Fruit and vegetable store: business plan. Sellers from the highway - how to make money in the summer Point selling vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are classified as food products: those products that are easy to sell. The advantages of selling vegetables and fruits as a business are constant demand. The product is valued by consumers. However, it is perishable and requires competent supply and procurement management.

What you will learn about:

Business on vegetables and fruits: model options

A fruit and vegetable store is one of the subtypes of grocery stores. The profit of a vegetable business will depend on how the entrepreneur manages sales and understands the needs of customers. The business features are similar to traditional grocery retailing.

IN major cities There is fierce competition in this area. Whether a business takes off or fails depends on suppliers, the ability to provide competent logistics, and get regular customers. That is, on how the entrepreneur wins a place in the sun from his competitors.

However, if the starting stage is completed without significant losses, then a small vegetable tent can be expanded into a grocery store. A business plan for the sale of fruits and vegetables involves expansion.

Stall, tent or kiosk in the city

An entrepreneur, in order to experience all the pros and cons of this field of activity, can start by organizing a vegetable stall. Consumers value products from such retail outlets, since stalls, tents, and kiosks with fruits and vegetables offer higher quality fresh products compared to large stores.

Important! The owner of a vegetable stall needs to establish relationships with farmers in order to directly purchase goods from them.

The supply chain from local manufacturers will allow us to offer the best product at a price that is acceptable to the consumer, since there is no need to pay for intermediary markups. Also, interaction with farmers allows you to deliver fresh goods faster than it would be through a distributor.

This will be a marketing advantage over regular grocery stores that offer average prices for average quality products.

Delivery trade

Selling vegetables and fruits as a business from a car is optimal if the entrepreneur himself is a producer and has neighbors who grow a large amount of plant products.

Delivery trade is possible at food fairs in large cities, at markets in small towns, and also in the form of a truck shop in villages.

The advantage of selling vegetables from a machine is that you do not need to pay for rent. However, there are also costs - logistics and time. Sales will be unstable - with distribution trade it is difficult to form a large customer base.

When doing delivery sales, it is important to find a place where customers can go themselves and also park their cars. If space allows, it is necessary to install several pillars and temporary signs.

As for equipment, distribution trade requires only a small table where samples of goods will be laid out. However, a refrigeration unit inside the car will be able to increase the possible assortment: add eggs, mushrooms, milk and other farm products to vegetables and fruits.

Vegetable and fruit store

The classic option is a permanent store location in an area with stable pedestrian traffic or near high-rise residential buildings.

A business plan for selling fruits and vegetables may involve opening a small premises, from 15 square meters, if it is possible to display some of the goods on the street.

The store needs a warehouse. A larger store requires an expanded assortment (due to related products from farmers) and the presence of refrigeration equipment for storing it.

The commodity accounting program Business.Ru Retail will help you maintain full-fledged warehouse accounting. Control the assortment, analyze sales, carry out inventory, capitalization, write-off and movement of goods between stores.

Features of vegetables and fruits as goods

What vegetables and fruits are best to choose for sale?

Experts suggest dividing goods into permanent and seasonal in a business plan for the sale of vegetables and fruits.

In particular, regular sales products include the following fresh vegetables:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • bell pepper;
  • hot peppers;
  • onion and garlic;
  • cabbage and Chinese cabbage;
  • greens (parsley, dill, basil, lettuce).

There is a large range of seasonal vegetables that are grown in large quantities only in open ground. The price of such vegetables is low only in season. They do not last long, so in winter they are brought to warehouses from abroad. Due to high prices, demand for imported vegetables is unstable. These products include:

  • peas;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini and zucchini;
  • beans;
  • broccoli;
  • Brussels sprouts;
  • pumpkin;
  • turnip;
  • parsnip;
  • celery and other similar vegetables.

Such vegetables should be sold in season or in case of low prices from the supplier. Note that pumpkin and turnips are shelf-stable products. They lie in a cool warehouse for several months.

Product name

Product storage conditions

Storage temperatureC°

Relative humidity, %

Acceptable storage period

Apricot, plum


Oranges are yellow

Unripe oranges

Bananas, pineapples (ripe)



Salted mushrooms




Onion and garlic


Cucumbers, pickled tomatoes

Winter apples

Summer/autumn apples

The same division exists for fruits and berries. Constant demand is recorded for bananas and apples. In some regions - pears.

In the summer, due to the large number of seasonal fruits and berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, apricots, plums, peaches, grapes), the consumer demand for citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines) decreases. However, in winter they can account for half of a store's daily revenue.

The demand for imported fruits and berries, such as mangoes, pineapples, avocados, kiwis, etc., is low but stable. Some fruit business plans are based on the sale of exotics with promotion through social media and an online store.

Range of related products:

  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • juices;
  • conservation;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vinegar;
  • dried fruits;
  • tools for preservation (in season) and special bags for freezing.

Places for purchasing products

A business plan for the sale of vegetables and fruits should include an analysis of possible places of purchase. The choice is influenced by the degree of exoticism of the product. Thus, it is profitable to purchase imported goods at wholesale centers. It is worth looking for a direct supplier only if the business expands to a large chain of stores.

To purchase vegetables and fruits of constant demand that grow in the same region, it is profitable to enter into a supply agreement with two to five farmers.

The selection of a supplier for each region of Russia differs in its specifics and pricing policy. If opportunities allow, you can study the situation in a neighboring region in order to make large purchases there (once every two weeks). However, in this case, the availability of a warehouse is important.

Market analysis

Market analysis when preparing a business plan for the sale of vegetables and fruits is needed to understand what external factors affect price and demand, as well as the structure of the market.

Despite the increase in the number farms and the policy of import substitution in Russia, the import of vegetables and fruits continues to occupy a significant market share. The reason is climatic conditions.

In our country it is impossible to grow not only exotic fruits, but also citrus fruits in large quantities. We don’t even have enough farmers with greenhouses to simply provide the entire 150 million-strong state with tomatoes and cucumbers in January.

According to statistics, the key country that supplies vegetables to Russia is Belarus. It supplies potatoes, cabbage, and is a transit state for prohibited products from the European Union.

As market analysis showed, in 2017-2018. demand grew for those types of vegetables and fruits for which prices fell. Last year, prices for food products decreased due to the strengthening of the ruble. However, demand was adjusted by the fall in real incomes of Russians.

In the future, the price will be affected by:

  • rising fuel prices;
  • increase in VAT to 20% (indirect, due to increased prices for machinery and equipment).

A small positive effect on increasing demand is caused by:

  • increasing pensions;
  • surcharges for public sector employees.

The geographic location of the region also influences prices. For example, on Far East and the North-West region, prices for vegetables are high. This is due to low competition among farmers, climate and logistics.

The lowest prices are in the south of Russia and the Central Federal District. The majority of farms specializing in cultivation in open ground during the season and in greenhouses all year round are concentrated here.

Features of competitors in the vegetable business

Competitive analysis of a business selling vegetables and fruits is an important part of planning. Each region and city has its own competitors in this market. These include:

  • Groceries;
  • farmers markets;
  • pavilions and stalls;
  • fruit and vegetable shops;
  • home delivery companies for vegetables and fruits;
  • companies specializing in exotic and unique vegetables and fruits.

Competitive analysis should include a study of market concentration - the degree of dominance of a particular format in the market.

For example, a competitive analysis might start like this:

“In the city, in the immediate vicinity (2-3 km), there is a Sunday farmers’ market, three convenience stores, one federal chain supermarket, two vegetable stalls. There is also a store selling exotic fruits in the city.”

Determining the format of a fruit and vegetable store

  • the size of the retail space of your own business;
  • assortment policy;
  • pricing policy.

For example, if there are many competitors and they mainly offer farm vegetables, then it is necessary to draw up a business plan for a fruit store. Offer favorable prices for bananas, apples, and seasonal berries. Related products will be dried fruits and nuts.

A fruit store can offer the following services:

  • preparing freshly squeezed juices and smoothies;
  • cleaning, slicing and blast freezing selected fruits for the winter.

In this case, the audience of the fruit shop will not be pensioners, but young people leading an active life and vegans.

A business plan for a vegetable store can also have several formats. You can focus on a varied assortment, low prices, and loyalty to customers with low purchasing power (a system of discounts for pensioners, large families).

You can maintain full inventory records in your store, control the assortment, analyze profits and forecast sales by connecting the inventory system Business.Ru.

Risks when opening a vegetable and fruit business

The advantages of business are constant demand and the possibility of minimal investment, allowing you to open a vegetable stall and make a profit. In Russia, consumption of fruits and vegetables per capita is Lately remains stable.

The average price for vegetables has increased, and a segment of those customers has emerged who need premium fresh vegetables and exotic fruits.

  • high competition;
  • supplier search;
  • organization of storage of perishable goods;
  • problem of organizing sales.

The last point is especially important to consider when drawing up a business plan for selling vegetables and fruits. In this business, hired personnel are needed: someone needs to bring, lay out the products, sort the goods that have already been on sale for several days, in order to prevent damage to the entire batch.

That is why entrepreneurs try to involve the whole family in such a business, using the labor of children and relatives.

Marketing plan

The sale of fruits and vegetables as a business is characterized by high competition. Therefore, it is necessary to use advertising tools:

  • signboard and outdoor advertising (signposts and signs);
  • distribution of leaflets offering discounts on certain type products;
  • improving the quality of service (home delivery of heavy bags, ordering specific types of exotic vegetables, fruits and berries);
  • using social networks to reach young people and the active population;
  • development of a loyalty system and implementation of CRM.

Production plan

The production plan for a fruit and vegetable store includes all stages of starting a business without taking into account registration costs.

Floor area for a store selling vegetables and fruits

A profitable place for sale will be a retail outlet in a residential area, surrounded by multi-storey buildings, with stable pedestrian traffic. However, a store can also operate successfully on a highway in a small town (at the intersection of traffic flows, not far from a stop).

Due to the fact that expensive repairs are not required, the premises can be either rented or owned.

Its size ranges from 10 to 40 square meters. It is important that the store has running water, sewerage, and that the building or pavilion is connected to electrical networks.

Procurement, transportation and storage

It was mentioned above where to look for suppliers when drawing up a business plan for a vegetable store.

The production plan involves the formation of a purchase schedule that will reduce time costs. Transportation of goods for such a retail outlet is one of the main financial costs.

Therefore, it is worth calculating the optimal purchasing option in terms of time and volume, so as not to visit the wholesaler more than twice a week. Proper storage of vegetables and fruits will also allow you to optimize transportation costs and reduce spoilage of goods.

With the help of the business accounting program Business.Ru Retail, you can analyze revenue and purchase goods based on sales dynamics. Conduct inventory, capitalization, write-off and transfer of surplus between stores. Calculate product profitability and forecast sales.

List of required equipment for a vegetable store

A vegetable store can be content with only shelves for displaying goods, a cashier’s table and one type of equipment - an online cash register with a scale connected to it.

Please note that stand-alone cash registers often do not have the ability to work with scales, so it is recommended to purchase a fiscal registrar. Please also note that the Business.Ru Retail program can work with both checkout and counter scales.

When expanding your business, you will need more expensive equipment: freezers, refrigerators, juicers for preparing freshly squeezed juices.

A table with calculations can be included in a business plan for selling vegetables and fruits.

Quantity, pcs


total cost


CCP with installation


Organizational plan

The organizational stage of launching a vegetable store - all the issues associated with registering a business. Let's look at what documents are needed to trade vegetables and fruits.

  1. A document confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC with the tax office. Most of the entrepreneurs who engage in such business are registered in the form of individual entrepreneurs. OKVED codes should be selected from this list (you can write everything down just in case):

  1. Premises rental agreement;
  1. Fire department permission (they will give it for a store no lower than the second floor with an emergency exit and a fire extinguisher);
  2. Permission from the sanitary inspectorate. To do this, you will need to contact the SES with an application to have their laboratory technician check the premises for compliance with the requirements. Also, before contacting the SES, you will have to conclude contracts for garbage removal and waste disposal, properly design a consumer corner, a book of reviews and suggestions.

Taxation can be chosen either according to the simplified tax system or as UTII. It all depends on the planned income of the business.

No special permits are required to trade vegetables and fruits. However, there must be papers that confirm the safety of the product.

For farm products - the conclusion of the state veterinary examination at the place of production of the product. If the assortment includes imported vegetables and fruits, then you must have papers confirming that they have passed phytosanitary control.


1 month

2 month

3 month

Market research

Competitor analysis

Finding a place to rent in a selected area

Writing a complete business plan for selling vegetables and fruits

Preparation of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurship

Tax registration

Registration of a lease agreement

Equipment selection

Purchasing equipment and arranging delivery

Cosmetic repairs, equipment installation

Selecting wholesalers or farmers for cooperation


Obtaining a work permit from firefighters and SES

Delivery of goods to the store


Fruit and vegetable store staff

The main staff is two salespeople working in 2/2 shifts or one salesperson who works 5 to 2 and is replaced by the store owner on weekends.

A driver, loader and cleaner are also required. To save costs, cleaning duties can be delegated to sellers.

Each salesperson has a salary part of his salary - from 15 to 25 thousand rubles and a bonus part, which is calculated as 5% of revenue.

The driver's salary is calculated based on his workload and the cost of transporting products.

Financial plan

A business plan for selling vegetables and fruits includes detailed calculations of payback.

In the tables below, we calculate the costs before opening a store with an area of ​​30 square meters selling vegetables and fruits when purchasing a truck as a property.

Monthly expenses with one seller and one driver/loader:

Daily revenue is about 15 thousand rubles. Monthly revenue is 450 thousand rubles. The initial investment will pay off in approximately 7 months.

How to open a store selling vegetables and fruits

Food products are one of the most popular goods in retail trade, which is why many entrepreneurs are interested in starting a business in this direction. On our website in the business ideas section you will find a guide to opening many different specialized stores with various types products. In this article we will talk about how to organize retail trade in fruits and vegetables and try to assess whether it is profitable to do this or not.

Business nuances and trading format

Let's now talk about the pros and cons of this business.


  • high profitability;
  • constant demand;
  • small investments in business;
  • availability of seasonal vegetables and fruits for sale, that is, even in winter there will be no downtime.

Of the minuses:

  • perishable products;
  • high level of competition;
  • Working in winter is not very comfortable.

As you can see, we have highlighted the main advantages and disadvantages of a business selling fruits and vegetables, and whether the pros cover the cons is up to you to decide.

Now let's talk about the formats for running this business and describe the main ones.

  1. Business selling fruits and vegetables from a car. For such activities you will need to obtain a fruit trading permit. The disadvantages include the need to purchase freight transport and the inconvenience of working in the winter season. Typically, seasonal fruits or vegetables are sold in this format, for example, watermelons, strawberries, potatoes, cabbage, etc. There is no point in renting a full-fledged retail space for seasonal goods, so entrepreneurs trade from their cars.
  2. Trading fruits and vegetables at the market in a kiosk or tent. Also one of the most popular sales methods. The market is a place where customers for your product gather. If you serve your customers well and at the same time constantly monitor the quality and availability of products, you will have regular customers who will generate the main income from your business. The only problem can be that it is difficult to find a good trading place on the market and the second disadvantage is the huge competition concentrated in one place.
  3. Street fruit trade. Typically this is a tent with several racks. One of the features of this format is that you will either need to have your own transport to transport the entire range of goods, or rent a small warehouse to store them. How you will solve this issue needs to be decided right away. Also, when selling fruits and vegetables on the street, you need to obtain permission from the city administration to sell these goods in the place where you want to set up a tent.
  4. Fruit trade in the pavilion. In this business format, the entrepreneur rents a counter on which he places all the products. This is also a very attractive type of business, but the problem with a warehouse is partially solved there, since such places are usually given out to those who rent a retail outlet there.
  5. A full-fledged store. Including renting premises, signage, retail equipment and more. It’s worth considering that this is the most expensive start in the fruit business, so it’s better to test the niche using the formats suggested above, it will be easier for you to attract buyers.

Why do we recommend the market trading format? Because when renting a store, you will need to spend money on advertising, and your competitors will be large retail chains that you cannot compete with either on price or choice.

Fruit trading rules

As in any product business, you must obtain all necessary work permits. Let's look at what documents are needed for trading fruits and vegetables.

— firstly, you need to register as an individual entrepreneur;

- secondly, select the necessary OKVED documents for work. For Russia it is: 52.21. Retail trade in fruits, vegetables and potatoes. For Ukraine: 47.21 Retail sale of fruits and vegetables in specialized stores.

- thirdly, obtain permission to trade from the SES and fire service;

— fourthly, arrange a buyer’s corner;

— fifthly, it is to have in hand all the necessary certificates of product quality.

Selection of retail space and equipment

The next step, if you decide to rent a kiosk or store, is to look for sites on or near the market. There is also an option to look for offers for renting premises for selling fruit in shopping arcades, you may also find a good place there.

It is advisable to look for a room size of 10 sq.m. and higher. In the case of a stall or kiosk, you won’t have much choice.

Equipment you will need:

  • organize workplace for the seller;
  • shelves on which you will need to beautifully present fruit;
  • racks and display cases;
  • boxes for storing products;
  • scales, preferably electronic;
  • bags for selling goods.

Assortment and suppliers

When starting a business selling fruits and vegetables, it is very important to carefully work out the assortment. You must have all the popular items of goods in stock, and in addition to everything, you can carry rarer options, because perhaps some of the customers will come for them.

The second important factor is the freshness of the product and presentation. Carefully ensure that all goods are in marketable condition and do not allow any rotten fruits or vegetables in the boxes.

So, here is a basic list of assortment:


  • Tomatoes cucumbers
  • Potatoes, carrots, beets
  • Cabbage
  • Onion garlic
  • Pepper
  • Zucchini, eggplant
  • Mushrooms, radishes, pumpkin
  • Corn, peas, beans, beans


  • Apples and pears
  • Citrus
  • Grape
  • Berries
  • Stone fruits
  • Melons
  • Exotic


  • Salads
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Herbs

The assortment can be expanded with seasonal products; we have named only the main categories; each of them has a number of subcategories.

Suppliers can be found either in wholesale markets or work with sales agents directly, who will deliver the desired product directly to the store. Here you will need to focus on the cost of products and calculate the benefits.

How much money do you need to open?

In many ways, investments in this business depend on the format of trade and the volume of the product range, but before you think about where to start this business, you need to decide on the start-up capital, and then move on to finding suitable solutions for distributing the initial costs. Here's just some of what you'll need before opening a fruit and vegetable store from scratch.

  • Room rental – $200 – $250
  • Taxes - $150
  • Salesperson salary - $200
  • Initial purchase of goods – $2000 – $3000
  • Purchase of equipment – ​​$1000 – $1500
  • Signboard, price tags, banners – $150
  • Transport costs - $50.

How much profit can you expect?

The choice of location for a kiosk or tent will determine the success of your fruit trading business. The more clients you have, the larger volumes of products you can sell, taking into account the fact that you will keep the quality of the product at its best.

The average markup on vegetables and fruits is 30% – 70%.

Based on these figures, you can roughly estimate the required sales volumes.

Conclusions. Opening a Fruits and Vegetables store is a very profitable niche, provided there is a good place for trading. If it is, then you are guaranteed year-round income from this outlet.

Do you work in this field? We look forward to your additions to this article.

How to sell vegetables at the market? What to sell? Or maybe it’s not necessary?.. it’s scary.
Back in the winter of this year, I decided to grow more seedlings than I usually did and try to go to the market with the vegetables I grew. I also made more beds for cucumbers and sowed the seeds in the ground.

It was just an experiment - to grow cucumbers and tomatoes myself and sell them on the market. It was necessary to understand PERSONAL experience– is it possible to make money from this? What is the whole process from seed to money in your pocket? There was no goal to earn a lot at once, just to understand the essence.
I’ll say right away that the experiment was successful. Everything grew, was brought to the market, and sold.

The very first problem I encountered was fear. I was afraid to go to the market, stand at the counter, weigh, and talk to customers. The cucumbers have already been picked, the tomatoes have turned red, some have been eaten, rolled into jars, and I still hesitate with the market.
Thanks to my wife. She actually kicked me into deciding to go on a trip. Since I couldn’t do anything and didn’t know anything, I went to my friends in a neighboring village, who had been growing something for several years and going to the market to sell. Thanks to them, I plunged into trading.

In the evening I collected a couple of boxes of cucumbers and the same number of tomatoes. I couldn’t sleep, my blood pressure jumped, it even seemed to me that my temperature had risen a little.
At five in the morning I got up and drove to my friends by car. There we moved my boxes into their car and drove to the market in the regional center. All the way I asked them about something, and they all laughed and smiled at my fears and worries.

We arrived, asked the traders who were already on site and began unloading boxes of vegetables. We set up tables and boxes and began to wait.
A couple of hours passed and my boxes were empty, everything was sold. I was in slight shock. After counting the money, I realized that for these hours I received more than for two days of regular office work.

We spent half of July and all of August going to the market together. Together it was more interesting, calmer and more economical.

So, what conclusions did I draw?
- It is possible and necessary to grow vegetables and trade them. You can actually grow money on land.
- We will overcome fear. It is important to take the first step and not be afraid of mistakes.
- One of the problems that a vegetable producer may encounter is the weather. If there is a hailstorm, then you can forget about the profit for the whole summer.
- You need to be on topic. If I sell my cucumbers and position them as environmentally friendly, then I have to tell the buyer everything about the cucumbers, how I grow them, whether I use chemicals, etc.
- You need to have confidence in your product. This is ensured by truly high-quality growing of vegetables. Some traders at the market do not advise their friends to buy vegetables from them. Some sellers bought cucumbers for themselves from me.
- Low price not a guarantee of a good sale. My cucumbers and tomatoes were the best on the market and I charged a higher price than others. All distributors sold identical cucumbers purchased from the same base. My cucumbers compared favorably with the general market product; it was clear that they were homemade and fresh. Once it happened that at eight in the morning I was already sitting without goods, counting money.
- You need to talk to people. It happens that a person stands as if nearby and looks past, but in reality he looks closely and evaluates. There is no need to make a general appeal; a personal appeal to a person is more effective than a generalized appeal to a crowd. I talked to one person for five minutes, telling them how great these cucumbers are, how I and my family eat them, how they are the best on the market, and how rarely I come here. He ended up taking the entire box.
- A good product and humane contact with people generates regular customers who are looking for you in the morning.
- You need to read books on vegetable growing and learn new things.
- From the fear of trading, you can move on to the excitement of sales. Surprisingly, I didn’t expect it from myself, but I liked going to the market, selling and earning money.
- The atmosphere in each market is different from each other. There are tough markets, and there are markets with humane relations between sellers.

Next spring I will sow more seeds and plant more seedlings. The seeds have already been purchased and the land has been prepared.

If a person is planning to start his own business, then he must decide in advance on the direction of activity. Most often, budding entrepreneurs choose the sales field, which involves the provision of intermediary services. Trading vegetables and fruits as a business is considered a profitable activity that can bring high income throughout the year. Usually it is carried out at the market or in a separate store. You can sell different types vegetables and fruits, which are in high demand throughout the year. The profitability of such a business, with the right choice of trading location and optimal pricing, can reach 60%.

Is it profitable to engage in this activity?

Retail and wholesale trade in fruits and vegetables is a truly profitable and interesting activity. But the disadvantage of this line of business is that the food products sold have a short shelf life, so they quickly fade and lose their attractive presentation.

But even with high risks and dangers, this type of activity can bring good income. To do this, some nuances are taken into account:

  • You can sell goods at the market or in a separate pavilion;
  • you should choose a high-traffic location for trading that will be convenient for many potential buyers;
  • it is necessary to select the best suppliers offering truly fresh goods at competitive prices;
  • It is advisable to set the markup at the same level as competitors.

The most relevant is the opening of a grocery store, and it can offer customers not only vegetables or fruits, but also many other goods.

If you choose to work in wide trade in large quantities, then you will have to work with stores. For this purpose, it is advisable to open a full-fledged wholesale and retail center. Such wholesale trade in fruits and vegetables can be a source of high income. However, for aspiring entrepreneurs, it is better to leave this prospect for the future, since sufficient experience is already needed here.

Pros of business

Trading vegetables and fruits has its advantages. It has the following advantages:

  1. There is no need to invest a large amount in this activity. Money, so you can start it with minimal investment, and even without taking out a loan from a bank.
  2. There is no need for a significant stock of goods, since the products sold are perishable, which guarantees the absence of “frozen” funds.
  3. Fruits and vegetables are popular goods, for which there is a high demand not only in summer, but also in winter.
  4. The cost of such products is considered low, so anyone can afford them, which helps to target potential buyers of any income.

If you open a small store specializing in the sale of herbal products, you can expect a payback literally within three months.


Trading vegetables and fruits as a business also has some significant disadvantages. These include:

  • Risks. If optimal conditions are not created in the store, the products will quickly deteriorate due to improper storage or lose their optimal appearance, which will certainly lead to significant losses.
  • There is fierce competition in this field of activity.
  • If you do not make purchases correctly, the products will quickly deteriorate, which will reduce the entrepreneur’s profit.

Therefore, running this business should be approached responsibly and thoughtfully.

Market situation analysis

Before investing in a business, you should carefully analyze the market. The information obtained will make it possible to determine whether selling vegetables and fruits on the street will be effective or whether it is advisable to conduct it in a pavilion or store. Standard market analysis shows:

  1. Federal cities are leaders in the sales of such products;
  2. Prices for goods in the northern regions are higher than in the south.
  3. The cost of different vegetables and fruits varies significantly within one year.
  4. The target audience includes buyers of different financial status and social status.
  5. Preference is given to products grown in Russia.
  6. The highest demand is for potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, apples, tangerines and strawberries.

Residents of large cities usually trust stores, so sales on the market become unprofitable every year. Pavilions for selling fruits and vegetables are in demand, offering fresh produce and a good assortment.

Business registration rules

So that activities related to retail trade vegetables and fruits was legal, the following requirements must be taken into account:

  • Most often, for this type of business, individual entrepreneur registration is carried out.
  • It is important to obtain permission for this process from the SES, fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.
  • Registration is carried out within 5 days, and when drawing up an application it is important to choose wisely OKVED codes and the taxation system.
  • UTII or simplified tax system is ideal for such work.

Registration of individual entrepreneurs is carried out at the Federal Tax Service branch at the place of residence of the entrepreneur. Standard documents are required for trading vegetables and fruits, so you only need to have a certificate of registration of individual entrepreneurs, as well as permits from various government authorities.

Nuances of choosing OKVED codes

It is important to correctly select OKVED codes for trading vegetables and fruits. These include:

  • code 46.31 - trade in vegetables and fruits;
  • code 46.31.1 - wholesale sales of products;
  • code 46.31.11 - sale of fresh potatoes;
  • code 46.31.12 - sale of other fresh vegetables.

All of the above data should be listed in the application, which, together with a copy of the passport and a receipt for payment of the duty, is transferred to the Federal Tax Service office at the place of residence of the future entrepreneur.

How to choose a place to work?

The profitability of a business related to retail trade depends on the competent determination of the place for conducting business. To do this, you can choose several options:

  • market trading in vegetables and fruits is suitable for small towns;
  • selling goods from a car, and this option is usually used for sales on weekends;
  • work in a kiosk or a full-fledged store.

Activities carried out in a fully equipped room with all the necessary equipment are considered more comfortable and enjoyable work. You can set up a store on the ground floor of a residential building or use a separate building. Products offered in small pavilions are in demand. But a grocery store should be located in a high-traffic area.

Rules for creating an optimal assortment

The more different vegetables and fruits are offered, the higher the likelihood of receiving truly significant income from such activities. When compiling your list, consider the following guidelines:

  1. The assortment should be winter and summer.
  2. In cold weather, there is a high demand for classic products such as potatoes, apples, carrots and tangerines.
  3. Even during periods of reduced demand, you should offer as many products as possible - if the buyer knows that the store sells a limited amount of vegetables or fruits, then he will prefer to go to the supermarket.
  4. In the summer, seasonal products such as watermelons, melons, plums, apricots and even such exotic fruits as passion fruit, pineapples or mangoes are in demand.
  5. The most popular vegetables during this period are zucchini, pumpkins and eggplants.

The most popular are cucumbers and tomatoes, which are purchased both in summer and winter. Therefore, a high markup is used for them.

What equipment is required?

Trade in vegetables and fruits as a business involves the installation of special equipment. This is the only way it will be successful and profitable. Trade equipment includes:

  • refrigerated display cases on which the goods sold are attractively displayed;
  • refrigerated storage chambers, which create the optimal temperature for storing products;
  • if you plan to sell frozen fruits, vegetables or berries, then additional requirements are required: freezers.

All equipment must be high quality and purchased from official manufacturers or dealers. Otherwise, there is a high probability that the characteristics of the equipment will not be suitable for the planned activity.

Nuances of attracting buyers

To develop a stall or store, you do not need to conduct a full-fledged advertising campaign. To attract buyers, you can use the following methods:

  1. Creation of bright outdoor advertising.
  2. Distributing leaflets on the street.
  3. Attractive display of goods.
  4. Offering a deep and rich assortment.

Word of mouth is considered the most effective way advertising, so the entrepreneur must try to ensure that all customers are satisfied with the range and services offered.

What competitive advantages can be created?

Trading vegetables and fruits is considered a fairly profitable and interesting way to earn money. An individual entrepreneur engaged in this activity must create certain competitive advantages that allow it to stand out among its main competitors. The following tricks can be used for this:

  • A productive place to work. It is advisable to choose a location located away from other supermarkets and markets.
  • Thoughtful and interesting assortment of products.
  • Selling not only fresh vegetables or fruits, but also frozen products.
  • Attracting experienced and responsible sales consultants.
  • Proper display of goods on display windows.
  • Optimal pricing policy.

You can attract customers with affordable prices, a good assortment or the freshest products.

Employee selection

There are many rules for trading fruits and vegetables, but for successful operations it is important to select workers wisely. Sellers must have the following qualities:

  • financial literacy;
  • attractive and neat appearance;
  • communication skills and sense of tact;
  • cultural speech and attentiveness.

In a small store, only one employee is needed, performing the functions of a salesperson, cashier, cleaner and consultant.

Business Starting Costs

To open such a business you will need to spend about 756 thousand rubles. This amount is required for the following purposes:

  • registration of individual entrepreneurs - 5 thousand rubles;
  • registration of permits - 10 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of commercial equipment - 450 thousand rubles;
  • rental of commercial premises for one month - 50 thousand rubles;
  • renovation of the premises - 25 thousand rubles;
  • advertising costs - 10 thousand rubles;
  • monthly salaries of employees - 56 thousand rubles;
  • initial purchase of goods - 130 thousand rubles;
  • other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Monthly expenses are about 200 thousand rubles.

Business payback

The average bill in such a store is approximately 300 rubles. The number of buyers per day is within 45 people. The sales growth rate is 15% per year. The markup on goods sold is approximately 60%.

Monthly revenue averages 405 thousand rubles. Therefore, the average net profit is 205 thousand rubles. This income is considered quite high and optimal for many entrepreneurs.

When starting a business based on trading various vegetables and fruits, you should remember some risks that negatively affect business results. To prevent them, you should follow certain rules:

  1. It is important to choose suppliers wisely. If low-quality, unripe or completely rotten goods are sold, this will lead to a significant decrease in the number of regular customers.
  2. Transportation of products must be carried out carefully and quickly, therefore, when collaborating with transport companies, it is necessary to focus on the most responsible companies.
  3. The retail premises must have optimal equipment to ensure suitable temperature regime for the product, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate.
  4. If you need to quickly sell a product of low quality, then a significant discount should be offered on it. It is not permissible to hide existing defects from buyers.
  5. It is necessary to carry out proper care of the products, so rotten fruits should be removed in a timely manner and the goods should be optimally distributed in the display cases.
  6. The location for work should be chosen in such a way that it is located away from the main competitors.
  7. If you plan to work throughout the year, then when choosing a kiosk or pavilion, you should take care in advance about heating the room.
  8. Depending on the season, prices for different products should be changed.

The payback period for such a business varies from 5 to 12 months. If you take into account the advice of experienced entrepreneurs, you can count on creating a truly relevant and profitable store that generates significant income.


A business based on the sale of fruits and vegetables is considered a profitable activity if you choose the right product range, choose the optimal place to work, and sell goods at affordable prices. A point in the market or a separate room necessary to form a full-fledged store is suitable for work.

To obtain high profits, it is important to purchase high-quality equipment, as well as choose trusted suppliers. Using the advice of experienced entrepreneurs, you can recoup your investment in just a few months.

10 minutes to read. Views 533 Published 05.11.2017

Food products are essential products that are in high demand regardless of the season. This type of product includes vegetables and fruits. It is the high demand in this area that pushes many aspiring entrepreneurs to open such a business. Below we propose to consider where to start a vegetable business and carefully analyze the nuances of this market.

Vegetables and fruits are desirable and necessary products in the daily diet of any person

Market Review

Fruits and vegetables are in high demand not only in summer, but also in the winter months. This category of products is rich in vitamins and nutrients necessary for the body. Despite the high demand at any time of the year, this business is seasonal. Such an enterprise generates its main income from early August to November.

It is very important that the sale of such products is often accompanied by various difficulties. When considering opening a grocery store, it is necessary to take into account the various difficulties associated with constant inspections by quality control authorities. That is why such an enterprise requires a thorough analysis of possible risks.

What to pay attention to

Before opening a retail outlet, it is necessary not only to draw up a business plan, but also to develop a business development strategy. In order for a store to become a source of constant income, many different nuances should be taken into account. It is equally important to attract the attention of a potential audience and win the favor of buyers.

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully study the proposed location. An open retail outlet should be convenient for visiting residents of the surrounding areas. In order to attract a potential audience, you need a rich and rich assortment. The interior of the store itself plays an important role.

You should also work out a strategy for attracting clients in advance. In order to increase your potential audience and not lose regular customers, you should sell only fresh and high-quality products. Poor quality of products is a sure way to lose the bulk of customers, which negatively affects daily profits.

What products are in high demand?

A profitable business selling vegetables and fruits is built on constant analysis of consumer needs. An interesting, popular and wide range is a real guarantee of the company’s profitability. When developing an enterprise development strategy, you should take into account the seasonal demand for various products. The offered assortment should include dozens of different items so that every potential buyer has the opportunity to choose.

Vegetable business is very popular in different localities

Speaking about seasonal preferences, it should be noted that in the winter months tangerines, lemons, apples, beets and potatoes are in high demand. In the summer months, the role of popular goods goes to berries, cherries, cherries, watermelons and melons. There is another category of goods that is popular regardless of the season. These items include onions, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplants and cauliflower.

A competent approach to assortment compilation and a thorough analysis of seasonal demand will not only increase income, but also significantly increase the coverage area of ​​the potential audience.

Where to get the goods

There are several ways to obtain products, so at the stage of creating a business plan it is necessary to take into account how to obtain goods. Let's look at the main ways to obtain an assortment:

  1. Purchasing from farmers. One of the most common ways to obtain the necessary goods. Most residents of villages and villages willingly enter into contracts for the supply of vegetables and fruits. This option involves a low level of investment in the purchase of goods.
  2. Import. This method most often used to purchase exotic products that are grown abroad. These foods include mangoes, kiwis, pineapples and bananas.
  3. Own farm. One of the most expensive options, due to the need for a prepared plot of land. A similar method is used by various hypermarket chains. Here it is important to take into account that own farming is significantly limited due to climatic conditions.

The business plan of a vegetable store is based precisely on the method of obtaining goods. All of the above methods can be combined, which will significantly reduce the cost of purchasing certain goods.

Sales format

There are also several formats appearance point of sale. Below we suggest familiarizing yourself with various formats of retail outlets:

  1. Tent at the market. In order to interest a potential buyer, it is necessary to have a wide and rich assortment. A tent at the market must attract the attention of the audience due to the high level of competition.
  2. Selling from a car. This method is most often used by farmers who, after harvesting, export their products to markets and food fairs.
  3. Stationary store. When opening such a point, you should take into account the future location of the store. It is very important that your store is located near residential areas and roadways. A small store should offer the buyer a rich assortment. In order to increase the number of regular customers, it is necessary to pay increased attention to the quality of the product.
  4. Wholesale. The last option considers selling existing products to catering establishments or small retail outlets.

Selling fruits and vegetables involves many risks

Wholesale fruits and vegetables as a business can become a source of constant profit and high income, taking into account the presence of certain connections. Useful contacts with the management of establishments Catering will allow you to have a stable demand for your offer. Despite this, the most popular format for such a business is opening a full-fledged retail outlet.

Market analysis

Before opening a retail outlet, you should carefully analyze the market situation. Increased attention should be paid to possible competitors. An objective assessment of competitors' offers will allow you to correctly approach the assortment. Also, this business plan must take into account possible risks.

Such an analysis allows you to obtain a lot of information that will serve as a kind of foundation for your business. At the initial stage, the location and number of competitors should be determined. Next, you should analyze the demand for various categories of goods.

The target audience plays an important role in this matter. At the stage of market analysis, you should identify the possibility of supplying your future store with unique or rare goods.
A business plan for fruits and vegetables should be based on careful processing of competitors' offers. In order to interest the buyer, your store must offer services and products that competitors do not have.

Possible risks and benefits

It should be understood that, despite the profitability of this area of ​​​​business, such an enterprise is always accompanied by certain risks. That is why, before opening a store, you should carefully weigh various factors that negatively affect business development.

One of the highest risks in this area is the short shelf life of the product range. If the received goods are not sold within the first week, then most products will lose their aesthetic appeal. Loss of marketability is one of the most common causes of losses. Competition also plays a significant role, so you need to constantly monitor the price dynamics of your competitors.

The goal of opening a retail outlet specializing in the sale of vegetables and fruits is to obtain high profits

The above risks, with the right approach to the organizational issue, can become a kind of advantage. The short shelf life of fruits and vegetables allows you to avoid renting a warehouse with a large area. You can also refuse significant investments in the purchase of large quantities of goods, and purchase the necessary products in small wholesale. On initial stages development, such an approach allows you to assess audience demand.

The main advantage of this area of ​​​​trade is that the products in question are always in demand regardless of the region. Also, the low cost of the offered range allows us to work for a wide audience.

Marketing Promotion

When considering the question of how to open a grocery store from scratch, it is necessary to highlight the importance of a marketing plan. The right approach to an advertising campaign allows you to attract the attention of the general public. To do this, it is necessary to equip the store with a bright sign. The aesthetic appearance of the room itself plays an important role.

To attract your first customers, you should organize the distribution of leaflets and arrange “discount” days. In order to increase the potential audience, the products offered should only be High Quality. In addition, the level of service is of no small importance.

Selecting the right room

At the stage of developing a business strategy, it is necessary to take into account the location of the future store. You should also take care in advance about suppliers and the purchase of various equipment. One of the most important aspects of development in this area is the correct choice of location for trade.

When opening a small store, factors such as distance from possible competitors and location close to a busy road should be taken into account. It is important that the store being opened is located within walking distance for residents of nearby residential areas. The main requirement for grocery stores is to be located on the ground floor. You should also take care in advance about placing bright outdoor advertising, so that at the equipping stage, the surrounding residents will look forward to the opening of the outlet.

Creating an interesting and in-demand assortment is the key to the profitability and prospects of any trading enterprise

How to properly equip a store

Equipment for a vegetable store is one of the most important components of a profitable business. It is necessary to purchase freezers that allow you to increase the shelf life of the goods and maintain their presentation for a long time. In addition to industrial freezers, cooling chambers are also needed for fruits that require careful storage.

However, the first place in importance is given to display cases for displaying goods. When purchasing equipment, you should give preference only to high-quality models from a trusted manufacturer. Proper display of fruits and vegetables is the key to increasing profits.

But in order to have the goods, it is necessary to select a responsible and conscientious supplier. Most of these companies independently supply goods to retail outlets. However, some farmers do not have such opportunities, so care should be taken in advance to rent trucks and hire appropriate personnel.

In order to avoid possible financial losses due to the expiration of the product, the store must be equipped with sufficient cooling equipment. Compliance with storage conditions will significantly extend the shelf life of many vegetables.

Organizational plan and business design

At the time of opening your store, your business must be officially registered. In addition, the required staff must be fully staffed. With a small retail outlet, the staff may consist of four people. To sell goods, two sellers are needed, working on a shift schedule. To deliver goods from farmers and village residents, it is necessary to hire a driver who can combine the position of a loader. Such an enterprise necessarily requires an accountant who will keep financial records.

One of the important requirements for hired personnel is the availability of a medical record.

When opening a grocery store, you must register with the tax authorities as an individual entrepreneur. Before the official opening, a number of certain documents should be collected. To open a retail outlet, you must obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, the fire inspectorate and the sanitary and epidemiological station. Having such a package of documents will help you avoid various problems during inspections.

The opening of a grocery store is carried out in two stages, lasting several months. At the first stage, suppliers are searched and a more convenient location is selected. At the second stage, goods and specialized equipment are purchased, employees are hired, and goods are placed on display.

Competent selection of assortment for different seasons contributes to a significant increase in profits and attracting customers

Business plan with calculations

The average initial cost of opening a retail outlet is about 1,200,000 rubles. The cost of monthly rent of the premises is 25,000 rubles. Repair work and outdoor advertising will cost an amount equal to 200,000 rubles. The approximate cost of purchasing fruits and vegetables is 200,000 rubles. The purchase of freezers and cooling chambers, as well as display cases, will cost 250,000 rubles. The cost of purchasing freight transport will be about 500,000.

Next, you should consider your monthly expenses. To renew the sold goods, at least 200,000 will be required. Staff compensation is about 55,000 (for regions). Costs for gasoline, utility bills and taxes are about 20,000. It is also necessary to take into account unforeseen expenses - about 5,000 rubles every month. Thus, the amount of monthly expenses is about 300,000 rubles.

Let's evaluate the level of profitability of such an enterprise. The average daily income of a small retail outlet is 12,000. The average revenue for one month is about 350,000. If you subtract monthly expenses from this amount, you can get an approximate monthly income of about 50,000 rubles. Thus, the invested capital can be repaid within two years.