Why dream of catching up with his wife. What does Tsvetkov's dream book say about this dream. Catch up: interpretation according to different dream books

Did you have to catch up with someone in a dream? In a similar way, attempts to achieve the set goal are reflected. The outcome of the case in reality depends entirely on the dreamed success. Why else do you dream of such a vision? To understand this, take a closer look at the details.

Catch up: interpretation according to different dream books

Complete dream book New era I'm sure: if you had to catch up with someone or something, then in reality you feel regret about missed chances or what you did not dare to do. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation associates dreaming "catch-up" with complete failure.

Why dream that you had to catch up with the birthday people in the dream book? Soon you will experience the feeling that life is passing, despite all the attempts to achieve something. The collection of the dream book is convinced: if in a dream they tried to catch up with someone, then in real life you will receive a serious reprimand from your loved one.

After this dream, Medea's dream book predicts difficult but profitable work. What does he think about the plot esoteric dream book? If you were catching up with good intentions, then in reality get ready for promotion and general luck. If you harbor evil in a dream, then your own negative emotions will lead to bad consequences.

Why catch up with a person, a child in a dream

Had a dream about chasing another character? This is a reason to stop and think. Most likely, life's race will very soon lead you to a dead end or deplete you. Try to find other priorities. Did you catch up with your friend in a dream? You urgently need good advice.

Why dream of trying to catch up with a woman or a man? This is a sign of unrequited love. But catching up with the child means that you dream too much. If you caught up with a person all alone, then you will soon realize your wrongdoing. You can chase someone in a crowd before participating in a collective business or event.

What does it mean to catch up with the criminal

Did you see that your bag was stolen and you had to catch up with the thief? An attempt to establish some kind of important relationship will not work. In addition, you can really lose something valuable, but not necessarily material.

Did you catch up with the bandits in the night? Get ready for financial difficulties, inability to fulfill a promise, pay off debts. But it's good to see others catch up with the culprit. This is a sign of a dream come true and close happiness.

I had to catch up with the train, bus in the night

What is the dream of the departing train that you were trying to catch up with? Ahead is a rather difficult life stage, try not to get annoyed over trifles and save energy. Managed to lag behind the train, but caught up with it? After going through the difficulties, you will still achieve what you want.

If, while catching up with some type of transport, you managed to get to it, then you should start implementing your plans today. The bus is associated in night dreams with everyday life, minor affairs, current mood. If you had to catch up with the bus, then in reality you simply won't be able to catch everything.

Why dream that I had to catch up with the beast

If in a dream you tried to catch up with a wild beast, then you are on the right path to success. Best of all, if you were able to catch up with him, then you will achieve your goal in the real world. If it didn't work out to catch up with the beast, then imperceptibly you lose sight of something and risk losing something valuable forever.

In general, the pursuit of prey and its positive result symbolizes the successful overcoming of obstacles and the achievement of the plan. Had a dream about catching up with the beast, following its trail? Try to be patient and proceed with caution.

What does it mean in dreams to catch up and catch up / not catch up

Why dream if they caught up and caught up (it doesn't matter what or whom)? The answer is simple: your plans will come true and you will be happy. If you overtook another character, then in reality you will outlive him. Have you decided to catch up with someone, but you couldn't? An attempt to improve the situation will not bring lasting effect.

An unsuccessful pursuit is also associated with irritability, grief, and all kinds of losses. In addition, in the heat of an emotional outburst, you risk making mistakes that cannot be corrected later.

Catch up in a dream - examples of transcripts

Effectiveness of the action is of course paramount. But it is equally important to establish what or who had to be caught up.

  • hare - matchmaking
  • unicorn, another fairytale character - correct application forces
  • fox - dubious business, risky relationship
  • cat - joy, success
  • a dog - big ambitions
  • bear - an attempt to win someone's love, favor
  • deer - failure in the planned business
  • enemy - profit, victory
  • catching up in a group of people - participation in a holiday, a collective cause
  • alone - careerism, the desire to live in luxury
  • catching up with pleasure - conscious spiritual growth
  • with tension - lack of strength, dexterity
  • with fatigue - money loss
  • with a heavy bag - a lot of work with decent pay
  • too fast - delay, obstacles on the way
  • very slow - wasting time, being late
  • barefoot - troubles, troubles
  • catch up in the field - gossip
  • in the meadow - loss of trust
  • in the swamp - trouble at work
  • on the water - a joyful event
  • in the woods - a family scandal
  • through the mud - profit, sadness, illness
  • in a circle - old cases, meeting with old acquaintances, events, problems
  • catching up and stumbling - failure in endeavors
  • fall - complete failure

If in a dream you watched the kids play catch-up, then in real life dreams will remain dreams, you will not be able to make them come true. Anyway, at the current stage.

To catch up with someone familiar in a dream, to chase a person - such a dream reflects the attempt of the sleeping person to protect the person being caught up from his own bad inclinations or destructive actions.

Run, catch up with a stranger - a dream symbolizes the desire of the sleeping person to establish good relations with someone unfriendly towards him. Perhaps this applies to his environment as a whole. The dreamer wants to win over everyone, to make the world a little kinder to himself.

In any case, after a dream about the chase, the pursuit, you should analyze the reason driving you, why did you catch up with this person? Perhaps you had to chase someone because that person did evil (for example, you dream that you are catching up with a thief). In this case, in reality you will strive to keep him from harmful actions.

If you dream that you are catching up with someone in order to strike him, to harm him, then in real life you can do something in the heat of the moment, hurrying, without waiting for the emotions to subside. This will be an illogical act, and you have the opportunity not to do it, taking into account the dream as a warning.

It happens that you do not know the reason for the chase in a dream or cannot remember. In this case, you should focus not on external circumstances, but on the emotions you experience during this dream and this chase. For example, fear experienced during a chase indicates Negative consequences such a dream.

If you had to run away from the chase in a dream, this may indicate that either you are interfering with someone in real life, or they are trying to protect you from something.

Again, the key point is the reason why you had to run away from the chase, and why the chase is taking place. If someone evil catches up with you in order to harm you, then you yourself or your activity in reality is a hindrance to someone, therefore, in reality you will be disturbed and annoyed.

If the pursuit of you in a dream was carried out in order to stop, to keep from something (even if you do not remember from what), then in reality you are already ready to break the wood. A dream does not at all indicate that some individual will try to protect you from adversity, although this is not excluded, but a dream can become a warning that you yourself must decipher and take note of.

Why is the chase dreaming - an esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of your own escape and chasing after you, then in reality someone from the circle of your acquaintances is mortally tired of you, and you will finally have the resolve to repulse him or break off the relationship. Yet the dream encourages you to be patient and indulgent.

It was a dream that a man was chasing you to kill, which means that you yourself stood in someone's throat. Look around, perhaps you yourself will figure out what to do, before you are told to do so.

For a young man in love, catching up with a girl in a dream means ending the relationship on her initiative. The dream indicates that there is no need to make attempts to resume these relations, this will be the most the right way kill them completely.

To catch up with a man, a stranger with good intentions, for example, to return something lost is a dream for career growth.

If in a dream you made a jump during this chase, the appointment will be quick, and the fast will be impressive.

A pursuit with bad intentions dreams of a fit of envy that will not pass without a trace. If you set a goal to achieve the same success as the object of your envy, you will suffer materially.

Why are chases dreaming - a modern dream book

The chase of the police, seen in a dream, portends theft.

If it was a car chase, the theft will be large, they may rob your apartment or steal a car.

A knife seen during a police chase warns of an attack on the sleeping person himself, a robbery.

I dreamed that you were catching up with the dog - in reality you will push your friend away and you will greatly regret it.

If a guy dreams that he was catching up with a girl completely unfamiliar to him, it means that he will have to make considerable efforts in reality to achieve the location of the new object of his passion.

A dream in which you had to run, and someone was catching up with you, speaks of a feeling of severe fatigue and a low level vital energy... This can happen due to a stressful situation, a busy work schedule, or the forced need to endure the company of a person who is unpleasant to you.

Allow yourself to relax, relax and not worry about anything. Go to a secluded place where no one can disturb and spend some time alone with yourself.

I dreamed that you were catching up with the enemy

Catching up with the enemy in a dream means that you are significantly superior in all respects. If in real life you have to enter into an open confrontation, then your chances of success will be much higher, and you can easily take a leading position in the competition.

Be completely confident in your advantage, but do not allow yourself to let your guard down and focus. Always try to stay one step ahead of your competitors.

The meaning of the dream in which I had to catch up with the girl

According to the dream book, catching up with a girl you know indicates a desire to get closer to her. In such a plot, attachment to this person, the desire to get to know him better, to make friends can find expression. If you were chasing a stranger, you lack communication in real life, you try to expand the circle of your acquaintances.

Show others that you are open and kind. Do not withdraw into yourself, this will help you make new acquaintances and friends faster.

Why dream that you are catching up with a man

Seeing in a dream how you are catching up with a man means that you are not satisfied with your personal life. Also, such a vision may indicate the unrequited feelings experienced for the person seen, if she was familiar to you. If it was a stranger, soon a person will appear in your life for whom you will feel deep sympathy, most likely unrequited.

Be confident in yourself, in your attractiveness. Improve your strengths and eliminate weaknesses, but do not dwell on a person who does not have reciprocal feelings for you.

Catch up with her husband in a dream

I dreamed that you were catching up own husband? This means that in reality you are unhappy with his attitude towards yourself and are trying in every possible way to change him. Such a sign indicates the presence of disagreements in the family that alienate spouses from each other. Disharmony could arise due to the lack of mutual understanding between partners.

Try to talk frankly with your spouse, find out the causes of estrangement and try to eliminate them.

Interpretation of a dream in which the guy is catching up

The plot of the dream, where a guy catches up with you, speaks of your low self-esteem. The presence of hidden complexes prevent you from revealing your potential and behaving naturally. Such a vision also indicates the presence of problems in the intimate sphere caused by overwork and constant stress.

If you cannot overcome your fears and raise your self-confidence level on your own, seek the help of close friends or specialists of the relevant profile.

What does the dream book mean to catch up with your child

If you dreamed that you were catching up with your child, it means that he is hiding some information from you for fear of being punished. You are probably using too strict parenting methods and do not give your children the freedom to make decisions. This approach can negatively affect the development of the child's personality and his future future.

The simplest interpretation of sleep: catching up and catching up, catching, grabbing - is favorable, portends good luck. Not catching up, missing out, losing sight of it is bad. Such a dream portends vain efforts, losses, failure in endeavors or relationships.

What if you dream of catching up?

To understand why you dream of catching up with something in a dream, you should consider all the events of the dream and the accompanying emotions in general. The most general meaning of sleep, in which the dreamer catches up with something: a person feels a lack of something, a desire and hope to get it.

If the pursuer does not know what he is chasing, the object all the time slips out of sight, hides in the shadows and the dreamer does not manage to consider it and understand what he is chasing after - such a dream speaks of excessive uncertainty in the dreamer's real life, disorder, inability to stage clear goals and action plans.

From another point of view, the pursuit of an unknown, unclear goal may indicate that a person has not yet made some important decision and is rushing about in search of the correct answer to his questions.

In most cases, catching up and catching is better than missing the object being pursued and giving up the pursuit. Even if what is caught turns out to be something unpleasant or scary, or not at all what it seemed. Such a dream just says that the dreamer, perhaps, is carried away by the pursuit of false goals, is not doing what it should be.

For example, sometimes you may dream that a person is catching up with someone running away, chasing him throughout the entire space of sleep - along stairs, corridors, in a crowd, in a forest. And then the moment comes when the persecuted is at arm's length, the dreamer grabs him by the sleeve or the hem of his clothes, and ... and realizes that the clothes are empty, there is no one in them.

Or the pursued turns around, and the sleeping person suddenly sees that he has no face, and instead of him - a clot of fog, darkness or light. Such a dream encourages the dreamer to think carefully about the correctness of prioritization in life, and also encourages to be more careful in relationships.

Perhaps the dreamer overestimates his ability to understand people. If the chase was unsuccessful, then this dream portends failure, empty chores.

What portends?

The dreamer may find himself in a different role: he himself can be caught up in a dream. Such a dream should be interpreted depending on who exactly is catching up with the sleeper, for what purposes, what emotions the dreamer experiences when chasing and fleeing.

If the flock catches up barking dogs, then it portends loud scandals, squabbles, empty talk, gossip; harmless, but annoying ill-wishers. If you have to run away from a herd of bulls with sharp horns, then this dream threatens to turn into serious dangers to health and even life in real life.

Running away from the crowd - the desire for loneliness, silence, tiredness from empty conversations and communication with unpleasant people. If the dreamer is being chased because he stole something in a dream, then the interpretation of such a dream will depend on what the person stole, and whether he was able to escape from the chase, keep and keep the stolen.

If nightmares often dream in which the dreamer catches up with something terrible, frightening, then such dreams warn the person of the impending, but still latent danger or threat. To get rid of such a nightmare, you need to stop running away in a dream, turn to face the pursuing horror and look into his face. Better yet, start chasing him yourself.

Dreams in which the dreamer catches up with something usually turn out to be meaningful and important. The meaning depends on who is catching up with whom, the result of the chase, the place and time of the action. Having correctly interpreted the dream, a person can receive good hints and timely warnings about dangers or possible mistakes.

Get to know this person better, and the desire to enter into a business or friend with her.

If a stranger was pursued, it means that the level of your trust in the female sex is extremely low. Such bias often unreasonable and leads to a deterioration in relations with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity.

Catch up with a man in a dream ▼

According to the dream book, the plot in which you had to catch up, which in reality you know, indicates your inner antipathy towards the person you saw and the desire to avoid his company.

The stranger being pursued by you is a symbol of your curiosity and outright curiosity. Such a vision can be a warning that these qualities are not the best way for your reputation and can ruin relationships with others.

What does a dream mean in a dream book in which you catch up with your child ▼

If you dream that you are catching up with your own, in reality he suffers from attention and parenting. Your child feels lonely and does not feel on your part, but you do not notice this, as you are constantly busy with your own business.

Be more attentive to your feelings. Try to support all of them, support in difficult situations, let us be wise, but do not provide too much.

If you dreamed that you were catching up with a person ▼

Catch up in a dream loved one means that in reality he desperately needs yours, but does not dare to say about it. Also, such a plot may mean that you need support and approval from the person who was dreaming, but it is not possible, since for some reason you broke up and no longer communicate.

Who was catching up with you in a dream?

Why see in a dream that a guy is catching up ▼

The dream in which it catches up with you reflects a feeling of insecurity and. You are in and need an objective assessment of your actions, since you cannot independently determine your innocence. This trait can be used by ill-wishers to convince you that you are not wealthy and do not deserve a better life.

How are other dream books interpreted?

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Had a dream of Catching up, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Catching up in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    • Sveta, the fact that your husband has to catch up with you in a dream most likely indicates that he is worried about the fact that you are not close enough.

      Hello! I dream that I am running away along a rural road from a girl, jogging, slowly, as if letting her catch up with me, turn around and even run backwards ... she catches up with me and we run side by side, she starts humming some song, I pick up ... we run to the clearing and I try to hug her, I put her on the ground twice, she was surprised and asked me something about my actions ...

      Good day! Please tell me why I dream that my sister and friends and I are going in a minibus in winter and suddenly everyone understands that my sister's husband is not with us and suddenly we see him waving to us and trying to catch up with us, I feel a knock under my seat and I understand that he is asking to stop the minibus. The road is bumpy and the driver did not stop for a long time, but still stopped. Thank you in advance!

      • The fact that this person was catching up with the car in a dream most likely means that circumstances will alienate him from you for some time.

        I am married. I dreamed of preparing for someone's wedding. Great attention was attracted by the staircase, with fairly wide steps, the railings of which I decorated. The ceremony never came. Then the dream ended and I ended up in the subway. Again the stairs, along which I I'm running and I'm afraid I won't be in time somewhere. Down, up, along the escalators. Then, I realize that I'm running after my sister. She walks in front and does not seem to see me running behind. I never caught up with her. I grew up.

        • The dream you described most likely indicates that through personal relationships you can provoke growth in all areas of life.

          Dreaming that I am trying to catch up with my beloved girl, with whom we parted, but whom I still want to return, and I catch up with her slowly, with a step and on some things that look like stilts! And she doesn't seem to want to run away from me, but for some reason I can't catch up with her, wherever she goes and whatever I do! (

          Good morning, today I had a very stupid dream, help me explain, an unfamiliar guy was chasing me, caught up, pressed and wrote on my shoulder, I cried, and two old women watched me in silence. Then I began to go down the tightrope into the cave and was very afraid, because it was dark and narrow there, a man helped me. Thanks in advance!

          I sleep with two men. One of them is my ex-husband, he died a long time ago. Another man whom I love .. I wake up and see that men also woke up ex-husband (deceased) begins to swear at me, and my beloved gathers and runs away. The former begins to catch up with me, try to beat and. Insult .. I run away, I find it funny, I give change

          my boyfriend dreamed that when he came up to hug me it was neither me but another girl. And I went up to him and said in tears how you could change my love and began to leave him beautifully in a black hijab, which fluttered in the wind. I was leaving quickly and he could not catch up with me, he ran and saw that I was sitting and crying bitterly. Why is this dream.

          I try to catch up with a long-forgotten ex-girlfriend in a dream, but it does not work. After sleep I began to remember her. there are no feelings. how to get rid of it? returning is not an option to this person.

          I stand smoking and I see two people sitting in my car and kapashatsya in it and then they started it and started to drive, I ran after them and grabbed the neck of the man who sat behind the wheel and managed to remove the kovt from him in the kovt there was money he shouted for me and I was running away he was catching up I managed to run away

          I dreamed as if in the evening, standing on some kind of platform made of paving stones, an unfamiliar guy drove up to me on rollers and offered to ride, I told him that I did not have rollers, my girlfriend was with him and some other guy, they were on rollers too ... That guy said that he would bring me rollers and went somewhere, my friend and that guy also followed him, I didn't want to be left alone and ran after them, but I couldn't catch up with them. After running some distance, I stopped at a house (one-story wooden barracks), one of the apartments was open, I went there and someone told me that an old granny lived here, but when I went there she was not there. I walked through the house, which consisted of a corridor and a room. in the hallway I saw a table covered with a bright tablecloth, when I went into the room I saw an unmade bed, as if someone had just got up from it. I heard a noise from the yard, and when I came out I saw a jeep a man, a woman and two small children, boys, 5-6 years old, got out of it. These boys began to close the courtyard gates very carefully, with several bolts. And at the same time they said that it was already night and it was necessary to hide, otherwise "they" would come and kill all of us. When they finished, they went into a neighboring apartment and locked themselves there. I got scared, ran back, closed the front door and went into the room. I lay down on the bed and thought that I needed to lock the door. I went back into the hallway and began to close the door, but of all the locks there turned out to be an old hook twisted from rusty wire, which could not close the door normally. I started to twist it (wire all the same). I got very scared and I woke up

          It all started when a friend said that she had been given a room. She invited to see it. The entrance was decorated with large windows and a beautiful front door... We went inside and saw a large long staircase upstairs. I remembered that she was luxurious. We got up and got into the hall. There were black curtains, chairs and tables. It felt like an expensive restaurant. Everything was in black. Gradually, I began to understand that this was a funeral service room, but abandoned. Since there was dust and cobwebs. Wreaths and mourning ribbons appeared. My girlfriend was standing next to me and a black cloth fell on her head. And instantly my girl was in black wedding dress and in a black veil. She ran out into the street, I ran after. She seemed to be out of her mind. She ran as if on command. But soon I caught up, hugged and then I woke up.

          Winter! Not very clear snowy road. My beloved man and his ex-wife, and I'm trying to catch up with them. They swear among themselves, but they walk together, and I can see and hear it. I try to catch up with them, I am about to catch up and again they move away from me increasing the distance between me and them. It seems that I did not catch up with them.

          Hello, I dreamed that my acquaintances were chasing me with a sword, at first I managed to hide from them, but then they found my name and the dream was cut short ... ..the dream is not my husband's, his name is Vardges if it is important

          I danced in the ranks, in the sense that there were 6 - 9 people and it looked like a flash mob and a former guy was dancing next to him and there was also a choreographer and the guy was one row ahead, although it seemed to me that it was far away

          I dreamed that everything was fine with my girlfriend, we were on the train, and then suddenly she suddenly began to run away from me on the train, I was running after her ... then abruptly we found ourselves at the airport and it turned out she was running away to her husband ... that does this dream mean ??

          I was standing in a store surrounded by my former classmates. And suddenly, near the ATM, I see my ex-boyfriend. But he is sitting some kind of bearded and bald, I ask a classmate to come up to him and talk. A classmate comes up and they talk about something. Then I ask a classmate, "Well, what?", And he waved it off, and then suddenly I see another classmate who says goodbye to everyone and leaves, I shout to him, and he leaves. I start to run after him, run and run, jump over something, then it turns out that I am running to my native places, and in the end I catch up with a classmate near the high-rise building, he turns around, I run up, and he is very glad to see me , we hug. Everything happens in winter. The classmate she was running after was in a white jacket.

          Hello. I dreamed that my husband and I first rode the bus together, then we realized that this was not the bus, my husband jumped out of the bus, and I stayed. Then he started to run after the bus, did not have time to catch up with him, and at the next stop I got out to wait for my husband

          I’m waiting for a guy in a dream and he finally arrives, I have never seen him in my life, but I know that it’s him, but his face and body are not his, he spends a wonderful day with me and then begins to leave constantly. I catch up with him but not no matter how i try

          I dreamed that I was catching up with my ex-boyfriend who died last year ... I run after him, and he leaves very quickly, looks around with a displeased face, and I run after him and shout his name, ask him to stop, but he leaves. From the realization that I did not catch up with him, I have a breakdown, my legs give way, strangers pick me up, two men and put me on a bench.

          also in the same dream dreamed of a loved one with whom at the moment we are in a quarrel and do not communicate. In real life, he has a certain hairstyle, mustache and beard .... in a dream he dreamed of me without a mustache and beard, with a completely different hairstyle and did not even seem to look like himself, but I know that this is him. I dreamed that he was going out of the door from some apartment, well, as if leaving, a bag with a laptop on his shoulder and some things in his hand ... and I was looking after him. And then suddenly, as if another room, my grandmother's old house, I was lying there on the bed, there was some noise all around, like music, but it bothers me, I turn to the wall and cover my head with a pillow, and then someone crawls under this pillow, I turn around, it turns out that this is my beloved person, whispers something affectionate in my ear, and kisses on the neck several times. Then I also dreamed that he asked me for money, 1000 rubles ... I don’t remember that in a dream I gave them to him, but for some reason I was looking for an envelope for this purpose so that I could put this money in it ... I was holding the envelope in my hands, clean white ... the money seems to be gone.

          even in this dream, a deceased great-uncle was dreaming. that is, it turns out in one dream two dead.

          then I cleaned the snow near some garages, with a shovel and a crowbar I tried to pick out the icy crust of snow. dropped the case.

          then I saw some company of unpleasant young people who discussed their studies and swore very much. they were sitting at the table, and for some reason I was wiping this table with a rag, and a few more tables.

          Here's a dream.

          with my beloved we are in some kind of company, as I understand it, it's like our friends and one of them, as it were, with a hanger, hurts her, I take this hanger and ask her to be sorry, after which she starts to leave like walking on foot and I can't keep up with her and say wait she stops and turns around and i wake up

          We are in the village. My 2-year-old daughter is there, playing with toys in a barrel of water. A field on one side, a barn on the other. My daughter got dirty, excuse me, in the manure; she got her hands dirty too. A downpour immediately began, a strong wind, a thunderstorm. I gave my daughter to my grandmother and started collecting toys, things that could fly away. I ran into the house and I see that my daughter is running in the field and does not stop. I ran after her. I ran through some kind of shopping and entertainment center. I saw her going to her children's birthday. I stopped her and she ran away again, found construction toys in the room. There we sat together for a very long time, constructing each of our houses from Lego. I remember very clearly how I chose the details, how I looked for them.

          I dreamed that I was going to school and chatting with a boy, then I ran away from him so that he could catch up with me, but he suddenly gets lost in the crowd and does not see him, and then he jumps out from somewhere and tries to catch up, but cannot, then I I go to my house and try to find his toothbrush and get

          In a dream, the police caught me and took me to the police station. Then they let me out, mine was waiting for me there. future wife, she began to shout at me and leave, I began to catch up with her, grabbed the sleeve of her jacket, she twisted so that the jacket remained in my hands, then she began to run away, I tried to catch up with her, but did not catch up

          I dreamed that my girlfriend called me and invited me to her home. I arrived, I went up to her entrance and there she stood, and said catch up, and ran into the entrance. I went after her, ran around the entire entrance, but she was not anywhere, then I went up to her apartment, but instead of a door there was only a bare wall. Please help me find out what this means!

          I am standing on a dark street, a young man hugs me. A friend of mine passes by, to whom I used to have warm feelings, he goes on and looks around. After that I start to catch up with him, but I never caught up.

          I come by train. I go out, and a guy with black hair comes out with me, handsome, I would not say that he is a strong physique, but not thin either. We arrived at the station, and the station turned out to be an endless wheat field, rich in harvest. The field is so calm, I feel cozy and comfortable, I don't want to leave anywhere.
          This guy and I start to go forward, but he goes faster than me. I try to speed up my pace to walk with him, but he walks even faster and soon disappears. Well, I wasn't even upset, I just went on and enjoyed the view of this field, I felt warm and comfortable. On the left side of me, not far away, there was a forest, coniferous and dark, but not scary, and on the right side, also not very far away, there was a small island of deciduous trees, light and pleasant. I turn around and see in the distance on a hill (the field is not even, but a little hilly) there are several log houses, well, as if there is a small village, and people are working there, children are walking, but they are far away. I walk on and suddenly I saw this guy again: he was quickly leaving on a bicycle into a dark forest, as if the field had to be quickly left because of some danger. I thought maybe I should get out of here too. I look at my feet, and I walk along
          on a narrow lime path, outside of it there is wheat (or reeds already, I didn't really understand, but in the beginning there was definitely wheat), the wheat stands in dissolved lime and acid. And since the heat (but I don't feel the heat), this liquid evaporates and the vapors are poisonous. I quickly cover my mouth and nose with my hand and try to find another bike to leave, but I kind of run, panic, but really stand still.
          Acid rain begins. Since I can't find a bicycle, I decide to run into this dark forest, where the guy left. But suddenly I see that I am not alone looking for shelter: small children, 5 and 6 years old, are running everywhere. And then a man grabs me by the hand and says that we can hide in the wheat. I run with him. We start hiding in the wheat, children do the same. But it turns out that although we are sheltering from the rain, we are standing in this acid / lime water. I understand that we won't hide enough here. And I looked in the direction of the light forest and saw there an apartment building, but with one large entrance, with a large porch. I call everyone to go there and take refuge there.
          Having run to the entrance, I and several children managed to run in, but a woman started to drive us from there, they say people live here, and now we are going to make noise and interfere with them. I try to persuade her to let us wait out the rain here - she didn’t agree, but then she let me stay with the children with whom I managed to run in, and the man and the others had to stay outside. Then she closed the door and returned to her home, apparently. Well, I thought it would not be very good if we stay here safe and sound, and the rest stay there, in the rain, and even acidic. I opened the door and went out onto the porch with the children. It's good that the porch was large and the roof was too - we could all fit. I constantly thanked the man, even when we were hiding under the wheat. She said: “Thank you very much for coming! Without you, I could not have been saved! Thank you! I would die without you! Thanks!". But he was silent.
          It began to get dark. The stars appeared, a month, I was so pleased, again as comfortable as when I was left alone on the field after that guy disappeared. I looked at the dark forest (and it was opposite us) and thought, “How is that guy there? Was he saved? Survived? "
          It began to dawn. Suddenly I saw that a meteorite was falling, behind it there were clouds of white smoke and fire, the meteorite was black, oblong and with burning veins. He fell on the horizon, behind a dark forest, but to the left, so that I could see where he fell. There were several high-rise buildings on that side. Suddenly an explosion started. Here I was already behind hard glass and no longer with a man and children, but with my best friends and one friend I don't really like. We see how a blast wave of smoke (white), fire, earth and dust is moving towards us at such a speed that it can overcome hundreds of kilometers in a couple of minutes. I tell my friends that this wave will reach us any minute. Indeed, the wave reached us and everything shuddered outside, but we did not feel anything, as if this glass could withstand even such a strong load. After the wave, nothing burned: the field and the dark forest remained in their places, the only thing was that the earth was a little uprooted.
          In a moment, we were already flying on an airplane and looked through the windows and saw how all the metal pipes, concrete (the remains of houses) collapse and melt, but not from the fire. I realized that it was radiation. And I realized something else - that in a couple of minutes we would all perish, but I was not scared, because I understood that we had nowhere to go: the Earth would now be destroyed. Suddenly, my friend, whom I do not really like, starts to panic and shout: “I want to go out! Let me out! I want to walk on the sand! I want to go to the sand! Let me out! " But I shout to her: “What are you doing? Which outside ?? Do you see what's going on there ?? We're all going to die in five minutes !! " But I do not panic, I take everything for granted, because I understand that the end is inevitable.
          I stood with my back to the cockpit, and the girls stood facing me. I looked to the left, through the porthole, and then everything was lit up with a bright light.

          I forgot to describe the man who saved me. It looks 35-40 years old. He was a little thin, but not entirely thin, and especially not sickly. There was a feeling that he was smart, strong, and experienced, had seen a lot of things, with him I felt safe. He was blond and reddish. Dressed in a country style: some kind of light light sweatshirt, a cap - in general, he was in everything light, but old, worn out, but not full of holes. His clothes were more faded.

          Female. She looks 40 - 45 years old. Hair is short, red-reddish brown, well, such a shade: neither red, nor red, and not brown - all together. She was wearing a red jacket, short as a down jacket, and jeans.

          The children were fast, healthy, robust.

          The guy with black hair. It seems to be in black clothes, I don't remember exactly ...

          When the meteorite fell and began to explode, I was not scared, I watched it more.
          I saw everything and everyone clearly, as if it were real. I remembered about
          In a dream, having already slept for several hours - there was a feeling as if I remembered a story from my life.

          I dreamed that I married an incomprehensible person (I did not see my face), then I suddenly find myself on the street at night and slowly walk up to the seashore (the sea is dark, I did not see it). It seemed that I was abroad (even a stranger's flag seemed to have seen) what could this portend?

          I tried to meet a girl who I really like in life and I am trying to achieve her. But something was constantly stopping me. Either I met acquaintances and they started talking to me, then I saw a pregnant girl who had contractions on the street and took her in an ambulance, then something else. And all these times I saw the girl with whom I wanted to meet in the distance and understood that she was waiting for me and I could not approach her in any way.

          it seems like my girlfriend is leaving me on the iron stairs up with a little boy by the hand she was dressed in a gray dress in black tights I call her but she does not turn and walks on, some guy stops me and says with a smile on his face why she is bothering you I tell him that I need to call her back, but she never turned around and disappeared somewhere

          in a dream, several guys followed me along with a friend. they drove up to the yard and, as it were, let us go, then, as if playing, they tried to catch. But what is interesting, I liked it, we teased them, and then one of them hugged me, dark-haired, nice)

          In general, I'm trying to catch up with an owl girl who is leaving somewhere .. She sends me an SMS in which it says "about pregnancy" like 2 weeks or 2 months (I don't remember exactly) After which she comes back but nothing comes out again, I again trying to catch up with her! Then at one point she herself goes to me and I to her .. And for no reason at all we just go to the store together.

          A friend of my boyfriend had a dream, my boyfriend, who is running after his ex, really wants to catch up with her, but after catching up, he turns the girl around and it turns out that I am, please tell me what it means

          I don't remember how I got into the elevator, but when I got into the elevator there were two attractive girls, they were kind of tired and wanted to sleep, after looking at them I also wanted to take a nap and I remember that we leaned together in the elevator and snuggled up to each other there was a very warm moment and it was very nice, I saw that we were going right up to the hundredth floor, but for some reason I had to go to the third, I thought that I would come back later, when I went up to the 100th floor, I ran somewhere and in the end I see that the girls were sitting on the bedside table, I decided to approach them and we started talking, I remember that they began to embarrass me, they say, I’m so cute and cute, in the end we got on a plane in a small one, and it was for about ten people, when we sat down we quickly got up in the air and rushed in a strange direction, and suddenly we start for some reason come back and then I see the ship that sank and I remember that before I got into the elevator, I almost panted on the ship and miraculously saved myself, and then I understand or just feel that I was just being followed by an eagerness to akayato, and when I’m already catching up with everything, I look out the window of the plane and see that the left wing is on fire and told the girls that the plane is on fire, but we were already quite near the water and when we sat down in the water, and okuratno then landed the flame was extinguished and I began to get out of planes and ended up in the water, I don't remember warm water or cold but it was beautiful, in the end I see someone's shadow and hear how the girls are taken by someone, but they can't find me and I just start to float away.

          I was at the edge of the forest, collecting some herbs, suddenly some grandmother came up to me and asked for something, I picked up something red from the ground and gave it to her, she looked at me with displeasure and went away, I suddenly wanted to I asked her if she was a witch and tried to catch up, but I saw the mushrooms and began to collect aspen mushrooms ... then my father came and I boasted to him what pretty mushrooms I found

          I was catching up with the child, who, in front of my eyes, turned nowhere and lost me from sight. My boyfriend held me by the hand, believing that running after him was not particularly important. Meanwhile, the child ran away and got lost further. Until I got away from the guy. I found the baby already in the park. He took off his blue jacket, it was hot

          I returned to the days when I was not yet born, or rather the USSR, at the end of the 80s. I caught up with my own father, caught up and made friends with him. With all this, the dream was not somehow according to the plot, but was like in reality, I could think , say what I want and move wherever you want. What can it be?

          I dreamed that I was catching up with my loved one, and we ran very quickly, which is not typical of human capabilities. At times, I almost reached for him with my hand, but then he accelerated and moved away from me. It all looked like some kind of catch-up game. We ran along an asphalt road, there were many trees around, the weather was summer. Then he disappeared from view, and I got on the first trolleybus I came across. Seeing my beloved walking calmly along the road, I asked to stop. Seeing me, he smiled, kissed me, as he usually does in reality, and that was the end of the dream.
          In reality, we are about to start living together, in this regard, I was disturbed by this dream. Perhaps my boyfriend is doubting the correctness the decision?

          Hello Tatiana. I had a dream that my mother and I were on a bicycle and she was walking to the house. All this happens at night. Suddenly a felled spruce appears on the road. I call my friend Olya and inform about it, to which I hear in response that she already knows about it and she even gives the address. I don't remember the street. house number 6. going around the tree I see a man with a saw on his shoulder, but very small, who suddenly starts to treat us negatively and wave the saw / not working /. suddenly a pistol appears. I try to hold him back and yell for my mother to run away. I see my mother running and disappearing into the dark. then I see that this man was approached by a woman who took him into the house. however, suddenly turning back, it seemed that he was standing and holding something like a machine gun in his hands and aiming at me. I run away, but I don't hear the shot. when I came home, I tell my dad that they shot at us and say who / although seeing a man's face in real life I don't know him /. then I see how dad ran away from me to sort it out. at the same time it started to rain. I'm not trying to catch up with him. returning home I hear a crowd of young people passing by the fence. in the fence I see that my sister Julia (whom I do not have) is coming to me, she falls and clings to the railing with her hands, I try to catch her, because a pit appeared, into which a non-pouring rain was pouring. she falls and is sucked in, I see how she pulls her hands, how dirt gets into her mouth, but at the same time I do not see her face, after which I wake up

          I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend and I was catching up with him in a dream, and when I caught up he smiled at me and I woke up, all this happened in my city, everything was clearly visible and the colors were very bright, such feelings that it was all in reality

          I had a dream that my beloved girl was running away from me and I could not catch up with her, as soon as I run up to her, a passage appears in the fence and she runs further from me. At this stage, we are doing well, we live together. Why such a dream?

          my boyfriend is running on the concrete that is crumbling right under his feet, and suddenly he falls through, catching up with him I start scolding him, he stands silently and I turn around and leave, I sit down, pressing my head to my knees, he comes up and says that only me he needs and loves me very much.

          my boyfriend runs on the concrete that is crumbling right under his feet, and suddenly he falls through, catching up with him, I start to scold him and say that he is very dear to me and I worry about him, he stands silently and I turn around and leave, I sit down nearby, pressing head to his knees, he comes up and says that he only needs me and he loves me very much.

          it started with the fact that I went to bed on a sofa similar to yours with some dark girl, she hugged and kissed everything just like you
          then we went somewhere we sat in a taxi with her crammed with everyone, she again hugged everything
          then she went out, I ran after her, she disappeared, she saw again running after her, she would go around the corner and the huyak disappeared and that's how I ran

          The dream is dreaming for the second time. My husband runs away from me to another woman. I catch up with them and beat them. I have three children, 2 are already adults, and in a dream I dream that all 3 are small. and having caught up with this woman I beat her in the face, and next to a small child lies, very worried that he would not be hooked.

          I came to my grandmother's house, went into the gate and met a young man with whom we parted 2 months ago for a reason that I did not understand. I ask him: "Why, what happened?" he answered me: "I convinced from myself." and left. I went into the house, I saw his car was under the windows, he was sitting in it. I went out to talk to him, he runs away. I followed him, caught up in the end. We stand looking at each other and I wanted to cry so much, in the end I woke up from the fact that I was crying sobbingly just

          In a dream, the former came to the house where my parents, sister, relatives were, we went to a separate room and I wanted to feed him, he ate and we kissed. Then suddenly he got up and walked away, and I looked and he went out into the gate, I called him and ran to take it. Opposite the house where we were, the path is crooked and dusty and he steps over so as not to get his shoes wet, I talk to him, I call back, and he walks and looks at me and suddenly a snake along the rut, thick and brown, and he holds her by the tail and she slowly slips out of his hands and crawls away, I walk with him along the road, but I don't know where and suddenly he disappears and in front of me a bird sits and twists his head, silently, some kind of interesting and unusual I stopped and woke up

          A man is following me, I try to get away from him, hide, suddenly he catches up with me, stretches out his arms to me, I push me away, but he manages to take me by the waist and passionately kisses me, this causes surprise, then a pleasant feeling. His face is not visible, but I can clearly see his body, his hands are tall, in a shirt of pale orange color, his hands are strong. Blonde hair.

          I went out with a guy and his friends at the bus stop, we stayed on the bus, and his friends got pinned and ran away somewhere, the city was familiar to me, but I hadn't walked in this place before, it was dark and scary, the guy ran after his friends, and I followed him, I did not have a phone and I was afraid to get lost, although the guy was looking for friends, it seemed that he was running away from me.

          I dreamed of how I was catching up with my soul mate, running everywhere in public transport around the city, through buildings (it looks like educational establishments: institute, etc.) but never caught up. It was a warm season in summer or spring.

          Good afternoon. For the second time in a week, I dream like a stranger, a large-sized man chasing me and, of course, I am rented out. After that we have a nice conversation, and the purpose of their pursuit was to look after me and love me. Please help me explain.

          I dreamed about my deceased husband. as if we were walking with him through the village in which we live, and my husband was walking very quickly, but I didn’t keep up with him, I tried to catch up, I ran across the road on a zebra crossing, cut off the corner and saw a car driving 3 men, one of them in the form of a traffic cop, the one in uniform starts screaming (very hard), where are you going, scolds me. then he leaves, I look, but my husband is not there, and I don’t know where to go. And all I woke up (they woke me up).

          I dreamed that my mother and her daughter were on the bus, and I was waiting for them at the stops. The bus arrived, my mother got out, and my daughter remained sitting, and next to her there was 2 a Khachik man, and she was in the middle and they did not let her go, and so the bus left and I tried I was busy driving, but everything was blocking my way. Why would that be?

          good afternoon, in a dream I ran after the girl, even under the threat of some kind of punishment for this, caught up with her and even went to her house, offered her an acquaintance at home, she refused, but I clearly saw and felt that she wanted this, then I went into her bath and washed my face, since my face was drenched in sweat. After that I woke up

          Hello! We parted with the guy a month ago, after that I often dreamed about him, usually in these dreams I took the initiative and was the first to start a conversation, But for some reason this time in a dream I decided that I would be silent. And here we are walking with our mutual friends, I kept about 10-20 meters away from him, so that he understood that I was still offended by him. And here I am standing next to a girl from the company and he sang three lines from a song to her about the fact that there is no one better than her in the world. I was upset and decided to leave, when suddenly I heard him running after me and saying that “I was joking! Where are you going? “I didn’t answer, I decided to leave, But he didn’t let me go, I went the other way and decided that he would now run after me again and we would talk normally, But he left. I shouted "Vlad! Vlad! Wait, we need to talk!" “But he and his friends got into the car and drove away, I got into someone else's car and rushed after him, chasing him for a very long time, and eventually lost sight of him and nothing came of it. Does my dream mean something !? Help me please!! (

          I buy a bus ticket, I left my things on the bus. The driver comes to the ticket office and picks up his documents, he knows that I am going on this flight. catch up with the bus, but nowhere and I find a truck and a fellow traveler - a friend. And we eat, I give money to the driver and we cannot catch up. I keep screaming and shouting

          Hello, I had this dream for a very long time, I was still 10 years old.
          A dream like this, I was walking along the streets I know, I must for some reason catch up with some person, I caught up with him directly in the building itself, with many doors and stairs (they went down from the last floor to the first),
          and he could not always catch up with him on the last staircase, he ran away from me through the exit and at that the dream ended. I dreamed about it at 10 years old and 12, Today I am already 18 and I finally caught up with this person and brought him out through this door, Friends asked how I did it (in a dream), I said that I finally grew stronger, stronger and faster and the dream ended there.
          Please help me figure out what this dream means.