How to cut out runways. How to make a staircase with winder steps correctly? Calculation of a staircase with winders

The staircase with run-in steps is a kind of symbiosis of a two-flight staircase and a spiral staircase. Such a staircase, provided that it is correctly calculated, can add a touch of elegance to a private home. But making an L-shaped staircase is not a simple matter that needs to be approached, armed with accurate calculations.

It is impossible to start designing a staircase with run-in steps based only on the standard dimensions and requirements for staircases in private houses, because such a staircase is calculated for each room individually.

There are two main ways to calculate the L-shaped staircase - mathematical and graphic, but each of them requires care and attention, because an error that crept into the calculations and was not detected in time can ultimately be expensive and even lead to alteration of the staircase.

Graphic calculation can be performed in two ways - using drawing paper, or you can use a graphics computer program to build drawings.

The mathematical method of calculation is even more complicated, since requires specific mathematical knowledge and correct application of formulas.

  • First of all, the middle line of the staircase should be marked - this is the line that runs along the entire staircase, along the center of the steps, and through winders, runs parallel to the narrow edge of the steps, curving or curving.
  • The radius of the turning steps should be determined by the characteristics of the room and the convenience of the location of the stairs.
  • The angle of rotation is calculated based on the projection of the stairs onto the floor plane.

When calculating the structure, it is worthwhile to arm yourself with the knowledge of the proportions that should be adhered to for the safe and comfortable use of the stairs.

To compile these proportions, the following measurements are needed:

In order for the staircase to bend along the correct line, one more rule should be observed - in one flight of stairs there should be at least 5 and no more than 9 turning steps.

There are a number of parameters that are characteristic of L-shaped stairs and which must be taken into account when designing and installing it:

Calculation of a C-shaped staircase with a 90 degree turn and an angled intermediate platform

The C-shaped staircase is a design with a continuous radius turn. Such a staircase can be installed as an alternative to a two-flight staircase, and, just like on a two-flight staircase, an intermediate platform can be installed on a C-shaped staircase.

A C-shaped staircase is sometimes called a U-shaped staircase and has the following advantages:

Certain difficulties include the following nuances:

  • When moving along the C-shaped staircase, you will have to go only along the outer radius, because a subconscious feeling is created that there is nowhere to put your foot in the narrow part of the step.
  • The complex design leaves no room for error, since any, even the slightest, miscalculation, even if not visually noticeable, can ultimately lead to discomfort when using the stairs and injuries.

When calculating the construction of a staircase, do not forget about two features that are characteristic of C-shaped stairs - when calculating a staircase, the distance between the flights should be set in a value equal to one quarter of the step width, and the distance between the opening and the staircase should be at least two meters.

In order to mark out the drawing of the stairs, you need to decide on the center point of the bend of the staircase. Then the number of steps on the turning section of the staircase is determined, as a rule, there should be at least 5, but the more there are, the more convenient it is to use the staircase.

The width of the stair step can be calculated using one more technique, for this you need to know the step length of the average person - it is approximately 65-75 centimeters and in order to calculate optimal height steps, you need to divide this figure by 4, then you get a step height equal to 16-18 centimeters, comfortable for climbing.

If you significantly underestimate the height of the steps, then when walking on such a staircase, there will always be a subconscious desire to step over a couple of steps and the staircase will take up considerable space.

And if you decide to save space and make the steps too high, then using such a ladder will cause discomfort due to the need to make significant efforts.

A C-shaped ladder can be installed with a platform, such a ladder looks more familiar, but it takes up much more space and, accordingly, requires a more impressive investment of funds for design and installation.

But despite the material costs, such a ladder will be much more convenient to use and, which is not unimportant, much safer.

The intermediate platform conventionally divides the staircase into two parts, which makes the ascent less tedious and energy-consuming. Despite the fact that formally a C-shaped staircase takes up more space than other analogs of staircase structures, as a rule, if this type of staircase is chosen, then when designing a house, a so-called staircase is laid, which does not take up living space.

Due to their design, pivoting stairs with an intermediate platform are flatter, but at the same time maintain a symmetrical graphic line that structures the space.


Metal double-flight staircase with swivel steps online

The design of a two-flight metal staircase is based on standard techniques and principles, with the help of which staircases are calculated from any material and there are no fundamental differences in this matter.

But, nevertheless, the material from which it is planned to make a staircase makes its own adjustments at the stage of designing staircase structures. First of all, this refers to the calculation of the load in the places of fastenings and connections, this factor, of course, can be influenced by the material from which the staircase will be made.

Stairs made of metal have a number of advantages over stairs made of other materials:

When designing a metal staircase Special attention it is worth paying attention to the load that will be applied to the individual elements of the staircase.

In order to calculate the maximum allowable load for a given staircase, it is necessary - the weight of the entire staircase (the number of steps and their area is taken into account) multiplied by the coefficient of minimum allowable strength, which is equal to 1.1 - as a result, we will get the average load that the staircase can withstand design.

And in order to protect yourself from dangerous surprises, in case of carrying any heavy objects or loads up the stairs, it is necessary to calculate the coefficient of the maximum permissible load that the ladder can withstand.

To do this, multiply the previous result by 1.4 - this will give a guarantee that when carrying a ladder up a ladder, say, a heavy cabinet, the ladder will not deform or collapse. But for the safe operation of the ladder, you should, nevertheless, resort to preventive measures and additionally strengthen the welding seams.

When using the graphical method of designing a metal staircase, you need to determine the scale at which the project will be created. To build a drawing of a future staircase, it is best to use drawing paper, the so-called graph paper, with which it will be easy to build a drawing, and most importantly, lay and calculate the scale of the staircase and take dimensions from the finished drawing.

When constructing a graphic image of a staircase, you need to build two images - a horizontal and a vertical section of the future staircase. The use of a graphical method for designing a staircase made of metal allows you to visually see the features of the stairs and, if necessary, correct them.

The angle of rotation, the number of winders, the dimensions of the steps, the width of the march, the length of the stairs - all these parameters are included in the drawing, and at the exit a staircase is obtained that meets all the requirements put forward.

Online services will help to calculate a metal turning ladder, which will do it many times faster than building a drawing. As a rule, on the resources providing such a service, it will not be difficult to find a program that calculates the stairs for free.

In order to use such a resource, you need to arm yourself with some digital data that the program will ask for for the correct calculation of the stairs.

First of all, this is, of course, the height of the opening in which it is planned to enter the staircase in millimeters, it is worth paying attention to the fact that all measurements must be as accurate as possible, down to a millimeter, because if suddenly the program is provided with incorrect data and calculated the staircase will not fit in size into the required room, then the program will not be to blame for this, but the owner of the future staircase, who, moreover, will have to incur material losses associated with possible alterations of the structure.

Therefore, the design of the stairs at the stage of calculations should be treated with maximum attention. The following data are entered into the program: the length of the opening, the width of the planned flight of stairs, the estimated number of steps, of which run-in, the number and desired size of the podium steps, the thickness of the steps and the size of the hinged edge of the step.

Next, you can choose the preferred characteristics for the staircase - at what level should the last, upper step of the staircase be set relative to the floor of the second floor, the format in which it is preferable to get a drawing, these are actually all the basic requirements from the program.

But when entering all the digital data, one should rely not only on the desired parameters, but also on those requirements that apply to safety stairs. Because if the constructed staircase looks spectacular, will fit perfectly into the interior, but it will not be convenient during operation or will entail a fall, due to incorrect calculation, it will still have to be redone.

Concrete two-flight staircase with swivel steps online

A concrete staircase with turning steps can take its rightful place in the design of a private house.

When designing such a staircase, the algorithm of actions is no different from the design of other types of stairs - determining the dimensions and parameters, the comfortable angle of inclination and the bending line of the staircase.

But when designing a concrete staircase, you should not discount the manufacturing technology - when installing a staircase, formwork is built with the help of which the staircase is actually formed.

The angle of inclination of the staircase allows you to calculate the consumption of concrete for pouring the stairs. So if the slope of the staircase is 45 degrees, then the consumption of concrete will be economical, but the use of such a staircase in a residential building will not be entirely comfortable, and with a convenient slope of the march in the range of 20-30 degrees, the concrete mixture will be consumed many times more. But if you weigh comfort and money investments, then you should not save on safety.

The digital values ​​of the width and height of the step, as well as the width of the staircase, are determined by standard values ​​that are convenient for use by the average person.

Run-in steps for concrete stairs must be made in accordance with standard proportions, and for this you can use the following formula: the radius of curvature of the turning part of the stairs is equal to the sum of the width of the stairs and two values ​​of the width of the step.

The average number of winders, which is recommended for turning stairs in one turn, is not less than five, and the angle that must be laid between the steps can be calculated by dividing the angle of rotation by the number of winders. So when the angle of rotation of the staircase is 90 degrees and with seven winder steps, the angle between the steps will be 13 degrees.

When assembling the formwork for the manufacture of concrete stairs, the most economical will be the use of wooden consumables. After the concrete has hardened, the wooden formwork can be easily removed. Since wood is very sensitive to moisture and is subject to deformation with prolonged contact.

If the formwork is to be used once, then the tree need not be covered with tread compounds, but if it is planned to manufacture one or more ladders, then the tree should be protected from moisture - otherwise the further manufacture of ladders using the used formwork will become impossible.

When assembling the formwork, it is more advisable to use self-tapping screws for wood, because after the concrete hardens, it will be easiest to disassemble such a structure without damaging it for further use.

To form the formwork of an irregularly rounded shape, you can use plywood sheets cut in the shape of a trapezoid and fitted to the bending line of the staircase.

Particular attention should be paid to calculating the strength of the stairs, because one square meter of hardened concrete reinforced with reinforcement 25 centimeters thick can weigh half a ton. Therefore, to strengthen a staircase made of concrete, it is recommended, in addition to strong support pillars, to connect them together to create additional stiffeners.

The weight of a finished reinforced concrete staircase in a private house to the second floor can exceed two and a half tons, therefore, for safety reasons, therefore, it is advisable to use reinforced concrete structures as support beams and correctly calculate the load of the staircase on the floor.

The calculation of the load of a concrete staircase on the floor is calculated by the formula P = (1 / 2m + 1 / 2m sina) / S, where m is the mass of the staircase, sina is the angle of inclination of the staircase, S is the area of ​​the supporting part of the staircase on the floor, in square centimeters ...

The maximum permissible load per square centimeter should be no more than a kilogram. A concrete staircase should not rest on the floor if it is insulated with materials subject to deformation, in particular, on foam insulation.

Concreting of stairs begins from the lower steps and one flight of stairs should be poured at a time, in order to avoid kinks and crumbling during further operation. In order for the cement not to be very liquid and not to leak out of the formwork of the lower step, it must be compacted with fine gravel.

Wooden two-flight staircase with swivel steps online

Thanks to progress in design and architecture, the variety of different types of stairs and their execution in different types material makes the design of the home space limited only by the designer's imagination.

But the main thing, as before, is the safety of using stairs, this is especially true in the use of stairs in private houses, where it is not rare limited space and you have to sacrifice the angle of inclination in order to fit the staircase into the available square meters.

The steepness of a ladder depends on the frequency of its use; the more often the use of the ladder is planned, the less the angle of its inclination should be.

Stairs with an angle of inclination of the staircase of 45 degrees or less are acceptable for use in residential premises, although for comfort and safety it is better to use stairs with an angle of inclination of less than 30 degrees. And stairs with an angle of inclination of more than 45 degrees are considered already attached and are not suitable for frequent use.

When calculating a wooden staircase, one should take into account the density and strength of the material, therefore, when designing a wooden staircase, it will be advisable to lay a middle bowstring, which will serve as a kind of stiffening rib for a wooden staircase.

The calculation of a rotary wooden staircase is based on standard parameters that are used to calculate stairs of any type and configuration, namely: the dimensions of the room in which the staircase is planned to be installed, the distance from the upper step to the upper border of the opening allocated for the staircase, the number of steps is determined, this value , must meet all the requirements safe use stairs and, of course, the angle of inclination of the stairs is taken into account.

In order to comply with all the safety conditions that apply to wooden rotary stairs, when calculating the stairs yourself, it makes sense to use the online staircase calculator.

A prerequisite for designing a wooden staircase with rotary steps is a prerequisite - all steps in the staircase must be of exactly the same height, you avoid injury.

If the height of the flights of stairs does not allow dividing the height of the march into equal parts to form steps, then you can use the technique of building a podium step, the height of which may differ from the other steps in the march, then it becomes possible to make all the other steps the same height.

With an abundance of materials from which a staircase can be made in a private house, a wooden staircase is the easiest to assemble and the owner will be able to do it with his own hands. The main condition for the successful construction of a ladder is a competent calculation of the parameters of the ladder.

How to build a staircase to the second floor with run-in steps with your own hands, calculation of an L-, C-shaped staircase with a turn of 90 and an angular intermediate platform, design of a metal, concrete, wooden double-flight staircase with turnable steps online, manufacturing drawings


A system is integrated into this online calculator so that you can calculate the stairs to the second floor with a turn of 90 degrees and with run-in steps without having the skills of a designer and without having special knowledge in the field of construction. This program was created by people, for people. Simplicity and ease of use, a logical interface will help you make a seemingly complex calculation in just a couple of clicks. Following the general instructions and rules, you will receive an accurate calculation of materials, as well as clear drawings that exclude any errors.

This uncomplicated program is capable of producing highly accurate automatic calculations for you, be it wooden or metal stairs... Let's try to figure out together what constitutes, first of all, the very construction of a staircase with winders. This type of staircase serves not only for convenient movement between floors, but also significantly saves space in comparison with conventional flight stairs. Due to the absence as such between the marching platform, its aesthetic appearance increases, thanks to which it fits perfectly into any modern decor. Due to the fact that the interfloor platform is made in the form of steps, you save on material when erecting this structural element.

To calculate a staircase with winders with a turn of 90 degrees, you need some initial data:

  • Standard sizes, lengths and widths;
  • The dimensions of the opening where the staircase will be located;
  • Well, and perhaps the most important thing is the geometric dimensions of the steps.

In the last paragraph, you need to know and take into account some of the features.

  • In narrow areas, the most convenient size is 100 mm.
  • In the central part of the step, the average size must be reduced to 250 mm.
  • Well, in the widest area, experts recommend using a step depth of no more than 400 mm.

In this case, it is better to take the step height according to the standard in the range of 15-20 cm. And the slope of the stringer for comfortable ascent and descent is 30-40 degrees. You should also take into account the peculiarities of the material from which you plan to make the staircase itself. It can be metal and wood, concrete and even glass. The last thing to remember when calculating a staircase is the overhang of the step over the riser, the maximum size for this type of staircase should not exceed 5 cm.

Calculation results.

If you follow the rules and recommendations and correctly enter the initial data, as a result you will get: the most accurate drawing of the L-shaped staircase to the second floor, the calculation of the staircase itself made in accordance with all the rules of GOST, as well as a safe and comfortable structure after its installation.

When choosing a staircase, its dimensions are often decisive. If there is not enough free space in the house, the best option would be a staircase with run-in steps, which takes up a minimum of space. You can choose a helical structure or a two-flight structure, in which the winders replace the intermediate horizontal platform.

Design features and varieties

The compactness of such a structure is ensured by the fact that there are no horizontal sections in it, and the entire occupied area is "useful". Winders differ from the usual trapezoidal (beveled) shape and mutual arrangement (form a turning section). They are usually located on the same support.

Ladders with winder steps can have different types of construction:

  1. Screw. In fact, these are staircases, completely consisting of turning steps.
  2. Marching. Ordinary multi-flight stairs, in which not a platform is installed between the flights, but the winders.
  3. U-shaped. Such structures consist of two parallel marches, the relative position of which resembles the letter "P". In this case, the winders are also installed as a pivoting element.
  4. Mixed. In such designs, the base is marching, and the lower part is rotary or screw. Such a straight staircase with winders is convenient and safe, and the shape of its lower part saves some amount of space.

Cross-country stairs have characteristic pros and cons, which must be carefully weighed, giving preference to this design. The following features can be noted as the most important advantages:

  • Ladders with run-in steps provide maximum space savings, since the ascent occurs over the entire area of ​​the staircase (in classical designs, the transition platform only increases the occupied space);
  • Swivel staircases with winder steps look stylish and aesthetically pleasing, their design has more rounded and smoother lines.

In addition to the advantages of stairs with winders, they also have certain disadvantages. Winder steps can be awkward for some people (especially when going downhill). Elderly people, holding on to the handrail, are forced to step on the inner narrow part of the step. There is not enough room for a foot on it, which is fraught with falls and injuries.

If the staircase is run-in, the outer part of the steps can also be uncomfortable. Holding onto the handrail on this side makes it harder to descend as you have to cross long distances. In addition, if mistakes are made during the development phase, a running staircase can become not only inconvenient, but also dangerous for children and the elderly.

Calculation of a staircase with winders

The design of such stairs requires a responsible approach, since it is more difficult to ensure the proper level of convenience and reliability than for conventional structures. When designing staircases with winders, we take special care in such moments as:

  1. Finding optimal proportions. In its central part, the winder steps should have the most comfortable width, corresponding to conventional mid-flight steps. The margin values ​​should also be reasonably comfortable.
  2. The height of the steps is also selected taking into account the convenience of all people living in the house. A wooden staircase with run-in steps should not be too steep, as this will noticeably affect the convenience of the descent, and the turning part can become not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. The staircase must have swivel steps of the same height as the usual marching steps.

The general calculation of a staircase with winder steps is also somewhat complicated due to the turning section, which must be coordinated with the rest of the structure. There are different formulas and approaches that allow you to make the calculation, but the key requirement is always the maximum compliance with the requirements of ergonomics.

The design of a staircase with winders should ensure the most comfortable movement of a person in both directions. Therefore, when calculating, we take into account the length of the stride and the height of the person. People of tall or small stature have the opportunity to order stairs made of wood with run-in steps, calculated and made individually for them.

The most important parameter is the steep angle of the stairs. If the angle is too shallow, then a staircase with winders takes up more space and takes longer to climb. If the angle is too steep, it makes it difficult to move, it is especially difficult to go down such stairs.

A revolving staircase with winder steps is designed so that the gap between flights is a quarter of the length of the flight. This is necessary so that the steps are not too narrow on the inside.

The marching sections of the stairs will be calculated in the usual way. For greater clarity, all calculations are accompanied by a graphical construction of a model of the future structure (when agreeing on a finished project, before starting work on manufacturing, the customer receives three-dimensional images for approval).

Straight staircases with winder steps are convenient in that they have a straight one-march design, but you can enter them from the most convenient side. The direction of rotation is matched to the layout of the room. Such a staircase consists of a march and a small turning section, which makes it convenient to place it along the wall.

Our offer

If you need a winding staircase, order it from the Prelestnitsa company in Moscow. Our catalog contains a wide range of models of various configurations and sizes, designed for installation in any part of the room. We use only high quality materials, thanks to which the staircases purchased from us will serve for many decades.

Here you can choose both ready-made models and order production according to an individual design. An exclusive, custom-made winding staircase will perfectly fit into the interior and will fully suit your taste. All elements are subject to careful staining, due to which they look neat and serve for a long time.

The company "Prelestnitsa" provides a full range of services related to the sale, design, design, custom production and installation of stairs. You can show us your favorite photo of a staircase with run-in steps, and we will make for you an exclusive product with the same design, but calculated according to your layout. Call us to clarify the details, or come to the nearest office.

Today staircases are a fairly relevant type of construction. It often happens that the area of ​​the room does not always allow the installation of an ordinary single-flight staircase. But there is a way out - this is a winding staircase, divided into two flights with a section of a spiral staircase between them.

This design is notable for both convenience and practicality, and it just looks stylish and modern.

Requirements for marching with a turn

The principle that any building structure in the house must meet is, first of all, safety. But the structure should also be comfortable to use. Passing stairs are one of the complex structures that must fully comply with these two principles. It is worth highlighting the main technical requirements that are characteristic of this particular type of construction.

  • The main thing in the installation of winder stairs is proportions. The steps of the stairs should be located at exactly the same distance from each other throughout the entire flight of stairs. Usually the distance between them starts from 100 mm and does not exceed 160 mm.

  • Much attention is paid to the depth of the running step. Experts recommend an approximate distance of 100 mm in narrow areas. In the central part, the depth should be approximately 200 mm, and in wide areas, the step depth should not exceed 400 mm.
  • For any staircase, it is imperative to provide high-quality fences. The running-in construction is no exception to the rule. Typically, staircase heights range from 900 mm to 1200 mm.

  • In winder structures, staircase width parameters should start from 900 mm. In principle, this parameter will depend on the design and individual characteristics of a particular staircase model. If necessary, this indicator can be increased.
  • The range of 1900–2000 mm is set for the height of the free passage for a person. This is also an individual indicator that is set depending on a person's height. Taking the growth rate, you need to add 100 mm to it. This will be the optimal parameter for the passage height.

  • The angle of inclination of the winder staircase should not exceed 45 degrees. This indicator is the maximum angle of inclination. The most comfortable and optimal angle is approximately 30 degrees.
  • On average, the number of steps on winder stairs ranges from 15 to 18 pieces.
  • The staircase must be able to withstand heavy weight, be stable and made of wear-resistant and durable materials.
  • The approximate overhang of the step on such stairs should not exceed 5 mm.

Taking into account all of the above technical requirements for a win-in staircase, the design will be safe and comfortable for its purpose. It is also worth noting the basic requirements of GOST for this type of stairs, namely:

  • the depth of the winder should not exceed 40 cm;
  • the minimum depth of the winder should be 10 cm;
  • the depth of the center of the winder should be about 20 cm;
  • the ceiling height above the stairs should not be less than two meters.

Types of structures

There are several main types of winders that are worth noting.

  • Spiral staircases... This version of the winder is one of the most compact and aesthetic.
  • L-shaped ladders are designed with a 90 degree turn. This option is also quite compact and takes up little space.

  • U-shaped stairs- these are winding structures, fully deployed by 180 degrees.
  • Curved stairs Are the types of structures that have the smoothest turn lines.

  • Stairs on a monokosour have a simple design. The structure of this structure is located on one support beam, that is, on one stringer, which is located in the middle of the steps.
  • Ladders on bowstrings slightly different from the previous version, but similar in design. In this case, the rungs of the ladder are held by two wooden bowstrings. A wooden bowstring is usually additionally fastened on the opposite side with a metal rod for greater reliability.

Each of these types of construction has its own advantage, but they are all compact and save space in the living space. And also the location of the winders can be different. They can be located at the bottom or at the top of the staircase, as well as in the middle of the flight of stairs.

Advantages and disadvantages

Winder stairs have a number of advantages and disadvantages. Their positive features include the following:

  • compactness and space saving. Quite often, residents are faced with the problem of placing an ordinary straight staircase to the second floor due to a lack of space. The staircase does not require a large amount of space and fits into almost any room due to its small size;

  • appearance. The staircases look very stylish and modern. This adds aesthetics to the entire space;
  • depending on the model of the winder much less materials may be required than for a full-fledged straight design;
  • such stairs have smooth turn, which is very convenient when moving;
  • variety of materials... Ladders of this type can be made from almost any material.

Among the minuses, the following aspects can be noted:

  • due to its compactness, several people are unlikely to be able to disperse the stairs on the model under consideration;
  • the design features of these structures are quite complex, for this reason it is difficult for them to make calculations.

Design and calculation

Considering that the winding staircase is a rather complicated structure due to its peculiarities, it is necessary to treat with special responsibility the preliminary drawing up of drawings and the accurate conclusion of all calculations so that the staircase is comfortable and safe. It is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and determine the dimensions of the structure itself. After that, the following steps are performed:

  • first you need to clearly determine the place where the structure will be located;
  • extremely accurately measure the height from the floor to the second floor, as well as the width of the staircase opening

  • Careful attention should be paid to the drawings based on measurements. Even the exact number of steps should be noted;
  • it is necessary to decide what type of construction will be used, what kind building materials will apply.

Drawings and methods for calculating winders

Today, it is not at all necessary to draw up a plan and drawings of the future structure on your own. There are several convenient ways to do this and save you time and effort. For example, you can use design programs to design various structures. These are different applications and sites on which you can clearly calculate the amount of materials and other details.

You can also use ready-made drawings of winders. There are a huge number of them on the Internet today, among which you can choose the right one. But sometimes you come across incorrectly drawn up drawings that are not recommended to use.

And also when calculating the size of the stairs, you can resort to using online calculators. This is one of the most convenient ways to create a drawing of a run-in structure. These programs allow you to make the necessary calculations and correct the set values. The programs are fully automated. They provide a rough drawing of the structure based on the set values.

Quite often, when calculating sizes, you have to use the proportion method. Most often it is used in the design of L-shaped and U-shaped stairs. In such cases, the following steps are taken:

  • the middle of the march along which the line is drawn is marked on the drawing. Then, on this straight line, segments are marked that are equal to the width of the step;
  • the border between straight and winder steps is marked;

  • it is necessary to clearly mark the middle of the turning platform of the stairs along which the segment is drawn;
  • from the line that defines the middle of the turning part, it is necessary to set aside about half the size of the winders;
  • from the estimated number of steps, the number of straight steps obtained according to the drawing should be subtracted. At the same time, the tread depth is controlled in the middle sections of the march. If this indicator is less than the recommended one, then the number of steps should be reduced.

Materials and tools

Today, staircase structures are made of almost any material. They can be wooden, metal, glass or concrete. A combination of various materials is often used. Usually, the supporting frame of the stairs is made of metal, and the steps can be wooden or glass.

Of course, wood is the classic and most popular option. Such structures are both beautiful and lightweight compared to the same metal structures.

A number of main difficulties can be noted that arise during the installation of stairs.

  • Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the material. Choosing low-quality products will make the ladder short-lived and unsafe. Therefore, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all accompanying documents and visually inspecting the material for damage and other defects.
  • Considering that a winding staircase is a rather complex structure, it is worth remembering the error. It is necessary to have some carpentry tools to fit the parts of the structure.

It is important to carry out the installation of the stairs strictly at the same level. This will affect the evenness of the entire structure and its stability.

To carry out the installation of a wooden staircase, the following tools should be prepared in advance:

  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw (preferably electric);
  • screwdriver;
  • roulette;

  • circular saw;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • iron corners;
  • hammer;
  • pencil.

Installation features

Despite the fact that it is not so easy to build a climbing staircase to the second floor, it is quite possible to do it yourself. To make a winding staircase with your own hands, you should follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • First you need to start making the stringers of the future stairs. For this, a template is made on the selected material, which has a triangular shape. In this case, school knowledge of geometry will come in handy. The legs of this triangle should be strictly equal to the depth and height of the step. Using such a template, it will be very convenient to make markings and cut out the stringer. To cut it out, you should use a circular saw.

  • It is necessary to hollow out a special groove in the post on which the kosour will be attached. The stringer must enter into this groove.
  • Attention should be paid to the turning part of the stairs. In this case, a base for turning steps is mounted on the wall.
  • It is worth fixing the stringers at the top of the stairs. Metal corners are suitable for attaching them. It is necessary to fix them so that the stringers are strictly opposite each other. Then the future staircase will be flat.

  • It is necessary to start cutting out the winders for the stairs. Specifically for the run-in part, about three or four steps are needed. To cut them out, you need a wooden panel, which is divided into the required number of parts. To do this, you need to draw lines that go from one corner of the wood panel.
  • The length of the steps is adjusted so that they are equal.
  • You can start varnishing the steps before installing them, which will be much more convenient. Usually the lacquer is applied to the steps in three layers.

  • You can proceed to the complete assembly of the entire structure. For fastening the steps, grooves are also cut in the post. They should not be made too wide, otherwise the steps will not hold.
  • You can additionally grease the run-in steps with glue and fix them with self-tapping screws. Ordinary steps are also fastened with self-tapping screws.
  • It is necessary to proceed to the installation of the railing of the structure. There are several options for attaching them. You can simply screw them onto the steps with self-tapping screws.

And you can also use dowels, which are used more often and increase the reliability of the fastening. For this, a hole is made in the steps and filled with glue. A dowel should be inserted into the hole.

  • After installing the posts for the railings, they must be cut as accurately as possible. To do this, a cord is fixed on the first and last pillar, which is stretched along all the pillars. The level at which the posts are cut is marked along the stretched cord.
  • After trimming, a handrail is attached to the posts, which can be fixed with self-tapping screws.

If an L-shaped staircase is installed in the room, then a situation is possible when, in order to reduce the size of the staircase and save space, you have to abandon the site and make run-in steps instead.

A staircase with swivel steps is more compact than a staircase design. At the same time, winders have a number of disadvantages, the most important of which are radial steps of irregular shape and the resulting features.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly design a staircase with winders so that it is convenient and safe to use it.

Safety requirements for stairs

To smooth out design flaws, corner stairs must be correctly designed by calculating the winder steps, taking into account the following requirements:

  • the depth of the steps in the widest part should not exceed 40 cm, and in the narrow one - be at least 10 cm;
  • in the middle, all winder steps must be of the same depth, but not less than 20 cm;
  • step height can vary from 12 to 22 cm;
  • the edge of the tread should not protrude more than 4 cm;
  • when designing L-shaped stairs, follow the following formulas (where e is the depth of the step, j is the height of the riser):
    1. convenience formula: e - j = 12 cm;
    2. safety formula: e + j = 46 cm.
    3. step formula: 2 j + e = 62 (60-64) cm;
  • if a staircase is being built with a turn of 180 degrees, then the distance between the flights must be at least ¼ of the step width, otherwise the depth of the turning step in the narrow part will turn out to be too small (less than 10 cm), which is unacceptable;
  • the distance from the flight of stairs to the ceiling must be at least 200 cm;

Calculation of a staircase with winders

After the main dimensions of the curved staircase are determined based on the video, you need to calculate the configuration and the number of winder steps.

U-shaped staircase

First of all, it is necessary to designate the center of the arc that coincides with the inner radius of the staircase, that is, point "A". Then determine the number of turning steps: the more there are, the less the angle of rotation falls on each and the more comfortable it will be to move up the stairs.

Suppose that there will be steps up to and including the seventh. Then the straight DE is drawn through the beginning of the eighth stage. The AB line divides the staircase into left and right parts. In the middle of the march, you need to draw a curve ace corresponding to the line of motion. From AB on the line of motion, an area equal to ½ is laid b, where b- the width of a conventional step. We get point 1. Further from it we set aside a segment equal to b and mark point 2. Similarly, at equal intervals mark the remaining points 3-7.

Then, through point 1 and A, draw a straight line until it intersects with DE. We also draw a straight line through points 2 and A. On the section DE we get points 1 and 2. We put aside on the line DE the segments equal to section 1-2, and mark them with numbers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, respectively. Now connect point 3 on the line of motion ace with point 3 on the line DE, then we connect the corresponding points 4, 5, 6, 7. Thus, the configuration of the steps is determined. A similar calculation is done for the right side of a staircase with turning steps.

As in the case of the U-shaped staircase, there is a point "A" and a straight line AC is drawn. There are two options for the location of the steps:

  1. straight AC divides the corner step in half;
  2. two steps with their edges adjoin a straight speaker.

In the second case, similarly to the U-shaped staircase, a line of movement is drawn ace... On a curved section, segments with a length of b(straight step width). The number of winders is determined. Suppose these are steps 1, 2, 3 and 4. Then, through the end of step 4, a straight line EB is drawn, where "B" is the intersection of straight lines EB and CA. Further, from point "A", segment AD is arbitrarily laid down, and points 2, 3 and 4 are marked on it so that segment A2 is equal to two parts, segment 23 is three, 34 is four. An arbitrary segment equal to 1 conventional unit (cm, dm) is taken as one part.

Now we connect points 4 and B. From points 2 and 3 to the intersection with AB we draw straight lines parallel to segment B4. The points obtained on the AB section are connected, respectively, with points 3 and 2 on the line of movement ac. These lines define the configuration of the winders.

In the case when the straight AC divides the step in half, the calculation of the winder ladder is carried out in the same way.

Ladder with a turn of 90 degrees - how to do it yourself

We will show how to make a winding staircase using an example of a structure with the following parameters:

  • the length of the staircase is 2294 mm;
  • width - 930 mm;
  • ceiling height - 2683 mm.

The corner staircase consists of two flights. There are 8 steps in the long march, the upper one coinciding with the second floor landing. There are 2 steps in the lower flight. And three steps are run-in, the angle of rotation of which is 30 °. The project of a wooden staircase will look like this:

A wooden staircase with a turn is carried out on two kosoura with dimensions of 50x300x3000 mm, one of which is fixed to the wall, and the other - to a support post with dimensions of 100x100x2500 mm. It is also necessary to purchase steps measuring 900x300x40 mm, a turntable 900x900x40 mm, from which the run-in steps will be cut, and balusters.

A wooden staircase with winder steps, having this shape and parameters, is made in several stages.

Production of stringers

First, you should prepare a template, which is a right-angled triangle, the legs of which are equal to the depth of the tread and the height of the riser. For convenience, the triangle should be fixed to the guide rail, as in the photo. Using this template, we mark out the kosour and cut out the excess with a circular saw. It must be remembered that in the thinnest part, the width of the stringer should not be less than 15 cm.

In the corner we build an impromptu support structure, which will expand the wall stringer and serve as the basis for the winder steps.

We fix the upper ends of the stringers with metal corners.

After the supporting elements are fixed, you should get the following:

When installing kosour, it is important to keep track of the level so that subsequently the steps lie strictly horizontally. The most common mistake inexperienced craftsmen make is that parallelism to the floor is taken as horizontal. But the floor can be uneven, so it is only necessary to determine this parameter using a level.

How to make winder steps

The run-in steps are cut from a rectangular board 900x900x40 mm. For a staircase with a 90 degree turn, three steps will suffice. To make them, divide the board into three parts with lines extending from one corner. We adjust the cut steps in length.

Having decided what kind of varnish to cover the stairs, apply at least 3 layers on the steps.

Installation of a staircase with run-in steps

To fix the run-in steps, grooves are cut in the post, the height of which is slightly less than the thickness of the board. This will ensure reliable fixation of the steps on the inside of the staircase. And from the outside, we are finalizing the support structure so that steps can be put on it.

From the outside of the staircase, the rotary steps are screwed to the support frame using self-tapping screws. The inner ends of the steps are inserted into the cuts and, to strengthen the structure, are glued with PVA glue mixed with sawdust.

Cut the end of the bowstring at a right angle to the floor so that the entrance post can be installed.

Handrail installation

Now you need to install the balusters. Sometimes they are fastened from below through the steps using self-tapping screws, but this method is unreliable. It is better to use dowels - wooden rods of a cylindrical shape.

To do this, a hole is drilled in the steps, the diameter of which is slightly smaller than the cross-section of the dowel, and filled with glue. A similar hole is made in the balusters, and it is very important that it is exactly in the center. If the baluster is rectangular, then the center is defined as the intersection of the diagonals of the rectangle. Try to drill the holes as accurately as possible so that they turn out to be strictly vertical, because the position of the balusters will depend on this.

A rope is pulled between the first and last pillar, along which the angle of inclination of the railing is marked on all balusters. Further, according to the applied marks, the tops of the racks are cut off. Thus, we prepare the balusters for the installation of the handrail.

The handrail can be fixed using simple self-tapping screws (flush in), and the attachment points can be hidden with putty.

The single-flight staircase with run-in steps is ready. Here's what we got.

With this manufacturing method, the load on the lower pivot stage will act along the grain of the wood, which is undesirable since it weakens the structure. In this case, you will need to additionally strengthen the step with a support, which we did.