How to find out the name and surname of the future husband. Division in the name of the future wife - and you already know what your name is your narrowed? With the help of wax

Thanks to the chiromantia in modern science, such a direction like dermatogly appliances appeared, that is, the study of patterns and drawings on the skin of the palms and fingers.

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How to guess hand to the name narrowed?

Curiosity is one of the main features of female nature. It is not surprising that divination for a variety of things has become very popular for the ladies. So, unmarried girls are always very interested, who will be narrowed, how many children will be born in marriage ... But the fortune telling on the hand to the name of the husband - is it possible?

Perhaps, but not in the usual understanding of the word. That is, right on your hand anywhere is not encrypted. But it is with the help of his hand a girl can find out with whom her fate will bring.

Hiromantia: Music Name

There are several ways to guess hand in the name of the narrowed.

1. Divination for the first letter

First method

You will need help a girlfriend. Let her take you for the wrist of the left hand with two hands (they need to keep about 10 cm from each other) and scrolls it simultaneously in two different directions. Surely you remember the children's game in "nettle"? Here, you need to act on the same principle. While the girlfriend will turn your wrist, you need to look into the space between her hands. There, on the skin, folds will run. In them, if you look closely, you can notice the outline of the letter. Noticed? From her and will begin the name of your narrowed. Either she will be present in his name.

Second way

The second option of divination on the letter requires the preliminary manufacture of these very letters. You can cut them out of cardboard or take ready-made toy letters for which children are learning to read. So, we take the letters in the palm (you don't need to take everything, choose only those that are usually starting with male names. That is, from the letters K and b, you can refuse. But it is better to leave - who knows, maybe you will get a foreigner) . Shaking letters in closed palms, mentally counting to 10. Then we throw them, like bones, on a flat surface so that they scatter away from each other. The letter that will fly away to the left of everyone, and will be the most likely initial letter of your narrowed. Further, shifting from left to right, letters will follow the likelihood. That is, the extreme right of the letter will become the title for the name of your husband with the smallest probability.

2. Dusting with the Golden Ring

The ring must be your own. So, take tiny sheets of paper, on each we write a male name. Sheets fold so that small squares come out. We put the squares on one hand, the other cover and thoroughly shake. Then we spend all the pieces of paper in the left hand, trying to distribute them to the palm evenly. In the right hand take the ring to which the thread from your clothing is tied (you can pull out of the scream or wool sock). Ring swing over the palm with pieces of paper at a distance of 5-7 cm. Listed with the name above which it stops, and will be the name of your future husband. If there are several rolled converters under the ring, it means that you will have several husbands, or my husband will become one of the owners of these names.

Divination on the narrowed impediment of centuries was in Russia the most popular. The girls with all the truths and untrue sought to know their fate, as they were not always free to choose their husbands themselves. Today with all wealth of choice learn the name of the future husband It is also difficult, as many centuries ago. However, modern methods of studying human psychology claim that there is an inseparable connection between the fate of man and his name, since the name affects everything from character and ending with health. Having determined what type of character of a man suits you in the best possible way, you can make an assumption about how it will call. But even if learn the name of the future husband It does not succeed, there are many ancient interesting ways of fortune telling on the narrowed, including his name, material well-being and a generation of activities that help girls at least open the curtain of secrets and satisfy the eternal female curiosity.

How to find out the name of the future husband on the ring and photos. Take a thread into the ring, and hold it on the weight next to the photo of your beloved person. Try to make the hand be fixed - otherwise it can change the result of divination. Look at how "behaves" the ring: if it moves in a circle, it means you are destined to be married to this person, and you will be happy with him. If the ring moves there and here, like the pendulum, most likely your matrimonial plans are doomed to failure. If the ring remained fixed, it is to loneliness.

How to find out the name of the future husband in several pinches. On the night of January 20-21, Catholics celebrate the Day of St. Agnes. On this night you need to take a few pins, skip them across each other and pinch to the sleeve. In a dream, you must see your future husband.

Another famous fortune telling - How to find out the name of the future husband on a four-listed clover. Put a four-sender to the right shill, and the first undelated man with whom you will later get to know if you should become your husband.

How to find out the name of the future husband in the new moon.That night, when the young moon is visible for the first time, open the windows in the bedroom, and sitting on the windowsill, not blinking, look at the moon and gentle, gently repeat: "Selena, welcome you! Please, open the secret to me who will be my husband. " It is believed that you should see the narrowed in a dream.

How to find out the name of the future husband on a wedding cake. This is a very old fortune telling. We need to take a piece of wedding cake and skipping it through the engagement ring three times, put under the pillow. Another option is to wear a ring on the left hand, hide under the pillow of the cake and put your shoes in the form of the letter "T" before bedtime. The result of this fortune telling is considered one of the most "reliable": the one you will see in a dream, and will be your husband.

How to find out the name of the future husband on cherry bones. Repeat the future status of a husband: "Rich, poor, soldier, sailor, thieves, beggar, tailor, loudist." In another embodiment, you can call the names of professions or the sphere of its activities: "Medicine, army, fleet, jurisprudence, religion, legislation".

How to find out the name of the future husband on the apple skin.It is necessary to clean the apple so that the peel does not break and looked a holistic "spiral". The peel should be thrown the painter through the left shoulder with his right hand, and then see how she fell to the floor. It is believed that in this hull you can see the first letter of the name of the future spouse.

There are still many ways to find out the name of the future husband. One of the most common types of fortune telling is to sleep on the bed or in the house where I have never had to spend the night, I must say before bedtime: "Fall in a new place - dream of the bride." And there is the so-called "Christmas" fortune telling, how to find out the name of the future husband, when at night preceding Christmas, under the pillow there are many pieces of paper with different male names, and the next morning you need to pull out one of them. The name that will be written on this piece of paper will be the name of your groom.

The fortune telling in the name of the future wife is quite common among representatives of a strong sex. Know how many male wanted to know how many men would like. These simple divisions dispel all doubts.

In the article:

Not only women want to know. Divination on the election name is very common, perhaps, in this way, people want to limit the number of applicants for the title of future halves. In order to find out how your choices will call, you can use in various ways.

For example, in the Middle Ages, one rite was common - a large Chan was taken with water and an apple. With the help of a knife, a guy needed to cut a piece of peel and throw it into a chanter with water.

After that, the fluid interfered and, after she calmed down, looked, the form of which letter would take a peel. Of course, in this case, the result was very limited, since the peel could take mainly the view of only some vowels and consonant letters.

You can find out the name by the narrowed, using old and shints. To do this, it was necessary to go out exactly at midnight to the street and listen. The first name you will hear will be the name of your beloved.

There is another rather simple way. When carrying out this divination, it is advisable to use the help of friends. Women's names are written on various pieces of paper, after which they all mixed in the vessel. Now the task of the lead is to give each participant a vessel ritual so that he with closed eyes to take out a piece of leaf, on which his future wife will be written.

There are more complex ways that are suitable for experienced magicians. You can take advantage of your help by spending a special rite, and ask them all personally. You can also use a spiritual session and, which may open you this mystery.

How to find out the name of the future wife in a dream?

Some magicians believe that a person actually already knows everything that happens to him. Only, unfortunately, this information is stored in our subconscious, and in order to get it, you just have a little try.

Therefore, not in vain. Quite often in order to find out the name of a specific person, you need to spend the necessary ritual before shipping to sleep, and you will see this person at night or even you can hear. And to learn the name of your future wife, you can also use this old proven way.

The ritual is carried out only in full moon. To begin with, you will need to light on the windowsill candle and say:

Dailed mine, the destiny appointed, appear to me.

After that, immediately go to bed. Important condition: Do not need to visualize the image of the girl you want to see. In this case, you will be seen not a prophetic dream, but the girl you thought about. Try to drive all thoughts and prepare for information that the highest strength will be sent.

In the morning try to remember everything you saw at night. In order not to forget the information received, try the first time not to touch your head. Some people believe that if immediately after waking up to touch the forehead or temple, then everything you saw in a dream will come true.

Additional methods

Such fortune telling is very common in Norway. It helps not only to know the name of the future wife, but also a little about living together. It is held in the Christmas Christmas Eve.

The blindfolded eyes of the gadget sucking on the table in the room, on which glasses with beer, milk and water are exhibited. After that, the eyes of the gadget is unleashed, and he pronounces the spell. In Russian interpretation it will sound like this:

Delicious-rude, show me!

All others should get out of the room and lock the door. After a while, judging by the legend, the house will start walking. This suggests that the narrowing is already moving towards your home. If you believe this rite, then a girl will appear in the middle of the room. It will look exactly the way your future wife. The girl will take a glass and drinks liquid. After that, instantly disappear.

Vintage fortune telling

Card reading

From the deck of cards are chosen by all four kings, and for each girl hesitates some male name. The remaining deck should be carefully shuffled and start laying out the maps on one under each king, which will fall as a card to the worm of the worm, it means that they will call the future husband. It is believed that the sooner the worm ace will come out of the deck, the more fortune telling.

Divination by book

You need to take a directory of names and at random to open any page. The first name that comes to the eye and will be the name of the future husband.

If you are guessing along the usual book, then the page number, rows and words in the row are ridden. The first letter of the planned word and will correspond to the name of the narrowed.

Divination with the help of a pendulum

The pendulum is desirable to make silver or, which should be suspended on a thin strong thread of about 20 centimeters. All letters of the alphabet are written on a sheet of paper. A gadget girl to put a hand with a pendulum into the center of the table and gives him a completely stop, and then begins to slowly keep his hand in the letters, trying not to rock him. Over the letter the pendulum will begin to swing or spinning, it means that the name of the future beloved man will begin with this letter.

Apple-leather fortune telling

It is necessary to carefully clean the apple from the peel, so that it does not break, then you should throw the skin the right hand through the left shoulder. The shape of the peel when falling on the floor and will be a tip of the first letter name of the future husband. The girls who have a rich fantasy are sometimes able to even read all the name of a person destined to them.

Fortune telling on the moon

It follows to the new moon. You need to become at the window and look at the new moon, trying not to blink. Then the following words should be pronounced: "Hello, Selena, I ask you, open me for whom I will marry." After that, you need to talk with anyone and go to bed. In a dream, a future husband or his name should be dreamed of.

Modern methods of fortunes in the name of the narrowed

New ways of divination are very popular in the world. Now for helping girls came TV, computer, radio and telephone.

Foreign radio

You need at random to include any radio station and the first heard male name and will correspond to the name of the future spouse.

Divination on tv

You should focus and turn on the TV. The first, seen on the screen man, and will be a symbolic embodiment of the future husband. He will have the same hair color, figure, age and name.

Divination by phone

It is necessary to make an arbitrarily phone and if a man takes a handset, then ask his name.

Dusting on a computer

You should mentally form a question and start it in any search engine. The first reference and picture that appeared and will be the answer to how the future beloved will call.

It is more likely to have young lonely women in the hope of getting an answer - who will be her husband and how soon the wedding will be. The divination in the name of the narrowed will be able to make even a girl who does not have magical abilities.

Popular ways of gadas for love

From a long time, women had a custom guess. The most frequent question is who narrowed them. It concerned young girls who were not married yet. With the help of fortunes, you can predict the function of the future lover, meeting time and name.

There are fortune-laws on the beloved and for those who are already in relationships. In this case, you can pay for the success of the relationship, how will they end and the thy of human thoughts nearby. Whatever the results of fortune telling, you should not hope for their absolute accuracy and launching good relationships.

To get the most accurate and truthful result, you can not guess on the day of church holidays.

  • 12, 14, 18 lunar days;
  • 1st of January;
  • day ;
  • Halloween.

You can move away from the rules and repay the other day. Compensate inappropriate time will be able to be a strong desire, as a result of which a powerful energy connection appears with otherworldly forces from the gadget.

If you treat the fortune, it will not come true.

Try also online fortune telling and tests.

Click on the name of divination or test to select

Number Table

Divination in the name of the future husband on a table with numbers has several options. In each of them, the grid should be drawn with numbers, it is best to print harvested.

In the first fortune, there should be numbers from 1 to 100 in the table, they can go with a swab. To find out enough to close the eyes and poke a finger at random, it will show what the name it corresponds. Each digit will mean the sequence number of the letter alphabetically.

Another way to find out the name of the future husband with a table. For this fortune telling:

  • paper;
  • a pen;
  • table;
  • corn.

The table must consist of 2 parts, one contain numbers corresponding to the sequence number of the vowel letter, the other - the consonant letter. Candle to light, pronounce ourselves:

"Durable mine is called."

Take a few grains in your hand and throw on the table. After that, burn numbers on a separate piece and match them with letters. The name that will be drawn up from the maximum number of numbers and will be the name of the narrowed.

Card layout

Divination in the name of the husband can be conducted or. You can pay on both an unfamiliar guy and on which you already know to understand the prospects for the development of relations.

It is necessary to guess on the maps in the afternoon, staying in a good mood of the Spirit so that it passes the cards.

In the room at the time of the rite there should not be anyone. Maps must be taken to be clean, new, which did not participate in gambling. It is strictly forbidden to guess during church holidays, on Sundays and.

For divination, you need a deck of 36 cards, they should be shuffled. After that, they make a number in mind and count it. If the map turned out to be a red color, the name of the future husband begins on the vowel letter. If red ace falls out, this means that the husband will have a non-Russian name.

The value of red cards:

  • the six corresponds to the letter A;
  • 7 - e;
  • 8 - e;
  • 9 - and;
  • 10th;
  • Valts - y;
  • Lady of worms or tambourine - I;
  • King - O.

Black cards indicate consonant letters.

  • Peaks: 6 - B, 7 - g, 8 - d, 9 - w, 10 - z, curren - k, lady - l, king - m, ace - n.
  • Trephs: 6 - p, 7 - p, 8 - s, 9 - t, 10 - x, curren - c, lady - h, king - sh, ace - F.

On paper

The fortune telling on paper on the narrowed is best to spend on the shield after sunset. There may be guessing only those who do not consist of this moment in relationships. The energy of the narrowed, intended by fate, is associated with the energy of the girl throughout his life until the moment of their meeting.

For divination, you need to take a basin, pour water into it, the A4 sheet, the handle that does not wash in contact with water and sheets to cover the container with water.

Divination on paper includes several actions.

  1. Write 25 male names on paper that liked most. It is necessary to do it on one side of the paper with a small gap between each other.
  2. Cutting them with scissors so that one name is on each scrappy.
  3. Lower the papers into the water.
  4. Cover sheets. It is desirable that the sheets were white - it personifies purity and innocence and does not create energy interference.
  5. Close all windows, turn off the light.
  6. Stop next to the water and pronounce three times spell:

"Water-driver of a blue body, show the red maiden of good well done. As there is show - not the sick name of my narrowed. "

The name of the narrowed will be on the piece of paper that pops up. If it is not one, then marriages will be several.

Sophisticated prediction techniques

The fortune telling is the sacrament to which a person can touch. The effectiveness of each of them depends on how the personality believes in what does.

Based on the book

You can take the name of the names, pronounce a conspiracy and, opening, pointing your finger to the name. Words need to pronounce such:

"Letters, lines and words, indicate me narrowing my, I want to know how to call him."

There is another method, more comprehensive. To do this, take a book and open on that page that corresponds to the day of your birth. The first letter that appears on the page will be the first letter of the name of the narrowed.

The second letter will correspond to the month of birth, the third page corresponding to the father's birthday.

By hand

To find out the name of the souched hand is difficult, but there are ways to help get closer to the desired one. This requires the help of an unauthorized person, friend or girlfriend. It is necessary that he picked the palm with two hands and began twisting the skin in different directions.

At this point, you need to pay attention to the type of folds that are formed on the hand. The one that will be similar to the letter - the beginning of the name of the future husband.

By date of birth

It is enough to know the date of birth of your young man to repay this way. This option is suitable only to those who are already in relationships and wants to know what can be expected from them in the future. With the help of numbers, you can learn a lot, the whole science is devoted to this -. Deciphering the date of birth is its basis.

You need to fold all the numbers of the date of the male of one. It is necessary to do this until the number turns into an unambiguous one. The date of birth of your young man 15.09.1993. It is necessary to add 1 + 5 + 0 + 9 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 3 \u003d 37, we fold 3 + 7 \u003d 10. Now you need to determine with what name the number is compatible:

  • and, with, and - Anna, Sofia, Inna, etc.;
  • b, B, T - Bogdan, Victoria, Tatiana;
  • u, K, C - Ulyana, Karina, Svetlana;
  • e, G, N - Ella, Galina, Hope;
  • i, E, M - Yana, Elena, Marina;
  • p, Z, L - Rita, Zina, Love;
  • oh, K, C - Olga, Christina, Sofia;
  • l, g, p - face, Jeanne, Polina;
  • yu, M, D - Julia, Maria, Diana.

Names can be others, but the first letter will remain unchanged. Divination by date of birth works in the opposite direction. You can choose your date of birth and compare with the same letters, only a male name.

On the ring

For this divination, you need to take a ring, better if it is engaged. You can borrow with grandmother or mom. The most accurate prediction will be able to give a ring that the rite of wedding passed.