To see eggs in a dream for a woman. Why do many chicken eggs dream? Eggs according to the American Dream Book

Numerological dream book

See an egg in a dream and break it, clearly distinguishing its three constituent parts, the shell, the white and the yolk - means that at the present time you are busy looking for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you comfort.

Dream interpretation of Medea

Egg - symbolizes the birth of an idea that will soon hatch.

Seeing an already hatched chick - portends a new calm period of life.

Lots of eggs - anxiety, uncertainty of the situation.

Break an egg - misfortune.

See the shell - unfulfilled hopes.

Freud's dream book

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream - you will meet a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his manhood.

If the one who saw such a dream - man, you should not be afraid of any homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise we have just talked about will await you in a public bath or, say, a sobering-up center.

If you dream about broken eggs - it means that you can offend some already notorious person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything "boiled", it is better to keep silent.

There is an egg in a dream - to close relationships with someone from your surroundings whom you have known until now only from the formal side, for example, as a colleague.

Dyeing easter eggs - you need to relate to your intimate life in a new way. Each time you just repeat what happened before, without making any changes, and the feeling of "zest" leaves your sex. It is not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you away from each other, from your world for two; arrange a marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony, or, say, in a bubble bath.

Egg - is a symbol of the female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a child.

Many eggs - symbolizes your dream of a large and friendly family (unless such a dream is caused by a feeling of severe hunger).

Rotten egg - symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy.

Boiled egg - speaks of your frivolity in matters of procreation.

Broken egg or scrambled eggs - symbolize your concerns about childcare. Often these concerns relate to restrictions on sex during pregnancy.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

An egg in a dream - personifies the world, the planet, all living things that surround you.

Rotten egg in a dream - portends a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that more and more advanced types of weapons are being invented, means of destroying living things, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who can destroy all living things and destroy human civilization.

If in a dream you break an egg - this means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps, in the very distant future, a meteoric hail will fall on the Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all living things will perish.

Eat an egg - such a dream suggests that all living things exist, devouring living things, and so it was, and so it will be. But a person should thank God for the fact that he sends him much as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator.

Boil an egg - such a dream suggests that the time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry, and plants and animals will begin to die, and a person will begin to change in order to survive in an unbearable hell.

Aesop's dream book

It is common knowledge that the egg - is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in its shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity.

You dreamed that you were boiling a chicken egg - know, you have a secret enemy, and this is a woman.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends presented you with a chicken egg as a gift - know that soon misfortune will fall on this person, which will touch you with the edge of its wing.

Buy a chicken egg - unfortunately through your fault.

You lost or gave someone an egg - the troubles that should have fallen on you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you stole an egg - beware of being bitten by a dog.

Dream interpretation Denise Lynn

Egg - a very significant sign, symbolizing new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the egg - means great potential and even a container of the secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyri, you can see an image of an egg hovering over a mummy. It is believed to be a symbol eternal life in future. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering into your full potential. This is the time for new beginnings.

English dream book

Dreaming eggs - means imminent success in trade and love.

If there are many eggs - a dream portends a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope to get a better job, it will soon be yours.

If the eggs are rotten - a dream portends you the cunning of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers.

If in a dream you are happy to eat eggs - it means that pleasure and considerable joys await you.

Daniel's Medieval Dream Book

Cook chicken eggs - to wealth.

See eggs or lay them out - to empty words.

White eggs to see - to wealth.

Italian dream book

Egg - the symbol is rather negative, since the egg is “something” in the shell. A secret, unknown, unexpected creature that is hidden from direct perception. Anything can be a shell of sex: something alien to a person, separate from him, some other life that can affect the life of the subject, his behavior, development, self-awareness, or something threatening, carrying a danger. In addition to this interpretation, a sexual interpretation of this image is also allowed, since the egg, due to its shape, symbolizes the male genitals.

Dream interpretation of lovers

If you dream of chicken eggs - this means that your new partner will surprise you with the size of his manhood.

Broken eggs - dream that you can offend a person with your careless word. It is better to remain silent in such a situation.

Islamic dream book

Dishes made from eggs and meat - talk about profit made without much effort. Pickles are always a sign of quarrels and troubles, and those who ate them in a dream should expect them to appear. The one who sees them without eating, he will lose his capital, investing it in some business.

Dream interpretation Dashka

In some cases, the egg - symbolizes immortality. In the usual sense, it means wealth, profit, or something empty.

There is an egg in a dream - it means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to the empty and unnecessary.

Break an egg - means that with your careless actions, you can harm yourself.

The dream in which you are waiting for the chickens to finally hatch from the eggs - means that you are too passionate about a business that is no longer relevant for you.

You are trying to break and peel an egg shell - they impose on you a case in which they will try to deceive you and introduce you into monetary expenses.

Dream interpretation of Martin Zadeki

There are eggs - loss; lay them under the hen - profit; and take them out - trouble.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Egg - a symbol of male genital organs. Potential life, which must be primarily fertilized from the outside; dark matter (matter), which must be permeated with the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. The archetype of probable individuation. A secret essence in which good and evil exist inseparably.

Dream interpretation interpretation of dreams

Eggs to see - there is a sign of profit and benefit; crush eggs - means a quarrel with someone from the family, annoyance and displeasure; crushed eggs to get dirty - means pursuit from enemies; collect white eggs - means profit; eat eggs in moderation - signifies calmness and contentment; eat them without any measure - portends harm and disease.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Eggs - a symbol of creation, emergence, unrealized human potential. From it the chick hatches, which means the birth, implementation, implementation of a creative idea, plan, plan.

Throw eggs - collapse, exposure. Many - worries; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

Culinary dream book

Eggs in a dream - portend success in any new business.

The eggs you eat in your sleep - say that you are in good health.

Modern universal dream book

If in a dream you see an egg, the most obvious meaning that a dream carries - fertility. We all came out of an egg fertilized with sperm. The Easter egg is also a symbol of fertility and resurrection.

If in a dream you sit on eggs and wait for someone to hatch from them - it means that you have to do a lot of work to achieve the goal.

If in a dream you walk on an eggshell - which means you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks the shell - it symbolizes the formation of personality and gaining independence. It is also possible that such a dream suggests that you are being encouraged to do something that you do not want to do, or to go somewhere where you do not want to go.

Is the egg in your dream hard-boiled or soft-boiled? In the first case, in a dream - your desire to be more persistent and unambiguously define your position is expressed. Also such a dream - may indicate that you literally went through fire and water and tempered your character.

If the egg is liquid inside - it means that you lack softness in life. Perhaps you yourself want to be softer or expect it from other people.

If in a dream your face or the face of another person is smeared with an egg - it means that in real life you are in a difficult situation.

Dream interpretation of a gypsy

Eggs - happiness in family love.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Egg or eggs - not yet realized, but no longer depending on your will, the consequences of your actions or thoughts.

See them, find them - wealth, profit.

Buy - misfortune.

Boil - gossip.

Hand out - danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

Smash - crime, murder.

there is - sadness.

To eat or overeat too much - deterioration of health, great harm.

Black, frightening-looking eggs - evil fruits.

Motley, dirty eggs - the consciousness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be as good as we would like.

Huge, monstrous, the size of a house - the future does not depend on your will.

See many big - follow the trail of other people's labors.

Lots of empty shells - some kind of completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collect bird eggs - your aspiration

Eggs not only occupied the plate (not without benefit). They even come in a dream - why do chicken eggs dream?

Popular rumor says - to troubles or guests. A philosophically-minded audience discusses narrow-minded topics.

Italian psychologist Antonio Meneghetti calls the egg an extremely unpredictable symbol. What's under the shell? Threat, luck, Koschei's needle? Let's try to consider what is hidden behind the veil of dreams.

Egg is not an egg: what is a testicle?

The egg is a symbol of origin, a sign of intermediateness, a state between chaos and orderliness. Seeing chicken eggs in a dreamwith any interpretation portends a new round of life.

Will it rise or fall, it is easy to understand, remembering which testicle was dreamed of.

  • Raw and fresh

Raw eggs only portend good luck. Fate favors. Projects are being implemented, ideas will come true, secret dreams will come true.

Perhaps you will get a profit or a profitable commercial offer. Someone will marry. And not once, but soon. In Freud's theory, by the way, raw eggs symbolize the reproductive function of the genitals.

In this regard, the famous psychotherapist asks the question - perhaps you are missing a child?

  • Sniffy

If the eggs were odorless, fate warns of material loss, mental decline, poor health, or ill-wishers plotting.

A friend or relative may be treacherous. The power of sleep can be neutralized by “speaking” it in running water. Do not rush to "merge" dreams in which you managed to get rid of rotten eggs.

In this case, the dream book predicts the successful overcoming of obstacles and the acquisition of an influential patron.

  • And if broken?

Broken eggs, it would seem, cannot bode well. In fact, dream books negatively interpret a dream only in one case, if you beat the eggs. Only you are to blame, the dream books say, that things "hang" and are not completed.

You may even harm yourself by doing something reckless or simply missing out on a chance. Did you smash the eggs on purpose? Another thing. It means that you are trying to understand the essence of some problem.

Broken eggs portend financial and other well-being. Fate is ready to give you generously, not hit you.

  • Boiled and fried

If a fresh egg is a symbol of a new life, a thermally processed one symbolizes its collapse. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus does not rule out that you can take someone's life or witness a murder.

At the “best” case, sleeping with boiled or fried eggs portends problems, losses, disputes, obstacles, scandals and disagreements.

Heat-treated eggs can bode well if you ate them in a dream. Everything will work out, dream books console. The obstacles will be overcome. The intrigues of enemies are neutralized. Health will get better.

Coded Actions: What did you do with the eggs?

The image of an egg is, in essence, a polysemantic symbol that contains different, even opposite meanings.

The emergence of a happy life, chaos awaiting release from the shackles of inaction, or the collapse of ideas - what to prepare for? Actions are of great importance in the interpretation of sleep.

  • Collect eggs

For “gatherers” dream books foreshadow a financially secure life. If a a woman dreams of chicken eggs, and she collects them from under the chickens, "love will come by accident."

For a businessman who collected eggs in a dream for sale, a dream predicts profitable deals and good income. If the eggs were collected to put them under the laying hen, the dreamer will have opportunities to implement ideas.

  • Buy, get as a gift or find

The egg is a symbol of the beginning. Their purchase should be interpreted as the impossibility of starting to realize it independently. You will have to make volitional efforts and invest financially to get the process off the ground. Many are interested in the question of what the egg means in a dream, which was presented.

Expect pleasant changes - career growth, support from an influential person, marriage proposal. If the egg was found, you will hit a big jackpot.

  • Paint, incubate or rush

Eggs can be part of a wide variety of plots. Think about the state of mind after a dream in which you violently threw eggs at someone. Relax, do yoga, take a vacation.

You are too tense and have become frustrated in public in vain. If you fell under the shelling of eggs, think about who from your environment can harm you. Perhaps that someone is yourself.

It happens that there is a dream in which the dreamer incubates eggs. This marks the appearance of a person who will need help.

If a pike hatches eggs, the dreamer is too carried away with fantasies - it's time to go down to earth and live in the real world. If the "incubator" is left behind the scenes, and hatched chickens are in the foreground, rejoice. Everything will work out.

Egg coloring anticipates pleasant surprises. Sometimes dyes talk about a little success that will come without effort. Perhaps on the horizon will appear, albeit not the most profitable, but very easy job or part-time job.

  • Eggs are different - large, small, white, red

He will tell about the nature of the upcoming changes appearance eggs. Size indicates the scale of upcoming events. It should be interpreted in direct proportion. A large egg is a big change. Small - to insignificant.

Color determines the tone of the change.

  1. Blacks dream of disease.
  2. White - good luck.
  3. Browns are for work that will be rewarded.
  4. Gold - to monetary profit.
  5. Green - for a good deal.
  6. Red - to total well-being and luxury.

The more eggs, the more significant the success or devastation.

Women's dream book: to the betrothed or the mummer?

Women's dream books interpret eggs in the manner of Freud, dancing around the dreamer's personal life.

  1. For a young lonely girl, eggs portend a meeting with a man who, by the way, can surprise you with the size of manhood.
  2. The egg basket draws attention to promiscuous sex life.
  3. A family dream predicts a love adventure, and it is far from the fact that the hero of the novel will be the legal spouse.
  4. If you dreamed of a chicken with eggs, expect trouble instead of love adventures.
  5. If a pregnant woman dreams of chicken eggs, from which chickens appear - for easy childbirth, broken ones - for an unsuccessful pregnancy.

Traditionally, you can ignore all of the above. Sleeping in the arm is rare. Most often, dreams and eggs are not worth a damn - empty and fleeting.

They say that even Mendeleev worked on his table for as long as 20 years, contrary to the legend of its dreamy origin. Nevertheless - enjoy your dreams! Like eggs, dreams are good for your health.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In a dream, a person can see events from the past, present and even the future. The dream in which eggs appear has many interpretations, but it is safe to say that it does not portend serious troubles in the near future. Broken eggs are a symbol of the fact that fate will generously reward a person for his work, he will feel his importance in society, love and respect from his closest environment.

The female also says that a person who sees a nest with eggs in a dream will soon strengthen his material position. He promises a man the return of debts, an unexpected inheritance, etc., but rather marriage and a strong marriage. Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream is a fascinating offer, for example, participation in an unusual project that may seem silly at first glance. But rotten eggs as a negative symbol, foreshadowing a breakdown, as well as their irrational use.

A rotten egg in a dream symbolizes loss loved one or property. It is better for the dreamer not to take on risky things, otherwise they will lead to complete collapse.

Miller's dream book

In Miller's dream book, eggs are the personification of the beginning of a new life. A woman who saw them in a dream may soon find out about her interesting position -. Seeing several eggs in a dream means that a person may need outside help, for example, colleagues, friends or relatives, to complete the planned affairs. Eating eggs in a dream - to unjustified anxieties and fears that take all the dreamer's attention and prevent him from concentrating on serious things.
Easter eggs in a dream are a harbinger of unexpected joyful emotions. The dreamer can confidently implement his plans, luck will accompany him both in work and in personal affairs.

Aesop's dream book

In Aesop's dream book, the situation with eggs is not as positive as we would like. He has a twofold interpretation. On the one hand, eggs are considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a new idea. On the other hand, it is an artifact of sorcerers and magicians, which helps them to increase their strength by taking vital energy other's. For example, eggshells can dream of weakening the body. This means that the dreamer should pay more attention to his health, throw all his strength into its recovery. If a person sees in a dream how he hatched from an egg, most likely he lives in the past, not noticing that everything has changed around him - new opportunities and goals have appeared.

If you dream of a chicken egg, do not worry - a favorable sign. This may indicate the beginning of a new stage in life. But in order to decipher the dream as accurately as possible, remember as many details as possible.

General information on the data of dream books

According to an old English dream book, dreamed of chicken eggs to success in trade and love

Often such a dream is interpreted as a good sign, but there are exceptions. Consider the decoding of a dream about chicken eggs according to different dream books:

  • Miller. If a man dreamed of such a dream, then wealth, good luck on the love front awaits him. For a woman, a dream has a different interpretation, and suggests that she is strongly attracted by something or someone.
  • Vangi. The egg in a dream symbolizes the planet and all living things. If it is fresh, then expect good events in the future, but cracked or rotten - speaks of a bad environmental situation in the world.
  • According to Freud. A girl who saw a chicken egg in a dream will soon meet a guy with impressive masculinity. If a representative of the stronger sex had such a dream, he is strongly obsessed with sex.
  • Tsvetkova. Eggs in a dream promise the arrival of guests. A good sign if a pregnant girl sees such a dream. Her childbirth will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.
  • Nostradamus. Such a dream speaks of the birth of a new life. For a couple dreaming of a child, this can promise a quick replenishment in the family.
  • Medium Hasse. Joy and pleasure await you. It is possible to receive a bonus or promotion.
  • Gypsy. Chicken eggs in a dream - for profit. Another such dream can mean a meeting with an old friend who will do you a good service.
  • Medea. The dream symbolizes the birth of an idea, the implementation of which will bring you financial independence.
  • Spring. Will appear in your life new personwho will become your close friend and companion.
  • French. Expect good news from afar. There is a possibility that a distant relative wants to transfer part of their property to you.

It is interesting. In a dream, to dream of eggs that were only laid by a chicken, to the prospect in the future to acquire large offspring and devote your life to children and family.

Interpretation by quantity

To see many eggs in a dream, according to Aesop's dream book, to a happy marriage, good children and well-being for many years

According to the Mayan dream book, if you dreamed about one egg, then wait for the arrival of relatives. Esoteric Tsvetkov deciphers such a dream as a meeting with a representative of the opposite sex, whose heart you will conquer. But the female dream book connects the dream with the upcoming anxieties and worries.

To see a lot of eggs in a dream, according to Tsvetkov's dream book, portends success in business. Your peers and superiors will notice your efforts and will praise you. But the famous interpreter of dreams, Lyudmila Shereminskaya, interprets a dream as an upcoming concern. Some of your loved ones will find themselves in a difficult situation and will not be able to get out of it without your help. The Mayan Dream Interpretation deciphers such a dream as upcoming love experiences.

According to Freud's dream book, seeing a basket full of eggs is evidence of your promiscuous sex life. It's time to take up your mind and dwell on one partner with whom you can build a strong family in the future.

You should know. To see an egg in a dream, according to the Wanderer's dream book, to pregnancy and the birth of a child.

Size interpretation

Small chicken eggs in a dream indicate that you are paying too much attention to minor problems, trying to make an elephant out of a fly.

If a woman had such a dream, then she wastes her time on men with whom she cannot build a serious relationship. It is worth reconsidering your views on life and paying attention to more serious and decent representatives of the opposite sex.

If a man dreamed of one small chicken egg, it means that he is putting his energy into an unpromising business.

Sometimes people may dream of large or even huge chicken eggs. Such a dream can be considered a good sign. You have every opportunity to get what you want. Do not hesitate, you need to act.

It is interesting. If you dreamed about large chicken eggs, expect praise at work and cash rewards.

Decoding sleep by color

According to the Mayan dream book, painting eggs in a dream means dissatisfaction with your lifestyle.

Sometimes we can see in a dream chicken eggs of an unusual color for them. A more detailed interpretation of the shade is offered by the French dream book:

  1. White - to the realization of the most cherished desires. If they dreamed of an unmarried girl, then wait for a marriage proposal. For a couple who cannot have a child, such a dream promises an early replenishment in the family. But for a man, such a dream means career success.
  2. Yellow - a sign that your past actions are fraught with consequences. If you did something bad and hide it from others, then know that soon your secret will be revealed, and retribution cannot be avoided.
  3. Reds are in trouble. An unforeseen obstacle will appear on your way, which will greatly harm you. For married people, a dream can mean cheating on a spouse.
  4. Black - to great sorrow. It is especially bad if a pregnant woman had a dream. It can be a harbinger of miscarriage or difficult childbirth.

But clean and fresh eggs dream of good news.

The integrity of the egg in a dream: cracked, broken, rotten

If you dreamed about a cracked chicken egg, then soon, due to some annoying misunderstanding, all your efforts may be in vain. For a couple in love planning to get engaged in the near future, such a dream can predict even a break in relations.

Saw an Easter egg in a dream - wait for a declaration of love

According to Miller's dream book, to see fresh broken eggs - good sign... Soon, fortune will smile at you and your business will go uphill. But according to the French dream book, seeing such a dream is always to sadness and disappointment in the people you trusted.

According to most dream books, rotten eggs in a dream do not bode well. Expect betrayal of friends, betrayal of your partner, intrigues at work, loss of property and losses. If you had such a dream, then you should not immediately fall into despair. It is necessary to soberly analyze the situation, as the saying goes "forewarned is forearmed."

It is important. Dirty chicken eggs dream of the ruin of your endeavors.

Actions: find, collect, buy, boil, beat, clean boiled, eat

Finding chicken eggs in a dream, according to Miller's dream book, is a sign of joyful events. You can get rich unexpectedly or meet your love. For girls, such a dream predicts a lot of promising fans, flirting and a fun pastime.

Collecting eggs is a good dream that promises prosperity and well-being. According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream portends a new stage in your life. All bad things will remain in the past, and a series of pleasant events awaits you in the future.

But the esotericist Tsvetkov deciphers such a dream as the desire for change. Your life is now stagnant. Routine and monotony are tired of the order, and you are set for dramatic changes. Many, after such a dream, change their place of work, go on trips and even move to other cities.

Buying eggs, according to the French dream book, predicts a variety of life. But the gypsy dream book interprets the dream in its own way. Buying eggs in a dream - unfortunately and bad news. It may also indicate that for the sake of loved ones you give up your own happiness. It will not do anything good for the future.

Cooking eggs means taking part in gossip and intrigue, which will soon cause considerable damage to your reputation. Frying - to the loss of both money and loved ones.

Breaking eggs in a dream is also a bad sign. If you did this, then in the near future you expect problems with the law, you saw how another person did it - in reality you will become a witness to a crime.

But peeling a boiled egg - to improve the financial situation and promotion. Another such dream prophesies gifts and tempting offers in the future. The more pieces you managed to clean, the more gifts fate will give you.

There are egg dishes in a dream - for favorable events. If you ate with pleasure, then some incredible event awaits you ahead that will make you a truly happy person.

You should know. According to Miller's dream book, seeing yolks or whites in a dream means getting rich soon.

Each dream book deciphers the chicken eggs we have seen in its own way. For a more correct interpretation of a dream, familiarize yourself with several options for meanings and turn on logic: dreams always come so that you can prepare yourself or your loved ones for something.

Everybody sees dreams. Someone attaches importance to dreams, someone does not pay attention to them. Sometimes a dream is so clear and vivid that even someone who previously did not believe that dreams are a prediction will want to know its meaning.

Chicken eggs in a girl's dream can predict a new acquaintance with an interesting man who can surprise her. Also, chicken eggs can mean the beginning of a new life. Such a dream does not bode well for any future troubles and is a good sign.

Different dream books reveal different meanings of what chicken eggs dream of. Let's take a closer look at what such a dream can carry.

What does Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn say about eggs in a dream?

The egg symbolizes new life and potential. If you dreamed about an egg, then you will enter your full potential in a litter of time, and now you are on the verge of new discoveries.

Why do chicken eggs dream - Sonan's dream book

The dream portends great success in a career and in relationships with loved ones. If a person who is not tied by marriage dreamed of a lot of eggs, this means a wedding soon.

If you are married or married, the dream speaks of the strengthening and well-being of the family. A lot of happiness will come from marriage. A dream can predict unexpected income or getting a new position with a higher salary.

If there were spoiled eggs in a dream - expect news from your ill-wishers, their actions will have to be reflected. There is a dish of eggs - a joyful event will happen in your family very soon.

Chicken eggs, meaning. Dream Interpretation Maya

The Mayan dream book has both good and bad meanings of sleep. The good thing is that if in a dream you eat eggs, then expect that very soon you will win someone's heart. A rubber ball, which you need to carry with you for a week, will tell you the answer to this question.

Bad - painting eggs in a dream means disappointment in your lifestyle. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is better to eat a raw quail egg.

Why do chicken eggs dream - Russian dream book

If you dream that you are cooking eggs, frying or boiling, this may portend loss. Many eggs dream for gifts or guests. To break an egg in a dream - in real life, the stinginess of a loved one awaits. If the eggs are in the nest, the dream predicts love adventures. Seeing rotten eggs - monetary losses await you.

Why do chicken eggs dream - Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

The dream interpretation predicts the appearance of a new person in the family or an unexpected guest.

An egg dreamed in a dream - Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

If you see a small testicle - expect your child to visit.

Eggs - Dream interpretation of birthdays of September, October, November, December

This dream book says that if you saw eggs in a dream, you will soon find out that someone is waiting for replenishment.

Why do eggs dream - Women's dream book

Sleep warns of unusual alarms in the house. Seeing broken fresh eggs means that fate will soon present a generous gift. You can be among the favorites of many, thanks to your intelligence and sense of justice.

If in a dream they found a nest with chicken eggs - the dream speaks of wealth and a happy marriage. Egg Basket - You have to take part in profitable transactions.

Rotten, spoiled eggs - loss of property, things will go down.

What do chicken eggs mean - Shereminskaya's dream book

An egg in a dream speaks of a set of deeds and intentions. Accidentally breaking an egg or seeing a rotten egg is not a good sign. It's good when they fried eggs or boiled an egg in a dream - this indicates that all matters are resolved well.

Seeing an Easter egg in a dream is a declaration of love. There is it - you will find happiness and profit. Giving an egg - you will soon have a faithful, reliable friend.

What is the dream of a chicken egg - Tsvetkov's dream book

Had one or a couple of chicken eggs - expect guests. Many eggs indicate that there will be success in your business. Breaking an egg is a loss.

Why do eggs dream - Wanderer's dream book

Eggs dream of creation, the emergence of unrealized potential. If a chick hatched from an egg - birth, the implementation of creative ideas. Throwing eggs in a dream - collapse and revelation in reality. Many eggs in dreams warn of worries. If you dreamed about broken eggs - losses await you, violation of all plans; abortion.

Why see chicken eggs in a dream - Miller's dream book

If a nest with eggs is found in a dream, then expect wealth and a happy married life. Eat eggs - Your home will be disturbed by unusual alarms.

If you dreamed of broken fresh chicken eggs, they will admire your intelligence and justice. Rotten eggs are not a good sign. Your business will not go as well as you would like, the loss of property is possible.

Chicken eggs - what does the culinary dream book promise?

The dream interpretation deciphers this dream as a portent of success. Eating eggs in a dream indicates that you are in excellent health.

Why do chicken eggs dream - an erotic dream book

If in a dream there is a basket of eggs, then you understand that your sex life is messy. At the subconscious level, you have a desire to start a family and have children.

The meaning of sleeping chicken eggs. Esoteric dream book.

To see an egg in your dream - to the birth of a child. Many eggs predict the upcoming chores associated with children. Breaking an egg - infertility unsuccessful pregnancy.

Each of the dream books reveals its own meaning of sleep. The values \u200b\u200bare often the same. For a correct sleep prediction, it is better to look at several options for values. Among them there is something that is right for you.