What kind of radiators are needed for an apartment. Which heating radiators are best for an apartment: selection criteria and an overview of market offers. The best bimetallic heating radiators

When carrying out repair work, people are often faced with the task of replacing old batteries with modern, highly efficient counterparts. Naturally, the question arises - how is it right choose the most efficient heating radiatorswhich ones are best installed in the apartment. The answer will depend on many components, the main of which are the area of \u200b\u200bthe future heating, the type of the intended device, the conditions for its operation, etc. Nowadays, the building materials market offers a wide range of heaters made from different raw materials and for different needs.

District heating system: basic characteristics

For apartment radiators there are special requirements, since they will become part of the district heating system, which has its own specifics of work. All such systems have similar operating conditions - the heat carrier is supplied by heating mains from the CHPP or boiler house to a multi-storey building, where, using a pump and other equipment, it is distributed through internal pipelines that deliver it directly to the dwelling.

The centralized heat supply system has its own underwater rocks and significant disadvantages:

  1. Fluctuations in temperature indicators (either rapid heating, or cooling);
  2. Possibility of sudden pressure drops - water hammer;
  3. Low heat transfer coefficient to the batteries, as a result, insufficient heating of the premises and the uneven temperature of the latter (some are hot, others are cooler);
  4. Seasonal drainage of the coolant from the system;
  5. Poor water quality - presence of aggressive components, oxygen, sludge, hardness, acidity, etc.

All of the above, over time, leads to increased equipment wear. And in a situation where a water hammer occurs, the connections themselves batteries may leak or burst altogether, having brought a lot of trouble. Also, due to the not ideal coolant, which can, during circulation, carry plaque, particles of rust, lime and other debris, the channels and pipes of the radiators are clogged. This will result in shortage of paid heating resource, as well as increased corrosive reactions inside heaters, which significantly reduces their shelf life.

Important! To minimize all the listed risks, you need to correctly select heating devices.

Selection options

The main point at which worth paying attention, when selecting radiators is materialfrom which they are made. Different alloys will behave differently under the same operating conditions. At the moment the market is ready to offer four main types of heating technology:

  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • steel;
  • bimetallic.

For each type of heater, the manufacturer prescribes its specifications:

  • operating pressure;
  • maximum allowable pressure;
  • design feature (sectional, tubular or panel);
  • water volume;
  • recommended hardness and temperature of the coolant;
  • warranty period of the device.

Most of the products manufactured on the market made according to the requirements of the EU states, the quality of heating networks, which is many times superior to domestic ones. Therefore, be sure to consider this fact when buying. For example, the pressure indicator in our centralized heating systems is 11-16 atmospheres for high-rise buildings and 5-10 atmospheres in standard 5-storey Khrushchev buildings. The operating temperature of the supplied liquid ranges from 65-90 ° C. Choosing heating technology, based on these data, You will protect yourself from possible emergencies.

Video. Which radiators to choose

The main products on the market can be roughly divided into several of the most popular categories:


This type of battery is primarily has a beautiful aesthetic appearance, correct and ergonomic shape, as well as excellent technical characteristics. They are quite compact and can be sold in separate typesetting sections. This is very convenient, since having made the correct calculations, you can choose the size that heats your room optimally... Aluminum radiators are available in different heights and can be placed in any convenient corner of the room. Standard operating pressure at which the heater is most efficiently gives off heat, is 6-12 atmospheres, the maximum allowable, with sharp jumps up to 25 atmospheres.

The advantages of such equipment include:

  • Great modern design;
  • The increased heat transfer coefficient, depending on the wall thickness, can be up to 200 W per one section of a standard size;
  • Low weight of devices, which simplifies their installation, even with your own hands;
  • By means of a set of elements, you can select the required size that meets your requirements;
  • Excellent powder coating that resists damage.

The main minus similar batteries, according to consumer reviews, is their possibility of long-term operation only in closed-loop systems, with strict monitoring of the level of hardness of the coolant. Such networks must be made from the same material as the radiators, since aluminum, in contact with brass and copper parts, can start electrochemical reaction processes... Modern systems are recommended to be implemented using plastic pipes, and the heaters themselves are reliably grounded.

Important! Another phenomenon inherent in aluminum batteries ispossible unpleasant sounds ... They can appear later in the interaction of the metal with a liquid abundantly saturated with oxygen, as a result of which hydrogen is released. Because of this feature, eachequip the radiator with a Mayevsky crane.

Taking into account all of the above, we can say that heaters made made of aluminum, despite a number of positive properties, in city apartments better not to mount.

Video. What is the difference between aluminum radiators and bimetallic


This type of equipment is made from an alloy of two metals - soft aluminum and hard steel. The design of such batteries assumes that their inner part, which is in contact with the coolant, made of steeland the outer one from aluminum... it one-stop solution allows the use of this type of heaters in systems with any (within reasonable) pressure and with different kinds connections and main pipes.

The advantages of such products:

  • Increased wear resistance and resistance to corrosive reactions, with any composition of the coolant;
  • Allowable pressure up to 35 atm .;
  • Good external data;
  • Light weight and ease of fastening;
  • Weak inertia - increased heating capacity, have excellent heat transfer rates;
  • Equipped with taps for adjusting the intensity of the heat carrier supply;
  • Type-setting type of construction, allowing you to select the device of the required configuration.

Essential there are no shortcomings of such products, perhaps a higher cost compared to competitors. But it is justified, above all, by reliability and a longer service life. This type of radiator is most popular takes leading positions in most ratingsdedicated to heating devices.

Important! When installing similar products,you must follow the instructions from the manufacturer, as well as adhere to the technical distances from the wall, window sill and floor - at least 4 cm.

Cast iron

Good old cast iron is known to almost every inhabitant of our country, due to its widespread use in the former USSR. Times change, and bulky, standard shape and painted with ordinary paint, batteries are a thing of the past... In their place are modern counterparts made from the same cast iron, but manufactured using other technologies, according to new aesthetic requirements.

Cast iron batteries

Advantages of heating devices made of cast iron:

  • Operated in any heating systems, with all types of pipe products;
  • Can work for a long time in centralized heat supply networks, with a low quality of the heat carrier, the pH of which is in the maximum permissible range of 7-9;
  • Working pressure of products is 7-10 atmospheres, maximum 18 atm .;
  • They have a sectional typesetting design that allows you to change the size to fit your needs.

Cast iron heaters have a number of indisputable advantages and unique qualities... The main thing is that they practically do not corrode. This is due to the fact that upon initial contact with water, a thin layer of insoluble black sediment forms on the alloy, which serves as an obstacle to the ingress of active oxygen contained in the water to the metal. The destruction of the structure of cast-iron elements from the inside, of course, occurs, but extremely slowly. On the outside, they are coated with modern powder paint, specially designed to withstand large temperature changes. In such batteries, gassing processes are insignificant, due to which there is no boiling and there is no need to constantly bleed air masses.

Against the background of all the positive aspects, there are also negative ones - this huge weightleading to installation difficulties, and high inertia. Due to the latter, the heating of cast iron is rather slow, as well as cooling, therefore, a quick regulation of the temperature of a room equipped with such heaters is impossible.

Steel or tubular

Batteries made from this material are universal and budget solution equip the heating system in a modern way. They are presented in the form of two plates, inside which, in the steel pipes of the welded circuit, the coolant passes. Radiators of this type have different sizes and a ribbed surface that provides excellent convection qualities and increased heat transfer. The metal has the same coefficient of thermal conductivity as cast iron, however, with some difference - its thickness is several times less than that of cast iron products. Due to this, their warming up is much faster. This type of radiator is designed for operation at an operating pressure of up to 10 atmospheres.

The advantages of steel products:

  • Variety of shapes and modern design, allow you to place such batteries in any interior;
  • Long period of operation, subject to proper water treatment;
  • They are used in systems with any kind of pipes;
  • Relatively low cost and ease of installation.

An important nuance before buying steel radiators is their correct and competent calculation, in view of the fact that they are implemented in certain standard sizes and they will not work out as sectional ones.

Also, it should be noted that in conditions of extremely high pressure surges, steel panels, can depressurize and leak... Therefore, their use in buildings with more than five floors is not recommended.

Tubular radiators are a type of steel batteries, only they differ from panel radiators in a special design. They come in a variety of shapes and designs. All of the above characteristics of steel products are inherent in them.

How to calculate

There are certain norms by which you can calculate compensation for heat loss premises and, accordingly, find out the required thermal power of devices in order to compensate for losses and create comfortable conditions for a person.

For the calculation itself, you can use the following formula:

K \u003d S * 100 / Pc,

where K is the number of sections, S is the estimated area of \u200b\u200bthe heated square meters, Pc is the heat transfer power of one battery section (this value is indicated by the manufacturer in the product passport). Such the calculation is applicable for aluminum, bimetallic and cast iron heating devices.

For steel non-separable steel-type radiators, it is customary to take the power value from the passport. The heater is selected at the rate of 100W per 1 m2. That is, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe room is, for example, 20 m2, then you will need a 2 kW radiator, or two 1 kW panels.

Thermal power of 1 battery section according to the passport, W Room area, m2
10 12 14 16 18 20 22
140 8 9 10 12 13 15 16
150 7 8 10 11 12 14 15
160 7 8 9 10 12 13 14
180 6 7 8 9 10 12 13
190 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
200 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Counting the number of sections


Sometimes the use of centralized heating is impossible for a number of reasons - it can be a breakthrough of the heating main, economic disadvantage, etc. In such a situation, many consumers pay attention to electric batteries... And not casual, they have a lot of advantages - they are easy to operate, economical, perfectly amenable to adjustment, both mechanical and remote, and also have an acceptable cost. In many Western European countries, residents have long moved away from central heating systems in favor of individual electric heating networks. Today the market is represented by variety of heating devicesusing electricity, the most popular of which are fan heaters, oil and infrared radiators, and convectors.


Choosing new batteries for an apartment, do not save too much, since this in the future may result in big trouble, in the form of a flood. Therefore, to the problem of the selection of heating equipment of this type, come up responsibly, collect all the necessary information, consult with experts. Buy products only from well-known and trusted brands that can reliably provide you and your loved ones with warmth.

Video. 10 mistakes when replacing radiators

One of the important links in any heating system is a radiator installed in a heated room. This device is responsible for comfortable living conditions in an apartment or a private house. Therefore, many consumers are wondering how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment. When solving this problem, it is necessary to take into account many nuances.

Radiator compatibility with heating system

The modern market offers for sale a huge range of radiators, including:

  • aluminum;
  • cast iron;
  • bimetallic;
  • copper.

It is important to decide which battery will best fit into a particular heating system. It is important to take into account the technical parameters, including:

  • heat transfer;
  • permissible temperature of the coolant;
  • inertia;
  • pressure.

For reference

When buying, consumers pay attention to the durability, cost and appearance of the heating device. It is important to consider which system the battery will be installed in. If we are talking about an apartment building, then the system is open, while individual houses are heated using closed systems. If the radiator indicators do not correspond to the characteristics of the heating system, then the device may fail, as it will wear out quickly.

Battery selection by technical parameters

If you are faced with the question of how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then remember: you should take into account the operational and technical characteristics of the device. Not every battery will be able to endure operating conditions.If we are talking about a centralized heating system, then it will be characterized by:

  • poor quality of the coolant;
  • fluctuations in temperature and pressure.

The design temperature for an open one-pipe system in high-rise buildings is 105 ° C, while the pressure is 10 atmospheres. These parameters sometimes turn out to be larger, which is especially true when the system starts after the end of the summer period. Such conditions lead to which some heating devices are not designed. Before choosing heating radiators for an apartment, it is important to find out what pressure, as well as the temperature of the coolant, the device is designed for.

The choice of heat transfer

Heat dissipation is another important factor. This characteristic affects the efficiency of air heating and depends on the material of construction. By choosing a steel appliance, you can get less heat dissipation compared to aluminum batteries. As for copper, it surpasses cast iron in this matter. However, you should not rely on this parameter alone.

What the reviews say

If you are at a crossroads and do not know which radiator to choose for an apartment with a central heating system, first of all pay attention to what others say in their reviews about these systems.

So, for example, many are sure that by purchasing steel radiators, they acquire devices that differ in insignificant thickness and weight. These batteries are efficient and economical, have good heat transfer and low water volume. According to consumers, they are inexpensive, but in terms of pressure, they have failed. Steel radiators will be able to withstand only 8 atmospheres, which means they are not suitable for apartments.

Aluminum batteries look attractive, they have a thermal power of 190 W, which pleases consumers. As buyers emphasize, hot water with harmful impurities and high acidity can eat up batteries from the inside, since aluminum is too active. In addition, this material will not cope with high pressure. Its average indicator is 16 atmospheres, but if a water hammer occurs, then even a new aluminum radiator will fail.

If you have no idea how to choose a heating radiator for an apartment, then heed the advice of those property owners who claim that it is worth paying attention to bimetallic models. This development is one of the most recent in the field of heating devices. Manufactured using aluminum and steel or copper. Such devices are ready to last 40 years or more. For a heating system that is installed in an apartment building, such devices are the best fit. They are able to withstand 130 ° C, and the working pressure is declared at 50 atmospheres.

Having installed such devices, you can no longer be afraid of water hammer. Internal and external anticorrosive primer makes the units durable and resistant to destruction. If you still cannot decide which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then it is worth purchasing bimetallic ones - they have low weight, provide easy installation, transportation and carrying. However, not every consumer can afford, unfortunately, to buy such an expensive device. If you are offered something like that at an affordable cost, you should not trust, because the market is flooded with fakes. If you buy a bimetallic product, then you should pay attention to the models of proven brands, including:

  • Rifar.
  • Sira.
  • Global.

Cast iron radiators for apartments

Such heating radiators are ready to serve for more than 50 years. Some manufacturers are urging to forget about such batteries, but in vain. After all, such devices will behave properly in contact with dirty water. This metal is chemically passive, it is not afraid of high acidity and the presence of chemical additives in the coolant. In addition, the abrasive will not damage thick walls. That is why cast iron is perfect for heating an apartment.

Such products keep heat for quite a long time, the residual amount of its retention is 30%. If we compare cast-iron batteries with other radiators according to this criterion, then the former win. If you are wondering which radiators to choose for heating an apartment, then perhaps you really should pay special attention to cast-iron ones, because they work on the principle of the radial method of heat propagation. It is much more efficient than convection.

Cast iron does not rust when the batteries need to be drained in the summer. This feature is a significant plus. The heat transfer of such devices is quite high. With pressure drops that occur during the operation of central heating, cast iron behaves quite adequately. However, the material is not always able to withstand high power water shocks - in this case, the fragility of the walls can fail.

The determining factor for the choice is sometimes the cost, which is much lower in the case of the described models. However, during installation, cast-iron radiators are heavy. It is worth mentioning that the weight is due to the impressive wall thickness, which provides the necessary strength to the products. If you install cast-iron radiators once, then you can forget about replacing them for many years.

Conclusions regarding the choice of a radiator for an apartment

In conclusion, we can conclude on what to choose for an apartment. As practice shows, aluminum and steel models are not able to withstand the tests that accompany the operation in the conditions of domestic heating systems. Such batteries are not able to withstand pressure and temperature changes. There are only cast iron and bimetallic devices to choose from.

What to buy - you can decide by evaluating the budget, as well as the characteristics of the models. However, there are a few tips to follow. If you still do not know which heating radiator is better to choose for an apartment, then you should evaluate how old the house in which you live is. If we are talking about "Khrushchev", then it is best to use cast iron products. For residents of high-rise buildings, where the pressure is higher, it is recommended to purchase bimetallic radiators. If earlier cast iron batteries were installed in the apartment, then the choice can be stopped at either of the two options. However, those who are going to replace a battery made of a different metal should purchase bimetallic models.

Choosing a battery for a private house

One of the important advantages of a private house heating system is low pressure, which is favorable for radiators. Water hammering is practically excluded here, and if the technical conditions for the water balance are observed, the list of battery selection becomes quite extensive.

The cheapest radiators are sectional and they have quite good heat transfer characteristics, fit perfectly into the interior and are compact. At a price, tubular radiators are more expensive than sectional and panel radiators. According to their characteristics, they are approximately equal, and the margin is due to the exquisite appearance.

Convenient for drying things, which is important for families with children. Now you know how to choose the right heating radiator for your apartment. But if you live in a house, then you should pay special attention to steel radiators, which differ in low oxidizability from low-quality water, as well as light weight and convenient dimensions. The service life of such devices is quite long. But steel radiators also have disadvantages. They are expressed in a not very attractive design, the need for flushing, as well as requirements for constant filling. The last recommendation is due to the fact that the inner walls in the absence of water will rust, and this can "kill" the radiator in just a few years.

Private house aluminum radiators

Aluminum radiators are quite common among consumers who live in private homes. The popularity of such devices is expressed in high heat output and modern design. The price depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest models are products of Russian suppliers. But remember that aluminum radiators are sensitive to fluid parameters. In addition, batteries have a rather impressive thermal capacity, which can cause temperature differences in the room. Such devices are well suited for heating a private house. They will last a long time and will provide good heat dissipation if the equipment is operated under special conditions.

Features of the choice of bimetallic radiators

Quite often, modern consumers are wondering how to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment correctly. Such devices are presented for sale in two varieties. The first is made on the basis of a steel frame, while the second has channels reinforced with steel.

Radiators with a steel frame are of better quality. They have hot water that does not come into contact with the aluminum alloy, which excludes corrosion. Such products will not leak. When choosing a specific model, it is important to pay attention to its cost and weight. The heavier the battery, the more expensive it will be. If you are looking for an answer to the question of how to choose bimetallic heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention to the operating conditions. For an apartment in a multi-storey building with a central heating system, a radiator based on a steel frame is better suited. Now you know which bimetallic radiators to choose for your apartment. As for the recommendation for the frame, it is especially relevant for a heating system with old pipes.

How to choose an aluminum radiator

The higher cost will have to be paid for the die-cast aluminum radiator. All connections in this case are made by welding in an inert gas environment. The advantages of such devices are tightness, reliability and the possibility of modification. If you are faced with the question of how to choose an aluminum heating radiator for an apartment, then you should also pay attention to extrusion models. They are cheaper. Among their advantages are:

  • higher heat transfer;
  • smaller internal volume of one section;
  • low price;
  • less weight.

How to choose a cast iron radiator

Not all modern consumers know how to choose cast iron heating radiators for an apartment. Imported models are more durable and practical than domestically produced options. However, the cost of the latter is much lower. You can also compare these in terms of the year of manufacture. On sale you can find used batteries. They are cheaper, but sometimes they require cleaning, which entails additional costs.

Instead of a conclusion: which company to prefer

If you are concerned about the question of which company to choose heating radiators for an apartment, then you should pay attention, as already mentioned, to such suppliers as Rifar, Global, Sira.

One Rifar section will cost the consumer 400 rubles. As for Italian brands, the batteries of their production will be more expensive - here you will have to pay 500 rubles. You can decide on the spot, because companies produce sections with different heat output, construction and design. Now you know which radiators to choose for heating an apartment. The reviews that we gave in the article should have helped you to learn more about the heating devices existing on the market.

The quality and efficiency of the heating system affects the creation of a comfortable environment in a residential area. One of the main elements of a heating system is a radiator, which transfers heat from a heated coolant using radiation, convection and heat conduction.

They are divided into separate groups depending on the material of manufacture, design, shape, application.

One of the important details that you need to pay attention to when choosing is the material of manufacture. The modern market offers several options: aluminum, cast iron, steel, bimetallic heating devices.

Heat exchangers made of aluminum comprehensively heat the room by means of heat radiation and convection, which occurs through the movement of heated air from the lower sections of the heater to the upper ones.

Main characteristics:

  • Working pressure from 5 to 16 atmospheres;
  • Thermal power of one section - 81-212 W;
  • Maximum water heating temperature - 110 degrees;
  • the pH of the water is 7–8;
  • The service life is 10-15 years.

There are two manufacturing methods:

  1. Casting.

At increased pressure, separate sections are made of aluminum with the addition of silicon (no more than 12%), which are fastened into one heating device. The number of sections varies, additional sections can be connected to one section.

  1. Extrusion method.

This method is cheaper than injection molding and involves the production of vertical parts of the battery on the extruder, and the collector from silumin (an alloy of aluminum with silicon). Parts are connected, adding or reducing sections is not possible.


  1. High thermal conductivity
  2. Light weight, easy installation
  3. Increased level of heat transfer, which is facilitated by the design features of the heat exchanger.
  4. Modern design that fits into any interior.
  5. Due to the reduced volume of the coolant in the sections, the aluminum units heat up quickly.
  6. The design of the battery allows you to build in thermostats, thermal valves, which contribute to an economical consumption of heat by regulating the heating of the coolant to the required temperature.
  7. Easy to install, installation is possible without the involvement of professionals.
  8. The outer coating of the battery prevents paint peeling.
  9. Low cost.


  1. Sensitive to shocks and other physical influences, as well as pressure surges. These batteries are contraindicated for installation in industrial plants due to the high pressure in the heating system.
  2. The need to constantly maintain the pH of the water within the acceptable value.
  3. Contaminated coolant - water with solid particles, chemical impurities - damages the inner protective layer of the walls, causing their destruction, corrosion and blockages, which reduces the service life. Installation and cleaning of filters is required.
  4. Aluminum in reaction with oxygen in water is oxidized, resulting in the release of hydrogen. This leads to gas formation in the heating system. To avoid rupture, the installation of an air venting device is required, which needs constant maintenance.
  5. Sections between sections are prone to leakage.
  6. Aluminum radiators are not compatible with copper pipeswhich are often used in modern heating systems. When they interact, oxidation processes take place.
  7. Weak convection.


  • Heat transfer - 1200-1800 W;
  • Working pressure indicator - from 6 to 15 atmospheres;
  • Hot water temperature is 110-120 C.
  • Steel thickness - from 1.15 to 1.25 mm.


  1. Small inertia. The steel heat exchanger heats up very quickly and begins to give off heat to the room
  2. Increased heat dissipation by heat radiation and convection
  3. Long service life due to uncomplicated design
  4. Ease of installation
  5. A light weight
  6. Low cost
  7. Attractive appearance, original design. Steel are made in various shapes, allowing them to be placed vertically, horizontally and at an angle
  8. Compatible with various materials used as fasteners
  9. High level of energy saving
  10. Installation of temperature controllers
  11. Uncomplicated design provides easy maintenance


  1. Low corrosion resistance. Units made of the thickest steel can withstand a service life of no more than ten years.
  2. It should not be left without water inside for a long time, which is not suitable for centralized heating.
  3. Failure to withstand strong water hammer and pressure surges, especially at welds.
  4. If the outer coat was initially flawed, it will flake off over time.

Steel radiator models differ in the type of connection - it can be side or bottom. The bottom connection is considered universal, it is discreet in the interior, but more expensive in cost.

Depending on the number of panels and convectors, or internal sections, there are several types.

Type 10 has one panel without a convector, 11 - one panel and one convector, 21 - two heating panels and one inner section, and so on, by analogy, types 22, 33 and others are divided. Three-panel heat exchangers are quite heavy, heat up more slowly and require more complex maintenance.

They are made of several identical sections, cast from cast iron and tightly connected to each other. When installing such a heater, it is necessary to determine the number of sections, which depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the number of windows, the height of the floor, and the angular placement of the apartment.


  • Withstanding pressure 18 atmospheres;
  • Hot water temperature - 150 C;
  • Power 100-150 W;


  1. Resistant to corrosion. Cast iron is a wear-resistant material, the quality of the coolant does not affect functionality.
  2. For a long time after stopping heating, it retains heat.
  3. The service life is 30 years or more.
  4. Compatibility with other materials.
  5. Increased heat dissipation due to vertical arrangement of internal fins.
  6. Heat resistance, strength.
  7. Due to the inner diameter and volume of the sections, minimal hydraulic resistance is created and blockages do not occur.


  1. Heavy weight making installation and handling difficult.
  2. Slow heating.
  3. Impossibility of integrating a temperature controller.
  4. Difficulty in care and staining.
  5. The outer coating is unstable and may flake and flake. For this reason, it becomes necessary to periodically paint the battery.
  6. Unpresentable appearance.
  7. Increased fuel consumption due to large internal volume.
  8. Cast iron heat exchangers have a porous inner surface that collects dirt on itself, which over time will lead to a deterioration in the heat-conducting qualities of the battery.

This type includes devices with an aluminum housing and steel pipes inside. They are most common in residential installations.


  • Working pressure indicator - from 18 to 40 atmospheres;
  • Thermal power - 125-180 W;
  • The permissible temperature of the coolant is from 110 to 130 degrees;
  • The warranty period is 20 years on average.


  1. 100% bimetallic, i.e. the inner core is steel, the outer core is aluminum. They are stronger.
  2. 50% bimetallic - only those pipes that reinforce the vertical channels are made of steel. They are cheaper in cost than the first type, and heat up faster.


  1. Long service life without the need for maintenance.
  2. Increased level of heat transfer. This is achieved through the rapid heating of the aluminum panels and the small internal volume of the steel core.
  3. Strength, reliability, resistance to mechanical stress and pressure surges.
  4. Resistant to corrosion by using specially coated high-strength steel.
  5. Light weight, easy to install.
  6. Aesthetic appearance that will fit into the interior.


  1. Expensive.
  2. When draining water from the heating system, when exposed to air and water, the steel core can corrode. In this case, it is better to use bimetallic models with a copper core and aluminum panels.
  3. Aluminum and steel differ in performance thermal expansion... Therefore, instability of heat transfer, characteristic noises and crackling inside the device, in the first years of operation, is possible.

For the correct operation of the bimetal heat exchanger, it is recommended to install an air exhaust valve and shut-off valves on the inlet and outlet pipes.

By design features, they are divided into the following types:

  1. Sectional
  2. Panel
  3. Tubular

Devices consisting of sections of the same type, connected together, inside each of which there are two to four channels through which the coolant moves.

The case with sections is assembled with the required thermal power, length, shape. They are made of various materials - steel, aluminum, cast iron, bimetals.


  1. The ability to install additional sections or remove unnecessary ones, depending on the required length of the heat exchanger and the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room.
  2. Increased heat transfer produced by radiation and convection.
  3. By increasing the number of sections, the power of the radiator increases.
  4. Low cost.
  5. Profitability.
  6. Installation of temperature controllers.
  7. Different center distances allow the heater to be installed everywhere.


  1. The joints between the sections are susceptible to water leaks, and with a sharp increase in pressure, they can disperse.
  2. Difficulty in maintenance associated with the removal of dirt in the space between the sections.
  3. The inner surface of the sections is uneven, which creates blockages.

They consist of two metal shields treated with anti-corrosion protection, fastened together by welding. Inside the panels, a coolant circulates through vertical channels, and ribs are attached to the back side to increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated surface in the form of P.

Panel heat exchangers are divided into one-, two-, and three-row, made of steel.


  1. A variety of panel board sizes allows you to select for heating in accordance with the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Depending on the size, the power increases or decreases. The large surface area of \u200b\u200bthe shields has increased heat transfer.
  2. Due to its low inertia, the battery quickly responds to temperature changes.
  3. A light weight.
  4. Due to its compact design, the battery can be placed in hard-to-reach areas of the room.
  5. Low cost.
  6. To heat a panel radiator, several times less water is needed than for a sectional one.
  7. Aesthetic appearance.
  8. Ease of installation due to the integral design.


  1. Impossible to use in systems with high pressure.
  2. They need a clean coolant without chemical impurities and dirt.
  3. The impossibility of increasing or decreasing the dimensions for heating as in the case of a sectional one.
  4. In case of poor-quality painting with protective material, corrosion may form.
  5. Sensitivity to water hammer.

They consist of vertical pipes from 1 to 6 connected by the lower and upper collectors. Thanks to the simple design, an unhindered and efficient circulation of the coolant is ensured.

The level of heat transfer depends on the thickness of the tubes and the dimensions of the unit itself, which vary from 30 cm to 3 m. The indicator of the working pressure maintained by the tubular models is up to 20 atmospheres. Manufactured from steel.

Main advantage - resistance to pressure drops. The rounded edges and shape of the tubes prevent dust and other contaminants from accumulating on their surface. The appearance is stylish and modern, the variety of forms allows you to create a designer model for any interior. Strong welded joints eliminate water leakage.

Disadvantages: susceptibility to corrosion and cost.

Thanks to convection, such radiators thoroughly warm up the air in the room.

When creating comfortable living conditions, attention is paid to details that must harmoniously fit into the design of a residential or public space. Often, when implementing a design project, it is required to organically fit each element into it.

The heater also has a variety of shapes that can create the integrity of the interior. These include vertical, flat, mirror, floor, skirting devices made of various materials.

The vertical units have been designed for applications where indoor installation is not possible. It depends on both the interior design and the size or non-standard shape of the living space.

The vertical heat exchanger can be made part of the interior and not hidden behind decorative elements. The main difference is the size, where the length exceeds the width, and vertical placement on the wall. A device of this type is indispensable in a room with panoramic windows.

Vertical radiators can be of various designs - panel, tubular, sectional, and made of various materials - cast iron, steel, aluminum. According to the method of connection to the heating system, there are side, bottom and diagonal.


  1. Large assortment of shapes and sizes, colors.
  2. Compactness, which is achieved by reducing the length of the battery along the wall.
  3. The decorative effect is also expressed in the invisibility of all its fasteners and connecting elements.
  4. Ease of installation, which is achieved due to its low weight and integrity of its design.
  5. Large area for increased heat dissipation.
  6. Heating speed.
  7. It does not require a lot of water for heating, which helps to save money.
  8. Ease of care.


  1. Expensive
  2. A drop in the heating characteristics of the heater is possible due to the fact that the air from the top will always be warmer than the bottom. Accordingly, the top will give off less heat than the bottom.
  3. Uneven distribution of heat over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe room due to the fact that the radiant heat accumulates in the upper part of the room.
  4. It is recommended to build in a battery with a reducer to normalize the internal pressure.

In other cases, the disadvantages and advantages correspond to those inherent in each type of conventional batteries - sectional, tubular, panel.

Factors affecting work efficiency:

  1. One- or two-pipe connection in the system. The first is less economical in water consumption, but easy to install and does not require unnecessary costs.
  2. Type of water supply to the system - top, bottom, side.
  3. Connection method to the heating system. Diagonal connection is considered universal.

The effectiveness of heat transfer depends on the correct connection to the heating system. It is important to insulate part of the wall before installation to reduce heat loss.

Flat models are used for compact placement and freeing up space.


  • Smooth front panel to keep dust out.
  • Dimensions - from 30 cm to 3 m.
  • Low water consumption, which makes it easy to regulate with thermostats.
  • Bottom and side connection.
  • It is used as a decorative element, strict forms or bright colors.

The functioning is similar to panel and sectional ones: a coolant circulates between two metal sheets, if a heating element is laid, an electric flat version is obtained.

The working pressure is up to ten atmospheres, the maximum water heating is 110 C. There are single-panel, two-panel and three-panel heaters.

The main advantage is its compact size and fast heating. In addition, they are easy to maintain and have an attractive and stylish appearance. The decoration of flat heat exchangers allows you to fit into any room design, and a mirror surface will replace a mirror. Shallow installation depth and good heat radiation.

Among the disadvantages are the impossibility of installation in damp rooms in order to avoid corrosion, as well as the high cost.

Flat and vertical should be equipped with air release devices, as this arrangement causes a difference in internal pressure.

Radiator identical to conventional wall-mounted heat exchangers, but installed on a horizontal surface. It consists of a heat exchanger with a coolant circulating in it, surrounded by plates of aluminum or steel and closed from the outside with a metal crate or protective casing.

Equipped with a valve for air removal and can be connected to pipes of any diameter. The only difference from wall-mounted options is that the floor-standing radiator is attached to the floor or stands autonomously on it.


  • Working pressure indicators up to 15 atmospheres;
  • Heating temperature of the outer case - up to 60 degrees;
  • Heat carrier temperature - 110 C;
  • Dimensions in length are up to 2 m, in average - 1 m in height.

They are made of cast iron, aluminum, steel, bimetals. Many of the models can be converted from wall to floor and vice versa using brackets.


  1. Fire and injury-proof.
  2. Uniform heating of the room.
  3. A variety of shapes and sizes for the style of the interior and at the request of the buyer.
  4. The use of copper in the heat exchanger improves the anti-corrosion properties and increases the service life.
  5. Built-in electronic and automated control.
  6. Profitability.
  7. Installation is possible anywhere in the room where the hot water pipe is supplied.
  8. Providing natural convection.
  9. Built-in auxiliary functions heat and clean the surrounding air.
  10. A floor-standing heat exchanger is a convenient option in rooms where there is no possibility of installing wall-mounted ones due to weight, or panoramic windows are installed.
  11. Compact dimensions.
  12. Increased heat dissipation.
  13. Resistance to mechanical stress.


  1. Problems with installation are possible, since the installation of a floor radiator implies a supply of pipes hidden under the floor.
  2. The cost with copper pipes and aluminum plates is quite high. Cast iron models are cheaper, but have less thermal conductivity. Steel floor models have low heat transfer.

A comfortable atmosphere in the bathroom, absence of dampness, unpleasant smell, maintenance of an optimal level of humidity will be ensured by a properly installed radiator.

Divided by heating method and shape:

  1. Water, heated by running water

They are connected to the heating system of the house in the manner of a conventional wall. Additionally, it can be equipped with thermostats, with the help of which the required surface temperature is set.

It is recommended to use stainless steel, copper or brass as the outer coating of the water unit.

  1. Electrical

It functions autonomously, a heating element is built inside, powered by a network. Ease of installation. It is not able to heat the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe bathroom, so it is advisable to use it in conjunction with other heaters, for example, with a warm floor system. In addition, this type is more expensive to maintain than water.

  1. Combined: water and electric.

They are able to function from the heating system and from the network. The disadvantage is the cost. There are simple forms and designer ones.

Depending on the material, there are:

  1. Cast iron.

Pros: increased heat dissipation, cheap price, good service life.

Cons: unattractive appearance. If the protective polymer layer is missing, the outer paint will peel off and the battery will lose its appearance.

  1. Steel.

Cons: susceptibility to corrosion, the occurrence of leaks over time, which, under strong water pressure, break through.

  1. Aluminum.

Pros: light weight, compact size, attractive appearance.

Cons: not suitable for a system with centralized heating, because they do not tolerate water hammer and coolant contaminated with sand and chemical impurities.

  1. Bimetallic.

Pros: service life (up to 20 years), good heat transfer rates, resistance to water hammer and pressure drops.

Cons: cost.

  1. Infrared.

Pros: convenient attachment anywhere in the bathroom, while maintaining the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the ability to regulate the temperature, heating the items in the room.

Cons: high cost.

The radiator in the bathroom, regardless of type and shape, can be covered with a decorative panel. So the surface will not be exposed to external influences with a constant amount of radiated heat.

Radiator for apartment

IN apartment buildings not every unit can be used effectively for many years.

It is necessary to take into account the features of the district heating system:

  1. The coolant has impurities in the form of various chemical impurities that can cause corrosion over time.
  2. Hard grains of sand and other blockages act on pipe walls over time, causing them to abrade.
  3. The temperature of the water changes, as does the level of acidity.
  4. Pressure surges cause divergence of the weld joints on the walls.

Selection options:

  1. The manufacturer's specified operating pressure in the unit is higher than the pressure in the heating system.
  2. The heating device is resistant to water hammer.
  3. The inner surface of the walls of the heat exchanger must be with a special protective coating that protects against the chemical action of the elements on each other, and the thickness of the walls must withstand the physical effects of clogging particles from the inside.
  4. It is worth choosing with the greatest heat dissipation.
  5. Duration of service life.
  6. Exterior design.

Suitable options for installation in an apartment:

  1. Bimetallic.

Suitable for all the necessary parameters for installation and long service in a multi-storey apartment building. They withstand water shocks, the maximum working pressure is up to 50 atmospheres, internal and external treatment with a protective coating protects against corrosion and surface wear.

The light weight makes it easy to install, and the appearance is attractive in any interior. The only negative is expensive.

  1. Cast iron.

Long service life, thick walls, resistance to corrosion, chemically passive material of such heat exchangers creates conditions for use in an apartment. Cast iron retains heat for a long time compared to other materials. Heating by radiation is more efficient than convection.

Good heat dissipation, affordable price, when water is drained from the system, the inner surface does not rust. Cons - too large pressure surges, cast iron may not withstand, is heavy and creates inconvenience during installation.

Not suitable for installation in an apartment:

  1. Steel.

They do not withstand the pressure characteristic of a district heating system, despite good heat transfer and economy of resource use.

  1. Aluminum.

Aluminum corrodes quickly when combined with water with chemical impurities and its pH level, and does not withstand strong pressure in the heating system.

Bimetallic and cast iron are suitable. If the height of the house is more than five floors, and non-cast iron batteries were originally installed in the apartment, it is recommended to mount bimetallic ones.

For the correct choice of a heater in a private house, you need to rely on the following features of an autonomous heating system:

  1. Unlike a centralized heating system, an autonomous one works at low pressure and without admixtures of chemicals.
  2. No large pressure drops.
  3. The acidity level of the water is relatively constant.

Before choosing, it is necessary to make an accurate calculation of the released heat energy in accordance with the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises.

The heat losses of the building should be taken into account in order to correctly select the power. Important factors are its size, as well as value for money.


  1. Steel.

Sectional and panel types provide an affordable option with good heat dissipation and attractive appearance... In a private house with large window openings, it allows you to block the access of cold air from the outside.

Tubular steel tubes are similar in positive characteristics, but the price is higher.

Advantages of steel heat exchangers when used in a private house: light weight, convenient dimensions, long service life, efficiency and lack of oxidation from poor-quality coolant.

Cons: the need for constant filling with water to avoid corrosion, maintenance every three years to avoid blockages inside the battery, and sensitivity to mechanical stress.

  1. Aluminum.

Due to its high heat output, the aluminum heat exchanger is suitable for autonomous heating systems. For a long service life, you need to monitor the pH level of the water.

When choosing this type of radiator, you need to make an accurate calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, otherwise there is a risk of temperature differences between the floor and the ceiling. Must be equipped with temperature, pressure and dirt filters.

  1. Bimetallic.

The characteristics are suitable for use in a private house, but the cost is high. Since an autonomous heating system does not require resistance to powerful pressure surges and an aggressive coolant environment, you can find a profitable option with the parameters necessary for high-quality service.

The cost of a bimetallic radiator will pay off due to its long service life.

  1. Cast iron.

Due to the fact that the cast iron radiator cools down slowly, you can save on fuel resources. Increased corrosion resistance and strength in relation to low cost can provide a long service life, which is suitable for heating a private house.

Disadvantage - periodic maintenance, cleaning, painting is required, the need for strong fastening of the cast-iron battery.

For the correct choice of heating radiators, you need to know about their main technical parameters. Otherwise, the result may not meet expectations. There are not so many really important parameters for radiators, so even a non-professional can easily figure them out.

Features of the choice of heating devices

Now people no longer need to hide or, since modern appliances can become a worthy decoration for any interior. The radiators sold today can vary in color, size, material of manufacture and general style of execution, so it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

Attention! Despite the fact that we are accustomed to batteries of light colors, the heat transfer of black devices is approximately ¼ higher solely due to coloring. Although, when choosing a color, it is better to focus on the design of the home and personal preferences.

With regards to the form, then it must be streamlined. For safety reasons, it is advisable to abandon sharp corners altogether, especially if children live in the house. Before buying, familiarize yourself with the strengths and weaknesses of each existing species radiators to determine which one is more suitable for a particular room. The first thing to pay attention to is the operating pressure of the instruments.

Depending on the material, radiators are divided into:

The above-mentioned pressure, heat transfer coefficient, heat capacity, resistance to mechanical and chemical damage, as well as service life depend on the material.

Interior radiators

Also pay attention to the way of connection to the heating main. The connection can be side, bottom and universal. It is characteristic that modern radiators provide for all these connection methods.

Attention! The environmental friendliness of the material used in the manufacture of heating devices is also very important. In internal elements there should be no formaldehyde, high-quality polymer spraying on the surface is also encouraged.

Now in more detail about each material.

Characteristics of aluminum radiators

Heating devices made of are considered one of the most popular types of radiators. Aluminum is a lightweight and ductile metal, therefore, batteries made from it weigh a little and have increased heat transfer.

The devices consist of sections, each of which is a set of interconnected plates. Thanks to this, heat conservation is also at a fairly high level here.

Benefits similar units are as follows:

At the same time, after turning off the heating, such radiators cool down rather quickly. Among the others disadvantages worth highlighting:

  • instability to chemical attack (the problem can be solved by polymer spraying on the inner surface);
  • low strength;
  • poor quality of the threaded connection in the top valve to bleed air from the system.

In view of this, before buying, it is imperative to inquire about the operating pressure of the heating system. The maximum pressure of a specific product must be viewed in the data sheet, since it is different for different models.

Nevertheless, according to its characteristics, aluminum is excellent for the manufacture of radiators, and its low melting point made it possible to significantly expand the lineup... Today you can choose exactly the battery that fits perfectly into the interior of your home.

Table 1. Comparison of aluminum batteries from well-known brands

ManufacturerModelWeight, kgpower, kWtVolume, lPressure, bar.Dimensions, cmDistance between axes, cm
1. Rifar, RFAlum 5001,45 0,183 0,27 20 9x8x56.550
2. Fondital, ItalyCalidor Super-5001,32 0,193 0,3 16 9.7x8x55.750
2. Rovall, (Italy)Alux-5001,31 0,179 0,23 20 10x8x54.550
3. Radiatori 20,000 S.p.A.500R1,6 0,199 0,58 16 9.5x8x57.750
4. FaralGreen HP-3501,12 0,136 0,26 16 8x8x4335
5. FaralTrioHP-5001,58 0,212 0,5 16 9.5x8x5850

Aluminum radiators from STOUT Bravo are ideal for installation in apartments and houses with individual heating. These heating devices are manufactured at the facilities of the GLOBAL plant, Italy. Each stage of production is controlled by European specialists. Each section is made by injection molding and is a monolith of two collectors and ribbing connecting the sections. The available center distance is 350 or 500 mm. Manufacturer's warranty - 10 years.

Prices for popular models of aluminum heating radiators

Aluminum heating radiators

Characteristics of bimetallic batteries

The main difference between bimetallic radiators is considered to be the use in the manufacturing process of two different metals - steel to create a core and aluminum for assembly of the case. This makes the rod very strong. Another advantage of such products is their high working pressure, which can reach 50 (!) Atmospheres. Moreover, steel works well even with water containing various impurities, while aluminum heats up quickly and gives off maximum heat.

In a word, the use of two metals at once made it possible to obtain radiators with the advantages of each of them. Therefore, it is quite obvious that the cost of these devices is the highest among all possible options.

Attention! used mainly for heating industrial and public facilities. They are rare in residential buildings due to their high cost.

The service life is 20-25 years, which is quite normal.

Table 2. Comparison of bimetallic radiators

Manufacturer / modelWorking fluid temperature, ᵒСWeight, kgVolume, lpower, kWtOperating pressureSection dimensions, cm
1. Sira Group / Gladiator-500110 1,6 0,42 0,185 30 8x8x42.3
2. Gordi / Gordi-500100 1,7 0,3 0,181 30 8x8x57.2
... Rifar / Rifar Monolit-350135 1,5 0,18 0,136 100 8x10x41.5
4. Tenrad / Tenrad-500120 1,44 0,22 0,161 24 7.7x8x55
5. Global / Style-350110 1,56 0,16 0,125 35 8x8x42.5

All the advantages of using bimetallic radiators are clearly expressed in the design of STOUT Space heaters. These radiators are easy to install, they are suitable for any room design and have a reliable structure. The maximum pressure that the heater can withstand is 100 atmospheres. Production - the Russian plant "RIFAR", the largest in the country. Service life - 25 years, manufacturer's warranty - 10 years. available from 4 to 14 - you can complete any object and pick up a radiator for a room of any area.

Bimetallic battery prices

Bimetallic batteries

Characteristics of cast iron radiators

Such batteries are the most common and well-known to every option, since they are the ones that are installed in most typical apartments. Agree, old cast iron appliances can hardly be considered stylish and attractive. The new models look better, but in terms of aesthetic indicators, they are still significantly inferior to devices made of other materials.

As you know, cast iron is very heavy. Batteries made from it weigh a lot, which cannot but affect the complexity of transportation and installation.

Let's consider their main advantages.

But cast iron has and limitations, among which:

  • significant weight;
  • slow heating;
  • unaesthetic.

Attention! Despite the abundance of more modern counterparts, many people prefer to install cast-iron batteries, trusting what has been proven for decades.

Table 3. Comparison of cast iron batteries from the most famous manufacturers

Manufacturer / modelWeight, kgVolume, lHeating area in one section, m2Power, WPressure, atm.Dimensions, mm
1. Konner, ModernUp to 4.75Up to 0.96- Up to 15012 80x60x565
2. World Cup-3Up to 71,38 0,25 156 9 120x90x570
2. World Cup-2Up to 6.30,8-0,95 0,2 100-142 9 100x80x570
2. World Cup-1Up to 4.80,9 0,1-0,16 110 9 70x80x570
5.MS-140Up to 7.11,45 0,24 160 9 140x93x588

Prices for popular models of cast iron radiators

Cast iron radiators

Low carbon steel is used in the manufacture of these devices. For protection purposes, the surface is covered with special enamel. If they are of good quality, then they have excellent performance parameters, including:

  • strength;
  • reliability;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • durability;
  • resistance to all kinds of aggressive substances.

Such batteries can be tubular and panel.

Tubular devices

For their assembly, high quality polymer-coated steel pipes are used. The maximum load that the devices can handle depends solely on the wall thickness of the pipes. It is desirable that the pipes are made of stainless steel.

The service life of tubular devices significantly exceeds that of panel devices and is about 30 years. It is possible to connect in all the ways described above. The working pressure is 10-16 atmospheres, more detailed data must be specified in the product data sheet.

Outstanding representatives of tubular radiators are models manufactured by Loten:

  • LotenGrey V;
  • horizontal LotenGrey Z.

These radiators are made of a steel profile pipe with a rectangular cross-section. In addition to providing comfortable heating, the presented radiators demonstrate the latest trends in the design of heating devices, perfectly fitting into the interior of any home.

There were two main ideas when creating Loten tubular radiators:

  • to create high-quality equipment for heating: for the manufacture of radiators, high-strength metal with a wall thickness of 2.5 mm is used, due to which these heating devices have an operating pressure of 16 atm. Radiators withstand a test pressure of 25 atm;
  • simultaneously turn the battery into a stylish element of the interior of a home, office space, public area, etc.

The presented models of heaters can have a different number of sections, from 4 to 12. The length of the sections varies from 750 to 2000 mm. The price of each heating element is directly dependent on the following parameters:

  • number and length of sections;
  • connection type (side / bottom).

Without extra charge, you can purchase radiator models painted in colors that are at the peak of popularity in terms of interior design:

  • matte black;
  • classic white;
  • soft beige;
  • concrete gray.

However, lovers of bright furnishings can order any other colors and shades.

The presented models of radiators are suitable for connection to a central as well as an autonomous system. The size range is really wide, you can equip the presented radiators as a cozy small one-room apartment and a spacious country mansion.

Each model can be with side or bottom connection. Heating systems that are suitable for this battery can be:

  • one-pipe;
  • two-pipe.

The high quality of the material and the laconic style of the products will allow them to take a place not only in the apartment for many years, but also in the list of your preferred interior items. Their peculiarity is that they have a long service life (warranty - 5 years, service life - 30 years), so you won't have to think about changing batteries soon. This means that you can confidently trust the manufacturer and make a choice in favor of the considered devices.

Panel devices

As the name suggests, such radiators are made in the form of panels. For this, a certain number of steel plates are connected to each other. Thanks to this assembly, a high heat capacity is achieved, while the thickness of each individual plate is negligible. In addition, they weigh a little and provide for the ability to connect in all available ways.

Attention! Before buying new heating devices, look at how old ones are connected. It is advisable that new batteries are the same.

The cost of panel radiators is slightly higher than the average, the working pressure is 10 atmospheres. According to experts, such units are best used in autonomous heating systems. As for city apartments, the use of such batteries is unacceptable here due to too high pressure in the central system.

Table 4. Comparison of steel radiators with dimensions 50x50 cm from the most famous manufacturers

ManufacturerConnectionWeight, kgVolume, lPower, W (at + 70ᵒС)Maximum permissible liquid temperature, ᵒСPressure, atm.
1.DeLonghi RADEL (Italy)Lower14,9 3,1 1079 110 8,7
2. Purmo (Finland)Side + bottom13,6 2,6 926 110 10
3. Korado Radik (Czech Republic)Side + bottom15,6 2 914 110 10
4. "Lidea" (Belarus)Side + bottom15,1 3,3 1080 110 8,6
5. Buderus (Germany)Side + bottom14,1 3,15 913 120 10
6. Kermi (Germany)Side + bottom17,7 2,7 965 110 10

Steel radiator prices

Steel radiators

As a conclusion

It should be noted that any of the described types of batteries can be used for heating systems in residential premises. Although the purchase of bimetallic devices is often impractical, because their advantages are practically the same as those of aluminum ones, and the cost is several times higher. Therefore, it is better that they continue to remain in industrial and public facilities.

It is undesirable to install aluminum appliances in apartments due to pressure drops in the system, which negatively affect the metal. The optimal and time-tested option for apartments is cast iron batteries. One way or another, you need to focus on financial capabilities and personal wishes.

For those who do not want to dive into independent calculations, we recommend using a special calculator for calculations, which takes into account almost all the nuances that affect the efficiency of heating a room.

When you are going to buy heating radiators, you need to prepare in advance. The desire to buy devices is not enough. You need to study the technical characteristics and parameters of radiators in order to find out which heating radiators are better - specifically for your heating system.

You can compare completely identical battery models in appearance, but in terms of heat transfer, power, they can differ significantly. Everything here will depend on the material of the radiator and its design features, the internal capacity of the batteries, and the way they are connected. That is why, when you choose which radiators are best, you need to prepare and have some knowledge.

What are the requirements for the installation of radiators?

If you believe the standard calculations, then the indicated consumption is 90-125 W per 1 square meter of the room, which is heated. In this case, the presence of a window, a door, a ceiling height of no more than 3 meters, a coolant temperature of 70 degrees Celsius is also taken into account.

If such standards are violated, for example, the ceiling height is greater, then the power of the radiators should be increased by the same amount. And if you have double-glazed windows, then they have low heat transfer, respectively, as the reviews show, the power can be reduced by 10 percent.

If the temperature of the coolant drops, then this will require an increase in the power of the batteries, or the number of sections can be increased. Every time the temperature drops by 10 degrees, this is compensated by an increase in power by 15-18%.

When calculations are made, no matter what the best heating radiators are, it is imperative to take into account the design features of your heating system. And if the supply of the heat carrier is made through the lower hole, and the return stroke is through the upper one, then each radiator will not supply up to 10 percent of its power. If the coolant is supplied only from one side, then it will be pointless to install more than 10 sections - after all, the last sections will heat rather weakly.

Comparison of radiators

First of all, we note that it is rather difficult to answer the question of which heating batteries are better without having special knowledge. Let's note steel panel radiators. Such heating devices are highly efficient - their working pressure is 9 atmospheres, they are able to withstand 13 atmospheres of pressure testing. As the rating of heating radiators shows, they are in great demand when an individual heating system is installed and when multi-storey buildings have their own heating point.

Such high-quality heating radiators are made of steel sheets with special recesses for the passage of the coolant, and in order to increase the heat transfer of the devices, protruding ribs are welded to the back side, which will further increase the convection air flow. Radiators are made from low carbon steel, which has increased corrosion resistance. They are covered with powder enamel.

The next type that we will consider is cast iron radiators. Of course, this option will not be the answer to the question of what are the best heating radiators.

Cast iron batteries are a classic that was previously used by Soviet consumers for lack of anything else.

These are really high-quality products, the main advantage of which is cast iron. This material has excellent thermal conductivity, it is resistant to any heat carrier. The fraction of the radiant flux includes 70% heat and 30% convective - this will heat the lower and upper zones of the room. It should be noted that the service life of a cast-iron radiator can be up to 50 years. Today, such radiators can be bought relatively cheaply, there are different models on the market, as you can see in the photo.

Cast iron radiators

In a superficial comparison, aluminum radiators will seem lighter and more elegant to you. But then you will find out that such better radiators also have improved heat transfer. Such radiators are produced by casting or extrusion. Each section has collectors, as well as a connecting vertical channel, fins to accelerate the air flow and remove heat from the plane, which is why the heat in the room will be distributed in an optimal way.

Such radiators are assembled with steel nipples; special gaskets made of waterproof material are placed between the sections. There are ribs on the front surface, this forms a continuous surface, as well as air vent windows on top. It is necessary to select the thermal power of such radiators by a set of the required number of sections, as well as their height. You can simply assemble a radiator with the desired height and length to fit well with the architectural features of your space.

As for the disadvantages of this type of batteries, these are high requirements for the chemical parameters of water. In addition, the composition of heat exchangers, brass and copper fittings, connecting pipes made of steel - all this increases the corrosion process. And the more copper there is, the stronger this process will be. To mitigate this disadvantage, manufacturers use alloys that will protect the batteries from the inside.

According to experts, bimetallic radiators are the most efficient heating batteries.

Steel channels that conduct the coolant will ensure the strength of the entire structure. They are also covered with aluminum fins, so the water only comes into contact with the metal. There are several different versions of these batteries. They can be made by covering a steel frame with aluminum - so, water will only come into contact with steel. Also, vertical channels can be reinforced with steel so that their thickness can withstand high pressure.

Bimetallic best radiators can transfer high pressure and long-term load, they are resistant to water hammer and have a high level of heat transfer. The working pressure is 35 atmospheres, and the pressing pressure is practically 52. \u200b\u200bAnd due to the fact that the capacity of the bimetallic sections will be less than the aluminum ones, this has a positive effect on the thermal inertia. As the test shows, heating radiators are the most efficient and reliable in multi-storey buildings. After assembly, such best heating radiators are painted with powder enamel, to reject them, they are heated and kept at 180 degrees Celsius. With a maximum coolant temperature of 110 degrees, this will be enough.

We propose to study the comparison of heating radiators, the table (Table 1) will show all the strongest and weaknesses different types radiators.

After all, the question is what better radiators heating may be relevant for a long time, and only a specialist who is familiar with your heating system can fully answer it correctly.

In more detail about the choice of bimetallic heating radiators in the material -