What happened to the Khabarovsk knackers. The Khabarovsk knackers were given real terms. Animal rights activists called the punishment too lenient

KHABAROVSK, 25 Aug - RIA Novosti. The court of the Industrial District of Khabarovsk on Friday sentenced to imprisonment in a colony all the defendants in the criminal case for the cruel killing of animals in Khabarovsk, assigning them from 3 to 4 years and 3 months in prison, the direct punishment for killing animals of each of the girls was 150 hours of compulsory labor.

The criminal case was opened in October 2016 after photos and videos of the massacre of dogs and cats were leaked on the Internet. First-year student Alina Orlova and her neighbor Alena Savchenko, who took the animals "into good hands" according to advertisements, became suspects in the case. Several owners recognized the killed animals as their former charges. At that time, the girls were 17 years old. The case received widespread publicity.

In many cities of Russia, mass pickets and rallies were held demanding a real term of imprisonment for the guilty and tougher punishment under the article "cruelty to animals." The same requirements were contained in petitions posted on the Internet.

During the investigation of this crime, other details were revealed, Orlova and Savchenko were also charged under the articles "robbery", "insulting the feelings of believers" and "inciting hatred and enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity." In addition, another accused appeared - their 18-year-old friend Viktor Smyshlyaev. In November 2016, all three were taken into custody.

The court sessions, which began on March 13, 2017, were held behind closed doors. The press was allowed only to announce the verdict on August 25. The judge read out only the introductory and effective part of the verdict, leaving the details of the case outside the session.

The Internet is following you: how they helped find Khabarovsk knackers on the WebThe search for justice increasingly begins on the Web, and online discussions have real consequences offline. Examples of how the Internet has changed the system - in the material RIA Novosti.

According to the information voiced on Friday by the official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia Svetlana Petrenko, the investigation and the court established that from June to August 2016, the two friends "systematically and cruelly treated animals using sadistic methods, mutilated and killed them."

In 2015 and 2016, one of the girls repeatedly posted on the page in social network images and texts that offend the religious feelings of believers, and in 2016, together with a friend, she produced and posted on the Internet "a video containing scenes of humiliation of the victim's human dignity on the basis of belonging to a social group." In July 2016, the girls committed a robbery on a resident of the city of Khabarovsk.

They listened to the verdict calmly

In the courtroom where the verdict was read, there were more representatives of the press than participants in the trial. The defendants silently proceeded into the hall under escort. They did not answer the journalists' questions about “why did you do this?”, “Do you feel sorry for the killed animals?”, “Do you regret what you have done”, “why do you cover your face?”

Judge Galina Nikolaeva read out the court's verdict, according to which Alena Savchenko was found guilty under the articles "cruelty to animals", "robbery", "insulting the religious feelings of believers" and "inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity."

She was sentenced to 150 hours of compulsory work for killing animals, another 150 hours of work for insulting the feelings of believers, for humiliation of human dignity - 1.5 years in prison, for robbery - 3 years in prison without a fine. Savchenko's final sentence was 4 years and 3 months in a general regime colony.

Alina Orlova was found guilty under the articles of "cruelty to animals" and "robbery". She was also sentenced to 150 hours of compulsory labor for killing animals, and 3 years in prison without a fine for robbery. Orlova's final sentence was 3 years and 10 days in a general regime colony.

Viktor Smyshlyaev was found guilty under the article "incitement to hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity," he was sentenced to 3 years in a general regime colony.

In the term of serving the sentence, all three convicts will be credited with the time from the moment of their arrest until the verdict of the court.

In addition, the court ruled to recover from Savchenko and Orlova in favor of the victim Natalya Belova (the owner of the killed puppy) 10 thousand rubles each as compensation for moral damage.

The girl's verdict was listened to calmly, they told the judge that they understood it. The convicts did not answer the question of journalists whether they would appeal the verdict.

Animal rights activists called the punishment too lenient

After the announcement of the verdict, Natalya Kovalenko, the chairman of the Zoozashchita DV organization, told reporters that she considered the verdict too lenient.

"Specifically under the article" cruelty to animals, "Orlova and Savchenko received 150 hours of work each. The main terms related to imprisonment went under other articles. We believe that we will most likely appeal against him," Kovalenko said.

In the opinion of animal rights activists, those convicted of abusing animals should receive at least 5 years in prison each. Kovalenko noted that 15 animals and birds became victims of the flayers.

The Office of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation in the Far Eastern Federal District, which is a party to the state prosecution in the process, has not yet announced its intention to appeal the verdict.

"We are familiar with the verdict, we are studying it. We cannot say yet whether we will appeal," said a representative of the department.

The parties have 10 days to appeal the judgment.

The verdict in the sensational case of cruel animal killings was passed today in Khabarovsk. The main figurants - two girls, as well as their accomplice received real sentences. They filmed their sadistic crimes and posted them on social networks. During the investigation, it turned out that these episodes were not the only ones.

The accused, handcuffed and under escort, were escorted into the courtroom. There are three defendants on the bench - young girls and a guy. The case goes through several articles at once: "Cruelty to animals", "Insulting the feelings of believers", "Incitement of hostility or hatred" and the main one is "Robbery".

Alina Orlova and Viktor Smyshlyaev are hiding their faces at the announcement of the verdict. Alena Savchenko tries to turn away from the cameras when journalists start asking questions.

A few days ago, they spoke in court with the last word, asked not to deprive them of their freedom, they say, they admit their guilt, they have corrected themselves. But they could not avoid serious punishment. Savchenko was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison and freedom. Orlova and Smyshlyaev received three years each.

Only after the verdict was announced did the convicts begin to answer journalists' questions. In the media, Orlova and Savchenko were dubbed the Khabarovsk knackers. The sadistic entertainments of the female students became known last fall. They took animals from private shelters or from those who tried to find kittens and puppies in good hands. Then they took their victims to the building of an abandoned hospital. They shot at them from a traumatic pistol, gouged out their eyes, trampled, then killed. Everything was recorded on a mobile camera, and then posted on social networks.

Those who gave the four-legged flayers say that they did not notice anything suspicious about the shy-looking girls. As the investigation established, at some point it turned out to be not enough for them to abuse animals - they switched to people. Then the girls got an accomplice. It is known that in the same abandoned building they beat up a peer, and in the gateway they attacked a young man with a knife, demanding money. And this is already a robbery.

"From March to October 2016, together with a friend, she made and posted on the Internet a video recording containing scenes of humiliation of human dignity, the victim on the basis of belonging to a social group, and on July 28 of the same year, the girls committed a robbery on a resident of Khabarovsk," the official said. Svetlana Petrenko, representative of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

By the way, today, immediately after the verdict was announced, when the press began to leave the courtroom, Viktor Smyshlyaev said to the crew of Channel One that he remembered us and began to threaten us.

As the judge noted, the terms of detention will be credited to the term of serving the sentence. At the same time, the sentence turned out to be much milder than requested by the prosecution. The prosecutor demanded up to seven years in prison. Animal rights activists also consider the sentence mild and intend to appeal the court decision.

On Friday, August 25, the trial of the high-profile case of "flayers from Khabarovsk" ended. The two girls and their boyfriend were found guilty of a series of brutal animal killings. However, the real terms of imprisonment - from three to four years - young people received for robbery, insulting the feelings of believers and extremism. Almost the entire time of the investigation, which began in October 2016, the young people spent under arrest and at the last word in court asked them to choose a different punishment. I remembered how this story developed, accompanied by animal protection rallies throughout the country.

"IN recent times cases of cruelty to animals have become more frequent. Children and adolescents not only mock animals, but, reasonably counting on impunity or extremely lenient punishment, post these videos on the Internet, ”said the head of the Federation Council Committee on Constitutional Legislation. As an adequate response to this, he suggested lowering the age of criminal responsibility for such a crime.

Fetish commerce

According to animal rights activist Anastasia Fedyunina, there is a whole network of producers of special content for people who are fond of crash fetish in Russia. “This is when a person experiences sexual arousal at the sight of how beautiful girl crushes certain objects, food or worms with his feet, ”she explains.

This phenomenon also has a more extreme offshoot called "hard crash", when pretty girls push their feet or otherwise torture puppies and kittens. “Masochists, watching such videos, imagine themselves in the place of an animal,” says Fedyunina. "The tormentors are usually played by prostitutes or girls with sadistic tendencies."

Fedyunina even gave approximate prices for such Russian-made clips on the Chinese market in US dollars: from 18 to 35 for killing a mouse or rabbit, from 180 to 220 for torturing a puppy or kitten. “On average, about 12 clips with rabbits and 4 with kittens and puppies are sold per day,” she says.

Note that among the photos posted by Alina and Alena there are indeed those where the puppies are crushed with their feet. There are also pictures in which one of the girls poses in a short skirt, stockings and a bloody apron. They filmed the long process of torture and murder, but until now it was not clear why. Usually teenagers are limited to short videos for quick viewing.

Three teenagers in Khabarovsk received up to 4 years in prison for torturing animals. More than a year they regularly posted videos on the Internet in which they tortured and killed animals until their videos attracted the attention of animal rights activists.

There is no overcrowding at the entrance to the Industrial Court of Khabarovsk. There was a whole queue of journalists alone - the case of the knackers is widely covered not only by the Russian press, even popular foreign publications wrote about them, reports. The process went on behind closed doors. At the time of the crimes, all of its participants were minors. But the TV cameras were allowed to attend the announcement of the verdict. While the trial was in progress, the defendants turned 18. Alena Savchenko, Alina Orlova and their accomplice in one of the episodes, Viktor Smyshlyaev, enter the courtroom absolutely calm. And if Orlova at least tries to hide her face, then Savchenko and Smyshlyaev behave as if they have nothing to be ashamed of.

They ignore all the questions of journalists, although previously they simply burned with the desire to become famous and gladly posted their monstrous exploits on the Internet. It is impossible to watch the footage of the massacre of dogs, cats, birds and other animals without shuddering. And most of what the girls broadcast on the network is not for the air. They took the animals from private shelters or through advertisements "I will give them into good hands." But they were not carried home on soft bedding and couches, but to an abandoned building in the Industrial District. What happened next, the flayers were carefully recorded on camera. Dogs and cats were gutted, showing a still beating heart, nailed to the wall, eyes gouged out. According to the investigation, at least 15 animals were killed.

During the investigation, it turned out that the girls Savchenko and Orlova showed such cruelty not only in relation to animals. One of them published images and texts on the Internet that offend the religious feelings of believers. And together with Viktor Smyshlyaev, she mocked a man whom the couple considered homosexual.

"From March to October 2016, together with a friend, she made and posted on the Internet a video containing scenes of humiliation of human dignity, the victim on the basis of belonging to a social group, and on July 28 of the same year, the girls committed a robbery on a resident of Khabarovsk," said the official representative of the Investigative Committee, Svetlana Petrenko.

The Khabarovsk flayers fully admitted their guilt. At the last meeting, they regretted what they had done and asked the court to impose a sentence not related to imprisonment. Since their detention, animal rights activists have regularly held rallies, fearing that the criminals will get out of the water. During the entire process, those who followed him did not see a single drop of remorse on these faces. Savchenko, although strained, smiles even on the day the verdict is announced. And Smyshlyaev demonstratively grimaces at the TV cameras.

The enumeration of the articles for which the defendants are accused takes almost whole sheet minutes of the court session. Here and cruelty to animals, and extremist crimes, and robbery.

The term is assigned cumulatively, by partial addition of the sentences imposed.

Savchenko received four years and three months without a fine, while serving her sentence in a general regime correctional colony. Alina Orlova - 3 years and 10 days in a general regime colony, as well as a fine of 10 thousand rubles for moral damage caused to the victim. Viktor Smyshlyaev was sentenced to 3 years in prison.

The trio will appeal against the court decision. Animal rights activists are also somewhat confused. On the one hand, the flayers have never received such terms before. On the other hand, it was not the abuse of animals that became decisive for sending the defendants to the high-profile case to the colony, but more serious articles imputed to them. The country still has not adopted a law that guarantees the protection of animals from such "Savchenko" and "Orlov".

Lilia Akinshina, TV Center.

The Industrial District Court of Khabarovsk sentenced the defendants in the high-profile case of cruel reprisals against animals. The girls-knackers received real terms - 4 years 3 months and 3 years 10 days with serving their sentences in a penal colony. They pleaded guilty, but asked the court not to deprive them of their liberty, so they intend to appeal the verdict. Not satisfied with the decision of the court and the victims, who were represented social movement "Zoozashchita-DV". The editorial board of the IA followed the process all year round and collected the chronology of the high-profile case.

Two 17-year-old girls from Khabarovsk became known throughout the country in October 2016 after photographs appeared on the Internet in which they brutally kill animals taken from the shelter. The actions of the Khabarovsk women caused a wide public response on the Internet and in the media mass media, provoked mass rallies throughout the country and led to the fact that the issue of toughening criminal liability for minors began to be discussed in the highest authorities.

Course of events

On the morning of October 18, 2016, a post appeared on one of the social networks, the author of which promised to post a photo with a dismembered device and screenshots of correspondence from a VKontakte account owned by a certain Christina Konople. Soon, the promise appeared: photographs of dog abuse and butchering of a pregnant cat were published, and some of the pictures showed the faces of two girls, details of their clothes and tattoos. This caused outrage among users, and soon new discussions began popping up, with new photos and screenshots popping up. Judging by the published correspondence, Alina Orlova and "Christina Konoplya" took cats and dogs from shelters, after which they mocked them, killed and butchered their carcasses.

Users, outraged by such cruelty, began an investigation, and a few hours later a post appeared on another social network describing a "sect of Khabarovsk knackers", which, in addition to the mentioned girls, supposedly included several other people. In the same post, by comparing fragments of photographs, proof of the involvement of these particular girls is provided. In addition, the author of the publication attached a link to the video, filmed in an abandoned building on the street. Yungov, 11, where the abuse of animals took place.

main characters

By the morning of October 19, news on this topic reached the federal network media and TV channels. The stars of the scandal were Christina Konoplya and Alina Orlova.

Alena Savchenko, also known on social networks as "Christina Konoplya" and "Christina Kuznetsova". She studied in college as a fashion designer, but in 2015 she was expelled. Alena's mother was deprived of parental rights for alcoholism, and the girl lived with her grandmother. After the publicity of the incident, she closed the comments on her page in "VKontakte" and hid the list of gifts, and her Ask.fm account was blocked by the administration because of the raid of those who were not indifferent.

Alina Orlova - student of the Pacific state university (TOGU). Father - an aviation colonel, deputy squadron commander. After the material began to spread rapidly across the Internet, Alina hastened to delete her profile on the VKontakte social network. A few days later, she restored the page, opening comments, in which a stream of insults from caring citizens immediately appeared: in total, several thousand comments were written.

Alina's mother wrote a statement to the police that threats were being made to her daughter after the pictures appeared on the Internet. In addition, Alina Orlova said that she was not involved in the abuse of animals, and someone had forged these photographs, in connection with which the mother wrote a second statement of libel against her daughter.


Investigative authorities have begun to check the fact of publications on the Internet. And in the evening of the same day it turned out that Alena Savchenko was trying to hide. She was detained at the Novosibirsk airport Tolmachevo, from where she tried to take a connecting flight to St. Petersburg. On October 22, she was delivered to Khabarovsk.

October 20, initiated under Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Cruelty to animals" the criminal case was transferred to the Investigative Committee. Investigators found that at least 15 animals and birds became victims of the malefactors. From the scene of the crime, criminologists seized samples of biomaterials, and also found the corpse of one animal and the remains of another. During a search in the apartment of one of the suspects in the criminal case, a cat's skull was found. Home computers and telephones of the intruders were seized, and computer-technical forensics were ordered. Meanwhile, a petition has already been posted on Change.org, directed to the Moscow City Court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Khabarovsk Territory and to the girls' places of study. The author of the petition, Nikolai Voronov, cited links to publications on the Internet and asked "to look into this case and take action."

Court yes business

While the investigation was underway and new facts emerged, suspicions of other crimes began to appear against the girls. There was information that a 20-year-old guy, with whom they made a meeting in an abandoned building, where they tried to rob him, hitting him with a baseball bat and threatening him with a pneumatic pistol, met them on the Internet, knowing about their minority. In addition, it turned out that the flayers had caught a bum, stabbed, beaten and held for several days in the same building, after which they were released, threatening with reprisal if he told anything.

Subsequently, 3 more criminal cases were initiated against the knights-hangers: on the fact of an attack on a person (Article 162 "Robbery") and dancing near the church (Articles 148 and 282). In addition, the department reported that the girls deliberately damaged cars and filmed it, but more detailed information on this episode was not reported.

In total, charges were brought under the following articles:

  • 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 ("Cruelty to animals");
  • 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 2 ("Robbery");
  • 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 ("Insults to the religious feelings of believers");
  • 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, part 1 ("Incitement to hatred or enmity").

On November 11, by the decision of the Industrial District Court of Khabarovsk, both girls were arrested for 2 months and placed in a pre-trial detention center, in cells for minors. An 18-year-old young man was also arrested, who, together with one of the girls, edited a video in which the court saw signs of incitement to hatred on the basis of belonging to a social group.

Society reaction

On November 5 and 6, 2016, rallies and pickets against cruelty to animals were held in at least 93 cities of Russia. Participants of the rallies held photographs of animals killed by Khabarovsk women and posters with calls to fight against cruelty. Many came with their animals. Among the organizers of these rallies were representatives of all kinds of animal protection organizations. In some cities, such rallies were repeated in the following days. Suggestions were made to toughen legislation in this area, in particular, to increase the maximum punishment under Article 245 of the Criminal Code, to create a "zooprotective police", to strengthen supervision over keeping animals in shelters. The rallies were held under the slogans "The flayers of Khabarovsk to prison" and "Russia without cruelty." And to help in organizing such events, a community "All-Russian rally against the flayers" was later created on the social network "VKontakte", in which, among other things, the draft amendments to Article 245 are actively discussed.

From the regional level to the federal

On October 23, 2016, experts discussed Khabarovsk knackers in the program "Let them talk", and one of them was interviewed. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find the broadcast of that program on the Internet. There are only selected fragments saved by users. Also, the case of the Khabarovsk knackers Orlova and Savchenko became the topic of the "Live" program. At a large press conference of Vladimir Putin, journalists twice mentioned the Khabarovsk knackers. The President briefly commented on the situation that shook the public. The president replied that he supports tougher legislation on the treatment of animals.


The trial in the high-profile case of cruel animal killings in Khabarovsk began on March 13 and was held behind closed doors. At the first court sessions, it was clear that the girls did not realize the seriousness of what was happening. They appeared at court hearings either in short shorts or in T-shirts of the same length. Those who followed the trial noted the defendants' fashionable hairstyles and makeup. The girls smiled cynically, not hiding from photos and video cameras. However, closer to the announcement of the verdict, the smirks were replaced by tears. Alina Orlova cried several times at the trial. Her lawyer assured the court that she realized and repented of what she had done. In the last word, both flayers asked for leniency.

The court put an end to the resonant case

The prosecutor demanded 7 years 6 months for Savchenko, and almost 6 years for Orlova. The defendants' lawyers categorically disagreed with the prosecution, proposing to give their wards soft suspended sentences. The court found the flayers guilty of cruelty to animals, robbery, insulting the feelings of believers and inciting hatred and enmity. Alena Savchenko was sentenced to 4 years and 3 months in prison. Alina Orlova was sentenced to 3 years and 10 days in prison. Their friend Viktor Smyshlyaev was sentenced to three years in prison.

Or ellipsis?

The defendants disagree with the verdict and are going to appeal. In turn, the animal rights activists called the sentence too lenient, since Orlova and Savchenko received 150 hours of compulsory labor directly under the article "cruelty to animals". And more serious penalties associated with imprisonment are associated with other articles.