What is the format of books for iPhone and how do I download them to my phone? What is the best e-book format.

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You cannot upload a work in 100% or close to it resolution, provide links to sources or jeepgs in full size. To protect you and your colleagues from simply wasted time, before the final stage, you can provide only a 2x reduced thumbnail (applicable for websites and graphics for monitors) or a 600 px work. in width. Thus, the customer will not be able to use your design, taking the money back. Keep in mind that it is currently working, which includes an option such as "We will refund your money if after the expiration of the proposed ideas you do not like it."

It also allows developers to write parts of the documentation without interfering with reading. This data can often be used straight away with the correct description of what each column means. However, in some cases, there may be formulas in spreadsheets that may be more difficult to process. It is recommended that these formulas be documented along with spreadsheetsso that they are generally more user-friendly.

However, the format is so sparse that the data is often useless without documentation, because it is nearly impossible to guess the meaning of the different columns. Therefore, for comma separated files, it is important that the documentation for the individual fields is accurate. In addition, it is important that the file structure is respected, since omitting a field alone can make it difficult to read the remaining data in the file without any possibility of error correction, since it does not determine how the remaining data should be interpreted.

Source files or layouts in 100% resolution can be uploaded only if the customer declared your solution the winner. Then you must provide files in the required formats according to the technical requirements described in the brief. Each document must be accompanied by a file for viewing (JPG, RGB, 72 dpi)

Typically required for design projects.

It might be easier to place them in these formats as they are the formats in which the data was originally entered. Formats do not provide support for maintaining a consistent structure, which often means it is difficult to enter data automatically. Using templates as the basis for documents that will provide data for reuse allows you at least to extract information from documents.

It can also support the subsequent use of printouts as much as possible to make it easier to distinguish machine headers from any content. Plain text documents are very easy to read by computers. In general, they exclude metadata within a document, which means that developers will have to create a parser that can interpret each document as it appears.

How formats differ e-books and which format to prefer

Devices for reading e-books (so-called readers ) have long been transformed from something very exotic into the same familiar household device as a smartphone. Users very quickly realized what the beauty of readers is: they can upload hundreds (if not thousands) of books to in electronic format, the eyes do not deteriorate when reading (electronic ink does not glow), you can adjust any text parameters, including the typeface and its size, the book itself remembers the page you left off, and so on - list all sorts of conveniences compared to using paper books can be very long.

Some problems may be caused by exchange text files between operating systems... It may be appropriate to display data as images for data that was not generated in electronic formatsuch as archival material, and the image is better than nothing.

Some dedicated systems have their own data formats in which they can save or export data. Sometimes, revealing data in such formats may be sufficient - especially if subsequent use is expected on systems like those in which they occur. You should always indicate where to find additional information about these formats, such as a link to the distributor's website. It is generally recommended that data be displayed in non-proprietary formats whenever possible.

However, users (especially beginners) have one problem: books are circulating on the Web in various formats, of which there are many: FB2, EPUB, MOBI, PDF, RTF, TXT, and so on.

It's also good when the site offers a choice of different formats - for example, on the Litres.ru site, where this choice is very wide.

Types of formats

This may be sufficient if the data is stable and limited for this purpose. In some cases, it is preferable to upload and process a simple form, but it is easy to provide a link to a web page, which can be a good starting point when exposing data.

Even if the information is provided in electronic format, in formats that can be read automatically and in detail, there may be problems with the file format. The formats in which information is published — in other words, the digital format in which information is stored, can be “open” or “closed”. Open format is one in which software specifications are standardized, available to everyone, so anyone can use those specifications in their own programs without any other reuse restrictions imposed by intellectual property rights.

However, for novice users, all these EPUB, FB2 and other DjVu are a dark forest, so let's figure out what they are, how they differ and in which devices they are used.

So, the formats of e-books (documents).

1. FB2 (FictionBook) - format (standard) developed by Dmitry Gribov and a group of enthusiasts. Great for creating structured books, takes up little space, archives well, converts well to other formats. It is an XML file structurally similar to a letter email.

If the file format is “closed”, it may be because the format is proprietary and the specifications are not publicly available, or because the format is proprietary and although the specifications have been made public, reuse is limited. If the information is released in a closed file file, it can become a serious obstacle to re-using the encoded information in the file, forcing those who want to use this information to buy the necessary programs.

The advantage of open file formats is that they allow developers to create packages of programs and services using these formats. This minimizes barriers to reuse of the information they contain. The use of proprietary file formats for which specifications are not available may create file format dependencies on third-party programs or third-party copyright holders. In the worst case, this means that the information can only be read using certain software packages at unaffordable prices or may be out of date.

The main drawback is that since this is actually a Russian development, this format is completely unknown in the world and is almost not supported by any of the branded readers - Sony, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo.

On "Liters" it is written that FB2 "is supported by all Russian readers", but this is not entirely accurate. FB2 is supported by almost all Chinese readers with Ukrainian or Russian software... Also, FB2 can be supported by well-known Western readers (for example, Sony), which have a special Russian firmware installed. (Well, recently, for the latest Sony PRS-T1 reader, an official firmware was released that supports FB2.)

Example: traffic data in the United Kingdom

Andrey was interested in accessing and using traffic data that was used to justify proposals. No version of the program was provided, so Andrey's group had no alternative but to buy a license for the programs, finally paying £ 500 for an educational discount. While no law on access to information gives access to open formats, government initiatives to initiate data are beginning to be accompanied by policy documents that state that official information should be available in open formats.

2. EPUB (Electronic PUBlishing) - the most widespread in the world (and already very widespread in Russia) format of electronic books. It is similar in structure to a website packed in an archive, and if FB2 can be distributed both in open form and in a ZIP archive (many readers can read FB2 in ZIP), then EPUB is by definition a book packed by an archiver.

To the extent possible and subject to existing restrictions, agencies should publish information on the Internet in an open format that can be found, downloaded, indexed and found using web search applications. An open format is a platform independent format that is easily readable and available to the public without restrictions that prevent reuse of this information.

How do I use a specific format?

When authorities must disclose new data — data that has not been previously provided — you must choose the format that strikes the best balance between cost and suitability. For each format, there are certain things you need to know about, and this section tries to explain.

EPUB is supported by almost any reader - both Western and Chinese (Russian-Ukrainian). Therefore, this is the preferred format. (With rare exceptions.)

3. MOBI - a specialized format created specifically for the Amazon Kindle reader and, accordingly, supported only by this reader. Moreover, the Kindle does not support any other e-book formats (except PDF and TXT, but this is a special conversation).

This section focuses on how elements are combined so that they can be accessed automatically. Tips and guides on how websites and websites should be designed can be found elsewhere. For data that changes frequently and where each application is limited in size, it is important to display the data through web services.

Like web services, databases provide dynamic access to data. Databases have the advantage that they can allow users to collect only the extracts they are interested in. There are some security concerns when the authorizing remote access for retrieving from databases and accessing databases is only useful if the structure of the database and the importance of the individual tables and fields are well documented. It is often relatively easy and inexpensive to create web services that provide data from a database, which can be in a simple way solving security problems.

4. TXT - the usual format of a text document. Supported by all readers, but reading books in TXT is for complete masochists. No markup, no normal hyphenation, no alignment, but there are line breaks and other delights. Into the furnace!

5. PDF (Adobe Portable Document Format) is one of the most common formats for electronic documents (usually not books). PDF is not particularly convenient to read on readers, in addition, it is very cumbersome, so in PDF for readers, as a rule, only documents with all sorts of formulas, illustrations, and other things are written.

These tips will help you learn how e-books work and help you choose the right model.

More and more publishers are accepting electronic versions of books. They can be read on a computer, tablet, or even on a phone screen. But the easiest way to do this is to use an e-book. In this roundup, we'll explore how book readers work, discussing their strengths and weaknesses.

It is a small specialized device for reading electronic documents. Most often it has a black and white screen with a diagonal of 5-6 inches. Such devices can operate for weeks or even months at no additional cost. Electronic paper consumes power only when it is necessary to replace the displayed image with another. Be the Biggest Advantage for book readers is that they do not burn or bother the eyes, and the image on the screen resembles text printed on a traditional sheet of paper.

6. LRF is a special format for e-books from Sony. However, it is already practically supplanted by the EPUB format, which Sony supports.

7. DjVu (pronounced deja vu) is a format for storing densely compressed scanned documents, such as old books. It is used very rarely in readers, because it is almost impossible to read scanned books on a reader due to poor display quality and small screen size.

What is e-paper?

Although an electronic paper screen is called a screen, the image displayed on it differs significantly from that on televisions, PCs or mobile devices... Traditional displays are backlit and flash continuously. The human brain is incapable of registering such flickering, but it suffers and distracts. Therefore, it is difficult to read long texts on a computer or phone screen.

This electronic problem solves this problem. This type of display is not backlit and does not flash completely. If traditional screens are refreshed at least 50 times per second on an email device, only when you need to open new page... The image on electronic paper looks like a simple page of a book. Therefore, reading is easy to focus and the eyes do not freeze even after hours of reading.

8. RTF (Rich Text Format) - universal storage format text documents... It is used very rarely in readers - so, for compatibility.

9. DOC - Microsoft Office document format. Some readers support it, but usually few people need to read documents on the reader. They are somehow not made for that. True, some books are still circulating on the Internet in DOC, but it's easier to convert them into the same EPUB.

How does e-paper work?

Why does e-paper look like traditional books? It consists of millions of human hairs filled with transparent liquids. Tiny black and white ink balls float in this liquid. The points are positively charged, while the black ones are negative. Electrodes on either side of the shield create a positive or negative force field and cause the balls to align in the required sequence. One particle rises to the surface of the capsules, while others fall: creating a black lettering and a white background.

There are all sorts of other formats, but this does not bother you - they are unlikely to ever come in handy.

For most users, with rare exceptions, EPUB is usually sufficient. It is supported by almost all readers (except Kindle), books in this format are small in size, good structure, allow you to include a table of contents, illustrations, and so on.

The electric field turns on for a very short time, until the balls take their position. Then they stop and wait for a new command: while we read the letter. Book page, no electricity is consumed. Like a traditional piece of paper, the e-paper itself is not illuminated, it only reflects the light rays that fall on it. On a sunny day, it is difficult to see anything on a phone or tablet screen even at maximum screen brightness. Meanwhile, the book reader allows you to enjoy perfectly clear text.

Benefits of Electronic Reading Rooms

Reading is also available at dusk or in the dark. They are built around the edges of the screen and illuminate the screen surface without straining your eyes. Electronic paper screen does not blacken the eyes, do not distract attention. You can read before bed without worrying about rest breaks.

What are the conclusions? EPUB is your choice, whether you have a Western reader (Sony, Barnes & Noble, Kobo) or a Sino-Russian-Ukrainian one.

But for the Kindle, you will need to search for books in the MOBI format or, which is much easier, just convert the same EPUB or FB2 to this format. A similar procedure is performed easily and quickly using special program... We will consider how this is done in a separate article.