Do-it-yourself metal staircase to the second floor. How to make a metal staircase to the second floor: DIY manufacturing and installation. What are metal stairs

The metal staircase has been and will remain one of the best design options for climbing to the second floor. Happy owners of country houses and two-level apartments often prefer to equip their homes with metal stairs. And they never remain dissatisfied with the choice made.

Metal ladder on the second floor provides users with a lot of bonuses in comparison with structures made of other materials.

  • Metal stairs to the second floor are leading in strength and reliability. Perhaps they are inferior in this regard to concrete structures, but the latter, due to their low aesthetic characteristics and significant weight, are mainly used in multi-storey construction.
  • Stairs on a metal frame provide the broadest design prospects. A metal staircase can be integrated into any style of interior - and in each it will look appropriate.
  • Metal is in harmony with many materials, which allows you to combine them, creating exclusive compositions.
  • Due to the fact that the metal frame can withstand heavy loads, a staircase based on it can be equipped with massive railings, wide and elegant steps, and other decorative elements.
  • A metal staircase requires less space than a wooden one. At the same time, it does not clutter up the room, creating the impression of transparency and airiness.
  • Unlike a wooden structure, a metal staircase leading to the second floor will never dry out, will not begin to creak and will not lose reliability.
  • Metal staircases, with appropriate processing, resist aggressive external influences. Therefore, a metal structure on the second floor can be taken outside the house and equipped with an entrance from the street. Often this solution is optimal, saving usable space in the room.

It is not surprising that the popularity of metal stairs to the second floor remains high at all times.

Varieties of metal stairs

Metal structures that provide an interfloor rise are of several types in terms of their structure.

  • On . This term means a crank-type frame that is mounted from the first floor to the second level. This version of a metal staircase is equipped with both one located in the center of the structure, and two - they are laid closer to the edges of the steps. The advantages of a staircase do not include the rapid manufacture of the frame, the ease of installation (with certain skills, you can do it yourself) and the possibility of developing an individual project that takes into account the peculiarities of the layout of your house.
  • On . This is the name of the supports on the sides of the steps. A very reliable and sturdy ladder, but requires a little more space.
  • On (consoles). The metal cantilever ladder from the side gives the impression of steps that float in the air - if you do not mount the riser. The most economical option, since it takes up a minimum of space. At the same time, it is impossible to call an unreliable structure: at the design stage, the calculation is carried out in such a way that each of the steps would hold a load of 150 kg at the point farthest from the wall. If the staircase is conceived without risers, glass railings are usually placed on it. The disadvantages of this type of stairs: difficulties in both calculations and construction. It is unlikely that it will be possible to mount such a structure with your own hands; it is better to entrust the production to professionals.

  • Screw version. The structure is mounted in such a way that the steps are wound in a spiral around the bearing support. The strength and reliability of the staircase is at a height, in the interior it looks especially elegant and graceful, however, it is less convenient to operate than the types of construction with straight steps.

Often, developers opt for combined-type structures in which both and and consoles are used. This option is especially successful if the staircase is located right next to the wall: it holds the outer part of the step, adjacent to the surface - a channel or corner driven into it.

In addition to design features, metal stairs are classified according to other criteria. So, they are subdivided into one-march and two-span structures. There are also straight and swivel options. Among the latter are:

  • L-shaped;
  • U-shaped;
  • in the form of a trapezoid;
  • rounded.

Structures in several marches can be supplemented with platforms. Their main purpose is to reduce the steep angle of the stairs.

For a person who first decided to make a sprout up on a metal frame with their own hands, we would advise you to stop at a one-march straight staircase. More complex options require specific knowledge and rather difficult work to perform.


The basic design rules apply to all stairs, regardless of what materials were used to make them.

  • The span width is at least 90 cm. Even a large person should be comfortable walking up the stairs. In addition, a smaller width will prevent the possible lifting of bulky items.
  • The angle of inclination of the march is also regulated. A slope of 35-45 degrees is considered optimal. A flatter design will take up an unacceptably large space. Steep stairs (50 degrees or more) are extremely inconvenient to move. You will have to go down it like a stepladder, backwards.
  • The recommended height of the riser is 16-18 cm. A higher one will require excessive efforts for lifting, a staircase with lower steps will again take away an irrationally large area of \u200b\u200bthe room.
  • The width of the step is at least 27 cm. It should fully accommodate the foot of an adult man.
  • The distance between the fence balusters is 15 cm; if there are children in the house, it should be reduced to 12 cm.

As for the loads, it is not necessary to think about them: a ladder on a metal frame with your own hands is usually constructed from a profile pipe or corner. And these materials have a sufficient margin of safety, so that the structure in operation will be absolutely safe.

Necessary calculations

Taking into account all the requirements for staircase structures, you can calculate the parameters that correspond to the size and layout of your home.

  • Measurement of the vertical distance between floors. Conducted from the final floor of the first to the final coating of the second level.
  • Measuring the distance between the beginning and the end of the stairs horizontally.
  • Application of the leg theorem. Recall: the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. Hypotenuse - marching flight. Its length is calculated using a calculator.
  • Selection of the number of steps taking into account the depth and height of an individual element. For a span of 472 cm, they will turn out to be about 14. For selection, you may have to go through 2-3 options, but this process does not take much time, and for designing a staircase it is extremely important.

After the development of the structure, according to the results obtained, you can estimate how much and what materials will be needed for its construction.

What is needed

The list of materials and tools required for the manufacture of a metal staircase will include:

  • channel, 2 pcs., with a minimum size of 8x10 cm. Or a square pipe (for);
  • metal corner in the estimated amount (for filly, that is, step frames);
  • sheet steel (for kerchiefs);
  • material for covering steps. They can be corrugated steel, wood, corrugated board - which is more combined with the interior design;
  • a welding machine complete, which should include personal protective equipment;
  • grinder, supplemented with spare discs;
  • drill with a set of drills;
  • grinding wheel;
  • clamps.

In addition, you will need a tape measure with a square, a marking pencil, a degreaser, a primer and decorative elements for the final design in accordance with the design plan.

Ladder manufacturing instructions

The process itself can be divided into several stages.

  • Installation. The load-bearing beams must be firmly fixed, for which the channels are ideally adjusted to the surfaces of the lower and second floors. If you are using welding, take care of the fit and maximum strength of the weld. If you prefer a bolted connection, check that there is no distortion.

  • Making steps. The easiest option is to weld the frame from the corner. How you target it depends on your design intent. If you are going to make steps from wood or sheet metal, the corner is mounted with the shelves down. If you plan to pour concrete or lay ceramics, the shelves are up. Frames are procured according to the number of steps and welded to the pre-made markings. To strengthen the steps, kerchiefs or additional supports are placed.
  • The steps can be built in a more complex way, by making fillies, that is, supports under the steps in the form of the letter G. You need 2 fillies for each element; parts are welded to, connected with crossbars and supplemented with gussets. This method involves more difficult marking and an increase in the number of welds.
  • When the structure is assembled, all elements are cleaned with a grinding wheel in the places where welding was carried out. Burrs are removed, seams are leveled. The finished frame is primed and, in most cases, painted.
  • At the last stage, step platforms are mounted on the stairs, railings are installed and decorative elements are hung, if they are provided for by the sketch.

Please note: if a staircase is being built at the stage of building a house, then its decor is postponed until the stage of general finishing work.

And one more subtlety: if you are not sure that you will be able to correctly do all the necessary calculations, entrust them to specialists. Designing without erecting a structure will cost you much less than mistakes in the drawing: you have to redo too much, waste extra materials, effort and time. And worst of all, incorrect calculations can make the operation of the ladder unsafe.

You can see how the installation of a metal staircase is carried out here:

A country house with two or three floors is already a familiar phenomenon. It is convenient, and even having a modest piece of land available, you can equip housing with a large area. A staircase is a necessary element of such real estate. The metal staircase to the second floor is not a bulky structure: it is not massive and does not create overload for the room.

A metal staircase is a versatile element. With the help of it, they equip front, black and emergency entrances, ascents to floors. It is quite difficult to make a staircase out of metal on your own - you need appropriate professional skills.

The simplest ladder will require purchasing:

  • Sheet metal. With its help, steps will be made.
  • Metal channel. He will help carry out the carriers.
  • Iron corners.
  • Large pipes.

When choosing metal as a material, it should be remembered that iron structures are reliable and will last a long time. They are able to withstand the aggressive effects of external factors, are not afraid of fire.

An outdoor staircase is an important element of the entire space. Each part must be in harmony with the style of each floor.

When choosing wood, you should think about the condition of your wallet. A cheap coniferous board will be moisture resistant and capable of bending, but the looseness of its structure will be a significant disadvantage. With enough money, it is worth choosing a hardwood tree.

Welded staircase to the second floor

According to the manufacturing method, a welded and forged staircase system can be distinguished. Previously, a welded staircase was placed outside the house, but now, thanks to technology, it is possible to place them comfortably and conveniently indoors.

For the steps of welded stairs, wood, natural stone and other various materials with a beautiful texture are used.

A staircase with a welded frame can be made with the expectation of sheathing with risers, there is also an option for a transparent staircase with a lighter structure.

Welded ladders have their own advantages:

  • The construction is durable and fire resistant;
  • The durability of welded stairs is higher than that of those made of wood;
  • The frame is not afraid of mechanical damage, so it is allowed to install it at the beginning of finishing work;
  • A metal staircase with a forged or welded railing looks almost airy.

Strong metal frame, stable steps, original design are far from full list advantages of metal stairs. In the next article you will find step by step instructions for its manufacture:.

When choosing a welded staircase for ordering, you need to make sure that a reliable welder is involved in the production, who will carry out the process from welding to final finishing.

Prefabricated stairs to the second floor: iron and wooden

The modular staircase does not take up much space, while the owners have the opportunity to go down and up at any time. The prefabricated staircase is easy to install, so you can adjust the number of modules and fit the structure into any room.

Prefabricated stairs have a number of advantages:

  • They can combine various types of materials;
  • They are characterized by versatility, you can change the dimensions;
  • They have an extensive range of components.

If the ladder is located separately from the wall in the absence of additional support points, you should opt for the ladder on the bolts. This is the most modern version of the modular design.

A patent for the manufacture of a prefabricated staircase with a metal frame was obtained in the 70s of the 20th century in Greece. Further, the stairs began to be produced in Italy, Poland and other countries, then they reached our country.

The prefabricated structure has the ability to adjust the height of the steps at your own request.

Assembling a metal staircase to the second floor (video)

If a competent master was chosen, the project was carefully thought out, and the production was carried out with high quality and according to all the rules, the interfloor stairs will last a long time and will delight their owners for more than a dozen years. A staircase is, first of all, convenience and an element of beauty in the house, raising to a new level of coziness, and not a massive and bulky structure that is frightening in its appearance.

Detail: metal stairs to the second floor (photo examples)

A metal staircase to the second floor with your own hands is a great way to save money on the construction of such an element. As a rule, stairs are made to order, but you can spend much less on such a project if you implement it yourself. In addition, metal, unlike, for example, wood, allows you not to limit yourself in the design imagination in terms of the shape of the stairs. So, let's move on to the building instructions and highlight the important points.

A metal staircase to the second floor must comply with building codes and regulations that are established for certain types of buildings. You can look at the standards for your case in the relevant SNiP documents, and we will simply give you general requirements at such rates.

Plan the width of the stairs at least 1 meter, and set the angle of the staircase from 30 to 45 degrees - this is the best option for walking. The height of the steps should be approximately 160 cm and the distance between the fence posts should be 150 mm. The side load on the ladder must be maintained in an indicator of at least 100 kg.

We give general requirements, but in your case they may be different, especially since much depends on the size and shape of the structure. Now let's move on to the direct work.

With your own hands, it is quite easy to make a staircase on kosoura, bolts or spiral. It should be noted that the third option is considered the most difficult to implement, since it requires high-precision calculations. The ladder on the bolts is attached directly to the wall and may not be suitable for some types of houses, especially since it requires serious work with the wall. We will focus on the first option - a staircase on kosoura, which is considered a fairly universal type of construction and is suitable for any type of building. In the photo you can see one example of such stairs.

Also, the types of stairs can be divided according to the shape of the structure. If you do not have significant experience in such work, we advise you to stay on a straight one-march - this is the simplest option.

After choosing the type of stairs, be sure to make a drawing. It will be very convenient to use special computer programs (there are a lot of them), where, according to the specified parameters, you will see all the required dimensions of the parts.

Of the material, we need two kosour, which are steel beams of a given length, filly - nodes for fastening steps, the steps themselves and the material for the railing. Having developed the project, you yourself will see the required quantity building material - we cannot give universal advice, since each option is individual. The thickness and type of material should also be selected for each individual case.

Do-it-yourself iron staircase to the second floor, a photo of the manufacture and installation of which we will present in step by step, is made by a welded method, so prepare the appropriate equipment and invite a welder if you do not know how to cook the metal yourself.

So let's get started. First of all, we will deal with the manufacture of fillies for fastening steps. To do this, we need steel corners, which must be cut in accordance with the number of steps on your staircase - two fillets for each step. If you do not find so many corners, you can weld them yourself, but please note that the details must be strictly the same in order to avoid distortions in the future. As a result, you should have a set of L-shaped corners, the long side of which will be the support for the steps, and the short side will be welded vertically to the stringer. Additionally, it is necessary to make a set of crossbeams from corners of appropriate sizes.

Now we markup on one of our kosour and weld filly to them as shown in the figure. Pay attention to the accuracy of the marking and strictly maintained welding angles, so as not to get distortions at the steps. Having made the markings and maintaining the welding angles, we transfer the work to the second stringer and work in a similar way. Be sure to use a building level to check the result.

This stage of work can be carried out both on the already mounted stringers, and without their installation. Do what is most convenient for you. If you are making a small staircase for the interior of the house, then assemble it before installation, and if you need a rather impressive option for installation outside, it is best to mount the stringers right away to avoid further difficulties in the work.

Do-it-yourself metal stairs in the house to the second floor, the installation photo of which we show, should preferably be fixed to steel I-beams - we use these as stringers. The beams are mounted into the wall using powerful fasteners, while it is advisable to use special spacers if possible.

We advise you to make a special platform at the bottom of the stairs. If this is provided for by your project, then it can be made from welded corners that we used to make filly. Legs are welded to the site, which are securely mounted in the concrete floor.

Now we install the stringers. Having made the necessary measurements, we cut off the edge of the beam with a grinder at a given angle. Each stringer must clearly be superimposed by the cut angles on the vertical of the installed support beam. We carry out welding works.

It is better to weld the steps at this stage, because if you do it right away, the structure will be very heavy and it will be inconvenient to attach it to the racks. First of all, we weld transverse steel slats to the filly, which will hold the step. By the way, in some versions of the staircase design, this stage can be skipped and the steel step can be welded directly to the filly.

If you want to install wooden steps on an iron staircase, then immediately provide for screw connection holes in the design. Wood steps must be installed at the very last stage of the work so that the wood does not get damaged during installation.

Pay close attention to the accuracy of welding and compliance with the level. At the moment, your whole structure should be perfectly rigid, so check the horizontal steps with special care.

If the staircase is installed close to the wall, and this is done in the overwhelming majority of cases, pay attention to the distance of the steps from the wall. Consider the fact that you will be doing wall decoration such as wallpapering. When doing this, try to leave a minimum gap.

Fasten the racks (balusters) for the fence with a pitch of 120 - 150 mm. In most cases, tubes are used for this. The upper ends of the tubes are cut at a certain angle so that the railings lie exactly and evenly on the supports. It is recommended to supplement the fence with additional fasteners made of thin tubes, which are welded to the drains parallel to the railing.

If you wish, you can weld a special decor to the fence in the form of ornate steel rods. Of course, such options must be ordered separately, since it is very difficult to make them yourself.

Pay attention to the strength of the fence. The structure should not wobble and under no circumstances should it have sharp, protruding corners. It is better to make more balusters that support the strength of the fence than to face loosening of its individual elements in the future.

You don't have to put a railing under the wall - this does not affect safety, especially since you will be very constrained in space. Although, some models of stairs may require such handrails, so you should focus on each individual case.

Finishing work

Initial finishing work consists in carefully sanding the surface of the stairs. Carefully process all welds and remove the slightest burrs and nicks. After that, we apply a special primer to the metal surface and after waiting for it to dry, we can proceed to painting.

As an additional finish, you can use a variety of decor options. Wooden inserts will look very good. If necessary, this version of the staircase can be repainted at any time or the design of the decor can be changed, which favorably distinguishes metal structures from, for example, completely wooden ones.

Ladder maintenance

This design requires little maintenance. Just check it regularly for damage or paint chips to prevent rust. If you used a reliable frame and installed it correctly, the ladder will serve you for a very long time without the need for major repairs.

If the staircase is installed on the street where you have a rise to the second floor of the house, then you need to be more careful. Regularly inspect the structure for changes in geometry, as sudden temperature changes can adversely affect the metal base. Do not forget about the paint - you need to make sure that even the slightest damage to the coating does not occur.

Now you know how to assemble and install a metal ladder with your own hands. We hope that the material was useful to you and you can easily realize your ideas for decorating the interior of the house.

The stairs to the second floor of a private house can be special problems do it and install it yourself. Most often it is made of metal. This design is characterized by maximum safety and ease of use.

The unique technological characteristics of metal products make it possible to produce ladder structures of almost any configuration with various sizes. Moreover, iron stairs to the second floor in the house, regardless of their shape, will be quite lightweight and easy to manufacture. You can easily make them yourself if you have at least minimal experience in performing construction activities, know how to use a welding machine, etc.

Structurally, metal staircases are identical to concrete or wood spans. When erecting such stairs, the same calculation and design standards are applied. You just need to correctly draw up a drawing, taking into account a number of requirements put forward for structures that are assembled by hand in a private house.

Staircase made of metal

Firstly, a metal staircase should have a width of 90 cm. Secondly, the height of its steps is selected within 15-18 cm. The depth of the steps is about 35 cm (slightly less). An important requirement! The slope of the structure leading to the second floor must be unchanged along the entire flight of stairs (the angle of inclination is taken at the level of 30–35 °). All drawings of iron stairs that can be found on the Internet meet the described requirements. If you are building the project yourself, you should also stick to them.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the distance between the vertical enclosing racks of the staircase is taken no more than 15 cm. This distance is reduced to 12 cm when small children live in the house. The last mandatory requirement for stairs to the second floor is that they must withstand a load (side) of 100 or more kilograms without any problems.

The easiest way to make stairs from metal of the following types is with your own hands:

  1. On one stringer. Such designs involve the installation of a channel or I-beam and the subsequent fastening of stair steps to it.
  2. On several kosoura. In this case, special support beams are mounted, which serve as a frame for the structure.
  3. On the bolts. Bolts are understood to be a special type of bolt. They are used to fix stair steps to wall surfaces.
  4. Screw. The supporting element during the installation of these structures is a central powerful support (pillar).
  5. On bowstrings. Such a metal ladder is mounted between the support beams. The latter are called bowstrings.

As mentioned, the drawings of the type of stairs you need are easy to find on the Internet. If you want to get a durable, simple and very convenient product, we advise you to choose projects with single-flight straight stairs. If you have a wealth of construction experience, you can try to make more complex structures with your own hands - with spans and several turns.

Single-flight straight staircase project

We will describe how to make a straight staircase with one flight. Design it like this:

  1. We measure the distance between the "clean" floor of the second and first floors (we get the height of the march).
  2. We determine the distance between the beginning and the end of the projected staircase - measurements are taken at the floor level ("clean") on the first floor (we get the length of the march).
  3. The obtained values \u200b\u200b(let's say they are equal to 250 and 400 cm, respectively) allow us to calculate the length of the stairs. We find it by the theorem on legs and the hypotenuse of a right triangle. In our case, the legs have values \u200b\u200bof 250 and 400 cm. We add them, extract the root from the resulting amount and get an indicator of 472 cm. This is the length of the structure that we want to make with our own hands.
  4. Now we calculate the number of steps, keeping in mind the recommended height. For a construction with a length of 4.7 m, they will turn out to be 14-15. The depth of the steps is 28.6 cm (we divided 400 cm by 14), which meets the requirements. The size of the steps will need to be further increased by 3-4 cm. These centimeters will be spent on the organization of the "overhang" - a small section of the upper step, which will hang over the lower one.

Simple calculations gave us the opportunity to get the key geometric parameters of the stairs to the second floor. Now you can do it yourself without worrying that the design will turn out to be incorrect and not meeting operational safety standards.

We will make the kosoura from a square shaped pipe, the supports for the steps - from metal corners, and the risers and the steps themselves - from steel in sheets with a thickness of 4 mm (later it is desirable to sheathe them with natural wood). The entire process of erecting a structure is carried out in several sequential stages:

  1. We cut iron blanks according to the required parameters.
  2. We make knots for fixing the steps (they are called filly).
  3. We weld the corners.
  4. Install stringers.
  5. We attach the steps to the frame, and then the fence.
  6. We bring the structure to its normal form - we grind, prime, paint.

Erection of a structure on a metal frame

At the first stage of work, it is important to correctly make filly. They are made with their own hands very carefully, of the same size, without distortions and inaccuracies from metal corners. The scheme of work is simple: cut out samples from the corner; dock elements with each other; you get welded L-shaped elements, in which the shelves must "look" inward and downward. For a staircase with 14 steps, you need to make 14 pairs of fillies.

Between them should be installed brackets to which the steps will be fixed, as well as a crossbar (transverse). The latter is also made from a steel corner. If necessary, you can additionally “strengthen” the structure by mounting small “kerchiefs” towards the kosoura from the bottom of the steps. After that, we mark the square pipe (along its edge) and fasten (use welding) to the filly's stringer. Then we attach the second stringer to the first one and "copy" the markup. Due to this, all the elements of the stairs to the second floor, which you decide to make, will have a truly clear geometry.

We just have to weld the second kosour with filly and be sure to check the resulting structure by level. The next step is to attach the stringers to the support platform and to the support post (the latter is fastened with metal anchors to the floor slab). To increase the rigidity of the stairs, you can install brackets on the wall with your own hands and weld one of the stringers to them (of course, if the structure is mounted near the wall, and not in the middle of the room). Now you need to weld the steps to the filly.

If you plan to veneer the stairs with wood, it is allowed to fix the steps with construction of suitable dimensions.

It is also allowed to mount wooden steps with screws directly on the filly. Please note - the last step from above must be installed at a minimum distance from the wall. We weld the fence to the side of the staircase leading to the second floor. This work must be done so that the width of the staircase remains unchanged. Note - if the width of the structure is more than 120 cm, it is better to provide an additional stringer. It is installed in the middle of the stairs.

The final of the do-it-yourself construction of the staircase to the second floor - grinding all burrs and seams, treating the surface of steel elements with a primer and painting them. Sheathing the stairs to the second floor with wood or other options for decorating it is advisable to carry out during finishing finishing activities.

Among the wide variety of flights of stairs, it is metal stairs for a country house or a summer residence that give the interior individuality, a kind of brutal atmosphere in a loft style. Components for stairs to the second floor of the house are chosen depending on the place of operation, the strength of the interfloor floors, the expected load and the manufacturer's warranty. What kind of metal should be used to build a staircase to the second floor of a summer house or cottage?

Stainless steel: shiny chrome handrails

Stainless steel is the material that will not fail in many respects:

  • wear-resistant;
  • immune to shoe marks;
  • not afraid of temperature changes, sun exposure, high humidity;
  • does not react to the effects of chemicals;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • does not need special care;
  • adequate price.

Why are metal stairs popular?

The choice of stairs made of stainless steel for the second floor of a house or summer cottage is due to the following properties:

  1. High product strength. This design is able to withstand a lot of weight, does not lend itself to deformation processes. Components made of such material are not afraid of scratches, do not corrode, even being in the open air.
  2. Aesthetics and versatility. The beautiful shiny mirror surface of stainless steel stairs goes well with high-tech interior and materials such as glass, concrete, natural stone.
  3. The stainless steel structure will decorate the facades of modern buildings, both residential premises and shops and offices.
  4. Manufacturing of products of any size, individual design, reasonable price.
  5. Light weight of the finished product, which is especially important when planning its installation on the ceiling of the second floor of a summer house or house.

These qualities are inherent in stainless steel structures due to the composition of the material itself: the alloy contains more than 13 percent chromium. If the amount of chromium exceeds 17 percent, products made of corrosion-resistant material are not afraid of outdoor conditions.
By installing inside or outside its stainless steel structure, you can get rid of problems with the care of the product for many years, since the manufacturer gives a guarantee of up to 40 years.

Options for metal stairs leading to the second floor

Manufacturing of metal stairs is possible in different design solutions: screw, cantilever, boltsev, march, modular.
When choosing a type of construction, you need to consider some points:

  • the marching structure requires a lot of space, but it is safe and rather flat;
  • lifting and lowering along a screw structure is difficult, especially for the elderly;
  • the boltsevo staircase to the second floor is beautiful and convenient, economical in space;
  • the console version is very extravagant and creative, but requires a particularly careful approach to fasteners and is unacceptable in a house or in a country house with small children, elderly people, since there is no way to install a fence;
  • the modular design is easy to install, since it is made of separate parts, assembled according to the type of constructor, its price is quite acceptable.

Components for metal products can be traditionally made of metal, but in recent times glass, wood, plastic are often used. The latter options are acceptable for indoor use, but cannot be used outdoors. In this case, stainless steel is the only possible solution that can withstand changing weather conditions, temperature drops, the price corresponds to the quality.

Ladder manufacturers offer options that include forged elements, protective inserts, vertical components, lighting. Most often there are stairs to the second floor with metal fences, but wooden steps, such components are much more durable, more reliable than glass and plastic, although the price of metal and valuable rocks is higher. Components, especially railings, are represented by a huge selection of design solutions and can be an adornment for any interior.

Combined construction - metal center stringer and plastic treads

Preparation and installation of metal stairs

First, decide on the place of installation of the product leading to the second floor of your summer house. Make a choice regarding the type of staircase, its size, the number of steps, their width, height, what will be the angle of inclination, the design of the staircase. The idea of \u200b\u200b\\ u200b \\ u200b installing a staircase should be incorporated into the project for the construction of a building or its reconstruction, since specialists should provide a place for fastening the supports, leave the necessary space, the necessary openings for the future installation of the stairs. Decide on the design of the fence and, most importantly, the material that will be used for it.

A stainless steel metal railing is a way to decorate the interior of a high-tech, loft or industrial style room and provide a reliable system for the safe operation of the stairs. Forged railings will add charm and antiquity to the structure. The glass curtain of the fence will add space and airiness. Well, the tree will bring coziness and warmth into the atmosphere of the house. Based on the size of the structure, consider the fastening system: for large ladders, it will be wiser to mount both at the bottom and at the top, since a structure that is not near the wall needs at least two support points.

Accessories for metal stairs

The metal construction plus the same fencing is the most naturally perceived option, a single whole. Metal handrails are mounted in two ways: assembly and welding. The welding method provides reliability, strength, stability of the installed structure, these qualities will remain for many years.
The price of fasteners using the assembly of elements is much lower compared to welding, but over time, the elements of the fence are loosened and can pose a threat to safe use.
It must be remembered that when choosing an iron railing, you need to carefully monitor the smoothness and safety of the surface so as not to injure your hands.

Make no mistake with your choice!

Remember, the choice of a staircase for a house or a summer residence is a crucial moment, the result of which you will observe for many years, and the low price of a structure should not be the determining factors. Also, do not lose sight of the fact that an all-metal staircase is only suitable for industrial workshops. And in your cozy home, the ascent to the second floor should be accompanied by comfort and safety. Therefore, do not use bare metal on the steps, as they are slippery and unpleasant on bare feet.