What are the breakfasts. What is good to eat for breakfast: delicious recipes and recommendations. breakfast for weight loss

In this article, I will tell you what is better to eat for breakfast after sleep (waking up).

First of all, remember: immediately after waking up, eat fully - you can’t, because. the body (including the stomach) has not “woke up” yet, and you need to wait 20-30 minutes, and only after that you can fully eat.

When I wake up, I immediately drink liquid (according to my well-being), by liquid I mean ordinary, simple, non-carbonated water and wait 30 minutes (well, as I wait, I do dirty things 😀 then I wash my face, brush my teeth, and so on. , the procedure is common and known to all). And after the norms I eat.

For breakfast, the most important thing to consume is COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES! It can be rice or buckwheat or both at once, or oatmeal, in general, who prefers what. I eat what I have 😀


Why do you need carbohydrates in the morning? Because carbohydrates are energy. When do we need energy? That's right, during the day (in the first half of the day, and especially in the morning, after a long 8-10 hour sleep, for breakfast), because, as a rule, during the day, people are ACTIVE, and in the late afternoon = PASSIVE (at home, after work, study, at sofa, at the computer, etc.), hence this recommendation. This is first.

Second, notice I said COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES. Not simple ones. More: In short, the main difference between simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates lies in the time it takes for the body to absorb them and convert them into glucose. Those. complex carbohydrates provide a long and uniform energy supply (this is what you need), but simple carbohydrates, on the contrary, are accompanied by a rapid energy rise and an equally rapid decline, which as a result contributes to the accumulation of excess fat / the occurrence of various diseases (bad).

In practice, most people eat simple coals, some kind of rolls with butter and tea, etc. And this is a gross mistake. So they ate these simple carbohydrates (for example, a bun with butter) and in response to a rise in blood sugar, and simple carbohydrates raise blood sugar very much, the PANCREAS secretes, which removes sugar from the blood and turns it into fat.

That is, there is a SHARP RISE and FALL OF SUGAR IN THE BLOOD (this means that in an hour at most two hours, you will again very much want to eat, and most likely, you will eat something wrong again, again those same simple carbohydrates), in general, in the end, after all this “insulin reaction”, your body will be protected, and you can be congratulated on new additional fat gains.

CONCLUSION: simple carbohydrates for breakfast = BAD by no means. Only complex ones.

Together with complex carbohydrates, ideally (and for those who follow their figure, grow muscles or lose weight, etc., it is necessary) you also need to consume PROTEIN (of animal origin). I (and all other bodybuilders) do not even take into account vegetable proteins, I talked about this in more detail in the main article:

It could be chicken breast, beef, fish, boiled eggs, whatever… I eat what I have 😀

Together with all this, you also need fiber. First of all, vegetables, ie. cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, etc. Guess what I eat 😀 Vegetables help protein to be better absorbed and digested. That is why every meal containing PROTEINS should also contain VEGETABLES (fiber). Because bodybuilders (jocks) cannot do without protein at every meal, they eat vegetables together.

Well, fruits like apples, bananas, pears, etc. you can (but only if you can) for a snack ... As a rule, you don’t have to bathe on the mass, on a diet of fruits, to my clients, I recommend that if you eat, then before 15.00 no later than. they contain simple sugars (they are all "sweet").

CONCLUSION ON THE ARTICLE: water, after 20-30 minutes: complex carbohydrates + proteins + fiber (vegetables / fruits);

And yes, for athletes, as in the recruitment phase muscle mass, and at the stage of burning fat, it doesn’t matter, these recommendations are the basics of the basics of the correct, healthy eating. That's all, all the best)).

Sincerely, administrator.

The trend of leading a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition is growing day by day. People are increasingly concerned about their health. Dinner era fast food is becoming a thing of the past, today it is fashionable to eat only fresh, right foods, and this pleases. What is good to eat for breakfast? That's what we'll talk about.

What is a complete breakfast?

What is good to eat for breakfast? There are hundreds of thousands of recipes for a full breakfast, but you can’t remember them all, and there is often no time to search. In preparation healthy breakfast you need to know the principle. Knowing the list and their compatibility, you can improvise, creating something new every day. The most useful and versatile products are available to everyone. Eggs, tomatoes, cheese, herbs, cottage cheese, milk and, of course, cereals. It is desirable to use fruits every day and not only for breakfast.

American pancakes or pancakes. Undoubtedly, everyone has seen in films how people eat small pancakes for breakfast. They are fundamentally different from the usual pancakes. They are baked in a dry frying pan and are more like pancakes in composition, but without yeast. It is very tasty and nutritious.

carbohydrate nutrition

What should be a healthy breakfast? Proper nutrition must be balanced. It is important for the body to receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins in the right amount.

Buckwheat. This cereal is dietary and very healthy, especially if you do not boil it, but steam it with boiling water. All proportions are preserved, as when cooking. You need to pour the cereal with boiling water or hot broth and wrap the container, organizing something like a thermos. In the morning, a warm breakfast is ready.

Breakfast in the microwave

The first assistant in the kitchen is a microwave. It saves a lot of time and allows you to prepare breakfast in the evening and warm it up in the morning. You can also cook everyone's favorite hot sandwiches. Not very useful, but insanely delicious. Homemade sandwiches with cheese and herbs or with the addition of onions and tomatoes and cheese are much tastier and fresher than store-bought fast food.

You can cook a delicious and healthy breakfast in the microwave oven. Recipes are presented below.

Egg in a cup. An egg is broken into a ceramic cup or bowl and covered with a special plastic cap for microwaves. You can add chopped green onions, greens, pieces of ham or meat to the egg. Fast, tasty and healthy.

Apple mix. It is necessary to grate an apple, add a little muesli and cinnamon, sweet lovers can flavor breakfast with honey. All ingredients must be mixed and put in the oven for a couple of minutes. Such a breakfast diversifies the diet, and cinnamon will help make the figure slimmer.

Healthiest Breakfast: Food of Champions

A light breakfast in the form of a cocktail consisting of vitamin products will provide an opportunity for a quick and healthy breakfast. You will need an immersion blender, it will take a maximum of two minutes to cook. You need to cook several sprigs of greens, whichever you like, spinach, parsley, borage will be a good choice, everything is filled up to half with kefir, and the rest will take mineral water. You can also add chopped pine nuts. This mixture will invigorate the body and bring the whole body into activity.

What is the healthiest breakfast ever? A super energy smoothie made with yogurt, fresh fruit, orange juice and crushed ice. You should take all these components in a proportion of half a glass and add a couple of tablespoons of sprouted ones. The components killed in a blender are a real find for vegetarians and people leading an active lifestyle.

Combine one glass of fruit or berries and two glasses of milk with half a glass of pudding. Add a glass of crushed ice and beat thoroughly with a blender. A cocktail rich in vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and fiber, drunk in the morning, it perfectly satisfies hunger and gives a burst of energy.

Hearty sandwiches for breakfast

As already known, soft white bread does not give saturation, but it can be combined with foods rich in fiber and giving strength and energy. You can give a slice of bread an appetizing look with a toaster or in the old fashioned way, in a frying pan.

Some sources advise eating peanut butter sandwiches in the morning, but keep in mind that peanuts are not digested and absorbed by the body. This is perhaps the only one of the nuts that has practically no benefit. It's better to grease the bread butter and add a slice of cheese. Sandwiches with noble varieties of fish are incredibly tasty in combination with fresh cucumbers or olives. Supplement a cup of coffee with such a sandwich, saturation will be long, the energy supply will last until lunch. Fish is rich in omega-3 fats, which stimulate the brain.

Today, not everyone can afford expensive fish for breakfast, especially a large family. It is recommended to drink one capsule of fish oil every day.

Now you know what a delicious and healthy breakfast is. The diet should be correct, complete. This is one of the main components of our well-being. Don't neglect it. Be healthy!

Start of the day. Do you think for a long time about what is healthy and tasty to cook for breakfast, but in the end you go to work hungry or are you stuffing butter sandwiches into yourself again? No need to worry, we have prepared for you some easy recipes for morning dressing. With their help, you can diversify the morning menu and even lose a couple of kilograms.

The principles of proper nutrition

So, what to eat for breakfast with proper nutrition? Foods that contain essential carbohydrates, proteins and fats in a harmless form. This does not include products containing sugar and white flour. The simple carbohydrates of which they are composed are deposited on the sides, abdomen and waist.

The best option is whole grain cereals or bread, which give a feeling of satiety for a long time. Eat fruits and vegetables as a source of vitamins and minerals.

Breakfast options with proper nutrition include four food groups:

    Fruits and vegetables.

    Dairy and sour-milk products;

    Whole and crushed cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice, millet, etc.;

    Eggs and meat of chicken, turkey.

Fruits and vegetables allow you to keep intestinal motility in good shape, milk and products based on it compensate for the lack of calcium in the body, cereals contain a whole range of vitamins and complex carbohydrates. They stay in the body for a long time and give a feeling of satiety for the whole day. Eggs and meat are a source of protein, which is a building block for building muscle.

What foods to choose for breakfast with proper nutrition? Depends on the type of activity. If you play sports before lunch, include protein foods (poultry, fish, eggs) in your morning menu. For office workers mental labor, the best option would be a carbohydrate breakfast, which includes cereal products.

Do you like a classic English breakfast with scrambled eggs and sandwiches? Especially for you, we have prepared a more useful option. Unlike the previous variety, it does not hit the pancreas and liver.

  • 1 egg
  • 2 slices bran loaf
  • 3 art. spoons of cottage cheese without sugar
  • 1 teaspoon sea buckthorn jam
  • small sprig of cilantro
  • tomato circle

Boil the egg as you like (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), spread the loaf with cottage cheese. Top one of them with a tomato circle and cilantro, the second with jam.

The classic English breakfast is poor in ballast substances that are necessary for healthy bowel function, vitamins and minerals. To make up for their deficiency, simply replace butter with curd mass, and instead white bread use borodinsky or whole grain. Nutritionists recommend eating eggs no more than once a week. Instead of chicken, you can use quail, they have less cholesterol.

By the way, do not forget to familiarize yourself with ours for one.

Muesli with variations

You can't always vouch for the quality of store-bought products. Unlike them, a breakfast prepared with your own hands will charge you with energy and vivacity. To create a culinary masterpiece, you only need 20 minutes and a little patience. The most popular breakfast is oatmeal, supplemented with fruits and berries depending on the season. We gave three options: with plums, with pears and blueberries.

Muesli with plums and cherries

  • 5 st. spoons oatmeal
  • half a cup of plums and cherries
  • 3 art. spoons of yogurt
  • honey on request
  • 3 art. spoons of orange juice

Brew the flakes with boiling water, let it brew for 2 minutes. Stir in quartered plums and cherries. Fill with yogurt.

Muesli with pear

  • half a cup of kefir
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flakes
  • 3 art. tablespoons of oatmeal
  • half a pear
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Mix kefir and honey until smooth. Sprinkle with pear slices and cereal. Mix well. Breakfast is ready!

Muesli with blueberries

  • half a glass of yogurt
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of oatmeal
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of wheat flakes
  • half a cup of blueberries or currants
  • 1 st. sesame spoon

Add berries to oat and wheat flakes, fields with yogurt. Sprinkle sesame seeds on top.

Cottage cheese or fresh cheese with fruit

Cottage cheese breakfasts provide the necessary amount of calcium and protein in the morning. Do them if you want to strengthen your bones and teeth. fresh cheese also good for morning reception. In composition, it is similar to the previous one. We give one recipe for each product.

cottage cheese recipe

  • 125 g diet cottage cheese
  • 250 g fruits and berries
  • 3 art. spoons of rye flakes
  • 2-3 tablespoons non-carbonated mineral water
  • 1 st. honey spoon

Mix cottage cheese with non-carbonated mineral water. Blend until smooth, add pieces of fruit. Sprinkle with rye flakes, sweeten with honey if desired.

cheese recipe

  • 1-2 cups of pineapple
  • curry

Dice pineapple, salt and pepper, mix with cheese.

Salads for breakfast

For a homemade snack, you can prepare light salads. Add a small slice of whole grain bread to them, and a full breakfast is ready.

cucumber mix

  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of germinated wheat
  • 2 small cucumbers
  • 1 carrot half a bell pepper
  • 3 art. spoons of balsamic vinegar
  • 3 art. tablespoons diet yogurt
  • honey, salt and pepper to taste

Cucumber and pepper cut into strips. Chop carrots. Mix ingredients for dressing. Mix cucumbers, carrots, peppers. Add the sprouts and drizzle them with the yoghurt sauce. Stir again and let steep for 20 minutes.

Salad with mozzarella

  • 2 tomatoes
  • 4 basil leaves
  • a few balls of mozzarella

Cut the tomatoes into circles, lay on a plate in a single layer. Place mozzarella slices on top and garnish with basil. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Sandwich with radish or carrot

If you really don’t feel like cooking, make healthy sandwiches. Fast and tasty!

radish recipe

  • 1-2 slices black bread
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons soft cream cheese
  • 4 fresh radishes
  • 0.5 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and lime juice in a 1:1 ratio
  • a few leaves of arugula or green tea

Stir in cream cheese, balsamic vinegar and lime juice. Spread bread slices with cheese mass. Cut the radishes into circles, put on bread, decorate with arugula on top.

carrot recipe

  • 2 halves whole grain bread
  • 1 carrot
  • soft cream cheese
  • 1 st. a spoonful of raisins
  • 1 teaspoon coriander
  • sprig of parsley and dill, optional

Chop carrots on a fine grater, salt. Spread cream cheese on bread and top with a mass of carrots, sprinkle coriander and finely chopped herbs on top. Close the lid with the second half of the bread.

Cereal porridge

Porridges on water or milk with the addition of fruits will cheer you up and energize you for the whole day. For one person, use no more than 80 g of dry cereal.

Apple-millet porridge with cranberries in the microwave

Millet is easy to digest and has less effect on blood sugar levels than other grains. It is a good source of magnesium, which affects the functioning of the heart, and is also useful for asthma and migraines. In addition, millet is an excellent source of iron and phosphorus, it speeds up metabolic processes in the body.

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1/3 cup millet
  • 1 apple
  • 1 handful of cranberries
  • 1 st. a spoonful of maple syrup
  • 1 pinch cinnamon and nutmeg
  • salt to taste

Before cooking millet, rinse it with warm water 5-6 times. Then the porridge will not be bitter. Pour the cereal with half a glass of water, sprinkle with salt and put in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power. The second time, add water and set for 2-3 minutes, mix and again in the oven for 2 minutes. The porridge is ready. Now cut the apples as you like, add to the main mass, fields with syrup and sprinkle with cranberries and cinnamon. Mix it up and you're ready for breakfast.

  • 500 ml milk + water in equal proportions
  • salt and sugar to taste
  • Rub the pumpkin on a grater, throw it into the multicooker bowl. Sprinkle rice on top and fill with a mixture of water and milk. Put on the "milk porridge" mode. In 20-25 minutes your breakfast will be ready.

    Try it instead of coffee green tea. It invigorates no less, saturates the body with antioxidants.

    If you absolutely cannot live without morning coffee, drink no more than one cup, and be sure to take it with meals.

    A glass of freshly squeezed juice (vegetable or fruit) is also good for a morning meal. You can arbitrarily make any vegetable or fruit combinations, your imagination is not limited by anything.

    By the way, another view healthy drink- smoothies. For those who are on a diet, the site has.

    A healthy breakfast is the key to proper nutrition, perfect figure and preservation for many years.

    It must be remembered that breakfast is not a buffet and the mood for the whole day depends on the quality of the food.

    A proper breakfast should be a set useful products which will improve health and help avoid the development of various diseases.

    In modern times, every girl wants to look glamorous, so looking at American business women, she prefers to have coffee and a croissant for breakfast.

    Just do not forget that the American business woman does not climb out of the gym to have her 90-60-90.

    With us, as a rule, everyone eats like in a movie - beautifully and on a grand scale, and then they begin to worry about their figure and think what is wrong (hormonal disruptions or something else). It's simple, you need to start the morning with a healthy breakfast, then there will be no problems.

    The importance of a healthy breakfast

    A proper breakfast is essential for:

    • start the digestive process and metabolism;
    • cleanse the body;
    • energize;
    • healthy breakfast improved mood.

    Metabolism without a proper breakfast will decrease significantly, and a decrease in metabolic processes is a lack of energy for the mental and physical activity of the body. A low metabolism also contributes to weight gain. A healthy breakfast, on the contrary, will become tasty and help.

    Cleansing the body is reflected in the condition of the skin. As soon as we start eating sandwiches and coffee in the morning, we automatically get acne and acne.

    If you do not eat breakfast at all, then the body gets a lot of stress. When you are used to not having breakfast every morning and this is supposedly the norm for you, your body withers, as a result of which it quickly ages.

    Only with a healthy breakfast will you recharge your batteries, rejuvenate and be in a cheerful mood all day long.

    How to force yourself to eat breakfast

    Everyone knows about the benefits of a proper breakfast, but how can you force yourself to get up earlier, cook and awaken your appetite ?! This is what we will tell you now.

    If in the morning you do not feel hungry, then half an hour before a meal, prepare a drink with hot water and lemon juice. Such a recipe will help not only increase appetite, but also, which will prevent the skin from aging and gaining overweight.

    After that, you will definitely want to eat something, so prepare a quick healthy breakfast according to the recipes below.

    If you are used to waking up five minutes before going to work and there is simply no time for a proper breakfast, then do not despair. There are many healthy dishes that will take you 2-3 minutes. This time, I think, will be found for everyone who wants to maintain health.

    Many people never eat in the morning, and this has become a kind of habit. But this is all because you overeat at night.

    During the night, food does not have time to be digested, and in the morning you certainly do not have time for a healthy breakfast.

    An imaginary notion that I'm already so used to, I feel quite good - a lie and a deceit. You force your body to adapt to such a situation, but it is much better for him to have breakfast right.

    What kind of breakfast is not considered healthy

    It doesn't matter if you're a vegetarian or an omnivore, a healthy breakfast rules out following products:

    • fats;
    • proteins;
    • milk;
    • fresh juice;
    • yeast bread.

    Again, the myth about the right breakfast with scrambled eggs or freshly squeezed juices came to us from the TV and everyone thinks that this is quite normal.

    No matter how it is, all the nutritionists of the world have proven that it is better to eat an omelet for dinner, since protein helps in, which will lead to weight gain, unless of course you lead an active lifestyle.

    A large amount of protein prevents the body from cleansing and puts an additional burden on the liver, so an omelet is not a healthy breakfast and this must be remembered.

    The same can be said about dairy products. Milk not only prevents cleansing, but also contributes to the formation of mucus. Milk contains hormones that also negatively affect the body if the breakfast is not right.

    Freshly squeezed juice contains acids that irritate the stomach and lead to heartburn and even nausea.

    Many do not believe that drinking freshly squeezed juice for breakfast is harmful, because it is quickly absorbed by the body and cleanses toxins. If you are one of these people, then just add a crushed banana to the juice, it will help neutralize Negative influence juice.

    Healthy breakfast recipes

    We have already talked about what products to use for breakfast, now we will tell you how to quickly and usefully prepare dishes for a proper breakfast.

    Healthy Breakfast Oatmeal Recipe in 2 Minutes

    It will seem unrealistic to you that oatmeal can be cooked in 2 minutes, but do not rush to conclusions. To cook oatmeal in 2 minutes, we need:

    • in the evening pour porridge oatmeal cold water;
    • in the morning we add honey, dried fruits, apples, berries or nuts to the porridge;
    • healthy breakfast is ready.

    healthy breakfast applesauce recipe

    Every day in the morning can get pretty boring, so I recommend distributing the dishes by day of the week, then you will not get bored with the monotony.

    So let's get to the applesauce. For it we need:

    • 2 apples;
    • berries (can be frozen);
    • nuts;
    • fruits (dried fruits).

    We rub two apples on a fine or medium grater, whichever you like best. Add berries or fruits with honey to applesauce and mix thoroughly.

    Delicious breakfast is ready!

    Healthy Breakfast Recipe - Fruit Smoothie

    Smoothies can be prepared in three minutes. Choose fruits according to your taste sensations, we can only advise which of them are better to combine:

    • banana, kiwi, strawberry, orange;
    • coconut, mango and orange;
    • a healthy breakfast will be an apple, grapefruit and banana smoothie;
    • orange, blueberry and watermelon;
    • orange, strawberry and mango.

    For a proper breakfast, you can add herbs, spices (turmeric, cinnamon), flaxseed or ginger to your smoothie.

    Let's have a delicious smoothie. To do this, cut the fruit into small pieces and put in a blender. Pour some liquid there (juice or water), add nuts with honey, herbs or spices and stir.

    A delicious breakfast is ready in a minute!

    Recipes for salads from vegetables or fruits for a healthy breakfast

    For the female body, as well as vegetables. It takes about 5 minutes to prepare a salad of vegetables or fruits. If you are an experienced hostess and know how to quickly cope with cutting, then the salad can be prepared in three minutes.

    Salad can be prepared from any ingredients, but there are some rules for organizing a healthy breakfast:

    • you need to fill a fruit salad for breakfast with orange juice, honey or lemon;
    • vegetable salad refuels vegetable oils(preferably olive) cold pressed;
    • be sure to put spices, nuts or herbs in the salad.

    Before you start cooking your favorite dish, you should pay attention to two simple but effective rules that will save you time.

    1. Plan your menu ahead of time. Nothing helps save precious time in modern society like the ability to plan. Thinking over the plan of dishes for breakfast in advance (preferably a week in advance), you can make your meals varied, which means more healthy and tasty.
    2. Prepare the kitchen for the fight in advance. The cooking time of many dishes in the morning can be reduced if you prepare for this process in the evening. For example, put plates, cups, forks on the table, pour tea into a teapot or coffee into a coffee machine. These simple steps will allow you to save some time, which is so lacking in the morning.

    To get more done in the morning or get a few extra minutes of sleep, find a little more than half an hour in the evening to prepare nutrition bars. Moreover, such a tasty and healthy dish can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and even taken with you as a meal.



    • 1 glass of oatmeal;
    • ½ cup oatmeal;
    • 1 handful of dried fruits;
    • 2-3 slices of grated dark chocolate;
    • ⅓ cup of milk;
    • 1 tablespoon of honey;
    • 1 tablespoon of olive oil;
    • salt and cinnamon to taste.


    Mix all dry and liquid ingredients separately. Combine both mixtures and mix well until a thick homogeneous mass. Spread the dough in a layer of 5-7 millimeters on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes. Cut the hot dough into bars, turn them over and leave for another 5-7 minutes in the oven.

    To diversify your breakfast, dried fruits in bars can be replaced or supplemented with nuts, pumpkin seeds, berries, chopped banana or other fruits.


    A portion of natural yoghurt without additives and slices of your favorite fruit is an excellent cold breakfast that will not only save you time, but will also be very useful. In winter, when it is difficult to buy good fresh fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes, and so on) can be an excellent substitute.

    If you are used to starting your morning with a nutritious scrambled egg, try replacing it with a delicious frittata. Having prepared an Italian omelet in the evening with any ingredients to your taste, in the morning you will only have to warm up breakfast.



    • 4 eggs;
    • 300 g chanterelles;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 tablespoon of grated parmesan;
    • salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


    Fry finely chopped mushrooms with onions in olive oil, add salt and pepper to taste. Whisk the eggs with two tablespoons of grated Parmesan and pour over the mushrooms. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes. Sprinkle the finished frittata with herbs and cheese and cut into portions.

    If you cook oatmeal in the evening, it will become tender and fragrant, absorbing yogurt (or milk) with your favorite spices. Moreover, this diet dish looks like a delicious dessert.



    • 100 g of oatmeal;
    • 200 ml of natural yogurt;
    • berries to taste;
    • vanilla, cinnamon or cardamom to taste.


    Combine cereal, favorite spices, and yogurt. Leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, simply add berries, shredded coconut, nuts, or dried fruits.

    To the delight of those with a sweet tooth who are watching their figure and health, we offer a delicious and nutritious dessert without flour.



    • 2 cups nuts (preferably hazelnuts or almonds);
    • 350 g of sugar;
    • ½ teaspoon salt;
    • 4 proteins;
    • vanillin to taste.


    Grind the nuts with sugar in a blender until fine crumbs. Beat egg whites with salt, then gradually add the nut mixture and vanilla, continuing to beat. Spoon the mixture onto a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees until golden brown (about 30 minutes).


    Do you prefer to start your day with porridge, but don't have time to cook it? Then use the benefits modern technologies. Pour wheat, corn, rice or other porridge into the multicooker in the evening, pour milk with water (the ratio of porridge and liquid is 1: 3), add salt, sugar and seasonings to taste - everything else will be done by the multicooker. In the morning, a hot and healthy breakfast will be waiting for you.


    If you have not yet purchased such a miracle of technology as a slow cooker, then you still have many other options for making porridge. For example, fill buckwheat with kefir in a ratio of 1:3 (cold option) or boiling water in a thermos (warm option) and leave overnight. In the morning, breakfast, filling you with B vitamins and trace elements, is ready.

    8. Berry Parfait

    Sometimes in the morning you want to please your soul mate (maybe yourself) with something special and beautiful, but at the same time simple and useful. This recipe is just for such cases.



    • 150 ml vanilla yogurt;
    • 150 g corn flakes;
    • 150 g of berries.


    Layer the berries, yogurt and cereal in a tall glass in equal proportions. Just a few minutes, and your delicious, bright and a little romantic breakfast is ready.

    The recipe for cheesecakes in the oven is good because there are several options for serving it in the morning. They can be prepared in advance and served cold for breakfast, or warmed up in the microwave. You can also knead the dough in the evening, lay it out in forms or on a baking sheet, and in the morning just send the cheesecakes to the oven. While you are getting ready, a fragrant and airy breakfast will be ready.



    • 300 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 50 g flour or semolina;
    • 5-6 apricots;
    • sugar and vanilla to taste.


    Mash cottage cheese, add eggs, sugar and rub. Add flour or semolina in small portions, mixing with a spoon each time. Divide apricots into four parts. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and brush with a little oil. Spread out half of the mass with a spoon. Put a slice of apricots on each cheesecake, and the rest of the mass on top. Send to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.


    In the evening, prepare a set for - a banana, an apple, half a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cinnamon, a glass of milk (yogurt or kefir) and refrigerate. In the morning, all you have to do is mix all the ingredients.


    Grind seeds, nuts, dates in a blender with natural yogurt. You can add any other ingredients you like on top, such as raspberries, blueberries, or coconut flakes. Put the finished dish in the refrigerator, and in the morning enjoy a beautiful and nutritious breakfast.


    Thanks to salmon toast in the morning, you will get a storehouse of useful elements - protein, omega-3, fatty acids and iron. This breakfast should definitely be included in your diet due to its high sodium content.

    Everything is elementary simple: take whole grain bread or a loaf, put a slice of salmon on top, and then, if desired, cucumber, tomato, onion or greens. Such a healthy and nutritious breakfast will calmly wait for you in the refrigerator until the morning. Most importantly, do not forget to cover it with cling film on top.

    Unleavened bread or crispbread and homemade pate. Your morning will start with a breakfast rich in iron, calcium and phosphorus.



    • 400 g chicken or beef liver;
    • 1 onion;
    • 1 carrot;
    • 1 tablespoon of butter;
    • 1 teaspoon of salt;
    • spices to taste.


    Cut the liver into pieces, add salt and spices to taste. Simmer covered until tender (about 15-20 minutes). Grate the carrots, chop the onion and fry over moderate heat. The cooled ingredients must be ground in portions in the blender bowl, together or separately. Mix everything again and put it in a container.

    The benefit of baked apples is that in the process of their preparation, a maximum of useful substances, minerals and vitamins. First of all, it is potassium and iron.



    • 1 apple;
    • 1 teaspoon of honey;
    • a pinch of cinnamon.


    Remove the core of the apple, fill the indentation with honey and sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes. You can add raisins if you like. walnuts or fill apples with cottage cheese and fruit.


    Simply cut a banana in half and top with natural yogurt, coconut, muesli and some honey. This is a very simple but tasty and healthy breakfast.

    This low-carb meal is rich in vitamins A and C, making it a great source of keratin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Polenta is often served cold, which means it can be made the night before.



    • 300 g of polenta;
    • 100 g butter;
    • 300 g of cane sugar;
    • 100 g white sugar;
    • 1 vanilla pod;
    • 4 eggs;
    • 2 tablespoons cream "Angleuse";
    • 2 oranges;
    • 10 g ginger.


    Mix the polenta cane sugar, eggs, butter and half a vanilla pod until smooth. Fill ⅔ of a buttered pan with batter and bake for an hour.

    Melt the white sugar in a pan along with the remaining vanilla. Add the peeled and sliced ​​oranges to the melted caramel and remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle with grated ginger for spice.

    Put the caramelized oranges with ginger on the cooled cupcake and garnish with the Anglaise cream.


    Finally, the simplest, but no less healthy dish. Boil a few and leave in the refrigerator. In the morning you will have a breakfast with an excellent source of protein.

    Using the proposed 17 dishes, you can combine and create many breakfast options yourself. Just replace or supplement some ingredients with others according to your taste or mood.

    Agree, now you have absolutely no excuses left to skip an important morning meal. Having prepared any of the proposed breakfast options in the evening, you will only have to cook a cup of good or brew tea in the morning.