Traditional christmas cupcake. Traditional Christmas Cupcake English: Recipe with photos. Ingredients for Keksa

No Christmas in European countries do not do without baking, but the Christmas cupcake is most often prepared with dried fruits and nuts, the recipe for the preparation of which you will find in our current article.

The recipe for the preparation of such baking at first glance will seem very difficult, if you do all our recommendations, you will not have problems with the preparation of this dish.

English Christmas Cupcake with dried fruits and nuts is most often prepared in one month on the eve of Christmas, it is necessary for dried fruits to have a rum or other alcohol. If you do not have time for this, then there is nothing terrible in this, since your ready-made cupcake will get as tasty.

By the way, these cupcakes can be prepared on.

Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts - Classic recipe


50 grams of cream;
4 eggs;
230 grams of flour;
250 grams of almond;
350 grams of raisins and kuragi;
120 grams of Roma;
120 grams of sugar;
Spices to taste;
60 grams of sugar powder;
15 grams of baking powder;
sunflower oil.


Cooked dried fruits wash in running water and dry a little, laying on a towel. To cut the drizzle with a small cube, add raisins and all the contents to pour rum, leave in this form for the whole day. Purified nuts place in the oven so that they succeed.

Add to the eggs pinch of salt and beat together with cream and sugar before the formation of a lush mass. Add to the cooked milk mixture the required amount of flour with added baking powder and all contents mix.

Dried fruits add to the dough and lay down to obtain a homogeneous composition. Put the dough shape and wait until it is imagined for half an hour. Cooking cupcake in the oven for about 45 minutes. Cool the cooked cupcake in the oven and be topped with powder with sugar or chocolate.

Christmas cupcake from Julia Vysotskaya


450 grams of any dried fruit;
230 grams of port;
Lemon zest;
100 grams of hazelnut and almonds;
4 eggs;
230 grams of milk chocolate;
200 grams of flour;
15 grams of baking powder;
250 grams of butter cream;
2 10 grams of ginger and cardamom;
100 grams of bitter chocolate.


To prepare a Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts from Julia Vysotskaya, you need to pre-move dry fruits and go through them, cut down quite large. Crushed dried fruits mix with a port and tablespoon of honey. Add to dried fruits of lemon zest, pour the porter again, to cover the top and leave for the whole day.

Beat the deciding butter with a creamy mixer before getting a puff. During the beating, add one by one egg. Separately chop nuts. Install a small speed on the mixer, add a baking powder with flour, and add nuts next. A few more revolutions and a mixer can be turned off.
Chocolate tiles break, pre-heat the oven. Molds lubricate with oil. Add to dough chocolate slices, dried fruits and spices to taste, mix all content. The resulting mixture is decomposed by forms. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes to ruddy crust.

Christmas cupcake in a slow cooker


300 grams of milk;
11 grams of yeast (dry);
800 grams of flour;
3 eggs;
230 grams of butter;
100 grams of citades and dried fruits;
Zedra Lemon.


Before you begin to prepare a Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts in a slow cooker, turn on the Multiproduder mode at 100 degrees. Add milk to the multicooker container, to warm up a bit. Milk pour into separate container, mix with a pinch of salt, sugar and dry yeast, mix and leave for some time. Place the oil in a slow cooker so that it melted, after which it is a little cool.

Add the cooled oil, yolks and the required amount of flour (leaving protein to lubricate the finished cake). In the dough add citric zest and candied with dried fruit. Mix the dough until it is until it fell back from your hands. Finished dough cover with polyethylene film.

An hour later, the dough is a little challenge. Lubricate the multicooker container with a small amount of oil, lay out the dough and cover again so that it will take a little climb during 2 hours. Lubricate the cupcake pre-whipped protein. Set the Multiproduction mode and cook about 40 minutes.

German christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts


175 grams of almond;
250 grams of dried fruits;
200 grams of zucats;
8 grams of vanilla sugar;
6 tablespoons of Roma;
lemon zest;
60 grams of yeast;
550 grams of flour;
1/3 teaspoon salts;
120 grams of sugar;
250 grams of oil;
150 grams of milk;
1 yolk.


Tsukata with dried fruits and nuts in one day pour rum and leave up to full swelling. Add to a large container to add flour, make a deepening in it and finely open the yeast there. Plush sugar spoon and pour milk.

When yeast finally disperse, mix with a pinch of salt and softened oil. Easy the dough so that it is homogeneous and smooth. Capacity with a test to put for lifting into a warm place when it increases several times, a little challenge the dough with your hands.
During the ovenness in the dough add all the components infused on Roma. Put the dough into a warm place again. Put the working surface to flour, put the dough from above and form a rectangle from it, folded his long side several times.

Stay in the form of a generated German Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts. Wait until the dough is suitable for half an hour. Bake in a pre-preheated oven for 45 minutes. Hot cupcake lubricate with oil and sprinkle with sugar powder.

Christmas is the brightest winter holiday. And even though he is already behind, the recipe for the Christmas cupcox always wants to have at hand, and you can also bake it to any other holiday. The most important thing is to prepare all the ingredients, nuts, dried fruits and alcohol. In the recipe of your cupcake, I used the Kuannot Liquor (40%), 200 g of nuts and 300 g of dried fruits. I know that the cupcake add even more all sorts of fillers, but in my taste is enough. But the composition can always be diversified, from this cupcake will only be brighter.

For the preparation of English Christmas cupcakes with nuts and dried fruits, take the following products.

As well as...

Dried fruits rinse and chop finely. Nozzles wash no need.

Pour dried fruits with any strong alcohol, best - rum, I had a strong Quanto Licker, I call it orange vodka. This is the same to drop a few drops of rum essence. Stir and leave dried fruits swelling at least one day. The swollen dried fruits will watch all alcohol, will become fragrant, soften.

Nuts fry in a frying pan, cool and chop. I just crushed them with a rill.

Oil and eggs to get out of the refrigerator. Soft oil to beat with sugar. One to add eggs and beat to homogeneous mass.

When all eggs are whipped with butter, add boiled condensed milk. You can lower this step, but increase the amount of sugar. I added condensed milk for a darker color, as I did not have brown sugar, which is much more preferable for the recipe.

Then add spices for baking. The composition includes cinnamon, Cardamon, Badyan ... something else.

Flour to sift along with a breakdler and add to the dough, not all right away, and parts. A couple of flour spoons leave for dried fruits.

Dried fruits lean on the sieve to the whole alcohol stack, then sprinkle the remaining flour. This is done so that all dried fruits are mixed well in the dough and do not fall on the bottom when baking.

And the latter in the dough add crushed nuts. It turns out quite dense dough, the blade in it is worth, not falling.

Prepare baking shape. I usually do not lubricate it, but I use parchment. Previously need to wet the parchment, block away from the water and lay the form inside. Put the dough into shape. Put the shape with the dough into the oven preheated to 160 degrees. Bake 1 hour 10 minutes, but baking time must be controlled by your oven. If the top will start rapidly, then cover it with foil. Readiness to check the toothpick, pierce the cupcake in the center, and if it goes dry, it means that the cupcake is per capita.

Prepared Cupcake to leave in the form until complete cooling, and then remove. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or pour a sweet, icing, chocolate. You can still impregnate the cupcake alcohol by making holes in it. Usually, English christmas cupcakes with nuts and dried fruits are packaged into the parchment and leave up to maturation, this is if the cupcake baked in advance, to christmas.

And we cut the cupcake immediately. You can call everyone to tea. Pleasant!

Winter holidays in Europe and the United States do not cost without sweet baking, and the famous cupcake has long become a symbol of Christmas in England. Olivera Cromwell so failed to eradicate the tradition of cupcakes on the eve of Christmas. Over time, each country has their festive sweets, but English Cupcake is considered the most delicious dessert!

Interesting facts about christmas cupcakes

English hostesses have once begun to prepare Christmas baking over a month and a half before the holiday, and there is an explanation. The fact is that some ingredients for the preparation of Keksa - Kuraga, prunes, raisins, dates, cherries, pineapple pieces - are kept in Roma, Cognac, Jerese or Mader with the addition of spices about a week. At the same time, it is necessary to periodically stir fruits and berries for their uniform impregnation. If you follow the technology of cooking cupcakes, you should take 0.5 glasses of alcohol by 0.5 kg of dried fruits.

Then the christmas dough was kneaded from eggs, sugar, oils and flour, filling was added. Such a cupcake was even baked several hours at low temperatures, after which it was covered with icing, decorating nuts and marzipan. While the cupcake stood and "waited" Christmas, he became tastier, softer and fragrant, while baking for a long time did not spoke due to alcohol content in it.

How to cook cupcake at home: cooking filling

Modern hostesses do not withstand dried fruits in alcohol so long and do not bake four hours. Recipes of Christmas cupcakes are simplified for our convenience, so they require less time that, fortunately, does not affect their taste. So, take 500 g of any dried fruits and dried berries, rinse them well, remove the bones and cut into small pieces along with roasted nuts and candied nuts. Fold all the ingredients in the jar, add spices and pour half a glass of any strong alcohol - you can take a liquor or tincture. It is better to insist the dried fruits of a week, periodically shaking, but if there is no time, mix alcohol with very hot tea and fill the fruit for the night. Due to boiling water, the ingredients are impregnated instantly, becoming incredibly soft, juicy, fragrant and piquant.

How to cook dough for christmas cupcake

Cooking cupcakes at home only seems difficult, in fact they are preparing quickly, because the test you do not need to rise and lie down for a long time. Wear a soft butter with sugar to foam, add eggs, and then flour, mixed with soda or baking powder. In some recipes of New Year's cupcakes, it is recommended to use only yolks, and a part of wheat flour is replaced by almond flour. There are recipes, where the eggs are whipped with sugar to the condition of the cream, and the oil is mixed with part of the flour, then both mixtures are connected, and the dough with the remaining flour is mixed. It is important that the eggs are room temperature, although some hostesses are generally costs without them. Sometimes confectioners instead of white sugar take a molasses, honey or dark sugar, flavoring cupcake nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, lemon or orange zest.

Subtleties of proper baking

The shape for the cupca must be prepared first - lubricate the bottom and walls of the oil, then lay out the bakery paper, while serious confusers fasten the joints in the stapler. Paper should play for the edges of the shape so that the cupcake can be easily removed - of course, after it cools.

Since the dough for the Christmas cupcox is very heavy and wet, bake it at low temperature so that it propelled well, and the dried fruits are not burned. With a form of form 5-7 cm, the furnace is needed 1-3 hours, so an approximate time can be calculated, based on the size of the form, periodically testing the cupcake to the wooden wand. Readiness also depends on the density of the test and quality of products. If the top is well twisted, and the cupcake is not baked, cover it with foil and continue to bake.

Never remove the christmas cupcake from the form hot - it should cool well. Preferably at this time cover it on top of the foil. Cooling, the cupcake compacts and becomes more elastic, you will only have to wrap it in several layers of bakery paper, and to bite foil from above. Then baking will be able to "dive" until Christmas from 1 to 4 weeks, and it is possible to store it in this form half a year at room temperature and year in the refrigerator, periodically watering alcohol. Every month he becomes more gentle and tastier, spreading an unmatched fragrance, resembling Christmas ...

Secrets of cooking christmas cupcakes at home

If you want a Christmas baking longer to do not worry, add a little honey, jam and molasses to the dough, even if there is no recipe: they hold moisture in the cupcake and are peculiar preservatives.

There is one more secret, thanks to which the pieces of the filling, which appeared outside, will not burn in the oven, and the cupcake will be smooth and beautiful - it will be more pleasant to decorate. After kneading (before the introduction of dried fruits), we separate a little dough and smear it in shape, making the bottom and sides. Next, interfere with the stuffing in the remaining dough, lay it out into the form, and turn on top to the test without the filling, so that nuts and dried fruits of the upper layer are burned. By the way, many hostesses are used for baking high tin boxes from under cookies - they are ideal for cakes. Having laid out the dough into shape, make a small deepening in the middle, otherwise during baking the cupcake rises slide and it will be difficult to decorate it.

If you decide to leave the cupcake for several months for long-term storage in paper and foil, water it every three days alcohol, which acts as a preservative. At the same time, alcohol will actively evaporate, so the taste of baking will not change, and so that the cupcake is impregnated completely, it is necessary to make holes in it with a wooden skewer and pour brandy or brandy in them.

Decoration of cupcakes is art

How to file on the table Christmas cupcake without decorations? In Christmas, everything should be spectacular and unusual, so English mistresses turn pastries into the work of art, decoring the cupcake figures from mastic. You can do it easier to sprinkle with sugar powder cake or coat with ordinary fuddle.

Very beautiful, a cake with protein icing is obtained, for which one cooled protein is well whipped with a mixer to a lush foam, and then 0.5-1 a cup of sugar powder is added to it, continuing to beat. When the glaze thickens, pour 1 tsp in it. Lemon juice and whip still half a minute. If you cover the gentle protein icing of the jam layer and immediately decorate the cake with a supper for cakes, it turns out originally and incredibly tasty.

Christmas is no longer around the corner and it's time to think about baking, which will decorate every festive table. Today you will plunge into the world of traditions of England and learn how to cook the cake that has a similarity with a German dish And in the same way for a long time.

Traditional Christmas English Cupcake for Classic Cooking Recipe

This type of product should be prepared over a month and a half to Christmas holidays. It is so much that it is necessary that the baking is saturated with the aroma and acquired a festive note of the celebration. But the shelf life reaches half a year.

This cake is distinguished from all products in alcohol. It saves baking for a long time and in the process of insteading disappears. So you will not feel his taste and smell.

The dish of the English Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and nuts is made in stages.

Stages of manufacturing Keksa

  1. Soaking fruit.
  2. Kneading test.
  3. Inciphening the cake.

The product requires diligent work and patience. Therefore, we are arming with kitchen objects and products and proceed to cooking, following strict technologies.

Baking features

Capture secrets

  • Baking at low temperatures.
  • Adding honey or molasses.
  • To preserve baking you need to water it every four days (serves as a preservative).

For the test you will need:

  • Flour - 350
  • Creamy oil - 350 g
  • Sugar - 350 g
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Patok or honey - 3 tbsp.
  • Ground almond - 75 g
  • Bakery powder - 1 tbsp.
  • Brandy or Rum - 5 tbsp.

Cooking English Christmas Delicious Cupcake with Dried Fruits and Brandy-based Nuts

For fruit and spicy stuffing, you will need:

  • Raisin Kishamis - 200 g.
  • Raisin - 200 g.
  • Tsukata - 150 g
  • Brandy or brandy - 100 ml.
  • Orange juice - 4 tbsp.
  • Terching lemon zest - 30 g
  • Almond - 50 g.
  • Walnut nuts - 50 g
  • Molotai cinnamon - 1 tbsp.
  • Hammer carnation - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon half juice.



According to tradition, the Christmas English Cupcake and the Classic Recipe requires advance preparation of the filling. A week before the preparation of the cake should be soaked nuts, dried fruits and candied in brandy. Namely:

  • All components cut up 1.5 cm and put into a large vessel.
  • Add a rubbed zest, spices and sprinkle lemon.
  • In a separate plate, mix brandy or brandy with fresh orange juice and fully coat with liquid fruit filling.
  • Tightly close the lid and hold one week. Sometimes you need to shake the mixture for uniform absorption of the marinade in the filling.
  • Following the soft consistency.

Preparation of almonds

  • Nuts soak in hot water.
  • Remove the skin and dry in a skillet.
  • Finishing Stage: Grind in to small consistency.


  • Beat melted oil, molasses (or honey) and sugar into a creamy mass.
  • Continuing to beat the mixture, add to her one egg on each tablespoon of flour.
  • Introduce half the remaining flour.
  • Strain the filling and put it in a shared mixture, also add the rest of the flour, almond ground and bakery powder.
  • Mix the dough well, then put into the shape and disperse the surface.
  • Obtain the cup with double parchment paper and secure the twine.

Preparation of deep detachable form (diameter - 23 cm)

  • Capacity lubricate with oil. Shut down the double layer of food paper so that its edges rise to two centimeters over the boundaries of the form.
  • Put the bowl with the mass in the baking sheet and put in the oven (140 degree temperatures) by 3-3.5 hours and cook until golden.
  • Ready English Cupcake with dried fruits and walnuts Podkuli in several places and pour brandy / rum on top.
  • Leave in baking form for half an hour.
  • After shifting the grille, remove the paper and give the product to cool.

Important! Tightly wrap the product into the parchment and foil, stored in a dry place 6 weeks, periodically impregnate with alcohol fluid.

After a while, decorate with icing or powdered sugar. Serve portion to tea.

One of the distinguishing features is that in the process of cooking the dish uses a large amount of spices, dried fruits and impregnation of alcohol.

History of creating dishes

Traditional English christmas cakes of its predecessor. The ancestor of this delicious baking is an ancient River ritual cake, which was preparing from cereal (mostly barley), pine nuts, raisins and pomegranates. With its appearance and especially taste, he resembled Bute. In the Middle Ages, dried fruits, spices and honey began to add to the recipe, and from the XVI century - sugar.

Traditional preparation recipe

The Christmas Cupcake (English of its option) began to prepare for 6 weeks before December 25, Catholic Christmas. Why so early? There are no reasons for that, and we will tell about it now.

In order to make a delicious English Cupcake, first it is necessary to impregnate the filling components of alcohol. To this end, traditionally use Roma, Mader, Cognac. Less often use other strong alcoholic beverages.

Filling a dish traditionally performed assorted of raisins (light and dark), citrus and citrus and citrus and zuchats. In modern recipes, dried apricots, prunes, cherries, pineapple cubes, currants, dates, and so on are often used.

According to existing traditions, the mass of the filling should not exceed five hundred grams. It is placed in the jar and poured with alcohol (about 0.5 glasses). Ingredients should be marinated for at least a week, they must be constantly mixed. Next was the dough. Moreover, the whole family took part in kneading semi-finished products. By tradition, all its members could make any of their desires that were necessarily performed. The Christmas Cupcake is English, for four hours at a temperature of at least 140 degrees. Traditionally, he decorated marzipan or

Modern techniques in the preparation of traditional baking

Currently, the English Christmas Cupcake with dried fruits and are somewhat different. The main difference is that this process does not receive such a number of time. Modern hostesses skip the above stages and go immediately to the preparation of delicacy.

In order to give the baking traditional taste, a special marine is made for the filling. The impregnation consists of a mixture of alcohol and a very strong boiling tea. It is capable of quickly absorbed into dried fruits, chunks and nuts, giving them a little tart and unique taste. Even cheese is often added to the filling.

We offer some uncomplicated modern recipes for this baking.

English christmas cupcake. Recipe with photos

First prepare the filling. To do this, shelted a mixture of dark raisins, chunks, crushed prunes and nuts should be poured with a small amount of good brandy. Stir, add vanillin and drop let me maril.

English Christmas cupcake with dried fruits and are haired from a very calorie dough.

Two packs of butter must be confused with 450 g of sand. As a result, it should be a lush foam. Six hundred grams of flour mix with a small spoon of soda. Wash twelve eggs. Next, we begin to gradually knead the dough. The creamy mixture periodically add flour and one egg. Mix thoroughly. At the very end, add a stuffing. Paste the mass. Previously need to be lubricated with oil and sprinkle with flour or semit. We cook in the oven without opening it.

After the first lifting of the test, the surface is recommended to make small bands with a sharp knife. This will allow the product to save the form. Christmas Cupcake English is about fifty minutes. The finished dish can be decorate with powdered sugar. Cut on portions and serve.

English Christmas Cupcake-Cherika "For Every Day"

Yolks from ten eggs mix with 400 grams of sand and butter (one and a half packs). Throw all the ingredients to a white state. Put the stuffing: raisins (200 g) and crushed candied (100 g), vanillin to taste. Pour shelter flour. Stir all the ingredients very carefully. At the very end, add whipped proteins. Very gently knead the dough and lay out in a round shape. Be sure to assisted it with butter. Prepare in the oven about fifty minutes, setting a temperature of 220 degrees.

After the cupcake cools, it can be served to tea.

Dark Christmas Cupcake with Glaze "Gorgeous"

This delicious dessert is preparing longer than previous options. But the result will appreciate all guests at the table. We offer a recipe for which you can cook a real festive English christmas cupcake. The photo is not able to convey the magnificent fragrance and the unique taste of this dish, but will help to decide. So, let's begin.

On the first day we are engaged in stuffing. To do this, mix two hundred fifty grams of dark raisins and the same amount of light, one hundred seventy-five grams chopped into four parts of the cherries in chocolate, two hundred grams of crushed drums and a handful of zucats. Pour all brandy and leave for a day, and if possible for two.

The next day begin with the test. Thoroughly beat the blender the following ingredients: three hundred grams of flour, a pinch of grated nutmeg, two packs of soft oil, four hundred consignable sugar grams, five eggs, orange and lemon zest, a large spoonful of black modules and a quarter of a glass of crushed almond. At the very end, be sure to put a pinch of crushed seasonings (coriander and cinnamon). Now you can add neatly stuffing.

Share the dough in a round shape, which is recommended to lay out the washed paper both below and on the sides, tightly pressed it to the edges. Next, the other side of the spoon is moving the mixture. From above it is better to put a double layer of bakery paper. Bake cupcakes you need at least four hours. The readiness indicator will be that the speaching stuck in the dough will remain dry and clean.

After that, we leave the cupcake to cool for twenty minutes. Next, pull out of the form and remove the paper. Carefully piercing the skeleton base, making equal intervals, and gently pour cognac in the holes. After complete cooling, it is recommended to wrap the product in a double layer of bakery paper, and then in foil. Leave per day.

Win-win Squirk Glazier Recipe

The next day, finish cooking our festive English cupcake.

For the preparation of glaze, beat the egg squirrel for two minutes so that he began to foam. You can do this in different ways - a mixer, manual mixer or a simple fork. The main thing - the process should not stop for a second. Next, begin to gradually pour sugar powder. It will take no less than half of the glass, possibly more. When the glaze thickens, pour a small spoon of lemon juice. Continue to beat for thirty seconds. Now very quickly lubricate the entire surface of the cupcake and from above - the resulting icing. Sprinkle with asterisks or any other decorations. As soon as the top layer fully solids, the dish can be cut on portions and serve to tea.

Dark Christmas Cupcake with Glaze "Magnificent", prepared for this recipe, can be kept for a long time when some rules are met. Let us dwell on this in more detail.

How to store baking

Christmas cupcake (English), if it is properly prepared, can be kept long enough - to three months. To begin with, it is recommended to put baking in parchment paper or foil.

In addition, the cupcake is necessary once every two or three days to water strong alcohol. As a result, the alcohol will evaporate, and dessert - remain fragrant and juicy.