How to use a faloimitator and where to find it. How to choose your first vibrator The most real dildo

In this regard, everything is like with men: someone likes brutal and massive, someone - funny and cute, someone - mysterious and sophisticated. The first impression is very important - and you need to focus on it.

And only then proceed to the selection by parameters.

Pulsator or vibrator

Their functional and technological differences are described in great detail. The essence is simple, experts at Fun Factory, the world's largest manufacturer of toys for adults, explain: a pulsator, unlike a vibrator, is capable of performing real frictions back and forth, like a living man. A vibrator, if you apply it to the right place (to the erogenous zone), creates there the vibrations of the desired rhythm and frequency.

Fun Factory Stronic G Pulsator

During forced downtime (there is no man or he is incapacitated), a pulsator will be a more plausible substitute. And if you actually don't have big problems with sex, but you want new sensations (maybe even slight perversions), then look for a vibrator.

The size

The biggest is not necessarily the best. However, one must understand that pulsators are never miniature (for now, anyway): a too powerful mechanism must be placed in a proper case. However, most of the options are quite within the framework of normal physiology. Experts of the training center "Sex.rf" recommend not to miss all the biggest at once: what if it hurts? And in general, the power of the vibrator is not in size! Very miniature bullet vibrators are also not the best option for the role of the first one: you may simply not understand what was the point. Focus on the average parameters - 13-17 cm.

The form

The form depends on your intentions and fantasies.

Bunny vibrator for double stimulation

If cunnilingus is not your only acceptable form of sex, then your first vibrator should not be a narrow specialist in clitoral stimulation. Basically, any vibrator works for the clitoris, so choose one that is initially suitable for vaginal stimulation.

  • Vibrators with a curved tip were invented specifically for the search for the G-spot.
  • Rabbit vibrators with spines help to search for an orgasm by stimulating both the clitoris and the vagina at the same time.
  • And if your first vibrator will be the third in your games with a live partner, then explore vibrators for couples.


Metal and plastic

They look brutal and perfectly transmit vibration. But they are literally cold! Then, when you have mastered a lot of different things and become a hot thing, not afraid of experiments, you can start metal gadgets - for massage of erogenous zones or for games in the style of BDSM. But they are hardly suitable for the role of the first.


Such devices are considered the most realistic: they feel like human skin. But, firstly, this is the most expensive material, and secondly, it is too troublesome to care for: it will discourage you from replenishing the collection (which will deprive you of many potential discoveries).


The medical silicone vibrators do not cause allergies or irritations, are easy to clean and are suitable for frequent play. Models made from this material are often waterproof - easy to clean, and some can be used in the shower or bath.


You need to start with the simplest - with a button. As a last resort (especially for couples), with a remote control. And leave high technologies such as synchronization with an iPhone or computer for the next level.

Photo: Shutterstock, Fun Factory

How to use the Faloimmitator and where can you find it?

Lena, Moscow, 20 years old

Sexologist's answer:

Hello Lena.

Faloimitator is sold in every sex shop. Usually, its shape completely repeats the shape of an erogenous penis. I advise you to buy the same model that runs on batteries and has a separate stimulator for the clitoris.

Before starting the process itself, you need to relax yourself as much as possible. You can take a bath with salt and foam, just do not rub yourself with a washcloth, but gently stroke. You can also just do self-massage while lying in bed. For self-massage, you can use massage oil, or you can do without it. You just need to stroke your body with love, and pay special attention to the groin, sides, neck, chest and inner thighs. Self-massage should not only relax but also slightly arouse, therefore, you should massage the labia, and the clitoris, and the inner surface of the vagina.

Beforehand, the faloimitator must be evenly coated with a layer of special lubricant, which is also sold in all sex shops. I recommend massaging the clitoris and labia first to induce a little arousal. Then place the dildo inside the vagina and turn on the vibration mode. At the same time, carefully place the antennae on the clitoris. Simultaneous stimulation of the vagina and clitoris is more enjoyable.

Faloimitator is an irreplaceable thing for girls who are just starting their sex life. Because, as a rule, the first sexual experience does not give much pleasure, because the girl does not yet know what it is. With the help of a faloimitator, you can study your feelings well, and in the future, during sexual intercourse with a man, you can get deeper pleasure.

There is nothing wrong with losing your virginity in this way, because men, as a rule, do not know how to do it correctly and painlessly.

When using a faloimitator, it is very important to additionally stroke yourself in different places to increase arousal. At the same time, it helps the girl to find out her additional erogenous zones. Often these are the nipples and folds under the breast.

Best regards, Atma.

Not only diamonds, but vibrators are girls' best friends. It's good when you have several different ones. But how not to be mistaken in choosing your favorite toy?

Vibrator on the shelf in the bathroom

Every self-respecting girl should have a vibrator. Better yet several. Then you can consider yourself advanced and modern, talk about your toys "beloved", "tired", "collection", "my last purchase."

I have never had a vibrator - as well as a special desire to start it. But there was a desire to become advanced and modern. For a while, the desires of each other were balanced, and then chance intervened. My advanced and modern friends, who came from another country, and I accidentally ended up in a sex shop, Big, beautiful and well-equipped. The girls began to choose souvenirs, and I took the moment to fill the gap in my desire to progress. And, as it turned out later, she made gross mistakes all at once, despite the advice of her friends and the qualified help of the sellers. What do you need to consider when choosing a vibrator so that you don't regret it later?

When choosing a vibrator, size is as important as when choosing a sex partner, just the opposite: if a small tool is easy to use and can be adapted to pleasure almost any woman, then with a large one there can be problems.

Even if in love games you prefer giants, a large vibrator is inconvenient to use, non-functional, and in some cases you simply will not have time to use all its considerable volume.

For the simple reason that it works differently than a natural or artificial penis: it vibrates! This is a completely specific device, and although the task is not the same as that of a real partner - to satisfy a woman, the methods are very different.

This means that the properties should also differ, including the size. But even if you made a mistake with the size, it's not scary! The giant can be used as a regular dildo, and you can buy a new vibrator by starting to collect your collection.


The form factor of the vibrator is of great importance - both for creating the appropriate mood and for completing the tasks. And vice versa, if one of the convoluted exhibits, made of pleasant to the touch cyber skin, stirred up memories of the physique of your best lover, there is no point in acquiring a complex massager with five speeds and built-in spiral balls instead of him. So, before buying, think well and decide what you want, so that you do not giggle at the over-realistic rubber handsome in the veins with a suction cup on the scrotum and not be intimidated by the futuristic look of double warheads with remote control.

Every man to his own taste

Let's say you made a choice between space and nature and decided for yourself which material you like the most. But each group of dildos has a variety of designs. And if the dilemma of supporters of naturalness lies within the limits of racial preferences, or, more simply, between a pink and dark brown vibrator, then it is more difficult for astronauts: the color palette of their devices is limited only by their imagination.

Acid colors and sequins are in vogue now, along with minimalist Scandinavian designs with crisp shapes and pure colors. There are vibrators with bulbs and lights in the Las Vegas style: if you love the movie "Kin-dza-dza" - this is your choice.

Some products are so beautiful that in their free time they can serve as an interior decoration. Even in the kitchen - there are vibrators that resemble a large lollipop in color and shape. I wonder why?

Speaking of lollipops - pay attention to the smell of the product. It should not be too strong, even if the material from which the vibrator is made smells. This is already a question, it is worth paying attention to the manufacturer. And, of course, the smell should not irritate you - here, too, everything is like in life ...


Don't give a fool a glass vibrator

Poor quality of a product can manifest itself not only in an unpleasant and too strong odor, but also in a lack of flexibility. And this can lead to the fact that the vibrator breaks in the process, almost like the famous saying about a glass dildo in clumsy hands.

To avoid this, you should not only train your hands and develop the skills of using these devices, but also carefully consider the texture of the material when buying, taking into account the nuances of future use. It's good that plastic was invented: you can make any dildos, even transparent ones, without using glass! And then you never know ...

High tech idecibela

When buying, we often do not pay attention to the sound made by the vibrator. But a tractor with the engine running at full speed can kill anyone's erotic mood. This is characteristic of both cheap Chinese products of a standard form factor and quite high-quality, but rather high-tech devices. Some of their examples in work resemble a crankshaft, when a solid rod rotates inside the device itself. Add here the bulbs from the previous section - and you get great color music, funny, but not the least bit sexy. Hence the conclusion: when buying, listen carefully to your vibrator!

How can you make sure that your last acquisition of the become-loved specimen in the collection does not get bored and does not end up in a reminder soon?

Listen to yourself, use our advice, and even better ask your man for advice.

The stronger sex, oddly enough, is less likely to make mistakes when choosing sex toys. And, perhaps, a pleasant surprise awaits you, which you can use together with your real, not rubber, beloved.

Many women today have a vibrator, but this is not an indicator of loneliness or the degree of luck in choosing a partner. On the contrary, often the presence of such a tool indicates that a woman loves sex, she is liberated and strives for new sensations. In fact, a female vibrator is not a substitute for a man, but a device that allows you to get completely new sensations. To understand how you can replace a vibrator, it is worth considering several common options.

When sexual desire grows, and there is no intimate toy at hand, you urgently want to replace it with something else. However, in order not to waste the entire "fuse" in vain, it is worthwhile to correctly approach the choice of the subject of self-satisfaction.

When do I need to replace a dildo?

How and with what to replace the vibrator at home immediately after the desire has arisen?

There are many reasons why you will have to remember manual labor and engage in self-satisfaction with improvised means:

In addition, a man can give such a spicy gift to a woman if he himself is on a long business trip. Such a present will become a lifesaver for those who do not know how to replace the vibrator.

What comes to mind

  1. The first thing that women try to try for vaginal pleasure is tubes from various cosmetics, which in shape and size resemble a male unit. However, when wielding such objects, there is no vibration effect. This can not only "spoil" the sensations, but also completely nullify them.
  2. Ordinary candles are often referred to as such improvised means. They are ground and polished to achieve the desired shape. However, in order to start using a candle, it will take some time to engage in non-stimulating activities. Such means are not suitable when you want to know how to replace the clitoral vibrator for "external" pleasures.
  3. To get really burning pleasure will help improvised means that have the property of vibrating. It is vibration that underlies the female orgasm. In this way, the muscles of the vagina contract when the woman is at her peak of pleasure. Items capable of satisfying this request do not need to be prepared or purchased in advance. So, what can you replace a vibrator with at home?

We select a suitable replacement

If replacing a vibrator is a one-time measure, you can use the mass of improvised tools that can satisfy a woman's desire.

Without even straining your imagination, you can build an instrument of satisfaction with your own hands:

Using these improvised means, a woman can get quite strong pleasure. Such methods of self-gratification help to get rid of sexual tension, restore psychological balance and "put thoughts in order." Now, knowing how you can quickly replace the vibrator at home, you can start experimenting.

  • If a man is on a long business trip, it is worth going to the bathroom and see what kind of razor he uses. Vibration device fit perfectly. One has only to remove the head with blades and start massaging the intimate place. However, it is important not to forget about the condom.
  • When you have time for creative experimentation, you can make a dildo out of a wax candle. It needs to be heated, and then allowed to cool slightly (without waiting for hardening). Now is the time to apply your imagination and creativity.

Common mistakes

  • Trying to get maximum pleasure faster, many girls tend to use objects that are shaped like a male genital organ. These include fruits and vegetables.

However, often such objects for self-satisfaction are short-lived, too hard or soft, not large enough or have the "wrong" shape.

  • When thinking about how to replace a vibrator at home, many women first think about food. Traditional bananas and cucumbers are not recommended. In this case, you can earn irritation of the mucous membrane (if you do not use a condom), and the pleasure is very relative.

Do you need a man?

In their search for comfortable self-satisfaction, women often forget that the use of improvised means allows you to experience only a small range of sexual sensations. Some even wonder if a vibrator can replace a man. Such sentiments do not at all contribute to the emergence of sexual "autonomy".

However, variety in your sex life can be achieved with the help of many objects. For example, for the clitoris, you can use a dozen improvised tools, and all of them will effectively cope with the task at hand.

The main rule is that before any actions that are performed with the vagina, all used things must be thoroughly washed. This will avoid unpleasant irritation or infection of the mucous membrane.

Knowing that she can quickly and effectively replace a vibrator, any woman is able to discover new facets of pleasure in herself without leaving home.

When using homemade devices or household items, it is worth remembering to be careful about hygiene. This will avoid possible irritation of the delicate area.

I saw him in Khimki! Traded in wooden members! - it is this phrase from the film "Shirley-Myrley" that comes to mind if we mention the production of these products. The topic of the reportage, on the one hand, is such that when it is mentioned, the author and even more so the reader can hardly do without obscene epithets and vulgar jokes, but on the other hand, the product of this production is quite in demand, and is needed not only for perverts for carnal pleasures, or for healthy people to strengthen sensations in bed, but it is also necessary for people who, due to their disabilities, can enjoy intimacy only with the help of these products.

Today there is a report on how toys for adults are made, and they are not at all wooden.
Please remove children, persons with an unbalanced psyche and advocates of morality from the screens. For the rest of the readers, please refrain from swearing and insults.

To begin with, about the enterprise itself, which produces dildos, which will be discussed today. It is not located in Khimki, as one might suppose, but also in the suburbs of Moscow, in Zelenograd, a city known as one of the main research and production centers of Soviet and Russian electronics and microelectronics.

On the way to production in the corridor, Lenin, cast in granite, met with an important message to the readers of the community "how it was done."

It all starts in this room. Barrels of various polymers come here. All are overseas production.

The polymers are then mixed in various proportions. The recipe is kept secret, each manufacturer has its own.

After that, paint is added to the liquid if it is planned to make a colored batch of products. The paint is safe, like polymers.

After preparing the polymer solution, it must be mixed in the reactor. This is how they look.

Inside view. Several tens of liters fit here.

Everything mixes up over a period of time.

Then the resulting plastisol is poured into buckets.

However, the liquid needs to be filtered in order to remove various grains of sand and other foreign elements from it, which may enter during mixing in the reactor.

The finished plastisol is poured into metal molds. There are many of them in production, of various types and sizes.
You even get a little lost when you see racks with x .. member-forms.

There are forms that are used often, there are those that are less common.

Right dildo to stimulate the G-spot.

This monster is not used very often for the manufacture of products for lovers of especially sharp / thick sensations, but it is also needed if demand arises.

All metal molds were inspired by the plaster members sculpted by the sculptor. Do not ask whether he sculpted from life, or from a photo, I don’t know, the sculptor wasn’t there.

But we got distracted. After the plastisol mixture is ready, it is poured into molds that are installed in ovens. There they are baked for a certain period of time.

Actually the forms themselves.

More forms.

Then the molds are immersed in cooling baths.

and then taken out, everything is simple.

Semi-finished products go to the next stage - trimming the burr.

To my question: "what is this" I was calmly answered: "suckers", "and what are they for?" "They are inserted into a dildo, then glued to a wall or chair for ... pleasure." Live and learn!

This is how it works.

Pleasure wands of various lengths, thicknesses, shapes for any demanding taste. As I was told, in different periods of the company's existence, the fashion for dildos has changed quite a lot. At one time there was a trend for products of acid colors, then for products of large sizes. Now consumer demand shows that they take mainly products of medium size, ordinary flesh shades.

By the way, one of these dildos even has its own name) This is a simulator for sexual practices "Nikolay", which is used at training centers for women SEX.RF

Anal plugs.


After the products are free of burrs, they need to be given shine - draw veins and apply blush to the head.

The paint is hypoallergenic, harmless, wears off over time, as a result of frequent use of the product.

Ready-made dildos.

And this is a vibrator that will be inserted into the products in the photo above. Empirically, it was found out that it is better not to glue it in, but to insert it, while wrapping it with electrical tape in advance so that the vibrator would sit tightly and would not fall out. By the way, they passed the test by water, they are waterproof, and they will not be closed if anything.

Another type of vibrator that gives the product more rigidity.

After the veins are drawn on the artificial limbs, the head is given a blush and a vibrator is installed, it remains only to pack it.

One more point. As in many industries, defects are not excluded here. Previously, defective members were thrown into an urn next to the research institute where the production is located, but someone found out about this and they began to be taken away around the district. To prevent this from happening, they decided to wait for the garbage truck and immediately throw out the box with the marriage immediately before garbage collection. But later, the marriage began to be given for processing to the toy factory with which they cooperate. So we can say that it is waste-free.

In order to let the marriage "melt", it must be chopped into nickels with a guillotine.

It hurts to look at it)

An important mission in the production of dildos is also to produce phalloprostheses for people with erectile dysfunction. A person wants, but cannot, and here such a prosthesis comes to his aid. Buttons are attached to it with a special apparatus. Dentures are also available in various sizes.

In this way, the penile prosthesis is attached to the body prior to use. As I was told, thanks came to the production site from those who used such phalloprostheses.

For those who suffer from erectile dysfunction, there are also such things to support during intercourse.

There are even extension cords! But they are produced either in the USA or in Asia.

In the near future, the company wants to launch the production of products of a similar format for fisting lovers. Not made of wood, of course. I hope you know what it is?

In general, the market for such products in the United States and Asia is much better developed than in Russia. If toys for adults have been used there for a long time and this is not considered some form of perversion, then in Russia many believe that only perverts use such products, although in reality this is not so.
As a result, the market for adult products in our country is not very busy, and it does not bring so much income, therefore, for large manufacturers from abroad, Russia is not of great interest. A lot is imported from abroad, and we have only two manufacturers in the whole country!

For example, the Caesar dildo from the historical series is made here, and the Cleopatra artificial vagina is already in China. To my question why it is impossible to organize the production of the local "Cleopatra", I was told that in Russia there are no manufacturers of a special polymer for its production, and it is expensive to import, it is easier to buy. I think you are aware of what happened to domestic polymers in the post-Soviet era.

Historical series: "Casanova", "Don Juan", "Viking" and "Rasputin". The latter has the most impressive size.

Complaints from regular users of the products also came to the address of the production, who, as it turned out later, used dildos without paying attention to the instructions for use, or even walked with it inside the whole day, which caused pain and a rash.

As I said, the production sells not only its own products, but also foreign ones and made to order in Russia, like this strap-on. You will be surprised, but it was made at one of the Russian toy factories) Try jaga jaga!

The production cycle of dildos ends with product labeling, packaging and storage, as, in principle, in any production.

Now you know how these useful and useful toys for adults are made!

The reportage was organized with the assistance of a network of training centers for women