The new virus is Turkish chickenpox. Rest Turkey Chickenpox. Personal experience. The mechanism of development of Turkish chickenpox

We went on vacation with the whole family. Me, a husband and two children (son 6 years old and daughter 1.7 years old). Everyone, except the daughter, had previously suffered from chickenpox. Without fear of illness (there was not even a thought that a child of 1.7 years, who does not go to kindergarten and has little contact with children, could get chickenpox without visible contact with patients), we went on vacation.
What a surprise it was when, 3 days before departure, my child became covered with a rash. And not with three pimples, but the little girl looked like a leopard! All the face and back began to be covered with a profuse rash.
Realizing that this was nothing more than chickenpox, and that we were not allowed to fly home, we turned to the guide at the hotel to resolve the issue of extending the tour for me and my daughter. We went to the doctor through an insurance company. We were taken to the clinic, where the doctor confirmed the diagnosis of Chicken-pox (chicken pox), and that the flight was impossible. The doctor gave us a lotion white and ordered to smear stains 2 times a day. Reappearance in 5 days.
Upon payment:the insurance company immediately warned that if my child has chickenpox, then this is an insured event, and we pay only a deductible of $ 30, if this is something else (an allergy, for example), then it will NOT be an insured event, and we will have to all expenses take over. Please note that the insurance company compensated us only for the payment for the visit to the doctor. Accommodation in a hotel in excess of the paid tour, plane tickets - this SK does not compensate.
Realizing that extending the stay for the whole family is too expensive for our budget, it was decided to return the husband and son home as planned. My daughter and I will stay until the doctor gives permission to fly.
Yes, even the representative of the insurance company immediately made an offer - to try to fly out with our sick child ... on another flight! To which I replied that to start our flight only tomorrow, but with a sick child I will not fly anywhere (and not simply because only a blind man could NOT notice chickenpox on my child's face, and then only on a dark night).
The doctor gave permission to fly on the 8th day of the disease, when there were no new rashes, and the old acne had noticeably dried up.

If your child falls ill with chickenpox on vacation, you will not be able to fly home without a doctor's permission to fly. Depending on the severity of your illness (temperature, amount of rash), you may need to extend your vacation by several days. In this regard, I strongly recommend having a reserve of funds for such additional costs:
- hotel accommodation (when the tour is extended, the room rate per day will be higher than when you buy the full package from the tour operator);
- new plane tickets (old tickets are not returned, their cost is not compensated in any way);
- payment for doctor's services at the next appointment (if necessary. My child had a high temperature on the 7th day, as it turned out, they also caught a throat infection. The doctor's appointment cost me $ 50).
For those who think that they will sneak aboard the plane with a sick child, I will say right away - this is unlikely. Especially if the rash is profuse. When I was driving home already with permission from the doctor, the airport staff began asking about the rash at the very first stage - metal detectors at the entrance to the airport. At the check-in counter, the first question (with gestures) was the question of the rash. I presented a doctor's certificate, the staff discussed something else in Turkish, then asked one of their own to make a photocopy of this permission for them, and only then proceeded to check us in for the flight.

Read your insurance contract carefully before leaving on vacation. If you buy a tour in advance, then be sure to check that the clause is active in your agreement with the UK: "refund if the tour is canceled due to an infectious disease requiring treatment and quarantine that occurs BEFORE leaving for vacation" (for those who knows that there was contact with a patient with chickenpox in advance). Plus, check if your child suddenly falls ill with chickenpox on vacation, then whether chickenpox is included in the list of "insurance" diseases and what expenses are compensated by the SK in this case. It will be cheaper to pay the extra money for extended insurance than to pay for everything yourself later. And also carefully check your passport details in the insurance contract. I had an extra letter in my name in my documents. Fortunately, I noticed this even before leaving and insisted on correcting the error.
Parents who travel with two or more children, please note that for your peace of mind, all children must be entered in the passports of both parents. Our son was entered both in my passport and in my husband's passport. Daughter - only in mine. So, if my son was also entered only in my passport, I would have to remain alone in a foreign country, not only with my daughter, but also with my son, because my husband could not take his son home without me. And also, theoretically, my husband could have stayed with my daughter instead of me, but since she was not indicated in his passport, it would have been impossible to go home with her without me and my passport.

"Turkish chickenpox" - this is how the Coxsackie virus was nicknamed, which became widespread in the resorts of this country in 2017, netizens. The peculiarities of the course of this infectious disease with a pronounced rash and fever in children seriously frightened adults. Many tourists hastened to abandon the planned holiday in sunny Turkey, preferring not to put the health of their families at risk. But is the Coxsackie virus so dangerous that, due to the high probability of contracting it, cancel your plans? Many pediatricians, including Dr. Komarovsky, recommend that parents of young children avoid places where you can get this infection. And although in most cases the Coxsackie virus does not lead to serious complications, a severe course of the disease is possible not only in babies, but also in their parents. A feature of the disease is the lack of specific treatment for "Turkish chickenpox". In today's article we will talk about how the Coxsackie virus is transmitted and proceeds, how long its incubation period lasts and how to treat this disease, including in pregnant women. We will also discuss the first symptoms of infection and how dangerous it is.

What is the danger of the Coxsackie virus: features of the course of the disease in adults and children

The Coxsackie virus is one of the varieties of enteroviruses that, when ingested, most often infect the gastrointestinal tract. Hence the attacks of vomiting and diarrhea, which are observed in most people affected by Coxsackie. That is why this disease is also called intestinal flu. The most common types of Coxsackie virus are types A and B. Enteroviruses of type A infect mucous membranes, causing conjunctivitis, stomatitis, throat and respiratory tract diseases. As a rule, this form of the disease proceeds without complications and pathologies. The Coxsackie virus type B is a much more serious species that can be deadly. It attacks vital organs: heart, liver, lungs. In more detail about how the disease progresses in children and adults, as well as how the Coxsackie virus can be dangerous, we will talk further.

The main features of the course of the Coxsackie virus in children and adults: what is the danger of this disease

Speaking about the main features of the course of the Coxsackie virus, several key points should be taken into account. Firstly, the likelihood of getting serious health complications is much higher with type B Coxsackie virus. Secondly, young children under 3 years old and adults who first encounter this virus are at risk due to the possibility of dehydration. Thirdly, one must not forget that there is no specific treatment and vaccination against this virus. Therefore, in many respects, how easy the disease will be is determined by the strength of the immunity and the qualifications of the doctor.

Coxsackie virus in Turkey 2017: the latest news on the outbreak in the resorts

The latest outbreak of the Coxsackie virus in Turkish resorts, which occurred at the end of the summer of 2017, sowed great panic among locals and tourists. The reason for this is not only the mass diseases of children, but also the excessive hype around this event in the press. The fact is that according to statistical data, approximately 80% of children aged 3 to 10 years at least once in their life suffer from an enterovirus infection. And although the body after meeting the Coxsackie virus does not develop immunity to this disease, the likelihood of re-infection with it is quite low. In addition, this disease in most cases does not lead to serious complications, and sometimes it is completely asymptomatic.

The latest news about the outbreak of the Coxsackie virus infection in the resorts of Turkey 2017

As for the latest news regarding the outbreak of the Coxsackie virus infection in the resorts of Turkey in 2017, at the moment the danger has passed. This disease, like a number of other viral diseases, is characterized by seasonality. Most often, outbreaks of enterovirus infections are observed in late summer and early autumn. It is during this period that the weather conditions are most favorable for the spread of viruses.

How does the Coxsackie virus manifest in children: the first symptoms and treatment, a photo of the rash

To understand what the treatment of the Coxsackie virus should be, you need to know about the first symptoms of this disease and how it manifests itself in children. Often, this infection is characterized by a number of the following symptoms:

  • bouts of vomiting and diarrhea
  • small, red rash with blisters filled with clear liquid
  • localization of the rash on the bends of the elbows, knees, cheeks and in the mouth
  • temperature 38-40 degrees for 3-5 days
  • general malaise (headache, chills, body aches)
  • sometimes swollen lymph nodes in the neck and submandibular region

As mentioned above, the Coxsackie virus can occur in a mild form, for example, without diarrhea and vomiting. Even typical for this disease, the rash can be minimal. Literally 1-2 pimples in the mouth, which only a doctor can notice during examination.

Coxsackie virus: how long is the incubation period in children and adults

The active phase of the disease is preceded by an incubation period, during which the carrier of the Coxsackie virus is already infectious to others. As a rule, it lasts 3-10 days. The duration of the incubation period is determined by the virus strain and the characteristics of the sick person's immunity.

The first symptoms: how the Coxsackie virus manifests itself in children, a photo of the rash

After the incubation period, the active stage of the disease begins, accompanied by a number of symptoms. In most sick children, the manifestation of the disease begins with a sharp increase in temperature. Quite often, along with the temperature, the child develops frequent vomiting and dark-colored diarrhea. Hence, there is a high probability of dehydration of the body, especially dangerous for babies under 3 years old. A decrease in temperature occurs on the 3-5th day of illness, and coincides with the appearance of a characteristic rash. Red specks with bubbles of liquid appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, hands, feet and cheeks. Sometimes the rash also affects other parts of the body.

Treatment of symptoms that appear first in children with Coxsackie virus

There is no specific treatment for the Coxsackie virus - conventional antiviral drugs can cope with it. In addition, local treatment of the symptoms manifested is necessary. In other words, the high temperature in children should be brought down with antipyretic syrups, and the rash should be treated with anesthetic gels and ointments. Prevention of dehydration is very important - an abundant warm drink helps to alleviate the course of the disease. You should also remember about possible complications, therefore, systematic observation of the child by a doctor is mandatory.

How the Coxsackie virus and rash are transmitted: symptoms and treatment in adults, photo

If we talk about the treatment of the rash and symptoms of the Coxsackie virus in adults, then they are quite similar to those in children. In most cases, the disease proceeds according to a similar pattern: high fever, a sharp deterioration in well-being, vomiting and / or diarrhea, the appearance of a characteristic rash.

How the Coxsackie virus is transmitted in adults and children - a photo of a rash and other symptoms

As for the treatment of the Coxsackie virus in adults, it includes antipyretic and antiviral drugs, drinking plenty of fluids, and bed rest. Do not forget that a special danger, in particular for pregnant women, can be the Coxsackie virus type B. Therefore, when the first signs of infection appear, expectant mothers should seek medical help. It is important to mention not only how to treat, but also how the Coxsackie virus is transmitted in adults and children (photo of the first symptoms and rash below). Often, the infection spreads by airborne droplets when communicating with a sick person, including during the incubation period. You can also get Coxsackie through poorly washed food and household items (dishes, towels, doorknobs, etc.). It is in this way, according to latest news there was an outbreak of infection in hotels in Turkey.

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Infection caused by the Coxsackie virus is seasonal and has no age restrictions. Most often children get sick preschool age... This is due to the fact that hygiene at a given age is not always sufficient, and being in a children's team is a factor provoking illness. In the article, we will talk about the main signs of the disease, as well as their development and extinction during the first week after infection.

The Coxsackie virus or "Turkish chickenpox" is insidious in that up to a certain point has no specific symptoms... In this regard, the disease is difficult to diagnose in the early days, and differentiating it from chickenpox is even more difficult.

It all starts like common acute respiratory illness... The baby's malaise is progressing every day more and more.

Important! The intensity of symptoms depends on many factors, including the type and form of pathology.

How the virus proceeds

The latent period does not exceed ten days on average. At this time, the child is already considered infectious, although there may be no signs. The virus manifests itself during the day in an acute form. Even in the morning, the baby is vigorous and active, and in the evening the thermometer will rise to 38-39 degrees. Especially you need to carefully monitor children in the first year of life.

Caution! There are times when the child's temperature reaches 40 degrees. The danger of this state is that the heat does not go well. This can lead to febrile seizures. The feverish state is accompanied by aches throughout the body, migraine.

The kid becomes capricious, lethargic, drowsy, nasal congestion appears. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, classic symptoms may be complemented by severe vomiting, diarrhea, bloating.

All these are common signs characteristic of any infection provoked by enteroviruses.

To specific signs Coxsackie is usually attributed:

  • rash in the form of small vesiclesspreading to mucous membranes, areas around the mouth, palms and feet;
  • sore throataccompanied by discomfort during swallowing, wheezing and dry pressing cough;
  • swollen lymph nodes.

With the simultaneous combination of these two signs, pediatricians diagnose a disease associated with the Coxsackie virus.

On a note! Do not forget about typical and atypical symptoms. In the latter case, it is hardly possible to identify pathology without special diagnostics.

To date studied 2 subspecies of Coxsackie virus: type A and B... The latter carries a real danger, it affects the brain, provokes changes in the heart muscle tissues.

Quite a rare occurrence when Coxsackie behaves like polio:

  • the child's motor activity is disrupted, up to minimal paralysis of the legs,
  • your toddler may suddenly limp.

The appearance of signs characteristic of meningitis suggests that pathogenic organisms actively "work" in the brain... All these signs are characteristic of a severe form of the disease.

How does it manifest

During the latent period of the action of viruses, pathogens actively "travel" through the bloodstream. The result of their malicious action is specific rash in the form of ulcerswith a cloudy yellow liquid inside. How the rash looks depends on both the diagnosis and the methods of therapy.

Important! The rash usually appears a day after the first manifestations of the disease. Skin rashes are called polymorphic exanthema.

Main locations:

  • palms,
  • feet,
  • the space between the fingers
  • the area around the lips.

The rash disturbs the sick child, causing discomfort severe obsessive itching... The ulcers appear gradually.

PeriodThe nature of the rash
2 day of the course of the diseasePink small spots, without contour. They quickly become bright, turning into bubbles. The skin around the vesicles does not undergo changes.
A similar rash is typical for allergic rashes, measles, rubella, scarlet fever. Itching sensations appear in the first hours after the appearance of papules.
Day 3The rash turns into bubbles with fluid inside. They resemble rashes with chickenpox. The kid suffers from unbearable itching, itches, screams, rushes about on the bed. The attacks are worse at night.
Day 4The ulcers begin to break through, partially turn pale. The skin with profuse rashes becomes dry, the skin bursts, flakes and begins to peel off. The process is very active on the feet and palms. Itching subsides.
5-7 dayThe rash is less noticeable, turns pale, gradually fades away. Small locations may remain for a short time, the skin continues to flake off. The skin renewal process can take up to 10 days.

Photo of a child's throat:


There are several forms of the course of the disease: the intensity of the syndromes, the duration of the disease and the degree of damage to the body systems affect.

The following forms are distinguished:

  • easy,
  • average,
  • heavy.

The disease can proceed in waves, with relapses and complications. The first form is considered the mildest: recovery occurs on day 10 with the complete disappearance of symptoms.

Important! Any one syndrome indicates an isolated form. If there is a defeat of several organs at once, then we are talking about a combined variety.

  • Herpetic sore throat... The tonsils become inflamed, ulcers appear on their surface, which spread to the soft palate, the back of the pharynx.
  • Myalgia of an epidemiological nature... The child complains of muscle pain. This syndrome of the Coxsackie virus is rare.
  • Pathologies from the central nervous systemcaused by ischemia of brain areas First of all, it is serous meningitis, then poliomyelitis. The syndrome can be suspected by its characteristic features: high fever, vomiting that is not associated with food, the appearance of seizures, impaired consciousness, a specific arched body position, photophobia.
  • Enterovirus fever... Pathology, the main symptom of which is high fever, the general unsatisfactory condition of the child.
  • Myocarditis, pericarditis... The condition is a dangerous complication in the form of heart failure. It manifests itself as severe fever, pain in the heart, cyanosis of the triangle around the nose and mouth, shortness of breath. The cardiogram clearly shows serious changes.
  • Upper respiratory problems... One of the simplest forms of pathology. The patient stabilizes in a few days. In addition to a febrile condition, there is a sore throat, dry cough, runny nose, nasal congestion.
  • Hemorrhagic conjunctivitis... Pain in the eyes, swelling of the eyelids, abnormal tearing is diagnosed, redness of the eyes is an incomplete list of the main symptoms.
  • Hand-foot-mouth syndrome, characterized by a specific ulcerative rash. There is a detachment of nails, a change in the skin. Can take a long period of time.

Useful video

The program "Vesti", what a virus looks like on a child's body, a photo of a rash in a video:


  1. Diagnosis of Coxsackie is not difficult, if the disease is typical... However, if a disease is suspected, an appeal to a pediatrician is necessary, including for the differentiation of Coxsackie from smallpox, meningitis, rubella, measles.
  2. The disease goes away with adequate and timely treatment in 7-10 days without consequences... Children in their first year of life may need hospital treatment or more frequent supervision by a pediatrician.

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The holiday season is in full swing, and many Ukrainians leave with their families to relax by the sea to bask in the sun, swim in the pool and enjoy all the benefits of the magic concept of all inclusive. As they joke this year, those who did not have enough money for Odessa - fly to Turkey. By the way, these are the majority. True, sometimes a vacation, even a foreign one, can be completely and irrevocably ruined by an exotic sore. IN recent times tourists now and then complain that an incomprehensible virus is rampant in the most popular eastern resorts. And judging by the description, you can't call it harmless: high fever, which can last for several days, rash, indigestion. At the same time, nails and skin on the feet still peel off.

People's Deputy Vitaly Kupriy described about the same "set" that happened to his friends on his page in social networks. In the five-star Calista Luxury Resort in Turkey, his friends fell ill with the whole family on the third day. This is despite the fact that the cost of 14 days of rest for two in this hotel is 5 thousand dollars without air travel.

“First, the youngest child fell ill, and then all the others,” the people's deputy said. “Four days the temperature is 40, then a pea-sized rash all over the body, which bursts, I don't sleep for the third day. The hotel does not recognize anything. Although in our hotel about a thousand people, and every third child is ill or has had this infection. "

The topic was immediately discussed in social networks and shared experience. Judging from the comments, the so-called "Turkish chickenpox" was picked up on vacation by almost every second Ukrainian. Interestingly, the overseas virus decays vacationers no matter what the level of the hotel.

As a rule, children under 5 are ill, - says Irina Strelkova. - As a director of a travel agency (whose child has had this sore himself), I always warn all tourists about it. As a consequence of this disease, healthy nails in children completely disappear from their feet and hands 2-3 weeks after recovery. The virus is transmitted not only through the pool - it can even be picked up through the general air conditioning system.

Why is coxsackie dangerous and what to do?

The season of enterovirus exanthema has begun, and coxsackie also belongs to them, says pediatrician Sergei Butriy. - It's just the scourge of resort hotels.

According to the pediatrician, the disease has two main forms: "hand-foot-mouth", it is also enterovirus pemphigus, it is also Turkish chickenpox. And herpangina, or rather coxsackie-pharyngitis. The sick child has a sore throat and fever. The fever lasts for the first 1-4 days, then it normalizes itself. Pain during swallowing lasts 1-6 days, but it turns out that it is not necessary to stuff the baby with medicines, especially antibiotics. This disease itself will pass in the usual terms for it: in 3-7 days.

The doctor advises parents to relieve pain sore throat his child and give a lot of liquid - at least 1.5 liters per day. But most delicious recommendation doctor - ice cream, milkshakes and other cold treats. All this can and should be given to the child.

As Sergey Butriy explains, the child, firstly, will receive at least some calories, because he could have eaten nothing for several days. Secondly, the mouth and throat are numb from the cold, and the pain is dulled. As for complications, the most dangerous of them is serous meningitis. Manifested by unbearable headaches, phobia and sound, increased headache when trying to tilt the head forward. In this case, immediate hospitalization is needed. Symptoms and treatment for infected adults is the same as for children. The main thing is to drink plenty of water. Nevertheless, many seek help from a doctor. Tourists facing adversity say that treatment after calling a doctor is covered by insurance.

The appearance of a rash on the body can be very disturbing for people, especially when it comes to a child. Not surprisingly, they are beginning to be interested in issues related to this disease.

Why does it arise? What does chickenpox look like? How to treat? Let's take a closer look.

What is this disease?

Chickenpox is an acute infection with the appearance of typical rashes and signs of intoxication syndrome.

A person is quite susceptible to the virus, however, having been ill, he acquires a tense immunity, which will protect against re-infection all his life.

ICD-10 code

In the international classification of diseases, chickenpox is usually indicated by a code B01 .

In the presence of complications from organs and systems, the following designations of the disease are distinguished:

  • В01.0 - with meningitis;
  • B01.1 - with encephalitis;
  • B01.2 - with pneumonia;
  • В01.8 - with other complications;
  • В01.9 - no complications.

Video (Dr. Komarovsky):

Causes of occurrence

The disease is caused by HSV type 3. This is a DNA-containing virus that is incapable of dividing outside the human body, therefore it is unstable in the environment.

Most often, people suffer from the disease in the autumn-spring period. Sick persons are a reservoir and source of chickenpox.

What danger the infection carries to others depends on how many days the chickenpox is contagious. This period usually lasts for the last 10 days of the incubation period and 5-7 days of the rash period.

Transmission path:

  • Airborne;
  • Contact-household (difficult to implement);
  • Transplantable.

How does chickenpox begin: symptoms and first signs

The main manifestations of the disease are considered:

  • The formation of a typical rash;
  • Fever: the temperature rises to 39-40 degrees;
  • Weakness and loss of strength.

At the initial stage, a person begins to worry about malaise and weakness. With their appearance, flat pinkish spots the size of a pea are formed. At the same time, the temperature rises. In adults, it can reach high values.

After 1 hour, the rash spreads rapidly, appearing on almost any part of the body. However, for chickenpox, the formation of elements on the scalp and on the face is most characteristic, and then it spreads to the whole body.

A few hours later, a vesicle with a transparent content is formed in the center of the speck. It is accompanied by intense itching. After 1-2 days, it dries up, covered with a brown crust.The latter disappear after 1-2 weeks from the moment the first elements of the rash appear, and a slight pigmentation remains in its place, which disappears after some time.

Disease stages

There are 3 main stages of the disease:

1st stage

Formation of pink flat spots. They do not cause any concern.

Stage 2

Literally after a few hours, the rashes become larger, they increase and turn into bubbles, inside which there is a clear liquid.

The vesicles spread throughout the body, with the exception of the palms and feet, and begin to itch. This leads to scratching of the skin.

Stage 3

The bubbles dry out for about 3 days of illness, a reddish crust forms. Every 1-2 days, new rashes appear on the skin.

At the height of the disease, various elements of the rash are observed at different stages of their development.

In children

Chickenpox in children has characteristic features: the symptoms of the onset of the disease differ from those in adults. They are not characterized by prodromal phenomena in the form of general malaise, weakness and high body temperature.

The disease is more susceptible to children of preschool and school age who attend child care.

Features of chickenpox in children :

  • It is characterized by severe itching, the child scratches the rash.
  • The spread of the rash does not have any pattern; it appears on any part of the body.
  • First, a rash in the form of reddish spots, after which a papule is formed, a cavityless element located above the skin level. Soon, small bubbles appear, filled with a clear liquid, and, in the end, they are replaced by crusts.
  • Elements of the rash appear simultaneously, and the stages of their development are different. For chickenpox, pouring is characteristic.

In adults

Adults tend to have a more severe course of the disease. Symptoms such as fever and malaise with weakness are prominent.

How does chickenpox manifest in adults :

  • The rash is more profuse than in children.
  • Most often, pustules are formed from the vesicles.
  • The rash spreads all over the body, especially the scalp, face and neck.
  • Rashes do not appear on the palmar surface of the hands and plantar - on the feet.
  • Lymph nodes are affected.
  • Pouring can occur within 3-8 days with the appearance of new waves of fevers.

2017 Turkish chickenpox

The so-called Turkish chickenpox was recently mentioned in the media: 2017 was remembered by many vacationers for this particular ailment. People have become infected en masse with the Coxsackie virus in Turkey, the symptoms of which resemble chickenpox.

The main manifestations of the disease are considered :

  • Fever with a body temperature of up to 40 degrees;
  • Rash formation;
  • Dehydration of the body.

The disease is dangerous by the development of complications: meningitis, violation of the cardiovascular system. To date, a vaccine against this infection has not been created, so doctors have to fight only with its manifestations.



There is no specific therapy for the disease. Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, except for the complicated course of chickenpox.

The main groups of drugs:

  • Antihistamines - Tavegil, Cetrin, Claritin. They reduce the itching sensation.
  • Antibacterial drugs - with the formation of pustules.
  • Antipyretic drugs - Paracetamol, Nurofen. Used to lower body temperature.
  • Antiviral medicines - Leukiferon - to fight the virus.
  • Local antiseptics for the treatment of rash elements: 1% solution of brilliant green or potassium permanganate.

How to smear chickenpox in children other than brilliant green? Experts recommend using such funds:

  • Compliance with bed rest;
  • Frequent change of bed linen;
  • Drinking a lot of fluids;
  • Eating a special diet that includes dairy products, fruit and vegetable dishes.

Parents are often interested in the question: is it possible to swim with chickenpox? Most Russian pediatricians advise against taking a water procedure until the last wave of the rash subsides.

However, experts from Europe and the United States argue that bathing is possible and even necessary. When washing, you need to follow some rules: give up hot water, use a washcloth and detergents. Instead, you need to use a solution of potassium permanganate. After washing, do not dry thoroughly; instead, get wet with a towel.


It is believed that the chickenpox vaccine is quite effective. It has a high immunogenicity and forms immunity in almost all vaccinated babies under 5 years of age. In older children, the percentage of formation of immunity is less, therefore, re-vaccination is required.

It is believed that chickenpox is a childhood disease that occurs easily and without the development of complications. In fact, the disease can be dangerous, affect adults, and also cause adverse effects on the patient. Vaccination is an effective preventive measure for people of any age, which allows the body to become immune.