Basalt melting point. Description of the stone is basalt. Basalt pillars - natural curiosities

/ Basalt rock

Basalt is a rock of volcanic origin, formed in the form of basaltic lavas. Chemical mineralogy considers basaltic rocks as effusive, natural stones identical to gabbro. Basalt's color range is not very wide, but it has a distinctive black color. Basalt structure is considered as fine-grained, in some cases glassy. Top part basaltic lavas may have some swellings, which were formed during the evaporation of water and gas elements from molten magma.

Some minerals can accumulate in these bulges, including calcite, prehnite, native copper, and others. As a result of such formations, amygdaloidal basalts can form. Individual elements of basaltic rocks are so small that they can only be viewed with a microscope. Sometimes there are basalts with a porphyry structure, which makes it possible to see clearly visible crystalline elements in them.

The visible crystals include porphyry phenocrysts, which are formed from plagioclase or augitome. Basalt deposits look like lava flows that were formed during a volcanic eruption.

The main effusive rock of the normal series is the most widespread of all the cenotypic rocks. The main minerals of phenocrysts are clinopyroxene and calcium plagioclase (N 30–90), sometimes olivine, orthopyroxene; the bulk is composed of the same minerals (without olivine) and magnetite in glass (or without it).

Name history

This mineral became basalt from the Latin basaltes, basanites, from the Greek. basanos - touchstone; according to another version, they became basalts from Ethiopians. basal is an iron-bearing stone.


Varieties can be distinguished according to the features of the mineral composition (apatite, graphite, dialagic, magnetite, etc.), the composition of minerals (anorthite, labradorite, etc.), structural features and (or) texture, chemical composition (ferruginous, ferrobasalt, calcareous, alkaline - calcareous, etc.).

Petrochemical classification

Yoder and Tilley (1962) suggested using nepheline-olivine-diopside-quartz tetrahedron for classification. The activity of silica in the melt is controlled mainly by reactions of the type:
2 (Mg, Fe) SiO3 -\u003e (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4 + SiO2 (orthopyroxene \u003d olivine + silica)
NaAlSi3O8-\u003e NaAlSiO4 + SiO2 (albite \u003d nepheline + silica)

These reactions can be divided into 3 groups:

  • quartz-regulatory (containing excess silica)
  • nepheline-normative (lack of silica)
  • hypersthene-normative (in the absence of normative quartz or nepheline)

Belonging to these groups is determined by the chemical composition of the rock, by the presence of the corresponding normative minerals in the results of petrochemical recalculation by the CIPW method.

Geodynamic classification

According to the geodynamic setting, the main types are distinguished:

  • Mid-ocean ridges BSOH or MORB
  • Active Continental Margins and Island Arcs (IAB)
  • Intraplate, which can be subdivided into continental and oceanic (OIB).

Composition and structure

Usually these are dark gray, black or greenish-black rocks with a glassy, \u200b\u200bcryptocrystalline aphyric or porphyry structure. In the porphyry varieties, against the background of the total cryptocrystalline mass, small phenocrysts of greenish-yellow isometric crystals of olivine, light plagioclase, or black pyroxene prisms are clearly visible. The size of phenocrysts can reach several centimeters in length and make up to 20-25% of the mass of the rock. The texture in basalts can be dense, massive, porous, amygdaloid. Tonsils are usually filled with quartz, chalcedony, calcite, chlorite and other secondary minerals - such basalt are called Mandelstein. The bulk is often not crystallized. Aphyric (without porphyry inclusions) varieties are frequent.

The basalt flows are characterized by columnar jointing. It occurs due to uneven cooling of the rock. Marine basalts are often cushioned. It is formed as a result of the rapid cooling of the surface of the lava flow with water. The incoming magma lifts the formed carapace, flows out from under it and forms the next pillow.


Basalt is the most common effusive rock on Earth and on other planets. The bulk in basalt is formed in mid-ocean ridges and forms the oceanic crust. In addition, basalts are typical for environments of active continental margins, rifting, and intraplate magmatism.

During the crystallization of basaltic magma at depth, strongly deferentiated, layered intrusions (such as the Norilsk, Bushveld and many others) are usually formed. They are composed of various rocks, the crystallization sequence of which is determined by the dynamics of magma crystallization. First, the highest-temperature minerals crystallize from the melt, but they are deposited on the bottom of the magma chamber. the melt is enriched in some components and depleted in others. As the temperature decreases, the crystallizing minerals change.

The layered massifs contain deposits of copper-nickel ores, chromites and platinoids.


Basalts are formed by partial melting of typical mantle rocks - lherzolites, harzburgites, wehrlites, etc. The composition of the smelt is determined by the chemical and mineral composition of the protolith, the physicochemical conditions of melting, the degree of melting and the mechanisms of melting.


  • The hypabytic analogue, dolerite, has a characteristic dolerite structure.
  • Intrusive analogs of basalt are gabbro, gabbronorite, norite, troctolite.
  • Paleotype analogue of basalt - diabase


Basalts are very easily altered by hydrothermal processes. In this case, plagioclase is replaced by sericite, olivine by serpentine, the bulk is chloritized and, as a result, the rock acquires a greenish or bluish color. Basalts pouring out at the bottom of the seas change especially intensively. They actively interact with water, while many components are carried out and settle out of them. This process is of great importance for the geochemical balance of some elements. So most of the manganese enters the ocean in this way. Interaction with water dramatically changes the composition of marine basalt. This influence can be estimated and used for reconstructing the conditions of ancient oceans from basalts.


During metamorphism in basalt, depending on conditions, it turns into green shales, amphibolites and other metamorphic rocks. During metamorphism of basalts at significant pressures, they turn into blue shales, and at high temperatures and pressures into eclogites consisting of pyrope and sodium clinopyroxene - omphacite.
Metamorphic rocks with a composition close to basalts are called metabasites.

Basalt application

Basalt is used as a raw material for crushed stone, for the production of basalt fiber (for the production of heat and sound insulating materials), stone casting and acid-resistant powder, and also as a filler for concrete. Basalt is highly resistant to weathering and therefore is often used for exterior decoration of buildings and for making sculptures for outdoor use.

Basalt is a natural rock found near volcanoes. Basalt mineral looks like plates or round stones. The color of basalt is dark gray or black, and sometimes green shades are found, which indicates its secondary change.

This crystalline natural mineral occupies considerable areas at the bottom of the world's seas and oceans, as well as thousands of square kilometers on land. Basalt is mainly formed from small grains of plagioclase, magnetite and other natural minerals. This breed is widespread on all continents of our planet. Basalt deposits are found mainly in mountainous areas. The color range of basalts ranges from gray, sometimes with a green tint, to almost black. Mineral composition stone from different deposits can differ significantly from each other. In each of the countries mined different types basalts, which are used in various areas of our lives.

How basalt deposits of these valuable rocks are formed

Basalt is the product of crystallization of basic basaltic magma, which rises to the very top from the bowels of the earth along deep faults and craters of volcanoes.

Basalt mineral deposit significantly affects the state of its surface. A bubbly surface is formed during the cooling of the lava, steam and gas escape through these holes. Various minerals are deposited in the voids: copper, calcium and zeolite.

Where is basalt used?

This strong rock is used in construction, and it is also a raw material for casting, which is called stone. The mineral is used as an acid-resistant material in the chemical and other industries around the world - for the manufacture of special fittings and pipes that will not be susceptible to acid attack and destruction by aggressive reagents. There are different types of this rock. Depending on the hardness and strength, they are used in different areas of our life. Basalt crushed stone is added to concrete, covered with a railway track, and used when laying asphalt. The powdered mineral is added to reinforced products, from which structures are erected that are resistant to earthquakes. This rock is irreplaceable, as a heater in the construction of houses. Since this is a natural material, the walls of buildings will breathe during operation. Basalt is used to decorate facades and buildings inside in the same way as marble. Columns, arches are made of it, walls of buildings are clad inside and outside. For finishing floors and fireplaces are made ceramic tiles, obtained by casting from basalt rocks. A strong and elastic thread can be obtained from the mineral; it is used to make clothes that are very durable and not burn, tennis rackets. Basalt is also used for the manufacture of special cardboard, which is resistant to high temperatures and is able to not ignite even at temperatures up to a thousand degrees.

Basalt application

Basalt is used in various industries and areas.

  • Architectural, is the main area of \u200b\u200bapplication.
  • Manufacturing of excellent building materials of high quality and reliability.
  • An additional mineral for the strength of concrete.
  • Finely crushed stone, used in conjunction with concrete to fill the floor, road and railways.
  • Thermal insulation of the outer walls of the building.
  • Excellent material for indoor and outdoor decoration.
  • Surface treatment of fireplace and walls. Gives a beautiful look and contrast to the entire room.

The advantages of a natural mineral.

It has many advantages, the most significant:

  • excellent noise absorbing properties;
  • high level of vapor permeability;
  • resistant to high temperatures;
  • environmentally friendly and safe for human health;
  • has high strength;
  • keeps warm;
  • good fireproof properties;
  • does not electrolyze;
  • does not have an expiration date - it is durable.

A gray basalt mineral, it is mined in mine springs and in quarries. Basalt is mined by companies associated with the mining industry.

Mineral, after seizure, is sent in batches to manufacturers that will produce a variety of products:

  • building material: sandwich panels, floor or wall tiles, staircase frames, products for roof and wall insulation;
  • in the architectural industry: the construction of arches, columns, stairs, frames of pools and ponds, statues and walkways;
  • Colour

Minerals catalog

If we say that basalt is the lord of the Universe, then such a statement will be very close to the truth, because this natural stone is not only on our planet, its deposits are widespread on the Moon, Mars, Venus and other planets.
- extrusive igneous rock with a fine-grained and dense structure. It is created at the tops of sub-air flows of lava and ash, so the origin of basalt is volcanic, and its color fluctuations are visible in the dark gray, dark green, brown, reddish or black shades that lava has. Basalt is mainly composed of minerals such as plagioclase and pyroxene.
Small crystals on basalt form when magma quickly cools and solidifies, this usually occurs on the surface of the earth's crust, especially in cases of spreading on the ocean floor, since contact with seawater rapidly cools magma. Basalt is the backbone of the oceanic crust and a significant amount is produced above oceanic hotspots. During a volcanic eruption, a huge amount of basaltic lava passes through the continental crust and reaches the surface of the Earth, and this is how this material is formed.

More about basalt properties

- very heavy and durable stone, physical properties which are very attractive. This stone has high tensile strength and no less high modulus of elasticity, temperature changes do not affect basalt, it is resistant to acids and alkalis, and does not absorb moisture. Basalt boasts another of its advantages: it is resistant to corrosion, it has a low cost and a complete absence of field conductivity and inductance when exposed to radio frequency energy. This material is environmentally friendly, because it is a pure product of mother earth.

Interesting Facts: the flexibility of basalt is at the peak of popularity today, and what modern manufacturers do not make of it, these are tennis rackets, and revolutionary new basalt acoustic systems with excellent vibration perception, as well as skis, snowboards, skateboards, and even basalt fabric, light as a feather , and strong as a rock!

Basalt fortress - buildings for centuries

Basalt is used in construction for a variety of purposes. It is most often used as a filler in construction projects. Basalt crushed stone is used for road base, concrete, asphalt, railway ballast, and for other purposes. Thin polished basalt tiles are in great demand as floor tiles, construction veneers, decorative wall cladding, monuments and other objects.
In localities that are rich in basalt, it is used instead of limestone as a common base for construction. And in reinforced concrete structures, this material is especially valuable, since the reinforcement made of continuous basalt fiber, which is part of these structures, makes them even stronger and more flexible, which is important for ensuring high seismic resistance.

The use of basalt in construction

The striking structure and texture of the classic gray basalt building stone allows you to create a huge variety of shapes and styles in buildings. Walls, columns, veneers, stairs, water bodies, footpaths, patios, edging ... It will take quite a long time to list all objects with its application, suffice it to say that the versatility of basalt is unique!

Basalt is a natural stone. Most often found near volcanoes. The largest deposits were found in Russia, Ukraine, America, Hawaiian and Kuril Islands... Basalt occurs naturally in the form of plates, shapeless and rounded stones, and lava flows.

What is Basalt?

It is a rock with certain characteristics. Let's list them:

Basalt composition: features

Every person since the time of school knows that all minerals have a certain structure. As a rule, when considering them, it is taken into account as chemical compositionand mineral. This makes it difficult to distinguish between basalt, granite, marble, etc., but to have the most full details about their technical characteristics. It is this knowledge that helps to ergonomically use this or that material.

Any basalt contains climopyroxene, titanomagnetite, plagioclasite, and magnetite. Its structure is distinguished by a porphyry surface, sometimes aphidized. At the same time, sometimes there are types that are smooth as glass. These criteria are influenced by the specific location of basalt deposits. Those that are on the surface are most often bubbly, since during the cooling of volcanic lava, vapors and gases escape through these holes. Subsequently, such minerals as copper, prehnite, calcium, zeolite can be deposited in the hollow places. Scientists have identified such formations in a certain type, called amygdala.

The mineral composition of basalt taken from different deposits can vary significantly. This is mainly due to the entry of certain impurities into it. For example, the structure of some is distinguished by the presence of pyroxene prisms, thanks to which the basalt becomes black. But olivine crystals color the stone in a yellow-green hue. It should be noted that the size of impurities can reach ¼ of the total mass. Basalts containing such minerals as apatite and orthopyroxene are less common.

Popular types

Basalt is a generic name. It brings together many different types. The most common ones are:

Scope of application

Basalt is a fairly common material that is widely used in various fields. The main one is architectural. But also high-quality are made from it construction Materials, added to concrete mortars for strength or used when pouring slabs. Basalt is often used as a finishing material for floors or walkways. And for the insulation of buildings from the outside, it is simply irreplaceable. Most designers give basalt its due attention when decorating rooms. It is widely used when decorating fireplaces and walls. With the help of such a solution, it is easy to place accents and add contrast to the interior.

Basalt benefits

The advantages of this type are many. The most significant:

  • noise absorption;
  • vapor permeability;
  • high level of heat resistance;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • high-quality thermal insulation;
  • strength;
  • not electrified;
  • fire safety;
  • durability.

Basalt based products

Gray basalt is mined in mines and quarries. This is most often done by the mining industry. After seizure, it is sent to special enterprises, where various products are made directly from basalt. These can be frames for stairs, fibers for insulating roofs and other surfaces. Basalt is also used for the construction of columns, arches, statues. Its powder is added during the production of reinforced products to ensure their reliability and strength.

And finally, about the cost

Basalt, the price of which, unlike other natural materials, is considered quite affordable, can be widely used without increasing the cost of the object. For example:

  • basalt crushed stone - from 250 to 400 rubles. for packaging;
  • facing plates - from 2000 r. for 1 sq. m;
  • basalt paving stones - 3200-3500 rubles for 1 sq. m.

Basalt is a very popular stone that is ubiquitous not only in the CIS countries, but also abroad. Regardless, most people don't know what basalt is. This article will answer this question.

Basalt is an igneous rock. Has the main composition. The name comes from the Ethiopian "basal" - boiled, which is meant as "a stone containing iron". In nature, it can be found in the form of stones of various shapes or in the form of a lava flow.

Most often it is dark gray, black, or greenish-black in color. It is in the green color that the basalt of the photo is most often found. The structure is also different: glassy, \u200b\u200bcryptocrystalline aphyric and porphyry... In the case of the porphyry structure, one can notice inclusions of crystals of greenish-yellow olivine, light-colored plagioclase or pyroxenes in the form of black prisms. The inclusions make up from 15% to 30% of the igneous rock mass. The phenocrysts are several centimeters long.

Stones can have a dense, massive, amygdala and porous texture. The tonsils can be filled with calcite, chlorite, plagioclase, and other minerals. Stones with tonsils are called Mandelsteins.

The stone stands out for its unique properties. Among stones, it is considered the most elastic and plastic. It stretches well, which allows it to be used in the manufacture of small items.

The melting point of the stone fluctuates from 100 to 1500 degrees Celsius... This melting point gives it the ability to withstand extreme temperature changes.

Given its durability, resistance to shock and temperature changes, one can understand why it is so often used in the design of public spaces and outdoors.

How and where is basalt formed

The main way of stone formation is solidification of magmapoured out from the lower layers of the Earth. The calculation also takes into account the silicate magmatic melt of basaltic composition. The origin of the magma itself comes from the rocks of the Earth's mantle. The type of the resulting basalt is determined by the composition of the original substance (rock) from which it is formed. And also this is influenced by the conditions under which it melts and the mechanism of the melt leaving.

Basalt is an igneous rock found on most of the Earth and other planets. Almost the entire oceanic crust of planet Earth consists of it. Deposits of this stone are formed in the form of traps - structures that look like stairs. These traps are located on 150,000 square kilometers of the Yenisei and Lena river basins. And also the stone is mined in eastern Siberia.

In addition to the CIS countries, it is mined in America, Brazil, Greenland, Iceland and Australia... Among foreign countries, India is considered the richest deposits of this stone.

Stone is extracted in mines and quarries. The mined basalt is sent to factories that manufacture things using this stone.

Scope of use of the stone

There are many spheres of application. This stone is very common due to the fact that it has excellent characteristics:

One of the main applications of basalt is architectural construction. Thanks to good technical specifications it can be used for building cladding and interior decoration. The characteristics allow installing basalt products even in open areas under the influence of external negative factors.

It can also be used in construction. For example, to create high-quality building materials and insulation. In addition, its strength is sufficient to build columns and arches from it... In the production of reinforced structures, basalt powder is added to the product to increase its strength and reliability.

Basalt is a stone that is very popular both in construction and architecture. In addition, there are a huge number of photos of basalt in the decoration of premises that speak of its popularity in design art.

Basalt stone

Basalt rock is of volcanic origin that appeared in the form of lava. It is widespread, and its location is on the ocean floor. Basalt contains silica, magnesium and iron.

Basalt origin includes three main types: submarine ridges of oceans, erupting streams, and volcanoes, which are located on plate hot spots (tectonic).

The name of the mineral comes from the word "basal" (Ethiopia), which in translation is interpreted as hot or hot. And this is quite understandable, given where it is mined.

Field and production

Basalts are generally found in most volcanic rocks. If we consider the territory of Russia, then here the mineral is found in Kamchatka, Khabarovsk Territory, Altai and Transbaikalia.

The largest locations are in Ukraine, India, Armenia, and Ethiopia. If we consider a more remote area, then the location of the mineral is Australia, Italy, South Africa and Greenland.

Basalt is mostly mined from volcanic lava flows. The found upper layers often have a bubbly surface, this is explained by the fact that in the process of cooling, gases and vapors come out of it. Then in these holes are located minerals existing in the area, such as copper, zeolite or calcium.

Physical and chemical properties

The rock has basalt, dense and granular structure. With regards to the texture, it is massive or porous. The edges of the rock are not even, broken. The roughness of the stone is felt to the touch. On the Mohs scale, basalt gains from 5 to 7 points of the hardness index.

  • high resistance to wear and damage;
  • long service life;
  • environmental performance;
  • excellent characteristics of sound and heat insulation;
  • refractoriness;
  • resistance to alkalis and acids;
  • the possibility of steam penetration (the breed is able to breathe);
  • dielectricity, lightning protection.

Crushed stone, heat-insulating cotton wool and powder with refractory quality are made from basalt rock. There are times when the mineral is used during the manufacture of concrete filler.

Due to the ability to melt, original sculptures are made from balsate, which are then installed on the streets of the city.

The production of the rock belongs to the mining industry. Extraction takes place in mines and quarries, after which, a variety of products are manufactured.

So, from liquid balsate, which later solidifies, they make:

  • stairs, steps;
  • facade cladding tiles;
  • thermal insulation wool;
  • reinforced products;
  • insulators used for networks of various voltages;
  • stands for batteries and other building materials.

Whoever once faced the excellent characteristics of this rock, then knows exactly about all the advantages of products made from it. Basalt is famous for its high temperature tolerance. But, alas, not everyone can afford to buy it and carry out facade work from stone. That is why for connoisseurs of beauty, there are many other types of basalt, which are many times more affordable. However, in this case, you will have to sacrifice strength and other characteristics for which the stone is so famous.