Acute big river. Big purge. The dull ones are cut off like gangrene

Residents of apartment buildings in Bolshereche are asking the district deputies to "reason" local public utilities. The reason for the appeal was an increase in payment for housing and communal services by 67.1% since April 1. As a last resort, the Bolsherechensk people intend to turn to President Putin for help.

Driven to despair by the increase in tariffs, the residents of the Bolsherechensk high-rise buildings have embarked on a “warpath” and intend to send their appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin, to the All-Russian People’s Front and to the antimonopoly service in the Omsk region, if, following the head of the district, regional deputies refuse to help them.

“The Council of Seniors addresses you on behalf of the residents of the Bolshereche working settlement with urgent questions regarding the maintenance and maintenance of MKD, sharp increase rates for 2014.

Three years ago, the residents of the Bolshereche village entered into an agreement for the maintenance and maintenance of apartment buildings (MKD) with the management company, LLC Bolsherechensky ZhKS, newly organized at the initiative of the head of the district.

According to the Council of Senior MKD, during these three years, this organization did not fully fulfill its contractual obligations for the upkeep and maintenance of their homes. Residents of MKD have complaints about the cleaning of territories, technical inspection of engineering intra-house networks, repair of roofs, porches, facades, and preparation of houses for winter.

At the beginning of 2014, the service company unilaterally, bypassing all the necessary discussion procedures with residents in such cases, increased the monthly fee for this service by 47%.

The prosecutor's office of the Bolsherechensky district recognized such an "initiative" as illegal and ordered the enterprise to first enlist the support of the residents. “Naturally, we did not support such an increase in fees, given that in fact we pay 11.15 rubles per square meter from our apartments only for garbage collection, since the public utilities do not perform any other work,” commented one of the authors of the open letter, Vasily Romanchuk .

In the opinion of the Bolsherechensk people, such a “tariff regulation” should have aroused the interest of the deputies of the district council, who would have seen the groundlessness of the costs of maintaining the apparatus. So, in the cost calculation of the management company, 51 service personnel per apartment are indicated.

However, by order of the head of the department, deputy head of the Bolsherechensky municipal district, Yevgeny Sandakov, from April 1, the fee amounted to 12 rubles 62 kopecks per square meter. meter. That is, the increase in the fee for the service has already occurred by 67.1%.

“It is strange at the same time to hear that the Bolsherechensky ZhKK LLC enterprise, on the authorized capital of which we collected the whole world at the request of the head of the district, has now grown into an uncontrollable monster, “devouring” both the budget of the district and the budget of a single family, ”- residents of the Bolsherechensk high-rise buildings are outraged.

55 residents of Bolsherechie signed the open letter.

Source - the newspaper "Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda". Bolsherechensky district

She turned financial fraud at a time when her sister was the editor-in-chief of the publication. When they did not renew the contract with the journalist with the loud surname Ostraya, she launched a whole campaign in the mass media and not only Omsk.

The journalists of the newspaper "Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda" can finally calmly start preparing a new issue. More recently, visits to law enforcement agencies have greatly distracted from full-fledged editorial work: the department for combating economic crimes, the investigative committee, and then the court. The regional publication was at the center of a big scandal.

- According to investigators, the former Chief Accountant Zhanna Ostraya, having access to the electronic signatures of the chief accountant and the head of the Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda newspaper, transferred using the workplace through software money in your account,
- said the head of the Bolsherechensky interdistrict investigative department of the RF IC in the Omsk region Alexey Shashlov.

It is interesting that Zhanna Ostraya, the chief accountant, used her official position while her sister Evgenia was in charge of the newspaper, at the suggestion of which many media outlets presented the events as a struggle for freedom of speech. It all started in December 2016, when contracts with a number of editors of regional publications were terminated. Evgenia Ostraya also lost this position. The journalist said: she paid the price because of the criticism of the authorities, she was sharp not only by name, but also by language. Many Omsk resources wrote about how dissident journalists are getting rid of in the region, how they became victims of censorship. The story was also promoted by federal publications. The material about how they fought for justice in the Bolsherechensky district was published on the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda, with a loud headline "So that the people live easily and simply, the officials ate the editor Sharp", the newspaper even offered her a job in the hope that it would bring readers that benefit, which was so frightened in Omsk.

The head of the Main Directorate of Information Policy of the Omsk Region, Stanislav Sumarokov, who is in charge of the "districts", then commented on this situation as follows:
- Some employees have expired contracts. We will not extend them. I don’t want to answer the question about the reasons in detail, because both Evgenia Ostroy and other employees still work in the media of our region,- said Sumarokov.

What Stanislav Sumarokov did not talk about and for which he was so criticized was the assessment of the activities of Evgenia Ostroy not as a journalist, but as a manager who committed serious violations in the management of the enterprise. Surely with her consent, the chief accountant and sister Zhanna Ostraya transferred more than 360 thousand rubles to her account - money that, as the investigation found out, was allegedly sent for business trips of employees and bonuses. Although the editorial office, says its current head, did not have the most necessary things.

- One of the main criteria for evaluating the head of the editorial office is financial and economic activity, and it was not clear to me why all the computers, with the exception of one, two voice recorders for four writing people, became obsolete. We will change them, but the main acquisition of the Irtyshskaya Pravda will be our new car- said the editor of the newspaper "Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda" Olga Aleksina.

The court sentenced Zhanna Ostroya to real term, she received a year and a half in prison for fraud. However, she will serve her sentence when her child turns 14. Her sister Evgenia, the former editor-in-chief of the Bolsherechenskaya newspaper, who allegedly suffered for freedom of speech, without waiting for a court decision, left to live and work in the Krasnodar Territory. This story will become the central material in the forthcoming issue of the Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda newspaper.

Bolsherechensky journalists accuse the person involved in the bribery case of pressure on the media, and law enforcement officers - of inaction.

Evgenia Ostraya, editor-in-chief of the Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda newspaper published in Bolsherechye, told BK55 details about the confrontation between this media outlet and one of the local businessmen, Armais Krdzhonyan. The background is as follows: Armais Krjonyan, the director of the construction company Atlantstroy LLC, is now on trial on charges of giving a bribe to the director of the economic and economic support center in the field of education, Elena Kamenskaya. According to the investigation, at the cost of kickbacks, the businessman received lucrative contracts.

"Irtyshskaya Pravda", naturally, became interested in a case that was resonant for the region and began to cover it in detail. The defendant certainly didn't like it. BK55 has a copy of the statement of claim addressed by Krdzhonyan to the Kirovsky District Court of the city of Omsk, which deals with the protection of personal data (journalists published a photo of a businessman without obtaining his consent).

“The non-pecuniary damage caused to the plaintiff,” the document says, “consists in worries about his business reputation and dignity, since the plaintiff is engaged in entrepreneurial activities; in feelings about the negative public opinion; in the deterioration of their health, in particular, due to severe stress.

Krjonyan demands 100,000 rubles from journalists for the “moral suffering” he endured. This lawsuit is now under consideration by the court, and the next meeting will take place only on July 7, but the defendants already have questions.

“The judge is behaving strangely,” says Evgenia Ostraya. She doesn't understand obvious things. The laws on personal data and on the media clearly state that journalists are not required to take consent to the publication of a photo if it is to protect the public interest. But the judge asks Why do you think that you are defending the public interest here?» But we are covering a criminal case of a businessman giving a bribe to an official!

According to the journalist, the conflict with Krjonyan takes not only forms approved by law. There is, for example, psychological pressure:

“He told our employee in the court in the corridor not to appear again,” says the editor-in-chief of Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda. “We filed a threat statement with the police, but the police did not respond.

The situation is complicated by the fact that the editorial office of the newspaper and the printing house owned by Krjonyan are located in the same building on neighboring floors: the journalists are on the second, their “opponent” is on the first.

– Now he creates unbearable conditions for us. Excuse me, we have a shared toilet, - so Krjonyan bricked the back door there with bricks. He began the construction process in the building with caulking the doors and turning off the general communications.

These actions are taken against the backdrop of two litigation- in a criminal case against Krjonyan and his alleged accomplice and in a civil case against Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda. How they will end, while no one undertakes to predict.

This is really difficult, since the Bolsherechensk police apparently have no idea about Article 144 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation " Obstruction of the legitimate professional activities of journalists", according to which the above-mentioned Krjonyan faces from two to five years in prison. And the Bolsherechensk court and prosecutors should be reminded that the state takes under the protection of Russian journalists who are "in the performance of public duty" under the Mass Media Law.

BK55 will follow developments.

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In Omsk, four ex-editors of regional newspapers dismissed by the authorities sued their employer, the Main Directorate of Information Policy of the Omsk Region. They talk about censorship and demand that not only the dismissals themselves be declared illegal, but also the contracts under which they worked.

At the end of last year, the Omsk authorities immediately dismissed four chief editors of regional publications out of 32. Head of the Main Directorate of Information Policy of the Omsk Region Stanislav Sumarokov he explained this series of resignations in the press as follows: "They ran out of contracts. I looked closely at a number of employees, but they could not dispel doubts. A competition will be announced for vacancies."

- Contracts ended for everyone, but only we were fired, - Viktor Sidorenko, editor of Ihre Zeitung ("Your Newspaper") of the Azov German National Region, pulling at his gray mustache. - I asked Sumarokov: what have I not done to you? He turned away and shrugged. I did not have any financial or labor violations, the circulation increased five times. No explanation was given regarding the dismissal, they simply sent a notice. I am 48 years in journalism, from the breed of Cossacks, strong. But you can't fire people like dogs!

Sidorenko's wife turned out to be less strong: having heard the news, she grabbed her heart - a heart attack. Nothing was explained to any of the dismissed. Irina Mezenina, the editor of "Tarsky Priirtyshye", found out that the contract was terminated before the issue was submitted for printing, and finished it the next day, no longer working in the editorial office. Because "the newspaper is not to blame, and people would not understand, for the first time in 100 years they did not receive it on time."

Later, at the request of the media, Sumarokov announced another reason for the resignations: "All personnel decisions were made based on the compliance of employees with new competencies, their ability to solve the tasks that I now set."

What competencies they lacked, the journalists did not understand. Youngest Editor, 33 Evgenia Sharp she directed the Bolsherechenskaya Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda, which in 2014 received a diploma from the Union of Journalists in the nomination "Ten Best Newspapers in Russia" with the wording "for the development of a content model." The Azov Ihre Zeitung was popular even in Germany, among immigrants from the region. "Tarskoye Priirtyshye" six times became the winner of the interregional competition of professional skills "Siberia - the territory of hopes". Okoneshnikovskaya district "For the harvest" won regional competitions. All four publications are among the most stable in terms of income, although regional funding ranged from 20 percent in the budget of the Bolsherechenskaya newspaper to 40 in Okoneshnikovskaya. The municipal authorities did not allocate funds at all. The publications themselves earned money - the districts are not the poorest. The budget money was only enough for printing and salaries for employees in the amount of the minimum wage. Employees received more - thanks to stimulating supplements from the money that publications managed to earn on their own in the local advertising market.

Former editor of the Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda newspaper Yevgenia Ostraya at the award ceremony for editors of regional newspapers for objective coverage of the elections. November 2016

- Stimulating supplements were distributed by management from what we ourselves earned, - explains Sidorenko. - Azov is not far from the city, the area is somehow developing. We made 3 million last year. And Ust-Ishim, for example, is a beggar, distant, and they sit there on a salary. I often had stimulants cut by 5-10 percent. Disliked - they did not forgive me the first trial.

Then, at the end of 2012, the GUIP also suddenly terminated the contract with Sidorenko. Also without explanation, although Viktor Ivanovich guesses "for what" - he refused to publish the pre-election "linden" from the new candidate for the post of head of the district, Viktor Sabelfeld. The court then reinstated Sidorenko at work - according to the law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights", a journalist who covered the elections cannot be fired for a year at the initiative of the employer. Now he has filed a lawsuit in the hope that the elections of deputies held on September 18, 2016, will also be taken into account. But the main thing is different.

What is loyalty? Should there be a scale? Or just need to know how many squats to do in front of the boss? This is pure censorship.

“Until 2010, our employment contracts were open-ended,” says Leonid Evseev, head of the public organization "Council of editors of regional newspapers of the Omsk region". - But then the editors of all 32 districts began to be transferred to fixed-term contracts, without terminating the former ones. At first they were concluded for five years, then for three, now for a year. We are dependent people, we did not want to go to court. Although questions were asked to the employer. At first they explained to us that this is a standard contract that is valid in all budget institutions areas. Why, then, fixed-term contracts are not concluded with all their leaders, not to mention the ministers? After all, we are in the same legal field? Of course, it is easier to fire a person when he has a contract for a year. It is clear that this is just a control tool. And then what, serfdom? In a document sent from the department in September 2016, the term "loyalty" appeared. At the meeting, we were told that there is a list of disloyal people who fall into the risk zone. What is loyalty? Should there be a scale? Or just need to know how many squats to do in front of the boss? This is censorship in its purest form.

Leonid Evseev, head of the public organization "Council of editors of regional newspapers of the Omsk region"

In the voiced "list of disloyal" there were originally six. The heads of the districts interceded for the two, besides, as their colleagues say, they "went to pay their respects." Four did not want to bow. Viktor Sidorenko has long been known to manage his inflexibility: the former head of the Azov region, convicted at the end of last year for abuse of office, complained about him more than once.

- Yes, I did not roll a barrel on him! Sidorenko is angry. - There is a decision of the district council - I will publish it, and everything becomes clear about what is happening in the area. Four times in the arbitration court the administration of the district sued the newspaper, we won all the cases. Management needs everything to be quiet and peaceful, even the last boss advised to make friends. And how can I make friends with a person whom I do not consider honest? What will people tell me? For me, honor and dignity are not empty words.

At the end of last year, the head of Azovo, Viktor Sabelfeld, was convicted of abuse of power. Now the district is ruled by another - already appointed head. But the authorities, apparently, left a residue. Just as he remained from the former - legendary - editor of the "Tarsky Priirtyshya" Sergei Malgavko, for 10 years of work made the district self-sustaining, which is a huge rarity in Russia. In 2010, Malgavka resigned "in protest against the censorship of the regional government" and "oak" propaganda of the activities of the regional government and the governor of the Omsk region, which began to be imposed by order: "It came to censorship, when the main department requires the editor to provide e-mail pages for proofreading and editing," Sergey Malgavko said in an open letter at the time.

Things have come to censorship, when the main department requires the editor to provide by e-mail the laid-out pages for proofreading and editing

The editor appointed by the authorities after him did not last long - the team, accustomed to "democracy", boycotted her, forcing the government to appoint a person whom journalists considered "their" as editor: Irina Mezenina, who worked in the editorial office for 20 years. Irina, by her own admission, tried not to quarrel with anyone. But it did not work out - the newspaper continued the tradition: it wrote about the disappeared villages, about the lack of roads, about problems with transport. Moreover, the editor allowed herself to put on the front page not powerful faces, but ... dog ones. For the headline of the editorial "They found a place for dogs" in the issue, which contained purely positive information, including about the actions of the district administration, she was called there on the carpet and "interrogated with prejudice": whom did she mean?

"Disloyal" chief editors Irina Mezenina and Evgenia Ostraya (right)

Evgenia Ostroya, the editor of the Bolsherechenskaya Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda, was tormented by the local agricultural administration for about the same reason, only in her case it was chickens ... The young editor justified her last name. The newspaper was sharp, the head of Bolsherechie also complained about it, although, according to Evgenia, there was no open confrontation:

- We did not criticize the head of the district, we tried to reach out to the regional authorities. We can see problems here, which, probably, are not in the reports. Often worked. Do you know why the newspaper received awards, including from the GUIP? For saving the village school from closure, for the warmth that was finally given to the kindergarten, for the attention to the loneliness of the disabled, for live reporting from the fields! They were awarded, but at the same time, each new head of department warned that this realistic picture of the world could end badly for me! But this is a district, you can't hide here. Everyone can meet on the street: "Why are you lying?" I immediately decided for myself that I would write honestly, not ignoring the complaints and requests of people.

The first parade of the "Immortal Regiment" in Bolshereche was held at the initiative of the local regional newspaper

Evgenia came to work in Bolshereche from the city when "the power changed": in 2012, after the 20-year rule of Leonid Polezhaev, a new governor, Viktor Nazarov, came. It seemed that it would be easier to breathe: "No one demanded to remember which side the governor's parting was on." Readers began to write and call the newspaper, the circulation rose, 4,500 issues flew in the air. More precisely, they were delivered: journalists also worked as distributors. There were only six people in the editorial office, and no one occupied one position, as in all districts. The editor is usually a master of all trades: a correspondent, a typesetter, an executive secretary. The newspaper's website appeared on the Internet, and too many people became aware of the problems of Bolsherechye, the birthplace of the current governor Nazarov.

Another issue of the regional newspaper "Our Irtyshskaya Pravda"

And then it turned out that Evgenia was mistaken - the power has not changed. It's just that the governor now has a cap instead of a parting. The most surprising thing is that the "toothless" districts, who were friends with all the authorities, also fell into the category of "disloyal": Kalachinskaya, Kormilovskaya, Okoneshnikovskaya. They are united, however, by one more thing: this is the constituency in which businessman Khabulda Shushubaev ran for the third time in the Legislative Assembly. Immediately after the victory, he went to court, which accuses him of embezzlement, fraud, illegal receipt of a loan, all in large sizes. The districts are so accustomed to praise that they could not write anything revealing. And it was necessary. For this offense, three editors were frightened, but two were not fired - the heads of the districts stood up for them. And Svetlana Shalashova, the editor of "For the Harvest" from Okoneshnikovo, was nevertheless removed from her post, allowing her to remain an executive secretary. She was the last to sue, demanding that the fixed-term contract be recognized as illegal. According to her, she wants to be restored to her previous position, but not really, according to her - she is satisfied with her current job.

And the three most "disloyal" editors have no other job. Pensioner Sidorenko hopes to win in the courts: with a sick wife in his arms, without a lawyer, believing in the old fashioned way that "justice will prevail in the end anyway." Ostroya, a mother of two children and a mortgage payer - editors are not provided with housing in the districts - is looking for work in another region. Mezenin is waiting for unemployment benefits - 5600 rubles, worrying whether they will give the amount in full or there will be some deductions:

- There are no vacancies in the area. I am looking for, but education, culture are also declining, I can’t even get a job as a technical engineer.

Now the head of the local executive committee "Tarskoye Priirtyshye" edits " United Russia", still not distinguished in any way in the journalistic field. There was no competition promised by the head of the GUIP for vacancies.

Container. On the second floor - the editorial office of the regional newspaper "Tarskaya Priirtyshe"

“It’s bad with journalistic personnel in the region,” Irina Mezenina sighs. – Who will travel 300 kilometers without accommodation? On the contrary, they leave. I myself was looking for a replacement for the departed correspondent for a year and a half.

The editors were supported by the secretary of the UJR Vladimir Kasyutin, stating that they should not be fired, even if the authorities do not like them. The head of the GUIP Sumarokov, whose last name is in principle unimportant - the leaders have been changing for the fifth year in a row - still insists that the question is only in the contract and "competencies":

“Professionalism is an important part of an editor's work, but only one of them. District newspapers have, as it were, three founders - the editorial team, the district administration, and the information policy department of the regional government. And here it is important to take into account all the wishes ...

Chairman of the Omsk Union of Journalists Tatiana Bessonova does not make statements, does not go to the processes of colleagues. On behalf of the journalistic community, Leonid Evseev, the editor of the district himself, speaks in support of his colleagues:

- Everyone pretends that the issue is only in the contract, - he is indignant. – But this is far from being the case. What is a contract with an editor for one year? He will absolutely not think about the quality of the newspaper, but about how to stay in place. This is a well thought out policy. There is no need to adjust the laws to the goals of officials. There is live journalism, people who cannot be squeezed into their Procrustean bed.

The staff of Nasha Irtyshskaya Pravda, which publicly announced that it would follow its editor "because it does not consider it possible ... to share other ideals," after a meeting in the regional government, amicably went to work. For a rural journalist who has lost his job, the only way out is to move. And not even in Omsk, where there is no work to be found.

Yevgenia Ostraya has registered her publication, but the poor district will most likely not be able to handle two newspapers. The day before the preliminary court session, Viktor Sidorenko received death threats over the phone, and the police are now investigating this. And the new editor Ihre Zeitung Olga Danilochkina, who used to be a correspondent here, now supports the GUIP in everything.

- Aren't you afraid that they will also ask you from the newspaper if you don’t please something? I ask the new editor.

- I want to work. Everything else is mouse fuss, - Olga answers, who began her professional career at the beginning of this century in one of the then first independent Omsk newspapers. Now there are almost no such independent publications in the Omsk region, it seems.