Dough on sour cream, tender and soft, suitable for any need! Pies on sour cream: necessary products, cooking procedure, secrets of experienced chefs Recipes for pies in the oven with sour cream

It is good to cook fried pies from such dough. They are tender, fluffy and very fragrant.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 500 g of premium flour.


Heat milk to 40°C. Beat the egg with a whisk and mix it with milk, salt. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and, while it is firm, grate on a fine grater. Combine the butter shavings with the egg-milk mixture.

Sift the flour and add it to the workpiece in three stages. After adding each third of the flour, mix everything thoroughly. This will prevent the formation of lumps.

Knead the dough, wrap tightly with cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.

2. Yeast-free dough with water and eggs

The classic version of yeast-free dough is ideal for making baked and fried pies, pizzas and other goodies.


  • 500 g of premium flour;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp sugar if you are planning to make sweet pastries.


Sift the flour into a deep bowl or directly onto the table. Form a hill from the flour, make a small indentation in the center. Pour salt there, beat in eggs, pour water, add butter, and, if necessary, sugar.

Mix well. Cover the mass with a towel and let stand for 20 minutes at room temperature. Then take out the dough and knead it on a table dusted with flour.

3. Yeast-free dough on kefir

Kefir dough is prepared very quickly and can be used immediately after kneading. He does not need to reach the refrigerator or on the table. Kneaded - and immediately into action!


  • 1 egg;
  • 400 ml of kefir;
  • 500 g of premium flour;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • a few drops of vinegar (to extinguish soda).

The higher the percentage of fat content of kefir, the more satisfying and dense the baking will turn out.


Whisk the egg with kefir in a deep bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of flour, stir. Pour in vegetable oil, salt. In a tablespoon, extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour the sizzling mixture into the dough. Enter the remaining flour.

Stir the dough with a spoon until it stops sticking to the sides of the bowl. When the dough thickens, knead it well with your hands.

4. Yeast-free dough on sour cream

Thick sour cream dough is very soft and plastic, sculpting from it is a pleasure. But keep in mind that sour cream dough is very high in calories. Do not offer this treat to those who are on a diet.


  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • 400 g of premium flour;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.

As in the case of kefir, the fatter the sour cream, the more satisfying the dough.


Mix sour cream, eggs and water in one bowl. Beat until smooth. Sift flour into another bowl, add salt to it. Gradually, in several stages, add flour to the egg-sour cream mass. Stir the dough with a spoon until it thickens. Then put it on the table with flour and knead with your hands. Cover the dough with a large bowl and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.

5. Yeast-free vegan dough on the water

Dessert and savory pastries without eggs and dairy products are popular among vegetarians as well. However, everyone else may like it, as it is suitable for preparing any dishes: pies, buns, pizzas and even dumplings.


  • 500 g of premium flour;
  • 200 ml of warm water;
  • 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • ½ teaspoon salt.


Sift the flour into a bowl so that you get a slide. Make a well at the top and pour water and oil into it. Salt. Mix thoroughly with a spoon. When the dough becomes elastic and stops sticking, put it on the table with flour and knead with your hands. Wrap the dough in cling film and let it rest for an hour at room temperature. Then knead it well again.

To ensure that the finished vegan dough does not crumble and is fluffy, knead it before cooking for at least 5 minutes.

What to cook from yeast-free dough

From the finished test, you can do anything. Roll up, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon and put in the oven. Roll out into a thin layer, top with tomato sauce, sausage, peppers, mushrooms and cheese and cook pizza. Divide into small cakes, put a tablespoon of any filling in the center of each, pinch the edges and fry the pies.

The dough is baked without yeast very quickly. So, for a thin pizza, 7-10 minutes in the oven will be enough. Cooking time for a thick pie can be up to half an hour. The standard temperature is 180°C, but this may vary depending on the specific recipe.

If you are cooking pies or pasties in a pan, then it is enough to fry the product on each side for 3-4 minutes.

How to store dough without yeast

Wrap the finished yeast-free dough with cling film and store in the refrigerator for no more than seven days. In the freezer, the workpiece can be stored for up to four months. Please note that re-freezing the dough is unacceptable. Thawed - and immediately cooked delicious.

The article offers you several recipes for making dough without yeast: for pies, bread, sweet pastries and pies.

Recipes for homemade pastries, the dough of which is kneaded without yeast, will suit those who do not like the long wait and the smell of yeast. This dough has a lot of advantages, it can be processed in several ways:

  • Oven oven
  • cook
  • Fry in a pan

Depending on the recipe, only the main ingredient for kneading the dough varies: water, milk, sour cream, kefir, beer, margarine or brine. To make the baking lush, just add ingredients such as soda and acid (acetic, lactic, citric). On the basis of yeast-free dough, you can cook a lot of dishes:

  • Fried and baked pies
  • Chebureki
  • Pizza
  • Belyashi with meat
  • Spinners and brushwood
  • pies
  • Cheesecakes
  • Vareniki and dumplings
  • noodles

You will need:

  • Flour(preferably the highest grade) - 0.5 kg. (you need to sift - this is the secret of "successful" baking).
  • Egg - 2 pcs. (it is advisable to use homemade for a beautiful color and taste of finished baking).
  • Water(can be replaced with beer or brine from a can) - 200 ml. (brine is well suited for cooking vegetable dumplings, dumplings and pasties).
  • Vegetable or butter fat(no matter what is) - 2 tbsp. (if solid, should be drowned).
  • Salt - couple of pinches


  • Sift flour, you can even twice, form a hill out of it.
  • The egg must be beaten.
  • Add salt in small amounts (and sugar is added if the pastries are sweet), water (necessarily warm) and butter, or melted fat.
  • If you want to bake a pie or oven pies, soda must be quenched with acid in advance. For fried pies, pasties, whites and pizza, this is not necessary.

Recipe for lush yeast-free kefir dough

The dough, kneaded on kefir without yeast, is very popular with many housewives for the speed of kneading, the simplicity of the ingredients and the excellent taste of ready-made pastries.

The dough is easy to make:

  • Sift the flour several times (in the choice of flour, always give preference to the highest grades).
  • Pour all the dry and loose ingredients that you have into the flour and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Kefir (fat content can be used any, but best of all - 1-2.5%, the fatter the kefir - the more elastic the dough, and the finished baking is tastier) and the oil is added to the bulk ingredients in small parts and each is thoroughly mixed.

IMPORTANT: Soda should not be extinguished, because instead of vinegar in the dough itself, this will be done by lactic acid in kefir. This dough is ideal for whites, pies and pasties. They also knead and mold dumplings with dumplings on it.

For oven baking (sweet, confectionery), you can also use kefir and yeast-free dough, however, for kneading it, it is important to take into account several nuances:

  • Kefir is perfectly replaced by "sour" (sour milk)
  • Kefir or "sour" can be diluted in half with other dairy products: sour cream, milk, whey.
  • Before kneading, be sure to sift the flour and not just once, but preferably several times (oxygen enrichment).
  • In the confectionery dough, be sure to add a chicken egg
  • The fat in the recipe can be vegetable or animal, or a mixture of both.
  • Sugar in confectionery dough is also required, and salt enhances the properties of sugar (only it takes very little - a pinch).
  • Splendor of kefir sweet dough add soda (extinguish with any acid) or baking powder.

Recipe for a quick yeast-free mayonnaise dough

Mayonnaise-free yeast-free dough is a universal “just in case” dough. The finished dough comes out quite liquid, but the finished baking is always saturated. This recipe is suitable for those who do not like to spend a lot of time kneading. The resulting pastry dough will be fatty and saturated, mayonnaise itself will take care of this (you should choose at least 50% fat) and eggs.

You will need:

  • Flour(preferably the highest grade) - 250-260 g. (It is desirable to sift 1 or 2 times).
  • Fat mayonnaise (50%, 60%, 70%) - 200 g (light mayonnaise will "spoil" the structure of the dough, making it too thin).
  • Sour cream (medium fat in 20% -30%) - 200 g (store or home).
  • Eggs - 2-3 pcs. (you can not add to the dough for chebureks and belyashi).
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet in 10 g.


  • The flour is poured into a tall bowl, all the bulk ingredients of the recipe are added to it, carefully distributed and mixed evenly.
  • Send the baking powder there
  • Beat the eggs with a mixer (if you beat for a long time until foamy, this will give the dough softness)
  • Pour the mayonnaise into the eggs and beat everything again with a mixer.
  • Add kefir in small portions
  • Sprinkle flour with 1 tbsp. and carefully beat each small portion with a mixer.

mayonnaise dough

Recipe for yeast-free sour cream dough

You will need:

  • Flour(necessarily the highest grade) - 400-450 g.
  • Fatty sour cream (20% -30%) - 4-5 tbsp
  • Egg - 2-3 (preferably homemade).
  • Water - 100-120 ml. (look at the density and density of the dough).
  • Salt and sugar(of necessity)
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet in 10 g.


  • Flour should be saturated with oxygen, so carefully and several times sift it along with baking powder.
  • Beat the egg with a mixer or blender
  • You need to add water and sour cream to the beaten egg mass, thoroughly interrupting everything with a mixer so that there are no lumps in the mass (it is good to use warm water and sour cream heated to room temperature for this).
  • In the liquid base for the dough, you need to add flour in small portions, without turning off the mixer, thoroughly dissolve all the ingredients and knead a homogeneous mass. If it becomes dense, switch to kneading by hand.

sour cream dough

Yeast-free whey dough recipe

Whey can be used to knead an excellent dough for fried pies and pizza. Whey will also serve as the basis for wind pies. Its advantage is that all the ingredients are very affordable and not expensive. As a result, you will definitely get a soft and plastic mass for the formation of pies, pasties, whites and other pastries.

IMPORTANT: When kneading with whey, it is important to observe one main condition - do not add a lot of flour (so that the dough is always fluffy). It is also good to let it stand before cooking and shaping pastries.

You will need:

  • Flour -
  • Serum - 350-400 ml. (you can use the store, but homemade is preferable).
  • Salt and sugar of necessity
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet


  • Flour is sifted several times along with baking powder.
  • Melt fat or butter, mix it with whey, sugar and salt.
  • Flour is added in small handfuls
  • Knead the dough well with your hands, brushing them with oil.

Recipe for custard yeast-free dough

Choux yeast-free dough is perfect for confectionery and sweet pastries: cakes, donuts, muffins, pies and pies. The dough is brewed in a steam bath.

You will need:

  • Flour - 1 cup (sift thoroughly with a package of baking powder).
  • Water - 250 ml (you can also use milk of any fat content).
  • Spread (vegetable-cream mixture) – 80-90 g (you can use any fat).
  • Egg - 3-4 pcs. (large, domestic)
  • Salt - a couple of pinches
  • Sugar- a few tablespoons


  • Spread should be melted in a saucepan
  • Salt is poured into it, as well as sugar in the right amount and everything is thoroughly dissolved.
  • Pour water there, and mix everything, heat and do not bring to a boil.
  • Add flour in small portions, each spoon must be thoroughly dissolved.
  • Pour in the beaten egg mixture along with the flour.
  • When all the ingredients have been added, remove the dough from the steam bath, but do not stop stirring for 5-10 minutes.

Making dough without yeast

Recipe for yeast-free lean dough

This dough is perfect for dumplings with cabbage, potatoes, berries and fruits. It is also good to knead vegetable chebureks with tomatoes, eggplants, onions and mushrooms on it.

For the test you will need:

  • Flour(preferably the highest grade) - 0.5 kg. (need to be sifted)
  • Water(brine or light beer) - 200-220 ml.
  • Vegetable oil or any melted fat- 2-3 tbsp. (if solid, should be drowned).
  • Salt - couple of pinches
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet


  • Sift flour with baking powder, you can even twice, form a slide out of it.
  • Pour water and vegetable oil into a hill of flour, knead the dough.
  • Pour the liquid part over the slide, making a deepening beforehand.
  • Knead the dough well with your hands, lubricating them with oil (the same can be done with the work surface).

Recipe for yeast-free dough for pies in a pan

Delicious and simple dough is the secret of successful fried pies. The recipe allows you to prepare soft pies that will keep intact the juicy stuffing of meat, vegetables, cottage cheese or fruits.

You will need:

  • Flour - 450-530 g (the amount of flour should be adjusted independently).
  • Water - 1 cup (good for brine, whey and even light beer recipes)
  • Butter or melted fat - 100-120 ml. (creamy, mixture, vegetable).
  • Salt - a couple of pinches
  • Sugar- a few tablespoons (in sweet pies)


  • The flour is sifted, pour in the baking powder during the sifting process.
  • At the same stage, salt is added (in any case) and sugar, if pies with fruit or cottage cheese.
  • Pour water (or any other "liquid ingredient" and oil (fat) into the flour in portions, in small parts, mixing everything.

Recipe for yeast-free milk dough

You will need:

  • Flour - 500-550 g (necessarily of the highest grade, it needs to be sifted several times so that the pastries are lush).
  • Milk - 350-400 ml. (you can use any fat content).
  • Margarine or vegetable-cream mixture - 100 g (can also be replaced with any fat).
  • Salt and sugar of necessity
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet


  • The flour is sifted, preferably 2-3 times, and baking powder can be added to it during the sifting process.
  • Melt the fat, mix it with the liquid part (water, brine or whatever you use).
  • Flour intervenes gradually and in small portions, thoroughly dissolved, and then kneaded by hand.
  • The dough is perfect for pastry baking

Recipe for yeast-free mineral water dough

Mineral water will help your yeast-free dough to be fluffy and elastic.

You will need:

  • Flour - 450-550 g (look at the consistency)
  • Mineral water (highly carbonated) - 400-500 ml. (you need to look at the density of the dough).
  • Vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp (you can use any, or replace with ghee).
  • Sugar and salt by preference
  • Egg - 1-2 pcs. (if you need lean dough, you can exclude)
  • Baking powder - 1 sachet


  • Salt, sugar, flour and baking powder should be thoroughly mixed and sifted (you can twice).
  • Pour in the egg and knead the dough
  • Add sparkling water and vegetable oil while kneading the dough.

Recipe for instant puff pastry without yeast

You will need:

  • Flour(sifted and always of the highest grade) - 250-300 g (look at its density).
  • Egg - 1-2 (can be omitted if you need lean dough).
  • Vegetable oil - 150 ml. (you can use any, or creamy).
  • Water (whey or milk) 100-120 ml. (be guided by the density of the dough).
  • Salt and sugar(of necessity)
  • Baking powder - 1 pack in 10 g.


  • Thoroughly mix the sifted flour with the baking powder.
  • Beat the egg, knead with your hands
  • Add sugar and salt if needed
  • Pour in water (or any other liquid ingredient) along with oil, kneading the dough.

"Quick" dough

Recipe for yeast-free bread dough

You can cook such bread, both in a bread machine, in a slow cooker and in a conventional oven.

You will need:

  • Flour - 550-600 g (wheat, be sure to sift)
  • 250 ml. (can be replaced with whey, look at the consistency of the dough).
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp (preferably sunflower).
  • Leaven
  • Sugar- 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt- 1 tsp


  • Mix dry ingredients first
  • Add oil and water, sourdough
  • Knead the elastic dough with your hands, leave for a while
  • Form a lump and bake it

Recipe for yeast-free rye flour dough

You will need:

  • Rye flour - 450-500 g (be sure to sift)
  • Sparkling water (or plain) - 250 ml (look at the consistency of the dough).
  • Vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp (preferably sunflower).
  • Leaven- 6-8 tbsp. (can be replaced with 2 tbsp baking powder).
  • Sugar- 1-1.5 tbsp.
  • Salt- 1 tsp

Hello dear friends, I am very glad that you have visited this culinary blog, where good, homemade recipes are collected for you.

Today we will talk about yeast dough for pies on sour cream and milk. I really liked this recipe, the dough comes out lush, melting in your mouth. I assure you, this recipe can become your favorite if you use it for its intended purpose.


1. Wheat flour - 650 gr.

2. Milk (water) - 125 gr.

3. Sour cream 20% fat - 125 gr.

4. Sugar - 70 gr.

5. Butter - 100 gr.

6. Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.

7. Dry yeast - 11 gr.

8. Vanilla sugar - 10 gr.

9. Salt - 4 gr.

Cooking method:

1. Let's start the yeast first. To do this, pour dry yeast into warm milk and add 1 tbsp. .l sugar. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10-15 minutes.

2. Let's start cooking, for this room temperature eggs, sour cream, sugar and vanilla sugar mix in a free bowl until smooth.

3. 15 minutes have passed, the yeast has activated, add it to the main mass and mix everything.

4. Add the sifted in small portions and knead.

5. Cover the mixed composition with a towel and leave for 15 minutes.

6. The specified time has quickly expired, it's time to add butter and salt. If it sticks to your hands, you can add a little more flour. The kneading time varies from 10-15 minutes.

Remember, the better the dough is cooked, the better the pies or pies will turn out, depending on what you cook with it.

7. Cover the cup with cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for an hour.

8. Flatten the risen dough with your hands into a rectangle,

9. Then assemble it as shown in the photo.

10. Cover it with a cup and leave for 20 minutes.

11. Done, good luck with your future culinary masterpieces.

Additional Information:

The basis of most baking is yeast dough. Soft and airy mass can make your cake, buns or homemade bread truly tasty and fragrant. Yeast dough is prepared in milk in two ways: on dough and without dough.

With pre-fermentation, it turns out more elastic and voluminous with characteristic air bubbles. To get it without a sponge option, it takes less time, but it also turns out to be no less tasty from which you can cook any muffin.

In ancient Egypt, naturally occurring yeast cells were randomly introduced into bread dough. Fermentation caused many admiration for such a strange process. People have been passing sourdough to each other for centuries to make airy yeast bread. In the 40s of the last century, people learned how to create microscopic bacteria in the form of yeast familiar to us.

Yeast dough pastry is a hearty dish that goes well with fruit, meat and vegetable fillings. You can also cook a festive or everyday dish from it and please everyone with homemade cakes. To prepare it, you will need: a good mood and our recipes.

That’s all for me, I’m waiting for good comments, don’t write bad ones. Just kidding, write any, your opinion is very important to me, because I am always ready to learn, and I will only be glad if you help me a little with this.

Sour cream dough is the basis for sour cream pies and cakes loved in our country and abroad. But you can bake any other pastries from it, because the sour cream dough recipe is universal. In fact, everything that is put into the oven in the form of dough can be cooked on this dairy product: pies and buns, pies and pies, baked pancakes and cheesecakes, muffins and cakes, manniks and casseroles.

The five most commonly used ingredients in sour cream dough recipes are:

Dough on sour cream, liquid or steep?

The main feature of sour cream dough is that in finished form it rarely turns out dry. If the recipe contains fat or oil, baking will almost certainly please you with juiciness, splendor and tenderness. The main thing is to choose the right recipe for dough with sour cream.

Liquid sour cream dough is ideal for jellied pies, donuts fried in oil, for muffins in molds and sour cream cakes. It does not need to be rolled out or smoothed out before baking. Any filler can be added inside: vegetables and mushrooms, fruits and berries, jam and cream. And you can do this both before and after sending it to the oven. Varieties: biscuit, aspic, soft yeast.

Steep dough on sour cream is the basis for curly pies, structural cookies. It can be sand, puff, yeast. The first two are cooled before cooking, the last, on the contrary, is kept warm for proofing.

Five of the fastest sour cream recipes:

Adviсe :

  • sour cream should not be liquid or stratified
  • layered sour cream must be weighed before use - put in cheesecloth and hung so that the glass has excess moisture

This recipe will help you prepare a delicious dough for sour cream pies in the oven. It does not contain yeast. It is suitable for making pies with whatever filling you wish. Cooking:

1. First of all, you need to cut off a piece of margarine of the required weight in advance and soften it in heat or using a microwave oven. The margarine should be very soft but not melted. Measure out the sour cream. If you have it with a fat content of more than 20%, then you can take a little less sour cream and shake it with kefir or milk.

2. Break the eggs (or one egg if you're making half a serving) and add sugar to them.

3. As with any pie dough, add a little fine salt.

4. Now transfer the very soft margarine to the eggs with salt and sugar.

5. Stir. You can even use a mixer to get a homogeneous slurry after dissolving the margarine.

6. Pour in the last liquid ingredient of this pie dough - sour cream.

7. Add soda in the right amount to increase the dough in a hot oven. There is no need to use vinegar to extinguish it, because the dough contains sour cream.

8. Mix the base for the future test a second time.

9. Place a fine sieve on top of the dough container and pour a glass of flour, sift it into the dough.

10. Stir the flour thoroughly. To do this, you can also resort to using a mixer to get a semi-liquid dough.

11. Sift the remaining amount of flour for this dough in accordance with the recipe and now knead it without a spoon with your hands. It should be tender to the touch, it may stick a little to the hands, but it should still be. Do not rush to add more flour, otherwise the dough will turn out to be too dense.

12. Form a flattened ball from the dough and wrap it with a film or wrap it in a bag. The dough is not yet ready for baking. In order for it to acquire the desired properties, put it in the refrigerator for one and a half or two hours. Just during this time, the soft margarine contained in this dough will harden in the cold, so it will be easier to roll out the dough and form pies out of it.

After cooling the dough, divide it into pieces of the same size and mold the patties in the usual way. Please note that the dough on sour cream for pies in the oven for buns is not suitable, and it is advisable to make pies from it with thin walls so that the dough bakes well. They need to be baked at one hundred and eighty two hundred degrees Celsius until golden brown.