Valeria's birthday is a year according to the church calendar. Happy birthday congratulations to Valeria. A short prayer to the holy martyr Valery for every day

The meaning of the name Valery ( female name) : vigorous, strong and healthy.
The origin of the name Valery: from Latin valeo - to be strong, strong, healthy.
Women named Valeria are always optimistic, independent and quite sociable. They are very impulsive, which can create some difficulties in family life.
Friends and relatives can affectionately call Leroy, Lerochka, Lerusei, Leroy, Lerushi. ...

Happy birthday Valeria - congratulations

You are all fire, extravaganza,
Happy birth, Valeria!
Ah, our Lera, Lera,
Red squirrel, squirrel.
You are our beauty
Already a cup for health
I was drunk by you to the bottom,
Already the celestial moon
He substitutes his horn,
As if congratulating.
And the stars in the sky all lit up.
Heavenly salute! Look around!

Happy this joyful, fabulous day
Congratulations to all of you, Valeria
And may happiness be a big ship
Will sail this day, Birthday.
Let it spread its sails
So that your life continues
This joyful streak
For the sun to always smile.

Valeria's birthday - congratulations

Oh you are the rival of Venus
Congratulations again!
Charming Lera!
Always fresh as young May.

Today, on this day, happy
On the day of bright, good name days
We wish to be unique
Under your wonderful name!

Valeria! To you, beautiful
We wish you the most wonderful days!
Do not be offended in vain
Always love your friends!

Keep the wonderful aspiration
To nature and native land.
May the joyful mood
Will stay with you forever!

For Valeria - congratulations!
For Valeria - wishes!
Surround yourself with gentlemen -
Let them shower you with confessions!
Surround yourself with fireworks
Travel to masquerade balls!
Let your life sweep like a whirlwind -
Just let it stop at love:
Love caravel in a quiet haven
Goes on a long voyage ...

The day has come today
Festive and kind.
The hour has struck for fun.
Smiling and kind
Be, Valeria, always
There will be good in life.
Let them not grow old
Everything will be as it should be.

Congratulations to Valeria, girl

Like stars in the dark above
Now your eyes are burning.
I feel like I'm in a sweet dream with you
I bathe in bliss and love.
Valeria, my star,
I congratulate you on writing.
Here Lera, one problem -
For the first time I wrote poetry.
For rhyme, do not scold loving,
In poetry it's so hard to wish
So that you can, hugging me,
Celebrate your birthday!

A strong woman has a strong name
To a bright gaze - stars from heaven.
For Valeria, they dance now
The angels themselves have their own polonaise.
And heavenly music pours
All those who know you.
May the sun shine through your life
Let the house be filled with love.

Valeria, bunny, happy birthday
Today everything in the world is for you:
All gifts, smiles, mood,
Love, warmth, family and friends.

I wish you to be happy
And she walked confidently towards her dream.
Hope, believe in sunrises, a fairy tale, a miracle.
May life give you all the warmth!

Valeria is admirable!
Talented, beautiful and smart!
Thinks through everything to the smallest detail and
She always looks great!
Valeria - from word to gesture -
Refined. You can't take your eyes off her!
So let's drink, friends, to perfection!
And we wish her happiness now!

Happy birthday to girlfriend Valeria

Valeria, you are a good friend,
Caring, affectionate mother!
Gray, let the blizzard not touch you
And let the joy wait ahead!
And your birthday is like a ray of the sun
Will warm all your friends with its warmth!
And this day will suddenly be the best
Always let it be, the best day!

Valeria is beautiful and clever,
The soul of the company and a wonderful friend.
We want to wish you a happy birthday,
After all, we did not gather today all of a sudden!
A great reason to drink to Valeria
Gathered sincere friends today.
May life give happiness and luck
Fortune will become your companion!

Congratulations to Valeria's girlfriend

What a wonderful name - Valeria
And the girl is not only wonderful in her name
Today I dare to congratulate you
Goddess that is so beautiful and tender.
A princess with a kind soul
Magical and pretty.
I wish to be like this always
May the cherished dream come true!

As beautiful as a camellia flower
And you are just as gentle as he is.
I'm on your birthday, Valeria
I wish you happiness a million.

And hundreds of fabulous sunrises
Dozens of loyal friends
So that summer sparkles in my soul
And your life was clearer!

Wishes for congratulations on Valeria's birthday

This day is only once a year -
So happy - happy!
And to you, the most beautiful
All the people want love.

Slightly invigorating the blood
Please listen to me, Lera.
Happy Holidays! Hope, faith
Let them not leave ... and love!

Every Christian, in addition to his birthday, also has a name day. The name day is the day on which the memory of the saint is honored, by whose name a person was named during the Holy Sacrament of Baptism. In the church calendar, almost every day is dedicated to the name day of a saint, sometimes several saints at once. Usually the day of remembrance is the day of the death of a saint on earth, that is, his transition into eternity.

The name that is given to a person at baptism not only remains with him for life, but also remains with him after his death, serves as a guide of a person in better world... Name days are also called Angel Day: earlier patrons of man in heaven they were called Angels. However, this is not entirely correct, since at baptism, every baby has a Guardian Angel who stays with us all our lives and helps us, protects us from troubles, but we do not know his name.

Name days according to the church calendar

The name Valery from the Roman Valeo is strong, strong, vigorous. This word has another interpretation: "to exceed", "to influence". Valeria is a feminine name derived from a masculine one.

Angel Valery's Day church calendar celebrated twice a year:

  • May 6 - commemorate the Holy Martyr Tsarina Valeria;
  • June 20 - remember the holy martyr known as Kaleria, who was killed in IV AD for her faith.

On this day, you can give girls gifts that symbolize faith, for example, personalized icons, saints, vessels with holy water, consecrated rings with church inscriptions, beautiful consecrated wax candles. A useful gift will also be church book or a disc with spiritual recordings.

Orthodox men celebrate Valery's birthday in the following numbers:

  • March 22 - in honor of the martyr Valery of Sevasti;
  • November 7 - Martyr Valery;
  • November 20 - Great Martyr Ualeriy Melitinsky.

On the day of the angel Valery, a man can congratulate him simply in words or give a personalized sample that will protect him in life. Congratulations should be sincere and not contradict the seven commandments of God.

Adult Christians visit the temple on this day, you need to confess and commune on the name day. After the sacrament, it is important to protect yourself from all worldly vanity, so as not to waste the festive grace. In the evening, you can invite relatives to a meal, if the name day falls on the days of fasting, then the treat should be lean.

A girl named "Lera" from early childhood can be impulsive and impetuous. Her mood can change extremely quickly from cheerful and cheerful to gloomy and sad. Growing up, Valerie remains the same impetuous and windy.

In Lera's relationship with the opposite sex, this can be clearly seen: having many fans, it is very difficult for them to decide and choose one. As a companion for a woman, a man with iron nerves and great patience is suitable. But having chosen one and only, the girl completely dissolves in him and sees in him not only her husband, but also best friend... Often the fate of a woman named Lera develops in such a way that by the age of 30 she has one or two children from different husbands, and by the age of 40 she may have many lovers behind her. The older a woman gets, the younger her lovers are.

In the team, Lera takes root easily, loves communication and noisy fun. Women who bear this name are often good housewives, love their home and enliven it, create coziness, and easily keep it clean.

The meaning of the name Valery

The name Valery is translated as "strong, healthy", often men with this name have really good health, while the lifestyle can be absolutely opposite. Men with this name are distinguished by a complex, wayward character, they are very stubborn and have problems making friends and establishing contacts.

For family life, a man who bears this name is not adapted, he loves himself very much, can often offend his wife and children. Therefore, Valeriev's family life often ends in divorce.

In life, men with this name are quite purposeful, often achieve their goals, but they are absolutely not risky. They are good performers at work, they like to perform difficult tasks.

Silouan the Athonite wrote that the holy angels will see our life, know all our sorrows and hear all our prayers. The saints, in whose name we were baptized, always remember us, pray for our sins. They see all our suffering on earth. The Lord gave them great grace, they embrace the whole world with their love.

Honoring your saint consists not only in praying to him, it is important to know his feat and imitate him. According to the Monk Ambrose of Optina: "Your life will be by your name." That is why it is very important to deliberately choose the name of the child, because the martyr saint, whose name was given to a person, is not only a patron, but also exemplar.

Honoring rules

  1. Know about his exploits and honor them.
  2. Turn to the saint with prayer and always remember that you have an intercessor in heaven.
  3. Try to follow his example in life.

According to the nature of their exploits in the Christian faith, the saints are divided into faces: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, reverends, holy fools and faithful. The name Valery belongs to the face of martyrs, therefore a person with such a name can fearlessly profess his faith, always and everywhere follow the Christian commandments, without looking back at the dangers. First of all, martyrs should please God in everything, not people, not paying attention to their ridicule or threats.

A short prayer to the holy martyr Valery for every day

Pray to God, our Savior for me, holy saint Valery, as if I earnestly ask you for, I resort to your help, an ambulance and prayer book to the saint for my soul.

We all bear the names of the saints who lived their lives and left their vocation on earth, and each person should think about the meaning of his name, into that person who is accessible only to his life. Because the saints are not only our heavenly prayer books and intercessors, but also the image of the kind of life we ​​need to adhere to.

Attention, only TODAY!

In the Orthodox tradition, name days are given more attention than birthdays. This is no coincidence, because even in the pre-revolutionary years, children were called according to the church, choosing the name of this or that saint. V Orthodox calendar you can see the memory of two Valeriev. Accordingly, name days are celebrated on November 20th and March 22nd.

Martyr Valery Melitinsky

On November 20, the Holy Church commemorates thirty-four Christians who endured persecution and torment during the reign of the Roman Empire by Vladyka Diocletian. It is believed that the emperor Diocletian was the most cruel persecutor of Christians. During his reign (IV century), thousands of believers in Christ were tortured and suffered a violent death.

The holy martyr Valery belongs to one of these. He was one of the military squad headed by Jeron. The soldiers served at the court of the emperor Diocletian. For refusing to offer sacrifices to the pagan gods, Hieron and his companions were tortured and then imprisoned. Seeing the steadfastness of the righteous, the emperor ordered the slaying of Christians. The Holy Martyr Valerius, among others, was killed through beheading with a sword.

Holy Martyrs of Sebastia

The second saint named Valery is one of the forty Sebastian martyrs. This saint was also a warrior. The Sebastian martyrs suffered in the 4th century in Armenia. The city of Sevastia became the last earthly refuge for the confessors of the Christian faith.

The holy martyrs served in the royal army, the commander of which was the pagan Agricolaus. Despite his good service, Agricolaus decided to punish his warriors for practicing Christianity. The saints were forced to renounce Christ, but after a decisive refusal, a decision was made to torture the righteous, so that the latter would be "brought to understanding" and depart from the path of "wickedness."

The martyrs were stripped and placed naked for the night in Lake Sevastia. In March, the weather was cool: the water in the lake was still covered with a thin crust of ice. For temptation and greater suffering, a bathhouse was set up on the shore of the lake. However, the saints endured torment. Only one of the martyrs could not bear the cold: he ran to the bathhouse, but right in front of the entrance to it he fell down dead.

The Lord showed a miracle: at night 40 crowns descended from heaven on the holy martyrs. Seeing this phenomenon, one of the soldiers confessed himself to be a believer in Christ and jumped into the lake instead of the man who had died in front of the bath.

In the morning, the saints were brought before the torturers and again forced to renounce their faith. After confessing Christianity, the saints were ordered to be killed. They smashed the legs of the Sebastian martyrs with a hammer, and then burned them, and threw their bones into the river. After that, the local bishop had a dreamy vision of the sufferers, who indicated the location of their relics. Thus, the holy relics of the great ascetics were obtained, the particles of which are in different places Sveta.

Name meaning: translated from Latin "strong". Since childhood, Valery has been growing up as a restless and restless child. He loves active and outdoor games. Loves literature, in particular the adventure genre. Valery listens more to the advice of his father, but he treats his mother calmly, listening to her advice, but at the same time making his own decisions. Growing up, Valeria chooses the profession that will help him to provide for his own life and the life of his family. Valery easily makes acquaintances, always finds a common language with people, does not get upset over trifles. To the choice future wife takes it very seriously. In women, he values, first of all, inner peace, kindness and devotion. Valery is late creating his own family, despite the fact that he has been in a relationship with a girl for a long time. In marriage, Valery is an absolute monogamous and remains devoted to his wife for life. Homebody. Touchingly refers to children. She goes shopping with pleasure. Drinks in moderation.

Happy birthday to you, Valera,
Happy main, bright day
Receive blessings from the angel
Let everything be a plane tree in life.
Reach your goal
Go through life boldly, do not be discouraged,
Let beautiful love inspire you
Let reliable friends surround.

Your name means - "vigorous, strong",
In a word, you are always healthy
Always be cheerful, honest, courageous,
Be captivated by the luck of the strong shackles.
Always be optimistic about life
Let a bright star illuminate your path
Let the carousel whirl you of happiness
God grant that there are no losses in life.

Valery, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday, congratulations
After all, you can't forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
Kind, sympathetic, loyal friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Let no trouble knocking at his door.
Health, success, smiles in your eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not extinguish in the blood!

You want to experience everything in life,
To travel the whole world, to visit everywhere.
Life in you is in full swing, like a geyser, in full swing.
Valery, you don't care.
You often take risks without looking back,
With fate as if playing hide and seek.
And often, losing caution,
You break firewood, to tell the truth.

I wish you, Valery,
Believe in a miracle and win
Let the openness of the soul never dry up.
I wish feelings to be able to revive
And just be able to live with dignity!

Valeria we want to congratulate
Happy birthday!
Valery means "a cheerful person".
May God grant him to live strong for a whole century!
Valera is a fidget, mischievous person,
I got used to good luck from early childhood.
And, even having matured, already in years,
He believes that he is lucky in business.
Such Valera is an optimist in life
And more often a dreamer, not a realist.
It's interesting to go through life with him,
But keep the compass with you on the way!
And it is true that you cannot find a better friend!
Valera, Angel, sacredly take care!

Valera is passionate, desperate at times.
Has a slightly unbridled disposition,
For his work he will stand up with a mountain,
Especially if you are sure that you are right!
We are on the name day to dear Valera,
Drinking your glasses to the bottom,
We wish you not measure your happiness with success,
And to live, enjoying, because life is one!

Valera, the name day has come,
May they bring good luck
So that your loved ones love you,
And so that he knows that they are waiting for you at home.
Male power is not in your figure
And in your courage, your character,
Live wonderfully, without frowning,
Be happy together with your beloved!

Valera, be a man
Forget about your weaknesses
And never be discouraged -
Achieve goals in life
Who is not afraid of anything -
he is the luckiest of all,
Happy angel day, I congratulate
I wish you the best!

The name does not paint a person,
But a person paints the name.
Valery, we wish you happiness,
Good health forever.
Perseverance and hard work
May they bring you success.
We wish you love and tenderness!
So that he was always happier than everyone!

Valery, we wish the obstacles
Run away from your paths
So that all desires come true,
Victories were all easy.
Let there be only luck in life
And optimism goes with you.
The love of your family is your reward -
Will give joy and comfort.

Deciding what the long-awaited baby will be called is a very responsible matter. Parents always want only the best for their son or daughter, and therefore they choose the name very carefully. After all, it has long been known that its meaning affects the fate of a person. But even this is sometimes not the determining factor. Now parents want to choose the most beautiful, unusual name. And before, everything was completely different. The newborn was named according to the calendar. The man who was born received the name of the saint whose memory was honored on his birthday or on the day of his christening. It was this saint who became the patron saint of a new life, accompanied his namesake on his way. Therefore, modern parents should also think about who will be next to their beloved child in the most difficult times.

But, as you know, there are many saints in the Christian Church. Many of them have the same name. Even, it would seem, Valery can be found twice in the calendar. These are May 6 and June 20 (April 23 and June 7 old style). One could say that Valery celebrates the name day according to the church calendar twice a year. But this is not the case. Only one saint will be the patroness of the girl. Therefore, it is worthwhile to learn a little better about the lives of those women whom the Church has numbered among

Tsarina Valeria

The girl was forcibly given in marriage to the cruel pagan Maximian, who later became the emperor. After his death, the new emperor - Maximinus - desired to marry Valeria. And for refusal, he exiles her and her mother - Queen Alexandra - to Syria, where they lived until his death. With the ascension to the throne of the new ruler, women wanted to return to their native Nicomedia. Indeed, according to rumors, Licinius did not hate Christians, but was even supportive of them. But these conversations were false. The treacherous Licinius ordered the execution of the exiles. Their decapitated bodies were thrown into the sea.

Valeria Caesarea

Another saint who bore this proud name was the Martyr Valeria of Caesarea. She was born a pagan. But after meeting with an unknown Christian, she came to the true faith. This prompted her to settle in seclusion and spend all the time in prayer for those who are mistaken in their beliefs and for those who have converted to Christianity and are persecuted. Her faith in Christ was so strong that it helped her withstand the brutal torture of the pagans, forcing her to deny the true God.

Her memory is honored on June 20. It is on this day that Valeria's name day is celebrated. The girl named in the saint can safely count on her help. By the way, Valeria of Caesarea is also known as Kaleria. And although according to the civil documents of Valeria and Kaleria they are completely different people, according to the calendar they are two versions of the same name.

But it is quite possible that the parents named their daughter just like that, without thinking about who will be her patroness. When, in this case, to celebrate Valeria's name day? The patroness will be that saint whose commemoration day follows the date of birth of the girl.

Valeria's birthday is a worthy occasion to pay attention to this extraordinary, strong, bright, brave, bright and cheerful woman or girl. After all, earlier the day of remembrance of the patron saint was much more important than the birthday. It was then that guests were gathered, beer was brewed and rolls were baked. Of course, now this holiday is no longer given such importance, and Valeria prefer to celebrate their name days in a quiet home atmosphere, but they will still appreciate their sincere participation and congratulations.