"Citizen Navralny". The secret accounting department of the ro fighter. "Citizen Navralny": NTV channel spoke about the luxurious life of Navalny (video)

On the air of the NTV channel on Far East the NTV film "Citizen Navralny" was released - a new attempt to discredit Alexei Navalny in the eyes of the audience.

Its creators focused on Navalny's income and expenses. The film is mainly based on the filming of surveillance cameras, paparazzi videotapes and data on the travels of the Navalny family on vacation. The commentators are political scientist Oleg Matveychev, lawyer Ilya Remeslo and journalist Roman Romanov. Frequently used phrases like "According to some reports ..." and the like.

The film lists the trips of Navalny and his family on vacation for last years... The authors remind that he traveled to Mexico, Krasnodar Territory, Tver Region and Karelia. They claim that Navalny stayed at expensive hotels and spent hundreds of thousands of rubles on frequent vacations.

NTV frame

The film also claims that Navalny is guarded by two security guards, he drives cars worth 2.5 and 3.5 million rubles. Navalny and his family go to expensive restaurants, owns large stakes in companies, rents a large office in Moscow, the film says.

Where the oppositionist gets the money from is not clear, the authors of the film say. Several times they show footage of a journalist with an NTV microphone following Navalny through the airport building, while the oppositionist refuses to answer questions.

NTV claims that Navalny's FBK receives large donations from Russian and emigrated businessmen (Boris Zimin, Alexander Lebedev, Alfred Kokh). The film also hints that he is being helped by foreigners (footage is shown of how representatives of foreign funds and diplomatic missions allegedly come to Navalny).

The day before the film, Alexei Navalny posted an income statement on his blog. According to him, as an individual entrepreneur in 2016, he earned 5.27 million rubles (this is income from legal activities, explains Navalny). He also received 3.4 million compensation from the Ministry of Justice, having won a case at the ECHR. Total revenues for the year were $ 8.7 million.

“I still have shares, but I strongly doubt that the total dividends on them will be more than 15 thousand rubles a year, so we can discard them,” the oppositionist wrote. - Now I live in a rented apartment. I wrote that I wanted to move to a four-room apartment and was looking for it. I found it, I live. But it is not at all in the "elite center", but not far from the Avtozavodskaya metro station. " He also listed his family's property: a 78-meter apartment in Maryino and a 2012 Ford Explorer with his wife.

“5 million in income a year is a lot, what is there. I am not a poor person. But it is precisely living on these “my millions” that is a huge motivation for me to fight corruption. Let me explain: I get more than most officials, even big ones. Therefore, I know exactly what kind of life you can lead with that kind of money. For instance, nice apartment you buy a horseradish. Even on a mortgage. And now I look at the servants of the people who receive less than me, but live in such a way that it is clear to me for sure: the salary is 3 million and kickbacks for another 333, ”Navalny said.

Published on 1/27/17 5:19 PM

NTV channel named the names of Navalny's sponsors. The oppositionist has already reacted to the announcement of the NTV film about his "secret accounting".

The NTV channel showed yet another revealing film about the Russian opposition, Citizen Navralny: The Secret Bookkeeping of the Fighter against Russian Corruption. ”The filmmakers, which have already aired on NTV in the Far East, focused on the income and expenses of FBK head Alexei Navalny.

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The movie is already available on YouTube video hosting.

"Citizen Navralny". Film NTV. VIDEO

"Five-star hotels, crabs with lobsters and personal security with a personal driver, a school for children in New York and a four-room apartment in Moscow - Alexei Navalny literally bathes in luxury. If there is no income, then where are they? intkbbee costs? How does a simple Moscow oppositionist make money and who pays his salary? ", Journalists ask questions.

In his revelations, blogger Navalny likes to compare officials' incomes with their expenses. The media decided to try to do the same. "To get an idea of ​​the capital of the fighter against corruption, his spending was first calculated. Naturally, it is impossible to know about all the expenses. NTV tried to collect only the information that was in the public domain. And, as it turns out, it is not so little," - said in the announcement of the material.

The film lists the vacation trips of Navalny and his family in recent years. The authors remind that he traveled to Mexico, Krasnodar Territory, Tver Region and Karelia. They claim that Navalny stayed in expensive hotels and spent hundreds of thousands of rubles on frequent vacations. The film also claims that Navalny is guarded by two security guards, he drives cars worth 2.5 and 3.5 million rubles. Navalny and his family go to expensive restaurants, owns large stakes in companies, rents a large office in Moscow, the film says.

Where the oppositionist gets the money from is not clear, the authors of the film say. The TV channel is confident that Navalny's FBK receives large donations from Russian and emigrated businessmen (Boris Zimin, Alexander Lebedev, Alfred Kokh). The film also hints that he is being helped by foreigners (footage is shown of how representatives of foreign funds and diplomatic missions allegedly come to Navalny).

It is noteworthy that the day before the film, Alexei Navalny published an income statement on his blog. According to him, as an individual entrepreneur in 2016, he earned 5.27 million rubles (this is income from legal activities, explains Navalny). He also received 3.4 million compensation from the Ministry of Justice, having won a case at the ECHR. Total revenues for the year were $ 8.7 million.

According to Navalny, now “it is extremely difficult for him to do something important in criminal cases,” but he can do “any other legal work". For her, he receives money under civil law contracts.

“The most important thing is that the absence of the status of a lawyer does not in any way prevent me from working as a defender at the ECHR, and this is now becoming my main focus,” the politician added.

He also rejected information that the four-room apartment in which he now lives is in an "elite center" and that his children are studying in the United States: "I do not know what they mean there when they say about New York schools. - this is 100% lies. Children go to a regular school in Maryino. In the one where they have always studied. "

The oppositionist promised to publish his income tax return after he submits it to the tax authorities, and recalled that he had already published two declarations: one in the elections to the Opposition Coordination Council four years ago, and the other before the Moscow mayoral elections in 2013, in which he participated ...

Later, after the demonstration of the NTV film for the central regions, on his LiveJournal page, Alexei Navalny gave a detailed answer to the accusations made by the channel.

The NTV channel has released a documentary about the "secret accounting" of the head of the Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK) Alexei Navalny.

The journalists found out where the unemployed lawyer Navalny got the money for personal security, new foreign cars, a personal driver, a four-room apartment in Moscow, five-star hotels and languishing shark fins.

Navalny maintains a whole fund, and employees' salaries, office rent, maintenance network resource and other necessary things cost millions of rubles a month, says political analyst Oleg Matveychev.

Somewhere this money should, of course, come from, but no one knows where it comes from ", -

the expert emphasized.

Alexey Navalny, as journalists say, has remarkable support from "foreign partners". According to them, diplomats of European states and prominent foreign politicians often visit the FBK office. In particular, the ambassadors of Hungary, Germany and former prime minister- Minister of Belgium Guy Verhofstadt.

Meanwhile, the German ambassador previously worked in intelligence, and former Swedish Prime Minister Karl Bildt, who visited Navalny, is known as a "bloody Swede", as he was for the bombing of Yugoslavia and "the ideologist of the Maidan."

The journalists managed to get an audio recording of the negotiations between Navalny and Guy Verhofstadt.

We are purposeful. We all have a name. And we are attacking a specific corrupt official whom we have identified. In your approach, I like the fact that you are not just interested in what to do with Russia, but understand that we need practical help from your side to conduct an investigation, "-

says the head of the Anti-Corruption Foundation.

In addition to foreigners, the notorious Alfred Kokh, who worked as Deputy Prime Minister of Russia in the nineties, was seen among the sponsors of Alexei Navalny. At one time, through journalist Olga Romanova, he donated about a hundred thousand dollars to Navalny's projects. At the same time, Koch did not see any report on the expenditure of these funds, in connection with which he was very upset.

The Navalny family also loves to relax, as evidenced by a statement of expenses such as paying for a hotel in St. Petersburg: 86 thousand rubles for four nights. There is also a room overlooking Lake Onega for 28 thousand rubles a day and a cottage in Karelia - 46 thousand rubles. In total, they spent 600 thousand on vacation.

Vacation in the Tver region also cost a pretty penny: 20 thousand rubles a day per room, where a milkshake costs 500 rubles. And in the Krasnodar Territory I rented rooms for 12 thousand a day - photographs of his family, taken by tourists, were also provided. At the same time, before he generally rested overseas, in Mexico he spent 10 thousand dollars, traveled around the United States in a rented car, ate lobster with crabs. Now he does not travel, but in the summer of 2016 he sent his children to a language school in the United States, although he could have sent them to Kineshma.

The sponsors were, in addition to the aforementioned Koch, banker Alexander Lebedev and entrepreneur Boris Zimin. Navalny's associate Vladimir Ashurkov is also a sponsor, he has a two-level apartment.

In a word, Navalny is hiding the origin of his money, because if you start talking, you will have to tell everything - and this will be the end of his political career, summarize the NTV journalists.

After the announcement of the NTV program, Navalny himself reported income on his website, and only one car appears there. At the same time, as noted by Meduza, the income declaration is outdated - already for 2012, and in the yard it is already 2017.

According to Navalny, as an individual entrepreneur in 2016, he earned 5.27 million rubles - and this is income from legal activities. He also received 3.4 million compensation from the Ministry of Justice, having won a case at the ECHR. Total revenues for the year were $ 8.7 million.

Navalny, as the authors say, has a lot of shares in large Russian corporations, as indicated in the declaration on the website of the election commission before the election of the mayor of Moscow. He should receive at least 10 million rubles in dividends from them, but the oppositionist himself says otherwise.

I still have shares, but I strongly doubt that the cumulative dividends on them will be more than 15 thousand rubles a year, so we can discard it. Now I live in a rented apartment. I wrote that I wanted to move to a four-room apartment and was looking for it. I found it, I live. But it is not at all in the "elite center", but not far from the Avtozavodskaya metro station ", -

wrote by Alexey Navalny in the blog.

He also listed again the property of his family: a 78-meter apartment in Maryino and a 2012 Ford Explorer with his wife.

5 million income per year is a lot, what is it here. I am not a poor person. But it is precisely living on these “my millions” that is a huge motivation for me to fight corruption. Let me explain: I get more than most officials, even big ones. Therefore, I know exactly what kind of life you can lead with that kind of money. For example, you can buy a good apartment. Even on a mortgage. And now I look at the servants of the people who receive less than me, but live in such a way of life that it is clear to me for sure: a salary of 3 million and kickbacks for another 333 ", -

Navalny said.

The NTV television company aired a documentary about the income of Alexei Navalny, and, in fact, the concealment of these incomes from the public. As it turns out, Navalny has millions of assets that he earns quickly, easily and not always legally. Where, in fact, this money comes to the oppositionist, and it is told in the film.

Navalny himself once again sees this as political pressure and other "Kremlin propaganda." By the way, in his blog, Alexey gave a brief summary of income for the past year. In 2016, he earned 5.2 million, and, according to him, he sued the Ministry of Justice for another 3 million. But where does a person get five million in a year, from which sources it is not very clear. Moreover, Navalny himself writes that he was deprived of the status of a lawyer, and that dividends from shares are "no more than 15 thousand rubles per annum."

“I still have shares, but I strongly doubt that the total dividends on them will be more than 15 thousand rubles a year, so we can discard them,” the oppositionist wrote. - Now I live in a rented apartment. I wrote that I wanted to move to a four-room apartment and was looking for it. I found it, I live. But it is not at all in the "elite center", but not far from the Avtozavodskaya metro station, "says Alexey.

As it turns out from the film, he is very shy at the same time. In particular, the film lists the trips of Navalny and his family on vacation in recent years: to Mexico, Krasnodar Territory, Tver Region and Karelia. At the same time, Alexei stayed in expensive hotels and spent hundreds of thousands of rubles on frequent vacations. The film also claims that Navalny is guarded by two security guards, he drives cars worth 2.5 and 3.5 million rubles. Navalny and his family go to expensive restaurants, owns large stakes in companies, and rents a large office in Moscow.

NTV claims that Navalny's FBK receives large donations from Russian and emigrated businessmen (Boris Zimin, Alexander Lebedev, Alfred Kokh). The filmmakers also suggest that foreigners are helping him, showing footage of how representatives of foreign foundations and diplomatic missions come to Navalny. However, the NTV investigation is not the only source of information about Navalny's income. He was "caught by the hand" before.

For example, there are numerous investigations into how Navalny and FBK worked to order. So, in 2012, the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, in an interview with a number of media outlets, said that “Navalny is acting on the orders of some companies that have decided to choose this path in order to collect information about their competitors. If the law does not restrict them in the right to carry out such work, then please. You, too, should understand that he is on guard of his own interests, and does not protect the common interests of shareholders. "

And then there was a hacking of Navalny's mail, and it turned out that Aleksey really worked on the order of Fridman and Ashurkov against Rosneft. And in parallel, Alexey was working out an information campaign commissioned by Hermitage Capital.

In 2012, Alexey Anatolyevich, among other things, famously took up the problems of housing and communal services. He was engaged in such a peculiar way that he launched the circulation of false leaflets, allegedly from the party " United Russia". United Russia members reacted quickly and said that Navalny was lying. Tellingly, all charges then, as now, were attributed by Navalny to "political pressure." And we remember that it was in 2012 that a massive protest took place, and, well, the presidential elections in the country.

And in May 2016, the long-term history of cooperation between Alexei Navalny and Ivan Nesternko surfaced, within the framework of which our oppositionist carried out VTY to the bank. And this pressure ended exactly at the moment when “In 2014, VTB concludes with the company of a friend of Navalny ... a contract for 568 million rubles for the reconstruction of a building on Perovskoye Shosse to accommodate a Data Processing Center. Mosfundamentstroy-6 (where Viktor Nesterenko owns 51.3% of the shares) is saved from ruin by this deal. Otherwise, the company would probably have collapsed - after all, in 2013 it won only five out of 35 tenders, and in 2014 - only three out of eleven ”.

This is just one episode, because in such a simple way Nesterenko received orders for housing construction, Olympic construction projects and many other things that were very interesting and profitable. Well, Navalny immediately "forgot" about corruption and other bad things about those structures that went to cooperate with his institute friend and his company.

About Kirovles, which is now undergoing the second trial, taking into account the verdict of the ECHR, it is somehow superfluous to remember. The matter is on hearing, and no matter how much Navalny says that this is "politics", there seems to be purely the economy. In especially large sizes.

As for foreign travel, Navalny writes that he is not allowed to travel abroad by a court decision. Well, even if he himself did not go anywhere, then his wife Julia was spotted in one of the US casinos. Alexey, of course, denies his wife's visit to the States, and even more so to the casino. True, it is stipulated that for his children, the spouse received visas to travel to a "language educational camp". In general, education abroad for Navalny's children took place.

In a word, the NTV film is another reminder of what a prominent opposition figure and Bulk corruption fighter is. And it is worth mentioning once again: the point here is not at all in the politics or opposition of Navalny. Both for him and for all reasonable people it is clear that all this politics is nothing more than a convenient screen. First of all, we are talking about money. And about Navalny's receipt of money in a variety of non-trivial ways.

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© Photo: Anton Belitsky / Globallookpress.com

Oppositionist Alexei Navalny is going to sue after the release of the film "Citizen Navralny" on the NTV channel. Press secretary of the politician Kira Yarmysh told TASS agency on Tuesday, January 31st.

According to her, several lawsuits are currently being prepared. “In particular, the lawsuit against NTV for the dissemination of deliberately false information by the channel, as well as a lawsuit against several hotels that provided journalists with video footage, thereby violating Navalny's right to privacy,” Yarmysh said.

A spokeswoman for the oppositionist noted that Roman Rubanov, director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK), also intends to apply to the court. He believes that the authors of the tape "disseminated false information about his travels, as well as the receipt of 20 million rubles on his account."

The next meeting in the Kirovles case, to which the court decided to forcibly deliver Alexei Navalny and Pyotr Ofitserov, caused more excitement than the previous ten. Navalny announced that he will run for president, regardless of any court verdict. On February 1, two dozen journalists arrived in Kirov, including representatives of Russian federal TV channels and foreign media. One of the foreign reporters asked Navalny for comment in English. But the fluent English politician refused to do so in the presence of Russian state television journalists.

The investigation film "Citizen Navralny" was aired on the NTV channel on January 27. The tape mainly consists of CCTV footage and covert paparazzi footage. In particular, it tells about the income and expenses of the oppositionist's family, as well as about the family's travels in recent years and about the politician's addiction to expensive hotels and restaurants. The film also says that FBK receives large donations from both emigrants Russian businessmen and from foreigners.

The day before the tape went on the air, Navalny published an income statement. According to him, in total in 2016 he earned almost 8.7 million rubles. Of these, 5.2 million are income from legal activities (excluding 244 thousand rubles in taxes), as well as 3.4 million - compensation from the Ministry of Justice after winning the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).

Judge Alexei Vtyurin, presiding over the Kirovles case, chose the accused Alexei Navalny and Pyotr Ofitserova a preventive measure in the form of a recognizance not to leave the place. The oppositionist is not going to comply with the imposed restrictions. Vyurin ruled that Navalny and Officers should not leave Kirov until February 10.

Barshchevsky: Navalny cannot participate in the elections without removing his criminal record.
MOSCOW, February 8. / TASS /. Alexey Navalny will not be able to participate in presidential elections in connection with the issued to him on February 8 suspended sentence in the Kirovles case and an outstanding conviction. This was reported to TASS by the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian government in the Constitutional Court, Mikhail Barshchevsky. "According to the law on (presidential) elections, a person convicted under a grave article (Navalny was convicted under Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - TASS note) is deprived of the right to run," Barshchevsky said. According to the law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens Russian Federation"Citizens sentenced to imprisonment for committing a grave and (or) especially grave crime and who, on election day, have an unexpunged and unexpunged conviction for this crime, do not have the right to be elected, including by the President of the Russian Federation. Those convicted of a grave crime cannot participate in elections as candidates within 10 years after the cancellation of the conviction, and those convicted of an especially grave crime - within 15 years after the cancellation of the conviction.As Barshchevsky explained, thus, Navalny will not be able to apply for the presidency in the coming years if the court does not remove with a criminal record.