To meet an Italian man under 50. How do Italians meet? Rules of behavior. Marry an Italian. Italian marriage visa for the bride

And all this time I watched Italian acquaintances and their friends, trying to figure out how here, in my small town in the northeast, relationships are built between the sexes, how and where couples get to know each other.

In fact, everything turns out to be not so simple. Even if you and the man walking towards you have mutual sympathy, it is unlikely that he will rush at your feet. Despite the famous temperament of Italians, it is not customary to meet on the street here.

Young people and people under forty prefer spend time in bars drinking aperitifs from seven in the evening until early morning. Girls usually pay for themselves. Boys, young men, men do not show the slightest attempt to be gallant, and communication takes place on an equal footing. The traditional Russian excuse for acquaintance in a bar - “let me treat you with something” is excluded here in principle.

Once my husband and I, his acquaintances and the girl he wanted to conquer, went to a pizzeria, which was strange in itself. First, if you want to impress a girl and arrange a date, why do you need extra witnesses? Secondly, he behaved with her as if they had already lived together for ten years - no compliments, no attempt to give a coat, open a door, move a chair. And when we went to the checkout after dinner, and the girl reached for her wallet, the boyfriend did not even lift a finger to pay for her.

Why this is happening is not very clear: or is it the girls who intimidated the men so much that they are now afraid to take a step so as not to get sued for abuso sessuale(sexual harassement or sexual harassment), or men "grinded" and got used to not having to fight for the signorin - they themselves hang on you with garlands. The conclusion is not the most pleasant: here gallantry has died or is found on the part of men of a very respectable age.

Many meet at discos... But in Italy, difficulties arise with this too. Once with my girlfriends we went to a club, thinking that now invitations to slow dances would pour in. But nothing of the kind happened. There were no slow dances or at least something close to them, and individuals of both sexes propped up the wall, sipping watered-down cocktails, and pretended that they had come here to exchange a few words. As if it were possible with the rumbling music. At the same time, local girls are incredibly good - slim, stylishly dressed, well-groomed, just princesses. But I did not notice any attempts to get to know these fairies from the Italians. Why?

And they hardly dance. No drive. Everything is decorous and boring. Maybe because they drink less drinks than ours? This is not the case - the Friuli Venezia Giulia region is considered the most drinking in Italy.

Where, then, do young people meet, you ask, if traditional options don't work?

Mostly, relationships start at school, in which they study until the age of twenty. Often a couple wear brides and grooms up to thirty (or even more). Moreover, everyone lives at home, often with their parents. They meet, expecting either graduation from university, or a good job, or housing, and then, having spent all the parents' savings that have accumulated for this long-awaited day, they arrange a grand wedding. Or, without waiting for any of the above, they scatter ... And then the chances of finding the other half are greatly reduced, especially among girls who, sadly enough, become "stale goods" with age. Men only win. This is the paradox. Italians can live with their parents up to forty years old and are absolutely not burdened by this, calling themselves nothing more than “ ragazzo" ("guy").

But if the relationship is stable, couples can live together. They have children, and then, somewhere on the third child, they still decide to get married. This also happens.

But here if they get married, so for sure. Most couples perform the ceremony in church, even if they are non-believers. And if the spouses want to divorce, they need to ask permission from the Vatican and live separately for three years. If couples sign in the municipality, in this case, before divorce, you need to live separately for a year. Italy is a Catholic state, and divorce is punished here almost like during the Spanish Inquisition. Recently I read an article in a local magazine about the suffering of believers, divorced men and women. One is not allowed to take communion, the other cannot confess in his parish and must run to different churches, where no one knows him. They may not let go of sins. And this despite the fact that Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed that the church should be near those who are divorced.

Although the National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT) complains that the number of separations of spouses and divorces is increasing every year, it seems to me that they are very careful about family values. Italians just live slowly, looking closely at each other. "There will still be time, we will be young for a long time, and we will get married, and we will have children." Slowly, tastefully, like their whole Italian life.

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Dating that happens on the Internet more and more often pierces the fate of women and men. Many people ask themselves a problematic question: "Why did people begin to give preference to this particular type of acquaintance and search for relationships?" The answer is simple: this method for most lonely hearts is the best way to build communication with strangers.

Women who want to find a family and true love, as a rule, take online dating extremely seriously and painfully. After all, it is known that it is women who are inclined to elevate the object of their interests to the rank of "ideal man", they are often mistaken. This often ends up being deceived by their online favorites.

According to psychologists and experts in the field of interactive communication, a separate line in this topic is the cases of acquaintance with Italians for a serious relationship, free of charge, on various thematic sites. Why are Italians so attracted to Russian women? Many associate this interest with the similarity of national mentality, the external charm of the "Italian macho", or simply the desire of the fair half to legitimize relations with an Italian citizen.

In any case, giving preference to free internet dating with Italians, in order to build a serious relationship, you need to be well oriented in the intended goals and ways to achieve them. This will require certain information.

It is important for every woman that her chosen one corresponds to a certain set of qualities. This is not only moral preferences, but also the desire to get a financially successful husband.

It must also be remembered that the potential partner also has its own unspoken rules for selecting the second half ... For example, a successful and not poor groom will not waste time communicating with an illiterate, ill-mannered woman. And the low level of intelligence and education, tactlessness, undoubtedly, will manifest itself already at the first correspondence.

Also for a man, the characteristics of a lady's appearance, her figure, style, general appearance are extremely important ... A potential chosen one, with status and position, is able to understand everything he needs about a woman in a short period of time. Therefore, it is so important to have time to present yourself in the right light.

Usually, to awaken a man's interest in his person in online dating, the following rules apply:

  • Availability a successful and high-quality photo on your profile avatar(this will provide the woman with a positive basis for future communication, especially if she fully corresponds to the taste preferences of her partner);
  • maximum filled profile fields(as much information as possible about yourself, while all information must be truthful, correctly and logically presented);
  • manner of communication it is built taking into account the topics that are interesting to the groom, possibly about his activities (all this can be learned from the profile, if it is "generously" filled);
  • unobtrusive goodbye(at the end of the first conversation, whether it be Skype or correspondence, it is important to leave some kind of "aftertaste", the man should be the first to show the desire to communicate further; in such a situation, the lady is simply obliged to use all her ingenuity).

Most popular heading article: Kikie female figures are most popular with men and why.

What is attractive in meeting and communicating with an Italian groom

Among many nationalities, Russian women invariably choose dark-skinned immigrants from Italy. Judging by the polls, dating with Italians for a serious relationship, provided free of charge by many specialized sites, are in great demand among Internet brides.

The same polls reveal the essence of such a choice. It turns out that some women identify the Italian with Italy itself. In other words: "I want an Italian husband simply because he lives in Italy." For such brides, the groom himself with his romantic nature is not important, it is much more important the possibility of permanent residence in a beautiful country .

Also, in the choice of representatives of this nationality, its advantages include typical appearance of men : more often tall, strong, slender and dark-skinned, they literally fascinate with their appearance.

Many "Russian brides" dream of becoming "Italian wives", as they have heard about the extraordinary neatness and cleanliness of the men there ... After all, Italians attach great importance to the whiteness of their teeth, the style of clothing, and the choice of perfume.

Women, to meet Italians, in the hope of a serious relationship, visit many free sites. In priority, both Russian and international platforms for "lonely hearts".

List of the most popular dating sites in Russia

Italy is a beautiful country, and this is what attracts Russian women to potential Italian suitors.

Badoo (

This site is one of the most popular Internet resources for dating. Possesses huge global user base even more than others. There is no exact data on the number of Russian questionnaires, but they definitely exist, and there are many of them.

This portal is not complicated in terms of navigation. It is more than suitable for those looking for free dating with Italians for a serious relationship.

MyLove (

The site is considered one of the leading in the list of Russian users. Its popularity is evidenced by the presence of more than 8 million full-fledged questionnaires. The attendance of this portal is off the charts, new users are registered every day.

The company itself - the creator of the site has the same name, is located in the city of Perm. The resource was founded in 2008, its development was rapid - literally six months.

The site owes its popularity to its professional founders. They played in a timely manner on simple but fashionable design, comfortable navigation and modern service device ... In addition, the portal is constantly being improved and filled with unique innovations.

24open (

Despite the statement that the site will work around the clock with optional registration, it becomes clear that it is still necessary. Because without this, no one will know about a person's desire to get to know each other. Fortunately, the registration process itself is quite simple and does not take a lot of time. The site is also free, with the ability to use paid offers.

Mamba (

Thanks to the skillful marketing policy of the creators and the help of partners, this resource has become one of the top ones, its popularity was previously at its height. Now, with the growth of competition, the Mamba site has become one of the undisputed leaders. The largest systems use the database of the site.

For those who are eager to meet Italians, offers a free opportunity to build a serious relationship. The registration process is not complicated. You can also take advantage of paid offers on the portal. (

It is an “old-timer” of dating sites, fundamentally no different from other services. It has rather uncomplicated design, rather primitive functions ... The base of the site has about 2 million profiles and an army of five thousand users. There are also Italian profiles.

Loveplanet (

A platform based on a large database of profiles, high attendance, free use and easy registration .

Not so long ago, the site administration introduced a number of paid features. This maneuver cleared the portal of aggressive visitors who did not use it as intended. However, this policy led to a noticeable downgrade of the site's rating. But, given the nearly 20 million Loveplanet profile, you can look for an Italian here as well.

Despite the great popularity of the above listed resources, they are not the choice of all Italians. This country also has its own "hit-parades" of dating sites. Perhaps, on one of them, there will be more chances of becoming the wife of an Italian citizen.

Online dating sites popular in Italy

Italians are the faithful sons of their mothers

On the interactive platforms of this country, women have an excellent opportunity to meet Italians for a serious relationship, free of charge and with access to a huge number of interesting profiles.

ItalianFriendFinder (

The site is the Italian version of the international analogue, very popular, interesting and colorful. Created the profile gets into the world search which is very convenient. The registration process is free, within a short time the completed application is activated.

Meetic it (

An international site with millions of users. This site is very popular in Italy, thanks to the interface in the native language.

Both Italians and men of this nationality are registered on the site for free. During registration, the site services check the information, so there many high-quality and real profiles ... One of the requirements for uploaded photos is the ability to get a good look at the face of the person who wants to fill out the questionnaire.

Zoosk (

In the original source, this resource was a popular social media application. network, but has now become an independent portal. It is popular with residents of the whole world, including Italy.

The site boasts the presence in its interface of a test that determines the level of compatibility of potential partners ... The test has forty questions, according to the answers to which the system selects pairs for the seekers.

Datingbox it (

A very decent, in terms of security, site with easy registration. It is possible to fill your profile with all kinds of photo and video products.

Among the popular Italian online dating resources, there are also:

  • Simpatizzo;
  • Onedate;
  • Speedvacanze;
  • Speeddate and others.

Dating with Italians: what you need to know about the personality traits of these men

Italians are famous for their ardent and passionate lovers

Judging by the polls carried out, Italians appear in the first lines of women's lists of potential suitors. Ladies note that other nations do not have such charisma and attractiveness. In addition to their gorgeous appearance, in free online dating with Italians, they are attracted by the manner of communication and courtesy of partners, which is very important for building a serious relationship. Regardless of the age of the Italian, this applicant is always respectful, respectful and very witty.

In general, the following list of characteristic features of the temper of "sultry" Italians can be drawn (among them there are negative aspects too):

  • impeccable mastery of the art of seduction and flirting;
  • boundless sons love for their mother;
  • priority is eternal family values;
  • love for noisy family gatherings with relatives;
  • Italians are passionate and ardent lovers;

do not differ in fidelity and constancy idolize all women in principle;

  • a violent disposition, combined with uncertainty, can confuse and confuse the chosen one;
  • waiting for expensive gifts from an Italian is a waste of time and nerves.

The long-awaited date after meeting an Italian: how to prepare

You need to prepare for a date with a foreigner

After acquaintance and virtual communication, the date of the upcoming date has finally been set. For him, a woman must definitely learn phrases in the language of the chosen one, at least basic ones. Since communication through a monitor is one thing, but live contact is quite another.

To this end you can choose the way of learning Italian that suits you best ... For example:

  • use the book version of the phrasebook;
  • give preference to downloading an interactive application with which you can learn the basics of learning;
  • resort to the help of a knowledgeable person (this can be a tutor who will develop an individual training program, taking into account the existing language basis).

Besides, the right, favorable attitude is important for any date.

Italians are not indifferent to well-groomed, cheerful and friendly Russian beauties. They measure beauty not at all by the weight and height parameters of the partner, but by the general impression of the bright image. But this does not mean that you can overeat sweets and rolls before the date.

Increasing your intellectual level will not be superfluous to communicate with an Italian. So, for example, a successful, educated and self-sufficient applicant is probably well versed in the arts, political events, expensive and branded items. Therefore, it is so important for a woman to be able to maintain the level of conversation without making the impression of a "talker".

The ideal "Italian wife" - happiness or "worth considering"

Before building a serious relationship, make sure of the sincerity of the intentions of your chosen one.

Is the prospect of marrying a handsome Italian so joyful? How destined are the hopes and aspirations of the girls to come true? Indeed, after meeting Italians for a serious relationship, organized free of charge by most sites, not all couples, unfortunately, reach the marriage union.

However, those who are lucky should adequately assess their moral strength. Every nation has its own formed foundations, views and values, and Italians are no exception:

  • It is well known that the most holy and pure woman for them is their mother. That's why the future wife should carefully study the peculiarities of the attitude of Italian mothers-in-law towards their daughters-in-law ... For if a balance is not found between them, then the union is unlikely to be cloudless, long and happy.
  • Also there is an opinion about the stinginess of Italian husbands ... It is believed that they deliberately marry citizens of other countries in order to save on pleasant, unexpected and expensive gifts.

There are exceptional moments in different situations. There are enough cases of happy life episodes with international marriages. Unfortunately, there are also sad outcomes, for example, when spouses, divorcing, cannot decide on the rights to their children. The law on the side of its citizens is a fact. Therefore, it is necessary to think over, before accepting a proposal for marriage, and these details.

Experts and family psychologists, as well as women who have gone through similar situations with marriage (successful and not so), advise repeatedly make sure of the sincere attitude of the chosen one ... It is necessary to carefully study the true intentions of the future spouse, get acquainted with the members of his family, their traditions. It is important to set yourself up for a long and strong union, but only on the condition that both parties strive for this.

Italians can be called a unique people. They can be harmonious and contradictory at the same time, and modest and too active. But to get to know a real Italian, you need to get to know him, communicate directly. The Italian, like no other, honors traditions, is very close to his family and is incredibly proud of the country in which he lives. The traditions of the country were formed from different nationalities. Therefore, the warehouse of Italian life has absorbed all the best.

The rules of communication among Italians deserve special attention. Each part of the country has its own rules of conduct that others may not understand. For example, if, when communicating with you, an Italian will touch your shoulder, hold your hand, hug you - this is quite normal. Even men can afford such behavior in the central part of Italy (in the north and south it is considered a manifestation of disrespect).

Italians are very emotional people, it is very important for them to express their feelings. During a conversation, you cannot help but notice how your interlocutor will look directly in the eyes, as if trying to figure out a lie or find out more about you. If you often avert your eyes, change your posture while talking, this will be regarded as an attempt to mislead the interlocutor.

Italians are always courteous. At the entrance to the store, the Italian will say hello, and upon exiting, he will say goodbye, even if the seller is completely unfamiliar to him, and even if he has not purchased anything from this store.

An Italian's conversation is full of gestures - this is a special language inherent only to this people. When communicating, hands, palms, fingers are involved. Many of the gestures are similar to the standard ones, understandable to everyone. But there are a number of gestures that belong only to the Italian. Here are just a few of them:

  • the Italian pulled the lower eyelid slightly with his index finger down - this means that he is in cahoots with you (or means that you are a sly one);
  • extended thumb and forefinger and moving them up and down - a choice between "yes" and "no";
  • The Italian will show “come here” with his palm down (similar to our “goodbye”);
  • the index finger is twisted near the cheek - a sign of a very tasty dish;
  • fingers gathered together (with pads in a heap) and movement of the brush up and down is a sign of bewilderment: “what do you want from me?”, “what do you want to say by that?”;
  • if the Italian touched the earlobe while talking, then in this way he signals that there is a person with an unconventional orientation in the environment;
  • closed index and thumb (the rest are spread out) and raised to the forehead - please try to understand.

This is the smallest part of the gestures that you can see when communicating.

The Italian values ​​family very much. And children are the main treasure in the family. Children in Italy are pride and admiration. Parents do their best so that their child does not need anything, pamper him and prohibit almost nothing. But you will rarely find an Italian who would brag about his child, his achievements - they are afraid of the evil eye. Italians always take their children with them and spend a lot of time with them.

Men are very attached to their parents, and therefore surround them with even more care than their wives. Italian women, of course, do not always like this fact. But it is worth noting that Italian women are recognized as the most independent in Europe.

Traditions and customs in Italy are honored and followed. Wedding customs are very interesting. Italians will never plan a wedding in May. The point is, there is one unlucky day for marriage in May. But no one knows what day it is, and it is because of this that there will be no wedding on any of the May days. Also, Friday is not the best day for a combination, but Monday and Tuesday will bring good luck and family well-being to the newlyweds. After the wedding, the groom gives the bride a spikelet so that children will appear in the family faster.

Italians are very superstitious people. In apartments, houses, cars, you can find amulets, in pockets, a purse, a handbag - prayers. Thus, Italians protect themselves from bad eyes. In Italy, the lunar calendar is popular among farmers, which dictates the time of sowing crops, harvesting, bottling wine, and producing olive oil.

As you can see, Italians are a people full of contrasts and contradictions. Italy is a magnet for foreign tourists. Having visited this country, surrounded by its inhabitants, you will never forget this adventure. The hospitality and cordiality of Italians will leave an imprint in your memory for a long time and make you visit this country more than once.

Search on our site acquaintance with Russian women, and some of them - Italians... Some people post their profiles in the men's directory, preferring to be chosen; the majority, however, decide to give sympathy to their favorites on their own, paying attention to one or another woman from our photo gallery.

If you are interested to know what Interfriendship clients think and say about Italian men, visit our website or. And also be sure to check out our women's forum. There you will find a lot of not only interesting, but also useful information about foreigners in general, and about Italians in particular. Our compatriots living in Western Europe share, so to speak, an inside view of being in various countries, as well as the nuances of characteristics from these countries.

And if you are a beginner in the field with foreigners via the Internet, then familiarization with the above information is not just desirable for you, it is a must! Why? Yes because real everyday life in italy(as well as in any other country) is significantly different from our idea, made about it only on the basis of a fleeting stay there on vacation or a business trip for several days or weeks. In order not to be disappointed after leaving, it is better to arm yourself with the necessary knowledge in advance. ;-)

Dating with Italians

Famous Italians: Da Vinci, Galilei, Marco Polo, Michelangelo, Columbus, Verdi, Celentano.

Dating with Italians will give you a chance to get to know this captivating and attractive country, where every corner is beautiful and unique, where old and modern are closely intertwined, where olive groves are replaced by lush oleanders and azaleas, and where you can taste the world's best espresso and pizza.

Women find the most interesting. For those who like "hot", we advise you to direct their activities to Liguria, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, and look. Well, for those who have remained an incorrigible romantic, despite all the difficulties and skepticism of modern life, the most exciting opportunity would be.