Who is part of the Monegasque armed forces? Did you know that...? Little-known facts about Monaco. Powers of a police officer

To the question: Which country's army is smaller than its national orchestra? given by the author Flush the best answer is Monaco Armed Forces of Monaco There are 82 people under arms. Monaco is apparently the only state in the world where the size of the regular army is smaller than the size of the military band (85 people). Sometimes there is work for the army: - This happened in 1962, - ... - The fate of Monaco hung in the balance. French President General de Gaulle threatened to cut off electricity and water supplies to the principality if it did not stop luring bankers to itself and did not introduce an income tax. 80 Royal Palace guards and 207 Monaco police were alerted. Fortunately, the war did not happen. The prince made concessions...

Answer from 22 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Which country has an army smaller than its national orchestra?

Answer from Realize[master]

Answer from First Name Last Name[master]

Answer from ЀAIDA***[guru]
MONACO Monaco has its own army - according to the latest data, 82 people. One of them is guarding the palace!
Monaco's army is coming! Every day at 11.55 there is a changing of the Palace guard, which is performed by carabinieri in full ceremonial uniform. The ritual of changing the guard has not changed for centuries.
Monaco also has its own military orchestra. The number of military bands (85 people) is three more than the number of Monaco's army (82)! Monaco Cathedral (Cathedrale de Monaco)

The main cathedral of the Principality of Monaco was built in 1875 from white stone. The cathedral stands on the site of an older church from the 13th century. The princes of Monaco, their wives and daughters are buried in the Cathedral.

Answer from hummocky[guru]

Answer from Windtalker[guru]
The army in Monaco is smaller than its national orchestra. As of 2006, the population of Monaco is 35,656 people. The population density is 18,285 people. /km². Such a high population density is due to the fact that Monaco is a dwarf state. The average life expectancy according to 2008 data is 79.96 years. Women predominate slightly among the population. The ratio of the number of men to the number of women is 0.91 (according to 2004 data). 62% of the population is considered to be of working age. The literacy rate is 99%. National composition: * French - 47% * Monegasque - 16% * Italians - 16% * others - 21%. This large category includes representatives of 125 nationalities. The largest religious group is Catholics. These include 90% of the population of the principality. 82 people are under arms. Monaco is apparently the only state in the world where the size of the regular army is smaller than the size of the military band (85 people).

Armed Forces of Monaco- the totality of the troops of the Principality of Monaco. Since only the Vatican is smaller in area than Monaco, the armed forces of Monaco are not of great importance and in the event of any conflict the country will rely on the military support of France. The existing forces are managed by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Border Patrol

Some functions of the army are distributed in civilian structures. Patrolling the borders on land and sea is carried out by a special police unit, the “Sea and Helicopter Division,” which operates both on land and at sea with the help of patrol boats and fast observation boats. Patrol boats guard the borders together with the Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers and the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince.

Military and civil defense

In Monaco, there are two permanent military corps under the direction of the Department of the Interior: the Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers and the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince.

Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers

The corps consists of 9 officers, 25 non-commissioned officers and 96 soldiers. In total, the corps consists of 130 people (in addition, there are also civilian employees who carry out the normal functioning of the unit). The officer ranks include the following ranks: colonel, lieutenant colonel, commandant, captain, lieutenant, sub-lieutenant. In addition, there are nine ranks of non-commissioned officers and service personnel.

The corps is located in two barracks: in the Condamine districts (fr. La Condamine) and Fontville (fr. Fontvieille). The building is equipped with fire engines, rescue equipment, as well as a number of specialized vehicles, including fire boats and special means for operating in mountain tunnels in emergency situations.

Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince


Guard of the princely palace

The corps consists of a total of 112 people: 3 officers, 15 non-commissioned officers and 94 contract soldiers. As a rule, many of them served in the French armed forces. The main task of the unit is to protect the prince and the princely palace in Monaco-Ville, located in the old district of Monaco. In addition, members of the corps participate in the protection of members of the judiciary who administer justice on behalf of the Prince of Monaco.

There are a number of special units that exist within the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince, which include a motorcyclist squad (for quick response and escort of the prince's motorcade), a scuba diver squad, a first aid unit that provides first aid and emergency medical care in public and sporting events, as well as a military band, which includes state trumpeters, a brass ensemble, and a small orchestra, present at official state ceremonies.

The “changing of the guards” ceremony at the princely palace at 11:55 am attracts a large number of tourists every day. The ceremony is not just for tourists. The corps serves as a guard for the palace and the princely family of Monaco.

Military ranks in the armed forces of Monaco


In the Principality of Monaco, police functions are performed by the Directorate of Public Security.

1. Police of the Principality of Monaco: general provisions

The status of the police in Monaco is determined by: the laws of the Principality - the Code of Criminal Procedure (le Code de procédure pénale), law No. 975 of July 12, 1975 on the status of civil servants (la loi No. 975 du 12 juillet 1975 portant statut des fonctionnaires de l "Etat), and also by Ordinances of the Sovereign (decrees of the Prince of Monaco) - dated June 6, 1867 (l"ordonnance du 6 juin 1867 sur la police générale), dated June 23, 1902 (l"ordonnance du 23 juin 1902 établissant une Direction de la Sûreté Publique), No. 3.153 of March 19, 1964 (l "ordonnance souveraine No. 3.153 du 19 mars 1964 relative aux conditions d" entrée et de séjour des étrangers dans la Principauté), No. 16.605 of January 10, 2005 (l "ordonnance souveraine No. 16.605 du 10 janvier 2005 portant organization des Départements ministériels), No. 765 of November 13, 2006, Sovereign Ordinance No. 1057 of April 13, 2007, amended to Sovereign Ordinance No. 765;

The Directorate of Public Security of the Principality of Monaco is headed by a Director. There are seven departments under his direct subordination; together they form the Cabinet of Directors (Cabinet de Direction):

a) section of general information, research and references (la section des informations générales, des études et du renseignement). This department searches and centralizes information intended to inform authorities and promotes internal security;

b) the General Inspectorate of the Police Service (l "inspection générale des services de police). It carries out internal control of the work of the police, conducting inspections to assess the effectiveness of the police. Documents based on the results of internal investigations serve as the basis for bringing administrative or disciplinary liability. In addition, the inspection may transfer materials to initiate a criminal case.

c) the Sovereign’s family security group (le groupe de sécurité de la Famille Souveraine) provides security for the Prince and his family during private trips and official visits;

d) the private secretariat of the Directorate (Le secretariat particulier de la Direction). He provides assistance to the Director (minutes of meetings, summaries, written correspondence, filtering of mail and telephone calls, interaction with executive bodies, police associations, management of certain financial flows);

e) the technical advisor (Le Conseiller technique) collects and analyzes information about the economy of Monaco.

E) the prevention and communication officer (L’Officier de prévention et de communication) carries out communication and interaction between the structures of the Directorate of Public Security and representatives of Monegasque society;

G) the General Secretariat and Postmaster (le secrétariat général et la Cellule vaguemestre) receives and dispatches police correspondence.

Monaco's Directorate of Public Security has five main divisions:
First. The Management and Formation Division (la Division de l "administration et de la formation) performs general management functions and is engaged in personnel recruitment. This unit performs analytical tasks and organizes personnel training. The personnel recruitment center trains candidates for positions in the police.

Second. The administrative police division (la Division de police administrative) ensures public safety, conducts investigations of violations of labor and administrative legislation, passport and visa work, monitors foreigners, protects children and the disabled.

The administrative police includes:

A) Bureau of Naturalization (Le bureau des naturalisations). In accordance with Law No. 1155 of December 18, 1992, the Bureau resolves issues related to the possibility of granting citizenship of the Principality.

B) Section of the population (La section des residents). In accordance with Sovereign Ordinance No. 3153 of March 19, 1964, it issues identity documents to subjects of the Principality, residence permits for foreigners, extends visas, and issues certain types of certificates and permits.

B) Bureau of Population Control (Le bureau de contrôle des residents) This unit carries out investigations relating to the effectiveness of the permanent residence in the Principality of persons applying for the provision of prescribed documents and certifies violations of the legislation on the residence of foreigners.

The Bureau carries out preliminary control over the issuance of:

Resident certificate (certificats de résidence) - for enrollment in a school, application for benefits, registration of a ship, opening a bank account, social assistance authority, Directorate of Residents, French Tax Service, etc.;

Tax resident certificate (certificats de résidence à usage fiscal) - Art. 3 Agreement between the European Community and Monaco of 7 December 2004.

The Bureau investigates: requests for a duplicate and renewal of a foreigner's identity card; applications for admission to Monegasque citizenship; applications for the issuance of criminal record certificates; cases of violations of legislation on the stay of foreigners; instructions of the prosecutor's office at the court of appeal under the supervision of the prosecutor general.

D) The Department of Administrative Investigations (La section des enquetes administratives) is authorized to conduct administrative investigations in various areas. Investigations include:

Upon requests from various services of the authorities of Monaco (when applying for a job, before issuing a permit to open an enterprise, organizing a commercial event) or upon applications (for legal assistance, for searching for heirs, etc.);

For the purpose of issuing permission to engage in certain types of activities: gambling (Law No. 1103 of June 12, 1987 relating to gambling), private security activities (Articles 58 and 59 of the Code of Criminal Procedure), insurance activities (Ordinance No. 4178 of December 12, 1968 );

– for the purpose of issuing permission: a) for the acquisition or storage of weapons (Law No. 913 of June 18, 1971 on weapons and ammunition and Ordinance No. 6947 of October 16, 1980, establishing the conditions for obtaining the relevant permits); b) to engage in private activities for the protection of persons and/or property, c) requests coming from organizations (for late closing, musical accompaniment, for musical animation);

– violations of labor legislation, rules of private security activities, work of public organizations;

– violations related to the operation of public institutions (trade rules, rights of minors, sale of alcohol, late closing, music and animation, everything related to silence and public order in general.

E) Section of minors and social assistance (La section des mineurs et de protection sociale). The section consists of five employees: three investigative officers and two social police assistants. It carries out “social” investigations aimed at clarifying for the judicial authorities private applications submitted to them for consideration (placement under guardianship or guardianship of persons in need of minors or adults - judicial assistance - adoption - inheritance by persons placed under judicial protection). It informs the judicial or administrative authorities about persons in difficult situations (minors, adults facing great instability) for whom support or social assistance or educational measures are established.

Third. The judicial police (la Division de police judiciaire) participates in general crime prevention (control of streets, hotels and public places - bars, discos, restaurants), participation in ensuring order and security. In addition, the judicial police are empowered to detect violations of criminal law, collect evidence and search for those responsible.

The Judicial Police Department has the following sections:

A) The Public Places Investigation Section (La Section des enquêtes de voie publique) consists of three investigative groups. This section is primarily authorized to conduct investigations based on statements from government agencies and private individuals or on its own initiative.

B) The investigation and search section (La Section d’investigations et de recherches) is formed by forensic investigators who have undergone special training. His responsibilities include combating drugs, banditry, prostitution and other crimes.

B) Financial Investigations Section (La Section des enquêtes financières)

It investigates all economic and financial matters and carries out instructions from the prosecutor's office at the court of appeal and letters rogatory.

D) The forensic accounting section and Interpol (La section de l’identité judiciaire et Interpol) collects material evidence, identifies individuals, and maintains registration and records. In addition, this unit performs the functions of the NCB of Interpol - Monaco, which is headed by the Director of the Public Security Directorate.

E) The operational cooperation unit (L’Unité de Liaison Opérationnelle) is competent in matters of an international nature, including legal assistance in criminal matters. In this regard, it interacts with various operational services of the judicial police of foreign countries (Criminalpol in Italy, BKA in Germany, NCIS in the UK, FBI in the United States, etc.). It also provides liaison between investigative teams and foreign government agencies.

Fourth. The city police division (la Division de police urbaine) includes:

A) The Bureau of Order, Discipline and Employment (Le Bureau d'ordre d'emploi et de discipline) coordinates the employment of personnel, ensures the distribution of working hours and is responsible for compliance with the requirements of professional ethics, advanced training and logistics of the staff. The occupation is provided by a uniformed operational unit consisting of 280 employees located in various sectors of the Principality. Three duty departments (sections de roulement) are designed to prevent night incursions into the city and intervention. The Operational Assistance Department (La section d'appui opérationnel) is used to monitor schools, provide surveillance in the city and attend defendants in court. The Motorcycle Platoon (Le Peloton motocycliste) combats traffic violations, especially speeding and noisy engines , is used to accompany processions and transport convoys.

B) The General Police Section (La Section de police générale) deals with cases that are not within the competence of the judicial police (road accidents, work injuries, suicides or suicide attempts; terrorist attacks; hospitalization of mentally ill people; proposals for measures to suspend the use of driver’s licenses; 24-hour operational service; control of public places). In cases of an administrative nature, he applies, among other things, measures to suspend the validity of a driver's license, place mentally ill people in medical institutions and assist bailiffs in the framework of the eviction of persons from the residential premises they occupy. In addition, the detachment carries out important tasks (protection of high-ranking foreign citizens, etc.) and acts in case of emergency situations (neutralization of dangerous persons).

C) The technical and operational management post (Le Poste de commandement technique et opérationnel) ensures interaction between all departments of the Directorate. It provides the functions of a "transmission repeater" and a "control body" for all personnel. He is in charge of triggering the alarm, installing remote monitoring in areas and implementing the assistance plan and calling personnel. The duty officer's room (Une cellule d'officier de quart) was created in 2000. The duty of the duty officer is to provide operational control, within the scope of his authority, of all uniformed units of the city police on duty during the holidays.

D) The Secretariat of the Prosecutor's Office at the Police Service Court (le Secrétariat du Ministère public près le Tribunal de simple police) ensures the conduct of administrative cases, control and collection of fines. The Secretariat also prepares meetings of this judicial body.

E) The unit specializing in events and public spaces (L’Unité spécialisée d’intervention et de voie publique) is intended for general surveillance in the city in order to combat all forms of crime. The employees of this unit have undergone special training and regularly improve their skills, which allows them to intervene in difficult situations and private lives (escorting important persons, neutralizing dangerous persons, intervening in the event of detection of suspicious objects, etc.).

Fifth. Airport police and maritime police (la Division de police maritime et aéroportuaire) owe their existence to Sovereign Ordinance No. 2318 of August 16, 1960, which gave the head of the Directorate of Public Security powers in the field of maritime police, transferring to him the duties previously belonging to the Director of Ports and the Maritime Service (Directeur des Ports et du Service de la Marine). This unit controls crossings of the Principality's border by sea and air, checks passengers in port and registers sailors and workers on ships while docked in Monaco. The maritime department is also responsible for monitoring the beaches and water areas of Monaco, and underwater resources. The Border and Helicopter Control Department (La Section du contrôle transfrontière et héliportuaire) performs the functions of the air and border police, establishing a police station at the helicopter station and at the port of Fontvieille.

3. Police officer

The Monaco Police Force includes four groups of officers:

a) the leadership of the Monaco police - a director (directeur), three commissioners of police (commissaires de police), one senior chief inspector (Commandant principal-inspecteur), one colonel (colonel);

b) the civilian police force consists of 93 employees: 11 senior chief inspectors (Commandants principaux-inspecteurs), 11 chief inspectors (Commandants-inspecteurs), 28 captains of inspectors (Capitaines-inspecteurs), 41 lieutenant inspectors (lieutenants-inspecteurs), two social assistants police (assistantes sociales de police);

c) “uniformed personnel” (Le personnel en tenue) has 370 employees: the chief of police (commandant de police), three police captains (capitaines de police), seven police lieutenants (lieutenants de police), 10 majors (majors), 12 senior corporals (brigadiers chefs), 19 corporals (brigadiers), 34 lance corporals (sous-brigadiers), over 200 ordinary police officers;

d) the administrative staff consists of 48 officials and agents (assistants, programmers, etc.).

Persons wishing to join the Monaco Police must meet the following requirements:

Be a subject of the Principality, have political rights and have an impeccable reputation;

Must not have any injuries (chronic illnesses) or illnesses that prevent him from holding public office and must be suitable for continuous duty, both during the day and at night, including weekends and holidays;

Have sharp vision, a certain height and weight;

Must be at least 21 years of age and not older than 30 years of age as of December 31 of the year in which the competition for the relevant position is held;

Have a minimum level of education: for inspector-lieutenants – an educational license (issued after 3 years of study at a university); for social assistants – a state diploma of a social service employee; for police officers - a certificate of completion of the second stage of secondary school.

Have a document confirming the fulfillment of military duty;

Be free from all obligations on the date of enlistment;

Have the right to drive a category B vehicle.

By the time of taking office, have a place of residence in Monaco or in a commune no more than 20 km from the Principality.

4. Powers of a police officer

A police officer has the right:

check documents of persons in public places;

check vehicles, cargo and transportation documents;

check the person driving the vehicle for alcohol, drugs or other intoxication.

When exercising police powers, a judicial police officer has the right to detain persons and bring them to police stations.

During an investigation, a police officer may detain a person against whom there is evidence that he has committed a crime, or who needs to be re-interrogated to verify evidence. The use of this measure is possible if the complete safety of the detainee is guaranteed. Article 1401-8 of the Penal Code defines the conditions for taking into custody, specifying, on the one hand, the legality of the procedure, and on the other hand, the person authorized to carry it out. Only a judicial police officer can decide to detain; he, however, must inform the Prosecutor General about this.

Article 1401-10 of the Penal Code specifies the duration of detention: this period is one day. The period of detention may be increased by decision of the Prosecutor General before the expiration of the first 24 hours. There are also “special” sentences applied to crimes related to money laundering, drug trafficking and threats to state security. In these cases, after the initial extension of the period, detention may be extended for another 48 hours. Thus, the maximum period of detention is four days. If a person is caught at the scene of a crime, the start of detention is considered from the moment the judicial police officer makes the decision to detain, after his meeting with the suspect.
In addition, if a person, duly summoned by the police, refuses to appear, he may also be detained.

According to Article 1401-11 of the Penal Code, the detainee must be immediately notified of his rights from the moment the decision to detain is made. Any delay not caused by insurmountable circumstances entails unlawful detention. If the decision to detain is made outside the police station (for example, at a crime scene), the person is verbally informed of his rights. When brought to the station, the detainee is presented with a decision on detention, and he is notified in writing of his rights.

Article 1401-14 of the Code prescribes a mandatory medical examination of the detainee, of which the aforementioned must be informed. This applies to all measures of taking into custody, the decision on which is taken by a judicial police officer, including when extending the period of detention. A mention of informing the detainee about the inspection must be recorded in the arrest report.

If there is a suspicion of committing an administrative offense or crime, a police officer has the right to:

check the activities of enterprises and organizations;

receive information and explanations from individuals and organizations;

temporarily restrict access to any territory or premises;

seize firearms, ammunition, explosives, drugs and other objects
enter residential premises during the day to check compliance with the rules;

exercise other rights granted by regulations and international treaties.

World prestige and fame Monaco is provided not only by luxurious boutiques and casinos, but also by the absolute security that reigns on the territory of the Principality. All security specialists agree that it is difficult to make it more reliable than in Monaco. One policeman per hundred residents, a 24-hour video surveillance system throughout the entire territory, and in the halls of most residential buildings there is a warning system and a call system for the best army in the world and the ability to block all exits from Monaco for several minutes. Not forgetting the constant security and surveillance service in hotels, casinos and all gambling and entertainment establishments.

The protection of the peace of residents and guests of Monaco is carried out by the highest ranks of the French police, which is recognized as one of the most modern and effective in the world. The rule laid down by Prince Rainier is simple: “Security in Monaco must be absolute”. And this rule is not far from reality. The instruction given 519 police officers who underwent intensive training over 2 years strictly and does not tolerate exceptions: everything that can disturb the harmony of stay and residence is prohibited, there is no place for begging, provocative clothing is not welcome, compliance with traffic rules is monitored with special care. Monaco courts approve quite a few fines almost every day. The result: the level of minor offenses is so low that it would be the dream of any Home Secretary in another country.

As the famous Monegasque jeweler admitted: “Works of jewelry are created to be worn, even on the street, and not to be stored in a safe. And this is the case in Monaco"

The Government of the Principality pays special attention to the quality of its sanitary condition and medical care:

  • Princess Grace Hospital Center equipped with the most modern equipment (scanners, radiographs, IRM...)

  • Cardiology Center, created in 1997, allows you to diagnose and treat cardiovascular diseases

  • Hemodialysis Center, opened in 1989, provides care to patients with kidney failure

  • L’IM2S – Institut Monégasque de Médecine & chirurgie Sportive opened, in February 2006, is an institution dedicated to medicine and surgery osteo-arthritis.

Monaco's armed forces are of little importance and in the event of any conflict the country will rely on French military support. The existing forces are managed by the Department of Internal Affairs.

Border Patrol

Some functions of the army are distributed in civilian structures. Patrolling the borders on land and sea is carried out by a special police unit, the “Sea and Helicopter Division,” which operates both on land and at sea with the help of patrol boats and fast observation boats. Patrol boats protect the borders together with the Fire Protection Corps and the Princely Company of Carabinieri.

Military and civil defense

In Monaco there are two permanent paramilitary units under the direction of the Department of the Interior: Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers(Firefighters Corps) and (Company of Princely Carabinieri).

Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers

The corps consists of 9 officers, 25 non-commissioned officers and 96 soldiers. In total, the corps consists of 130 people (in addition, there are also civilian employees who carry out the normal functioning of the unit). The officer ranks include the following ranks: colonel, lieutenant colonel, commandant, captain, lieutenant, sub-lieutenant. In addition, there are nine ranks of non-commissioned officers and service personnel.

The corps is located in two barracks: in the Condamine districts (fr. La Condamine) and Fontvieille (fr. Fontvieille). The corps is equipped with fire engines, rescue equipment, as well as a number of specialized vehicles, including fire boats and special means for operating in mountain tunnels in cases of emergency.

Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince

The company consists of a total of 112 people: 3 officers, 15 non-commissioned officers and 94 contract soldiers. As a rule, many of them served in the French armed forces. The main task of the unit is to protect the prince and the princely palace in Monaco-Ville, located in the old district of Monaco. In addition, members of the corps participate in the protection of members of the judiciary who administer justice on behalf of the Prince of Monaco.

There are a number of special units that exist within the Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince, which include a motorcyclist squad (for quick response and escort of the prince's motorcade), a scuba diver squad, a first aid unit that provides first aid and emergency medical care in public and sporting events, as well as a military band, which includes state trumpeters, a brass ensemble, and a small orchestra, present at official state ceremonies.

The “changing of the guards” ceremony at the princely palace at 11:55 am attracts a large number of tourists every day. The ceremony is not just for tourists. The corps serves as a guard for the palace and the princely family of Monaco.

Military ranks in the armed forces of Monaco

Rank Ensign Lieutenant Captain Comandant Lieutenant colonel Colonel
Officer ranks in
Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers
Officer ranks in
Compagnie des Carabiniers du Prince

Rank Colonel is the highest officer rank in Monaco. There are no general ranks in Monaco

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An excerpt characterizing the Armed Forces of Monaco

“Good job,” said the man who seemed to Petya to be a hussar. - Do you still have a cup?
- And over there by the wheel.
The hussar took the cup.
“It’ll probably be light soon,” he said, yawning, and walked off somewhere.
Petya should have known that he was in the forest, in Denisov’s party, a mile from the road, that he was sitting on a wagon captured from the French, around which the horses were tied, that the Cossack Likhachev was sitting under him and sharpening his saber, that there was a big black spot to the right is a guardhouse, and a bright red spot below to the left is a dying fire, that the man who came for a cup is a hussar who was thirsty; but he knew nothing and did not want to know it. He was in a magical kingdom in which there was nothing like reality. A large black spot, perhaps there was definitely a guardhouse, or perhaps there was a cave that led into the very depths of the earth. The red spot might have been fire, or maybe the eye of a huge monster. Maybe he is definitely sitting on a wagon now, but it may very well be that he is sitting not on a wagon, but on a terribly high tower, from which if he fell, he would fly to the ground for a whole day, a whole month - keep flying and never reach it . It may be that just a Cossack Likhachev is sitting under the truck, but it may very well be that this is the kindest, bravest, most wonderful, most excellent person in the world, whom no one knows. Maybe it was just a hussar passing for water and going into the ravine, or maybe he just disappeared from sight and completely disappeared, and he was not there.
Whatever Petya saw now, nothing would surprise him. He was in a magical kingdom where everything was possible.
He looked at the sky. And the sky was as magical as the earth. The sky was clearing, and clouds were moving quickly over the tops of the trees, as if revealing the stars. Sometimes it seemed that the sky cleared and a black, clear sky appeared. Sometimes it seemed that these black spots were clouds. Sometimes it seemed as if the sky was rising high, high above your head; sometimes the sky dropped completely, so that you could reach it with your hand.
Petya began to close his eyes and sway.
Drops were dripping. There was a quiet conversation. The horses neighed and fought. Someone was snoring.
“Ozhig, zhig, zhig, zhig...” the saber being sharpened whistled. And suddenly Petya heard a harmonious choir of music playing some unknown, solemnly sweet hymn. Petya was musical, just like Natasha, and more than Nikolai, but he had never studied music, did not think about music, and therefore the motives that unexpectedly came to his mind were especially new and attractive to him. The music played louder and louder. The melody grew, moving from one instrument to another. What was called a fugue was happening, although Petya did not have the slightest idea what a fugue was. Each instrument, sometimes similar to a violin, sometimes like trumpets - but better and cleaner than violins and trumpets - each instrument played its own and, not yet finishing the tune, merged with another, which started almost the same, and with the third, and with the fourth , and they all merged into one and scattered again, and again merged, now into the solemn church, now into the brightly brilliant and victorious.
“Oh, yes, it’s me in a dream,” Petya said to himself, swaying forward. - It's in my ears. Or maybe it's my music. Well, again. Go ahead my music! Well!.."
He closed his eyes. And from different sides, as if from afar, sounds began to tremble, began to harmonize, scatter, merge, and again everything united into the same sweet and solemn hymn. “Oh, what a delight this is! As much as I want and how I want,” Petya said to himself. He tried to lead this huge choir of instruments.
“Well, hush, hush, freeze now. – And the sounds obeyed him. - Well, now it’s fuller, more fun. More, even more joyful. – And from an unknown depth arose intensifying, solemn sounds. “Well, voices, pester!” - Petya ordered. And first, male voices were heard from afar, then female voices. The voices grew, grew in uniform, solemn effort. Petya was scared and joyful to listen to their extraordinary beauty.
The song merged with the solemn victory march, and drops fell, and burn, burn, burn... the saber whistled, and again the horses fought and neighed, not breaking the choir, but entering into it.
Petya didn’t know how long this lasted: he enjoyed himself, was constantly surprised by his pleasure and regretted that there was no one to tell it to. He was awakened by Likhachev's gentle voice.
- Ready, your honor, you will split the guard in two.
Petya woke up.
- It’s already dawn, really, it’s dawning! - he screamed.