Chromite system. Physical properties and photos of chromite. Chemical and physical properties of chromite

Chromite is a fairly common mineral belonging to the spinel group and a subclass of complex oxides. It is an extreme member of the isomorphic series of variable composition magnesiochromite - chromite. The name was given according to its composition. In 1945, it was first discovered in southern France. Chemical formula - FeCrO4. Magnesium, aluminum are typical mineral impurities. Sometimes the composition may contain impurities of titanium and manganese. The magnesium analogue of chromite is magnesiochromite - MgCrO4. and chromite - characteristic impurities of magnesiochromite, which are isomorphic to each other.

In ultrabasic rocks, chromite is presented in the form of rounded grains or continuous granular masses and is very rarely found in the form of small octahedral crystals. Crystallization of the mineral occurs in a cubic system. Chromite is black in color. Sometimes it is brownish black. Hardness - 5.5-7.5; specific gravity - 4.2 - 4.8. The line is brown. The fracture is uneven. Fragile. The mineral has a metallic luster. Lack of cleavage is observed. Weak magnetic properties are characteristic. It does not dissolve when combined with acids.

Chromite is formed during a magmatic process. A mineral is formed in the rocks of ultrabasic composition, where it is found together with, and. Chromite is resistant to weathering, therefore it is often distributed in placers. However, in countries where the climate is hot, as well as during the process of serpentisation, it is oxidized and destroyed. In Russia, chromite is mined in the South Urals and Yakutia. Abroad, mineral deposits are found in Turkey, Finland, Albania, India, South Africa, Cuba.

Chromite is the main mineral of chromium ores used in the production of ferrochrome. Ferrochrome is widely used in quality metallurgy. Low grade chromium ores are used to make refractory bricks.

In jewelry, chromium is used in alloys as a master alloy. Metal jewelry is coated with it to avoid corrosion and to obtain a beautiful appearance. This plating process is called chrome plating. Well-formed crystals of the mineral, which are very rare, are of particular interest to collectors.

In 1845, the ore mineral chromite was discovered in southern France. Having determined the composition of the product, experts ranked it as a complex oxide of the spinel group. The formation of this mineral takes place at the time of magmatic action. It is formed together with other natural products such as magnetite, talc, dolomite and even a solvent metal - native platinum.

In 1845, the ore mineral chromite was discovered in southern France

Chromium iron ore is a bright mineral among the chromium group ores. It contains a significant amount of this element, in addition, it contains iron oxide. Depending on where the product belongs, aluminum, magnesium, zinc or manganese can be found in it. Black color is typical for him, from time to time you can find natural brownish-black chromite. In rocks, it is mined in the form of a single granular mass or large rounded particles. The rock is fragile, endowed with a luster of metal and a small magnetic property.

Chromite is often found in placers. This is due to the fact that it has resistance to weathering.

Chromium iron ore is a bright mineral among the chromium group ores

In Russia, chromite is most often found in the deposits of Yakutia and in the Southern Urals, foreign minerals are found in Turkey, India, and crystals are mined in Albania, Finland and Cuba. The mineral is used in the production of ferrochrome, which, in turn, is required in metallurgy for lining furnaces. Chromium ores are used in the production of refractory bricks. The stone is also used in jewelry. With the help of this mineral, craftsmen cover metal products with a chromium alloy to prevent corrosion and give the manufactured product a presentable look. Chromium iron ore is used in the manufacture of chemicals containing this element.

How chromite is mined (video)

Gallery: chromite stone (25 photos)

Healing and magical properties of the mineral

There are different opinions about medicinal properties mineral. In folk methods of treatment, it can be found infrequently. Some healers believe that chromite - a mineral with a complex composition - can alleviate a person's condition with colds, reduce the process of pain in certain pathologies.

Traditional healers assure that the crystal helps to gain strength in the period of struggle with an illness, provides energy and optimism.

For many decades, astrologers and magicians have been studying the properties of the described crystal, extraordinary in terms of the impact strength. There are magicians who believe that the stone has not only a positive, but also a negative effect on the guardian. For example, a person who has this mineral can be lucky in their business activities, but feel lonely.

In Russia, chromite is most often found in the deposits of Yakutia and in the South Urals, foreign minerals are found in Turkey, India, crystals are mined in Albania, Finland and Cuba

This is explained by the fact that the stone does not have much power, it takes them from people and returns them back, but only to one single point. Mediums suggest not using this natural product for practical magic, so as not to harm a person.

Astrologers, in turn, cannot determine which zodiac sign this crystal is capable of matching.

Chromite (video)

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Chromite (chromium iron ore) is an ore mineral that belongs to the group of oxides. In its composition, the main share is chrome, which is why it received the corresponding name. The stone was scientifically substantiated in 1845 by the Austrian geologist V. Gaidinger. In Russia, it was first discovered in 1799 on the lands of the Southern Urals by P. Meder. In 1957, during geological exploration work, chromite deposits were noticed in the Murmansk region.

The stone has a dark brown tone, often turning into black colors with a metallic sheen. The main elements in its chemical composition are chromium (up to 68%) and iron (up to 32%). Impurities of manganese, magnesium, aluminum, zinc and titanium are often present. Pure chromite is found only in meteorites.

Chromite is a dense, brittle and heavy stone with an uneven fracture and no cleavage. It is of magmatic origin, often adjacent to, and platinum in the rock. It does not lend itself to weathering, and in hot climates, under the influence of high temperatures, it can oxidize and degrade. Chromite does not dissolve in acids.

The mineral is non-toxic when heated to high temperatures, which allows it to be used in baths and saunas. Due to its high refractoriness and heat resistance, it does not crack when heated.

Chromite deposits

Significant deposits of the mineral are concentrated in Russia (Yakutia, the eastern regions of the Urals, Murmansk Oblast and Altai) and Kazakhstan (Aktobe Oblast). Chromite is also mined in the deposits of India, Turkey, Zimbabwe, the islands of Cuba, Albania, southern regions of Africa, Cuba, the Philippines and Finland.

The magical properties of the mineral

Chromite has a powerful energy that only a strong-minded person can cope with. The stone does not like to work and when you turn to it for help, it randomly produces a message. Therefore, to an unenlightened person, he is able to simultaneously help and bring misfortune. For example, having established a business activity, it can have a negative impact on personal life, dooming its owner to loneliness.

People with weak willpower and spirit to use magical properties chromite is prohibited, otherwise its energy will negatively affect health.

It is advisable to use this mineral to energize amulets and talismans made of other stones.

Horoscope compatibility

The properties of chromite are not fully understood by astrologers. As a talisman or amulet, it is recommended to strong magicians who will be able to cope with its power.

  1. The stone is most favorable to the representatives of the Earth element (Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo). With this stone, they can strengthen their positive features character, to achieve rapid career growth.
  2. To the signs of the Water element (Pisces, Scorpions and Cancers), chromite will help to understand the meaning and purpose in life. An amulet in the form of a ring with this stone will indicate to its owner the mistakes he has made and prevent new ones, contribute to material wealth and the fulfillment of desires.
  3. Representatives of the elements of Fire (Lions, Aries and Sagittarius) can count on the help of the stone in re-educating themselves. The mineral will strengthen their self-confidence, and also help to improve their health.
  4. The signs of the elements of Air (Aquarius, Gemini and Libra) with the help of chromite will be able to restrain their emotions, they will lose interest in intrigues. The stone will give them peace of mind and balance, which will have a positive effect on their health.

Healing properties

Until recently, there was a misconception that a large amount of chromium in the composition of the stone can harm human health. For this reason, traditional healers rarely and with caution used it to treat ailments. However, mineralogical studies dispelled misconceptions, proving that chromium in the mineral has no toxic properties, does not interact with water and does not emit hazardous substances under the influence of high temperatures.

Lithotherapists attribute to chromite healing propertiesinherent in black stones. It promotes rapid recovery from colds and recovery from hypothermia. It is an effective prophylactic agent for people prone to diseases of the respiratory system and joints. The magnetic properties of chromite are also useful to humans.

The properties of the mineral help to overcome nervous disorders, accompanied by sleep disturbances, apathy, obsessive thoughts and panic attacks. To do this, he is put on a pillow at night. Chromite is recommended to be worn by people who have suffered fatal events and have lost faith in themselves because of this. In the early days, the effect of the stone can be so strong that a person can sleep constantly.

To achieve the maximum healing effect, the stone is used for laying sauna stoves. The heated chromite and the properties of the sauna will not only restore the health of the afflicted person in a short time, but will also be useful to a healthy person as a preventive measure. The positive effect of chromite baths on reproductive functions has been proven. Due to these qualities, the stone has long been called "heroic".

Application of chromite

The mineral is the main ore of chromium and is widely used in metallurgy. Refractories made of chromite are used for lining furnaces for smelting steel. Ferrochrome is used in the production of alloys. To give metal products anti-corrosion properties, they are coated with a special chromium compound. This process is called chrome plating. Chromium is also used in the leather industry and as a filler for resistant enamels in the chemical industry.

In the medical industry, chromite is used for the manufacture of bone and joint implants.

Chromite stones are used for laying stoves in baths and saunas. This is facilitated by its physical properties - resistance to high temperatures, high density and heat resistance. The stones retain their structure for a long time, do not crack under the influence of temperatures and have a positive healing effect on the human body.

The mineral is quite popular with jewelers. Interesting color of the stone, ease of processing and low price allow it to be used in almost all types of jewelry. The most common chromite jewelry is men's rings and cufflinks. The stone is framed mainly in white metals - silver, white gold or platinum.

Stone price

Chromite is affordable. Its price depends on the purity and quality of the stone, its size and the work of the master.

Untreated chromite, intended for baths and saunas, costs between $ 15-20 per 10 kg.

The price of a mineral pendant set in cupronickel is $ 57.

A 2.5 x 4 cm chromite crystal with uvarovite and guianaite costs 32 $.

5 / 5 ( 3 voices)

Chalcedony - many-sided mysterious stone Agate - properties of stone Onyx - a stone of energy and strength Argillite is a favorite stone of the Hyde Indians
Pyrolusite - black magnesia stone

Chromite is a mineral from the class of oxides: a mixture of iron (II) and chromium oxides. Synonym: chromium iron ore. The mineral was first found in the world in the Southern Urals, on the Vyazga River by the scientist Pyotr Ivanovich Meder in 1799. Chemical formula: FeO Cr 2 O 3.

The luster is metallic, metallic. Hardness 5.5. The specific gravity is 4.5-4.8 g / cm 3. Iron black color. The line is brown. Cleavage is absent. Continuous granular to dense mass disseminations; rarely crystals (octahedrons), less often placers. The system is cubic.

Features... For chromite, the permanent features are an iron-black color, a brown line. Chromium iron ore can be confused with magnetic iron ore. It differs in the line (the feature of the magnetic iron ore is black) and in the absence of magnetism.

Chemical properties ... It does not dissolve in acids.

Octahedral-shaped chromite crystal. © Rob Lavinski Octahedral-shaped chromite crystal. Photo by Rob Lavinsky Chromit. Photo by Rob Lavinsky Chromite zoomed in. Photo Leon Hupperix


The origin of chromium iron ore is magmatic - it is released together with platinum during the cooling and solidification of ultrabasic and basic magmas that have penetrated into the earth's crust during tectonic processes. It occurs in the form of veins, clusters (nests, lenticular deposits) and disseminations among deep ultrabasic (dunites, peridotites, prioxenites) and basic (gabbro) igneous rocks or among the products of their chemical alteration - in serpentinites (serpentines); also found in placers.

Satellites... Serpentine, olivine, magnetite, talc, dolomite, hypersthene, platinum. In placers: platinum.

Application of chromite

Chromite is the main ore for chromium. Low-grade ores are used as refractory bricks in the metallurgical industry.

Chromium is used for anti-corrosion coatings. Chromium increases the hardness of the steel. Chromium is used to make military steel and tool steel. It is also used in the production of chrome paints, chrome picks, tanning agents and in the chemical industry. Cobalt-chromium-nickel alloy is used to create artificial bones, artificial joints, spring frames of heart valves, staples for stitching blood vessels. Chromium, when heated in a vacuum, actively combines with carbon and forms solid carbides on the surface. This is the basis of the coating of diamonds used in the metalworking industry with a thin film of metal. Metallized diamond is more durable than ordinary diamond, almost does not wear out.

Place of Birth

The leading place in the world reserves of chromium iron ore is occupied by Russia - on the eastern slope of the Urals (Saranovskoye, Raizskoye, etc.). There are deposits in the Aktobe region near the city of Khromtau (Kazakhstan), it is the second largest deposit in the world in terms of reserves. The largest field in the world is located in South Africa, the Bushveld complex. Chromite is mined in the Philippines, Turkey.

The mineral belongs to the class of oxides and is an iron oxide with chromium. It is sometimes called chromium iron ore. The chromite stone has the studied properties, meaning, but does not affect the various signs of the zodiac.

Chemical formulaFeO Cr2O3.

Chromite can be found naturally in the form of continuous granular masses or inclusions. In rare cases, chromite occurs in the form of placers. The color range of most specimens is iron black or brown. By appearance chromite is confused with magnetic iron ore. But the former has a brown color, and the samples are weakly magnetic. Chromite belongs to the distant relatives of spinel, the chrome spinel group. It includes 20 stones and their varieties.

To date, a pure mineral without various impurities is contained only in meteorite samples. Usually, different elements are found in its composition. The stone is resistant to acids.

Typical impuritiesMg, Mn, Zn, Al, Ti
Molecular weight223.84
Line colorBrown
MicrohardnessVHN100 \u003d 1278 - 1456 kg / mm2
A typeIsotropic
Maximum birefringenceδ \u003d 0.000 - isotropic, does not have birefringence
Cell parametersa \u003d 8.344Å
Unit cell volumeV 580.93 ų


It is safe to say that the stone is of magmatic origin and is formed with platinum during the cooling and solidification of magma during tectonic processes. May occur in clusters, veins in ultrabasic igneous strata and placers. Platinum, dolomite, talc are often companions of the mineral.


Russia is the world supplier of chromium. There are also deposits in Kazakhstan, South Africa, Turkey and the Philippines.


The stone was first discovered in the South Urals. This event was captured by P. Meder in 1799. The description of the mineral occurred in 1845 by the Austrian mineralogist Wilhelm von Haidinger.

In old villages, the local population calls the stone "bath" and uses it for its intended purpose. In the process of research, chromite, which is found in stones, has a non-toxic form. Even when heated, various harmful elements are not released into the air from them, therefore it is ideal for baths and saunas. Due to its high melting point, Chromite does not crack due to temperature fluctuations.

Practical use

  • The main purpose of the stone is to be used as an ore. Low-grade specimens are suitable for making refractory bricks. This is the first material for metallurgy.
  • Also, the stone is part of anti-corrosion coatings. This element increases the hardness of steel, therefore it is used in military affairs.
  • It is known in the chemical industry to create artificial bones or joints.
  • During temperature exposure in a vacuum environment, chromium actively combines with carbohydrate, resulting in the formation of hard carbides, which is important for coating diamonds that are used in the metalworking industry. Diamonds processed in this way do not wear out.
  • Chromites created under artificial conditions are actively used in electronic technology.
  • In jewelry, chromite is also a welcome guest. It creates a beautiful tandem in combination with silver or other light metal. Given the fact that the color of the mineral is black, there is a chance to look gloomy. Since ancient times, men have worn jewelry with this stone. Beautiful rings and cufflinks are still part of the fashionable image of young people today.

Therapeutic effect

Modern lithotherapists work little with this stone, because its effect on the human body has been little studied. But in general, its energy helps to cope with colds. In particular, they give the body endurance and strength to continue doing its usual things during an illness.

Magical influence

This aspect has not been fully explored either. It both attracts good luck and destroys family ties. Therefore, it is not suitable as a talisman.

It does not affect the zodiac signs either. Chromite is a stone whose energy can only be controlled by strong magicians.