The cursed crusade walkthrough. Passage of game The Cursed Crusade. Near the Zary fortress

Stronghold: Crusader is a real-time strategy game. Roughly speaking, an addon for Stronghold, but it is a separate game. It was developed by Firefly studio in 2002. The main theme of the game is the crusades. Look Stronghold Crusader walkthrough you can just below.

Watch the Stronghold Crusader Mission Walkthrough Video

Entering the Stronghold Crusader company, you will see that there are 50 missions ahead of you. As a rule, they are arranged in order of difficulty, but all the same, you will come across super-difficult missions, after which it is already easier.

In the video above, you can watch the passage of any mission with comments in Russian. Perfect for those who are stuck on a certain mission and have already used up all the chickens. See how the author acts and try to exactly repeat his actions. Do not forget that you can change the speed in the game. It's easier to play at a speed of 20, because the computer adversary will develop at the same speed. At a speed of 100, the enemy can build a whole castle while you build additional warehouses and a market.

Stronghold Crusader Secrets

While playing Stronghold Crusader, it is useful to know some secrets. I will share with you the most useful ones.
  • Opponents like Abdul, Richard and others can block the barbicans with a lumberjack's hut from the outside (when their castle is fully built), then they will not be able to send troops to you, as well as to extract resources.
  • The following thing works with almost all craft structures: select the lumberjack's hut, press pause (English button P), press so that the building stops working (Z - sleep), then press resume and press pause. As a result, the second lumberjack will go to the hut. Bottom line: 2 lumberjacks work in one hut and bring in 2 times more wood. Very useful the secret of the Stronghold Crusader, which will help you when there is a lack of resources. This trick can be done with almost any building that has a sleep function.
  • Extraction of stone. If the stone ore is located near your castle, then you can fence off the quarries with a wall so that there is no access to them. Only it is necessary to fence not in a dense one, but with some indentation from the quarry warehouse itself. Then we place the oxen (bulls that carry the stone) close to our warehouse. The ox will be instantly loaded and will go to deliver the stone.

These are the most important secrets. Of course, when watching passage of missions Stronghold Crusader You will need them navryatli, but when you go through it yourself, it is quite likely.

Prologue 1) Winter evening We kill five enemies, we comprehend the first basics of the battle. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press when you are circling ...

1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies, we comprehend the first basics of the battle. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle comes closer to the arrow and turns white). After the video we get to the hero leveling menu. Learn to distribute skill points (they are spent on Strength, Templar's Fury, Weapon / Armor Mastery, Maximum Health), skill points (helps to master a particular type of weapon perfectly, helps to learn new combos).

1) The assault on the castle of Biron

We play for Denza, we have a young Spaniard Esteban as our assistants. Tolkam in front of us a covering device, and at the right time, when enemy archers release a hail of arrows, we hide in cover by pressing the spacebar.

Having reached the gate, we take a crossbow in our hands and shoot the enemy archers, leaving the cover, aiming (when the enemy hits the crosshair, it turns red) and shoot by clicking on the right mouse button. When the enemy archers in front of the gate fall, we watch the video in which this gate will be blown up.

We fall on the bridge leading to the main gate of the castle. We kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach the ram, press E, thereby we will stand behind his controls. We press Q, thereby we call Esteban for help, after that we press the necessary arrows in time.

Run through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. When the main wave of guards is killed, three more will appear on the stairs at the far end of the courtyard. We kill them from the crossbow (for this we press the down arrow, thereby the crossbow will fall into our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and again E. Thus, we will help Esteban to rise and rise ourselves. We step into the next courtyard, kill the guards there, find three chests (see with treasures). A wagon blocks our way further. With the help of Esteban we roll it back and run into the castle.

We go upstairs, there we find the fourth chest. Then we go down and across the bridge we run out to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We receive the task to deal with Martin. The fight with him takes place in two stages: the first time we defeat him being in a normal state, the second time we defeat him being in a state of curse. These two states do not differ much, only in the external surroundings and a couple of details that you will notice anyway. Don't forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competition in Ecri

This level is simple and monotonous. You just need to fight four times in the arena, passing training between battles. The first time we learn the stunning blow (middle mouse button), the second time we learn how to parry blows and unbalance the enemy (space, when the enemy is blue), the third time we learn how to dodge blows (middle mouse button, when the enemy is orange) , for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the state of the sword (the R button, if the sword is broken, it is colored red). The battles are quite simple, although for the fourth time you will have to fight in two rounds and with several enemies. Having won the competition, we fulfill our goal, and the game takes us to the Curse menu, where you can pump Curse.

3) chase on a moonlit night

We kill the enemy detachment that attacked us. We run to the alley, which is blocked by a cage, we move it away. We kill the archers, in front of the ledge, which you need to climb. But be careful, there are still two chests left at the location. After we climb the ledge, we go down and learn to look for weak points in the wall while in the Curse.
We find a weak spot in the wall, break it, go through the house, kill the squad again, roll the cart back.

We get to the square in front of the gate leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate, you need to pull the opening mechanism. This mechanism is located in the guardroom. Not far from the gate we find a chest, next to the double doors. We go up the stairs, in the room of the guards we find the mechanism, we use it. The room with the mechanism has a balcony - there is a chest, there is also a staircase to the upper floor, there is also a chest.

We just go down to the gate when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is not long. Our goal is to kill the baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it may happen that you will have to help Esteban get out of the other world. And in the Curse mode you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.

5) Nightmare I

We are in Esteban and Danz's nightmare. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we just have to run forward and kill the ghosts, which, by the way, die from the first blow.

Then we watch the video, after which we learn to shoot with fire in the Curse mode (LShift + E). We set fire to the door in the form of a head, behind the door there is a hall with a bunch of enemies and a cross that will appear after killing all the ghosts.

Then Death appears, which must be ... killed. We will not be able to do this, I say right away, but you can cripple her by shooting her with fire and striking her with a sword.

6) Interlude

Just a splash screen.

1) Tower of Zara

We rise to the ledge. If you don't go straight to the weak spot in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall in its weak point, we pass through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballistas that can be broken by fire in the Curse mode. We rise, we kill the guards, we find the mechanism, we rise even higher. We find the second chest under the stairs. We kill the guards, we find and use the mechanism, we rise to the roof. We go to the Curse mode, we find the cross. We eliminate the adversaries, go back to the Curse, blow up the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We go down again, we stab two enemies, after which we leave through the main gate.

2) Disembarkation at the port

We run forward, hiding behind a shield, we run to the powerful gate, which simply cannot be opened. They open with Cursed Fire (LShift + E). There is a chest not far from the gate. We run forward, together with Esteban we raise the gate. The task is to destroy all three ballistae. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, by fire from the Curse. Having destroyed all the ballistas, we watch the video and turn the lever.

3) Old streets of Zara

We run forward, we raise the gate, then we run across one more area and we raise one more gate (there is a chest in front of them). A cross and a chest can be found in the square outside the next gate. We run through a couple of heavy gates and find ourselves at the destination.

4) Forward to the peninsula

The point of this mission is to guide the ballista to the bridge. In fact, the task is simple - we just protect the ballista from oncoming enemies, do not let them destroy it. When the ballista stops in front of the closed gate, we run along the roundabout path and open the gate from the other side. Towards the end of the mission, you will need to replace the place of one of the soldiers, since he will be killed.

5) Reinforced bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to use a ballista to destroy the defenses on the other side of the bridge. We aim the ballista at them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we aim correctly, the dashed line of the flight path will turn red). Having destroyed the fortifications, we take the chest, which is located on the stairs to the left, and we run across the bridge.

In the Curse we blow up the door, we run to the next passage, we turn into a cubbyhole on the right, where a chest awaits us. To the left of the passage, there is a weak point in the fence, which we find while in the Curse. We jump down and find ourselves on the shore.

We run back, we find the chest. We run forward, in the Curse we blow up the wall, we go into the sewer. If you go to the right, you can find a chest. As we find, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn to another move. Coming out into the fresh air, we find ourselves not far from the room where there is a mechanism that will open the gate to the Baron. We kill enemies, use the mechanism, go up the stairs, run a little forward, go down again. A chest and a cross can be found on this alley. We rise to the tower.

6) Five wells of Zara

If you don't go down and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run to the left, we find a cross and a chest. We fight with the boss - the fat guard captain. The battle with him takes place in two worlds: the Curse and the real one. To get into the real world and begin to injure the captain (and injuries are inflicted on him while in the Curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that stagger across the battlefield.

7) Near the Zary fortress

We take the chest that lies at the very beginning of the mission. We pass forward, we will fall into a trap. We shoot archers, we rise to the second floor. We switch to Curse, find a chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. We go downstairs, we find the cross directly opposite the stairs from which we descended. Being in the Curse, we find a weak point in the wall, we break it down. On the left we find the chest, we run to the right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We move the cart, interfering with the passage, we run into a large area. There is a chest in front of one of the large double doors. We shoot all archers, and we blow up the door

8) the fall of Zara

If you go straight and to the right, you can find a chest and two ghosts. We push off the ballista, we raise the gate. We kill archers, blow up the gates to find and kill the ghost. We run further, around the corner we find a chest. We push off one more ballista, we blow up the gate to find the cross. We run forward, we raise one more gate. Watching the cutscene and getting ready for the boss fight.

The battle tactics are the same as with the fat captain. Unless you don't need to kill a bunch of ghosts, you only need to restrain two.

9) Nightmare II

We're in a nightmare again. We go up the slope, after the second ascent we turn to the right, we find the cross. We continue to climb, watch the splash screen in which we learn to aim fire (LShift + LMouse + Space). We aim to blow up the door in the form of a head and run into it. Again we meet Death, again we fight with it. The tactics of the battle are as follows: when Death is on the mountain, we hit it with fire (button E), when death descends, we beat it with both sword and fire. It is important to note that you can fry Death with fire when it is on the pedestal only after all the ghosts have been killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with ghosts and will not be able to help, and his help is required).

10) Saving the Empire

Just a splash screen.

1) Walls of Constantinople

We get down from the ship, we break the enemy squad, we get the task to find the way to the trebuchet.

There is a chest on the way, and another chest lies in front of the stone stairs that lead to the trebuchet. We find ourselves on the stairs, turn 180 degrees and run forward, we find the chest. We turn around again and run to the trebuchets. We destroy them with hellfire, after that to the left of the second trebuchet, in the wall, we find a weak point and go into the tower. There is a cross in the room on the right. Once again we find a weak point in the wall, we leave. We run to the right.

2) Golden Gate

We are watching the screensaver, in which, with the help of the Curse, they destroy a huge door. Then, after the cutscene, we will have to destroy the door ourselves with the help of a battering ram. Just click on the arrows in time.

Further, we drag cover and hide from arrows, as in the first missions. We reach the north gate. We destroy scaffolding with aimed fire, so we want to open the gate. But they don't open. We turn around and run in the opposite direction. Near the turret we find a cross, to the right and to the left of this place there are chests, and another chest - on the stairs, in front of huge doors. We run towards the south gate.

We also stand behind cover and go forward, hiding from arrows in time, then shooting archers, then killing the guards with a sword. We destroy the yellow props. The gate did not open again.

3) trapped

The mission will begin with a boss fight. Everything is extremely simple and trite. We just beat the foe, but we cannot kill him because he gives a fight. There is a cross to the right of the large ruined column. We go towards the column, after a cloud of arrows is released at us, we split up with Esteban and go to the right. We are looking for a weak point in the wall, we pass. We fight with a squad of enemies, go upstairs. We turn right, we find the chest. We go to the left and quickly run forward.

4) Death of the Emperor

Just watching the video.

5) Walls of Vlahaern

We are watching a video in which we see that the siege of the city has begun. Controlling two siege towers, we move towards the walls. When enemy archers appear, we shoot them, otherwise they will burn our tower. We get to the wall, we run into the building, we break down the door. We run to the end of the wall. We see that the enemy soldiers destroyed the stairs. We run back to the wall, next to which our tower stands. We run to the next building, turn left, there is a chest. We knock out the door of this building, we run forward, breaking down the next doors and killing the crossbowmen. In the end, we get down to the ground. We deal with a detachment of the enemy. We find the cross next to the gate, which depicts a two-headed eagle. We find the chest near the cart, use the mechanism to open the gate.

6) Vlahern Gardens

In this mission, we will hunt down the traitor who overthrew the emperor. So, we blow up the scaffolding on the left, we deal with a detachment of archers. We go up, open the door, watch the video.

We fall into the garden. We are fighting with the enemy. We find a cross that hangs not far from one of the statues; there is a chest nearby. We run to the gate, watch the video, after which we will have to deal with the crowd of ghosts. The crowd of ghosts will never end unless the wells from which it rushes are destroyed. To destroy the well, run up to it, press E, and destroy the column. We kill the last enemies and follow the traitor.

7) Near the palace of the emperor

At the beginning of the mission we find a chest. We just go forward, fight the enemies when the game demands it from us. Having reached the gate, we pass into the Curse and look to the left, there a cross awaits us. A boss battle begins. It is necessary to overthrow the impudent traitor!

As always, everything is pretty simple. We beat the foe with a sword, or set him on fire with fire. Defending himself will burn us, but his attacks are easy to dodge. Unfortunately, we are not killing him in this battle.

8) Vlahern Baths

We find ourselves in the baths. Again, in front of us is the impudent traitor. We shoot him with a crossbow, then shoot him with aimed fire. Then we go to the right, we knock out the door. If you go straight, you can find a cross. After that we turn left, run to the next doors, knock them out.

We meet with the traitor again. We shoot at him with fire, he will run away again. We go to the left, we blow up the door, then we go to the right, we blow up the door. We go into the room in which the traitor has hidden. There we find a detachment of enemies. We run forward, go up the stairs, kill the traitor with a sword. Before he dies, he will tell you something.

9) Capitol

We go to the left, we kill the archers, we push away the cart. We go to the right and go down into the sewer. We turn left, climb the ledge, go out to the statue. We find the cross. We return to the sewer, find another ledge, go up the stairs, we get to the Capitol. We find a stone coffin. Opposite him, in the wall, is a coffin. And next to him there is a weak point in the wall. We break it up and go through. We look at the screensaver, in which we find part of an old relic - the spears of fate. For this relic, a battle will now break out with the Marquis of Baniface himself. The tactics of the battle are trivial: we set fire to the enemy and shoot at him with aimed fire. However, it is impossible to kill him.

10) Nightmare III

Again we meet our friend - Death. This time he is terribly dangerous and you need to run away from him. We run in the opposite direction from him. Reaching the bridge, we find the cross. We run up to the fountain. We learn a new ability - Fire Whirlwind. With its help, you can hit a bunch of enemies around. We blow up the talking door, we cross the bridge.

We are fighting death. Dodging his attacks, hit him with aimed fire. You have to be careful, sometimes you need to help Esteban. We are watching the video.

1) Forum Feodosia

We find ourselves in the square, where we are attacked by detachments that were our allies five minutes ago. We run forward to the gate. We run in and slam them. We run to the left, we get to the next gate. We fall into the trap. We destroy the supports that hold the column. We run straight, then to the left, we are finished with the enemies. If you go to the right, you can find a cross near the cart. We go to the wall and turn right. We are watching the video.

2) Konstantin's Forum

We go forward, then turn right twice. We are fighting with the enemy squad. We find the chest behind the wooden bars. Turn left twice, run up to the column, kill enemies. We pass through the next lattice. The chest is on the left. We go to the right, we push away the cart. We find the cross behind a wooden lattice. We run forward, killing heaps of enemies. We reach the man who is fighting with a bunch of enemies. We help him.

3) The road to the palace

We kill enemies, we leave on the square. The cross on it is located near the iron gate, opposite the wall. Pret an infinite number of enemies, we pass through the gate, we kill the crossbowmen, we pass through the next gate. A boss battle begins, which is complicated by a large number of enemies with shields. We deal with them first, then we kill the boss. In reality and in Damnation.

4) Temple gallery

We kill the guards in the yard, with the help of Esteban we raise the gate and we pass. We are watching the video. Go ahead, climb the wall, watch another video. Killing enemies, we reach the next gate and raise them, we pass. In the courtyard we fight with enemies and we reach the wooden gate.

We fall into the trap of ghosts. We kill them, then we kill the knights. We fall into the trap again. We kill them too, we raise the gate, we find ourselves in the next courtyard. We run to the left. We are watching a long video in which Banifatsy summons a demon with the help of the relic he found. Here with this demon we now have to fight.

Tactics: beat the demon in the legs until he bows his head. Then we shoot in the head with fire.

6) Courtyard of Hagia Sophia

Enemies immediately attack us, we kill them. We go to the right, we go up the stones. After we push off the cart, we turn right. We kill the knights, turn around and blow up the scaffolding. We move along them to the other side of the wall.

There is a cross in the courtyard above the fountain. We kill enemies and go into the passage. In the room we find a mechanism that opens the doors to the cathedral.

7) Hagia Sophia

I say right away - this is a rather difficult mission. You will need to defeat three demons at once. Fortunately, they attack one by one. While one demon attacks us, the other two are imprisoned in fiery circles. There are also circles next to them, above which a huge chandelier hangs. So, we lure the demon into a circle over which a chandelier hangs, hit the demon on the legs and pull the mechanism in order to drop this chandelier. We do this three times. As soon as the last demon is defeated, the screensaver will start.

8) To the Bosphorus

We are watching the video.

9) Leaving a scattered empire

And one more video ...

1) Fortress

We are watching a video, at the end of which zombies attack us. We kill them and go forward. From time to time we will fall into the Curse. To get out you need to destroy all the ghosts. We reach the stairs, go up and find the chest. We step forward, we find a cross on the balcony.

We find ourselves in a place where there are two stairs: up and down. We go down the stairs leading down. We fall into the wine cellar, when we leave it, we deal with the enemies and turn left. Straight to the gates of Hell.

The tactics for their destruction are as follows: Esteban distracts most of the enemies on himself, and at this time we deal with the gates with the help of fire. When the gate is closed, we examine the room. In the far left side in the wall we find a weak point, we break it. We are watching the video.

2) Epilogue

We enjoy the end of the game, we hope to continue.

Still others just hoped for a good slasher. In principle, if you think about it, then they are all partly right, because in Demon's Souls the main hobbyhorse are demons and in "Cursed Crusader" not without them. V Assassin, so in general, the time intervals are almost the same, and the slasher genre could easily be attributed to the massacres and rivers of blood seen in the pre-release videos. But these are reflections from the category of philosophy, and in order not to delve into them, perhaps, let's move on to the story about the game itself.

It was in the year 1199 from the birth of Christ. The third Crusade was noisy and forces were already gathering for the fourth. Many believers gathered to war in the hope of receiving the forgiveness of sins, or just for the sake of profit. But there were still others, to which our main characters belong. Denz de Bule and Esteban Noviembre- these two nuggets met by the will of fate, each pursuing their own goals. A prudent, smart and valiant knight Denz must find his father in order to save the family castle, and the canon robber Esteban just wants to make more money. Pursuing different goals, they ultimately unite into one team to get rid of the hereditary curse that led to death, eternal torment in the depths of hell, a couple of horns on their heads and other side effects.

In general, the plot is one of the greatest motivations for buying a game. From the very beginning, watching the 15-minute introductory video, you start to get a little bored, but at the same time you understand that the developers really wanted to tell the story in an interesting way, which, in fact, they did. They created two charismatic heroes, added a desperate struggle with the reaper of souls, who is just waiting to take the lives of these two. They wrote a good script and diluted the seriousness of what was happening with witty statements from partner Denz, which even put a smile on the player's face.

And we will smile throughout the many assignments, divided between ten chapters. Passing them, we will take some castles by storm and walk in parallel worlds more than once. But at the same time, we will not stop running and waving with melee weapons for a minute, at the same time cutting off all sorts of limbs from our enemies. The game features a fairly diverse, but at the same time simple combat system, built on simple strikes, blocks, parries and stun attacks, which, however, come down to monotonous mouse clicks and waiting for the right moment to dodge. All attacks are combined in a series of combos, for which points are awarded at the end of the game according to the same model as in the series. In addition, almost every series of blows ends with a spectacular finishing off of the enemy and a splash of blood. And so that the player does not soon get tired of all this spectacle, the developers have added a large number of blows, the animation of which depends on the selected weapon. Among the latter there will be both ordinary axes and swords, as well as spears, maces, shields and even a crossbow.

Almost all types of weapons can be combined, and thereby take a sword in both hands and cut enemies with double strength. But the main thing is not to get carried away, because each such has its own validity period and can break at any time. In this case, you have to frantically look for a new blade or beat the enemy with a stump, from which there is very little sense. This approach is quite interesting and brings some tension to the game, because it is difficult to fight off ten warriors and at the same time look for new weapons.

Such situations often lead to the fact that you cannot do without the help of a friend. And as it happens in games with two main characters, there was a cooperative interaction between them. The game is very much tailored to the interaction of players. In addition to the standard "Help to raise" or "Help to climb", our partner can capture the enemy and we just have to beautifully chop off his head. He can also always save our lives if we suddenly fall in an unequal battle. And what really pleases is that he is really useful in a fight and willingly kills enemies. If you do not trust your computer counterpart, then you can invite your friend, relative or someone else to play. It will be possible to play both online and in split screen mode, but joint passage brings little pleasure. The fact is that it is quite difficult to find a partner online, because few people play, and most of the charms of a cooperative can be done with a bot partner.

In addition to all of the above chips, we have not yet mentioned the main feature of the game. In addition to horns and eternal torment, the curse also brings a significant advantage against enemies. Having gained a sufficient level of the demonic scale, the player will be able to enter the solarium mode, when everything around begins to blaze, enemies turn into slow skeletons or zombies, and the player, on the contrary, becomes stronger, faster, and even gets special abilities in the likeness of sacred fire. The idea becomes more interesting also by the fact that if you do not follow the level of the demonic scale, then its exceeding or overexpenditure of the containing one can lead to close death, and with it to the next meeting with the reaper, from which it will be possible to fight back only with sacred fire.

But that's not all. The game does not live on one cooperative. The pumping system did not bypass it either. At the end of each battle, we will receive "victory points", for which we will be awarded pumping units. The game does not have any bindings to the level of the hero. You can upgrade both the possession of a certain type of weapon and special properties, some of which even add elements of armor.

Only there is a huge flaw in all this. The first is the graphics. For some reason, what I saw on the screen evoked associations with the picture from, but if in 2005 it was just right, now this already causes a number of negative thoughts. The outdated engine also comes with all sorts of "misunderstandings" like untimely blood splashes. Secondly, management. Here we need to say thank you to all the consoles, or rather, the curved porting of the game to computers. The fact is that the game is almost not adapted for mouse control, and to master it, you need to play at least half an hour, or rather connect a gamepad.

Thus, it had a huge potential, the developers were still able to implement many ideas soundly. But this still does not hide the fact that battles begin to get boring over time, you get used to the graphics, as well as to the controls, but this does not change the first impression, and the only thing that keeps you close to the screen is the plot.

Graphics: 3.0
Gameplay: 4.0
Plot: 4.6
Sound and Music: 3.0
Cooperative: 3.8

Russian-language name: The Cursed Crusade Atonement
Developer: Kylotonn Entertainment
Publisher: Atlus
Localizer in Russia: 1C-SoftKlab
Release date: October 7, 2011
Release date in Russia: October 7, 2011
Platform: PC, XBox360, PS3

1) Winter evening

We kill five enemies, we comprehend the first basics of the battle. Then we watch the video and run away from Death to the church, pressing the arrows in time (you need to press at the time when the circle comes closer to the arrow and turns white). After the video we get to the hero leveling menu. Learn to distribute skill points (they are spent on Strength, Templar's Fury, Weapon / Armor Mastery, Maximum Health), skill points (helps to master a particular type of weapon perfectly, helps to learn new combos).

1) The assault on the castle of Biron

We play for Denza, we have a young Spaniard Esteban as our assistants. Tolkam in front of us a covering device, and at the right time, when enemy archers release a hail of arrows, we hide in cover by pressing the spacebar.

Having reached the gate, we take a crossbow in our hands and shoot the enemy archers, leaving the cover, aiming (when the enemy hits the crosshair, it turns red) and shoot by clicking on the right mouse button. When the enemy archers in front of the gate fall, we watch the video in which this gate will be blown up.

We fall on the bridge leading to the main gate of the castle. We kill two enemy archers to the right of the bridge. We approach the ram, press E, thereby we will stand behind his controls. We press Q, thereby we call Esteban for help, after that we press the necessary arrows in time.

Run through the hole in the gate and kill the guards. When the main wave of guards is killed, three more will appear on the stairs at the far end of the courtyard. We kill them from the crossbow (for this we press the down arrow, thereby the crossbow will fall into our hands). We run up to the stairs, press E, then Q and again E. Thus, we will help Esteban to rise and rise ourselves. We step into the next courtyard, kill the guards there, find three chests (see with treasures). A wagon blocks our way further. With the help of Esteban we roll it back and run into the castle.

We go upstairs, there we find the fourth chest. Then we go down and across the bridge we run out to the roof of the castle, where Martin is waiting for us. We receive the task to deal with Martin. The fight with him takes place in two stages: the first time we defeat him being in a normal state, the second time we defeat him being in a state of curse. These two states do not differ much, only in the external surroundings and a couple of details that you will notice anyway. Don't forget to find the fifth chest on the battlefield.

2) Competition in Ecri

This level is simple and monotonous. You just need to fight four times in the arena, passing training between battles. The first time we learn the stunning blow (middle mouse button), the second time we learn how to parry blows and unbalance the enemy (space, when the enemy is blue), the third time we learn how to dodge blows (middle mouse button, when the enemy is orange) , for the fourth time we will be taught to determine the state of the sword (the R button, if the sword is broken, it is colored red). The battles are quite simple, although for the fourth time you will have to fight in two rounds and with several enemies. Having won the competition, we fulfill our goal, and the game takes us to the Curse menu, where you can pump Curse.

3) chase on a moonlit night

We kill the enemy detachment that attacked us. We run to the alley, which is blocked by a cage, we move it away. We kill the archers, in front of the ledge, which you need to climb. But be careful, there are still two chests left at the location. After we climb the ledge, we go down and learn to look for weak points in the wall while in the Curse.
We find a weak spot in the wall, break it, go through the house, kill the squad again, roll the cart back.

We get to the square in front of the gate leading to the road from the castle. To open the gate, you need to pull the opening mechanism. This mechanism is located in the guardroom. Not far from the gate we find a chest, next to the double doors. We go up the stairs, in the room of the guards we find the mechanism, we use it. The room with the mechanism has a balcony - there is a chest, there is also a staircase to the upper floor, there is also a chest.

We just go down to the gate when everything is done.

4) Forest roads

This mission itself is not long. Our goal is to kill the baron and his minions. There is nothing special in this battle, except that it may happen that you will have to help Esteban get out of the other world. And in the Curse mode you will have to cross your blades with the old baron.

5) Nightmare I

We are in Esteban and Danz's nightmare. This nightmare is very real. The first part of the mission, we just have to run forward and kill the ghosts, which, by the way, die from the first blow.

Then we watch the video, after which we learn to shoot with fire in the Curse mode (LShift + E). We set fire to the door in the form of a head, behind the door there is a hall with a bunch of enemies and a cross that will appear after killing all the ghosts.

Then Death appears, which must be ... killed. We will not be able to do this, I say right away, but you can cripple her by shooting her with fire and striking her with a sword.

6) Interlude

Just a splash screen.

1) Tower of Zara

We rise to the ledge. If you don't go straight to the weak spot in the wall, you can find a chest. We break the wall in its weak point, we pass through the wine cellar. In the hall we find two ballistas that can be broken by fire in the Curse mode. We rise, we kill the guards, we find the mechanism, we rise even higher. We find the second chest under the stairs. We kill the guards, we find and use the mechanism, we rise to the roof. We go to the Curse mode, we find the cross. We eliminate the adversaries, go back to the Curse, blow up the door, go down and turn the mechanism. We go down again, we stab two enemies, after which we leave through the main gate.

2) Disembarkation at the port

We run forward, hiding behind a shield, we run to the powerful gate, which simply cannot be opened. They open with Cursed Fire (LShift + E). There is a chest not far from the gate. We run forward, together with Esteban we raise the gate. The task is to destroy all three ballistae. They are destroyed, as in the previous mission, by fire from the Curse. Having destroyed all the ballistas, we watch the video and turn the lever.

3) Old streets of Zara

We run forward, we raise the gate, then we run across one more area and we raise one more gate (there is a chest in front of them). A cross and a chest can be found in the square outside the next gate. We run through a couple of heavy gates and find ourselves at the destination.

4) Forward to the peninsula

The point of this mission is to guide the ballista to the bridge. In fact, the task is simple - we just protect the ballista from oncoming enemies, do not let them destroy it. When the ballista stops in front of the closed gate, we run along the roundabout path and open the gate from the other side. Towards the end of the mission, you will need to replace the place of one of the soldiers, since he will be killed.

5) Reinforced bridge

At the very beginning of the mission, we need to use a ballista to destroy the defenses on the other side of the bridge. We aim the ballista at them (such wooden structures from above) and shoot (when we aim correctly, the dashed line of the flight path will turn red). Having destroyed the fortifications, we take the chest, which is located on the stairs to the left, and we run across the bridge.

In the Curse we blow up the door, we run to the next passage, we turn into a cubbyhole on the right, where a chest awaits us. To the left of the passage, there is a weak point in the fence, which we find while in the Curse. We jump down and find ourselves on the shore.

We run back, we find the chest. We run forward, in the Curse we blow up the wall, we go into the sewer. If you go to the right, you can find a chest. As we find, we immediately return to the entrance to the sewer and turn to another move. Coming out into the fresh air, we find ourselves not far from the room where there is a mechanism that will open the gate to the Baron. We kill enemies, use the mechanism, go up the stairs, run a little forward, go down again. A chest and a cross can be found on this alley. We rise to the tower.

6) Five wells of Zara

If you don't go down and turn right, you can find a chest. We go down and run to the left, we find a cross and a chest. We fight with the boss - the fat guard captain. The battle with him takes place in two worlds: the Curse and the real one. To get into the real world and begin to injure the captain (and injuries are inflicted on him while in the Curse), you need to kill all the ghosts that stagger across the battlefield.

7) Near the Zary fortress

We take the chest that lies at the very beginning of the mission. We pass forward, we will fall into a trap. We shoot archers, we rise to the second floor. We switch to Curse, find a chest, two ghosts and destroy the doors. We go downstairs, we find the cross directly opposite the stairs from which we descended. Being in the Curse, we find a weak point in the wall, we break it down. On the left we find the chest, we run to the right, there is another chest behind the barrel. We move the cart, interfering with the passage, we run into a large area. There is a chest in front of one of the large double doors. We shoot all archers, and we blow up the door

8) the fall of Zara

If you go straight and to the right, you can find a chest and two ghosts. We push off the ballista, we raise the gate. We kill archers, blow up the gates to find and kill the ghost. We run further, around the corner we find a chest. We push off one more ballista, we blow up the gate to find the cross. We run forward, we raise one more gate. Watching the cutscene and getting ready for the boss fight.

The battle tactics are the same as with the fat captain. Unless you don't need to kill a bunch of ghosts, you only need to restrain two.

9) Nightmare II

We're in a nightmare again. We go up the slope, after the second ascent we turn to the right, we find the cross. We continue to climb, watch the splash screen in which we learn to aim fire (LShift + LMouse + Space). We aim to blow up the door in the form of a head and run into it. Again we meet Death, again we fight with it. The tactics of the battle are as follows: when Death is on the mountain, we hit it with fire (button E), when death descends, we beat it with both sword and fire. It is important to note that you can fry Death with fire when it is on the pedestal only after all the ghosts have been killed (otherwise Esteban will be busy with ghosts and will not be able to help, and his help is required).

10) Saving the Empire

Just a splash screen.

1) Walls of Constantinople

We get down from the ship, we break the enemy squad, we get the task to find the way to the trebuchet.

There is a chest on the way, and another chest lies in front of the stone stairs that lead to the trebuchet. We find ourselves on the stairs, turn 180 degrees and run forward, we find the chest. We turn around again and run to the trebuchets. We destroy them with hellfire, after that to the left of the second trebuchet, in the wall, we find a weak point and go into the tower. There is a cross in the room on the right. Once again we find a weak point in the wall, we leave. We run to the right.

2) Golden Gate

We are watching the screensaver, in which, with the help of the Curse, they destroy a huge door. Then, after the cutscene, we will have to destroy the door ourselves with the help of a battering ram. Just click on the arrows in time.

Further, we drag cover and hide from arrows, as in the first missions. We reach the north gate. We destroy scaffolding with aimed fire, so we want to open the gate. But they don't open. We turn around and run in the opposite direction. Near the turret we find a cross, to the right and to the left of this place there are chests, and another chest - on the stairs, in front of huge doors. We run towards the south gate.

We also stand behind cover and go forward, hiding from arrows in time, then shooting archers, then killing the guards with a sword. We destroy the yellow props. The gate did not open again.

3) trapped

The mission will begin with a boss fight. Everything is extremely simple and trite. We just beat the foe, but we cannot kill him because he gives a fight. There is a cross to the right of the large ruined column. We go towards the column, after a cloud of arrows is released at us, we split up with Esteban and go to the right. We are looking for a weak point in the wall, we pass. We fight with a squad of enemies, go upstairs. We turn right, we find the chest. We go to the left and quickly run forward.

4) Death of the Emperor

Just watching the video.

5) Walls of Vlahaern

We are watching a video in which we see that the siege of the city has begun. Controlling two siege towers, we move towards the walls. When enemy archers appear, we shoot them, otherwise they will burn our tower. We get to the wall, we run into the building, we break down the door. We run to the end of the wall. We see that the enemy soldiers destroyed the stairs. We run back to the wall, next to which our tower stands. We run to the next building, turn left, there is a chest. We knock out the door of this building, we run forward, breaking down the next doors and killing the crossbowmen. In the end, we get down to the ground. We deal with a detachment of the enemy. We find the cross next to the gate, which depicts a two-headed eagle. We find the chest near the cart, use the mechanism to open the gate.

6) Vlahern Gardens

In this mission, we will hunt down the traitor who overthrew the emperor. So, we blow up the scaffolding on the left, we deal with a detachment of archers. We go up, open the door, watch the video.

We fall into the garden. We are fighting with the enemy. We find a cross that hangs not far from one of the statues; there is a chest nearby. We run to the gate, watch the video, after which we will have to deal with the crowd of ghosts. The crowd of ghosts will never end unless the wells from which it rushes are destroyed. To destroy the well, run up to it, press E, and destroy the column. We kill the last enemies and follow the traitor.

7) Near the palace of the emperor

At the beginning of the mission we find a chest. We just go forward, fight the enemies when the game demands it from us. Having reached the gate, we pass into the Curse and look to the left, there a cross awaits us. A boss battle begins. It is necessary to overthrow the impudent traitor!

As always, everything is pretty simple. We beat the foe with a sword, or set him on fire with fire. Defending himself will burn us, but his attacks are easy to dodge. Unfortunately, we are not killing him in this battle.

8) Vlahern Baths

We find ourselves in the baths. Again, in front of us is the impudent traitor. We shoot him with a crossbow, then shoot him with aimed fire. Then we go to the right, we knock out the door. If you go straight, you can find a cross. After that we turn left, run to the next doors, knock them out.

We meet with the traitor again. We shoot at him with fire, he will run away again. We go to the left, we blow up the door, then we go to the right, we blow up the door. We go into the room in which the traitor has hidden. There we find a detachment of enemies. We run forward, go up the stairs, kill the traitor with a sword. Before he dies, he will tell you something.

9) Capitol

We go to the left, we kill the archers, we push away the cart. We go to the right and go down into the sewer. We turn left, climb the ledge, go out to the statue. We find the cross. We return to the sewer, find another ledge, go up the stairs, we get to the Capitol. We find a stone coffin. Opposite him, in the wall, is a coffin. And next to him there is a weak point in the wall. We break it up and go through. We look at the screensaver, in which we find part of an old relic - the spears of fate. For this relic, a battle will now break out with the Marquis of Baniface himself. The tactics of the battle are trivial: we set fire to the enemy and shoot at him with aimed fire. However, it is impossible to kill him.

10) Nightmare III

Again we meet our friend - Death. This time he is terribly dangerous and you need to run away from him. We run in the opposite direction from him. Reaching the bridge, we find the cross. We run up to the fountain. We learn a new ability - Fire Whirlwind. With its help, you can hit a bunch of enemies around. We blow up the talking door, we cross the bridge.

We are fighting death. Dodging his attacks, hit him with aimed fire. You have to be careful, sometimes you need to help Esteban. We are watching the video.

1) Forum Feodosia

We find ourselves in the square, where we are attacked by detachments that were our allies five minutes ago. We run forward to the gate. We run in and slam them. We run to the left, we get to the next gate. We fall into the trap. We destroy the supports that hold the column. We run straight, then to the left, we are finished with the enemies. If you go to the right, you can find a cross near the cart. We go to the wall and turn right. We are watching the video.

2) Konstantin's Forum

We go forward, then turn right twice. We are fighting with the enemy squad. We find the chest behind the wooden bars. Turn left twice, run up to the column, kill enemies. We pass through the next lattice. The chest is on the left. We go to the right, we push away the cart. We find the cross behind a wooden lattice. We run forward, killing heaps of enemies. We reach the man who is fighting with a bunch of enemies. We help him.

3) The road to the palace

We kill enemies, we leave on the square. The cross on it is located near the iron gate, opposite the wall. Pret an infinite number of enemies, we pass through the gate, we kill the crossbowmen, we pass through the next gate. A boss battle begins, which is complicated by a large number of enemies with shields. We deal with them first, then we kill the boss. In reality and in Damnation.

4) Temple gallery

We kill the guards in the yard, with the help of Esteban we raise the gate and we pass. We are watching the video. Go ahead, climb the wall, watch another video. Killing enemies, we reach the next gate and raise them, we pass. In the courtyard we fight with enemies and we reach the wooden gate.

We fall into the trap of ghosts. We kill them, then we kill the knights. We fall into the trap again. We kill them too, we raise the gate, we find ourselves in the next courtyard. We run to the left. We are watching a long video in which Banifatsy summons a demon with the help of the relic he found. Here with this demon we now have to fight.

Tactics: beat the demon in the legs until he bows his head. Then we shoot in the head with fire.

6) Courtyard of Hagia Sophia

Enemies immediately attack us, we kill them. We go to the right, we go up the stones. After we push off the cart, we turn right. We kill the knights, turn around and blow up the scaffolding. We move along them to the other side of the wall.

There is a cross in the courtyard above the fountain. We kill enemies and go into the passage. In the room we find a mechanism that opens the doors to the cathedral.

7) Hagia Sophia

I say right away - this is a rather difficult mission. You will need to defeat three demons at once. Fortunately, they attack one by one. While one demon attacks us, the other two are imprisoned in fiery circles. There are also circles next to them, above which a huge chandelier hangs. So, we lure the demon into a circle over which a chandelier hangs, hit the demon on the legs and pull the mechanism in order to drop this chandelier. We do this three times. As soon as the last demon is defeated, the screensaver will start.

8) To the Bosphorus

We are watching the video.

9) Leaving a scattered empire

And one more video ...

1) Fortress

We are watching a video, at the end of which zombies attack us. We kill them and go forward. From time to time we will fall into the Curse. To get out you need to destroy all the ghosts. We reach the stairs, go up and find the chest.
We step forward, we find a cross on the balcony.

We find ourselves in a place where there are two stairs: up and down. We go down the stairs leading down. We fall into the wine cellar, when we leave it, we deal with the enemies and turn left. Straight to the gates of Hell.

The tactics for their destruction are as follows: Esteban distracts most of the enemies on himself, and at this time we deal with the gates with the help of fire. When the gate is closed, we examine the room. In the far left side in the wall we find a weak point, we break it. We are watching the video.

2) Epilogue

We enjoy the end of the game, we hope to continue.

Article taken from the site

It's not immediately clear whether The Cursed Crusade is trying to be a God of War about knights, or whether it's still Knights of the Temple with devilry. On the one hand, everyone here wears shining armor and neat gloves, they hardly raise their voices and, generally speaking, want to free the Holy Land. On the other hand, the intervention of gods and otherworldly forces was also involved, and from time to time everything on the screen blazes with infernal fire. About a third of the game takes place in agonizing agony: what will outweigh all the same? Sadly, the gloomy knights outweigh.

Nonetheless, for a budget slasher, The Cursed Crusade is surprisingly informative. There seems to be a lot of combos, the main character learns new techniques after each level, shoots a crossbow and eventually masters fencing with two blades at once. When you examine the giant character progression screen, it seems like the most detailed action game ever. But in dynamics everything turns out to be, alas, not so cheerful.

First of all, because this very dynamics is not here in principle, and there is nowhere to use a combo and there is no need. The knight slowly, waddlingly walks along the level, brings his sword with dignity and slowly chops down enemies. Then, melancholy, he carries out some kind of fatality: he cuts off the enemy's head or pierces the belly. If the sword suddenly breaks (hardened steel crumbles to dust after two dozen blows!), You have to hammer everyone with the stump remaining in your hands. It seems that it is faster and more efficient to simply thrust an arrow between the eyes of the enemy, but long-range weapons, alas, are rarely issued. Basically, you have to endure fiddling with swords.

The assault on the fortress will end in two minutes, and they will again begin to lull us to sleep with the most boring battles.

And there is nothing else but boring fights in The Cursed Crusade. Locations are cramped, QTEs are overcomplicated, bosses are mostly trivial pitching knights. Only the parallel world looks interesting, where, due to the imposed curse, the hero is occasionally brought in. Once in the next world, ours grows horns and meets some devils. But the mechanics of the game does not change at all from this.

At the studio Kylotonn(you, of course, forgot, and these are the authors Bet on Soldier) there is one really good game - Speedball 2: Tournament, a futuristic sports sim, co-authored with Bitmap brothers... For slashers, we would also advise them to find companions, the French have not yet succeeded alone in a single game. There is something mystical in the fact that after ten years of failures, they have not yet closed - apparently, until they fulfilled their karmic destiny.