I dreamed that I was arguing with my wife. If you had a bad dream. Why dream of cursing according to Miller's dream book

Quarrels and fights seen in a dream are a reflection of the dreamer's conflict with those around him in reality. "If I dreamed that I was being scolded, what to expect from such a vision? Is there anything to be afraid of after that?" - interested in those who believe in dreams.

What if I dream of being scolded?

"If I am scolded in a dream, does this mean that I will be subject to criticism in reality? Is it necessary to avoid conflicts with people after such a vision?" - these and other questions are often heard by interpreters of dreams.

In fact, swearing and criticism are a kind of reflection of the internal state of a person. Most likely, he consciously or unconsciously opposes himself to the world around him. In the future, quarrels with colleagues, friends and relatives are possible. To prevent the emergence of open conflict, it is worth being softer. No need to defend your point of view so fiercely and at the same time absolutely not want to hear others.

If on the eve of the vision that came, a person cursed with someone, you should not take the dream seriously. In this case, the dreamer is just very worried about the conflict, which is reflected in his visions. It is possible that he will have to observe such a dream more than once.

To interpret the vision more accurately, one should remember who exactly cursed in a dream. If it was a colleague, boss, you should expect trouble at work. Arguing in a dream with relatives - to family conflicts and showdowns in reality. A vision in which the dreamer quarrels with his parents is considered especially unfavorable.

Some interpreters of night visions consider a dream in which a quarrel occurs between a man and a woman to be a good sign. It symbolizes the release of negative energy. Most likely, the dreamer has some claims to his soulmate, but cannot express them openly. All this negativity spills out in a dream. After such a vision, as a rule, harmony reigns in the relationship of the couple for some period of time.

Scolding yourself in a dream - in reality, tormented by doubts, have low self-esteem. After such visions, people very often become depressed. They feel like they are doing everything wrong.

In some cases, such dreams are a reflection of the internal state. The dreamer, most likely, scolds himself in real life, and in a dream continues to do the same. To sleep peacefully, you need to understand yourself. To do this, you can even visit a psychologist or ask for advice from someone close to you. This condition can be quite dangerous.

What portends?

If the dreamer is scolded by his own children, in real life he will have to go through their growing up. The transitional age will not go so smoothly. To survive all the unpleasant moments, the sleeper will need a reserve of strength and self-control.

If a stranger scolds a person in a night vision, this is to universal condemnation or even shame. The dreamer will commit a not very beautiful act, for which he will be very ashamed.

To dream about how others swear - in real life, become a participant in a high-profile process or be a witness to extraneous quarrels. In order not to suffer from this conflict yourself, you should not interfere in it.

When a person dreams that he is being scolded, but at the same time the dreamer manages to pacify the ardor of his interlocutor or even convince him of the correctness of his own point of view, in reality he will win the argument or finally achieve his goal. For a businessman, such a dream portends good luck in business.

If in a dream a person experiences an irresistible desire to swear - to stress, disappointment, resentment against his friends and acquaintances.

Quarrels and fights seen in a dream are a reflection of the dreamer's conflict with those around him in reality. "If I dreamed that I was being scolded, what to expect from such a vision? Is there anything to be afraid of after that?" - interested in those who believe in dreams.

What if I dream of being scolded?

"If I am scolded in a dream, does this mean that I will be subject to criticism in reality? Is it necessary to avoid conflicts with people after such a vision?" - these and other questions are often heard by interpreters of dreams.

In fact, swearing and criticism are a kind of reflection of the internal state of a person. Most likely, he consciously or unconsciously opposes himself to the world around him. In the future, quarrels with colleagues, friends and relatives are possible. To prevent the emergence of open conflict, it is worth being softer. No need to defend your point of view so fiercely and at the same time absolutely not want to hear others.

If on the eve of the vision that came, a person cursed with someone, you should not take the dream seriously. In this case, the dreamer is just very worried about the conflict, which is reflected in his visions. It is possible that he will have to observe such a dream more than once.

To interpret the vision more accurately, one should remember who exactly cursed in a dream. If it was a colleague, boss, you should expect trouble at work. Arguing in a dream with relatives - to family conflicts and showdowns in reality. A vision in which the dreamer quarrels with his parents is considered especially unfavorable.

Some interpreters of night visions consider a dream in which a quarrel occurs between a man and a woman to be a good sign. It symbolizes the release of negative energy. Most likely, the dreamer has some claims to his soulmate, but cannot express them openly. All this negativity spills out in a dream. After such a vision, as a rule, harmony reigns in the relationship of the couple for some period of time.

Scolding yourself in a dream - in reality, tormented by doubts, have low self-esteem. After such visions, people very often become depressed. They feel like they are doing everything wrong.

In some cases, such dreams are a reflection of the internal state. The dreamer, most likely, scolds himself in real life, and in a dream continues to do the same. To sleep peacefully, you need to understand yourself. To do this, you can even visit a psychologist or ask for advice from someone close to you. This condition can be quite dangerous.

What portends?

If the dreamer is scolded by his own children, in real life he will have to go through their growing up. The transitional age will not go so smoothly. To survive all the unpleasant moments, the sleeper will need a reserve of strength and self-control.

If a stranger scolds a person in a night vision, this is to universal condemnation or even shame. The dreamer will commit a not very beautiful act, for which he will be very ashamed.

To dream about how others swear - in real life, become a participant in a high-profile process or be a witness to extraneous quarrels. In order not to suffer from this conflict yourself, you should not interfere in it.

When a person dreams that he is being scolded, but at the same time the dreamer manages to pacify the ardor of his interlocutor or even convince him of the correctness of his own point of view, in reality he will win the argument or finally achieve his goal. For a businessman, such a dream portends good luck in business.

If in a dream a person experiences an irresistible desire to swear - to stress, disappointment, resentment against his friends and acquaintances.

If a person is scolded in a dream, in reality he will face a serious conflict with his relatives or acquaintances. Get away from a quarrel - win a dispute. To interpret the vision more accurately, you need to remember who exactly acted as the aggressor.

Why dream of swearing

Miller's dream book

Swearing in a dream is a sign that you are showing independence more and more in real life, you may soon be going to move from your parents to your nest. Quarrel with one of the parents - in reality you will make some important discovery for you. You swear with your spouse - you will be healthy, diseases will bypass you. Dream Interpretation Swearing in a dream with a lover says that now is the time to save, you should not scatter money, you can do without various luxury items. Quarreled with a girlfriend or friend - wait for a guest from abroad or you will make a trip on the water.

Why dream of swearing

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

To swear - you will be subjected to the evil eye.

Why dream of swearing

Esoteric dream book

Swearing obscene words - to the disease. You are filled with negative emotions.

They scold you - they want evil for you, but it will return to them like a boomerang. And luck awaits you in defiance of enemy machinations.

Why dream of swearing

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov

Swearing with someone is an annoyance; to hear swearing is an official ceremony; with wife, husband.

Swearing is a shame.

Why dream of swearing

Modern dream book

If you dream that you are scolding - in reality beware of an explosion of evil feelings, because of which your friends may turn away from you.

Hearing others swear - predicts that enemies are approaching you to harm you or deceive you.

Why dream of swearing

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Swearing obscenities - you hear obscenities in a dream - in reality trouble awaits you; some minor detail will evoke painful memories in you; your conscience will again torment you because of an unworthy act in the past.

Why dream of swearing

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Swearing yourself - detente, improvement of affairs; often - verbatim (delay of cases); you are scolded - success.

Swearing - to trouble; strongly - benefit, benefit.

Why dream of swearing

The truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz

Swearing in a dream has different interpretations. If you are scolded - expect an unexpected acquaintance, you scold - you will hear good news.

Why dream of swearing

Psychological dream book

Swearing in a dream is a clear sign of accumulated emotions, internal disharmony. You need to be distracted, let off steam, sort out a relationship with a person who is raising a storm in your soul. If you quarrel with one of your friends or relatives, then in reality your relationship is far from ideal. All your attempts to find a compromise fail miserably.

Dreaming of Swearing in a dream highlights several possible psychological reasons for such dreams. Firstly, perhaps you just want to cut off all ties with the person you are arguing with in your dreams. Secondly, in this way, you get rid of internal blocks, accumulated negative energy. Why dream of Swearing in a dream too violently and angrily? You are trying to drive away from the subconscious self-doubt, fear of someone or something. A quarrel in a dream speaks of a desire to prove your case, in reality you are afraid to do the same.

Why dream of swearing

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Swearing - Swearing with a person. - Fortunately. They scolded you, accusing you of a complete perversion of meaning. You will reach a very high position. The person puts you in a very awkward position, you experience humiliation. - You will acquire wealth. You are subjected to humiliation, abuse. - There will be a lawsuit, a trial with this person.

Why dream of swearing

Islamic dream book

Swearing, cursing - if someone sees in a dream that he is scolding or cursing someone, then the one whom he curses is much better than the one who curses.

Why dream of swearing

Dream interpretation of O. Smurova

Swearing in a dream indicates that in reality you have to endure a conflict with an interlocutor from a dream, perhaps the scandal has already taken place and an unpleasant aftertaste remains in your soul. Quarreled with a stranger - in real life you may have trouble, expect bad news. Why dream of Swearing in a dream with management? The dream warns - you need to be quieter than water and lower than the grass, to restrain your emotions in conversations with superiors, colleagues, business partners.

Quarrel with your family - in reality, you waste time and energy on trifles. If in your dreams you are only an outside observer in a quarrel of other people - in real life you will be undeservedly offended or insulted, you can also become a participant in a high-profile process.

Why dream of swearing

Old Russian dream book

scolding someone is annoyance; hearing swearing is an official ceremony; with wife, husband - see "Wife", "Husband".

Why dream of swearing

Online dream book

The plot in which you swear - try to restrain the manifestations of negative emotions, otherwise you will be left alone.

Other people's skirmishes - be vigilant, your ill-wishers are now more active than ever.

Why dream of swearing

Russian dream book

Swearing - disappointment, quarrels, illnesses.

Why dream of swearing

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Scolding and the desire to swear are a consequence of internal anger, the cause of which is fear of something or someone; in turn, fear is generated by insecurity in one's own strength and a sense of dependence on the situation (the situation, not the dreamer, rules).

Swearing in a dream - to experience dependence and fear of a person. The impossibility of either subjugating a person or coming to an understanding causes a desire to at least push him away from himself, get rid of unnecessary connections, isolate himself and show his strength. A dream can be interpreted as a good chance to show strength and free yourself from addiction in reality.

It is not known who to swear with: if you do not see the one with whom you swear, a dream is a manifestation of purely internal tension and feelings, that is, you swear with yourself. This means a painful aggravation of an internal problem that frightens the dreamer, and an attempt to push this problem out of oneself, to become stronger than it: gayev, manifested in a dream, will also bring in reality a temporary feeling of joy and relaxation, weakening external tension and dependence on the problem. A dream can be interpreted as a chance to get rid of interfering internal blocks, but it all depends on further behavior in reality.

To quarrel with someone unknown, with a distinct feeling of defeat and depression - the impossibility-lack of strength to prevail over the situation and yourself. The dream is interpreted unfavorably. Digestion, gallbladder, bladder, and heart disorders are possible, since there was no release from harmful energy: the desire of the body to get rid of it could not outweigh the indecision of the mind.

Everyday life brings a lot of troubles and troubles. But each black stripe is necessarily replaced by a white one. Therefore, the dream that the next morning brought negative feelings is important to interpret. Let's get started. Quarreled in a dream with a friend? In reality, a quarrel is not necessarily expected. But the dream warns: if you do not change behavior, this can happen.

Miller's predictions

Why dream of arguing with relatives? This symbol is not very favorable. But it is even worse to conflict with strangers. For a patient, for example, a dream portends madness. The most tragic sign if in a dream they argued with rich and powerful people.

Miller believes that the scandal is a sign of deceit. The conflict broke out over a trifle? The dream interpretation recommends undergoing a complete examination by a doctor.

Long and stubbornly they proved right in a dream - this is evidence of great potential, talent.

Other interpretations

Remember the emotions experienced in a dream. Why dream of a very strong scandal? Most likely, something joyful will happen in reality. For example, when an ugly scene with a spouse happened in a dream, in reality, complete mutual understanding will reign in the family.

But conflicts with strangers predict disputes in reality. For a girl, events in a dream portend difficulties, for a married woman - disputes at home. If you quarreled with your spouse, get ready for a protracted family conflict.

The dream interpretation says that not only the personality of the opponent, but the time of day and year where you were at that moment has a significant impact on the interpretation.

The desire to scandal in a dream means that in reality you have held back emotions for too long, and the negative has overwhelmed your soul.

What portends arguing with your mother in a dream? Strong attachment to the parent, you value her support. But a dream portends the beginning of a difficult period and difficult trials.

Why dream if the conflict with the mother ended in a fight? You blame yourself for the difficulties that have arisen, but not the fateful combination of circumstances that has occurred.

The dream interpretation, if arguing with a woman, warns: the ill-wishers have become more active, they are preparing another trap, expect a stab in the back.

In a dream, you quarreled with a friend, which means that in reality there is an understatement between you. When this is a close friend, the dream book allows for a journey by water or a guest from distant lands.

I saw swearing parents - a calm, measured family life awaits. But if in a dream mom and dad got angry with you, then the predictors warn: you attach excessive importance to the opinion of relatives. The dream interpretation also admits that you are ashamed of your behavior.

Scandal in a dream with dad is a reason to get to know the chosen one better. The dream interpretation recommends taking a closer look, perhaps after that you will decide to terminate the engagement.

To quarrel with your sister in a dream means that in reality it will be difficult to fulfill your obligations. It's not just a lack of energy or time. You can be offended, humiliated, slandered, and the desire to fulfill the promise will disappear.

Argued in a dream with a brother - endless scandals will begin in the family, in which you will be to blame. Rather than continue endlessly proving "rightness", the dream book recommends admitting mistakes. This line of conduct is best for everyone.

The conflict with the mother-in-law in a dream symbolizes the indifference, bad manners and coldness of the people around. In this situation, it is best to ignore the attacks.

Dream Interpretation, if you quarreled with relatives, portends loneliness. Problems will have to be solved on their own, not counting on help.

Why dream of arguing with your daughter? Felomena says that in reality, there will also be difficulties when communicating with a child. To improve relations, the dream book recommends finding out what worries her, what she is fond of.

Other predictions

Did you sort things out with a man in a dream? If it was a loved one, then you are too wasteful, most of the money is spent on various little things.

According to another version, the dream book promises love and good luck if you argued and even fought with your beloved.

A conflict with a guy in a dream is a sign of a trusting, strong relationship. There is a version that, having expressed claims in a dream, a person gets rid of negative emotions, resentment, anger, so in reality it is much easier to make peace and find a compromise. If the guy in the vision contradicts his girlfriend, the dream book gives a similar interpretation.

In some cases, a scandal with a husband or wife is a signal to the spouse that they need to pay more attention to their health. The presence of a mat in a dream means an imminent serious illness.

The woman dreamed of a quarrel with the former - the dream book hints at a desire to return the past, to correct the current situation.

But the conflict that arose with an unfamiliar man portends success in a new project.

Why dream of arguing with the dead? Scandals with relatives are possible. To avoid negative developments, be extremely careful in communication and actions.

Why dream of a quarrel with the dead? You cannot come to terms with what happened, you consider what happened to be an unfortunate mistake.

Other interpretations

If you had to swear in a dream, the same thing can happen in reality. Such a dream, according to the Muslim dream book, serves as a kind of warning. First of all, it is important to pay attention to your emotional state. If you dreamed of a big scandal, then most likely this is a shifting dream, and joyful events await you in life.

Quarrels with a spouse promise mutual understanding and a peaceful existence. If you argued with a stranger, then this means that troubles will not bypass you. Swearing in a dream with an outsider is the beginning of a series of misunderstandings in your family.

According to Vanga's dream book, swearing means that in reality you are diligently trying to show independence. Therefore, the possibility is not ruled out that you can move to a new home, away from your parents. If you argued with one of your parents, you will soon make a new discovery for yourself. To quarrel with your soulmate - in reality portends stable health, all diseases will be bypassed.

The dream book also claims that after what he saw, it was time to save and not waste hard-earned money. It's time to "tighten your belts", because you can perfectly do without chic interior items. Misunderstanding with a girlfriend or friend - portends the imminent appearance of a guest from another country or a possible trip.

If you dream that you quarreled with someone, then you will have to sort things out with this person and annoyance because of this.

If you had a fight with a stranger in a dream, then expect trouble or bad news.

Arguing with your family in a dream is a sign that you are wasting your time and energy on trifles.

If in a dream you quarrel with management, then the dream indicates that you should restrain your emotions with business partners or work colleagues in order to save your business or not lose your place.

If in a dream you hear others swearing among themselves, then soon you will have to become a participant in some loud process. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may be undeservedly insulted or offended.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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See in a dream Swear

Swear - You swear with obscene words - to the disease. You are filled with negative emotions.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Kananit

What do dreams mean

mate - you hear mate in a dream - in reality troubles await you; some minor detail will evoke painful memories in you; your conscience will again torment you because of an unworthy act in the past.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Dream about swearing

Swear - You swear with obscene words - to the disease.

You are filled with negative emotions.

They scold you - they want evil for you, but it will return to them like a boomerang. And luck awaits you in defiance of enemy machinations.

Interpretation of dreams from