Why Sobchak decided to participate in the presidential elections and does she have a chance. Sobchak is our president! Ksenia Sobchak was registered as a candidate for the presidential election without her consent Sobchak is going to become president

Ksenia Sobchak's decision to run for president of the Russian Federation in the 2018 elections was the TOP news of October!

Surrounded by well-known journalism and a TV presenter, thoughts have repeatedly sounded that she could well compete for the main seat of the country. But Sobchak herself had previously categorically rejected this idea, seeing herself as an active opposition politician.

The childhood of a journalist and TV presenter passed in abundance. Her father, Anatoly Sobchak, was a successful lawyer and served as mayor of St. Petersburg from 1991 to 1996. Although, Xenia herself has always been against being perceived as the daughter of a famous dad and throughout her life has striven to independently achieve her goals.

Over the years, Sobchak was better known as a creative media personality, prone to bold statements and some shocking. But, in addition to participating in various television projects, the journalist and TV presenter can boast of a significant baggage of knowledge. She successfully graduated from high school and MGIMO, where she received a master's degree in political science (topic thesis Sobchak - "Comparative analysis of the institutions of the presidency in France and Russia"), and also owns three foreign languages: English, Spanish and French.

Today Ksenia is actively involved in literary and civic activities. And soon, apparently, it will enter the political arena of the country.

Why Sobchak decided to participate in the elections

The fact that Ksenia Sobchak could appear in the lists of candidates for the main seat of the country was actively talked about after a video appeared on the network in which the journalist actively urges everyone not to boycott the 2018 elections, but to come to the polling stations and express their opinion by voting against everyone.

Not belonging to any ruling political party, Sobchak positions his candidacy as an item "Against all."

The decision to run for president of the Russian Federation was not spontaneous. Ksenia Anatolyevna herself spoke about this in an open letter posted on the Vedomosti website:

Addressing the people, Sobchak not only expressed her position, but also argued her decision, answering at once many possible questions and telling what and how, in her opinion, should be done in order to radically change the situation in the country.

Ksenia Anatolyevna also said that she was running for president with a full understanding of her responsibility to the people, and she was also ready to withdraw her candidacy in favor of Alexei Navalny without hesitation and would do her best to seek his participation in the 2018 elections.

The reaction of politicians to Sobchak's statement

During a press conference on the BRICS summit, Putin commented on the news that Ksenia Sobchak plans to enter the political arena in 2018 as a presidential candidate. The current head of government stressed that the right to run for president is given to every citizen of the Russian Federation by the current constitution. But, he added that the list of candidates will certainly include other candidates, no less interesting to the people.

Whom did the current president mean? Does he see any potential contenders as a real contender in the 2018 elections? This question remains unanswered so far. The only thing that raises no doubts is the participation of Vladimir Vladimirovich himself in the election race. At a meeting with workers held in the GAZ hall on December 6, 2017, he officially confirmed that he would run for another term, because he felt support from the people.

In turn, Dmitry Peskov hastened to declare that the Kremlin was not involved in the nomination of this candidate.

Politicians are divided into three fronts:

  1. actively supporting this decision;
  2. harshly criticizing the actions of the journalist;
  3. observers who do not express a definite position on this issue.

In general, the idea received a lot of positive feedback. What will happen next? Will Sobchak's headquarters be able to draw up a program and organize an agitation campaign? Will people support her in the elections as actively as they do in in social networks? Time will show.

Follow the news of our portal, and we will definitely tell you about how events will develop.

2018 presidential election results

Already at the stage of the announcement of the preliminary results, it became clear that Ksenia Sobchak would not become the President of the Russian Federation. Even if the current leader of the country had not made the decision to run for another term, she would not have become the new head of the country, since she took only 4th place, collecting only 1.68% of the vote.

Ksenia herself is not upset, because the outcome of the elections could be said to have been decided at the moment when Vladimir Putin announced his readiness to continue performing his duties for another term. The oppositionist was upset by such a low personal result in the electoral race, which clearly demonstrates the unpreparedness of the people for cardinal changes.

The final results were not far from preliminary. Vladimir Putin won by a whopping 65%.

CandidatePercentNumber of voices
1 Vladimir Putin76,67%
Pavel Grudinin11,77% 8.64 million
3 Vladimir Zhirinovsky5,65%
Ksenia Sobchak1,68% 1.22 million
5 Grigory Yavlinsky1,05%
Boris Titov0,76% about 500 thousand
7 Maxim Suraykin0,68%

less than 500 thousand

Sergey Baburin0,65%

less than 500 thousand

In spite of everything, Sobchak stated that she recognizes the election result and does not plan to challenge their legitimacy. We invite you to listen to what the journalist (and now the politician) said after the announcement of the preliminary election results:

TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak announced her candidacy for the 2018 presidential election. This official statement by the TV presenter caused a violent reaction not only in social networks, but also from famous people... Whether Sobchak will go to the end, what she promises to voters and whether she has a chance to win, this will be discussed in the Q&A section.

Is this news? We have been discussing this since September!

In September, for the first time, information appeared in the media about the possible participation of a woman candidate in the 2018 elections. The Vedomosti newspaper suggested that this person could be Ksenia Sobchak... But the TV presenter on the same day denied these assumptions, and also wrote on her Facebook page that she does not and cannot have direct or indirect contacts with the presidential administration on this topic and she "does not need their blessing."

Clear. And now she has changed her mind?

It turns out so. Or she wanted to keep this decision a secret for now.

It is known that Sobchak made a statement about participation in the elections after a meeting with the President Vladimir Putin... On October 14, Sobchak met with Putin for an interview for a film about the first mayor of St. Petersburg, the father of Ksenia Anatoly Sobchak.

After the operators left, Sobchak and Putin talked in private for some time. The presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not confirm or deny this information, and the TV presenter did not answer calls and messages from journalists.

But back in September, Vladimir Putin noted that, according to the law, each person who meets the requirements can nominate himself. The president also added that he always had great respect for the father of the TV presenter Anatoly Sobchak, but added that you need to go to the polls with a ready-made program, and not with a family history.

Does Sobchak already have a program?

Officially, presidential candidates present their program after the announcement of the elections. Consequently, Sobchak still has time to think about what she will promise her voters.

The secular lioness announced part of the program to the Vedomosti newspaper in her long letter. There she also explained why she decided to participate in the presidential race. On October 18, Sobchak published her first campaign video.

"I am Ksenia Sobchak, I am 35 years old, all my life I have lived and worked in Russia, and I do not care what my country will become ... Despite the attacks from my liberal friends and sofa political scientists, my nomination will be useful for the whole society Elections cannot be boycotted, even if Alexei Navalny is not allowed in. It is important to participate even in dishonest elections - otherwise people ready to participate in politics mix with the lazy crowd. You can legally show your disagreement in the elections, because street protests are not suitable for everyone, "she wrote Sobchak.

The TV presenter also emphasized in her letter that the elections cannot be ignored and that it will in fact become a column "Against all", which has not been in Russia for several years. "

Program (main points):

  • to deprive the state of control over enterprises;
  • to ease taxes for entrepreneurs;
  • take away propaganda tools from the authorities;
  • cancel the "Yarovaya package";
  • make courts independent;
  • to deprive religious organizations of money from the budget;
  • repeal all discriminatory laws.

"Now I will start collecting signatures, this is the most difficult thing. With my campaign, I want to check whether it is possible to engage in politics in Russia, or all paths are blocked," Sobchak wrote.

How did they react to her statements in Russia?

Member of the faction " United Russia"in the State Duma Vitaly Milonov supported the nomination of Ksenia Sobchak for president, said that she was "not a complete fool and an interesting person."

Leader of the Communist Party Gennady Zyuganov said that he takes people, the country, the voters, the elections very seriously. And he asked Sobchak not to turn it into a tragicomedy.

Russian politician Irina Khakamada TV presenter Sobchak called her plans to run for president "a provocative farce," and also noted that the girl had no political experience.

Head of the Parnas party Mikhail Kasyanovstressed that he is for free elections. He also does not yet think that Sobchak will win over some of the votes that could have gone to other opposition candidates.

"If this is a real campaign, if Ksenia calls a spade a spade, if it is anti-Putin, then it probably makes sense, and it can involve a new generation of voters," said the politician Dmitry Gudkov.

Deputy Speaker of the State Duma from the LDPR faction Igor Lebedev stated that the participation of candidates such as Sobchak in the elections "turns the electoral process into a show" Dom-3 ".

Does she have a chance?

Political analysts and analysts believe that Ksenia Sobchak has a chance to get into the election race. To begin with, she needs to collect 300 thousand signatures. Representatives of youth and the opposition can support her candidacy. These resources will be sufficient.

But she has no chance of winning the 2018 presidential elections in Russia, but a certain percentage, of course, will vote in the elections. But such votes will be no more than 2%, wrote NTV.

Sobchak, most likely, it is needed more for PR. Also, her participation will add shocking and color to the elections.

I want to immediately propose a small but important amendment. The word “Art” in the above heading is deeply inappropriate. The project of nominating a 35-year-old shocking show business to the top leaders of the second nuclear power in the world has absolutely nothing to do with art. But he has the most direct relation to high politics. And this is not about "politics" in the form of small-town games in the opposition "sandbox", but about politics quite serious. Deeply absurd at first glance, the slogan "Ksyusha for the presidency!" equally ideally fits both the Kremlin's plans and the expectations of Ksenia Anatolyevna herself.

I want to immediately reassure those overly nervous citizens who, under the influence of last year's victory of Donald Trump in the US presidential elections, cannot banish from the depths of their consciousness the idea that the unthinkable can happen in Russia. Can not. President Ksenia Sobchak will never be in Russia and under no circumstances. This is well understood by all reasonably thinking people, among whom I include Ksenia Anatolyevna herself without any discounts. Yes Yes exactly. Ksenia Sobchak is not a "painted doll" at all, as some ill-wishers think of her. Ksenia Sobchak is quite a mature, experienced and subtle political player who perfectly understands what exactly is required of her and what role she has to play.

“The main thing is not victory, but participation” - perhaps, I don’t have a genuine sporting spirit, but I have always considered this famous saying of the founder of the modern Olympic movement, Baron Pierre de Coubertin, a consolation for losers, those who participated, but stayed with a nose. But for the presidential candidate of the Russian Federation in the elections of 2018, Ksenia Sobchak, these words are a real guide to action. As I said above, no one expects victory from Ksenia Anatolyevna. On the other hand, the Kremlin expects her to take part in the election campaign - not just for formality, but genuine, furious, without discounts and sentiments, participation in the style of “Sobchak in all its glory”.

The presence of such a desire in the Kremlin may seem strange. Usually, in the presidential elections in the Russian Federation, Putin's sparring partners are “extremely dangerous competitors” like the eternal Gennady Andreyevich Zyuganov or the former bodyguard Zhirinovsky (there was such a presidential candidate Oleg Malyshkin in the 2004 elections, if anyone has forgotten). But Putin's entourage is well aware that in the 2018 elections such a familiar political move - or, to put it more precisely, such a familiar lack of a political move - will not work. It is important for the Kremlin that Putin does not just win the elections - the elections are “simply won” now. It is important for the Kremlin that Putin win brightly and convincingly.

And for this, in the current political circumstances, two conditions are required. Condition A: Putin needs a bright and convincing opponent from that Russian political camp, which can be conditionally called liberal for lack of a better term. Condition B: the name of this “bright and convincing opponent” should not sound like “Navalny”. Of course, one should not conclude from this that if Navalny were allowed to participate in the elections, he would have a real chance of overcoming Putin. Candidate Navalny would undoubtedly receive more votes than candidate Sobchak. But the final result of the elections would not have changed from this. Only the place of Alexei Navalny in Russian politics would change. From a man with a suspended sentence, as he is officially now, Navalny would have turned into a figure who made the Kremlin dance to its tune.

The essence of the current strategy of the authorities in relation to Alexei Navalny is very simple: they are trying to drive him back into the environment of political outcasts. Navalny will be able to break out of this trap only if he gets the right to become an official presidential candidate. But the theoretical possibility of granting him such a right would mean a complete loss of face for the authorities. Navalny is a conditionally convicted person and this, according to the letter of the law, deprives him of the right to run. Navalny sees his task in scaring the authorities to death and making them make an exception for him. However, the authorities are not going to get scared. She intends to neutralize Navalny's strategy by picking Putin at the same time quite comfortable and quite convincing competitor from the liberal camp. Ksenia Sobchak is a suitable candidate for the role of such a competitor.

I am very far from the world of glamor and social events, and I am very happy about that. I can judge Ksenia Sobchak only from the outside - from the position of a person who has never communicated with her personally. But here are the conclusions I have long come to about her. Ksenia Sobchak has a lot of qualities that are not attractive in my eyes. For example, I was always amazed by her incomprehensible readiness to get into someone else's personal life and throw peremptory and even offensive judgments. But at the same time, Ksenia Sobchak is a brilliant polemicist, a person who knows a lot about politics and history, a person who is not afraid to touch upon topics that others would not have approached with a cannon shot. Ksenia Sobchak is anyone, but not a dummy.

This combination of negative and positive qualities - a "bouquet" of undoubted talent and "toxicity" in the eyes of a significant part of society - makes Sobchak a very convenient sparring partner for Putin. How can Ksenia Anatolyevna herself benefit from this role? The answer lies on the surface. Participation in the presidential elections will further increase the “capitalization” of Ksenia Sobchak as a socially significant figure and show business figure. Of course, in the eyes of Navalny and his supporters, she will turn (or have already turned) into a traitor - see the emotional speech of the London exile Yevgeny Chichvarkin with sending Ksenia Antolyevna where ordinary polite people do not send. But I suspect that Ksenia Sobchak, who is not at all inclined to reflection, will somehow survive it. Political show business requires sacrifice.

Now the news that (35) wants is discussed by everyone. If you suddenly lived on another planet for the last couple of months, we have compiled a chronology of events for you. Well, so as not to seem completely dense.


The Vedomosti newspaper reported that the presidential administration approved the candidacy of a woman who could run for the presidency of Russia in 2018. And this is Ksenia Sobchak.

Fake channel

There were rumors about journalists and politicians at Xenia's headquarters. The Mediarachi 2.0 channel then reported: "It's true about Sobchak - many active journalists and PR specialists are being recruited into her headquarters." This was confirmed by the Russian BBC. And almost immediately, a channel called “Ksenia Sobchak” was created on Telegram, and the following entry appeared on it: “I really decided to run as a candidate for the highest post in Russia, that is, for president. I traditionally accept questions about my program and everything else on Twitter: https://twitter.com/xenia_sobchak THANKS! " "Mediarachi 2.0" promptly stated that this channel was a fake, although it refers to Sobchak's official Twitter account.

Refutation Sobchak

After the story with Telegram, Ksenia wrote on Instagram: “Dear friends! I do NOT have a telegram channel, and all messages other than those you see on my official Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are fake. Do not get fooled by provocations of enemies. " For a while everything was quiet, and Ksenia paid all her attention to the new on the Friday! Channel.


Ksenia Sobchak starred for the November cover of Glamor. To the question of the editor-in-chief Maria Fedorova: "Now, as a potential candidate for the highest post in the country, tell me: don't you think that your past in show business will hurt you?" Sobchak: “It might hurt someone, but I think it will help me. It's just that I'm just such a person - like the Anthill cake. Many different layers, but in the end I am one cake. I communicate with different people, I am interested in everything, I want to know everything, to participate in everything, to learn every second - this is what my life consists of ”.

Chichvarkin and Vitorgan

“You understand perfectly well that you are making Putin legitimate and bringing down Alexei Navalny. I will have to send you and your entire team ... if you do it, ”- a few days ago Evgeny Chichvarkin in a special video message. Sobchak's husband (45) did not tolerate such an attitude and answered Chichvarkin. "Fuck you yourself," Vitorgan said on Facebook.

Official confirmation

The Vedomosti newspaper published an official TV presenter (by the way, there were many in it), in which she confirms her participation in the elections. “I take any action in the public sphere responsibly, and realizing all the risks and incredible difficulties of such a task, I decided that my participation in the presidential elections could really be a step towards the much-needed transformation of our country. Despite the attempts of officials to discredit me and use for their own purposes, despite the attacks of some of my liberal friends, despite the speculations of sofa political scientists, my nomination can and should be useful both for the opposition and for the whole society, ”Ksenia wrote and posted a video message on Instagram ( for some reason against the background of a kitchen or restaurant). In addition, an election site sobchakprotivvseh.ru appeared.

In favor of Navalny