My name is the guiding star Anna. The meaning of the name elizabeth. My name in celebrity history

Though we are invisible chains
Chained to the shores of the world
But we must do it ourselves in chains
The circle that the Gods have outlined for us.

What happened? - hundreds of voices were buzzing.
- What was it? - Hermione got to her feet and, staggering, walked to the window in order to see what was happening on the street.
- Granger! Draco managed to grab the girl by the arm and push her into the depths of the building before another explosion was heard, and the silence was broken by the screams of frightened and wounded people.

"Mom, Lute Lane ... damn it!" - flashed through the guy's head.

In a moment, all space was filled with flashes of light, human cries mixed with the sounds of crumbling walls.
- Eaters! These are the Death Eaters! - the voices did not subside ...

When all was quiet, Draco got to his feet and looked around: the door and part of the wall in the store were destroyed, books were scattered all over the floor. It seems that none of the buyers in the building were hurt. The guy, in a daze, looked at how the seller helps people to go out into the street, and the last hurried to the exit. The words “Mom, Mom!” Were beating in my head. Draco had already crossed the threshold, when suddenly he remembered the Gryffindor, that he had not seen her among the people in a hurry leaving the bookstore. He gritted his teeth, stood for a second, turned and stepped back.

Granger, silence. - Granger! - already more persistent.
"I'm here, I ... I think I have something wrong with my leg," Hermione managed. The words were hard for her because of the pain caused and from the realization of who she seemed to have to ask for help.
- Can you get up? Draco walked over to the girl and squatted down next to her.
“Mm ... no,” she mumbled, moving her leg hurt.

The guy looked at Hermione from head to toe with an appraising look: the girl's hair was out of her ponytail, her jeans were torn below the knee, a mixture of pain, despair and ... pride flashed in her eyes.

"Yeah ... What can you do, don't leave her here in the end," the Slytherin sighed and, grabbing Hermione by the arms, put her on her feet. As soon as the girl's foot touched the floor, she cried out in pain, and involuntarily leaned harder on Draco's shoulder. He, meeting her eyes, gave the Gryffindor a contemptuous look:
"Come on." Draco had to hug Hermione so that she could lean on him and her good leg.

The street was as empty as ever. In this silence, the sound of one's own footsteps seemed too loud and, perhaps, even dangerous. Many shops were slowly burning out, thick smoke in the air hung like fog. And this ringing silence logically completed the picture that the Death Eaters left behind.

Eaters ...
Draco remembered about his mother, about Lute Lane, in which she was supposed to be, looked at Hermione: "Do not drag along with her?" - thought the young man and grunted.
- Merlin, Granger! Why am I so lucky and you fell on my head?
- I feel from this pleasure no more than yours! Hermione shot him an angry look. "And ... in general, Malfoy ... you probably knew all this in advance!"
- If I knew, I would not be here! the Slytherin said in a calm, indifferent voice. “And you too, perhaps now,” he remarked with a grin.
- Oh, I mean I have to thank you ?! Can I give you something for this? - Hermione began to lose her temper from such impudence.
"Quiet," Draco thought he heard the sound of approaching footsteps. And I thought that the Death Eaters would not find out who they were and why they came. In theory, all "friends" should be in Lyutny Lane, as the young man guessed.
`` Oh, I know, tell the whole Hogwarts about the nobility of Draco Mal ...
- Shut up! the guy hissed through clenched teeth, not letting her finish.

The Gryffindor wanted to snap, but then out of the corner of her eye she saw a red beam flying at them from around the corner, and if not for Malfoy's reaction, he would have hit the target.

They hid behind the wall of a building. Hermione opened her mouth, intending to ask what they should do now, but the guy gave her an eloquent look and slowly shook his head.

Hermione listened, but it had been a couple of minutes and no sound was heard. Draco took a step away from the cover - an empty street.

We're in luck, ”he said quietly. “So, the only safe place right now is Lyutny Lane. It's not far from here. We'll get there. Come on Granger!
"No," Hermione said sharply.

The young man's questioning look made her give explanations, and they were simple to the point of banality.
“There were friends of mine near the Quidditch shop.
- There is nobody there. The street is empty! Draco was already pissed off by this dead-end conversation.
“They ... could have taken refuge in the dungeons of Gringotts, he's just around the corner.
- What is it for me, tell me! - Draco looked at the Gryffindor, and when she looked away he continued: - But ... you don't have to choose.

The young man grabbed Hermione in his arms and walked briskly in the direction of the bank.

At Hermione's surprised look, he shrugged.
"I couldn't leave you," Draco Malfoy replied calmly and honestly.

We need to find Hermione! - Harry and Ron did not calm down.

The entire Weasley family, Harry and many other people who were attacked were now in the bank's dungeon.

Everything was quiet. They have already left, we need to go and check, what if something happened to her? - Friends did not find a place for themselves.

Where was your friend before the attack? - a large man of about forty came up to them. - I am a former Auror, I think it is my duty to help you.

Yes, they probably wouldn't have found you soon, ”Draco chuckled softly as they successfully made it to the bank's main staircase.

Suddenly the still continuing silence was broken by the sound of the door opening. Draco looked up sharply to see a man walking out of the bank. Even with all the desire, he still would not be able to get his wand, since Hermione was still in his arms.

Who you are? the man asked.

Draco lifted Hermione to her feet, supporting her arm.
- My name is Hermione Granger, and his name is Dra ...
"Her friends should be here," Draco said before he could finish.
- Yes, I went in search of you, - the Auror addressed the girl, going up to the teenagers and taking Hermione away. - Thank you, young man, - he thanked, - let's go inside, here, it may not be safe.
“Thank you, but my mother stayed there. I don't think they need to know - this was addressed to the Gryffindor. Draco turned and walked away from Gringotts.
- Wait for me 5 minutes, I will go with you, - the man shouted over his shoulder, walking briskly to the door and carrying Hermione in his arms.

The Slytherin did not need company, and when they disappeared behind the doors, he, without wasting a minute, ran to Lute Lane.

Draco! - A blond woman, running up to her son, asked worriedly - where have you been?
- It's okay, mom, I'm fine. Are you hurt?
Narcissa shook her head and hugged the young man.

The name is a guiding star that leads a person through life

How many names, so many different destinies. We often say: this name suits you or not. There is an association: with great people, saints, or simply with acquaintances whose character we know. The child is born, the parents are happy. The moment comes to choose a name. How much is connected with this process? The choice of a name falls on the shoulders of the parents. The future of the little man is in their hands. The magic of the name exists and affects the fate of a person.

The name is the triggerthat rules us all our lives. The name may or may not correspond to the person's horoscope. Highlight the negative aspects of your personality. On an intuitive level, people feel this very well: they call themselves a different name, set a different program (reprogram). Another name also gives additional protection from other people's influence. It is enough to know the name of a person to create his image. You can work with this. To work, both in the positive direction and in the other.

The name is the goal of a person's life, the realization of his destiny.

There are several options for choosing names:

  1. The child chooses his own name... On the 9th day after birth (noon), he is taken to another room, candles are lit in the next room and names are listed. The name to which he will respond (manifest his voice) will be his.
  2. Choosing a name according to the calendar... The child is named in honor of the saint who was born on that day.
  3. By origin... Each group of names corresponds to a certain sign of the zodiac (classification of P. Globa)
    1. Roman - Aries (Anton, Pavel, Maxim, Victor, Diana, Marina, Natalia ...)
    2. Egyptian - Taurus (Isis, Taisiya, Isidora, Sidor, Serapion)
    3. Greek - Gemini (Alexander, Andrey, George, Elena, Maya, Sophia ...)
    4. Indian - Cancer (Gita. Zita, Indira ...)
    5. Persian - Leo (Daria, Cyril, Vadim, Rustam, Bulat, Roxana ...)
    6. Japanese - Virgo (Asura, Amanda, Aman, Kano ...)
    7. Western (foreign) - Libra (Albert, Jeanne, Louise, Karl, Ernst ...)
    8. Islamic - Scorpio (Renat, Ravil, Timur, Dinara, Leila, Farida ...)
    9. Assyrian - Sagittarius (Nina)
    10. Scandinavian - Capricorn (Igor (Ingvarr), Olga (Helga), Oleg ...)
    11. Slavic - Aquarius (Boris, Vladimir, Vera, Nadezhda, Love ...)
    12. Biblical - Neptune (Anna, Eve, Maria, Tamara, Ivan, Ilya, Danila)
    13. Double (Margarita - Greek roots + Roman ...)
    14. Artificial-literary (Vladlena, Oktyabrina, Aelita ...)

A well-chosen name attracts additional protection to its owner.

It is important, when choosing a name for your child, to weigh the pros and cons; find out the origin of the name, its carriers in the past and present, their destinies. The child repeats the fate of the person whose horoscope resonates with his birth chart.

Everything in a name is important: the number of letters, syllables, stress, consonants and vowels.

Especially important the first letter of the Name.

It determines the meaning and direction of development.

The last letter - weak point (vulnerability).

Fate plays with a person, and those who feel it carry out a name correction.

The name "not written in heaven" is imposed on a person, for him he pays with an inverted fate "(P. Globa)

Name - this is a personal system, a connection with the Guardian Angel, with the higher world

middle name - connection with ancestors, helps to keep the earthly and heavenly

Surname - Karmic social program.

Experiments with the surname are prohibited!

Sometimes a child gets the same name as his mother or father. As a result: in one family there are 2 identical names. Where does this lead? In the family, one name is replaced by another. It turns out that the name “multiplies” by itself and becomes in the “square”.

When she gets married, a woman changes her surname to that of her husband, or takes a double surname. The family background is changing. The generic egregor of the husband begins to work, with his tasks. The surname is a living history. The study of the surname is a laborious but interesting process. Surnames were associated with the names, nicknames of ancestors.

It is good to have not one, but several personal names, then different variants of fate appear. Choosing a name, taking into account the characteristics of the horoscope, you can solve certain problems. The letters of the name must include the significant planets of the horoscope. Then the name is karmic and indicates the purpose of a person.

Astrological services:

  • Choosing a name for a newborn
  • Selection of a name change to solve a specific problem

The analysis uses a person's individual horoscope.

e-mail: [email protected]

Astrologer - Ovcharenko Inna Viktorovna

etc .: 1779-01-13

Version 2. What does the name Elizabeth mean

The name Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin, meaning “the oath of God,
vow to God (worshiping God). "

Elizabeth is a playful and restless child, she cannot sit still
even one minute.

She wants to be in time everywhere, to find out everything. Classmates love her for
cheerful character, true friendship. Self-loving, impulsive. With friends and family
soft and responsive. Skillfully engaged in housekeeping. Gives his work a secondary
meaning, her home and family come first. In numerology, this name is Elizabeth,

Number 3.

etc .: 1844-08-17

3 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

1. Personality. Beauty queens.

2. Character. 97%.

3. Radiation. 97%.

4. Vibration. 85,000 vibrations / s

5. Color. Orange.

6. Main features. Will - intellect - intuition
- sociability.

7. Totem plant. Oleander.

8. Totem animal. Fox.

9. Sign. Aquarius.

10. Type. These women know how to give orders and when
necessary, turn out to be very dexterous. With great self-importance. Perfectly adaptable
to the circumstances. Even when it seems that everything is lost, do not lose your presence of mind.

11. Psyche. Introverts. Don't always say what
what they think and do not always do what they say. Very balanced, do not give in
influence. Do not delude yourself with their meek appearance - they will try to lead you astray
ambiguous hints. Do not forget that these are nimble and cunning foxes.

12. Will. Strong and well organized. To
it is better to look after your interests, ready to pretend that they do not understand what you are talking about,
or they cannot do what you ask them to do.

13. Excitability. Purely external.

14. Speed \u200b\u200bof reaction. Slightly slowed down,
which, however, does not prevent them from reacting with lightning speed if necessary. In depth
souls believe in their lucky star. Their imagination gives way to intelligence, although they
and try to pass off other people's ideas and thoughts as their own.

15. Field of activity. Used to bring it to the end
their beginnings. Since childhood, Elizabeth has learned the habit of figuring out why
work. They are interested in new technologies, especially electronics, from which they get
gorgeous body - and
radio reporters. Sometimes, in a rush of frankness, they can admit that they wanted
to become investigators and even scouts.

16. Intuition. Developed intuition allows them
choose your surroundings well.

17. Intelligence. They have a deep analytical mind.
They are ruthless and meticulous observers, but curiosity can turn them on too
long away.

18. Susceptibility. We would like to throw ourselves into your arms
the one they love, but their complex nature prevents them from clinging to the shoulder of their beloved. Keep
they feel a little cold, they don't feel contact with loved ones.

19. Morality. Everything about them is subject to ambition
and desires. These women must be stopped in time, otherwise all moral principles
will simply cease to exist for them.

20. Health. When they are successful, then
and excellent health. They themselves know perfectly well what can and cannot be done,
to maintain physical and mental balance. Weakness - thyroid.

21. Sexuality. Another trump card in their game.
They get their hands on shy partners who most often do not know with whom they are

22. Activity. Their activity is activity
earner, they stop at nothing in achieving their goal. In life
very lucky and happy.

23. Sociability. Elizabeth possesses
free to get to know people quickly.

24. Conclusion. These are women who have been
will desire "the very-very" and seek it. Isn't this, in fact, called

etc .: 1533-09-07

4 version of the interpretation of the name Elizabeth

oath to God (ancient Heb.).

Name days: May 7 - Venerable Elizabeth the Wonderworker, led a strict
monastic life, with prayers she cast out demons and healed the sick. September 18 -
Holy Righteous Elizabeth, the pious mother of St. John the Baptist, died
in the wilderness, where she hid with John from the soldiers of King Herod.

Zodiac sign
- Virgo.

Planet - Proserpine.

The color is lilac.

The auspicious tree is lilac.

Treasured plant - Lilac flowers.

The patron saint of the name is waxwing.

The talisman stone is amethyst.


- selfish, impulsive, but very soberly assessing her shortcomings - always
I want to seem better than she is. However, this pushes her to extravagant acts,
which she herself then very regrets. She loves leadership, but she is soft and
responsive with friends. Born for devoted love, and for her spiritual well-being
family peace is very important. Work, girlfriends, entertainment are hers
in the background. She does not achieve happiness immediately, and therefore endlessly values \u200b\u200bit.
Elizabeth is so dissolved in her love that it is impossible not to love her in

etc .: 1783-09-19

russian princess, daughter of the commander M. Kutuzov

6 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

Hebrew origin,
means: an oath of God, a vow to God (honoring God). First impression of
Liza is a playful and restless creature, such a nimble and cute imp,
whose obedience is measured in minutes. Everything she needs, everything she needs to know!

In the classroom Lizu
love for their humor and ability to be friends. Together with girlfriends, for the company, Lisa
will attend cutting and sewing circles, knitting, the knowledge gained is enough to
dress your doll. However, in the adult life of Elizabeth, too, with pleasure

She really wants
seem better than she is, and this pushes her to extravagant acts, about which
she herself soon regrets. Self-loving, impulsive. She also constantly thinks
that people treat her worse than she deserves, so she often enters
into conflicts.

exact sciences, in the women's team trying to lead, but with friends and family
soft and responsive.

For mental well-being
Elizabeth's family peace is very important. For this she is ready
for a lot. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives, she calmly endures their frequent visits,
lives in peace with neighbors. She is thrifty - for fear that her husband will one day be unhappy
the fact that there is no favorite salad on the table. Work, girlfriends, entertainment stand at
Elizabeth in the background. In my youth, unlucky in love, happiness comes
with age, remarried. Somewhat fussy.

it will be very difficult in a marriage with Valentin, Nikolai, Oleg. She will be lucky with Alexander, Sergei, Ivan,
Matthew, Michael or Gregory.

etc .: 1900-12-31

soviet intelligence officer, lieutenant colonel of state security

7 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

Elizabeth -
"God's oath, a vow to God" (Heb.)

First impression
about Liza - a playful and restless creature, a kind of nimble and cute imp,
whose obedience is measured in minutes.

Everything she needs, everything
she needs to know. Make little Lisa's character more consistent and consistent
hard. But you can try. Buy, for example, an aquarium with beautiful fish. Kind
and sincere Liza, knowing that besides her, there is no one to look after the fish, will
willy-nilly to get used to the regularity of life.

In the classroom Lizu
love for their humor and ability to be friends. From interest in the subject and the teacher's ability to interest
the girl's academic performance depends in many respects. Together with girlfriends, for the company,
she will attend cutting and sewing and knitting circles. The knowledge gained is enough for
to dress your doll. However, in adulthood, Elizabeth is also happy

exact sciences, in the women's team trying to lead, knows how to get along with people.
Somewhat fussy.

For her spiritual
well-being, peace in the family is very important. For this, she is ready for
much. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives, she calmly endures their frequent visits,
lives with neighbors. Very thrifty - not out of fear of a hungry winter, but
for fear that the husband will one day be unhappy that his favorite salad is not on the table
from cabbage. Work, girlfriends, entertainment are in the background for Elizabeth.

In her youth, Lisa
unlucky in love. Happiness comes with age, in remarriage.

Disposed to colds
diseases, bronchitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as infectious.

- a woman with a subtle sense of humor,
restrained, extraordinary in her actions.

- sociable, faithful in friendship.
Can work as a teacher, educator, nurse. The name fits the middle names:
Natanovna, Sergeevna, Borisovna, Savelyevna, Fedorovna, Alekseevna, Boyanovna.

- Laughing, simple-minded, sensitive.

Elizabeth is touchy, kind, but capricious. Can work in the service sector,
artist, fashion designer. The name fits the patronymic: Kirillovna, Renatovna, Ruslanovna,
Voldemarovna, Evgenievna, Danilovna, Moiseevna.

8 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

selfish, unstable in behavior, stubborn, boastful. They love male society.

flirtatious, charming, adore bright clothes and colorful company. Take offense at
jokes. Every step in life is carefully considered.

The family includes
dependent on her husband, but hardworking (good dressmakers) and cleanliness, dominate
over the rest of the family. They do not shine with health, especially the nervous
system. Liz has children of different sexes. By nature, they are conflicting,
believe in dreams, inherit integrity from their mother.

9 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

Her whole life goes by
in the struggle with herself and the world around her. She really wants to seem better
what she is, and this pushes her to extravagant acts, which she then
regrets. Elizabeth is selfish, impulsive, vain.

Believes that others
she is underestimated, because of this she constantly conflicts with someone. In the team, her selfishness
provokes minor and major misunderstandings, Elizabeth has the ability
involve the whole team in quarrels. Constantly weaves intrigues, is very envious. but
with close friends and relatives, Elizabeth is kind and sympathetic. Little
stingy, often complains of difficulties and inconveniences, annoying and boring. Understands
it is also angry with itself. Too sensitive, keen on failures, Elizabeth
is incessantly in doubts and worries. Often, such a state passes
to the complex.

Mistress Elizabeth
good, nimble. Very clean. Likes to dress extravagantly. Elizabeth's husband
must necessarily fulfill all her installations, indulge her whims.

Under certain conditions
Elizabeth manages to achieve significant success in career development and
even take a prestigious position in society. However, then Elizabeth becomes
arrogant and very moody.

10 version of the meaning of the name Elizabeth

- department Heb. the oath of God; colloquial Lizaveta; old. Elisabeth.

Elizavstka, Veta, Lilya, Liza, Lizunya, Lizuha, Lizusha, Lizura, Lizuta, Lizaveka.


If on
Elizabeth's day, September 18, many acorns ripened - this is a fierce winter and abundant
snowfall before Christmas.


selfish, impulsive, she always wants to seem better than she really is
business. This pushes her to extravagant acts, which she then bitterly regrets.
and tries to soberly assess all his shortcomings. She likes to be a leader, but when
in doing so, she does not break away from her natural environment and remains soft and responsive
with friends. Elizabeth was born for faithful love, all peace of mind is impossible
imagine without peace and quiet in the family. Happiness does not come easily to her, and therefore
values \u200b\u200bit very much.

Name day named Elizabeth

6 March, 7 March, 7 May, 18 July, 13 August, 5 September, 12 September, 18 September, 21 October, 31 October, 4 November, 14 November, 20 November, 31 December,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days falling on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Famous people named Elizabeth

Elizaveta Petrovna

etc .: 1709-12-29

russian empress (1741-1762) from the Romanov dynasty, daughter of Peter I

etc .: 1779-01-13

russian empress, wife of Alexander I

etc .: 1844-08-17

russian children's writer, teacher, memoirist

etc .: 1533-09-07

english queen (1558-1603), the last representative of the Tudor dynasty

The meaning of the letters in the name Elizabeth

E - sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. The owners of this letter are able to win people over to themselves. They are both simple and charming. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting interlocutors.

L - artistic and inventive personalities. They prefer to be guided by logical thinking in their actions. They know how to win over. On rare occasions, narcissistic and disdainful of other people. Parting with loved ones is extremely difficult. They are too capricious and require increased attention to their person.

AND - fine mental organization, romance, kindness, honesty and peacefulness. Representatives of the fair sex pay a lot of attention to their appearance, and men focus on inner qualities. They manage to achieve great success in science and work with people. They are very economical and calculating.

Z - rich imagination, intuition, resentment. The owners of this letter in the name quite often seek to protect themselves from the outside world. In relationships, they are distinguished by constancy and are able to live their whole life with the chosen one.

AND - the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name begins with "A" are hardworking enough. They like to be proactive in everything and do not like routine.

IN - sociability, optimism, love for nature and art. People with names starting with "B" choose professions related to creativity. They are great musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite the passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their whole life with one person.

T - people with names that begin with this letter are comprehensively developed. They are vulnerable, sensitive and creative natures. They try to be fair in everything. They have good intuition, they adapt well to different conditions of the surrounding world. Able to show generosity.

Name as a phrase

  • E - Yesi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • L - People
  • AND - And (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, "Together with")
  • Z - Earth
  • AND - Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • IN - Lead
  • T - Firmly

Name Elizabeth in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write the first name, then the patronymic in Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to spell the name Elizabeth in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

Ready-made homework assignments with answers for the second part of the workbook on the subject The world, Grade 3.

The authors of the notebook are Pleshakov, Novitskaya. The Perspective program. The answer book will be useful to every third-grade student studying according to Pleshakov and Novitskaya, because in the workbook there are not only tasks for knowledge and logic, but often you just need to find this or that information, answers to tasks in literature or the Internet, and you can easily find all this is with us, on the 7guru website.

Answers verified, gdz teacher approved primary grades... With us, you will do all your homework easily, simply and for one five.

Answers to quests World around 3 grade 2 part

To see the answers to the tasks, click on the page numbers.

Home is like the world

Page 3-5. Native home - a corner of the Motherland

1. Remember what meaning of the word "peace" you already know. Write it down.

The world is our Universe, the globe.

Using the text of the textbook on p. 4-7 complete sentences:

Another meaning of the word "peace" is a society of people who live in one village, village.

Common deeds for the good of everyone were done at a secular meeting, in the world (a general meeting of heads of families).

The holidays common to all were celebrated by the whole world with a sonorous bell toll.

Another meaning of the word "peace" is harmony, order, harmony, harmony.

To live in the world - to live in peace!

In the language of patterns, the old house told about how the world works.

Each house is like a universe.

Each house is a corner of the Fatherland, a corner of the Fatherland.

2. Think of signs for each meaning of the word "peace". Draw these signs in the appropriate frames.

Earth. People at the party. Flowers, river, forest, birds.

3. Review the pictures. Come up with and write down signatures for them. Using the text of the textbook on p. 6-7 compose an oral story from the illustrations.

Figure 1 - Meeting. 2 - friendly work.

People gathered in one village for a gathering to decide what to do with the old bridge, which is about to collapse. It's already dangerous to walk on it. The whole village needs a bridge, so they decided to fix it with the whole world. Men, who are stronger and younger, gathered and set to work. Some remove the bark from the logs, some saw, and some put the logs into the bridge. Together, the work goes well!

Photos for pasting task 4 (photo story):

Page 6-7. Your home - your space

1. Cut photos from the application. Glue them into frames in accordance with the signatures. Use the text of the tutorial on p. 8-10.

The answer is in the picture.

2. Photo for insertion:

Page 8-9. It's a great honor to sit in the red corner

1.Using the text of the textbook on 12-13, complete the sentences:

The center of common life in the old days was the temple.

The central beam of the old house is the mat.

The stove in the old house was called mother.

The front corner in the house was called red (beautiful).

3. Write down what you would like to take into your house from the device of the old house.

I would like to have a real Russian stove in my house, and there would be shutters on the windows.

Page 10-13. We will visit

1. Write down what kind of greetings the guest is greeted according to the customs of the peoples of your region.

"Bread and salt", "The rich they are, so they are happy." They take them affectionately: they take both hands and lead them to the red corner.

2. Write down how the guest is seen off according to the customs of the peoples of your region.

The equestrian guest is escorted to the horse, the walking guest to the gate.

4. Glue pictures or make a drawing of the internal structure of the traditional home of the peoples of your region.

5. Project "Young local historian". Compare the most important features of the ancient traditional home of different peoples. Fill in table number 1 using the text of the textbook.

Table No. 1.

Khanty and Mansi dwelling Dwelling of the Caucasian peoples
Construction material - Chum on a frame made of poles, covered with reindeer skins.
- Dugouts
- A hut made of branches.
House-fortress, house-tower made of stone.
Threshold Near the threshold there are shoes and a smokehouse (to scare away mosquitoes). You are not supposed to stop and sit. The threshold is high, you cannot step on it. Whoever crosses the threshold is already a guest.
Male half Sacred place (front side opposite the entrance) The back half is behind the hearth. Guests are received here.
Female half The right corner is the home fire side. Front half in front of the hearth.
A sacred and honorable place Front side opposite the entrance. Home relics are kept here. The central pillar of the residential floor, hearth.

Explore the most important features of the traditional home of one of the peoples of your region (optional). Record the results in Table 2. Compare the results of both tables. Identify common and different features.

Table No. 2. Traditional dwelling of one of the peoples of your region (Ukrainian hut-mazanka)

Conclusion: Dwellings of different peoples have both common features and different ones. There is always a sacred place in every dwelling, the house is usually divided into male and female parts. The threshold of a house is always a special place in the dwelling of all peoples; many beliefs and customs are associated with it.

Page 14-15. Was born - became related with people

1. Write down what kind of names you have in your current family now. Use the names of degrees of kinship in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of your region.

I am a son (daughter) for my parents. I am also a brother (sister) for my brothers and sisters. For my grandparents, I am a grandson (granddaughter). And for my aunt and uncle, I am a nephew (niece). For my aunt and uncle's children, I - cousin (sister).

2. Write down what names you will have by property when you get married in the future. Use for this the names of the degrees of the property in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of your region.

When I get married (get married), then I will become a husband (wife). For my wife's parents, I will be a son-in-law, and for my parents she will become a daughter-in-law (or daughter-in-law). My wife's parents will be called father-in-law and mother-in-law for me. And my parents will be a father-in-law and a mother-in-law for my wife.

Page 16-17. Family tree

Compilation example:

Page 18-19. Husband and wife are one soul

1. Place next to the image of the wedding dress of the peoples of your region (optional) or draw it.

2. Find and count how many words with the root -lad-, -lag- are in the text of the textbook on pages 32-33. Write these words down. Choose synonyms for these words in Russian and the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of your region.

Answer: okay (peacefully, in agreement), harmoniously (harmoniously), fitted (attached), harmony (agreement, peace), okay life (successful, successful).

3. Write down what character traits, according to the peoples of your region, will help the newlyweds to keep their union forever, as they wished when they attached their lock to the bridge.

Character traits of a spouse: head in the house, hard-working, God-fearing, caring, loving, forgiving, faithful, good father.

Character traits of a wife: obedient to her husband, faithful, economic, needlewoman, god-fearing, kind, modest, loving wife and mother, wise, patient.

Page 20-21. The sanctity of fatherhood and motherhood

1.Using the text on p. 37 textbooks complete thoughts on the sanctity of fatherhood and motherhood:

Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days on earth may be prolonged.

He who honors his parents will never perish.

You honor your father and mother - you are happy forever.

Everything has a price - father and mother are priceless!

You can buy everything, but you can't buy a father-mother!

3. Pick up and write down the proverbs of the peoples of your region about the importance of respectful attitude of children to their parents.

Without a father - half an orphan, and without a mother - and all an orphan.
Children are not judges to parents.
If you don't respect your parents, then no one will respect you either.
Whoever does not listen to his mother will get into trouble.
Those who honor their parents will be honored by children.

Page 22-23. Kind children - a crown to the house

1. Using the text on pages 40-41 of the textbook, write down what girls and boys learned in the old days, preparing for adulthood.

The girls learned to do housework (clean up, cook), and also do needlework: spin, embroider.

The boys learned to work with tools, helped to keep household utensils, horse harness, and were engaged in pottery. And most importantly, what they learned was to plow, sow, mow.

2. ... Write down what you are learning as you prepare for adulthood.

I study to do housework, study mathematics, Russian and other sciences at school.

Photo for pasting

3. My name is a guiding star.

My name is Maxim. Translated from Latin, it means "the greatest." I will try to justify the meaning of my name and achieve great success in life.

4. Write about a person who bears the same name as you and could become a model for you. If possible, pick up and glue a photo.

Maxim Potashev is a connoisseur of the “What? Where? When? ”, Holder of the title of Master of the Game.

Page 24-25. Children's games - health school

1. Find a nursery rhyme game for the little ones in the oral creativity of the peoples of your region. Write it down.

Over the bumps, over the bumps, along the narrow paths a rooster walked, into the hole, boo!

Where have you been? - Long away!
Stoked the stove
Cooked porridge
She fed the children.
I gave this one, (bend the little finger)
I gave this one, (bend the ring finger)
I gave this one, (bend the middle finger)
It gave it. (bend the index)
But this - did not give! (touching the thumb)
You didn't carry water
I didn't chop wood,
I didn't cook porridge -
There will be no porridge for you!

2. Come up with a tongue twister.

Misha was washing the window with soap, Mila was washing the floor with soap.

Andrey was cutting celery.

Varya's bucket was taken away at the market.

3. Guess educational riddles. Write down the answers.

1. What stands in the middle of the Earth? (letter "m")

3. Can a rooster call itself a bird? (no, he can't, he can't speak)

4. Three cats are sitting. There are two cats against each cat. How many cats are there? (three, they sit in a circle).

5. Under what tree does the hare sit in the rain? (under wet)

4. Swap notebooks with your neighbor. Create and write educational riddles for any school subject of your choice (math, reading, Russian, music, visual arts).

Small house, no roof, no windows (square)

What root does not grow in the ground? (root in a word)

This salt cannot be eaten, but it can be sung (note "salt")

This lady is not easy: where there is snow, there will be a trace (brush)

5. Together with your loved one, write the answer to the riddle: "What is most dear to us?"

Family, relatives and friends.

6. Remember playing a sports type with your elders. Write down her rules, draw a diagram

Push the line game

Two parallel lines are drawn at a distance of 1 m. Players of two teams stand on the line with their backs to each other. On a signal, they approach each other, and each player, leaning against the opponent with his shoulders and back, tries to push him beyond the border line. The team that will push more players wins.

Page 26-29. Human body structure

1. In which row are only internal organs? Check the box.

Answer: put a tick in 3 a number of - the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, intestines.

2. Write down the definitions yourself or with the help of a textbook.

An organ is a part of the body that has a certain structure and does a certain job.

An organ system is a collection of organs that perform common work.

4. Use the tutorial to complete the table.

Human organ systems

P / p No. Organ system name What does it consist of What work does
1 Musculoskeletal system Skeleton, muscles Provides support for the human body and its movement
2 Digestive system Oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, liver, intestines Provides chopping and digestion of food in the body
3 Respiratory system Nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, lungs Provides the body with oxygen and helps to remove carbon dioxide
4 Circulatory system Heart, blood vessels Provides blood flow - blood circulation.
5 Nervous system Brain, spinal cord, nerves Management of the activity of the whole organism.

5. Number the figures on p. 28 in the following order: 1) the digestive system; 2) respiratory system; 3) the circulatory system; 4) the nervous system. Sign the names of the indicated bodies. Check yourself with the tutorial.

6. In additional literature, the Internet, find interesting facts about the structure and work of various organs (organ systems) of a person. write them down. Prepare a message for the class.

The shape of our ears is odd, but this shape helps us pick up sounds better. Through the auricle and ear canal, sound enters the middle ear. Some animals, such as the hare, can move their ears in the direction of sound, so they hear better than humans.
Inside each ear there are three loop-shaped tubes filled with fluid. When a person spins, the liquid starts to move. Special nerves pick up on this and tell the brain. When a person stops, the fluid fluctuates for some time, so there is dizziness.
If you bring a seashell to your ear, you can hear the sound of the surf. They say that this sea is rustling in a shell. But in fact we hear not the sea, but the sound of blood in our head.
The smallest bone is in the ear. It is called a stirrup. Its length is only 2 millimeters.

Source: 7 gurus website and the book "Why and Why?" from the series "Encyclopedia for the curious".

Page 30-33. How our body works

1. Using the information in the textbook, write the numbers into the text.

Skeleton and muscles.

In the human skeleton, more 200 bones. The number of muscles in the human body is even greater, there are almost 650 ... When walking is used 200 muscles. In order to wrinkle our forehead, we need 43 muscles, and in order to smile - 17 .

2. Number the organs in the order in which food passes through them.

Esophagus - 3
Intestine - 5
Pharynx - 2
Stomach - 4
Oral cavity - 1

3. In what sequence does the air pass through the respiratory organs during inhalation? Number with red pencil. And how does it move when you exhale? Number with blue pencil.

when inhaling (in red pencil): nasal cavity, trachea, bronchi, lungs.

on exhalation (with blue pencil): lungs, bronchi, trachea, nasal cavity.

4. Answer the questions on your own or with the help of a textbook.

What blood takes from the air in the pulmonary vesicles? (Oxygen)
What does blood release into the air in the pulmonary vesicles? (Carbon dioxide)
What does blood carry from the lungs to all organs of the body? (Oxygen)
What does blood take in the organs of the body and carry it to the lungs? (Carbon dioxide)

5. Using the textbook or by yourself, fill in the gaps in the text.

Blood moves in our body through work hearts... It has thick muscle walls... The heart pushes the blood forcefully into blood vessels... Having run through the whole body, the blood returns to heart... To enrich the blood with oxygen, the heart sends it to lungs, and then again makes it travel throughout the body.

6. Practical work "Pulse measurement"

The child's resting pulse is 70 to 120 beats per minute.
The child's pulse after 5 squats is 110 to 140 beats per minute.

The resting pulse of an adult is 60 to 110 beats per minute.
After 5 squats - 120 - 140 beats per minute.

Pages 34-37. What is hygiene

1. Consider the conventional signs. What rules are encrypted in them? Use these signs to help you develop the correct posture.

To develop the correct posture, you need to sit straight at the desk, not bend over when walking. When carrying weights, the load should be symmetrical (the same on both hands). Exercise regularly. Sleep on a flat bed with an orthopedic mattress.

2. Practical work "Dental care".

1. View photos. Mark (fill in the circle) items needed for dental care. Explain (verbally) the purpose of each item.

A toothbrush is needed to mechanically remove plaque from teeth in the morning and evening. Toothpaste helps to remove plaque on the teeth and cares for the gums. The mouthwash freshens breath, kills germs. Dental floss removes food particles trapped between teeth.

4. Make a menu for your family.

Our menu

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Oatmeal porridge,
Pea soup,
pasta, cutlet,
compote, fruit
Cottage cheese with sour cream, dried fruits
Buckwheat porridge,
Mashed potatoes, sausage
Juice, fruit
Boiled egg, cheese, sandwich tea
Cottage cheese with sour cream,
Noodle soup,
dumplings with cottage cheese
Vegetable stew, tea
Rice porridge,
A fresh vegetable salad
Fried fish, compote, fruits
Millet porridge,
rosehip drink
Buckwheat soup
Fish cutlet
Vegetable stew
Cottage cheese casserole,
Boiled egg

Prove that your menu follows the rules healthy eating.

This menu contains a variety of products, including cottage cheese useful for the body, raw vegetables and fruits, meat, cereals.

Pages 38-39. Our senses

1. Connect the words in the left and right columns with lines.

Organ of vision - Eyes

Hearing organ - Ears

Organ of Smell - Nose

Taste organ - Tongue

Organ of touch - Skin

2. Sign the indicated parts of the eye and ear on your own or with the help of a drawing of the textbook.

3. Formulate the rules of hygiene of the senses, which are "encrypted" in these figures. Show with arrows which senses they belong to.

Rules for the ears: Do not listen to loud music, listen to the sounds of nature more often, do not stick matches in your ear. To avoid motion sickness in transport (and the inner ear is responsible for this), do not look out the side window or close your eyes. Sickness when the ear and eye receive different movement information.

4. Learn more about the structure and work of our senses. Use the additional literature for this, the Internet. Write down a few interesting facts.

Some interesting facts about the eyes

Why are we blinking? Tears always come out of the eyes. But when a person blinks, tears are evenly distributed over the surface of the eye. It always stays moist and does not dry out.

When a person blinks, the eye closes for only one third of a second. And a person blinks several thousand times a day.

Why can't you see anything in the dark? In order to see, the eyes need light. Reflecting from surrounding objects, light rays pass into the eye through a completely black pupil. The information received by the eye goes to the brain, which processes it and tells us what we see.

At the back of the eyeball is the retina. An upside-down image of what we see is formed on it. The brain flips it back so that we see everything correctly.

Source: book "Why and Why?" from the series "Encyclopedia for the curious".

Pages 40-43. First aid school

1. Paint over the bars of the mercury thermometer in the figure to show the temperature:

2. Record the reading of these thermometers.

36.8 ° thirty six and eight
38 ° thirty-eight
38.6 ° thirty eight and six
40.5 ° forty and five

3. Mark (fill in the circle) which display of the electronic thermometer shows the normal temperature.

My body temperature

2. Make a note of emergency telephone numbers.

Fire brigade 01, 101
Police 02, 102
Ambulance health care 03, 103
Gas service 04, 104
Ministry of Emergencies 112
Unified emergency service 112, 101

3. Using the information in the textbook, fill in the table.

How to provide first aid

Pages 44-45. What we do for health

Prepare a photo story about what your family is doing to protect and promote the health of yourself and all your loved ones.

Photo for insertion:


Pages 46-47. Health is not worth it

1. Pick up and write down proverbs about the rules of a healthy lifestyle in the culture of the peoples of your region.

1. Rules for healthy sleep: Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
Those who want to know a lot should not sleep long.
Sleeping a lot - not knowing business (not seeing good).
Getting up early, you will work more.
The elephant is strong, but his sleep is stronger.
Sleep is the best medicine.

2. Rules of cleanliness: Bath soars and health rules.
Disease with dirt in friendship.
I washed myself in the bath - I was born again.
I went to the bathhouse - I rejuvenated myself.
The filthy will not stick to the pure.
I washed a sinful body - I did a great job.
The fire will not burn the pure.
Cleanliness is the key to health.
Cleanliness is the best beauty.
Clean boots walk faster.

3. The rules of life in harmony with nature: Earth is a plate: what you put in, you take it.
Fire is the king, water is the queen, the earth is mother, the sky is the father, the wind is the lord, the rain is the breadwinner, the sun is the prince, the moon is the princess.
To live near the forest is not to be hungry.
A lot of forest - do not destroy, little forest - take care, no forest - plant.
The plant is an ornament of the earth.
Return the debt to the earth - there will be a sense.
For fishes - water, birds - air, and all earth for man.

4. Rules of healthy eating: Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy.
When I eat I am deaf and dumb.
He who has not eaten bitter food does not know the sweetness of honey.
Whoever breathes heavily from fat - he does not breathe with health.
A tasty morsel - in the end.
Honey is sweet, but not two tablespoons in your mouth.
As you chew, you live.
Little bit of good, sweet not enough.

5. Rules of healthy movement: A healthy mind is in a healthy body.
Move more - live longer.
If you don't run while you're healthy, you'll have to run when you get sick.
No disease will catch up with the quick and dexterous.
If you harden yourself, you will move away from the disease.
Ice water is a disaster for any ailment.
Walking on foot is a long life.
The morning is met with exercises, the evening is seen off with a walk.

6. Rules for getting rid of ailments: A potion grows for every disease.
A bummer is always unwell.
He does not need to go to bed who wants to free himself from the disease.
Onion seven heals ailment.
Onions and baths rule everything.
Bitter medicine knits the mouth, but the disease heals.

2. With the help of adults, compose a story about a person who showed an example of willpower and fortitude.

Dmitry Polukhin is a man of strong spirit, a man with willpower.

Cadet cadet corps Ministry of Emergency Situations, 17-year-old Dima Polukhin, risking his life, rescued three children from a burning shopping center building " Winter cherry"in Kemerovo. The cadet went to the voice and saw that in one of the rooms three kids were huddled in a corner and crying. He groped the children, who were not visible in the smoke, and led them out of the fire. Fortunately, he survived.

Hero photo:

P. 48-49. The house is not great, but it does not order to stand

1. Write down how households are managed in the culture of the peoples of your region by answering the following questions:

What is the name of the head of the family? We write the name and patronymic of the father
What are the rights and responsibilities of the head of the family? He works, provides for his family, goes for groceries, helps his wife with the housework.

What is the name of the spouse of the head of the family? Name and patronymic of the mother.
What are her rights and responsibilities? She works, prepares food, cleans houses, determines where we go to rest.

What is the daily routine in the household? Wake up, have breakfast, go away for business (school, work), go home, have dinner, do homework, spend time together.

What are the rules of conduct at the table during a meal? Do not talk while eating. Do not slurp or scatter food. Say "thank you" after eating.

2. Briefly describe your daily household chores. Make your bed, tidy up your clothes, keep your room clean, go to school and do your homework, and wash the dishes after dinner.

3. Briefly describe how you are involved in the preparation of family holidays. I help to decorate the apartment, choose gifts, prepare a festive lunch or dinner, set the table.

4. Draw how you imagine your future family, home and household.

Page 50-53. Family budget

1. Write the definitions yourself or with the help of a textbook.

Family income is the money that family members earn and receive.
Family spending is the money the family spends.
The family budget is the ratio of family income and expenses.

2. What are you more willing to spend money on? Number the costs in order of decreasing importance to you.

You would of course like to start with mobile phone and computer gamesbut the teacher will not appreciate it. So we number in this order:

1 Book
2 Gifts for family and friends
3 Museum ticket
4 Movie ticket
5 Music disc
6 Mobile phone
7 Ice cream
8 Computer game
9 Chips
10 Candy

What else? Add it. Computer accessories, art supplies, toys.

3. In the family of Denis, a third-grader, dad works as a programmer in a company, mom is a librarian. Grandfather and grandmother are retired, but grandmother works as a ticket clerk in a theater. What types of income does Denis's family have?

Answer: The salary of mom, dad and grandmother; grandparents' pension.

4. Think of an imaginary family and budget for it.

In the family, mom works as a teacher, and dad is a doctor. Their eldest son is studying at the institute, and the youngest is in the 5th grade. Retired grandparents.

Budget: Mom and Dad's salary, eldest son's scholarship, grandparents' pension minus food, transportation and training costs.

5. Cut out photos of banknotes from the Appendix and stick them in the appropriate frames on page 52. Sign the names of the currency units. In the photo from top to bottom: 1000 rubles, 5 euros, 100 US dollars.

6. Collect a collection of coins on this page ...

We put a metal coin under the page and paint over the paper with a pencil. You will end up with a coin print something like this:

Pages 54-55. The wisdom of old age

1. Consider the old picture "The Steps of the Human Age". Write down the name of each step. Use the words for this: childhood, maturity, infancy, deep old age, youth, approaching old age, tranquility, special grace of God.

0 years - infancy

10 years - childhood

20 years - youth

30-40 years old - maturity

50 years - calm

60 years - approaching old age

70 years old

80-90 years - deep old age

100 years is a special grace of God.

2. From the text of the textbook on p. 80-81 choose the proverb that interests you the most. Pick up a proverb for her, similar in meaning from the creativity of the peoples of your region. Write it down.

A kind word is easy to give. - A kind word and the cat is pleased.

Better to starve than to eat stolen goods. - Purchased cracker of stolen pie tastes better.

3. Write in circles 12 good qualities that make up the wealth of a person's soul.

Qualities: kindness, honesty, loyalty, patience, modesty, generosity, peacefulness, ability to love, optimism, ability to forgive, cordiality, sacrifice.

Page 56-57. Journey to A.S. Pushkin

1.Using the text of the textbook (pp. 84-85), add the sentences:

The names of the two ancestors of the Pushkin family on the paternal side: warrior Ratmir, warrior of Alexander Nevsky; Gavrila Aleksich.

The name of the father of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is Sergei Lvovich Pushkin.

The name of the poet's mother is Nadezhda Osipovna Hannibal.

The name of the poet's maternal grandfather is Osip Abramovich Hannibal.

The name of A.S. Pushkin - Natalia Nikolaevna Pushkina (nee - Goncharova).

The name of the poet's eldest daughter is Maria Alexandrovna Pushkina.

The name of the poet's eldest son is Alexander Alexandrovich Pushkin.

The name of the poet's youngest son is Grigory Alexandrovich Pushkin.

The name of the poet's youngest daughter is Natalya Alexandrovna Pushkina.

In search of world heritage

Page 58-59. World heritage

1. Using the definition of World Heritage given in the textbook, give definitions of its parts.

The World Natural Heritage is an outstanding natural landmark that must be protected.

World cultural heritage is cultural objects of different countries that are subject to mandatory protection.

2. Mark the World Heritage emblem on the far right (square in the center of the circle).

The emblem symbolizes the interdependence of the cultural and natural heritage of mankind: a square is everything created by human hands, and a circle is a natural principle. They are closely related. The round shape of the emblem is a symbol of peace and at the same time a call to protect and preserve the heritage of mankind.

3. What are these objects? Point with arrows.

On the left, everything is natural, on the right, cultural.

World Natural Heritage: volcanoes of Kamchatka; National park Serengeti; The Grand Canyon.

World cultural heritage: Wooden churches of Kizhi; Venice; Taj Mahal.

4. Using various sources information, give your examples of World Heritage sites.

World Heritage Sites in Russia:

Historical center of St. Petersburg, Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, Historical monuments of Novgorod and its environs, Cultural and historical ensemble "Solovetsky Islands", White-stone monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal, Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, Lake Baikal, Golden Altai mountains, Ubsunur depression, Curonian spit , Wrangel Island, Lena Pillars, Ancient city of Chersonesos

World Heritage Sites in other countries:

Old City in Jerusalem and its walls (Israel), Biblical Hills - Megiddo, Hatzor, Beer Sheva (Israel), Great Wall of China (China), Yakushima Island (Japan), Ruins of the ancient city of Machu Picchu (Peru), Yellowstone National Park (USA), Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park (USA)

5. If there are World Heritage sites in your area, write down their names. You can paste photos.

Photo for pasting (Moscow Kremlin)

Pages 60-63. the Moscow Kremlin

1. Consider the plan of the Moscow Kremlin. Paint the numbers of the Kremlin buildings as a military fortress in red, and in blue - the numbers of the Kremlin buildings as the center of state power, yellow - constructions of the Kremlin as a spiritual shrine of Russia.

Red: 1, 3, 5, 8, 11

Blue: 4, 6, 9, 12

Yellow: 2, 7, 10

2. Cut out images from the Appendix of the exhibits of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. Glue them into the appropriate frames.

3. Color the drawing "Moscow Kremlin"

The diagram will help you with this:

Pages 64-65. Lake Baikal

1. Using the information in the textbook, write the numbers into the text.

Miracle lake

The length of Baikal is 636 km... Its greatest depth is 1642 m... This great lake contains 1/5 part all the fresh water of the planet. More than 300 rivers, Flows out of it alone river - Angara. Lake Baikal is at least 25 million years. From among the plants and animals living in the lake 2/3 found only here and nowhere else.

2. Do you know the inhabitants of Lake Baikal? Cut out the drawings from the Appendix and paste them into the appropriate frames.

3. If you have ever been to Lake Baikal, write a story about your impressions. Or express your attitude towards him, which you developed in the lesson.

Impression about Baikal

Lake Baikal is very majestic; many legends and secrets are associated with it. The nature on Lake Baikal is very beautiful, delightful, and the water is almost crystal clear. There is a stone in Lake Baikal called a shaman stone. According to legend, the daughter of Lake Baikal - Angara wanted to run away to her betrothed - Yenisei, but the father got angry and threw a huge stone on his daughter so that she would not run away, and the shaman-stone remained for centuries in this place. Only a small top of it is visible on the water, which every day becomes smaller and smaller due to immersion under water.

Pages 66-67. Travel to Egypt

1.Using the text on p. 104-105 of the textbook supplement the sentences.

Most of Egypt is anhydrous desert. Therefore, it is so revered in Egypt Nile - one of the great rivers of the world, the source of life for the Egyptians. The most ancient people of Egypt - copts... The capital of Egypt is a city Cairo.

2. Write down what types of work the Egyptians did.

Answer: The Egyptians were engaged in the cultivation of wheat and other cereals, raised livestock, and hunted.

3. Do you know the sights of Egypt? Cut out photos from the Application and paste them into the appropriate frames.

4. Complete the sayings of the Egyptian sages:

Train your mouth to speak what is in heart yours.
Do not answer evil for evil: to the one who has done you evil, do goodso that a good deed conquer evil
The soul is strong voluntarily enduring hardships, it becomes stronger.

Pages 68-71. Travel to Greece

1. Write down the following information.

Countries with which Greece borders: Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Turkey.
Seas washing the shores of Greece (part of the Mediterranean Sea): Ionian Sea, Aegean Sea.
The largest islands in Greece: about. Crete, about. Rhodes, about. Kerkyra (Corfu Island).

2. Do you know the sights of Athens? Cut out photos from the Application and stick them in the appropriate frames.

3. Using the information in the textbook, fill in the blanks in the text.

Heart of Athens

The main attraction of Athens is a high hill with structures located on it. it Acropolis of Athens... He is on the List World cultural heritage.

The main entrance to the Acropolis is called Propylaea... The most important of the ancient structures on the famous hill - Parthenon... This is a temple built by the ancient Greeks in honor of the goddess Athens... To the left of it is a smaller temple - Erechtheion.

At the foot of the ancient hill is a new the museumopened in 2009 year.

4. Using various sources of information, pick up some interesting facts about Greece. Write them down.

Greece has as many as 7 seas: the Aegean, Ionian, Mediterranean, Myrtois, Thracian, Libyan and Cretan.

Greece is considered the birthplace of mathematics, as it was the Greeks who first started teaching it.

In Ancient Greece, myths and legends were born, opening the fabulous world of ancient monsters and gods.

Information source: Internet.

Greece has many islands, and you can only get from one to the other by boat. And the ancient Greeks preferred to travel by sea, even when it was possible to travel from one city to another by land.

According to ancient Greek myths, the gods lived on top of Mount Olympus, the highest mountain in Greece. They constantly quarreled with each other and plotted each other.

The ancient Greeks worshiped many gods. Each "god" had its own responsibilities. Some gods were kind and just, while others were treacherous and cruel. Homer, the famous poet of Ancient Greece, recorded many stories from the life of the gods.

The Olympic Games originated in Greece. They were part of the festivities held in honor of the god Zeus. Only men participated in the competition. Athletes performed completely naked.

World famous mathematician Archimedes lived in Greece around 250 BC. One day, while taking a bath, he found a solution to a problem that he had been struggling with for a long time. He immediately jumped out of the bath, shouting "Eureka!" Which means "found."

Two years before the events

The magic lamp only slightly dispersed the darkness next to the chair in which I was sitting, but it was enough to make out the determination on the face of Andrew standing a stone's throw from me.
- You won't change your opinion ... - I did not ask, I spoke firmly. Anyone, but not him! Flint!
Mother once said that men in their family are all like that. And then she sighed, as if regretting.
And you’re right! If Prince Izverev had not been so stubborn, speaking out against the war that Emperor Xander was about to declare to Ritolia, this conversation would have gone on in a completely different tone.
- I will not change! - Andrew approached, sank down in front of me on his haunches, took his palms in his: - If I were sure that you would become mine….
- I'm ready to be yours right now! - I did not let him finish, knowing full well what was to follow next.
“… My wife,” he continued, as if he hadn’t heard me. - Someday you will understand that I could not otherwise. Family honor….
I interrupted him again:
- I know what it is - the honor of the family. And I understand what you are talking about, but ... - I could not restrain myself and sobbed, imagining my future prospects.
Count Orlov or Count Ilinsky.
Both, from my father's point of view, are a very suitable game for me. The last name is not one of the last, rich, for reasons and with a good perspective for the future.
One, like his father, followed the military path, the second served in the Office of Investigation Affairs. Both are not bad-looking, both received an excellent education. Both are at an age when youthful frivolity is already in the past and it is just time to think about the family.
What are not suitors ?!
Everything was so, but ... I loved another. And this other was now saying goodbye to me. Perhaps forever!
- Evelyn, - he brought my palm to his lips, touched it gently, carefully, - you will always be my guiding star! Whatever happens, where we are not brought by fate, I will remember….
- It's not fair! - I pulled my hand away, got up abruptly, walked over to the window, leaned heavily on the wooden window sill.
There, in the square, they danced and had fun, celebrating the birth of the emperor's grandson.
The first grandson….
- Yes! - he agreed with me. - It's not fair, but ... - he did not finish, coming closer to me.
I hoped that I would cuddle at least for a moment, give me my warmth, tenderness, but ... he only put a small pendant on a thin gold chain next to my palm and resolutely left the room, only throwing it at last:
- Be happy!
How to do this, when the heart is split into tiny pieces, Prince Andrey Izverev did not tell me….


The day turned out to be hard, stifling, windless. The air was full of unshed water, but the thunderstorm that had been expected the previous evening had not broken out. At night, the sky was bright, starry, and even now, when it passed noon, it remained high and whitish-blue, transparent, like empty milk.
- You should have a rest, madam, - Alena's nurse came up to me. - Mister Count….
“Mister Count will be displeased again,” I smiled wearily at her. She looked back at the cradle.
Elena slept restlessly. She frowned, wrinkled her nose.
She didn't like this weather either.
- Go, lady, go, - mother Liza supported the wet nurse.
They were both right - Georgy was soon to return from the Headquarters, where he was called, but he did not want to leave the nursery. Next to my daughter, I felt not just happy - needed. Her tiny hands, her fingers, her eyes….
George called me crazy mommy….
Lovingly called….
“Okay,” I agreed with a sigh. - But if….
- Sweetheart, - Liza's mother put her hands on her lush hips, - what do you think, we won't manage….
Her speech was literate - she not only graduated from a cook's school, but also taught there for some time, but sometimes, when she began to rage, she suddenly remembered that she had left the simple class.
“I don’t think, my formidable mother,” I impulsively approached her, kissed her wrinkled cheek and, already decorously, as befits a noble lady, went to the door.
- And - the Countess, and gave birth to a child, and all a girl-girl. She grumbled after me. And then she shouted at the nurse: - And you - did not hear anything!
“As you command, Mom Liza,” she dutifully replied, seemingly not at all frightened.
Probably, this was happiness….
The thought took away my last strength, so, going out into the corridor and closing the door tightly behind me, I pressed myself against the cool wall, giving myself a break. The morning was hard. Alena calmed down only in my arms.
Downstairs, the clock chimed the hour…. George promised to be there by half past one, asking to wait for him for dinner….
The days flew by so quickly….
Instead of a month, my husband stayed in the capital for two, which only made me happy.
Two months when I could not worry about his life. She could not flinch from every rustle, "hearing" in them the rustle of magical mail falling on the table. I could fall asleep without fear and wake up with a light soul, knowing that going down to breakfast, I would find him standing by the window, waiting for me….
As the door to the nursery opened again, I did not hear. Either thinking, or….
“You should go to the Intercessor,” Mother Liza held my hand when I, abruptly moving away from the wall, staggered slightly. She looked with concern, but there was enough reproach in her eyes. - You've worn out yourself. I don’t know what, but I’m worn out.
“Mother Liza…” I squeezed her hand. - It's just anxiety.
- Am I not talking about this? She frowned. - He is here, next to you, and you are all exhausted, as if from trouble. Can not be so. Fate is how it looks at us…. Whoever is happy, then she is with luck and gifts. And who is like you .... She sighed, shook her head. - Magiana said that you no longer need her care, so remember how it is when the passion of the body drives all stupid thoughts out of the head.
“Mother…” I smiled softly.
- Mother! Mother! - Laughing, she repeated after me. - That's why I teach while I'm alive. Don't think about tomorrow, about today. And tomorrow ... - something flashed in her eyes, but so quickly that she couldn't see it. - And tomorrow, it will show itself, and you won't have to call.
- Intellectually, I understand ... - I obeyed, - but I can't cope with myself. When he is at home, he retreats, but it's worth not hearing his voice ... - I lowered my head, hiding from her longing and ... lies.
The one in which George was not whispering my name.
“Go to the Intercessor,” she squeezed my hand for a moment. - You already have shadows under your eyes, as if you are drying up from an illness. Do you think your husband doesn't notice?
And she was right about that too. Georgy had not asked any questions yet, but he demanded from the magians to stay in our house, although she assured me that I had completely recovered after giving birth.
“Okay, mother,” I clung to her as I never clung to my own mother, “I’ll do so. If your method does not help, then I will go to the Temple.
- Here is a clever girl! - she immediately cheered up to frown immediately. She moved her nose ... - They're that there ... - threw up her hands and immediately rushed nimbly towards the stairs.
I stood still for a minute and went to my chambers to change for dinner.
When I went downstairs, Georgy was already at home. And ... not one.
“I beg your pardon,” Count Ilinsky, interrupting the conversation in mid-sentence, slightly bowed his head. He waited for me to approach, accepted the outstretched hand, touched his wrist with his lips, only after that he continued: - I told George that you may be unhappy with such an unexpected visit, but he….
- But I insisted, - interrupting, the husband smiled. Seemingly imperceptible, but somehow eagerly looked at me - I took into account the words of Mother Liza and chose a flirty, albeit very simple outfit - saying that you will not drive out the guest. Now it's up to you to judge which of us is right.