black hands!

  • Addiction! One of the most terrible human habits and diseases.
  • The drug, like a merciless executioner, demands: kill, steal, get the next dose, take it!
  • Drug addiction has given rise to an incurable and terrible disease - AIDS!
  • Let's say NO to drugs!
  • Let's bring drug addiction to justice!

Ready for any action

For the sake of the lives of lost children.

2. It contains stingy fatherly tears

And hundreds of destinies ruined,

It contains a threat to future life

And fragments of broken hopes.

3. This word sounds like a curse

Bringing only grief and fear.

We must rise up to fight it:

Our life is only in our hands.

(Students come out with lit candles)

  1. We live in a wonderful century,

You and I are lucky

In the 21st century

You and I have been given the gift of living.

  1. We dream of good things

And we want everything

We didn’t get sick and lived

A very long time on Earth!

  • Life is a blessing! This is a gift that is given to a person only once.
  • And it depends on us what content we will fill our lives with.
  • It's great when a person strives to fulfill his dreams!
  • It's great when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping!
  • It's great when you have real friends and when you are loved and waited at home!
  • It's great to be surrounded by happy and healthy people!
  • It’s great when the fire of goodness and faith in the best burns in your soul!
  • Fire has long been considered a symbol of energy, struggle, and a symbol of faith in the best. Let the sparks from this fire ignite in the heart of every person the belief that the 21st century will be a century of prosperity, happiness, peace, and harmony.
  • A century of healthy life!

(Song to the tune of “Hope”)

The topic is very important

Gathered us together in this room,

Both school and family fight

We stood up for a healthy lifestyle.

We say “NO!” to drugs

And smoking, and alcoholism,

How much trouble they brought us,

How many young lives have been stolen!

Health! There is nothing more important than him

After all, children know about this too.

Let the undying light flash

Health on our planet!

Scenario "Agitation team for a healthy lifestyle"

  • Mayorova Irina Ivanovna, primary school teacher

Sections: Sports at school and children's health, Extracurricular activities

1 presenter. Greetings to everyone who found the time
And he came to school for a health celebration!
Let winter knock on the window with snowfall,
But in our hall it is warm and light
We grow up here, we mature here
And, of course, we gain weight!
We are always healthy, friendly with exercise,
We need sports and physical education,
We need it like air,
And with them there is order, comfort, cleanliness,
Aesthetics. In general, beauty itself!
We take care of our health from an early age,

It will save us from pain and troubles!

2 presenter Our performance is dedicated to health and sports. It's never too late to start getting healthy. It's better to take this step today than tomorrow.

The reader reads the poem, everyone repeats the words “Who will answer why?”

Reader. We run faster than the wind.

All. Who will answer why?
Kolya jumped two meters.

All. Who will answer why?
There is a smile on our lips.

All. Who will answer why?
Maybe Julia can make a bridge,
I'm climbing on a tightrope
Because with physical education
We are old friends.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Name the types of emotions. ( Joy, delight, admiration, sadness, sadness, fear, surprise, shock, grief, fear, rage...)

Learn to manage your feelings and emotions. Try to maintain a good mood and self-confidence in difficult moments, fight despondency, and avoid gloomy thoughts. And then the gloomy day will seem brighter.

Performance of the song “Smile”

Presenter 2: So fruits have grown on our tree: our decisions in favor of health.

What do you need to do to live healthy and happy for many years?
- Finish the sentence: A healthy lifestyle is... (reading decisions made on the “Decision Tree”)

Presenter 1:(Conclusion) Compliance with the rules of a healthy lifestyle strengthens health, develops the will and character of a person.

What new and interesting things did you learn today? What did you study?

Presenter 2: Health is a priceless human asset.

Presenter 1: When meeting and parting with loved ones, we wish them good health, since this is the main condition and guarantee of a full and happy life. Everyone from a young age should take care of their health, how not to harm their body.

Presenter 2: A wise person prevents diseases, not cures them. (Ancient Chinese saying). Show us how you feel when you leave our meeting!

We wish you good health, excellent grades, happiness, vigor and good mood. Be healthy!

Scenario of a healthy lifestyle event health holiday free download

Scenario of the healthy lifestyle event “Celebration of Health”

Attention attention! We are starting a celebration of youth and beauty...

Optimism and good mood...

Success and victory...

We are starting a holiday of health!

About the healthy meaning of life

We must discuss the issue.

How can we live for many years?

How to achieve big victories?

Become cheerful and successful

And be beautiful, of course!

Don't grumble, don't be sad,

Don’t give in to difficulties!

Don't be afraid of drafts

Forget about doctors!

There is one simple recipe:

Health - yes!

No diseases!

A granny runs onto the stage, holding a scarf and a bag of buns, and asks the presenters:

Granny: Oh, guys, have you seen my granddaughter?

Presenters: Grandma, who is your grandson? Maybe he is in the hall or on stage!

Granny: No! These guys are slim and strong. And their posture is not “zyu”, and they smile contentedly. And we had breakfast, apparently, normally in the morning: porridge with milk or cheese with kefir! And those who are in the hall, well, in the first row, go and study well, take home the A’s to the joy of mom and dad, and grandma, of course!

Presenters: Of course! Everyone in our hall is like that!

Granny: His name, of course, is Vova.

You can easily recognize his posture:

He's like a mattress! What's wrong with that?

When a boy loves to sleep very much.

Well-fed Vovochka comes on stage:

Vovochka: Grandma! I'm lost! I am hungry! I got sick! I'm about to sneeze! Apchhi! I won't go to school tomorrow! (Sits on a chair, sneezes, pretends to be sick. Granny runs nearby)

There is a song about Vovochka.

Granny: I bake him rolls in the morning,

My Vovik loves to chew baked goods.

Heel will eat and go for a walk,

And maybe walk for five whole minutes!

Three sweaters, two sheepskin coats,

Otherwise he will freeze and grieve!

The presenters sing ditties:

1. I was constantly sick.

ARVI and acute respiratory infections!

I just started to harden,

I can sleep in a draft!

Presenters: Our meeting is coming to an end, guys.

But the holiday of health knows no boundaries.

Why do we need to take care of our health?

We showed you, life will show you!

Beautiful smile, slim figure,

The success of your studies depends on us.

Sickness comes to us, sorrows forget the way,

After all, our health is in good hands!

Holiday scenario "We are for a healthy lifestyle!"

  1. The topic is very important

Gathered us together in this room,

Both school and family fight

We stood up for a healthy lifestyle.

  1. We are by the sun and by the wind

They took on a fiery enthusiasm,

With alcohol and smoking

We are having an argument today.

  1. When only functions are rushing around in your head,

When the spellings froze in the eyes,

Diseases are so easy to treat here,

Let's quickly run to the gym.

  1. Physical education helps us live,

We will become as light as light fluff.

We develop muscles:

In a healthy body healthy mind!

  1. We have been friends with sports since childhood,

He always brings us closer

Without parents, of course

We are nowhere in sports either.

  1. Games and hikes together,

Relay and tournament

Let's go to nature together

Let's discover a healthy world!

  1. Helps to be healthy

We have both school and family.

After all, the unity of spirit with body is

This is the only goal for us!

(Sports dance)

Leading: Not only sports and trips to nature help us stay healthy. Our school does a lot of work to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Leading: Communication hours and parent meetings about the benefits of vitamins and the need for hot meals

Leading: Competitions, quizzes, matinees, evenings, lectures on topics.