Macaron pastry is a classic recipe. French pastry pastries Makaruna Cake

specifies the entire taste of cookies ... According to the cooking technology, I recommend all weighing and degrees to measure a culinary thermometer. Many believe that this cookie is difficult to cook, I have another opinion - it is easy to cook it, you just need to comply with the technology of cooking and understand what and what to do.

Macaron Recipe with Italian Meringue

I love to cook pasta precisely on this recipe, they get slightly wet inside and with an amazing crispy crust outside.

Part 1 (almond mixture)

  • 200 g almond flour
  • 200 g of powdered sugar
  • 75 g egg protein (we will need 150 g)

Part 2 (Italian Merenga)

  • 75 g egg whites
  • 75 g of water
  • 200 g sugar

I will make a reservation on the account of the almond, you can buy the finished almond flour or prepare it yourself. I really like to cook pasta from almond flour, prepared. In the store we buy a little more almonds from your recipe. After cleaning and drying, the weight of the almond will decrease and you may not be enough.

Briefly describe the process of preparation of almonds for Macaron:

In order to clean the almonds from the peel, you need to pour raw almond boiling water. Leave to appease 2-3 minutes, then drain the water and pour cold water (might we need a hot and cold contrast), such a procedure repeat a couple of times. After that, the peel on Almond is very well removed.
Nuts leave on a tray for drying (almond dried best if you leave it just to dry in the room of days 5-7).

If you do not have time for drying, you can use the oven (dry almonds at a temperature of 70-80 degrees about an hour). CAUTION!!! It is necessary to monitor your almonds to fit into the oven.
Almonds remove out of the oven and leave cool. Already such almonds can be used for further preparation of macaroni.

Macaron Cooking Recipe (Macaron) at home:

Step 1Mount almonds and sugar, sift through fine sieve. It is desirable to sow twice, so you have a macaronium more lush. Be sure to weigh, because After sieving and grinding, the weight may change, and we need precise weight according to the recipe.

Step 2.Mix almonds and sugar powder several times. Why do we do it? It is necessary, especially when you are not sure that your almond is completely dry, while stirring sugar absorbs an extra moisture with almond flour. If you are sure that your almond flour is dry, you can skip this step.

Step 3.Strain through fine protein sieve.
Why do you need to do? In order for the protein with a baronge (when you mix everything with a buatard), it is uniformly and pasta inside was without emptiness and unnecessary lumps. According to the consistency, the protein should be like water liquid, and it is desirable to have a room temperature (so it will take better). Some say that you need to make protein, others say that you do not need ... Why do you need to make a protein? In the process of aging, the protein loses its structure and becomes fat (the storage period of the protein in the refrigerator is 1 month). Although it is possible not to comprise a protein, but it is necessary to push several times several times through a small sieve (you mechanically make the flexible protein).

Step 4.Weigh the protein and divide into two parts (according to the recipe we need 75 g in Italian meringue and in almond flour with sugar powder). One part will be added to almond flour with sugar powder, the second part with a clear container, where we will beat proteins for Italian meringue.

Step 5.Mix bundled almond flour with sugar powder (Previously, we have already prepared it, weighed and asked through a sieve 2 times) with protein(Protein has previously been dragging and weighed on electronic scales).

Step 6.In Schillik (where we will cook syrup for Italian meringue) measure the amount of water we need.

Step 7.Weigh sugar and pour out into the water. In order for sugar not crystallized when the syrup is heated, it is important to comply with the sequence - first pour water into the saucepan - then the raw sugar.

Step 8.We put the shill on the fire and heat up to 118 ° C, the temperature measure the culinary thermometer. IMPORTANT - in the process of heating it is not necessary to interfere with syrup, because With stirring, sugar is crystallized, and Italian meringue will not be homogeneous and air.

Step 9. Whip proteins (75 g) mixer. Begin to beat the proteins, it is necessary when syrup reached about 90-100 ° C, at low speed and continue to beat while the syrup will not reach 118 ° C. It is necessary to adapt here, because Proteins for Italian meringues should not be joined (the reversible protein along the edges becomes lumps in the cup, it becomes too dense by the structure, leaving the air) and should not be dove.

Step 10.Gradually introduce syrup in proteins and continue to beat (I usually increase the speed of the mixer, but not much, because at high speed Merenga compacts and macaroni can be empty inside, otherwise they will cry at all).
How to check whether it was cooked by an Italian meringue? Yes, it's very easy to turn the bowl in the air with Merling and it should stay there and do not fall on your table, as well as the beak of the Merengi itself should be soft (we get a whisk from a mixer and look at what you got it).

Step 11.We carry out Macarona. Those. We pour out a meringue into the almond mixture and silicone grooved circular motions stirred from the walls to the center and turning the bowl counterclockwise.

Step 12.At what stage you need to paint the dough? There you can decide at what point you will do it. If you are preparing the macaroni of one color, then there are no problems - just add the food dye into the dough and carry the macaronage. And if you need to do several colors at once?
I can offer you some coloring options.

    Option 1 - Mix the meringue with the almond mixture, and not a loaning dough to the consistency we need, we divide the dough, and then stain in the desired color. In this method, you must gently mix in order not to mix the dough.

    Option 2. - We share the almond mixture with protein and sugar powder to the quantity that we will paint, and in the same way you need to divide Italian meringue, we carry out the macarosca.

Step 13.Spring pasta on a papers with paper, leave the pasta to be covered with a crust. In order for the pasta of the pasta, there were no tubercles and non-evenness, you need to knock on the table a couple of times (so you give the right form and if there are air bubbles then they will come from there).

Step 14.Bake 10 minutes (if the stuff on the silicone mat - the baking time needs to be increased by 2 minutes) at a temperature of 160-180 ° C. In order for the bottom to do not burn with Macaron, we put two opposition at once. The temperature is determined by themselves, because Oven all different. In the process of baking, we open the oven for 4 and 8 minutes - this is done in order for the macaron skirt not cracked and was solid.

Step 15.Give the pasta macaroni and transfer to the table so that they are cooled.

Properly cooked pasta are easily separated from baking paper (or silicone rug), have an inside a homogeneous structure with a crispy crust and slightly wet inside.

Pleasant tea drinking!

Where to buy a macaron?

If you can't cook pasta (macaron) at home yourself or just on it there is no time, then you can

in our home bakery. We will gladly prepare this delicious delicacy at your order.

Makaruna - dessert loved by millions! It would seem that only colored almond cookies interconnected by a cream filling, but when you try, you immediately understand - this is love for life.

Cake pasta is called universal delicacy, because they can be submitted to the table to any holiday, or even make a gift from flowers and macarunov and present it an important or dear person. Another big "plus" is the ability to "decorate" macarunas in any color with the help of food dyes and give every taste (there are not only macarows with a taste of chocolate, berries or vanilla, but also with the taste of caviar, cheese and even ketchup!).

The price of a ready-made dessert is quite high (this can be explained by its popularity), not everyone has the opportunity to buy many Makarunov and eat "how much soul will wish." Therefore, the edition of Womansovetnik prepared for you a real master class on their cooking!

Muddy cookies

Dessert "Makarun" or "Makaron" received its name is not by chance. Since the French word "Macaron" (the meaning "breaking") is ideal for describing the method of preparing the main ingredient of cookies - almonds, broken to the state of flour.

The "right" macaroon is tasty must be filling. And the cookie itself - emphasizes its simplicity of fragrance and shades of filler flavor.

Prepare homemade macarunas is quite difficult, because the recipe has so many nuances that many, even on proven algorithms, often get unsatisfactory result and no longer solve the dessert oven. And it does not work not only in beginners, but also of these confectioners, inattentive to the accuracy of the preparation process.

So if you were looking for a really good, accurate recipe for Makarunov - he is here! The main thing is to strictly follow the algorithm below described, otherwise the result of all the effort will not please you.

Work will have to work quickly - view the series or conversation with the girlfriend is transferred for later, dedicate all the attention to cooking.

Makaruna step-by-step recipe with photos

We will need for cookies:
- 300 sides of sifted almond flour;
- 300 sides of sifted sugar;
- 200 g. protein from chicken eggs;
- 300 g. Sugar;
- 100 g. Water.

We will need for the filling:
- 200 g. Nutella;
- 100 g. Butter cream;
- Salt beam.

We used this particular filling, other options described below.

And you will need:
- kitchen scales;
- Schill;
- Deep bowls;
- mixer;
- parchment for baking;
- pencil;
- Stack;
- Confectionery bag or syringe with a nozzle.

Algorithm of actions:

1) As mentioned above, it is important to accurately observe each described in the nuance recipe if you want French Makaruna to and in your kitchen. So measure the exact amount of ingredients not to the eye, not glasses and not even spoons, but with the help of kitchen scales. And yet - all the dishes used in the cooking process should be perfectly dry!

2) we put a deep bowl to knead the test on the scales, reset the indicators and sifted the almond flour through the sieve, exactly 300 g;

It's important to know! Flour can be cooked independently: buy almond nut, soak, high qualityly dry and spinning in a coffee grinder without peel. But it's easier to just buy 🙂.

3) without removing the bowls from the scales, add the same 300 sides of the sifted powder;

4) a spoon or a broom, or mixer thoroughly mix ingredients;

5) To obtain 200 g. The protein needs 6 large eggs. On the "Eye", do not measure - we put another bowl on the scales, reset and measuring exactly 200 g. Protein;

6) half of the protein (100 g) overflow to another ass (we also weighed);

It's important to know! You can not take a protein from the eggs that you just got from the refrigerator! It is necessary that it is room temperature, that is, 2-3 hours before the start of cooking, get eggs from the refrigerator and leave on the table.

7) We prepare a confectionery bag - it is already necessary to put it with the nozzle in a deep glass and secure;

8) in a pure skeleton, we pour 100 g. Water and add the same 300 g. Sugar - we send on the slab to a slow fire;

9) overflow 100 g. Protein into a deep bowl (such as for salad cooking), there is a mixer and a glass of cold water nearby;

10) Heating our sugar syrup (paragraph 8), constantly stirring, up to 95 degrees (it is better to use a thermometer, if not, follow the appearance of the first bubbles along the edges of the syrup - then the temperature is approximately 95. You can add a food dye to it;

11) At this time, while the syrup boils, knocking up a mixer protein to the state of peaks (as in the photo), as soon as the syrup begins to be boiled abundantly - remove it from the slab and transfer it to the bowl with a whipped protein, without ceasing to beat, while the mass is not uniform ;

12) We leave the mixture to cool up to 45 degrees, beat again;

Secret! Well whipped mass should be so tight that even if the bowl turn over - it does not follow and will not fall.

13) Take the remaining 100 g. Squirrel + powder-almond mixture;

Secret! Making Macaron Cooking Errors often do at this stage. If you do not give a mixture to be laid, the added protein will simply come and the macarunas will not work.

14) a spoon, or a special blade, we begin to mix the ingredients carefully until the test has a homogeneous state. We continue to mix until you see that the dough slowly slides from a spoon, like a thick sour cream;

15) Move the dough into the confectionery bag;

16) We place the parchment on the counter;

Secret! You can prepare parchment for baking: so that the macarunas at home cooked are the same - just draw the circles on the parchment, using a stack as a stencil (outlines the top), then turn the parchment and place it on the contrary. The distance between the circles should be at least 4 cm, and they need to be placed in a checker order;

17) At an altitude of 1.5 cm. From parchment, we begin to squeeze the dough on the parchment. Since it flows a bit - do mugs that do not reach the edges, the dough itself will choose the right form;

18) Leave future pasta-cookies to dry at least 25 minutes. What is it for? After drying on the surface, a glossy crust appears (to which even nothing sticks, if you touch). And without drying on your Makarunov there will be no air "skirt";

19) for the period of drying cookies, you need to heat the oven to 140 degrees;

20) I exhibit them in the oven at the middle level. Baking time - from 13 to 19 minutes;

21) Somewhere for 15 minutes, try the Makarun knife to lift from the parchment if it turned out - they are ready if not - we leave to appreciate. In no case can no increase temperature;

22) Pull the Makaruna from the oven, the recipe requires that they completely cooled.

Algorithm cooking filling (we have Ganash with Nutella):

1) oil must be pre-pulled out from the refrigerator (at least in 2 hours) so that it becomes soft;

2) whipping the mixer in the bowl all the ingredients;

4) Let us squeeze a sufficient amount of Ganas for one of the halves, we attach the soul mate.

Ready! We hope that you have got the same wonderful macarunas, the recipe with the photo is step by step will not give the opportunity to make a mistake!

Makaruna step-by-step recipe video

As promised, the recipes of good fillings

Option 1: Chocolate Ganash with a scoop

We need:
- 100 g. Nutella;
- 100 g. Fixed on the steam bath of black or milk chocolate;
- 100 g. Butter cream;
- 100 g. Fat cream (33%);
- Salt beam.

Mixing all the ingredients, move the Ganash with black chocolate into the confectionery bag and send to the refrigerator for 3 hours.

Option 2: Ganash on white chocolate

We need:
- 200 g. White chocolate, fused on a steam bath;
- 100 g. Fat cream (33%);
- 30 g. Oils.

We mix first warm chocolate with cream. Since the mass will have a sufficiently high temperature, the oil can not be thrown, it still melts. Before using the Ganash with white chocolate, too, it is also necessary to send to the refrigerator in the confectionery syringe so that its temperature becomes room.

Option 3: Pistachio Ganash

We need:
- 35 pistashkova paste;
- 100 g. Fat cream;
- 200 g. White chocolate.

How to cook pistachio paste?

Makarunov's recipe at home made with Pistachio Ganash love many, so we will teach you to correctly make a pistachio paste:

- unsalted pistachios, purified from the peel, pour enough boiling water and leave for a few minutes;

- Water drain and send nuts to dry in the oven, preheated at least 100 degrees. Drying time - from 10 to 15 minutes;

- Chilled nuts are whipped by a blender at high speed, adding some vegetable oil to them.

Option 4: Raspberry Ganash

French cuisine is very rich in desserts and sweets. Some of them are the famous Le Macarons, whose name can be translated from Italian as "broken" or "crushed".

Makarone is one of the types of cakes or cookies, which uses a large amount of almond powder. The brightness and the delightful taste of the dessert will not be able to leave indifferent.

The origin of Makaron

Cookies have many stories about the origin and the first appearance of the general public.

These delicious sweets could be invented in the eighth century, as they say in one of the old culinary books of the French Monastery.

Another version of the appearance of cakes in France became bridging them from Italy Catherine Medici. Apparently, it is since those times the cakes entered into French cuisine and began to gain popularity in Europe.

Three hundred years ago there was a whole cookie feed ceremony on the table. The servant has spread the tray from Makarone on a porcelain saucer. Ladies were driving dessert chocolate. Makaroni reached such an influence and success that even the Cat Mary-Antoinette was named after these sweets. In fact, Makarone originally looked not as we used to: they were not two halves, but a homogeneous single almond mass of the circular shape, which was washed with liquors, wrapped with jam, spicked with spices.

The cake was cut and stuffed for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century. In Switzerland, Pierre Defontene acquired a recipe for a cream cream and decided to combine it with his favorite French Makarone. So there are those macaroni that we can watch now. It gave a big push forward to France's coils, they began to add a layer from berry and fruit cream to cookies. Later, a whole fashion was formed, what Makaroni will be at a particular season in color, which filling will become dominant.

So, we suggest to choose from which stuffing Makaroni you will have to taste and find out how to cook pasta pasta.

I. Makarone Chocolate

  • grind about 100 g almonds in a coffee grinder, sift;
  • 220 g of powdered sugar or as much soaked in a sugar coffee grinder;
  • powder of natural cocoa, enough 20 g;
  • egg whites (4 pieces);
  • about 45 g of sugar sand;
  • for Ganasha, you will need at your discretion:
  • B) white chocolate 150 g + 50 ml of cream from 35% fatty;
  • C) Bank of Nutola.

So, heating the oven to the optimum temperature of 150 °. Almond flour connect with powder and cocoa, mixed thoroughly, and then add whipped proteins into a dry mixture, preliminarily mixed them with sugar.

Laying a baking sheet with two layers of parchment paper, the upper slightly smeared with oil so that the cookies are easier to remove. The egg mixture is poured into a confectionery bag, a round nozzle form a portion circle on parchment from a dumping mixture. For forty minutes, we leave a baking sheet with test circles until the formation of a characteristic crust that will protect cakes from cracks. Cork can be considered a test condition when it does not stick to hand when pressed for a confectionery product.

Little bastard We send ten to fifteen minutes in the oven. After 5-7 minutes from the start of baking, the baking sheet should be flipped over so that the cookies proceed equally from all sides. After the cakes were baked, we immediately remove them from the paper so that they do not dry, and they are engaged. After the cookie is connected to the filling, send the dessert to the refrigerator. In the morning we get tasty!

II.Makaroni lemon

Sweet-sweet Makarone is a special delicacy. They are well served to tea as the main dessert or just to snack them in the afternoon.


  • egg proteins (5 pieces);
  • about 210 g of sugar powder;
  • almonds, grilled in a coffee grinder, there should be about 125 g almond powder;
  • sugar 35 g;
  • ½ spoons of salt and a whole tablespoon of fresh pressed lemon juice;
  • also, for the brightness of the dessert, it is necessary to purchase a yellow food dye (liquid), twenty drops of such a dye will be enough;
  • for the filling (Ganasha) it is necessary to cook: Yolknya - a couple, starch - 40 g, butter creamy - 30 g, lemon - a couple, sugar sand - 40 g.

We mix sugar and almond powder in one tank. Sift dry weight.

Squirrels whipped into the air foam, slowly connecting with salt and lemon juice, then gradually sprinkling sugar sand so that a homogeneous elastic mass is obtained. Add the food dye drops. Then we suck in a liquid mass of a dry mixture of powder. All together gently mix until homogeneity.

The resulting mixture pour into a confectionery bag, with the help of a round nozzle, we squeeze the durable mixture with a portion of small circles on a baking sheet with two layers of parchment. For forty minutes, we leave a baking sheet with test circles until the formation of a characteristic crust that will protect cakes from cracks. Cork can be considered a test condition when it does not stick to hand when pressed for a confectionery product. Sometimes it may turn out that the crust will form for quite a long time, then leave the cakes all night to lie on the contrary.

In a heated to 150 ° oven put the cakes. Pre-parchment is better to lubricate with oil. Once minutes after 8, you can open the oven and turn the baking sheet so that the cookies are evenly accurate.

Filling or Ganash is prepared as follows:

  • starch is divorced in water, about 200 ml + we attach the oil;
  • we put the starch mixture on fire and bring to a boil, and then cool;
  • the lemons turn into a blender into a cedal mass, connect with sugar and egg yolks, with the help of a mixer, together with a starch mixture, mix until thick cream is obtained;
  • the resulting lemon Kurd is smeared on one half of the cake, another half cover;
  • ideal will send cookies to the fridge for several hours!

III. Strawberry Makaroni.

Another variety of French Makaroni is strawberry. Professionals for cooking fillings are used in the formulation of the fan of candy "Fraises Tagada". These desserts are popular in France, sold in the amount of 1 billion per year. The taste of candy is reminded by light mooring, top of the candy sprinkled with sugar.

For the preparation of strawberry macarone, we need:

  • prepare 250 g of ground almonds (you can grind in a coffee grinder);
  • buy 250 delicious sugar powder (important which taste at the powder should be sweet), if there is no such, then sugar put in a coffee grinder and get a pet;
  • egg proteins (six pieces);
  • 225 g of sugar, slightly salt, gelatin;
  • food dye pink color;
  • for filling, you can take a fresh strawberry - 250 g, sugar powder and a bit of oily cream.

We mix in one tank sugar and almond powder, sift. In the same bowl, the eggs (3 pieces) are poured up to the formation of a strong foam, we knew the resulting hand and assign to the side. Sugar fed into a saucepan and pour water (75 ml). I bring to a boil. The remaining proteins (3 pieces) begin to slowly beat with salt to the formation of foam, while pouring the cooked sugar syrup. The resulting mixture is cooled to room temperature and connect with the almond mixture. Next you need to apply a pink food dye at your discretion.

The resulting mixture is pouring into a confectionery bag, with a round nozzle, we squeeze the durable mixture with a rowing circle on the baking sheet, covered with parchment. For forty minutes, we leave a baking sheet with test circles until the formation of a characteristic crust that will protect cakes from cracks. Cork can be considered a test condition when it does not stick to hand when pressed for a confectionery product. Sometimes it may turn out that the crust will form for quite a long time, then leave the cakes all night to lie on the contrary.

In a heated to 160 ° oven put the cakes. Pre-parchment is better to lubricate with oil. Bakeing time: 10 minutes.

For cooking filling:

  • gelatin should be put in cool water and wait until he flashes;
  • heat the cream, make mashed strawberries, connect them with sugar powder;
  • in the strawberry cream we put gelatin and mix very carefully;
  • hold the whole lot in a bowl in the refrigerator at least night.

In the morning you can connect the stuffing with the cookies and the wonderful macarone with strawberries will work. Beautiful and tasty!

IV. Makarone with coconut

For the preparation of 35 Makarone, we need the following:

  • grind about 80 g almonds in a coffee grinder, sift;
  • coconut chips 80 g;
  • 225 g of powdered sugar or as much grind in the sugar coffee grinder;
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 50 g of sugar sand;
  • for filling, you will need at your discretion:
  • A) bitter chocolate 100 g + 50 ml of cream from 35% fatty;
  • B) white chocolate 100 g + 50 ml cream from 35% fat;
  • C) Bank of Nutuxers;
  • D) ready-made coconut cream.

So, heat the oven to 150 °. Flour almond and coconut chips connect with powder and cocoa, mixed thoroughly, and then add whipped proteins into a dry mixture, pre-mixed them with sugar gradually.

A baking sheet with parchment paper in two layers so that the cookies are easier to remove. The mixture is completely pouring into a confectionery bag, we form a round nozzle from the pragus mug on the parchment. For forty minutes, we leave a baking sheet with test circles until the formation of a characteristic crust that will protect cakes from cracks. Cork can be considered a test condition when it does not stick to hand when pressed for a confectionery product.

The baking sheet put in the oven for ten and fifteen minutes. After 5-7 minutes from the start of baking, the baking sheet should be flipped over so that the cookies proceed equally from all sides.

For filling, we use chocolate to taste, rub it into pieces. We bring cream to a boil, then cool. We connect both ingredients, waiting until the mass thickens. Then, using a confectionery bag, you can start macarone - on one half squeeze the cream, the other half is slightly pressed. We put in the refrigerator for a day, we get a magnificent delicacy!

V. Makarone with other fillings

Makarone Cakes are so popular that every cook brings something to them. Of course, the dough recipe must remain unchanged, but no one forbade anyone to experiment with the filling. On your home kitchen, you can prepare any kind of macarone.

For the brightness of the color, buy various food dyes, it will surprise your guests and home. For the filling you can use any berries, of which puree, fruits and creams are obtained. You can add fruit and creamy liquors to Ganash, use different types of chocolate and coffee. Vanilla, mint, banana, blueberry or exotic macarone will definitely become your branded dish, and you will enjoy the creative and original hostess.

French Almond Macaron Cake (Fr. Macaron) is a gentle and very exquisite delicacy in the form of two thin cookies-meringue and stuffing stuffing from chocolate, Ganas or cream. There are cookies with a similar name - Makarun (Macaroon). Two desserts are very different, but by virtue of similar names they are easy to confuse.

Cakes Macaron and Makarun. Is it wrong - do not look like?

A variety of pasta pasta

The color and taste variety of macaroni affect the imagination and delay the taste receptors of the most demanding sweets. These cupcakes simply adore in Paris (and in all of Europe), where they have long become a fashion trend, and therefore they are served on any occasion: for breakfast, lunch and afternoon snack, on birthdays, weddings and corporate events. And they are especially delightful in the morning with a cup of tea or coffee!

Macaron Cupcakes won the world with an exquisite view and great taste

History Makaron

The story states that Macaron, despite the incredible popularity among the French, was first created in about 1533 in Italy, the chef of Catherine Medici, which heard a big sophisticated. Later, becoming the wife of the French king, she transported her little "Italian" weakness to France.

Regardless of who the first invented these cookies, in France, they began to spread to the end of the 18th century thanks to two Benedictine nuns who were baked and sold them exclusively with the purpose of earning their own food. Taking advantage of the growing demand for pasta, after the nuns they began to sell and street Paris traders began to massively.

The modern appearance of Makaroni acquired only at the beginning of the 20th century, when Pierre Defontein, the grandson of the founder of the famous pastry shop Ladurée, visited the culinary muse, and he joined two cookies in one with the help of the Ganash cream. Cookies were transformed into a cake, called 'Le Macaron Parisien' (Paris Macaron). This delicacy immediately became the "bestseller" of the confectionery network Ladurée.

Confectioners create pasta pasta of various colors and shades

Preparation of pasta macaroni

Made pasta cookies from a small amount of ingredients - egg proteins, sugar powder, sugar and almond flour, but their production requires consumer torn and experience from confectioners. There is even a special word Macaronage, meaning the technique of introducing dry ingredients into egg proteins, since this process is not so simple as it seems. Achieving the ideal texture, bulge of the outer part and the porous-corrugated surface of the lower (internal) part - the occupation of the time consuming and requires exact repetition. Even if you are an experienced cook and scrupulously follow the instructions, do not be surprised if the French pasta will not give you up from the first time - try again, snatch your hand.

It would seem, to add sugar powder into whipped proteins and the almond crumb is not completely difficult. However, the technology turned to gram is very strict and accurate. Little bust or undeveloped - and instead of a gentle cookie you will only get a viscous mass. You will be surprised, but the true masters of "macaroxists", it turns out, dozens, if not units. It is believed that cookies are very capricious, gentle, vulnerable and very love to bring the chef at the time of extracting from the oven. Only dedicated masters know all step-by-step secrets, tools and other small details to achieve perfect conformity. But the traditional stuffing-layer, Ganash cream, is very simple and can be prepared even by a child.

Features of pasta macaroni

What are the requirements for perfect pasta macaroni?

The filling must be homogeneous, dense (like Ganash), easy and not viscous. The cupcake itself will not crumble during his eating, and also does not dock mouth and hands. In addition, the filling should not get out of the cookies and should not adhere to the teeth. Exception is made for caramel or jam.

The texture and surface of the cookie is very smooth. Any bulbs on the surface indicate that almonds were not thoroughly crushed and sieved.

The top crust of the cookie should be thin and serve as a kind of "protection" for a soft inner layer. To bite and chew a real pasta can even toothless, so this is a tender cake. Dry, half-breeding peel plus viscous to sticking mass inside is a marriage and a complete discrepancy between the recipe.

The texture of the cookie under the crust is light and soft, even minimal viscosity is allowed.

The cookie should not be too sweet, the more pronounced. Makaroni is produced in such a wide range that you can try to try everything and choose "your" taste.

If you want to verify bake pasta no worse than real French professionals, try using the following secrets:

Experienced "Packiers" advise to withstand separated from the yolk proteins in a cool place and in a closed container of 1-2 days.

Proteins need to beat 9-10 minutes, no less. The stronger (tough, hard) they will become, the better.

Dry ingredients need to be introduced into whipped proteins quickly, as well as quickly, but carefully mix them. Ideally, the movements of the shovel during mixing should be no more than 35. Mix manually in a circle, moving to the center.

Use a confectionery bag only with a round tip to make pasta macaronium with the most perfect round form.

Having placing cookies on a baking sheet with a confectionery bag, let them go a little and slightly dry 15-20 minutes before turning on the oven.

Many manufacturers prefer to create pastel shades pastry

Macaron (Macaron) or Macaroon: General and distinctive

The confusion between pasta pasta (Macaron) and macaroon almond cookies (Macaroon) - a very common phenomenon. What distinguishes these two works of confectionery art, in addition to one letter in writing their name?

First, they can be called long-distance relatives with one common past, and secondly, they are not at all similar.

Distinctive features of Makaron and Makarun. Makarun is coconut cookies, which can be cooked on an ambulance hand for suddenly appearing guests from egg proteins, coconut shavings and sugar. At the cookie Makarun, too, a slightly crispy crust outside and they are soft inside, but their preparation does not require exceptional jewelry accuracy and accuracy, as in the case of pasta. The ready-made cookie Makarun is not made in such a huge assortment, and the whole creative approach to its refinement is only that Makarun is traditionally dipped into liquid chocolate and cooled.

What is common in Macaron and Makarun.General is such ingredients as egg whites and sugar. Some recipes may vary, but the basis of both treats is actually meringue (or meringue). For Makarun, coconut chips are introduced in meringue, then the cookie is baked, in some recipes - additionally plunges into molten chocolate.

Makaroni is a cookie-meringue with a verified formulation and an accurate proportion of added almond flour and sugar, which is then connected in pairwise with cream, and the palette of cream flavors is very diverse, and the number of cream variations is numerous.

President of France Macron, Makaruna Cookies, Makarons Cupcakes .... Sometimes it seems to me that all French words are very similar. But let's decide: Makaruna is still cookies, and Makarons are the same cakes of two crispy halves with a cream filling, which we will bake today and which you see on the main photo.

This is a small French cake, which consists of egg squirrel, sugar, sugar powder, almond flour and, often, from the food dye. Cupcake caps are baked separately, and then they are collected according to the "sandwich" principle with the help of Ganas or cream.

I ask you not to be afraid of the difficulties that write on the Internet. The complexity of cooking Makarons is greatly exaggerated! What only do not suggest: two hundred times to sift almond flour, and then dry it with a thin layer in the oven, aggregate (or freeze them), and about the process of kneading it is terrible to read: they were not happy - bad, mixed - even worse ... Today I will tell you about my The method of cooking these cakes, look a step-by-step recipe with the photo and make sure everything is much easier than it seems first.

Ingredients for filling (we will prepare it first, because it needs to be broken and thickening):

  • Berry puree - 80 g (I used red currants, you can have absolutely any)
  • Fat cream - 80 ml (I have 30%) what to replace? Fat fresh sour cream without sourness.
  • White chocolate - 180 g (I used two chocolate tiles without additives)

Ingredients for covers:

  • Sugar powder - 150 g
  • Almond flour - 150 g (I grumbled almonds on my own, telling about the process in detail)
  • Proteins - 50 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Water - 40 ml
  • Proteins - 50 g (these are two proteins from small eggs or 1.5 protein from egg eggs)
  • Gel thick dye (optional) - 0.5 h. L. You can make a replacement for dry dye, but the liquid dye is prohibited from using, because it gives a lot of excess moisture

In the recipe for Cupcakes Makarons, we use a total of 4 protein (two in almond flour and two - for the preparation of Italian meringues).

How to cook a filling for a macaron (recipe with photo step by step):

If you have a ready-made berry puree - boldly use it and skip my explanations. I use frozen berries of red currant to get a homogeneous puree. I spread the berries (by weight approximately 200 grams of frozen berries) in a sackane with a thick bottom and turn on the middle fire.

Frozen berries allocate moisture and juice, turning into Cashitz. It will take about 10-12 minutes. Still the mixture from time to time so that the berries are not burned.

If you use fresh currants (or other berries), some water should be added (approximately 2 tbsp.), Otherwise you can burn.

The puree is obtained in an inhomogeneous, so it is better to skip it through a metallic sieve. Then dimay 80 g for the recipe.

In a bowl with a berry puree, add pieces of white chocolate (180 g), as well as 80 ml. Fat cream.

Stir all the ingredients to a complete connection. Chocolate will quickly start melting hot puree.

It turns out berry cream based on white chocolate. You can wait when it cools up to room temperature, and then shifted into the confectionery bag and remove into the fridge. The filling should be thick.

How to cook caps for macarons

Save to the bowl of sugar powder (150 g) to get rid of lumps.

In the same bowl, add almond flour (150 g). If you buy it in the store and you have a choice - give preference to the flour of fine grinding. If the almond is crushed independently, try to make flour as much as possible. From how small the grain grains will depend on the surface of the Makarons cakes. The smaller - the longer the hat.

Mix almond flour with sugar powder (if you wish, you can sift them together).

Now add 50 g of room temperature proteins. Stir again.

It turns out a thick viscous porridge, which is called "Marzipan". If you try to raise some of the mixture on the shovel - it will fall apart by pieces (that is, the density is such that the mixture does not flow). In many recipes, it is recommended to add a dye at this point. But I do differently: I add it when cooking syrup. In my opinion, it is easier to dissolve and mix it. In a dense marzipan, it is much more difficult.

Italian meringue for pasta cupcakes

These desired cupcakes can be made both on French Merenge and Italian. I love the second option for the stability of the result. And, as it seems to me, the cakes on Italian meringue are obtained more gentle and air. Italian meringue (in which proteins are brewed with sugar syrup) is made simply, the most important thing is to have a confectionery thermometer at hand. For those who have no thermometer, I will tell you how to determine the readiness of the syrup without it.

Sugar (150 g) and water (40 ml) are connected in a skeleton and put on fire.

We stir the mixture and add the food dye. I use Ameri Color Super Red Gel Dye. It is necessary that the syrup is painted in a bright red color, after a compound with marzipan, the color will become not so intense. I have 0.5 h. Dye. Stir it in syrup and continue to cook.

Periodically insert the thermometer to check the temperature of the syrup. After waiting for 114 s, we begin to beat the proteins in a lush foam in a separate bowl. When the syrup reaches 118-120 s, we will pour it into whipped proteins.

Of course, experienced confectioners can do without a thermometer. It is enough to look at how slowly inflated bubbles in syrup. That is, at the very beginning of his cooking bubbles burst, practically not inflated, and by the time the syrup is ready - they begin to stretch slowly, to bloom, forming round balls. If this skill has not yet been accumulated, prepare syrup to the sample on a soft ball (a drop of syrup needs to be lowered into a glass of cold water and roll the ball). If the ball rolls - it means syrup ready.

By the time the syrup is welded, proteins should be whipped into a lush white foam. We start pouring a thin flowing syrup without ceasing to work with a mixer. In the photo, it has been stopped with me, but do not pay attention to this fact - just take pictures, holding a camera in the teeth, I have not learned yet (although, oh, as it would be convenient)).

After infusion of the syrup, we continue to beat the mixture to stable peaks. First, the mass is liquid and shiny, then it will begin to thick in the eyes, leaving more and more clear tracks on the surface.

The process can be considered completed if the mixture holds the form. Build a "snowdrift" on the surface, it should not be down. Another readiness test is to flip a bowl with a content upside down: the mass should not be down. If the mixer is powerful, to whipping the mixture after adding a syrup takes 7-10 minutes, in the stationary mixer this process is even faster.

We connect the marzipan and the protein mixture, mix. It turns out the "dough" for a macaron, which is called "Maconazh". Do not care! Many recipes on the Internet are prescribed: you need to mix very carefully, carefully, top down, bottom up, clockwise and other nonsense. But believe me, these actions will not affect the result, so mix as it turns out. Most importantly, Merenga and almond mass well joined so that there are no dry lumps.

The consistency of the finished test for the macaronx should be viscous, drain from the blades of a continuous ribbon.

What to bake macarons: on a silicone mat, parchment or teflon sheet?

Prefer the Teflon. It is perfectly smooth and slippery, thanks to which the hats do not cling to the surface when baking. My experiments with conventional baking paper and a silicone rug show that the lids are obtained uneven, coastal. When I had a teflon rug, the cakes will turn out to be smaller, with a beautiful skirt.

So, shift the dough for cakes into a confectionery bag with a round nozzle and disembark the lid in a checker order (for better ventilation during baking). During the excavation, keep the confectionery bag perpendicularly by eating, at an angle of 90 degrees (so the form will turn out evenly). You can not use nozzles, but simply cut the corner of the desired size. If you want to make ideal in size of the macaron, you can draw smooth circles (with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm) on the back of the bakery paper and squeeze the mass along the contour. If you use a teflon sheet - draw them on a sheet of paper and put under the baking sheet, after disembodies - remove. I thought this idea is superfluous - on the second ethnic, the hand itself understands how it is necessary - and the cakes are approximately the same. Besides, I am not on sale them, but for home tea drinking \u003d)
As you can see, after disembodies, the cap looks an uneven (buggy surface).

On the lids are visible "Kluviki", which remained after disembarking from the bag. In order for the surface to leveled and the air came out of the macaronx, we take a baking sheet in my hands and hit the table several times (you can put the towel on the table, so that there is no screens). What happens if this is not done? The surface of the cakes in the oven cracks up, since, surplus air will rapidly leave the macarons half.

After these actions, the billets of the cakes are cleaned evenly and slightly spread in volume. Take into account this fact during disembodies.

Next Important Moment: Leave Cupcakes Filt at room temperature. They must become matte and when touching the pillow of the finger does not leave traces. If you touch the surface - she is sticky and "magenet", such cakes can not be sent to the oven, wait yet. The time for drying the caps depends on the humidity in your apartment, I left the hour.

There is such a way of drying for electrophovok: Include a temperature of 100 s and install a baking sheet with a macaron for a medium level for 10-15 minutes, constantly checking the surface with the finger so as not to reap. As soon as the lids stop glistening and sticking to the fingers - take out of the oven, cool and then act on the recipe.

In the oven preheated to 160 ° C ("Top-bottom" mode) send cakes and then observe the process. Bakeing time depends on the power of your oven. My Makarons bakes 16 minutes. On the sixth minute of baking, the skirt begins to grow, then it falls a bit, but not critical. Cupcakes are ready if easily removed from the battle (now I am talking about the Teflon rug). With silicone surface or with conventional baking paper, they can start removing only after complete cooling. Do not distinguish the pasta in the oven, otherwise they will become unnecessarily dry, change the color, and simply - they fit.
I recommend bakeing caps in small batches to adapt to the oven. If you saw, for example, that the surface was crackdown and the macarons changed the color, it means that the temperature is too high, for the following 5 pieces, make it smaller. Such an experienced way you determine what temperature for baking the macaron for your ovens is perfect.

Attention! If you have a gas oven, you need to warm it up to 250 s, then turn off (!) And put in it a baking sheet with a macaron. Leave them for 20-25 minutes until readiness.

Fully cooled cupcakes turn over, we find half, very similar to each other.

From the pastry bag, we squeeze the filling on one of the halves of "couples". We connect them in pairs.

Cupcakes Makarons are ready! It is better not to eat them immediately, and the next day, so that the filling is good enough to dry the lid.

Makarons can be done with the most different fillings, use both white and milk chocolate as the main component of the filling.

What are they - ideal macarons?

It is believed that Macarons managed if they had a smooth brilliant smooth surface and there is a characteristic "skirt", the bottom porous layer. The macarons should not be cracked, leaning aside, the skirt must match the diameter with the lid. The cream should be slightly looking out of the cakes, but not to flow.

Store the macaron in a container that is tightly closed with a lid. It is necessary to store in the refrigerator for 5-7 days. This will allow them for several days to remain fresh and tasty.

Why don't macarons

Sometimes there are failures with the preparation of macarons. Rarely, but happen. Usually it happens in the very first cooking of Makarons and only because you can't know in advance, what a temperature in your oven for their baking is ideal. But as soon as you make a facilities with an oven - there will be no mistakes to happen.

We will analyze frequent failures when baking them:

Why macarons covers crack

If you do not dry the macarons before baking, the lids are cracking in the oven. So happened to my first eating pastries. Before sending to be baked, you should give them to stand at room temperature to such a state so that the surface does not stick to the fingers and stopped glistening. I explained a little higher in the article how to make drying in the oven.

Another reason for cracking is too high. If you perfectly sucked the lids before sending to the oven, and it is not necessary to worry about it, it means that the cracks appear due to the high temperature. Try to reduce it.

Why macarons do no skirt or she is too small

This happens if the in the oven is too low. In the recipe for which I prepared, the temperature of 140 s, I installed just such, but the skirts did not appear ((((when I increased the temperature to 160 ° C, the skirts turned out!

Why macarons inside hollow (empty)

Halves can turn out to be hollow inside, if there are too much air in the bar. Therefore, it is important to knock back well on the table so that the excess air leaves the halves.

Why halves cringe and downtown

This usually happens if you make cakes on French meringue, not Italian. Let me remind you that in French sugar is whipped with proteins "on dry", in Italian - we can boil sugar syrup and add to whipped proteins. So, if the sugar add to large portions, he will not have time to disperse: the squirrels will be swamped, and sugar will swim by itself. As a result, in the oven, sugar begins to caramelized, it becomes harder and pulls a meringue, which leads to a severe bottom and a bored hat.

When disembling the macarons hats are uneven

Makarons spread on the contrary to uneven puddle in cases where the dough is very liquid. You stirred for too long with Marka with Meringue. Therefore, it is important to stop on time, the mixture for the macarons should be flipped with a wide ribbon, if you raise the blade over the mission - this is a correct consistency for the test. In this case, when we sit down on a baking sheet, they themselves disperse a little, while have a smooth round shape.

Makarons are not removed from the battle

If you have any questions about the recipe, ask them in the comments, I'm glad feedback!

I recorded for you a video from pasta macarons you can watch on our channel You Tube:
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