What is the name of the hangover. Symptoms and hangover treatment. The average duration of hangover syndrome

The next morning appears signs of hangover - their severity depends on the volume of drinking alcohol, the fact of mixing various beverages, overall health, in particular, the nervous system. It is important to distinguish this condition from characteristic of alcoholics. If the deterioration of well-being occurred after a single abuse, methods, how to remove the symptoms of a hangover, are reduced to the admission of painkillers and home cleaning of the intestines, and specific treatment is usually not required. However, when leaving the bang, the patient needs help of physicians.

Physical symptoms of pummy syndrome

Depending on the mental and physical characteristics of a particular body, after abuse of alcohol, everyone can manifest themselves at once or only some symptoms of hangover syndrome. The most common of these includes the following:

  1. Dry mouth and thirst.
  2. Sludge in the body.
  3. Nausea.
  4. Lack of appetite.

Frequent signs of hangover become dry mouth and the unfortunate thirst, which is associated with the dehydration of the body after alcohol abuse. That is why the next morning, many drink pickles: in its composition salt delays a liquid that was actively removed from the body due to the diuretic effect of alcohol. Very often, with hangover, people complain about the lubrication in the whole body. It arises, because Ethanol prevents the onset of the phase of fast sleep - as a result, a person cannot fully relax, and that means it feels broken and unhappy.

From a medical point of view, alcohol is a poison, but a state of intoxication that it causes is nothing but a symptom of complex poisoning of the body. Therefore, the hangmest syndrome after an alcoholic party accompanies nausea, at which the appetite completely disappears, pain in the stomach occurs. These symptoms can last for a very long time, while artificially provoked vomiting leads to improved well-being, but does not get rid of nausea completely. This is explained by the fact that alcohol in large quantities leads to an irritation of a vomiting center in the brain.

For your information:

If a vomiting appears after alcohol, it is not necessary to stop it immediately - the gTR is cleaned from the poisons remaining in it. Anxious symptom - if only bile and water come out with vomit.

Symptoms from the brain and CNS

With prolonged exposure to ethanol, the cerebral cells occurs, and nervous activity is disturbed. A person becomes especially susceptible to external stimuli and suffers from various pains, and therefore, a period of hangover, he usually spends in bed. The consequences of brain poisoning and nerve cells are becoming:

  • increased irritability of sound and light;
  • memory losses;
  • dizziness;
  • shivering in fingers.

Morning headache is one of the most pronounced signs of a wagon syndrome, which appears due to the destructive effect of ethyl alcohol on. The erythrocyte shell is damaged, they begin to stick together, as a result, small vessels are clogged, disturbing the normal blood circulation. Since the brain is inconsistent with the power, its cells are beginning to die, and to prevent mortgage processes, the organism sends a liquid to the dead neurons that flips them together with slags. The flow of a large amount of water in the brain causes pain syndrome, although some people have no people.

The widespread signs of hangover also include increased sensitivity to sharp sounds, light, smells, it seems that everyone around says very loudly, and the surrounding colors are too bright. This is one of the manifestations of the negative effect of alcohol to the central nervous system. For the same reason, the next morning after a person parties often accompanies depression: he tormented shame for yesterday, which is aggravated by the inability to remember some points. However, the feeling of repentance is observed in cases where there are no failures in memory.

Due to the fact that ethanol causes strong poisoning of neurons and violates the balance of electrolytes, a person suffers in a hangmelist, which appear when trying to get out of bed. At the same time, the pulse is studied, nausea is intensified. Also, a person notices that his hands are shaking, which is explained by the impact of alcohol on the spinal cord. It disrupts the functioning of neurons responsible for the braking functions and regulation of proprioceptive stream from the muscles. As a result, the muscle tone is disturbed, a shiver appears in the fingers, and sometimes the tremor of voice ligaments arises.

Features of the hangover after the feed

The intensity of the symptoms of the hangover after the feed is significantly higher than after a single abuse of alcohol, and the restoration is required for a person more time. As a result of multi-day drinking alcohol, so strong that requires treatment in the hospital. As a rule, all signs of an ordinary hangover are observed - headache, nausea, thirst, a sense of breakdown, but in a more pronounced form. Among the specific signs of hangover after the feed, the following are allocated:

  • trembling in the whole body;
  • disturbed coordination of movements;
  • convulsions;
  • psyche disorders;
  • disorders of thinking.

If with the usual hangmel syndrome there is a tremor of the fingers of the hands, then after a long abuse of alcohol, a strong trembling of the head, eyelids, language and the whole body appears. This is the result of the long exposure to alcohol on the CNS. Also, the neurological signs of a strong hangover include reduced muscle tone, disturbed coordination of movements, as a result of which the gait becomes clumsy and uncertain. If the intoxication is very heavy, strong convulsive seizures are possible, during which a person involuntarily emits urine and bounces the language, which may suffocate.

Complications after Zavoy

Long-term filing leads to violations not only physical, but also mental health. A person appears serious problems with night bed: it is shortened and filled with nightmarish dreams or completely disappears. The memory is significantly worse, the concentration of attention is reduced, expressed depression arises. Characteristic signs of a hangover after a long-standing bobby are also infringement of thinking. After a feed man becomes slow, it may take 10 minutes to give an answer to the elementary question, it becomes insensitive.

For your information:

Nightmalls and insomnia enhance irritability and aggression, so the person becomes potentially dangerous and requires treatment in the hospital.

The symptoms of prolonged feed are also becoming delusional states when the patient complains the unrelated thoughts and memories, associations. He loses the ability to work, ceases to joke, loses the concepts of morality. If a repentance is tormented by repentance, although he did not care if he didn't care if he did not care if he was not worried about the alcoholic get, then had his words or resentment to someone from their relatives. It turns out to be completely disoriented, often can't understand where it is and cannot even remember his name.


Information in the article is exclusively information and is not instructions for use. Consult your attending physician.

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    ✪ Effective methods of getting rid of hangover. Scientific approach. What to do?

    ✪ How to treat hangover (alcohol abstineent syndrome)?


Greetings you friends! My name is Tsameulin Boris, you are on a video channel of the CMT project scientific approach and today we will talk about a hangover and how to deal with this unpleasant ailment. There is a lot of efficient and not very funds to quickly understand in whose apartment you are. Someone suggests a buffalo milk, someone advises to drink a raw egg with brandy. But what does science and medicine say on this? Are there any actually effective methods. How to minimize problems? Today we will not talk about the dangers of alcohol. I collected for you the latest recent data on medical methods of getting rid of hangover. There are no information in RuNet. Exclus. Alcohol drink and drink. I will not tell about the harm. I will not tell today. I finally acquire the material for the roller - I go to sites - everywhere absolutely unreasonable recommendations on the use of a variety of drugs. From the hangover offered from 20 different pills, drops, mixtures, etc. This can be confused. Let's first find out what a hangover is? Friends - take patience. The first part of the issue tells about the mechanisms that cause a hangover. It is definitely known to everyone. Knowing the reasons are easier to understand whether certain methods work or not. For those who have a headache and who hurry - see the timecodes in commets to the video. So! The hangover is when the toothbrush does not fit in the mouth because it is from shoes. A hangover is the result of the action that alcohol has on the body. The status of a hangover is called a hangmel syndrome. Sometimes they write that "the scientific name of the hangover is" abstineent syndrome "." This is not true! Abstineent syndrome is a painful state in the absence of a new dose of drugs, including alcohol, if a person is ill and alcoholism. A hangover is a difficult condition expressed in headaches, nausea and vomiting, disorder of digestion, trembling of hands, weakness, increasing or decreasing blood pressure and general ailment. Another healthy person after a strong break feels disgusted with thought about drinking. It is believed that if this is not, then a person is for a trap to alcoholism. You will not believe! The processes that lead to the hangover are still poorly studied. Research is very small. Highly. And this is at least strange - the reason to think about lovers of world conspiracies ... How does alcohol act on a person? The first thing that happens with alcohol when hitting the liver is its transformation (oxidation) into acetaldehyde. This is engaged in an enzyme called alcoholdegeganaz. This acetaldehyde is the most toxic component. This is poison. The faster the body will produce its detoxification, the faster you will become easier. This is the first stage. The second stage is the conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Acetic acid is safe. This also occurs mainly in the liver, but already with the aldehydehydehydrogenase enzyme. Here already alcohol is destroyed in the blood, but acetaldehyde is much and because of it begins a hangover. In the excess of alcohol in the blood, enzyme systems do not cope with the total conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid. And then the hangover begins. Too quickly pour into the furnace. The liver does not cope. Acetaldehyde is 10-30 times toxic than alcohol itself. If you do not work well this enzyme, destroying acetaldehyde, then hangover you always have a tough. Get used to - this is genetics. And if alcohol goes back to the body very quickly, then you will bexicated unequivocally faster than if the same dose you will be saved for an hour. But the hangover will be stronger, because Disposal toxic acetaldehyde to be inhibited during the excess of alcohol in the blood. Therefore, we want to reduce the symptoms of the hangover - the maximum inhibit the flow of alcohol into the blood. Of course, if there is no desire to get drunk in meat. The biochemistry described above explains why different peoples have different brewing traditions: most people of East Asian origin have a mutation in a gene that is responsible for the production of alcohol dehydrogenase, which causes this enzyme to be incredibly intensively converting ethanol into acetaldehyde. Alcohol in toxic acetaldehyde is turning quickly, 30-100 times faster than Europeans. . In addition, half of such people reduced the ability to convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Therefore, from a low dose of alcohol, they get a fierce hangover. From here, apparently, the culture of beytia from small vessels, which allows you to slow down the admission of alcohol, so that the body will have time to recycle. And in general, they drink them less. Thus, after the adoption of alcohol, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, which causes the effect of the "Alcohol Rumyanta" with the subsequent severe hangover. For this reason, among such people there are fewer alcoholics. But to say that Yakuts and Chukchi, and indeed the eastern guys because of this become alcoholics quickly - erroneously. I will tell you more about this in the next issue. Ethanol → Acetaldehyde → Acetic acid As a result of these actions to destroy alcohol in the body, a failure in the work of some systems in the liver fails. We drop the blood sugar level. I disable on the screen not to ship with unnecessary information. For the above-mentioned two oxidation reactions of ethanol, the transformation of NAD + (nicotinyndaenindinucleotide) in NADH is also required (restored NAD +). With an excess of NADH, the production of three enzymes of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (citrate synthetases, and the oxoglutarate-dehydrogenase complex) is reduced to their full blocking. Begins to accumulate the pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) and excess NADH causes lactate dehydrogenase to synthesize lactate from the piruvat to fill NAD + and support life. Thus, the pyruvate is withdrawn from other processes, such as gluconeogenesis, which deprives the liver of the possibility of compensating for the drop in the level of glucose, especially in the brain. The resulting lack of glucose (hypoglycemia) contributes to such symptoms of hangover, such as fatigue, weakness, mood breakdown, reduced attention and concentration. As a result, people have a blood glucose level in the blood of a hangover. This condition is called hypoglycemia. There are research and on ordinary people, and in diabetics. What is really the reason - until the end is not clear. But the fact is a fact. Sugar drops. We will remember this in order to make your recipe for a hangover treatment. Why are different drinks cause different hangover and different intoxication? The dose is not always important in alcohol. Plays the role and drink itself. It is believed that the presence of other substances (such as Furfurol, methanol, polyphenols, esters, tanning substances, amines, and amides), appearing along with ethyl alcohol during fermentation, significantly enhances many symptoms of hangover. And a lot of sigh oils in brandy, wine, tequila, whiskey, liqueurs and other dark drinks. Zinc and other metals for sweetening of the beverage are also added to strong alcoholic beverages. And the falsified drink from the crude technical alcohol and do not need to speak. These facts explain the relative softness of the hangover when using pure alcohol, for example, vodka. In the experimental formulation, 33% of patients who consumed Bourbon in the calculation of 1.5 g / kg body weight experienced a rigid hangover. And only 3% of those who used the same dose of vodka (in recalculation of pure ethanol) experienced a heavy hangover. Do you feel the difference? Rule - the lighter, the less hangover. The highest level of hangover at Brandy, Wine and Roma. Students After Consuming Beer, Wine or Liquor. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research (2006) 30 (Suppl. 6): 53a. Question. And what about carbonated drinks? Do they speed up alcohol in blood. Yes, accelerate. Here is a study. It had people who drank just vodka. Others drank vodka with water. Third drank vodka with gas production. The concentration of ethanol in the blood was higher in those who drank carbonated alcohol. This is due to the fact that due to bubbles in the gas production, the surface of the absorption of alcohol increases. So if you want to intoxicate less - do not drink carbonated drinks. It is dangerous to mix not specifically vodka and beer, but carbonated and non-carbonated alcoholic beverages. Here you can recall the ERS - a mixture of vodka with beer. Intoxication comes quickly. All because as with champagne - beer foam, often gas. As they say vodka without beer money on the wind .. I probably heard that sugar enhances intoxication that sweet cocktails like soda accelerate suction. It turns out that it is not. All the opposite. Just sweet drinks decrease you less drunk, because Slightly slow down the receipt of a 12 pans from the stomach of the liquid. Here is a study in which dietary drinks and sweet have been experiencing. And drinks without sugar by 11% more than the concentration of alcohol in drinkers. About how water is absorbed, cold soda, and why it is possible to eat during meals - right here. Therefore, we want to reduce the symptoms of the hangover - the maximum inhibit the flow of alcohol into the blood. Drink sweet non-carbonated drinks. And, of course, bright. Better vodka chiogan. Scientific campaign necessarily requires an experiment. Science without an experiment - naked theory, is not it? Water-salt balance and acidity of blood. Dehydration. It is "Bodun". It is "Sushnyak". In the mouth dry. And I really want to drink. And all because the alcohol has a very strong watering ability. The replenishment of the water-salt ballage is one of the important, but not the main methods of combating a hangover. Here we have one plate, in which changes in hormones were tracked in patients with hangover. The severity of the hangover is proportional to the concentration of antidiuretic hormone, which is responsible for the accumulation of urine goes correctly. Alcohol suppresses the effect of antidiiuretic hormone on the kidneys, thereby causing diuresis. Water comes out "forcibly", we still lose urine electrolytes (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium), and the water intake does not occur properly if you certainly do not take a five-liter watercloth with you in the bar. And then we begin to sober, the concentration of alcohol in the blood decreases, but dehydration is preserved. In the blood in an antidiuretic hormone, it is already working fine, because we lost a lot of water - it needs to be saved. There are several clinical trials during which it turned out that hydration or restoration of the water-salt balance weakens, but do not completely remove the symptoms of the hangover. In the blood serum, aldosterone and renin also grows after taking alcohol, but unlike antidiuretic hormone, they do not correlate with the severity of the hangover. About how this system works and I told about the cause of edema here. Well, as a result, the imbalance in hormones, which are responsible for the output of water and salts - and we have a stealing face and drying. Who says: "We lose potassium and magnesium" - right 100%. Syndrome of the hypomagnemiology, or magnesium deficiency, in chronic alcoholics, the norm and violation of the ballage of potassium and sodium. Remember the acetic acid, which is produced during the processing of alcohol? And remember even the fact that the body lacks glucose. And the lactic acid accumulates. And ketone bodies. So all these factors cause blood oak. Doctors call this phenomenon - acidosis. As a result, the acidity of blood falls. We have problems. Headache causes headaches with hangover poorly studied. There is evidence that this is due to the water-salt balance. Magnesium ceases to block calcium channels in cells and calcium freely penetrates the cells, causing them excessive. Hence, a person has a state of nervousness and irritability and a headache appears. Moreover, the change in the water-salt balance and the rehydration also causes the head more. Explain on the fingers - brains swell. Strong headache is also provoked by a large strong effect on alcohol on the vessels, which is disturbed by the normal blood flow in the head of alcohol still has an impact on various neurotransmitters and hormones, which are involved in the pathogenesis of headaches, including histamine, serotonin and prostaglandins. Another study showed that acetic acid or acetate in rats caused headaches. In addition, there is a biochemical explanation of this fact. High levels of acetic acid caused adenosine formation in the brain. But when the rats gave caffeine, which blocks the effect of adenosine, they no longer have experienced headache. Systematic methanaliz 16 studies showed that caffeine does not affect the state of alcohol intoxication. However, you can note that caffeine can help eliminate headaches. The stomach. Long finding alcohol in the stomach causes its irritation and subsequent nausea. Alcohol stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Therefore, the absence of food during the drinking can be and give you faster to get drunk, but the consequences of such actions are very unpleasant. This will be said in more detail by the dismantling methods of the oohmine. There are doctors who offer to drink on an empty stomach in order to avoid slow alcohol suction and intoxicate faster. They are easier to control the receipt - immediately feels. However, apparently such people did not deal with gastritis and ulcers. What is so that, but a rigid hangover or chronic ulcer - a choice, I think, not so complicated. Never, under no circumstances drink on an empty stomach. Ulcers and erosion - a huge problem. Do not risk once again. In general, passed through all the main aspects. Now the question. What to do? Let's make a small conclusion on the basis of what has been said and then let's talk about the tablars and additives. The first thing I wanted to say. Do not smoke while taking alcoholic beverages. Nicotine's poisoning can also increase the severity of the hangover, since under the influence of alcohol smokers smoke more often than usual (as well as sometimes they snatch those who do not smoke in a sober state). Second. To reduce the hangover, it is important to slow down the flow of alcohol into the blood. No one to say to drink less, although it would be perfect. Just drinking slower, stretching pleasure in order to give their enzymes to utilize alcohol and acetaldehyde. To do this, we choose non-carbonated and sweet drinks. Secondly, we do not put on dark alcohol. The lighter product, the smaller the impurities in it, the smaller the hangover will be. Vodka in this case is perfect. Third. Relax. There is a study that has shown that if you are in stress if you worry, then alcohol is absorbed faster and peak concentrations above. Stress causes an acceleration of gastric emptying in a 12 pans. And the thin intestine alcohol is absorbed a lot faster. Therefore, we worry less, and less drink the fourth. The stomach when food falls, the pylorial valve in the lower part of the stomach is closed in order to handle food into the chimus. About this in more detail in my issue here. Food consumption in time of beytia can 20% reduce blood alcohol peak. Gradual receipt - a guarantee of a smaller hangover. Yes, and in addition, we protect the stomach as in any way from ulcers and irritation. However, there is a snag. If slower is absorbed, then we may seem a little. Tight food accumulates the incoming alcohol in the stomach and intestines, so drunk gradually. You can almost imperceptibly to gain a toxic dose what I will say require consultation with your doctor. If we have been able to eat problems with the stomach after the break, we can consume any antacids. These are drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach. For a couple of days, many have heartburn and problems after a fun weekend. So this state is not completely normal. Be sure to use preparations to reduce the acidity of the stomach. Such measures significantly reduce nausea. Maybe the hangover will not cure, but in any case it will be only better. Moreover, I would recommend to consume antacids and to the break - so safer. Moreover, the composition of some antacids includes magnesium. Magnesium is an element that is actively lost with alcohol consumption. Fifth. We restore blood sugar levels. In the morning with a hanging well used a sweet drink or eat sweets. More carbohydrates. Better not fatty sweets. In any case, if you are diabetic, it is better not to drink. At all. Seriously. Two presented studies suggest that the consumption of sweet drinks or sweets, or in general glucose, as during drinking alcoholic beverages improved the general condition. There is very little data. But this is at least some real confirmation of the effectiveness of this method. I offer ordinary sugar with a hangover with tea or sweet juice. Any sweet drink. But not sour! It is important not to provoke an increase in acidity. And during the very spinning, it is better to lean on carbohydrate products with low fat - crackers, cookies, popcorn. They, as they slow down suction, and raise blood sugar levels and reduce nausea and discomfort. Fat foods are not reconcted, because They can provoke vomiting. Sixth. Vomiting and other. If in the morning after the feast and during you it is very sick or even tear, then you do not need to restrain the natural urge. Thus, the body is understandable to it in the method of poisoning substances. Therefore, take preparations that restrain vomiting and remove nausea (anti-methyetics), no need. Most likely, these unpleasant symptoms will go through abundant drinking. There is a bike that the intelligence officers who had to eat and drink with colleagues were tight recommendations - to call after the feast of vomiting. And it is reasonable. During vomiting, be sure to drink more fluid. Better warm. Warm water contributes to the easiest liberation of the stomach. In the morning it is extremely recommended to dispense the kishenik and clean the stomach. Alcohol annoys the intestines and can act as a laxative. Therefore, if diarrhea is even good. All because part of the decomposition of alcohol is still in the intestine in the mixture with hiding masses can be an additional buffer and fue you to ethanol in the morning and the products of the decay of alcohol under the action of intestinal flora. This is called the second wave of intoxication due to alcohol, which is additionally released from the intestinal depot into the blood when diluted with food and wheel weights, therefore, a cardinal, but the correct solution is enema or laxative. Laxative recommended on the base of salts. They act quickly and efficiently. For example, classical magnesia, or a Karlovar salt, or magnesium sulfate. Sale in a pharmacy. It is worth a penny. Package on a glass of water. Do not forget to constantly drink. 2-3 hours will have to run every 15 minutes in the restroom, but extremely effective. And consult with a doctor sitting on a pot. Vomot is better to cause a maximum of several times. Once it is not bad - the stomach will be cleaned. But the stubborn vomiting is fraught with Mallory-Weis syndrome - life-threatening bleeding from the next mucous membrane of the lower esophageal and bordering the stomach. You can solve the mucous membrane. Therefore, vomiting, laxative or enema - and you like a cucumber. Wild, yes. And on the other hand, it is more effective that you can come up with. Many will offer to get drunk activated carbon or what kind of smects. You can use enterosorbent type enterosgel. It may even be effective. But late. If you use such measures right during drinking alcohol, drinking activated carbon and enterosgel with vodka - can help. But then the effect of alcohol will be less. And in the morning, when everything passed half the path in the intestine - enterosorbents simply can not catch up in the intestine your yesterday's dinner. Therefore, the most successful option immediately after the break before bedtime is very effective. Packet two, or according to the instructions. You decide. Seventh. Water balance and acidity of blood. We have already spoken about the mechanism of fluid loss. It is very important to restore both the water ballane and salt. Do you know why the marinade is so effective? Marinade is salt, sodium chlorine and water. This is the fact of water and salt, which we have lost. The same success also use mineral water. That is why they help - this is water and salt. But Marinade is Comilfo. A scientific approach requires scientific solutions. What do we need to do? We need to fill the water ballane, return the acidity of blood to normal, fill the salt ballane. We buy a drug recider in the pharmacy. And in the store soda. For those who are in a tank: the regider is physical. Used to replenish the water salt and acid ballage of the body. Safe and efficient thing. The bag is diluted on a liter of water. Add about 5 grams of soda. Soda effectively displays blood acidity in the alkaline side. There are studies on this topic. This is necessary for us, because We are in acidosis. Drink liter. Drink a solution according to the scheme. It is simple - first two glasses of water. Then a break of 10 minutes. The next portion is a half cup. And again a break of 10 minutes. Then - a glass. And after another 10 minutes - Fullack. So in half an hour you will drink a liter of water, which is quite enough for our purposes. But struggling with dehydration, the body reflexively conducts and passive alinoxication. So, when you drink a liter of solution, you should be activated by the urinary. It's good. Attention! If you drank a laxative based on magnesium sulfate - the Council below is not for you. You will also be enough salts. But if you are not laughing and did not drink antacids, then it is recommended to add pills "Panangin" or "Aspark" into the regider. There is any pharmacy. These drugs contain potassium and magnesium salts. About the washing of magnesium we talked. Grind 4- 5 tablets, dissolve them in the Liter of Regardon. After you drank this solution - continue to drink water normally, you can coffee or tea. Particularly cheerful and caffeine tablets are suitable. Bol will help. The more drink, the more detoxification will be held. My friend Gleb, with whom we shot the issues about the injections, works as an ambulance doctor. Quite often, he has to raise people after the festivities. Tomorrow a business meeting, but from the bed do not get up. Here, doctors put a dropper into Vienna pouring physically (read "NaCl") and glucose. More precisely, the so-called Ringer's solution. Plus add vitamins / minerals there and some tranquilizers. Plus, sometimes, hearty. You sleep firmly, run in the restroom, forget about drywalk immediately. Sport for a long time. All is well, but worth the money. Also, physicians to combat acidosis are poured a 4% sodium bicarbonate solution. Drops are very effective. But not everyone can rush themselves. Therefore, we simply reproduced a dropper, but not to Vienna, but in the stomach. Eighth. Effective, but very difficult tool. Move. In order to reduce acidosis, it is worth walking, breathing out the fresh air and drive blood. By the way, the smell of the fume is the smell of acetaldehyde. And this smell is not from the stomach, but from the lungs. More active respiration - excess acetaldehyde with breathing is faster. But what about the dehochelle? Stack of vodka and a flaw? I think it is clear that this is the worst of the options. But why does he work? Everything is simple. Have you heard of methyl alcohol and methanol? This is an extremely toxic poisonous connection. However, in conjunction with ethanol, ordinary food alcohol is safe and found in some drinks. Especially in low-quality. Or in incorrectly prepared. Methanol is neutralized by ordinary alcohol. And in the morning we feel the effect of methanol. This is how it is possible to explain the temporary termination of the symptoms of a hangover. Since methanol is effectively neutralized during drinking - no negative effects. But as soon as Ethanol has ceased to do - we feel the residual effects of methanol micro hydraulic effects. This is one of the explanations of the hangover. Here we are talking about small doses, of course. And what about pills, drugs? I specifically left these funds at the very end. And not because they are harmful. Just most of the means from the hangover is not effective. Help mainly painkillers. But they have their own side effects. You can not interfere with alcohol with medicines! Often the cause of deathal or critical consequences of alcohol is not at all the amount of drinking alcohol - life-threatening is a combination of alcohol with medicines. All jars of flasks are green that they are sold in pharmacies like apochemlin and other pacifiers. Money for wind. And they are not small 100-200 rubles. You lacks the liter of water in the body and salts - and you drink some kind of syrup in the hope that it will help. Will not help. Painkillers of course help, but have strong side effects. Do you need it? At least everything is now presented in the market - on my personal opinion is unreasonably expensive and not efficient. Help the most different painkillers. But they are extremely harmful. Paracetamol in no way use - it is toxic in combination with alcohol and a strong beats on the liver. Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid is an effective anti-inflammatory and anesthetic. It is used yet naproxen. The problem is that these funds are very aggressive in relation to the stomach. It is extremely recommended to apply them. Take drugs based on ibuprofen with alcohol is prohibited. Tablets from headaches, often aspirin, citrate, special preparations (Alka-Zeltser and other), made on the basis of the same aspirin, but worthwhile more. The effect is reverse due to excessive load on the liver (citrate and at all, in its composition paracetamol, which in combination with alcohol causes a direct hepatotoxic effect). Therefore, any pills for the treatment of hangover is a very bad idea. Exceptionally bad. Therefore, it is better to use the recommendations that I brought in the video. Caffeine can help from headaches. There are tableted forms. Recommend. So! What else do we have in stock? TCTenamic acid TC is an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis (means that inhibit the formation of a peripheral polymer pain - prostaglandin), the use of which can significantly reduce the symptoms of the hangover. True, it is worth considering that the tests under the study took a drug containing 200 mg of crowdenamic acid before the use of alcohol, i.e. As far as he facilitates the symptoms of a hangover if he takes it after "party" in the morning - it is not clear. Gamma Linoleic Acid (GLK) GLK, is an indispensable omega-6 fatty acid, occurring in the oil of Enothera, Borago oil, in rapeseed oil, soybeans, walnuts, flax seeds (linseed oil), seeds of perilingal seeds, cannabis seeds. In the organism, the GLK is synthesized from linolenic acid (LC) using the delta-6-desaturasis enzyme. In one study (though unpublished, unfortunately), it seems like the GLK, significantly reduced the symptoms of the hangover. Vitamins in a group of persons who were on the eve of a glass of 40% vodka (in recalculation to the total fraction of alcohol of 100 grams per person), when taking a mixture of: 250 mg of dry yeast, 0.5 mg of thiamine nitrate, 0.5 mg of pyridoxine hydrochloride, 0.5 mg riboflavina; There was a significant improvement in the hangover state (reducing the symptoms of discomfort, nervousness and anxiety). Vitamin B6 (Pyritinol - its synthetic analog) reduces the number of hangmestick symptoms by about 50% in one study. Seventeen men and women took part in the experiment. Fifty percent of the participants received 1200 mg vitamin B6 (400 mg at the beginning of the party, 400 mg in three hours, and 400 mg after a party), and the other half of the subjects received placebo. As a result, Vitamin reduced twice the symptoms of a hangover. The mechanism of this effect is unknown. Research on other vitamins, including vitamin C No. Stack "Antipochmeline" Combination of green ginger, turmeric, pepper, green tea extract, salt, lemon and ascorbic acid and fructose, showed itself as an excellent means to combat hanging syndrome (the researchers thought) a mixture of calcium carbonate and vegetable coal actually The study was tested by the commercial preparation "Party Smart" (consisting of a combination of 615 mg calcium carbonate and 345 mg of vegetable coal, but globally probably not the essence ... although they can have some other secret ingredients there, who knows him?), which were taken in the process of alcohol abuse (2 capsules before the start, and every 2-3 hours there are 2 more capsules). Below on the chart, data on the middle ball of hangover and alcohol content in the blood 10 hours after taking alcohol are presented. But it's judging throughout the registered study. And there is a study of 2005, the most common means from the hangover who gave Google in 2005: aspirin, bananas, barley grass, Burocca, complexes containing vitamins of group B, vitamin C, calcium, mixture "Cardamom + amonyium + leather mandarin + citrus peel + Ginseng + Atratylodez + Dry Mushroom + Mass Fermenata + Dried Ginger + Propolis; Bloody Mary (Alcohol), Cabbage, Calcium Carbonate, Charcoal, Coffee, Cysteine, Eggs, Physical Activity, Clean Air, Fruit Juice, Ginseng, Glutamine, Green tea, honey, hot bath, ibuprofen, ice bubble, hemodialysis, milk cocktail, multivitamins, paracetamol, pizza, alkoprotector RU-21, shower, sleep, amber acid, various non-alcoholic cocktails containing olive oil, raw eggs, ketchup, Tabasco or Worcester Sauces, Lemon Juice, Pathel, Water, ... Well, in general, you can see a complete list, made by scientists yourself: The conclusion made by scientists: failed to detect convincing Both evidence, in support of the effectiveness of any of these drugs / products / substances for the prevention or treatment of alcoholic tinker. Science does not know until the end of the best method. Mostly additives do not work. Restoration of the water-salt ballage + a bit of additives is the best option. Therefore, using each of the methods proposed in the rollers, we can even brighten up a little tomorrow. In general, we summarize and summarize! The ideal scheme. An hour before the booze, we begin to drink antacids. We drink during and after. Four tablets are enough. We drink only bright non-carbonated drinks. Do not smoke to avoid nicotine poisoning. We are honecing with carbohydrate low-lived crackers, etc. If a desire to snatch appears - do not hold back. It is advisable to drink slowly without hurrying in a calm peace of mind. Already when we go to bed, unless of course we are able to drink enterosorbents. And more, drinking with plenty of water. In the morning got up, pulled out, drunk antacids. Do not accept painkillers and other things. This is very harmful. Beginning to think - if it is very bad and there is a desire - you can make an enema or glorify magnesium sulfate. If there is no desire, we move on. Throughout all actions, we constantly drink water. It will only be better from it. We eat a lot of sweet or drink sweet non-acid drinks. Only 10 liters at times do not drink for God. Moderation is a guarantee of health. Energetics do not recommend because they are usually sour, which is not useful for the stomach in our condition. Drink a strong coffee or walk the couple of caffeine pills. If there is a vitamin and mineral complex at home and yeast - all drink everything. A few tablets. Next, dissolve the regider in the liter of water. It's not bad to add sugar there. Then you can not bathe at all with sweet drinks. Asparcs or Panangin will be rapimsy. But if you were laughing with magnesium sulfate, then we skip this item. Scheme for harsh men - a bag of regider in a glass + 2 caffeine tablets + vitaminally miner complex with an elevated content of group B, Asparkam, Panangin. We knead in a liter of water and drink. Scheme for the rich - we call a doctor put a dropper. Scheme for Nishchebrudes - do not drink. Friends! And how do you sleep? Tell about it in the comments to the video. Remember, if the hangover is not treated - it passes in one day. If treated - for ten. If the material seemed helpful to you, subscribe to our channel SMT scientific approach. The button is in the corner of the screen. So you can follow new interesting materials. As you know, I have opened the site. There we publish fresh and useful materials on the topic of food, health, additives and training. Also for discussion, we have a forum where you can find people with similar interests and proms. Link to this material in the text form is a description of the video. There are links to scientific sources and literature, for those who scream - where are the links? Links to the site, on my page VKontakte, on our public vkontakte, on my instagram and tweeter, too, are in the description of the video. Join public, add to friends, subscribe to all social networks to follow the news and always be aware. If you have suggestions on the topics of new videos - there is a special branch on the forum on the site. Leave your comments in the comments to the video and do not forget to tell friends about this video. Thanks for the view, and of course good luck to you and courage to achieve all your goals.


The causes of the hangover are definitely not known. Ethanol causes an increased urine formation (increased diuresis), which leads to the occurrence of headaches, dryness in the mouth and feeling of fatigue, prostration, dehydration.

Another factor promoting a hangover is the formation of ethanol decay products in the liver:

Ethanol → Acetaldehyde → Acetic acid

In the liver, an intermediate conversion (oxidation) of ethyl alcohol in acetaldehyde is occurring using an alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme, and then the conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid using the enzyme acetaldehydehydhydrogenase. In excess of alcohol in the blood, enzyme systems do not cope with the total conversion of acetaldehyde into acetic acid, as a result it accumulates in the body. Acetaldehyde (ethanal) is 10-30 times toxic than alcohol itself. In addition, alcohol causes the formation of the CYP2E1 enzyme, which itself can form toxins and free radicals.

For the above-mentioned two oxidation reactions of ethanol, the transformation of NAD + (nicotinyndaenindinucleotide) in NADH is also required (restored NAD +). With an excess of NADH, the production of three tricarboxylic acid cycle enzymes (citrate synthetases, isocyrtratehydrogenases and oxoglutarate-dehydrogenase complex) is disturbed until their full lock [ ]. Begins to accumulate the pyruvate (the final product of glycolysis) and excess NADH causes lactate dehydrogenase to synthesize lactate from the piruvat to fill NAD + and support life. Thus, the pyruvate is withdrawn from other processes, such as gluconeogenesis, which deprives the liver of the possibility of compensating for the drop in the level of glucose, especially in the brain. Since glucose is the main source of energy for the brain, then the disadvantage of glucose (hypoglycemia) contributes to such symptoms of the hangover, as fatigue, weakness, mood breakdown, reduced attention and concentration.

It is also believed that the presence of other substances (such as the fusion oils) appearing together with ethyl alcohol in the fermentation process significantly enhances many hangmelel symptoms. Zinc and other metals for sweetening of the beverage are also added to strong alcoholic beverages. These facts explain the relative softness of the hangover with the use of rectified alcohol, for example, vodka. In the 2009 study, certificates were obtained that strong drinks of darker color, such as Bourbon, cause a heavier hangover than bright. The content of Tanin in the drink also matters. Sugar also aggravates the effect, so there was a reputation of beverages, leading to a severe hangover for sweet cocktails. Dark beer or stronger will lead to a stronger hangover than a similar amount of alcohol dissolved in water. Whiskey, tequila lead to a more severe hangover than vodka, when used in equal (in recalculation to pure ethanol) quantities. The reason is that the fusion oils and other concomitant substances are not removed from these beverages to form taste and fragrance.

It is also noted that along with the loss of liquid with the urine, the man with a hangover syndrome suffers from the eats, that is, the accumulation of excessive fluid in the tissues. Thus, it can be clarified that when a hangover, a person is not dehydrated, but hypovolemia: a lack of fluid in vessels or pathological redistribution of fluid.

Nausea with hangover is caused by acidosis: a change in the acid-alkaline balance of the body into the acidic side. This is determined by the fact that alcohol processing products are predominantly sour.

Significantly strengthening the symptoms of a hangover can accompanying poisoning with fuses and other side products of distillation of alcohol, often available as part of homemade (moonshine, braga), as well as falsified from untreated technical alcohol, cheap and low-quality alcoholic beverages.

In 2009, a testing for nearly 100 volunteers, which drank vodka, Bourbon, American corn whiskey and a placebo-substitute whiskey were tested at Brown University (USA, Rhode Island). The results showed that volunteers that dodged dark drinks experienced significantly more heavy symptoms of a hangover than those who drank vodka. The head of the Damaris Jay Rosenau project indicates that heavily hangover caused impurities contained in these beverages: in Bourbon them, for example, 37 times more than in vodka.

Most people of East Asian origin have a mutation in a gene that is responsible for the production of alcohol dehydrogenase, which causes this enzyme incredibly intensively convert ethanol into acetaldehyde. In addition, half of such people reduced the ability to convert acetaldehyde into acetic acid. Thus, after the adoption of alcohol, acetaldehyde accumulates in the body, which causes the effect of the "Alcohol Rumyanta" with the subsequent severe hangover. For this reason, among such people there are fewer alcoholics.

It is often argued that the hangover is becoming heavier with age; This phenomenon is usually associated with a deterioration in the body's supply alcoholic dehydrogenase - an enzyme involved in alcohol metabolism.


For the removal of symptoms of hangover, publicly available drugs from headaches, such as aspirin or cititramon, are often used.

There are a number of funds that are positioned as specific drugs from the hangover, but most of them are various combinations of acetylsalicylic acid, ascorbic acid and succinic acid, supplemented by various additives, for example, caffeine.

A hangover is a painful state of varying degrees that occur in a person after a while after drinking alcoholic beverages. It comes due to the decay of alcohol in the body, as alcohol is poison.

May be 2 species:

  1. abstineent syndrome, which is observed with and blinds;
  2. alcoholic poisoning may occur in each person with the use of large doses of alcohol.

You should distinguish between these two states, as they arise and proceed in different ways. With ordinary poisoning there is a disgust for alcohol. With an abstineent syndrome, a person needs to drink alcohol again to return to normal condition. This is due to the violation of the fermentation process in the body after regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is already participating in the metabolism and causes physical dependence.

Thumping syndrome. it is common poisoningTherefore, it can lead to the death of a person. Its consequences can be arrhythmia, Mallori Weis Syndrome (esophageal), insomnia, hallucinations and severe dehydration. In patients with cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia can lead to death.

The main cause of hangover It is that alcoholic beverages poison the human body. The liver cells do not have time to recycle a large amount of ethyl alcohol into carbon dioxide and water, so the intermediate decomposition substance remains in the blood - acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is an even more dangerous substance than alcohol and it is he causes all the symptoms of a hangover syndrome. Thymer state is a protective reaction of the body that gives signals about severe poisoning.

Nikiforov Igor Anatolyevich, narcologist, psychiatrist, psychotherapist
Alcoholic beverages are strong diuretics, accelerate urine release, causing severe dehydration of the body. Dehydration leads to a painful state and unpleasant symptoms. The body loses fluid from the moment the person begins to drink.

Alcoholic beverages remove quickly from the body of vitamins and minerals, and also reduce blood sugar levels. Cause of hangover and headaches are the expansion of the blood vessels of the head. Also, a person can sow or prick a heart, appear shortness of breath due to dehydration.

Symptoms of alcoholic poisoning Or hangover syndrome are:

  • headache and chills;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • hand shake, high sweating;
  • depression and apathy;
  • severe weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • dyspnea.

The severity of the symptoms of a hangover It depends on which alcohol will drink and in what quantity. Weathered alcoholic beverages are heavier: whiskey, rum, brandy and champagne. Red wine in large quantities can cause severe migraine, as it contains a tiramine - histamin-like substance, so a person has a headache the day after drinking.

Characteristic a sign of a hangover is nausea and vomiting. Because of vomiting, strong dehydration and loss of beneficial substances occurs. These can join the general weakness, apathy, tremor, intestinal disorder, eye redness, increase pressure and loss of appetite. Often, a person does not want to do anything, depressed arises.
Signs of pummest syndrome There may be insomnia and other sleep disorders. It is difficult for a person to fall asleep, nightmares dreams, because of this, he sleeps badly and gets up broken. With very trembling hands. A man is very bad, but his vomiting does not arise. Heartbeat and pulse, severe shortness of breath occurs. While a person does not drink, the symptoms will not stop. There are mood differences, from aggression to complete apathy. During alcohol intoxication, an increased sense of guilt occurs. This is due to biochemical processes in the body, so a person feels guilty, although he did nothing.

Treatment of hangover

Treatment of furious syndrome Includes drugs that remove the disintegration products from the body, eliminate headaches, restore the balance of fluid in the body. The most popular means of alcohol poisoning are Alca-Seltzer, proprontane-100, Zerax, Zenalka. They can be replaced with soluble aspirin or citrate tablet if a person has no stomach or intestine ulcers and heart disease. From the headache well to take 2 tablets of citrate after meals. Vitamin C quickly removes alcohol from the body and improves the state. It can be taken in tablets or in the form of lemon juice, horseradish beam.

When discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomit is better to drink activated carbon At the rate of 1 tablet per 1 kg of human weight. You can drink 2 butt-shta tablets or loperamid hydrochloride. The following combination of preparations helps: aspirin + but-shp + activated carbon. Drink 6-8 Activated Coal Tablets, 2 NO-SHAP Tablets, 1 Aspirin Tablet immediately after taking alcohol. The head of the head will be fresh, there will be no nausea and vomiting. Activated coal adsorbs harmful substances, nos-pa neutralizes ethanol in the liver, aspirin accelerates blood circulation and reduces pressure. From the state of hangover and unpleasant smell of mouth will help vitamin B6 in ampoules. 2 ampoules pour into 0.5 glasses of water and immediately drink.

The hangover treatment should include abundant drinking simple water, cranberry morse, horseradish beam. Mineral water with lemon juice eliminates nausea, restores lost minerals and salts. It is useful to drink strong sweet tea, as it accelerates the work of the cardiovascular system. The decoction of mint or mint tea helps to eliminate discomfort in the stomach, calm the nervous system, remove headaches. To restore the stomach and intestines, it is recommended to eat fastening chicken or lightweight soup on rice or vegetables.

Treatment of hangover syndrome can be carried out using large glycose doses with ascorbic acid, if there is no diabetes mellitus. It may be food additives or sweet grapes, sweet tea, coca-cola, pepsy. With alcoholic poisoning from the body, potassium salts are washed out, so it is useful to use foods and drugs with potassium: potatoes, drinkers, sauerkraut, tomatoes, brine from cabbage and cucumbers.

Folk methods for the treatment of hangover syndrome

  • Cucumber pickle, from sauerkraut or tomatoes - high salting content replenishes the deficit of minerals in the body, hold water in the blood during dehydration. Drills need to drink small sips, making breaks.
  • Cabbage with kefir - Contains acid and potassium salts necessary after alcoholic poisoning. Mix a small amount of fresh cabbage with kefir. Mix well, pressing cabbage, then eat.
  • Enema. Cleaning enema helps to eliminate disintegration products from the intestine and liver, facilitate the general condition. You can drink a laxative for a good chair.
  • Cook cup of hot coffee or strong tea, add a slice of lemon, add a few spoons of cognac. You should drink a drink while it is hot. Removes the symptoms of a hangover and improves sleep.
  • Bloody eye is an effective cocktail from strong alcoholic poisoning. In a glass of tomato juice, pour yolk without protein, do not mix. Drink drink volley. Cocktail envelops the walls of the stomach and helps to bring alcohol from the body faster. Contains potassium.
  • Lemon with ice. A glass filled with ice, throw a lemon slice into it and pour mineral water with salt. To drink slow sips to better learned. It helps to eliminate nausea and vomiting, restores the balance of fluid in the body.
  • Fresh tomatoes with salt - contain a lot of potassium, restore the balance of minerals in the body.
  • Flakes with kefir. Take any flakes and add kefir to them, 1 tbsp. Spoon per 100 grams of kefir. Let it stand and eat. Flakes absorb harmful substances in the intestines and quickly remove them from the body.
  • Castor oil with milk. Mix 2 tablespoons of castor oil in 1 cup of milk. Milk must be hot so that the oil is completely dissolved. Cool and drink.

Adult women can not drink more than two, and men are more than four alcohol units per day. A woman uses too much alcohol if she constantly drinks more than 2 alcohol units per day. Two units are 0.5 beer bank or cider strength of 4.7%, one and a half vodka or 195 ml wine glasses. A man drinks too much alcohol if he drinks more than four alcohol per day. These are more than two beer bottles with a fortress of 4.7%, 130 ml of vodka or 400 ml of wine fortress 13%.

Alcohol consumption With a high risk for men - drink six or more alcohol units, for example, 3 or more 0.5 liters of beer bottles, and for women - drink five or more alcohol units, for example, 2 or more 0 , 5 l cider bottles. Each week should be at least 3 absolutely sober days.

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    There is the risk of an initial stage of alcoholism. But do not despair!

    without a patient's knowledge.

    discount -50% on the .

    There are signs of the second stage of alcoholism. It is urgent to take action!

    At the moment, the best results show a means of alcoholism - it is a natural-based drops that cause disgust for alcohol.

    Drops do not have colors or smell and can be given without a patient's knowledge. It is completely natural composition that allows without a patient's knowledge.

    Just now the manufacturer conducts an action and alkoprost can be purchased from discount -50% on the .

    Studies have shown the effectiveness of more than 80% when taking funds within 30 days. For the tests for the entire period, the dose of alcohol consumed up to full abandonment of alcohol decreased. More information on the link below.

    There are signs of late stages of alcoholism. Man needs to be urgently saved!

    At the moment, the best results show a means of alcoholism - it is a natural-based drops that cause disgust for alcohol.

    Drops do not have colors or smell and can be given without a patient's knowledge. It is completely natural composition that allows without a patient's knowledge.

    Just now the manufacturer conducts an action and alkoprost can be purchased from discount -50% on the .

    Studies have shown the effectiveness of more than 80% when taking funds within 30 days. For the tests for the entire period, the dose of alcohol consumed up to full abandonment of alcohol decreased. More information on the link below.

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  1. Task 1 of 5

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    Choose symptoms tested after the morning after drinking alcohol?
    (You can choose several options)

  2. Task 2 of 5

    2 .

    Did there fail in memory after alcohol consumption?

  3. Task 3 of 5

    3 .

    It happens to drink during the working week, and how often?

From a medical point of view, on the question of what a hangover is, it is possible to answer as follows: Thumpling syndrome is a state of a person who happens after some time after alcohol intoxication and characterized by general intoxication of the body.

The hangover and abstitent syndrome are characterized by the fact that the first type of hangover is diagnosed not only in alcoholics, but also from any people who used alcohol.

Symptoms of hangover

The hangover is manifested the next morning after drunk, in the evening or in the evening after the daily use of alcohol. The hangover syndrome is manifested through the following symptoms:

  • headache and dizziness;
  • disgust for food;
  • inner trembling on the body;
  • nausea and urge to vomiting;
  • drying mucosa;
  • turbidity in the eyes;
  • stool disorder;
  • elevated pulse;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • lomotation throughout the body.

Important! Often, the symptoms of the hangover include a desire to drink a similar state with alcohol ("wander"). It is impossible to do this in any case, because it continues drunkenness and a person suffers a hangover longer.

Why hangover occurs

A lot of factors affect the development of hangover syndrome. Drugstores found out why badly with hangover and led the following causes of hangover:

Other reasons contributing to the development of a hangover

In addition to the main reasons why fastened syndrome develops, there are also indirect. These include a variety of alcohol consumed. A person will feel bad when drinking alcoholic beverages with high ethanol, dyes and sugar, because These impurities have a negative impact on the liver. Such alcohol refers tequila, whiskey, etc. Any alcoholic cocktails will enhance the severity of the hangover, because A characteristic sweet taste and aroma affects the nerve pulses of the brain.

Moonshine, poor-quality vodka, pasteurized beer also contains fusen and essential oils, technical alcohol and other component elements have a long expressed hanging syndrome.

Among other things, the severity of the hangover depends on heredity and age. In people after 40 years, the splitting of ethanol is slower.

The duration of a hangover without treatment

To answer the question how many hangover lasts and how fast it can pass, it is necessary to analyze all the factors affecting it.

After how much the hangover passes depends on the following factors:

  • Degree consumed drink. The higher the degree of alcohol, the longer a person will suffer the next day. For example, vodka toxins are longer out of the body than wine toxins.
  • The amount of alcohol consumed. For example, from one bottle of beer syndrome may not be, and using a pair of liters of the drink, a hangover can delay one day.
  • Availability of snacks when using alcohol. On the hungry stomach, toxins are quickly absorbed into the blood, outlined longer.
  • Human weight. The man does not get drunk longer, he has a weaker hangover than a thin man.
  • Health status. In people with kidney diseases, the hearts of a hanging syndrome after drunken will be expressed stronger and longer.
  • Floor. In men, the process of withdrawal from the body of toxins is much faster than women.
  • The time for which alcohol will drink. If several glasses of alcohol drink in 10-15 minutes, the liver will not have time to recycle drunk, and will continue its work the next day. The hangover will be shorter if the amount of drinking alcohol is used for three to four hours.

Important! The rate of removal of toxic compounds from the body among each person is individual. To say how many days it is impossible to last the syndrome. If the symptoms of a hangover does not weaken in five days, you need to refer to the doctor narcologist for advice and begin drug treatment.

The average duration of hangover syndrome

Narcologists have installed an average of how long a hangover can last. Usually the duration of the hangover after drunken depends on the strength of the consumed alcohol and takes the following amount of time:

  • 4% beer from 36 to 20 minutes;
  • 9% Wine from 1 hour 17 minutes to 46 minutes;
  • 11% champagne from 1 hour and 35 minutes to 56 minutes;
  • 30% liquor from 4 hours 20 minutes to 2 hours 36 minutes;
  • 40% vodka from 5 hours 50 minutes to 3 hours 30 minutes.

The calculation is taken with 100 ml of alcoholic beverage.

How long is the signs of the hangover, it is impossible to say exactly. Some people may suffer up to two weeks, especially if the drunkenness of them for the first time.

If we consider the use of alcohol with a neutral side, without affecting alcoholism, then it can be safely argued that the hot drinks are capable of socializing people. For example, on noisy and large-scale celebrations like weddings or anniversaries, numerous companies are gathering, in which many more with each other are not yet familiar. In the society of unfamiliar people, it is usually difficult to communicate at ease, and the alcohol liberates and makes communication more free. Therefore, it is not sometimes not to drink at all. However, after the unlimited use of alcohol, as a rule, the body remains in a terrible state, which in the people is referred to as a hangover, and in medicine - by abstinence syndrome.

Thumping syndrome.

Thick syndrome, in fact, is the state of organic intoxication of ethanol decay products. A hangover occurs a few hours after alcohol abuse. Such a state is short-term and takes place in a few hours.

Narcologists classify three varieties hanging syndrome:

  • characteristic of long-term swallows and;
  • Alcohol intoxication arising from the non-harmony use of alcohol.

These types of hangover syndrome have different mechanisms of development, so do not need to be confused. In the case of conventional alcohol intoxication, the patient has a persistent disgust for alcohol, if there is an abstinence, it is necessary to drink alcohol to improve the well-being alcoholic.

In the case of abstinence syndrome, the need for alcohol arises due to the fact that the ethanol in a drinker becomes a mandatory element of replacement processes. With the usual hangover alcoholic syndrome, there are signs of intoxication organism and no more, the abstinence is accompanied by violations of intra-corporate activity caused by alcoholism.

The reasons

The status of a hangover arises from the supply of several factors:

  • The alcohol in the body is split to acetaldehyde, and then to acetic acid. The splitting stage to acetic acid lasts a certain time, which acetaldehyde is enough in order to poison the body and provoke a hangover.
  • Metabolic disorders. A person after drinking alcohol (due to its diuretic effect) massively loses microelements and vitamins, and this is very negatively reflected in the replacement processes and endocrine activities.
  • Liquid imbalance. Under the influence of the diuretic effect of alcohol, dehydration occurs, the blood volumes are noticeably reduced in the vessels, although in other tissues, the fluid can be significantly larger than it is supposed. Evenkers with a hangover - the phenomenon is quite characteristic.
  • An important influence on the hangover syndrome also has the type of alcohol consumed. Great drinks with a high content of fusion oils, sweeteners, flavoring amplifiers and flavors, dyes and other additives, cause a more heavy wuffing state than ordinary vodka. Such drinks include bourbon, whiskey, tequila, as well as alcoholic surrogates, etc.
  • The alcohol is negatively reflected on nervosystem structures and brain. Alcohol abuse is often accompanied, and the hangover is accompanied by excessive sensitivity to light, loud sounds or strong smells.
  • If, in addition to the use of an alcoholic person, he also smokes, then the hangover syndrome is aggravated also.
  • The state of hangover is connected with acidosis, which is a disorder of acid-alkaline equilibrium. Alcoholic metabolites create an excessively acidic medium, which becomes the cause of the imbalance.

Signs and symptoms

When the level of alcohol in the composition of blood begins to decrease, characteristic hangmels appear:

  • Strong headaches;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • An unpleasant taste in the oral cavity and harness;
  • Problems with liver, pain in its area;
  • High blood pressure;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Minor temperature, etc.

Such signs are also characteristic of abstinence, and for alcohol intoxication. They are caused by the poisoning of the body. Vomiting and nausea are a protective reaction of the body. The toxic effects of acetaldehyde applies to various intra-organic structures. The content of glucose, which is an energy supplier for all organism systems, is developing hypoglycemia to which the brain reacts with a deficit of concentration and attention, scattered and other disorders.

Due to the diuretic effect of alcohol in a drunken state from the body, it is excessively a lot of magnesium, its deficiency is developing, for which muscle weakness, irritability, chills, nervousness and arrhythmia are characterized. Hence, problems with heartbeat, tremor, pressure saccs, etc.

Regarding how much a hanging syndrome lasts, then as a rule of "torment" lasts a few hours, but no more than a day. This is distinguished by the usual hangover from alcohol abstinence, because the alcoholic after the feed, such a state for 3-5 days.
Documentary film about hanging syndrome:

Features of the flow of alcoholics

If an ordinary hangover may occur in a person rarely consumed alcohol, then abstinence develops in people suffering from alcohol dependence. That is why alcoholics hangover proceeds somewhat differently than with rarely drinking people.

From the stage of alcohol dependence, it depends on how the hanging syndrome is manifested:

  1. For the first, the disappearance of the vomit reflex, the loss of sense of measure, failures in memory, when a person does not remember some events of the past evening. At this stage, many alcohol-dependent begin to move on to the stronger varieties of alcohol. In the morning after abuse, they begin to correct the health of alcohol, however, there is no insurmount of thrust to the hard drinks, like a hangover syndrome, as such. But this feature appears - no matter how much it is drinking, a person is still not enough, he wants and continues the evening.
  2. For the second stage of alcohol dependence, the appearance of the morning hangover is characteristic. Alcoholic is already sure that he can only save him alcohol than he and he is treated. But the hangover syndrome does not pass, and the alcoholic goes into the drink, drinking the hangover next portion of alcohol.
  3. For the third and final stage of alcoholism, chronic is characteristic. The alcoholic is already physically not able to use large doses of alcohol, it is enough 50 ml of strong alcohol to intoxicate and lose control of himself. The hangover in such patients proceeds in terrible torment, accompanied by insomnia, attacks of delirium, hallucinoses, psycho-emotional redequance, etc. The third stage is rare enough, because most of the alcoholics simply lack health to live to her.

After long-term, alcohol-dependent signs of severe abstinence, at which the hands are shaking, the swinging gait, tachycardia and sleep problems appear. There are also consequences in the form of psycho-emotional disruptions, nervous disorders, disgust for food a long period of time, problems with brain activity, various kinds of phobias, etc.

Such symptoms may disturb the next morning or any other hours of day. It is quite difficult to get out of the prolon-binge. He carries a lot of problems with the body, depletes him and undermines health. During this period, alcoholic replaces the alcoholic traditional nutrition. After the filing of the alcohol-dependent, often fall into a depressive state, which is accompanied by suicidal thoughts, hallucinations, gaps in memory and similar to epilepsy attacks.


For the correct therapeutic impact, it is necessary to carry out a thorough diagnosis of hangover syndrome in order to identify concomitant pathological processes. A specialist on the basis of external diagnosis and history data makes conclusions about the involvement of either non-slip syndromes to the beginning of the abstinence syndrome.

Thrust symptoms can hide the true etiology of deterioration of well-being. If such suspicions arise, the patient is sent to additional advice and research.


The fundamental goals in the elimination of hangover are:

  • Restoration of water-salt equilibrium and liquid balance (abundant drinking of various pickles, mineral water, tea, etc.);
  • Elimination of the effects of organic dehydration;
  • Detoxification of the body (carbon activated or,);
  • Getting rid of pain manifestations (, citrate);
  • Restoration of normal head -lighting activities (speed and clarity of thinking).

If the hanging syndrome is strong, namely it does not take place for a long time, and the patient's condition is severe and cannot be eliminated, then assistance is needed in the actions of the narcological department.

Specialists typically prescribe infusion therapy with the introduction of disinfect drugs, mineral saline solutions, nootropic drugs and vitamins, as well as funds normalizing heart and vascular activities normalizing pressure.

With such a professional approach to the treatment of hang ham syndrome, the body is restored after a day. If the hangover syndrome has become an integral part of your life, then it is worth thinking about a qualified treatment of alcohol addiction.