Star Wars. Did The Last Jedi hint at Darth Revan? Jedi Civil War

Military conflicts of varying degrees of scale have rocked the Far, Distant Galaxy since the construction of the very first interplanetary ship, on board of which not only pacifist researchers set foot, but also formidable conquerors with exorbitant ambitions. Through the efforts of director and screenwriter George Lucas, viewers learned about the devastating Clone Wars, which destroyed the last beginnings of democracy and free thought in the Old Republic. Following a full-scale galactic war that placed the all-powerful despot from the Sith Order, Darth Bane, on the throne, there were no less difficult years of terror, which drove those who disagreed with the New Order into the most remote corners of the Outer Sector, where they were forced to moderate their ardor and postpone the impending uprising indefinitely. The original Star Wars trilogy took the military conflicts of the Saga to the next level of complexity, showcasing the Galactic Civil War, which pitted the last defenders of the ideals of the Old Republic against the overwhelming forces of the Empire, led by a pair of the most dangerous Sith. Subsequently, the history of the fierce confrontation between the forces of Light and Darkness continued in numerous novels, comics and video games, confirming the already well-known axiom that any civilization or culture is unable to exist without a conflict that keeps it in good shape and encourages new discoveries. The protracted struggle against the Remnant of the Empire, the epic battle with aliens from another Galaxy, the return of the Sith and many other wars continued to test the heroes' strength, delighting fans with incredible adventures and actually dangerous, dramatic events. However, we should not forget that the history of Star Wars does not begin with the Clone Wars, but in the distant past, flying through millennia.

The launch of the long-awaited Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, which chronicles the early years of Anakin Skywalker as he transforms into the sinister Sith Lord Darth Vader, has spurred novelists, artists, and video game developers to delve as deeply into George Lucas' universe as possible, and in some of the most ambitious ways projects of the constantly expanding line of thematic works based on the creation of Lucasfilm was the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, released by the BioWare studio. The release of the intriguing work came in 2003, when virtually nothing was known about the early history of the Galaxy Far, Far Away. The developers traveled back in time 4,000 years ago and introduced the audience to one of the most colorful heroes of the Saga, known as Revan. According to a brief biography compiled by a panel of authors, Revan was once one of the most skilled and authoritative Jedi fighting in the Mandalorian Wars that tormented the Old Republic for many years. The freedom-loving, overly aggressive and arrogant legion of mercenaries from the planet Mandalore turned out to be an incredibly difficult task for the Jedi, however, Revan’s leadership qualities, multiplied by incredible skills in controlling the Great Power, ultimately provided the Republic with a long-awaited victory, but this is not the end of the story of the great warrior , but it’s only just beginning Having chased the Mandalorian remnants into the thick of the Unknown Regions, Revan and his good Jedi friend Malak find a threat much more dangerous than the mercenaries. The Sith, long-forgotten opponents of the light order, return from the veil of obscurity, having accumulated enough strength to once again oppose the Republic and the Jedi, placing Revan and Malak at the head of countless legions of the Army of Darkness, who took the title Darth. Turning against their former comrades, the drugged apostates with terrifying zeal destroyed what they had previously fought for. And if one of the heroes manages to escape the shackles of the Dark Side, the second will have to follow the path of the Sith to the very end.

Unlike a number of similar game creations from the Star Wars game series, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic has a truly strong plot, emotion and drama, thanks to which BioWare’s creation acquired a completely logical sequel, and was also uniquely reborn in multiplayer. -line experiment in 2012 known as the "Old Republic". At the instigation of Lucasfilm management, the developers allowed players to take an active part in one of the largest conflicts in the history of the Galaxy Far, Far Away, without forgetting about Revan, whose tragic adventures could not be ignored. Shortly before the release of The Old Republic, through the efforts of screenwriter and writer Drew Karpyshyn, a novel was published under the simple but catchy title “Revan,” which described the return of the former Jedi to the Light Side and his final confrontation with the Sith Lords. Karpishin's creative efforts were received ambiguously by fans of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and yet his book took pride of place in the now defunct Expanded Universe, becoming the object of attention not only for ordinary readers, but also for ambitious amateur filmmakers who built their own based on the book a picture lasting more than one hour.

Brothers-directors Andrei and Stephen Shulgach built the narrative of their film, without further ado entitled “Revan,” according to the well-known canon of the Old Republic, focusing both on revelations from Karpyshyn and on the well-known game plot from BioWare, in order to exclude any historical inconsistencies. So, the action of "Revan" takes place after the main character becomes a Jedi again and returns to the front as the undisputed leader of the Light side. However, the Sith Order also does not watch idly by, and weaves its own intrigues and intrigues in order to finally bring their eternal enemies to their knees. The true trouble of the Sith is that the Dark Side never gives them peace. Instead of uniting and speaking out against the Republic as a united front, they undermine each other from within, dreaming of rising above their fellows. Thus, the story revolving around Revan is filled with ominous omens, deception, unhealthy ambitions balanced by faith in the Light, strong bonds of friendship and even love that even the Jedi cannot resist.

The Shulgach brothers’ film pleasantly surprises with its adherence to clear stylistic boundaries, thanks to which “Revan” does not turn into a banal fantasy action movie, but is a thoroughly thought-out story with meaning. At the same time, Revan’s adventures are not without spectacular entertainment, performed with the help of high-quality computer graphics and polished work on the basis of combat choreography. The opponents engaged in a duel look impressive, their movements are similar to a dance thought out to the smallest detail, sparkling with emotional tension. It is also worth noting that in terms of dramatic performance of images, the leading performers did no less confident work than in exhausting workouts in the gym. You can easily believe in the experiences of Revan, Mitra Surik and Bastilla Shan, since the actors tried to bring real, genuine sincerity into them, seasoned with personal experiences from real life, which in itself is unique for an unpretentious amateur film..

In the end, I want to say that “Revan” is an example of an excellent independent film that successfully wanders through the vast expanses of George Lucas’ Universe. The story of the Jedi returning to the Light is executed at a high artistic level, and is a must-read for dedicated Star Wars fans looking for a truly worthwhile film that can cause genuine delight.

Ryder Wyndham

Some time ago, the Trade Federation forced a Cloodavian industrialist named Trincatta to secretly build fifty droid starfighters on the planet Isselis in the Darpa sector. She provided Trinkattu with a prototype hyperdrive and had him copy the engine for installation on starfighters. Due to the extraordinary capabilities of the hyperdrive, droid starfighters could be used to launch surprise raids on almost any area of ​​the galaxy. Bama Vuk, Trinkatta's test pilot, hoped to thwart the Trade Federation...

The Old Republic: Revan Drew Karpyshyn

A long time ago in a distant galaxy... Revan: hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior. A Jedi who left Coruscant to crush the Mandalorians and returned as a dark side apprentice intent on destroying the Republic. The Jedi Council returned Revan to his former life, but the price of redemption was high. His memory was erased. All that remained were nightmares—and a deep, abiding fear. But what exactly happened to Revan beyond the Outer Rim? Revan himself remembers vaguely, but he is unable to forget. He stumbled upon some hidden danger that...

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Darth Maul – Dark Avenger-sw9 Michael Reeves

A book based on Star Wars. The location is Coruscant. The duration is a few days before The Phantom Menace. Darth Maul receives orders to remove a witness to the upcoming blockade of Naboo. But by the will of fate, a Padawan girl and a petty bandit who hates the Jedi find themselves in his way.

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What happens when you see a white tiger in the mountains and a bounty hunter walks out the door on the longest night of the year? Why do skeletons dance in cemeteries and what threatens the wrath of spirits during the holiday? Is love worth the life of a mermaid? Do you need to communicate with an uninvited guest from another world who has settled in your apartment? Why does the blue flame burn and how not to miss your chance? Look for answers to these questions in the collection of stories “Chance”, where the authors introduce readers to new stories based on the beloved universes of Kindrat and Manticore, and also open the door to completely...

Today is Defender of the Fatherland Day and I will take my cotton patriotic photo album from the dusty shelf.
This is what I looked like in the fall of 1988, before being drafted into the orderly ranks of the Soviet Army

We, conscripts, were invited to the military registration and enlistment office and were given instructions on how to appear at the conscription point. In particular, you need to have a short, but not bald, haircut. Those who came as bald as a billiard ball were threatened with a submarine fleet and three years of service. As a result, inspired by the instructions we received, we friends got together and cut each other’s hair, saving on the cost of a hairdresser. And the funds thus freed were spent on beer.

This is what happened in the end. By the way, behind my back you can see the light switch I designed. It has a designer green backlight, using a seamless indicator from the factory, and double switching on of one lamp - at full intensity and at half power, using a D226 diode and a smoothing capacitor.

And this is already in the army, I served for more than a year. I'm in the middle, to the left and right are my army colleagues. One is from Siberia, the other is from Western Ukraine.

As you can see, I was no stranger to culture - while on leave, I once even went to the Oktyabrsky KZ. I just don’t remember at all what for. The photo was taken on color slide film, which was a fucking luxury at that time.

The tendency to stay away from the authorities and closer to the place of cooking, or better yet, to lead this process, appeared in me back in those years. In this case, we secretly cook the chicken stolen from the neighboring part on a blowtorch with a special nozzle. A Ukrainian stole it; no one could have done it better than him - he had extensive practice in the village of turning off the heads of chickens. The recipe and cooking were already behind me. As I remember now, it was something like chakhokhbili.

During my years of service, I also visited Boryspil and Fergana, but I don’t have scanned photos on my computer.

To all men and women who wore and are wearing shoulder straps for the glory of our Motherland - happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, hurray!

#it_was_so_long_ago_that it's_no_sin to_remember #congratulations_fanfix

“Savior, conqueror, hero, villain. This is all you, Revan, but between this, you are nothing. In the end you will belong neither to light nor to darkness. You will always be alone!
- Darth Malak

It is not known exactly where he was born Revan. Someone says that he was born outside the territories of the Outer Rim, but nothing is known about his world and parents. But wherever Revan was born, the Jedi found him and accepted him into their academy. Revan had many teachers, but the very first was Kreia, who subsequently switched to the dark side of the force. According to Diisra Luur Jada, Revan trained on Dantooine, but was also substituted on Coruscant. Many Jedi saw Revan's pursuit of knowledge from an early age. He wanted more than the Jedi could give him. Master Vrook Lamar would later say that Revan was too eager to know more about the Force and may have sought knowledge in the ancient "secrets of the Sith." In general, whatever one may say, Revan turned out to be a good Jedi, and besides, he paid a lot of attention to the Force Link, so by the end of his training he knew about them perfectly.

Revan's turning point occurred during the Mandalorian Wars, although, in my opinion, he was plotting to leave the order even before the war. Revan, against the wishes of the Jedi Council, gathered followers and headed to the Mandalorian front. During the war, Revan gained fame as a competent commander and an unsurpassed warrior. Many Jedi were killed in this war, but the Republic won and it seemed that the long-awaited peace had come, but... Revan invaded the Republic with a huge fleet, and a new war began; war of Light and Darkness. They say that Revan turned to the dark side not only because of his pride and desire to gain power. The essence of the problem lay elsewhere: during the Mandalorian Wars, Revan visited Malachor V, which the Mandalorians themselves called their curse. Having visited this planet, the Jedi Knight learned about the existence of the “True Sith” and in order to stop this evil, he himself experienced the Darkness...

Darth Revan was now the name given to the former savior of the Republic, and now its destroyer. It seemed that the newly minted Sith Lord had an endless amount of resources, his fleet grew every day, and nothing could stop Revan. We later learn that he used the power of the Star Forge to create a huge fleet. It can be noted that Darth Revan used the Forge only to build a fleet and did not succumb to its dark side, unlike Darth Malak, his “faithful” student. It seems that the Dark Lord must want to gain unlimited power over everyone, but in reality he wanted to unite the galaxy in the face of a terrible enemy... Unfortunately or fortunately, his plans were not destined to come true. The young Jedi Bastila Shan entered the battle arena with her unique ability “Battle Meditation”. With her help, Bastila could raise the morale of her allies and disorganize her enemies. But even this did not help the Republic win the war. Then, in 3,957 BBY, a small group of Jedi led by Bastila landed on Darth Revan's flagship in the hope of capturing the Dark Lord. Revan didn't seem worried at that moment, as if he knew this was going to happen. A few seconds later, the sound of a shot was heard: Darth Malak ordered a shot at the flagship's bridge, thereby deciding to kill his teacher. The shot turned out to be accurate - the bridge was blown to smithereens, Darth Revan was more dead than alive. Bastila managed to bind herself by force to Revan and prevent him from dying. Then he was brought to the academy on Dantooine and his whole life was rewritten...

I think everyone knows the rest of the story. Darth Revan began to study with the Jedi again, not even suspecting that several months ago he wanted to take over the Republic. Revan will visit many worlds before he realizes who he is. Revan may have lost his memory, but the Power remained with him, and to some extent it even increased. The game, as everyone knows, has two endings: one for the good, the other for the bad. So, in this biography, Revan remained on the light side. After defeating his former student Darth Malok, Revan went to the edge of the galaxy, taking no one with him, as he feared for their lives. He remembered that threat - ancient, embittered - absolute evil. And in order to prevent the return of the “True Sith”, he left the Republic and his friends.

Fans of Darth Revan should hold on to their robes - there is a guess that audiences were teased a little with the famous character in The Last Jedi. The key word is "teased" as the main focus of Episode 8's plot is on the return of Luke Skywalker. There are no spoilers in the news for those who have not yet seen the film, you just need to say that Luke studied the ancient Jedi Order for many years before going into self-imposed exile on the island of Ahch-To. It seems that we are talking about the study of the followers of Revan - a great Jedi tempted by the Dark Side.

This is one of several The Last Jedi easter eggs that are easy to miss—you'd have to be a fan to notice it. For new Star Wars fans who haven't heard of the story of Darth Revan, Darth Malak, and the men who fought for them, Knights of the Old Republic is a great opportunity to learn more about it.

Because such “teases” are made for a reason; they can be counted on as a hint for a continuation.

Key to search

As stated above, Luke was on the small island of Ahch-To with his X-Wing for a reason - there is evidence that something else happened in the early past. Throughout the film, Jedi's dialogue shows Luke going deeper into the story after Ben Solo's betrayal. In addition to searching for this particular island on which the first Jedi temple was built, Luke collected a collection of ancient books and records. However, this is not the only memory that remains.

Taking a closer look at the inside of Luku's house, you can see a handmade roll of leather containing an object. This is a red crystal that is installed in every Sith lightsaber, mounted in a metal case as a "trophy". Many viewers might assume that this is the source of Darth Vader's weapon's power, left as a reminder to Luke of the darkness that consumed his father. This is a restored Jedi Crusader crystal from only one Star Wars time period.

Darth Revan - the first Jedi Crusader

The term "Jedi Crusader" may seem generic, but the absence of the Crusades hints at the specificity of such a title in the film. Those who have played the Knights of the Old Republic video game are already familiar with this story. 5 thousand years before the events of the films, the Mandalorians were the main galactic threat, their leader was “Mandalore”. Conquering worlds in honor of the ancient Mandalorian Crusaders, these “newly minted knights” grew in strength and their army, but...they were ignored by the Jedi. But not all of them - one young Knight assembled his own team and tried to call people to revanchism - the re-conquest of the worlds of the Republic.

In the future, he would become known as Revan due to his charismatic campaign and his own Revanchist followers. However, in the galaxy, thanks to the battle with Mandalore, he was given another nickname - Jedi Crusader. The story that follows is one of the most famous, compelling and important to understanding the Star Wars Expanded Universe. Told in video games, comics, and novels, Revan's life and impact on the galaxy was one of the greatest losses to be considered a non-canon Legend.

Until Luke Skywalker dug into the Jedi's history...and found something related to the character's name.

Will Revan appear in the films?

No matter how painful it is to see hundreds of novels, comics and games, it is easy to imagine such a wild decision of the screenwriters - they have a free hand, they can tell any story. It doesn't take much thought for fans to realize that the Star Wars films were inspired by the Expanded Universe. As it was added to, the writers continued to develop it deeper and deeper. Most recently, Star Wars Rebels confirmed that the Mandalorian Wars actually took place in the history of the Jedi, and Revan participated in this event. The only thing said was "The Jedi has won"...without mentioning the unknown's name or purpose.

The Last Jedi seems to be hinting at a sequel, and there's a logic to it that builds on the film's and franchise's history. A powerful, great Jedi turned to the Dark Side, his betrayal will be a wonderful exploration for Luke. Given the events with his father and Ben Solo, the fact of Revan's return to the Jedi Order also becomes noteworthy.

So how much should fans trust this nod to Jedi Crusader Revan? Undoubtedly, “Knights of the Old Republic” deserves a separate film...however, after such a detail, how will fans of the universe react?