As scientists explain the other composition of Epiphany water. Holy water: church traditions and near-church superstitions of the consecration of water. Can holy water be diluted with plain water

It has been scientifically proven that water changes its properties (electrical conductivity, pH) on the eve of the Epiphany (Epiphany) on January 19. It is then that it is recommended to carry out water procedures with such water, as well as to stock up on it for drinking.

According to S. Zenin, a surge unique properties water begins, as a rule, on Epiphany Eve from about 17.30 to 23.30 and continues on the feast of Epiphany itself - from 12.30 to 16.00. After that, the water in natural reservoirs quickly returns to its normal state. Changes in its quality on the feast of Epiphany have been observed and recorded for several years, the observation method reflects the structure of the water. This change occurs annually at intervals.

Unique properties Epiphany water physicists explain by cosmic and geophysical factors - solar activity, eclipses, full moons, transparency of the earth's atmosphere in relation to solar radiation, displacement of the earth's orbit of our planet, as well as the features of the earth's magnetic field and geomagnetic anomalies. It is noticed that on Epiphany it deviates from the norm and all the water on the planet is magnetized from the geomagnetic field of the Earth.
S. Zenin believes that changes in the properties of water are associated with the position of the Earth. On January 19, the planet Earth hits the point where there is a particularly strong flux of cosmic particles - neutrons, exceeding background levels by 100-200 times, affecting water and changing its properties. And on other days, the planet falls under the influence of particle flows, but less strong - as a rule, this happens on holy days and Orthodox holidays.

Scientists register the fact that water changes its properties and then can keep them for a long time. Moreover, its unique qualities are enhanced when they add the procedures usually carried out in the church - they put a silver cross into the water (silver improves the quality of water, purifies it), reads prayers (water receives positive structural information).
Another explanation of the unique properties of Epiphany water was put forward by Doctor of Technical Sciences. V. Tsetlin. He explains the variability of the properties of water from a daily cycle with earth fluctuations. The earth's orbit can oscillate both vertically and horizontally - this process depends on the gravitational influence of the Sun and the Moon. When their orbits come close to Earth's orbit, tidal friction begins, in which electromagnetic radiation is emitted. Stronger or weaker, it is captured by the water in the ocean, the river, and also by the aquatic environment of our body. Therefore, the body feels cheerful or, conversely, tired.

The period of the winter solstice falls on the new year, approximately December 22-23. And always the water on December 22 "abnormally" changed its properties. At the same time, the situation repeated itself every 27 days, when the Sun made a complete revolution around its axis. January 18, the eve of Epiphany - just falls on the beginning of a new solar cycle. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the days when water turns into "Epiphany" each time coincide with some Orthodox holidays: Sretenya, Matryona's Day, Annunciation.

The scientific explanation corresponds to the fact of the miraculous properties of "Epiphany" water, which does not deteriorate for a long time. Due to a decrease in electrical conductivity, the growth of microorganisms is suppressed in it. Therefore, in the hours of the most calm water on the planet, it can be taken from any source - it will retain its good quality for a long time.

As for the memory of water and the ability of water to respond to various external influences, it is explained by the fact that the features of the physical structure of the water molecule and the numerous short-lived hydrogen bonds between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the molecule create favorable opportunities for the formation of special associative structures (clusters), the structure of which is changeable to external influences. Water, consisting of many clusters of various types, forms a hierarchical spatial structure like a crystalline one, which can perceive and store large amounts of information.

Evidence for the informational properties of water comes from Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto. He found that information received by water is perceived and reflected in the form of a geometric structure of crystals, which are its images. Therefore, water samples do not form completely identical crystals when frozen, their shape reflects the properties of water, carries information about a particular effect on water. The crystals formed from the distilled water just obtained are in the form of regular hexagonal snowflakes. The accumulation of information changes their structure, complicating, increasing their beauty, if the information is positive, and, on the contrary, distorting or even destroying the original forms if the information is negative (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Forms of water crystals under various influences on it

Water is unique in its structure and differs from all other liquids in that it is a two-phase system - a liquid with intense crystal formation processes, intermolecular bonds with charge transfer, including hydrogen bonding with the formation of conglomerates of hundreds and possibly thousands of water molecules and an infinite number of possible forms liquid crystal phase (liquid crystals) in water, which leads to the formation of a complex lattice structure. This structure has many different vibrations and emits big number natural electromagnetic frequencies as a result, water is a source of superweak and weak alternating electromagnetic radiation. This frequency spectrum is a physical replica of the geometric structure of water and undergoes characteristic changes over time. The least chaotic electromagnetic radiation is generated by structured water.

Water can be affected physical fields and influences of a very different nature (electromagnetic field, geomagnetic field of the Earth, gravitational fluctuations, ebbs and flows). Water also has memory for various physical influences and relaxation effects, i.e. delays in changes in physical and chemical properties in relation to the influences causing them. Also, the possibility of remote information interaction of the structure of water with objects of various natures using electromagnetic, acoustic and other fields has been established. A person can also be an influencing object.

The positive properties of water can be explained by its enrichment with OH- hydroxyl ions (and negative - by an excess of H + protons). Such activated water has an alkaline reaction and stimulates many biological processes - seed germination, their germination and plant growth, division of animal cells. Hydroxylated water, entering the human body, enriches cells and tissues with electrons, which enhances the electron-proton transport, which is the basis of metabolism. This increases the rate of synthesis of ATP, proteins, nucleic acids and other components of the cell. Certain mechanisms of the therapeutic and prophylactic action of activated water are associated with these positive factors.

An example of a weakly hydroxylated water is rain, melt and snow water. This is probably one of the explanations for the positive effect of snow and rainwater on various biological objects. Another explanation is a decrease in the content of deuterium and tritium (at high latitudes up to 30-40%).

The enrichment of water with hydroxyl ions occurs when water is irradiated with negatively charged electrons using a cathode-ray tube (a similar process occurs in the upper layers of the earth's atmosphere). In this case, the protons are reduced to gaseous hydrogen, which then escapes from the system. It is possible to enrich water with hydroxyl ions by electrochemical treatment of water using a device for obtaining "live" (hydroxylated, pH = 9-11) and "dead" (protonated, pH = 4-5) water.
A similar effect is observed when water is treated with ultraviolet radiation (or solar radiation) with a wavelength of 253.7 nm, when electrons are knocked out of the water surface due to the photoelectric effect:

Oxygen gas is removed from the system and the water decomposes to form a hydroxyl ion, which makes the reaction alkaline.

Under natural conditions, water changes its properties in the processes of evaporation and condensation of water vapor in clouds. In the lower parts of the clouds, negatively charged hydroxylated water accumulates. Here lightning is formed - concentrated streams of electrons that hit the ground, in those places where positive charges are concentrated.

It should be emphasized that the impact on water systems of astronomical phenomena - full moons, ebb and flow, was reported in the last century. For example, back in 1929, George Lakhovsky conducted a series of experiments in two different laboratories - Salpetriere and the Pasteur Institute - to establish the effect of the moon phase on the sterilizing effect of silver solutions upon contact with water. In April 1929, during the full moon, it took 26 hours to sterilize the water; in a month during the next full moon - 40 hours; and when the experiment was carried out on June 18, 4 days before the full moon (June 22), contact with silver led to the exact opposite result - instead of sterilizing water, an increase in bacterial growth was observed. With the waning moon, water sterilization was carried out in 6-7 hours. Similar experiments using filter paper, which revealed different behavior of the silver salt solution during the full moon and new moon, are described in the book "Das Silber und der Mond" ("Silver and the Moon"), published in the same 1929 by the Biological Institute Goetheanum (Stuttgart, Germany). An experiment is also known in which a comparison of the germination rate of seeds (for example, wheat) is carried out, simultaneously and under the same conditions, placed in different portions of water, previously subjected to shaking or stirring at certain points in time associated with any significant astronomical event, for example, after certain time intervals on the day of a solar or lunar eclipse.

The effect of magnetization of water by the Earth's magnetic field, as a result of which water acquires other properties, is also described. Magnetized water is more structured than regular water. The speed increases in it chemical reactions and crystallization of solutes, adsorption processes are intensified, conductivity improves, etc.

Thus, the behavior of water and its anomalous properties can be explained by various physical and astronomical phenomena.

Is there a scientific explanation for holy water and what is the Christian point of view on the use of holy water? I recently got married and disagree on some things with my father-in-law. He began to secretly smear the world on the doors, and this creates inconvenience and a feeling of vulnerability for me. The church I grew up in taught me that I need no protection other than faith, which is rooted in the sacred.

The father-in-law can only use oil for a good purpose, but I believe that he leaves the door open for evil to come. The discomfort I feel is the same fear that drove me to stay away from indulging in a fortune-telling game when I was a child. The use of the world is new to me and the unknown frightens me. Could you scientifically explain to me the effect of holy water, if any.

I am not sure if there is one absolute "Christian point of view" or scientific explanation regarding the use of holy water or oil. Obviously, you are talking about a situation with a father who is a Catholic. Let me speak to you briefly as a devil's advocate. Perhaps you can defend the idea of ​​using oil with James chapter 5, where elders are encouraged to use oil to treat a sick person for a disease that may even be related to.

Okay, having done that, I will have to say that I agree with your point of view that holy oil and holy water are just Catholic teachings that have no explanation in the Bible. This is essentially superstition and evidence of trust in the human, and not in God's Word. If we study Church History, we find that the use of the supposed "holy water" is an innovation that came several centuries after the apostles. This is part of the false Catholic teaching about the sacraments. In my opinion, this is not just a matter of opinions. This is superstition that actually damages the Christian faith.

If I'm right, then your relative is probably sincere and trying to help, but he is definitely wrong in his doctrine about "holy water." We must worship in Spirit and in truth. His Spirit is good, but his truth is problematic! Here's what I will say about it. Let's face it, this holy oil does nothing to help you in your household. However, if it is just superstition, then using mindless oil is neither good nor harmful. If there is any harm, it is in your mind, but not in the use of the oil. Paul raised a similar issue in 1 Corinthians 10. Here we are talking about meat that was donated to idols. Paul agrees that idols are nothing. So technically, donating meat to something that doesn't even exist would mean absolutely nothing. This meat in one way or another did not generate evil or harm from the false ceremony of "sacrifice" to his false idol. Paul tells Christians to go and eat such meat until it becomes a stumbling block for the weak. Idols are nothing, so meat sacrificed to idols is just ordinary meat. Why not eat it? He argues against legalistic concern about the undeniable fact that the unbeliever has performed some kind of meaningless ceremony. The fact that the pagans were superstitious can simply be ignored.

I would apply this to your father-in-law. Is it really hurting him when he smears on this mindless oil? Can you understand that despite his doctrinal error, he is simply trying to help and show love in his rather superstitious manner? Do you really need to solve this problem? The only real "problem" I see with this is that he does it in secret, without your permission. I would be a little offended by the secret nature of what he does, but only slightly, to say the least.

So here are some tips. You must lovingly confront your father-in-law, making it clear that you know what he is doing. You have to tell him that your belief is such oil is powerless. However, at the same time, you can show your appreciation for the fact that he is trying to help you in his own way. You could tell him that the next time he wants to help, he let you know out of respect for you. If he wants to keep doing it and if he thinks it will help, I suggest that you let him keep doing it, as this is his way of showing his love. I guess he will stop as soon as he understands your position. You will demonstrate Christian love and lack of judgment if you tolerate his strange behavior related to holy water and other things. This is my advice.

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Why is water blessed? How is this done? What properties does holy water acquire? You will find answers to all these questions in our informative article!

Why is water blessed?

Water plays an important role in our Everyday life... However, it also has the highest meaning: it is characterized by healing power, which is repeatedly said in the Holy Scriptures.

In New Testament times, water serves the spiritual rebirth of a person into a new, grace-filled life, cleansing from sins. In a conversation with Nicodemus, Christ the Savior says: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the Kingdom of God” (John 3: 5). Christ Himself at the beginning of His ministry received Baptism from the prophet John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. In the hymns of the service for this holiday it is said that the Lord “grants purification with water to the human race”; “You have sanctified the jets of the Jordan, you have crushed the sinful state, Christ our God ...”.

How is baptismal water blessed?

Blessing of water can be small and great: the small is performed several times throughout the year (during prayer services, the sacrament of Baptism), and the great - only on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (Epiphany). Consecration of water is called great because of the special solemnity of the ceremony, imbued with the memory of the gospel event, which became not only the prototype of the mysterious washing of sins, but also the actual sanctification of the very nature of water through the immersion of God in the flesh into it.

The great consecration of water is performed according to the Rite at the end of the liturgy, after the prayer outside the ambo, on the very day of the Epiphany (January 6/19), as well as on the eve of the Epiphany (January 5/18). On the very day of the Epiphany, the blessing of water is performed with a solemn religious procession to the springs of water known as the “passage to the Jordan”.

Will unusual weather conditions in Russia affect the course of the Epiphany and the blessing of the waters?

Such traditions should not be regarded as magical rites - the feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all, the palm branches of the Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem were replaced by willows in Russia, and the consecration of vines for the Transfiguration of the Lord - with the blessing of the harvest of apples. Likewise, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, all waters will be sanctified, regardless of their temperature.

Archpriest Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese.

How to use holy water?

The use of holy water in the daily life of an Orthodox Christian is quite varied. For example, it is consumed on an empty stomach in small quantities, usually together with a piece of prosphora (this is especially true of the great hagiasma (water consecrated on the eve and on the very day of the feast of the Baptism of the Lord), sprinkle their dwelling.

A special property of holy water is that, added even in small amounts to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it, therefore, in case of a shortage of holy water, it can be diluted with plain water.

We must not forget that consecrated water is a church relic, which has been touched by the grace of God, and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself.

It is customary to use holy water with prayer: “O Lord my God, may there be Thy holy gift and Thy holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and body, for the health of my soul and body, for the conquest of passions and my infirmities by Thy infinite mercy through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen".

Although it is desirable - out of reverence for the shrine - to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach, but due to a special need for God's help - in case of ailments or attacks of evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time. With reverence, holy water stays fresh and tasty for a long time. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis.

Is the water consecrated on the day of Epiphany and on Epiphany Eve different in its properties?

- There is absolutely no difference! Let's go back to the time of Patriarch Nikon: he specifically asked the Patriarch of Antioch whether it was necessary to consecrate the water on the very day of the Baptism of the Lord: after all, the day before, on Christmas Eve, the water had already been consecrated. And he received the answer that there will be no sin, it can be done again so that everyone can take water. And here today they come for one water, and the next day for another - they say, here the water is stronger. And what is it stronger? So we see that people do not even listen to the prayers that are read at the consecration. And they do not know that water is consecrated in one rite, the same prayers are recited.

Holy water is absolutely the same on both days - on the day of Epiphany and on Epiphany Christmas Eve.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Is it true that swimming in an ice-hole for Epiphany cleanses all sins?

This is not true! Swimming in an ice-hole (Jordan) is an old good folk custom, which is not, nevertheless, a church sacrament. Forgiveness of sins, reconciliation with God and His Church is possible only in the sacrament of repentance, during confession in church.

Does holy water sometimes “don't help”?

Saint Theophan the Recluse writes: “All grace that comes from God through the holy Cross, holy icons, holy water, relics, consecrated bread (artos, antidor, prosphora), etc., including the Holy Communion of the Body and Blood of Christ, is only valid for those who are worthy of this grace through prayers of repentance, repentance, humility, service to people, deeds of mercy and the manifestation of other Christian virtues. But if they are not there, then this grace will not save, it does not act automatically, like a talisman, and is useless for wicked and imaginary Christians (without virtues) ”.

Miracles of healings still occur today, and they are countless. But only those who receive it with a living faith in the promises of God and the power of the prayer of the Holy Church, those who have a pure and sincere desire to change their lives, repentance, and salvation are rewarded with the miraculous effects of holy water. God does not work miracles where they want to see them only out of curiosity, without a sincere intention to use them for their salvation. “A wicked and adulterous generation,” said the Savior about his unbelieving contemporaries, “is looking for a sign; and a sign will not be given to him. ”In order for the holy water to benefit us, let us take care of the purity of our souls, of the high dignity of our thoughts and deeds.

Is the water baptismal all week long?

Epiphany water is such from the moment of its consecration for a year, or two or more, until its supplies at home run out. Taken into the temple on any day, it never loses its holiness.

Archimandrite Ambrose (Ermakov)

My grandmother brought me Epiphany water, which a friend gave her, but it tastes musty and I'm afraid to drink it. What to do in this case?

Dear Sophia, due to various circumstances, although very rarely, it happens that water comes to a state that does not allow internal use. In this case, it should be poured into some unsupported place, say, into a flowing river, or in a forest under a tree, and the vessel in which it was stored should no longer be used for household use.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov

Why can holy water go bad?

That happens. Water should be collected in clean containers in which the water should not deteriorate. Therefore, if we previously stored something in these bottles, if they are not very clean, there is no need to collect holy water in them. I remember that in the summer one woman began to pour holy water into a beer bottle ...

Parishioners often like to make comments: for example, they began to explain to one of our priest that he consecrated the water incorrectly - he did not reach the bottom of the tank ... Because of this, they say, the water will not be consecrated ... Well, must father be a diver? Or that the cross is not silver ... There is no need to reach the bottom and the cross can be wooden. There is no need to make a cult out of holy water, but you also need to be pious! A priest friend of mine, in 1988, had a bottle of water, which he had kept since 1953 or 1954 ...

You need to treat water godly and carefully and lead a godly life yourself.

Priest Mikhail Mikhailov.

Can the unbaptized drink holy water, oil consecrated on the relics of saints and prosphora?

On the one hand, it is possible, because well, what harm can be to a person from the fact that he drinks holy water, or is anointed with oil, or uses prosphora? But you just need to think about which side it can be useful to him.

If this is a certain approach of a person to the church fence, if he, not yet daring to be baptized, say, having been a militant atheist in the past, now, through the prayers of his wife, mother, daughter or someone else close to him, no longer rejects at least these external as if signs of churchliness, this is good and pedagogically it will lead him to what is more essential in our faith - to worship God in spirit and in truth.

And if such actions are perceived as a kind of magic, as a kind of "church medicine", but at the same time a person does not at all strive to become a church member, to become an Orthodox Christian, he only calms himself that I am doing something like this and this will serve as a something like a talisman, then this kind of consciousness does not need to be provoked. Based on these two possibilities, you decide in relation to your specific situation whether or not you need to offer church relics to someone from your loved ones.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

Questions and answers about holy water

If God sanctifies all water nature on earth on January 19, why then does the priest sanctify the water on this day? I asked my father, he replied that he did not know. Alla

We know that the water is sanctified and becomes holy, over which a special prayer rite is performed - the opinion that ALL waters are sanctified on this day is based on an extensive interpretation of some expressions from the service of the Feast of the Epiphany and is not part of the Orthodox doctrine. In addition, think logically - if all the waters are sanctified, then they are sanctified everywhere, including in places that are filthy and unclean. Ask yourself - how can the Lord allow the Holy Spirit to work in impurities?


Priest Alexy Kolosov

Hello Nikolay!

The consecration of water is performed in one order (equally) on January 18 and 19. Therefore, it makes no difference when you take water - January 18 or 19, and both water is Epiphany.

John the Baptist performed a ceremony called "baptism." But the very concept of the cross, as a symbol of Christianity, from which, as it seems to me, the word "baptism" comes from, came with the crucifixion of Christ, that is, later than the very death of John the Baptist. Then why did John have “baptism” and not, for example, “ablution”? Thanks to. Igor.

Hello Igor! In the Greek text of the Gospels, Baptism is indicated by the verb "baptizo" - to immerse, and in the first meaning - to bury. This is quite consistent with the context and meaning of the actions of John the Baptist. The term "Baptism" arose in the proper Slavic translation of the Gospels, when such a specific action was characteristic, first of all, of Christianity. However, I could not find exact information about the history of this term. It is very likely that the Sacrament of Baptism came to the Slavic world earlier than the term for it. Perhaps that is why precisely such a term was chosen, as it more clearly explains what was happening on the Jordan, and is now inextricably linked in the minds of people with the acceptance of Christ. Respectfully yours, Priest Mikhail Samokhin.

On the day of the Baptism of the Lord, having plunged into an ice font or doused with water, can one consider oneself baptized and wear a cross? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

No, dipping and pouring is not enough to consider yourself baptized. It is necessary to come to the temple for the priest to perform the Sacrament of Baptism on you.

Best regards, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Good day! Please tell me, is it true that if an unbaptized person comes to church on January 19 and stands the entire service, then after that he can consider himself baptized and can wear a cross and go to church? And in general, can an unbaptized person go to church? Thank you very much, Elena

Hello, Elena!

An unbaptized person can go to Church, but he cannot participate in Church Sacraments (confession, Communion, wedding, etc.). In order to become baptized, it is necessary that the Sacrament of Baptism be performed over a person, and not attendance at the service on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Go to the priest after the service and tell him that you want to be baptized. This requires your faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, a desire to live according to His commandments, as well as some knowledge of the Orthodox doctrine and Orthodox Church... The priest will be able to answer your questions and help prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. God help you!

Best regards, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, I have a 6-month-old daughter, and when I bathe her, I add holy water to the water. Is it possible to drain this water later or not?

Hello Lena!

When bathing a daughter, there is no need to add holy water to the bath: after all, holy water can only be poured into a special place that cannot be trampled underfoot. Better give your daughter holy water to drink, and also regularly partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Best regards, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello, please tell me if it can be thrown away glass bottle, in which the holy water was kept, in the trash can? If not, what to do with it? Marina

Hello Marina!

It is better to keep Holy water in this bottle in the future, but if this does not work out, then it must be dried, and then it can be thrown away.

Respectfully yours, Priest Alexander Ilyashenko.

Can you give holy water to animals? if not, why not? After all, they are also creatures of God. Thank you for your reply. Elena

Hello, Elena! What is the need to present a shrine to an animal? It all depends on the specific situation. Based on the literal interpretation of the words of the Lord: “Do not give shrine to dogs and do not throw your pearls in front of pigs, so that they do not trample it under their feet and, turning, do not tear you to pieces.” (Matthew 7.6) follows. At the same time, in church practice, there are cases when, during a pestilence of animals, they were sprinkled and drank with holy water. The grounds for such daring, as you see, must indeed be extremely serious. Respectfully yours, Priest Mikhail Samokhin.

Is it obligatory to swim at Epiphany? And if there is no frost, will the bathing be Epiphany?

In any church holiday it is necessary to distinguish between its meaning and the traditions that have developed around it. In the feast of the Baptism of the Lord, the main thing is the Epiphany, this is the Baptism of Christ by John the Baptist, the voice of God the Father from heaven "This is my beloved Son" and the Holy Spirit descending on Christ. The main thing for a Christian on this day is the presence at the church service, confession and Communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, the communion of baptismal water.

The established traditions of bathing in cold ice holes are not directly related to the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord itself, are not mandatory and, most importantly, do not cleanse a person from sins, which, unfortunately, is much talked about in the media.

Such traditions should not be regarded as magical rites - the feast of the Epiphany is celebrated by Orthodox Christians in hot Africa, America, and Australia. After all, the palm branches of the Feast of the Lord's Entry into Jerusalem were replaced by willows in Russia, and the consecration of vines for the Transfiguration of the Lord - with the blessing of the harvest of apples. Likewise, on the day of the Baptism of the Lord, all waters will be sanctified, regardless of their temperature. P rotopriest Igor Pchelintsev, press secretary of the Nizhny Novgorod diocese

Is it possible to take a dip in holy water if a gypsy woman jinxed me? Maria.

Hello Maria!

Holy water is not bathing water, and belief in the evil eye is superstition. You can drink holy water, you can sprinkle it, sprinkle your house, things. If you live according to the commandments of God, often visit the church for confession and communion, pray and observe the fasts established by the Church, then the Lord Himself will keep you from all evil.

Respectfully yours, priest Dionisy Svechnikov.

Tell me: can the grace of God leave holy water and sanctified objects because of our sins, or is it impossible? And one more thing: how to get rid of evil and negative? Sincerely, Alexander.

Hello, Alexander!

It all depends on how a person relates to holy water and consecrated objects, whether he keeps the received shrine with reverence. If yes, then there is no reason for worry, the grace received during consecration will benefit a person spiritually and physically. And in order for the Lord to keep from all evil, one must live according to the commandments of God.

Respectfully yours, priest Dionisy Svechnikov.

Using materials from sites

Did you drink water today? This liquid has become so everyday and commonplace in our life that few people think about its properties, capabilities and miraculous impact.

Our current perception of water does not even remotely resemble the way our ancestors treated it.

And they treated her respectfully, reverently, they revered water as Source of Life, a symbol of the feminine principle, giving life to all living things.

Attitudes towards water in different religions

The ancient Slavs worshiped the goddess Moksha, who could be seen when it was raining. Rain jets were considered Moksha's hair. Moksha was for them the foremother of all living things - both man, and beast, and an ear of grain.

The Egyptians idolized Isis - the goddess of the water element, considered her the mother of all people.

Water is also of great importance in Islam. Before turning to God with prayer, a Muslim must go through a ritual ablution.

The entire Old Testament reflected the belief that water has mystical power and, having united with God, is able to cleanse sins and impurity, thereby opening the way to human rebirth.

In Shintoism, a primordially Japanese religion, waterfalls are considered sacred, and it is believed that by standing under a waterfall, a person is cleansed of spiritual impurity.

The sacred river Ganges carries a special philosophy for many Hindus (and not only for them). They bathe in it in order to cleanse themselves from sins, get rid of diseases, and receive enlightenment from ignorance.

All teachings and religions have one thing in common: water is an entity that cleanses and sanctifies the body... These two properties give water an important, almost sacred status.

It is impossible to call it “substance”. An ordinary chemical has no mind, no soul. And the water has it. Our ancestors knew about this, and this simple truth was revealed to scientists not so long ago.

Modern research on water properties

Scientists have proven that vibrations are at the heart of everything. Our words and thoughts are also vibrations of different frequencies.

And water has the ability to perceive and record information... A clear proof of this surprising fact is plain ice.

Japanese explorer Masaru Emoto(Masaru Emoto) found a way to show how water changes by photographing its frozen crystals with a powerful electron microscope and a camera mounted in it.

Under the influence and influence of the energy of words, prayer or music, water changes its energy-informational structure.

With a negative message and bad words, water crystals turned into something ugly and shapeless, and with a positive message and kind words, the crystals were transformed into amazingly beautiful patterns and drawings.

Thus, we receive a priceless treasure and absolutely free medicine for many diseases.

Water itself cleanses the body and removes toxins and toxins from it, and if we add to this force of intention, then the effect of water will increase many times.

“Careless, abusive treatment of water can upset your health and ruin your life, because water is basis of life.

On the contrary, if you treat her attentively, caringly and lovingly, then she, like any mother, will give everything you need for life. Health first ”

- Sister Stephanie writes in her book "Conspiracies on Water to Fulfill Your Desires."

The Russian language has very well noticed the relationship that exists between water and information. Note, the words "water" and "To be in charge"- historically the same root.

Thus, water is a substance that knows (knows) a lot and can tell (tell) a person.

Unfortunately, water is now suffering all over the earth. People, not realizing that water is a living, animate being, simply kill it.

Industrial waste, all kinds of radiation, chemistry, radiation, swearing and foul language make water harmful to health.

There are many ways to purify water to make it drinkable.

But there are several days a year associated with religious holidays, when nature itself gives water the opportunity to purify itself and acquire healing properties.

A holiday honoring water

And now a special holiday is approaching, which for many is the strongest mechanism for cleansing, strengthening health and recharging with divine energies - Epiphany Night!

On the night of January 18-19, the water is cleared of all the information that it had to absorb, and therefore this time is considered the Christmas of Dead (Zeroed) Water.

This water neutralizes all harmful substances, perfectly washes and heals wounds, cleanses the skin, reduces inflammation, slows down the processes of neoplasms, and has an analgesic effect on the body.

What is the secret of Epiphany water?

According to the Vedas of the Rus, during Epiphany (Water Light) the Sun, Earth and the center of the Galaxy are located so that a communication line opens between the heart of our planet and the center of the Galaxy.

Acts of a special kind energy channel, which in a certain way structures everything that falls into it. Water on Earth and everything in which it is included undergoes this structuring.

This is confirmed by modern scientists.

According to S. Zenin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, a researcher of water, the surge in the unique properties of water usually begins on Epiphany Eve from about 17.30 to 23.30 and continues on the Epiphany itself - from 12.30 to 16.00.

After that, the water in natural reservoirs quickly returns to its normal state.

The scientific explanation corresponds to the fact of the miraculous properties of the "Epiphany" water, which does not deteriorate for a long time. Due to a decrease in electrical conductivity, the growth of microorganisms is suppressed in it.

Therefore, in the hours of the most calm water on the planet, it can be taken from any source, it will retain its good quality for a long time.

According to biophysicist Zenin, unique baptismal water quality intensified during the procedures usually carried out in the church: when a silver cross is immersed in water (silver improves the quality of water) and prayers are recited.

How you can use this period and the special properties of water

At 23 o'clock, an unsealed bucket or basin of water should be taken out into the street (onto a balcony, into a courtyard, etc.) and left there until morning.

Heat the water in the morning, pour 3 ladles over yourself and drink a few sips, then you need to spray the corners and everything around the house, wash the floor with the rest of the water. Believe me, you will immediately feel burst of strength, it will become easier to breathe in the house.

Water drawn from the hole on the eve of Epiphany was considered healing and was used by healers for the treatment of diseases throughout the next year.

For a long time, a belief has been preserved: if you pray to heaven on the night of January 19, any request will come true: it was believed that on Epiphany night "the sky opens".

From 0 hours 10 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes or a little later, go out under the open sky or look out the window at the stars, thank God for what you have and ask for what you want.

On the day of Epiphany, after the prayer service, the sick bathe in the ice-hole to recover from their illness.

And those who wondered in the night under New Year, on Christmastide and Epiphany, they swam or doused themselves with water: thus they washed away the sin because fortune-telling has always been considered a conspiracy with evil spirits.

After the water was consecrated in the church, each owner with all household members drank a few sips from the brought jug, and then sprinkled holy water all your property in order to protect your home for a whole year from harm and from the evil eye.

They use baptismal water in many cases: for healing from ailments, removing spoilage, for cleansing dwellings and things, as well as for the purpose protection from all evil spirits.

It is best to keep it near the icons. This water does not deteriorate throughout the year.

It was believed that after washing with water from the melted Epiphany snow, the girls became marvelously attractive!

This snow was considered healing, it was treated with various ailments - dizziness, numbness in the legs, convulsions.

On Baptism, it is good to perform also rituals and ceremonies for luck in business.

Now both science and religion are unanimous in their convictions: water is a single information system that connects all life on Earth. Water has a memory, it remembers everything it came into contact with on its way.

Our body is 80% water. And if water is a carrier of information, then the liquid used can be programmed for what is useful for the body and the person as a whole: for health, luck, beauty.

Your words and thoughts carry information and have tremendous power. Therefore, you yourself can program the water for the result that is important to you.

There are certain rules that must be followed when doing this. We will talk about this in more detail at our monthly meeting - Day of the reincarnation.

Use the feast of Epiphany in order to cleanse yourself of everything old and unnecessary, making room for new realizations and discoveries.

And I invite you on January 22 to Reincarnist Day, where we will continue this topic and you can charge my water and also go through meditation to purify and harmonize all bodies.

Holy water is used in church services. Many people use it at home, for example, when treating sick people. Scientists have studied holy water and found out why it is holy.

Why doesn't holy water get spoiled?

Holy water acquires its unusual properties after the consecration ritual. Some natural springs are also considered holy - people come to them in order to collect healing water for home. Once a year, water becomes sacred in all natural sources, this happens on the Orthodox holiday - January 19.

Scientists conducted research on holy water from a holy source and from a church and found that it has different electromagnetic characteristics from ordinary water, similar to those that radiate from the body of a healthy and full of human strength.

The fact that holy water does not deteriorate does not have an unambiguous scientific explanation. Some natural holy springs have an increased content of silver, which disinfects the water and prevents it from deteriorating. However, in churches, water for consecration is taken from an ordinary tap, but it also stands for a long time without signs of deterioration.

The answer to the question of why holy water does not deteriorate, perhaps, is to change its structure. The molecular structure of holy water is different from that of ordinary water. After freezing, holy water forms crystals of perfect shape, while crystals of ordinary water can be vague, broken and uneven.

The power of holy water

The power of holy water has long been used by people to heal from diseases, protect from the influences of the external environment and strengthen the spirit. There are many known cases of miraculous cure after swimming in an ice-hole for Epiphany. Bioenergetics noted that after drinking holy water, a person's biological field increases, his physical and energy indicators improve.

The saint advised sick people to take consecrated water, one tablespoon every hour. He said that there is no better medicine than holy water.