Moscow Theological Institute of Christians of the Evangelical Faith. Moscow Theological Institute of Christians of Evangelical Faith Correspondence Theological Institute



This Toolkit provides a brief overview of the basic requirements, methods and techniques of writing a theological study in an abstract.

1. Specificity and features of theological research

The abstract is, first of all, the fruit of spiritual labor, prayerful comprehension and intense personal, spiritual search and research work performed in respect of the Word of God. The problem of competent transmission of spiritual truths comes down to 2 conditions:

2. Execution of the abstract (compliance with the requirements set forth in this manual)

The structure of theological research

The composition of a theological study is the sequence in which its main parts are arranged. Traditionally, a certain compositional structure has developed, the main elements of which are:

1. Title page

3. Introduction

4. Chapters of the main part

5. Conclusion

6. Bibliographic list of used literature


In the Introduction, it is necessary to indicate the following characteristics of your research: indicate the relevance of the topic, indicate the goal that you are striving to achieve.

The main part of the work (may contain several parts)

It reveals the history and theory of the issue under study, gives a critical analysis of the literature, reflects the position of the author.


This section is succinct generalization conducted research, which can be formulated in the form of theses, provisions or conclusions. In conclusion, the content of the previous sections should not be repeated. The main requirement for the conclusion is brevity and thoroughness.

Bibliographic list

The bibliographic list includes all cited literature.

The bibliographic list contains the following description of the source: surname and initials of the author, full title of the book; after the forward slash (statement of responsibility)- data on the translator (if it is a translation) or editor (if the book was written by a group of authors), data on the number of volumes; after dash- the name of the city where the book was published; after colon–The name of the publishing house that issued it; and finally after the decimal point- the year of publishing; after dash- number of pages.

For instance:

Ivanov I.I. Book of songs and hymns / Per. A. Shtukina. - M .: Bible for all, 2000. - 57p.

(For a number of commonly used cities, the abbreviation is used:

M. - Moscow, St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg, K. - Kiev.)

When using collected essays, articles from collections, dictionaries, newspapers or magazines, after the author and the title of the article, // are put, which replace the words "in the book" or "from the newspaper", etc.

For instance:

Ivanov I.I. Jesus Is Coming // Prophetic Vision. - 2002. - No. 2. - S. 7.

When using quotes from books or articles presented on electronic media or on Internet pages, the link is drawn up as follows:

Ivanov I.I. Jesus is coming // www. email address (date of download)

or Ivanov I.I. Jesus is coming // email. option

  • Quotes
  • Expressing important thoughts and provisions, citing figures and other data borrowed from other authors.

For this, a number is put at the end of the sentence, indicating the serial number of the quotation on this page. At the bottom of the page, under the link separating the link, this number is repeated, followed by bibliographic information. For instance:


1. Gooding D., Lennox D. The Bible and moral education. / Per. A. Yakovleva. Ed. N. Zvonak. - Dunkanville, USA: World Wide Printing, 1999. - P. 56.

Registration of written work

Requirements Word text editor
Volume 5-7 typewritten pages
Line spacing 1,5
Font number № 12
Left margin size 30 mm
Right margin 10 mm
(Top) Bottom Margin Size 20 mm
Pagination In the middle of the bottom margin of the page, numbering starts with title page, but the page number on the title is not put
New chapter Each chapter starts with new page(as well as Introduction, Conclusion, References, Appendices)
Paragraph 1.25 cm
Heading A full stop is not put at the end of the heading located in the middle of the line; words cannot be hyphenated in the heading. The heading must be highlighted in bold, italics and font size, and in "uniform" headings (one step), the highlighting must be the same
Bibliography If not specified by the teacher At least 2-3 sources (books).

Religious organization

Educational organization higher education

Moscow Theological Institute of Christians of Evangelical Faith


By subject:

(item name)

"Topic name"

Completed by: _______________

Checked: ________________

Higher Spiritual Educational Institution

"Theological Institute of KhVE"

Theological Institute is a Christian higher education institution with a teaching level that meets the requirements for educational institutions, both in our country and abroad.

The Theological Institute offers training in the following specialties:

Theology teacher

Sunday school teacher

Church minister

Church choir director

Forms of training:

Currently, we offer you various forms of study so that you can choose the most convenient form for you.


This form of training includes several departments.

1.Intensive Ministerial Training Unit (ITS). This department is designed primarily for active ministers and is aimed at in-depth study of theology. Students come to the institute for weekly sessions four times a year (every three months). Training period - 4 years + time for preparation and defense thesis... After graduation, subject to all academic requirements, the student receives a degree bachelor of theology.

2.Sunday School Teacher Training Department. This department accepts Sunday school teachers, as well as those people who plan to become a teacher. This department combines theology and practical subjects such as child psychology, pedagogy and others. Students come for weekly sessions four times a year (every three months). The term of study is 4 years + time for the preparation and defense of the thesis. After graduation, subject to all academic requirements, the student receives a degree BA Christian Education.

3.Department of Education and Training (HIOP). This program aimed primarily at people who are involved in the ministry of the church. This program includes general theological subjects and practical subjects that are designed to help the student in his ministry. Groups (branches) are organized on the basis of churches, which helps students to study without interruptions from work and ministry for a week. Classes are held once a month (Friday evening and Saturday). The term of study is 4 years + preparation of a diploma and defense. After graduation, subject to all academic requirements, the student receives a degree.

4.Ministries School Branch.

The Ministry School is one of the most practical and effective programs to train Church leaders, home group leaders, and missionaries. Teaching takes place in local churches based on video lessons from such famous ministers as R. Bonnke, Terry Lowe, Dick Eastman, A. L. Gill, who, from a practical point of view, illuminate biblical truths. Upon successful completion of all five semesters, students receive a diploma from the Theological Institute for secondary specialized theological education. Afterwards, students can continue their studies at other departments of the Theological Institute, using the knowledge gained to obtain a bachelor's degree in Christian ministry.

Evening :

1.Evening branch "Jeruel". This department is focused on people who live in Minsk and in the Minsk region. Ministers and leaders, as well as church members are invited to this form. The program includes advanced Bible study, practical and theological subjects. Training takes place in the evening, every Tuesday from 18:00 to 21:00. The term of study is 4 years + preparation and defense of the diploma. After graduation, subject to all academic requirements, the student receives a degree Bachelor of Christian Ministry.


The program for distance learning was prepared jointly with the Moscow Theological Institute and is designed to help in teaching those who are unable to study in other forms. Each student is engaged directly at home. The training consists in listening to lectures recorded on CD disks in mp 3 format, and studying study guide(books). The program is divided into 3 levels of 10 subjects. If successful complete program the student is issued a diploma. If a student for some reason cannot continue his studies, then he can stop at one of the levels and receive a certificate.

Requirements for applicants:

· be a member of a local evangelical church;

· have a secondary education;

· lead an exemplary Christian life that meets the requirements of the future minister of the church.

Documents required for admission (for all forms of study):

· personal application form (of the established form) with the recommendation of the pastor

· copies of the certificate of secondary education or certificates (diplomas) of graduation from other educational institutions

· 2 photos, size 4x6 cm

Enrollment is made without entrance examinations based on interview and pastor's recommendation.

Religious organization The Moscow Theological Institute of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith was established on September 14, 1992. The charter is registered with the Ministry of Justice No. 162 with the status of a non-state higher educational institution.

The founder of the institute is the Central Organization of the Russian Church of Christians of Evangelical Faith. State Committee of Russia for higher education issued the Moscow Theological Institute License No. 16-40 dated November 10, 1993 for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher religious education. According to the License of the State Committee for Higher Education, the contingent of full-time education is set at 85 people.

The Moscow Theological Institute was re-licensed by the Ministry of General and vocational education dated February 15, 1999 No. 16-649 with the right to conduct educational activities in the field of religious education. The contingent of full-time education is set at 85 people. In 2004, the Moscow Theological Institute was re-licensed by the Ministry of Education Russian Federation, License Series A No. 001831 dated March 9, 2004. In connection with the renaming of the organization, a new License Series A No. 166454 dated June 5, 2006 was issued. According to the appendix to the License, the maximum student population is set at 235 people reduced to full-time learning.

In 2010, the Moscow Theological Institute for the fourth time received the License of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation АА-№002718 dated February 8, 2010 for the right to conduct educational activities in the field of higher religious education until 2015.

Currently, 27 highly qualified teachers carry out training, including 4 full-time and 23 hourly workers, including 14 teachers with doctoral and candidate degrees and 13 teachers with master's, specialist and bachelor's degrees. The number of students in all programs for the preparation of religious personnel is currently 84, of whom 81 are studying in the Bachelor of Christian Ministry program and 3 in the Bachelor of Theology program.

The educational process is carried out in a complex of buildings at the address: Moscow, st. Orenburgskaya 10A, with a total area of ​​1243 square meters, and st. Fabricius, 31A with a total area of ​​1230 square meters, belonging to the Central Religious Organization of the Russian Church of Christians of the Evangelical Faith on the basis of property rights and transferred for free use to the Moscow Theological Institute.

The institute has a library that provides the educational process with the necessary scientific and methodological material, theological, religious-philosophical, cultural, historical and other scientific literature at the rate of at least 0.5 copies / person. To improve the quality of education, the institute operates a computer class with 15 Pentium desktop computers with direct access to Internet resources.
The institute complies with all sanitary and epidemiological standards and fire safety, which is confirmed by the conclusions of the relevant services.

Medical services for students are carried out in LLC "CENTER EVA-med" in accordance with Contract No. 160 for the provision of medical services dated February 18, 2009, the term of the contract is 5 years. Students are provided with hot meals at the FE "Maslennikov I.K." according to the Contract for the provision of hot meals No. 3 dated 01.03. 2009, the term of the contract is 5 years.