Creation of a 1C retail cashier's workplace. Workplace for 1C:Enterprise support. In the workplace settings, the cashier has the opportunity to choose one of two modes

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The procedure for setting up user rights for working in the cashier workplace mode of the “1C:Pharmacy for Kazakhstan” configuration

Date of publication: 06/30/2014

This article will tell you how to correctly set up user rights to perform cash transactions in the configuration " 1C:Pharmacy for Kazakhstan" In addition, the settings for the cashier's workplace interface will be discussed.

Before you follow the steps in this article, you must set up administrator rights. This item is described in the article “”.

So, let's start by creating a user with the role "Cashier". To do this, go to the “1C: Pharmacy for Kazakhstan” system configurator mode and go to the “Administration” menu "Users", select the "Add" command. In the window that appears, fill in the details “Name” and “ Full name", as shown in the following figure.

In order for the created user to be displayed in the selection list of the authorization window, you must set the “Show in selection list” checkbox.

Here you can assign a password for the user to enter the configuration. You can not set a password for the user to enter the program, but use the one that is entered when entering the program. Windows system. In this case, you must set the “Operating system authentication” flag and select a user from the list of registered users. To authorize a user using OpenID, set the “OpenID Authentication” flag. In this case, the user is authorized not in the infobase, but using an external OpenID provider, which stores a list of users.

The most optimal interface for the RMK role is “General”, since this interface contains a menu with which you can go to the objects necessary for sales.

When the “RMK” role is set for the user, then when the infobase is launched, the cashier’s workstation menu will automatically open.

Setting up additional user rights

Now launch 1C:Enterprise mode under a user with administrator rights. Select "Service" "Users" "Setting up additional user rights." In the settings form that opens, select the user for whom you want to configure additional rights.

In the “Setting up additional rights” form, rights are specified for a specific user. In the “Cashier Workplace Management” group, user rights are configured when working in the RMK mode. In order to set personal settings for the RMK mode, go to the “RMK Interface” item.

Let's consider the purpose of each flag in the “RMK Interface” item for setting up additional rights.

  • "Allow check cancellation" if the flag is set, the “Canceling a check” command will be available to the user working with the cashier interface.
  • “Allow depositing money” and “Allow withdrawing money” if the flags are set, the user will have access to the “Deposit money” and “Withdraw money” commands. The “Deposit Money” command is intended for depositing change Money at the beginning of the shift. The “Withdraw money” command withdraws funds from the cash register, for example, during collection.
  • “Allow assignment of manual discounts” - if the flag is checked, the user has the opportunity to enter the amount of an absolute discount, the percentage of a relative discount on a product line or on the document amount. The “Set” commands are available in the RMK interface. % on check" and "Set. % on the product." Detailed description These commands are given in the article "".
  • “Allow selection of information card” - if the flag is checked, the “Information card” command will be available. When you click this button, a separate dialog box will appear in which you can manually select a discount card and set a discount for sale.
  • “Allow working with deferred receipts” - if the flag is checked, the “Postpone current” commands will be available. check" and "Cont. check". The user will be able to postpone working with the current receipt and return to it later.
  • “Allow editing of a typed receipt” - when this flag is checked, the user will be able to edit the current receipt.
  • “Allow product reversal” - if this flag is not set, then when adding a product in RMK mode, the user will not be able to delete the current line.
  • “Allow return receipt”—if the flag is checked, the user will be able to issue a return receipt.

The next thing that needs to be configured for the user is the type of RMK menu.

If not a single item is specified in the list of “RMK Menu”, then only one command “Sales Registration” will be available to the user.

Let's look at what each “RMK Menu” setting flag is intended for.

If it is necessary for the user to be able to close the configuration independently, then it is necessary to set the flag “Allow exit to operating system" The “Shutdown” command will be available in the RMK menu.

If the cashier will independently close the cash register shift at the end of the day, then set the “Allow closing shift” flag. When closing a shift, a retail sales report is automatically generated and a “Z-report” is generated. The “Close shift” command will be available in the RMK menu.

If the user is allowed to change the current RMK settings (hot keys in the RMK, access rights, setting up retail equipment and other cashier functions), then set the “Allow RMK settings” flag. The “RMK Setup” command will be available in the RMK menu.

To be able to generate an “X-report”, i.e. displaying a list of sales receipts at the current moment without closing the shift, set the flag “Allow shift reporting without cancellation”. The “Report without blanking” command will be available in the RMK menu.

To generate a summary report for the store (for all previously generated “Retail Sales Report” documents), check the “Allow generation of a summary report for cash register shift” checkbox. The “Summary Report” command will be available in the RMK menu.

Setting the “Allow interface switching” flag will allow the user to work with several program interfaces, independently selecting the interface he needs. The “Close” command will be available in the RMK menu.

To enable user rights, click the “OK” button.

Setting up a cashier's workplace

After setting up additional user rights, let’s move on to setting up the RMK (menu “Service” "RMK Settings").

Initially, the RMK settings are located on three tabs:

  • General settings
  • Interface
  • Fast goods

The “Bottom panel” tab is displayed if the “Use advanced bottom panel settings” flag is selected. On the bottom panel there are additional RMK commands, for example, “Quick goods”, “Continue”. check", "Canceled. check”, etc.

“General settings” tab

Let's look at the settings on the “General Settings” tab.

If the “Combine items with the same product” flag is set, then when adding a product of the same type, its quantity will change. If the flag is not set, then information about each product in the receipt will be printed on a separate line.

If the flag “Assign a price to goods with a zero price” is set, then the cashier can edit prices for goods if prices are not set by the store (when accounting for quantitative balances).

Setting the flag “When returning, print a package of documents” will allow the cashier, when processing returns to the buyer, to print out the necessary documents accompanying the return of goods: a statement from the buyer (or cashier) about the reason for the return, a return certificate, a cash receipt.

Setting the flag “Control product balances when closing a receipt” allows you to control product balances at the time of posting the “KKM Receipt” document.

Setting the “Select information card only by code” flag blocks the cashier’s access to the general list of employee information cards. An employee is identified by entering the code of his information card without showing it to the cashier general list information cards of all employees.

Setting the “Carry out a survey” flag activates the functionality of registering the buyer’s personal data and discount card when making a purchase, including in RMK. To enter personal data in RMK mode, you need to configure additional rights for the cashier (“Additional user rights” set the flags “Carry out a survey when preparing documents” and “Allow registration of a discount card when reading a new code”).

Specifying the autosave interval for the current receipt will allow you to automatically save information about the current receipt to an external file. This will ensure quick restoration of the cashier’s work, for example, in the event of a power failure.

If the checkbox “Check for availability of dismantled items before express disassembly” is checked, the system will check the remaining components before carrying out disassembly.

The flag “Fill the tabular part with product series” - turns on the mechanism for automatically selecting product series into a document in the RMK mode. Before filling out the document, batches of items are sorted in ascending order of expiration date (with quantitative accounting of balances).

Tab "Interface"

Let's consider the features when setting up the interface of the cashier's workplace. The interface of the cashier's workstation (WWK) is configured on the "Interface" tab.

In the workplace settings, the cashier is offered a choice of two options: “Display text selection on the right side of the screen” and “Display the keyboard on the right side of the screen.”

If the “Display text selection on the right side of the screen” flag is set, then the user has access to interface settings using the standard product selection dialog box. Work in RMK is carried out using a keyboard and mouse, with the ability to select products based on text representation.

For this mode, service functions for selecting goods are configured (selection of items based on balances, selection of additional units of measurement).

If the flag “Show items in the selection by balances” is checked, then the selection will only include those items for which there is a balance in the warehouse.

If the flag “Show the form for selecting additional units of measurement (at average price)” is checked, then when you select an item that has multiple units of measurement, the “Select Item” dialog box will appear.

If the “Display keyboard on the right side of the screen” flag is set, then the RMK with a programmable keyboard is used for operation.

On the right side of the cashier's workplace, buttons are displayed for convenient pressing from the TouchScreen or from the keyboard. For this operating mode of the RMK, service functions for the selection of goods are configured (closing the selection when selecting a product, defining the default search field (code, article or barcode of the product)).

If the “Close selection when selecting a product” flag is set, then when selecting an item, the selection window will close automatically.

When the flag “Select products when switching to selection mode” is set in the RMK setting (if any value is entered in the text field), filtering of the displayed data in the selection is carried out by the area specified in the RMK settings (Code, Barcode, Article).

If the “Open right panel at startup” and “Open bottom panel at startup” flags are set, then when you open the RMK, the bottom and right panels will open automatically.

Tab "Quick Products"

The list of quick products is configured on the “Quick Products” tab.

For products that are sold quite often, you can assign a quick selection button (product button) and a key combination (accelerator), when pressed, the product will be selected from the list.

To open the panel with quick products in RMK mode, you must press the “Quick products (F2)” button.

The commands in the bottom panel can be filled in either by default or edited manually. The user can change the list of commands, assign function keys, and change the location.

The first step in setting up the 1C: Retail 2.2 program will be to create Organizations. To do this, go to point Regulatory Reference Information (RNI), in the navigation panel select Organization details.

In the window that opens, select Entity or Individual entrepreneur. After this, fill in the appropriate details: Name in the program, Abbreviated name, Full name, TIN and others.

The next step is to create Types of prices. Go to the section Marketing, in the navigation panel select Types of prices and press the key Create.

We will need to create two types of prices: Purchasing And Retail.
First let's create Purchasing To do this, fill in the window that opens: Name, Method of setting the price and Data layout scheme. Purchasing the price will be filled in from the goods receipt document.

After adding Purchase price need to be added Retail price, that is, the price at which we will sell. Fill in new price: Name, Use when selling, Method of setting price and Calculation rules. In this case, we will receive an automatic price calculation, that is, Product Receipt Price + 50% markup = Retail Price. In the future, you can change the price manually.

The next step is to create Pricing Rules, come in Marketing Pricing Rules and press Create.

In the window that opens, fill in Name And Type of prices.

Program 1C: Retail requires creation to work Store who will release the goods. Let's go to Regulatory Reference Information (RNI), in the navigation panel select The shops and press Create.

In the window that opens, fill in the basic details: Name, In the shop here you need to choose either to work with one warehouse or with several, Warehouse name, Sales organization this is the organization with which sales will be made, Pricing Rule, Type of minimum selling prices this is the same purchase price, it will be impossible to sell below this price, so as not to work at a loss, The procedure for rounding the check amount This item will allow you to round up the amount of the check, so as not to bother with pennies, if you think that you will already have equal prices and this is not required, then you are mistaken, because when you apply discounts, pennies will still appear in the item Rounding type choose Round the total This item will allow you to lose less money on rounding. After filling in all the details, click the button Save and close.

RMK (Cashier Workplace) cannot function without a Fiscal Registrar, so the next step is to add a fiscal registrar to the system. In our case we will add emulation of a fiscal registrar. Go to the section Administration, select in the navigation menu Connected equipment.

Next, check the box Use connected equipment and go to Connected equipment.

The equipment list is empty, add new equipment. Press the key Create.

Fill out the form that opens: Type of equipment select Fiscal registrars, Hardware Driver select 1C: Fiscal registrar (emulator), check the box Device in use, click on Record button an object and go to Tune…

If the device driver is not installed on the computer, click: Functions and choose Install the driver. If the driver is installed, then setting the check parameters will appear. They can be changed at your discretion or left as default.

The next step is to configure KKM cash registers which will punch receipts in your Store. Go to the section Regulatory reference Information(NSI), KKM cash registers and press Create.

Fill in the main points. Cash register type, Store, Name, Workplace, Connected equipment The Fiscal Registrar that we created earlier should appear in the field. Then presses Record and close.

Now we need to add rights to our user to use all the functions of the RMK. This point is very important. Let's go to Administration, Users and Rights and choose Additional user rights.
First, let's give the user all rights. Click on Button with green checkmark and press Write it down. All necessary rights will be given to the user.

Next, we need to receive the goods into the warehouse; for this we need to create a document Receipt of goods. We take the data to fill out from the supplier’s invoice. Let's go Procurement, select the item Receipts of goods.

A list of all documents will appear Receipts of goods previously created in order to create new document press Create.

We will not consider in detail how the Goods Receipts document is created; this can be found in the article

To sell goods, we must have installed Retail prices for goods. To do this, after creating and filling out the Goods Receipts document, select Create based on next we choose Setting item prices.

The document will open. This document forms the Purchase and Retail prices. The program itself calculates the price based on the formula we set earlier. Purchasing equal to the receipt price of 50 rubles, and Retail equal Purchasing +50% markup amounted to 75 rubles. You can change the calculated prices manually; to do this, you need to double-click in the price field and then enter your price. To save the document, click Swipe and close.

So we have made the basic settings of the RMK, now we go directly to the Cashier’s Workplace. To do this, go to the section Sales and choose RMK (controlled mode).

The RMK panel opens, initially we need to Open shift, click Opening Shift, and then press Sales registration.

In the window that opens, click the button Menu(F10) When you click on it, the bottom menu will appear, then press the button Search (F11) to select a product from the list.

In the window that opens Search and selection of goods in RMK turn on the display additional information at prices and balances. To do this, click the button below Show Information.

In the next window, select two checkboxes Show: Remainings and Prices. The current stock balances and retail price will appear at the bottom of the selection.

Select the product with two mouse clicks and close the product selection window. In the RMK window, enter quantity of goods sold press the button Cash (F6) to make a sale, enter the amount of money deposited, the program will calculate the change and press the button Enter.

Your sales receipt will appear at the bottom right. If you are not using an Emulator, but a real fiscal registrar, then your fiscal registrar will print a Receipt.
After you have worked a working day, you need to close the shift. To do this, exit the RMK by pressing the key Exit(F12). The RMK launch window will open. Now we need to close the cash register shift. Press the button Closing a shift.

The program will ask for confirmation of closing the shift. If you are ready to close the shift, click Yes.

If everything is in order and the sales amounts for the day coincide with sales, press the button Closing a shift.

The cash register is closed. The program will display an information window about the cash register shift. If you are using a real fiscal recorder (not an emulator), it will print you Z-REPORT.

Setting up a cashier's workplace (RMK) and registering retail sales in 1C: Trade Management 8 rev.11.2

Let's look at setting up the RMK using an emulator.

In chapter Regulatory and reference information(NSI) → Warehouses and shops create Retail store. Fill in the appropriate fields. (Fig.1).

You must connect to this Store KKM cash desk. We create it in the section NSI → Cash register cash register. We have a cash register type of fiscal registrar and select our warehouse - Store "Technology" (Fig. 2).


For a retail store you need to connect retail store equipment, which is adjusted using processing Connecting and setting up commercial equipment. Reference data → RMK and equipment → Connected equipment. We create and configure connected equipment. (Fig.3).


Before making sales, you need to configure cashier workplace(RMK) in the section Master data → RMK and equipment → RMK settings. In the RMK settings, you must specify the cash register cash register and the equipment connected to the cash register. (Fig.4).


To register retail sales, the RMK is used, which opens from the section Sales → Cash register receipts → Opening a cash register shift.

We select the product, quantity, price is filled in automatically from the document Setting item prices. (Fig.5). Payment in cash → Punch the check. (Fig.6).

From the list of KKM receipts or directly to RMK you can Close shift. (Fig.7).

After the cash register shift is closed, receipts issued for the current shift can be deleted, archived or left unchanged. When the button is pressed Close shift a document is being generated Retail sales report. (Fig.8).


The report generates information about all goods sold. Simultaneously printed report with blanking (Z-report).

Delivery cost 300 rub. Delivery was made the next day.

After receiving confirmation of delivery, our specialist arrived at the customer’s office and completed the following procedures in 1 hour and 30 minutes:

  • Since Windows was already installed on the computer, all that was required was to activate it, configure network settings, install and configure an antivirus
  • Transferred the "1C: Trade Management" database to a new computer.
  • A web server was installed on the new server to enable the remote access to the "1C: Trade Management" database. As a result, this feature was enabled.
  • Reconfiguring user computers to work with the new server.
  • Setting up regular backups of the "1C: Trade Management" database both to a disk inside the server and to an external storage medium.

Our specialists perform comprehensive subscriber support for "1C: Trade Management" using this workstation. The work is performed primarily remotely, with the customer's employees using this computer as needed.

Home 1C: Retail 8 Sales management

Cashier Workplace Settings

When using the RMK mode, it is possible to change user rights without exiting the program. For example, to register a withdrawal of funds by a senior cashier, it is enough to read the code of his service card to activate the withdrawal function. The limitation of the cashier's functionality when working in the RMK is determined by a combination of the general settings of the RMK interface and personal additional user rights.

The program provides two pre-made RMK settings: for a grocery store and a non-food store. However, the system administrator can create the required number of settings that take into account the specifics of different stores.

The RMK interface settings are located on three pages: General settings,Fast goods And Bottom panel settings.

General RMK settings control the behavior of the program when registering retail sales in general. For example, general settings determine the ability to enter an arbitrary price value if the sale price has not been assigned, printing documents when returning, conducting a customer survey, as well as the behavior of some forms.

On the page Fast goods You can configure hotkeys for products that are sold quite often, but do not have an industrial barcode. You can display an image of the product on the buttons on the quick product panel in the RMK.

Setting up the bottom panel consists of selecting the commands required for operation from a list of 26 preset commands. Commands for registering personal sales and replacing user rights, withdrawing and depositing funds, managing pending checks and reversing a check, working with discount cards and discounts, managing equipment connected to the cash register and printing documents are supported.

The user's personal settings determine access to configured operations in the RMK. The cashier can be given the opportunity to edit the fields of the tabular part of the receipt, registration discount cards and conducting a survey, processing returns, establishing control over balances when issuing a check, and also providing the opportunity to use the functions defined by the general settings of the RMK. Commands that are not available to an ordinary cashier are displayed on the screen, but become inactive.

The program implements the ability to set the procedure for rounding the amount of a check in favor of a buyer in a specific store. You can also assign a type of minimum selling prices. When automatically calculating discounts, the system will replace the discounted price with the lowest possible price if the discount is too large.

A large number of settings allow you to fine-tune the program at the checkout point, take into account the specific distribution of responsibilities of store employees and process sales at the highest possible speed.