Prague cake: recipes for cooking at home (classic according to GOST, in a multicooker, etc. with photos and videos). "Prague" cake according to GOST: a classic recipe at home Recipe of real Prague according to GOST

The cake has a rich chocolate flavor and aroma, moderately moist, moderately sweet and very satisfying. In short, if you are looking for a festive cake recipe, then this one is fine, no frills, but discreet and elegant.

  • After cooking, you will receive 10 servings


  • 6 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 110 g flour
  • 30 g premium cocoa
  • 40 g butter
  • CREAM:
  • 1 yolk
  • 2 tbsp. l. water
  • 200 g soft butter
  • 20 g cocoa
  • 130 g of condensed milk (but I took 220 g, I'll tell you later why)
  • GLAZE:
  • 100 g dark chocolate
  • 100 g butter
  • 60g apricot jam (can be made from canned apricots)


    • 1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

      2. Pour half of the sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer until fluffy white foam.

      3.In a clean, dry bowl, whisk the whites until firm peaks for about 5 minutes, and slowly add the remaining sugar while whisking.

      Checking the readiness of the proteins: turn the dishes with the proteins upside down, the proteins will not fall out.

      4. Now carefully mix the whites with the yolks with a wide spatula.

      5. In a separate bowl, sift the cocoa flour and add to the eggs.

      6. Knead the airy dough with gentle movements, stir in the flour not in a circular motion of the spatula, but from the bottom up, so that the dough retains its airiness.

      7. Now add and gently stir in melted but not hot butter.

      8. Cover the baking dish with parchment, do not grease the sides, pour out the dough and bake the biscuit at a temperature of 190 degrees for 30 minutes, do not open the oven.
      9. Then take out the biscuit and leave in the form for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from the mold, or rather cut with a knife along the edges of the mold, taking care not to damage the cake. Let the biscuit stand for 5-7 hours! Then cut lengthwise into 3 pieces.

      I will say right away why I took more than the norm of condensed milk: if you put 130 g as indicated, then the cream is not very sweet, and then many people say that the cream is not tasty (buttery and not sweet), so I increased the norm of condensed milk. Although not in accordance with GOST, it is tastier. Finally, you can adjust the sweetness of the cream for yourself. Decide for yourself.

      1.So, thoroughly stir the yolk with water, then just add the condensed milk.

      2.Put the mixture over medium heat and, with constant stirring, bring to a thickening, but do not boil, up to 80 degrees.

      3.Cool the syrup in a cold bath.

      4. In the meantime, beat soft butter (not melted, but softened at room temperature), adding chilled syrup in a thin stream in 3-4 doses.

      5.At the end of the whisk add cocoa.

      And the wonderful cream is ready! Nothing complicated.


      According to the recipe, you do not need to soak it, but if you like wet cakes, then soak it a little, just pour it with a spoon with any sweet syrup (water with honey, sugar, coffee, jam ...) I recommend soaking at least a little 1/3 cup ...

      1. Divide the finished cream into two parts and coat two cakes.
      2. We smear the top cake and sides with apricot jam, it should be like kefir in consistency and spread evenly and smoothly. To do this, pass the thick apricot jam diluted with water through a sieve, then the coating will be smooth. After a couple of minutes, a film forms on the surface of the cake, which is needed so that the chocolate does not soak the biscuit. And besides, it is very tasty, with a piquant sourness.

      3. In a saucepan, melt the chocolate and butter. Pour immediately onto a biscuit and spread over the entire surface of the cake. At the same time, it is better to place the biscuit on some kind of hill and on a larger dish or tray, because the icing will drain from the cake, but not much will drain). What flows down, I collect, put in a bag and decorate a little cake, squeezing out flowers or making the inscription "Prague". Or you can not decorate with anything at all. Leave the cake in the refrigerator until the icing hardens, and you can serve it after a few hours.
      Enjoy your tea and culinary success!
      And you can also check out the video recipe:

It seems that this delicacy, which once conquered the hearts of millions of sweet tooth in the USSR, has absorbed everything that should be in an ideal dessert. Air cakes, a cream that melts in your mouth, a unique aroma and bright aftertaste of chocolate, exquisite sourness of apricot jam and dense glaze - all this is in the famous Prague cake. But be careful! They say that everyone who has tasted even a slice of the famous dessert will be conquered by it forever. Do you want to be convinced of this?

Neprazska Prague

The story of the birth of the legendary cake is covered, if not by darkness, then by a veil of secrecy for sure. Officially, its creator is Vladimir Guralnik, head of the confectionery department at the Prague restaurant, which now exists on the Arbat. During his long career, this master has invented many successful desserts that have won all-Union fame, but what inspired him, sculpting his chocolate masterpiece, remains a secret.

Some say that the no less legendary Viennese "Sacher" was taken as a basis, although experts will confirm that there is little in common between these two delicacies. Just chocolate and fruity notes of impregnation.

Vienna Sacher is also chocolate and also delicious

Others claim that a mysterious Czech dessert became the prototype of "Prague", which had several types of cream of different tastes, expensive alcohol and the most complicated preparation technology, which Vladimir Guralnik creatively reworked and simplified.

And still others ... Still others do not imply anything, but simply devour a magic delicacy by both cheeks. So let's thank the unknown Czech masters and Vladimir Mikhailovich for the wonderful recipe, and let's go to the kitchen - bake, whip and soak, so as to end up putting our fantastic treat on the table in front of the amazed household. Just like in a famous restaurant. Well, at least not worse.

Despite the name, in the Czech Republic, as well as in Europe, this cake is not very popular. His fans live, for the most part, in the vastness of the former USSR. But here "Prague" is still loved, bought and cooked on their own, showing considerable ingenuity.

How to bake the right cake base

Every culinary masterpiece has its own subtleties of preparation, without knowing which it is impossible to reproduce neither the taste, nor the texture, nor the type of the usual dish. Of course, there are such secrets and "Prague". And first of all, this applies to cakes.

A properly prepared biscuit is half the battle

One of the main requirements for a biscuit for an eminent dessert is that it should be tender, airy and juicy. So much so that, if desired, the cakes could be left without impregnation, and still the taste of the cake did not suffer. How can this be achieved?

  1. Always sift the flour: this way you saturate it with oxygen and make the finished cakes more fluffy.
  2. For the same purpose, you can add baking powder, soda slaked with vinegar to the dough, or replace part of the flour with starch, although the classic recipe does not provide for this.
  3. When whipping the whites, make sure that they are well cooled, and the container in which you are doing this does not contain traces of oil: fat will interfere with achieving a high-quality result.
  4. Correctly kneading the dough for the Prague cake is a whole science. Handle it as carefully as possible, even anxiously, otherwise the foam from the whipped proteins will lose its elasticity and the whole mass will settle. For the same reason, it is not recommended to shake the mold while placing it in the oven.
  5. A real, high-quality sponge cake for a legendary cake cannot be baked without good butter. Attention! Replacing it with a budget margarine is strictly prohibited, spoil both the taste and consistency of the cakes. As a last resort, you can use vegetable oil- for one of the varieties of the classic cake called "Chiffon Prague".

Traditionally, cocoa is added to the biscuit dough to give it a pleasant chocolate shade, taste and smell. But over the years of personal culinary experiments, the hostesses went much further than the strict GOST dictated at one time, and began to knead the dough on cakes with ground almonds, zest, dried fruits, vanilla, condensed milk and even ... pepper, for lovers of unexpected solutions and interesting flavor notes ... If you are also not one of those who scrupulously follow the recipes, you can experiment with plenty of different additives. Most importantly, do not forget the magic formula: good oil + correct kneading.

And yet, the classic "Prague" is, first of all, chocolate

What else is important to know for baking a Prague biscuit?

  1. Do not forget to grease the walls of the mold with oil and lay them with baking paper, otherwise the cake will stick and you will not be able to remove it without damage.
  2. Do not fill out the form to the top - the dough will rise and fall out onto the wire rack.
  3. Bake the sponge cake on the middle shelf in the center of the oven and do not set it high temperature regime... 180-200 ° is just enough for the cakes to bake evenly and not burn at the edges, while remaining moist inside.
  4. Do not open the oven door until you see that top part future cake is well browned. Cold air will "knock" the dough in no time.
  5. Cool the finished biscuit exclusively on the wire rack, where its bottom will be cooled simultaneously with the top, and will not fog up and damp, as would happen if you left your creation on the table. In addition, experts advise to cook the cakes on the eve of assembly: after standing for 8-12 hours, they will become tastier.

Secrets of a gentle cream

The preparation of the classic butter cream for the Prague cake took a lot of energy from the housewives. First, it was necessary to thoroughly beat the yolks with condensed milk. Then, holding the bowl over the steam, boil them well. After adding softened butter to the semi-finished cream, add finely grated and melted chocolate, sprinkle everything with expensive alcohol ...

And again in traditional recipe the ball is ruled by chocolate

Modern craftswomen do it easier. For example, they simply whip butter with a few tablespoons of cocoa and condensed milk, dispensing with any steam and other culinary tricks. Or they send sugar with sour cream and chocolate chips to the mixer bowl - it turns out very well. Or a mixture of condensed and ordinary milk, eggs and flour is boiled over low heat until thickened. You can add vanilla, and rum essence, and nuts crushed into small crumbs into the cream - any option will be good and acceptable if it turns out to be to your taste and future eaters. After all, the main thing in the cake is taste, and not adherence to GOST.

How to cook "Prague" yourself at home

It doesn't take much to reproduce Vladimir Guralnik's masterpiece in your own kitchen. A mixer or a whisk, a strainer, a cake pan, several bowls, a saucepan, thick thread (we'll tell you why later), a couple of hours of free time and the best quality products. The last ingredient is the main one; without it, your enterprise should not start.

You will also need a recipe, classic or modernized by modern housewives.

According to GOST - a classic recipe

If you want to get a delicacy that is as close as possible in taste and appearance to that very legendary "Prague", you will need ...

For cakes:

  • flour - 120 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder - 30 g.

For the cream:

  • water - 75 ml;
  • yolks - 2 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 150 ml;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • cocoa powder - 20 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 5 g.

For glaze:

  • butter 50 g;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • apricot jam - 20-50 g.


    1. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks, so that not a drop of yolk gets into the bowl with whites - this is important.

      If even a little yolk gets into the whites, they will not beat up.

    2. Combine the whites with half the sugar and beat until firm.

      Foam must be durable

    3. Add the remaining sugar to a bowl with yolks and grind everything until smooth.

      Remember the sweet eggnog from your childhood?

    4. Sift the flour along with the cocoa powder.

      Sift all bulk products

    5. Combine both egg mixtures and add flour to them. It is important to do this carefully, stirring the mass in smooth movements from bottom to top, strictly in one direction, so that the proteins do not fall off.

      Act very carefully

    6. It's time for butter. It should be as soft as possible, so either remove the briquette from the refrigerator an hour or two before cooking, or melt it in a ladle, cool to room temperature, and then pour into the dough and mix well again.

      The oil should be almost liquid, but not hot.

    7. Oil the sides of the cake pan and line the bottom with baking paper.

      The dough for "Prague" has the property of sticking to the walls of the mold

    8. Fill in the batter you received and remove the oven. Baking time is about 45 minutes, temperature is 200 °.

      Fill out the form 2/3

    9. Divide the biscuit into three cakes. True craftswomen do this with a harsh thread, but you can just as well use a sharp knife. At this stage, you can soak them with cognac or, if you are cooking for children, with sugar syrup boiled with water, but this is not necessary. The biscuit will be tender without it.

      With a string, the biscuit crumbles less

    10. Combine the ingredients for the cream in a bowl, excluding oil: water, yolk, condensed milk, vanilla sugar. Whisk and steam until thick.

      By tradition, cocoa should also be added to the cream, but if you want to get a contrast with the chocolate cakes, you don't have to.

    11. But now add the butter set aside into the thickened cream, having previously melted and cooled it or whipped it white.

      Beat the sweet mass well again.

    12. Spread half of the sweet butter mixture on the first crust, place the second on it and apply the rest of the cream on top.

      Do not spare the cream

    13. It remains to cover the almost finished cake with the third cake layer and process the top and sides with jam. And then put the cakes folded in a pile in the refrigerator to freeze the jam.

      The very famous fruity sourness

    14. Break the chocolate into pieces, melt it with butter, and then beat well with a whisk. Pour the icing on the cake over the frozen jam.

      If the icing is too thick, add a little milk to it.

    15. Decorate the cake with grated chocolate and put it back in the refrigerator, this time overnight.

      Pets will be delighted

Video: a variant of the famous dessert from Emma's grandmother

In a multicooker

Multicooker, microwave oven and other useful units have long been a part of our life. Of course, this could not but affect the recipe of traditional delicacies! Modern housewives boldly bake "Prague" with the help of the latest achievements of technical thought and their cakes are no worse than those who prefer to work the old-fashioned way. You will need…

For the cake:

  • flour - 10 g;
  • sugar - 150 g;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • sour cream - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 50g;
  • baking powder - 1 tbsp.

For the cream:

  • condensed milk - 200 g;
  • butter - 200 g;
  • bitter chocolate - 50 g;
  • cocoa powder - 20-30 g.

For glaze:

  • butter - 40 g;
  • heavy cream - 60 g;
  • chocolate - 100 g;
  • apricot jam - 20-50 g.


  1. Sift the flour with cocoa and baking powder. Please note that in this recipe, the biscuit is prepared without butter, but thanks to the condensed milk and baking powder, it turns out to be both juicy and fluffy - everything is as expected.

    The color will be the same, but the content will be different

  2. Beat eggs with sugar.

    This time we will try not to separate the whites from the yolks.

  3. Continuing to work with a whisk or mixer, pour condensed milk and sour cream into the egg mixture.

    Sour cream will give the cakes the necessary juiciness

  4. Gradually, in portions, add flour mixed with cocoa and baking powder.

    You can help yourself with a mixer

  5. Line the bottom of the multicooker bowl with baking paper and fill it with dough.

    The level of the dough must not rise above 2/3 of the bowl

  6. Set the Baking mode. The biscuit will be ready, on average, in 1 hour, although the exact time depends on the power of your multicooker.

    Use the baking program

  7. Let the base of the future cake stand for 15–20 minutes, carefully remove it from the bowl and leave it alone until it cools completely. Ideally - for the night, but 2-3 hours will be enough for a rush.

    Let the biscuit stand

  8. Melt the chocolate in a water bath or, which is more convenient, in the microwave and chill slightly.

    The cream will have a rich taste of natural chocolate

  9. Beat the butter until white.

    It is necessary for the layer to melt in the mouth

  10. Add condensed milk, cocoa powder and melted chocolate to the butter. Whisk again.

    You can't do without a whisk

  11. Cut the biscuit into three cakes.

    Whether to soak the cakes with syrup, decide for yourself

  12. Spread the first two thickly with cream, fold on top of each other and cover with the third cake layer.

    The algorithm of actions when assembling a cake practically does not change

  13. Grease the cake generously with jam and store it in the refrigerator.

    And again it's the turn of the jam

  14. Break the chocolate prepared for the icing into pieces, melt, add butter and cream to it and beat well. It is very important that the glaze is homogeneous, without lumps and crumbs.

Friends, today is the recipe for a delicious chocolate cake "Prague" according to GOST standards. I will say that it is not difficult and not long to prepare such a cake; it is not particularly necessary to decorate "Prague" in accordance with GOST. The cake has a rich chocolate flavor and aroma, moderately moist, moderately sweet and very satisfying. In short, if you are looking for a festive cake recipe, then this one is quite suitable, no frills, but restrained and elegant (forgive the comparison). Honestly, I haven't bought cakes for my family in the store for a long time, they can't be eaten, some fat, unnatural ones (this is with us, I don't sign for everyone). But "Prague" at home will completely replace the store's dessert. Below you can see a video of the recipe for this cake. I also suggest looking at the recipes,

RECIPE Cake "PRAGUE" according to GOST: for molds 24-26 cm in diameter

150 g sugar

30 g premium cocoa

40 g butter


2 tbsp. l. water

200 g soft butter

20 g cocoa

130 g of condensed milk (but I took 220 g, I'll tell you later why)


100 g dark chocolate

100 g butter

60g apricot jam (can be made from canned apricots)

WE PREPARE Cake "PRAGUE" according to GOST:

1. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks.

2. Pour half of the sugar into the yolks and beat with a mixer until fluffy white foam.

3.In a clean, dry bowl, whisk the whites until firm peaks for about 5 minutes, and slowly add the remaining sugar while whisking.

Checking the readiness of the proteins: turn the dishes with the proteins upside down, the proteins will not fall out.

4. Now carefully mix the whites with the yolks with a wide spatula.

5. In a separate bowl, sift the cocoa flour and add to the eggs.

6. Knead the airy dough with gentle movements, stir in the flour not in a circular motion of the spatula, but from the bottom up, so that the dough retains its airiness.

7. Now add and gently stir in melted but not hot butter.

8. Cover the baking dish with parchment, do not grease the sides, pour out the dough and bake the biscuit at a temperature of 190 degrees for 30 minutes, do not open the oven.

9. Then take out the biscuit and leave in the form for 15-20 minutes. Then remove from the mold, or rather cut with a knife along the edges of the mold, taking care not to damage the cake. Let the biscuit stand for 5-7 hours! Then cut lengthwise into 3 pieces.


I will say right away why I took more than the norm of condensed milk: if you put 130 g as indicated, then the cream is not very sweet, and then many people say that the cream is not tasty (buttery and not sweet), so I increased the norm of condensed milk. Although not in accordance with GOST, it is tastier. Finally, you can adjust the sweetness of the cream for yourself. Decide for yourself.

1.So, thoroughly stir the yolk with water, then just add the condensed milk.

2.Put the mixture over medium heat and, with constant stirring, bring to a thickening, but do not boil, up to 80 degrees.

3.Cool the syrup in a cold bath.

4. In the meantime, beat soft butter (not melted, but softened at room temperature), adding chilled syrup in a thin stream in 3-4 doses.

5.At the end of the whisk add cocoa.

And the wonderful cream is ready! Nothing complicated.


According to the recipe, you do not need to soak it, but if you like wet cakes, then soak it a little, just pour it with a spoon with any sweet syrup (water with honey, sugar, coffee, jam ...) I recommend soaking at least a little 1/3 cup ...

1. Divide the finished cream into two parts and coat two cakes.

2. We smear the top cake and sides with apricot jam, it should be like kefir in consistency and spread evenly and smoothly. To do this, pass the thick apricot jam diluted with water through a sieve, then the coating will be smooth. After a couple of minutes, a film forms on the surface of the cake, which is needed so that the chocolate does not soak the biscuit. And besides, it is very tasty, with a piquant sourness.

3. In a saucepan, melt the chocolate and butter. Pour immediately onto a biscuit and spread over the entire surface of the cake. At the same time, it is better to place the biscuit on some kind of hill and on a larger dish or tray, because the icing will drain from the cake, but not much will drain). What flows down, I collect, put in a bag and decorate a little cake, squeezing out flowers or making the inscription "Prague". And you can not decorate with anything at all.

People of the older generation are familiar and loved by them since childhood. This delicacy had nothing to do with the city in the Czech Republic. The excellent pastry chef Vladimir Guralnik from the "Prague" restaurant in Moscow, located on the Arbat, just came up with a recipe. Taste qualities admired the Soviet people, not spoiled by sweets.

Many Soviet women were looking for classic recipe according to GOST of the "Prague" cake on the pages of magazines or cookbooks. The recipe was passed on and copied from notebook to notebook. It is now easy for young hostesses: I made a request on the Internet and received the necessary recipe, and even in several versions. Choose for every taste. In our article we will do the work for the readers and collect in one place different classic recipes according to GOST for the cake "Prague", let's see how such a cake is prepared by Yulia Vysotskaya in the program "Let's eat at home" and the famous "Chadeyka".

Components of the cake

In order to make such a delicious chocolate cake, you need to make three of its constituent elements:

  • knead the biscuit dough;
  • make a gentle cream for greasing the cakes;
  • Prepare the chocolate icing to cover the baked goods on top.

Required Ingredients

For baking biscuit dough, you need to have 25 grams of cocoa powder, 6 pieces chicken eggs(it is desirable that they are fresh and not beaten), wheat flour(sifted) - 115 grams, granulated sugar - 150 grams, butter (melted) - 40 grams. The reader may be surprised at such accuracy, but it is still better to keep the required proportions. For measurement, it is desirable to have a culinary scale, in the absence of them, calculate the consumption of food with spoons.

To prepare the cream, you will need vanilla essence (3 drops are enough to give vanilla flavor to the cream), cocoa powder - 10 grams, condensed milk (don't be surprised, but it’s it) - 120 grams, 1 egg, 20 ml of water, 200 grams of sl. oils.

To cook chocolate icing, you need to prepare 100 grams of dark bitter chocolate, 100 grams of sl. oils and apricot jam - 50 mg. Next, let's look at how to make a Prague cake according to the classic recipe according to GOST with a photo and step-by-step instructions.

Baking a biscuit

Turn on the oven immediately before making the cake dough to warm it up well. They begin to prepare the dough for the Prague cake according to the classic recipe (according to GOST) with the separation of eggs into whites and yolks. Add half of the sugar to the container with the yolks and beat with a whisk until a light yellow mass is formed. The whites are whipped until a thick foam is formed, first without sugar, then the remaining 1/2 of the sugar is added to the foam, but gradually, in small portions, stirring constantly. Beat until stable peaks form on the foam.

Pour cocoa powder into the sifted flour and mix well dry. You can sift everything together several times through a sieve. In a separate bowl, melt the butter over low heat until completely melted. Set aside to cool slightly. Do not pour in hot oil, otherwise the egg white will curdle.

Gradually, in parts, mix the whites with the yolks, adding foam to the yolk mass. Then gently, in small portions, add a mixture of flour and cocoa powder, stirring constantly. At the end, butter, melted and cooled to 25 degrees, is added. The finished chocolate dough, made according to the classic recipe in accordance with GOST for the Prague cake, is poured into a greased form, which can be covered with parchment paper beforehand, the top is leveled with a rubber spatula. The mold is sent to the oven. Bake a biscuit for half an hour. Then he needs to be given time to cool, and only then removed from the mold so that he does not fall apart and there are no chips. Before cutting the pastry into cakes, it is better to let the biscuit brew. To prevent it from drying out during this period, it is recommended to cover it with cling film.

How to make a cream?

Pour the condensed milk into a clean bowl and plain water, drip 3 drops of vanilla essence and beat in the yolk of one egg. First, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed. Then put the bowl in a water bath on the stove and, stirring, bring until thickened. This process will take approximately 10 minutes. Then set the bowl aside to cool.

Oil for the cream will need soft, room temperature. Therefore, it is taken out of the refrigerator in advance. You can't melt. It should just be soft. In a container, beat it into a fluffy mass and gradually add the custard blank (in parts, while constantly stirring). At the end, pour in cocoa powder and mix thoroughly.

According to the classic recipe (according to GOST), instead of the essence, one packet of vanilla sugar is added to the "Chadeyka" blog in the "Prague" cake. This blogger also gives good advice. First, for the cream, you need to mix the yolk with water and only then stir in the condensed milk. This is explained chemical reaction yolk with condensed milk: the sugar in it tends to draw out moisture, if you pour milk into the egg, then the yolk can curl up, and we don't need it at all. Also, the blogger simply brews the cream over a low fire, and does not put it in a water bath. Here, think for yourself how best to do for you. The main thing is that the products do not burn, otherwise the unpleasant aroma will spoil the whole taste of the cream.

Spreading the cakes

After the cream is ready, we start cutting the biscuit into cakes. We make at least three cakes, dividing the biscuit longitudinally with a sharp knife. To do this, you can use thick silk thread. The first two cakes are coated with cooled cream. The top layer is spread with apricot jam.

In the blog of Yulia Vysotskaya "We Eat at Home", according to the classic recipe (according to GOST), the Prague cake is coated with marmalade melted in a water bath. The author of the program suggests using either jam, or marmalade or confiture, but always apricot.

On top of all the cakes, the cake is poured with chocolate icing. Let us remind the reader how to cook it at home.

Chocolate glaze

There are two ways to make chocolate glaze.

  1. Melt the butter in a water bath and add a finely chopped chocolate bar to the container, while stirring the composition with a spoon all the time. When most of the chocolate is melted, then remove the bowl from heat, but continue stirring until the product is completely dissolved. When the frosting has cooled down a little, pour the biscuit cakes on top and on the sides.
  2. You can melt separately in a water bath or low heat, first butter, then in another container separately - chocolate. Then gently mix the two products together.

Smooth the glaze surface with a rubber spatula. If you don't have one on your farm, then don't be discouraged. You can use a tablespoon, and spread the mass with its back. You can also flatten the top layer with the metal spatula provided in every kitchen set.

Julia Vysotskaya on the page of her blog suggests using another recipe for making the filling of the top layer of the Prague cake according to the classic recipe according to GOST. Its description will be given below. This is a glazed fudge that just added cocoa powder to give it a chocolate hue.

Glazed fondant

To make a glazed fondant, you need to prepare the following foods:

  • half a kilogram of sugar;
  • 150 grams of plain water;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

First, water is poured into the container and granulated sugar is poured. Stir the mixture until the sugar dissolves. Then the container is put on fire and dissolution continues with constant stirring of the mixture. When the sugar is completely dissolved, add lemon juice. To understand the correctness of the thickness of the fudge, you can test on a soft ball using the method of Julia Vysotskaya.

Test of sweetness for readiness

In order for the fondant made at home for the Prague cake (a classic recipe in accordance with GOST) to have the desired consistency, it must not be overcooked. You can understand the degree of readiness by periodically making a test on a soft ball. To do this, remove the container with the mixture from the heat so that the fondant does not burn during the experiment. Then we take ice water and pour half a teaspoon of syrup there. The ball formed from contact with ice water must be kneaded with your hands. If you can roll it without any problems, then the mixture is ready. It can be removed from the fire. In order for the substance to quickly cool and take on the required density, the bowl of syrup must be placed on ice after removing it from the stove.

When the syrup has cooled to 40-50 degrees, you need to remove it from the ice and begin to beat with a whisk until the mixture acquires White color and the desired viscosity. It should be like soft marshmallow. This product can be made in advance and put in the refrigerator, and before greasing the baked goods, warm it up a little in a water bath. To make a chocolate fudge, add cocoa powder to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly.


As you can see, it is not difficult to cook the "Prague" cake according to the classic GOST recipe at home, and all the ingredients are simple, without any exotic products. Takes the preparation and baking process up to 50 minutes.

You can make the cream and frosting in advance, so all that remains is to make a biscuit dough and grease the cakes. It is advisable to make the cake the day before the guests arrive, or, in extreme cases, in the morning, grease the cakes so that the biscuit is thoroughly soaked by the evening celebration. Then the cakes will not be dry. Good luck and bon appetit!

Yes, at one time it was a great cake! It was invented in the Prague restaurant on Arbat by the same pastry chef who invented the Bird's Milk cake. There were long lines for these cakes, and the cakes were delicious. Although, it should be noted, I personally did not like them. "Prague" - for chocolate, and "Bird's milk" - for sweetness. But time passes, and you understand that in comparison with what is now on the shelves, these were truly masterpieces of taste! It's amazing what skill one had to possess to create something like that - after all, it was necessary to standardize production, not to mention the desirable modes of economy and sanitation. That is why the creams of those times often contain condensed milk, and I think some will be skeptical about them ... However, I bake cakes solely for the sake of taste, and this particular one is also for the sake of an almost forgotten taste! A taste that my husband and my friends remember. Therefore, I propose to put aside snobbery and bake a cake - really tasty!

For a biscuit, you will need 6 proteins, 6 yolks, 150 g of sugar, 115 g of flour and 25 g of cocoa powder, 40 g of butter.
Beat the yolks with half the sugar into a fluffy, very light cream.

Beat the whites until firm.

Add the remaining sugar and beat until it is.

Mix whites and yolks.

Add flour, sifted with cocoa, mix, making a spoonful movement from edge to middle, carefully, but carefully.

Pour 40g of melted butter, cooled down to temperature 28-30C, along the edge, mix.

Pour the prepared mass into a greased and floured form (23 cm).

Oven at 200C for half an hour. Let stand on the wire rack for at least 8 hours.
Since there were questions, I clarify: cool the baked sponge cake in the form for 5 minutes, then turn it over on the wire rack and leave for 8 or more hours in a regular room (in the kitchen). The grate is necessary so that the bottom of the biscuit does not get wet.

For the cream, we need 1 yolk, 20 g of water and 120 g of condensed milk - this is all for the syrup, as well as 200 g of butter, a bag of vanilla sugar and 10 g of cocoa.
You have probably noticed that if you sprinkle the yolks with sugar and leave (without beating), they curl. This phenomenon is similar to how sugar acts on fruit to draw out moisture. If you mix yolks with condensed milk, the same will happen. The cunning pastry chef first came up with the idea of ​​mixing the yolk with an equal amount of water, and then adding the condensed milk.

Then we put the mixture on a quiet fire and cook like English cream, achieving a thickening. If you are afraid, use a water bath. Cool the boiled syrup and add it to the butter pre-whipped with vanilla sugar (the sugar must first be ground into powder, otherwise it will crunch on the teeth). You need to add a little, whipping each time.

Add cocoa at the end of the whisk.

Cut the biscuit into three layers and layer with cream.

Coat the outside of the cake with marmalade (55g), cool.
Again, I clarify: by marmalade we mean a thick paste of sugar and fruit, which can be called in different ways, say, jam or jam, but the essence is the same - it should be smeared, be homogeneous and harden after some exposure to air. apricot products meet these requirements especially well.

Pour over with chocolate lipstick. It is not easy to make chocolate fondant at home, and therefore I use the usual icing, for which you need to melt 60 g of chocolate and butter each in a microwave or in a water bath, pour over the cake. For a cake, 120g of icing is enough, but since some will drain, do it with a margin.

Ready! Well? Do you remember?