Valeria's day according to the church calendar. Valeria's birthday: patron saints. What does the name Valery mean according to the church calendar

    The dates were verified according to the calendar of the Sretensky Monastery.

    It used to be that names were given to children in honor of some Saint. Hence we can talk about name days (Angel's Day) for Valery... If the girl was called Valeria in honor of Queen Valeria, then She will celebrate Angel Day on May 6 in the new style or April 23 in the old style.... And if the girl's name was given in honor of Valeria of Caesarea, then the celebration of her Angel Day falls on June 20 new style or June 7 old style.

    If the parents, naming the child, were not guided by the Christian meaning of the name, then Valeria can celebrate her Name Day (Angel Day) on any of these days.

    Valeria, this is the female form of the male name Valery. Translated from Latin - strong. Valeria is a Roman family name. Patrons -

    • martyr Valery Sevastiysky - March 22
    • martyr Valery Melitinsky - November 22.
    • vauleria's name day today, June 21st.
  • It is of course a great rarity, especially now in our modern time to meet a girl with the name Valeria, is only associated with all the famous singer, although the name in itself is very gentle and beautiful.

    Valeria's birthday is as rare as the name, they only happen twice a year:

    • the 6th of May,
    • June 20.
  • The female name Valeria is of ancient Roman origin. The name sounds very nice. Valeria's girls and women can celebrate Angel Day either on May 6 or June 20. You should choose a date that goes after Valeria's birthday.

    The name Valeria means vigorous, strong, it came from the Latin language vigorous, strong. IN ancient Rome that was the name of women from the Valerie family.

    The Holy Martyr Valeria, the daughter of the Holy Martyr Alexandra, was a supporter of the Christian faith. She endured bullying, torment from pagan rulers. In about 313, Valeria of Caesarea was executed by the emperor Licinius.

    The absolutely correct answer regarding the day of the angel Valeria was given by Catherine. Indeed, girls with this name celebrate their name days twice a year - on May 6 (April 23) in honor of Queen Valeria, and on June 20 (7), when orthodox Church remembers Valeria from the city of Caesarea.

    Who are these two women, and why were they recognized as Christian saints?

    According to church sources, they were faithful followers of Jesus Christ, and even lived at approximately the same time - at the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 4th centuries, when the new religion and all its supporters were subjected to severe persecution and discrimination by the Roman emperors. Their stamina, fortitude and courage, with which the girls defended their beliefs, is surprising and admirable!

    The first, by order of Caesar Diocletian from terrible torture died, Valeria of Caesarea - about 284-305, who, even during the terrible torment, did not renounce the faith of Christ, for which she was recognized by the church as a holy martyr.

    One of Diocletian's successors, the same as he is an unshackled commoner, the soldier Licinius, raised his hand even against the noble aristocrats - the Christian queen Alexandra and her daughter Valeria, having ordered their execution in 313. Because of his hatred for these defenseless women, growing from powerlessness to change their beliefs, he not only ordered the beheading of the unfortunate, but in an attempt to consign these martyrs to oblivion, ordered to get rid of the bodies by throwing the mortal remains into the sea. However, time put everything in its place, and today August Licinius is remembered mainly only in connection with the names of these great women - Alexandra and Valeria.

    Valeria's birthday (aka Angel day) falls on the 6th of May (old style on April 23) in honor of Queen Valeria and June 20 (June 7, old style) - another martyr Valeria, who lived in the years 284-305. On the same days, Kaleria can also celebrate name days.

    After reading all the given answers about the birthday of beautiful girls Valery, I decided to double-check it according to the Orthodox calendars - will it work out for me or not.

    As a result, having turned four orthodox calendar, Valeria's name day (translated from Latin means strong) found only June 20, new style, where Valeria is mentioned as the martyr of Karelia.

    It so happened that the day of the Angel of Valeria twice a year.

    The first time the name day takes place the 6th of May according to the Gregorian calendar in honor of the martyr-queen Valeria. Here is an icon with its image:

    The name day is held for the second time June 20 in honor of Valeria the Martyr. Here is an icon with its image:

Career, business and money

Such women have a strong-willed, strong character. Perhaps it is the fact that her name is masculine. Punchy Valeria achieves great success in any business. She will become a good entrepreneur, but more professions related to raising children are given to her. Valeria is an excellent teacher and educator.

Lera loves to travel, she is an adventurer. At the same time, where it is necessary to make a quick decision, she has no equal. The owners of this name should try themselves in politics, on television or on stage. Well, if she decides to create her own business, she will achieve success much faster than any other person thanks to her intelligence and hard work.

Marriage and family

The family takes a very important place in Lera's life. For her sake, she will go to any principles, trying to create a cozy nest for herself and her loved ones. Her husband will definitely be lucky with her, because she devoted friend, a wonderful lover, a caring mother. Valeria combines all these qualities and shares them exclusively with her family. But God forbid to make Valeria jealous. In this case, one would think that the beloved woman was simply replaced. Lera will immediately forget about romantic feelings, lightness and will begin to take revenge. And if a man is not guilty of anything, she will not calm down until she finds out absolutely everything.

Valeria is always patient with her children. She likes to educate them, teach them something new. She will always be a great friend for children, and for her parents she will forever become a reliable support.

Sex and love

Valeria is very interested in the opposite sex. Amorousness is a constant companion in the life of a woman with this name. But at the same time it is true. These women are not prone to cheating. In any relationship with a man, Valeria puts sex on a high position. Male friends will always feel interest from this woman, but she can share a bed only with someone whom she highly values, whom she is sure of, whom she is in love with with all her heart.

Valeria is not one of those who will have only one sexual partner in a lifetime. I am ready to rush into the pool headlong, opening up to new feelings, this is possible only if Valeria is free. In marriage, she will never allow adultery, but will prefer to diversify her sexual family life in other ways.


Diseases that are common for Valeria are tonsillitis, flat feet, scoleosis. Due to increased emotionality, her nervous system suffers. Complaints of pain in the stomach, gastritis are also characteristic of her. But colds in childhood and maturity bypass Valeria.

Parents of girls with this name should pay attention to the nutrition of their children. Often among the carriers of this name there are girls inclined to be overweight. Thus, Valeria needs to lead an active lifestyle and regularly play sports.

Hobbies and hobbies

Valeria can be safely called creative nature. And if fate decreed that she has to work in an ordinary job, not related to creativity, she will try to do everything possible to realize her talents there too. Since she loves attention, Valeria can get carried away with fine art, photography, rush to the stage. Will do everything so that as many people as possible know about it. And certainly everyone will have to shower Valeria with applause, because she deserves it.

Valery - from the Latin verb va1er- to be healthy, strong.

Valery's birthday church calendar:

  • March 22: Valery Sevastiysky, martyr.
  • the 6th of May: Valery, mch.
  • November 7: Valery, mch.
  • 20 November: Valery Melitinsky, mch.

Characteristics of the name Valery

Since childhood, Valery has not been influenced by his parents and does not listen to their advice and comments. It is useless to punish him, because punishments cause only resentment and isolation in oneself. He grows up quickly.

Valery studies unevenly. He may be an excellent student, or he may be an uncontrollable poor student. It all depends on his environment and on the goals that he sets for himself. Valera is capable, can successfully study any subject.

In his youth, Valery often leads a riotous lifestyle. He has all sorts of friends, friends, he attends all sorts of parties, discos, has fun in noisy companies. Sometimes he abuses alcohol. Valery almost always gets into the spotlight, which really appeals to him. He wants (and knows how!) To please people, is very proud and somewhat self-centered. It is difficult to communicate with Valery: he recognizes only his own opinion as fair, it costs him nothing to offend the interlocutor and provoke a conflict. He will never apologize, even if he realizes that he was wrong. He is especially unbearable in anger: he completely loses control over himself.

Valery has a well-developed intuition, but he is not always able to listen to her. He is stubborn, even stubborn, trying to achieve his goals. Doesn't like to take risks. He achieves everything in life by his own labor. At work, he is very diligent. He can be safely entrusted with difficult cases - Valery will definitely cope. He can become a good engineer, lawyer, and make a career in politics. He often has an innate ear, which allows him to choose music for his own path.

Despite the contradictory character, Valery has many friends. He himself is devoted to friendship, able to provide real help in case of problems. He loves to travel, especially in good company.

Valery easily strikes up relationships with women. He is attentive, courteous, gentle. Knows how to charm a woman with caring care. Very acutely experiencing love failures, but in the depths of himself, his feelings rarely show. Valery is popular with women due to his good looks and charm.

He tries to choose an economic and kind wife. This man is attached to his family, but life together with Valery is not easy. He will promise more than do. In relation to children, it can become a real despot. Often he offends his wife with small barbs, can have an affair on the side. Valery loves himself too much, so sometimes his marriage is unsuccessful.

As a child, Valeria is prone to mood swings, which occur with such frequency that others cannot get used to it. It is easy to offend her with even the simplest word. And if she is offended, then she will be in this state for a long time. Even having matured, Valeria does not get rid of these character traits. She is quick-tempered, constantly changing her mind, touchy. Her plans are different every day, and her opinion about certain things depends on her mood. Unfortunately, because of these features of her, Valeria cannot be relied on.

In a relationship with a man, Valeria is vulnerable and sensitive. Reacts to his every word. It takes a long time to join a new team or company, it is difficult for her to get used to people and even more difficult to find a common language with them. Valeria's husband should be a man with iron patience and nerves. He must get used to all its peculiarities. But on the other hand, in such a person she will see not only her beloved husband, but also a good friend. He will love him and forgive him everything, closing his eyes to all the shortcomings.

Fate: Valeria is distinguished by a restive character, and is a rather cheerful person. Most often, Valeria's romanticism does not dispose her to thrift.

Angel Valeria Day

From the Latin language - vigorous, strong. In ancient Rome, a woman from the Valerie family. Valeria has been a darling of fate since childhood. Beautiful, affectionate, cheerful, playful, like a kitten, a favorite of parents and older brothers or sisters. She always gets all the best - the most tasty morsel on the table, the most beautiful dress, etc. Valeria's birthday is celebrated in the summer.

Valeria easily learns science, she likes first boys, then - adult men. Yes, and Valeria herself likes their attention, since she is by nature very temperamental, in love ... Maybe that's why she gets married early, gets divorced soon, and then remarries.

Often, by the age of 30, Valeria has two children from different husbands, whom her third husband helps her raise. By the age of 40-45, Valeria has a dozen lovers and 3-4 husbands behind her back. The older Valeria becomes, the younger her lovers are. However, she always had one of her legal husbands. Such a mess ”occurs in Valeria not because she is vicious, but because she is always in search of an ideal lover who would subdue her, and not vice versa. She is looking for a man like the Scandinavian Vikings - strong, courageous, "wild" in passion, but reliable in the family.

In communication, Valeria is pleasant - she is erudite, well-read, loves and knows poetry. To women, if she considers them to be rivals (no matter what - in work, in love, in "charm", in clothes, etc.), she is very cruel and unfair. She can literally trample them, without choosing intelligent methods.

And in all other respects - in relation to children, to work, to household (household) duties, to beloved men, to friends, whom she has very few - Valeria is an ideal person. Loves to do cultural business (books, art, stylish clothes, antiques, etc.).

When, according to the church calendar, Valeria's name day: June 20 - Valeria of Caesarea, martyr.

Characteristics of the birthday boy Valeria:

From the Latin language - vigorous, strong. In ancient Rome, a woman from the Valerie family. Valeria has been a darling of fate since childhood. Beautiful, affectionate, cheerful, playful, like a kitten, a favorite of parents and older brothers or sisters. She always gets all the best - the most tasty morsel on the table, the most beautiful dress, etc. Valeria's birthday is celebrated in the summer.

Valeria easily learns science, she likes first boys, then - adult men. Yes, and Valeria herself likes their attention, since she is by nature very temperamental, in love ... Maybe that's why she gets married early, gets divorced soon, and then remarries.

Often, by the age of 30, Valeria has two children from different husbands, whom her third husband helps her raise. By the age of 40-45, Valeria has a dozen lovers and 3-4 husbands behind her back. The older Valeria becomes, the younger her lovers are. However, she always had one of her legal husbands. Such a mess ”occurs in Valeria not because she is vicious, but because she is always in search of an ideal lover who would subdue her, and not vice versa. She is looking for a man like the Scandinavian Vikings - strong, courageous, "wild" in passion, but reliable in the family.

In communication, Valeria is pleasant - she is erudite, well-read, loves and knows poetry. To women, if she considers them to be rivals (no matter what - in work, in love, in "charm", in clothes, etc.), she is very cruel and unfair. She can literally trample them, without choosing intelligent methods.

And in all other respects - in relation to children, to work, to household (household) duties, to beloved men, to friends, whom she has very few - Valeria is an ideal person. Loves to do cultural business (books, art, stylish clothes, antiques, etc.).

Congratulations on Valeria's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Valeria's name day and congratulate Valeria on the day of the angel.

Lera has good genetics in her blood,

She endowed the girl with abilities without measure:

She is smart, insanely charming, beautiful,

Either restrained, or deliberately playful! ...

And in the media they keep repeating:

“According to many opinions,

The stage is the starry sky,

Favors Valeriy! "

You have no Grammy awards, but I believe:

A new star will light up soon - Valeria!

Valeria - today is your day and everything is here for you!

Happy birthday, my dear!

Good luck, joy, luck, kindness!

May this world be all for you!

May wishes come true

And let your dreams come true!

So that I never knew about despair,

And they gave you all flowers!