What is the name of where teachers give marks. Regulation on grades at school. Good behavior is the key to success

Schools around the world are claiming the importance of assessments in identifying new leaders and researchers. But by the word "education" we often mean something completely different from what lies at its basis. Are sleepless, anxious nights of “cramming” for a good grade and “education”?

We often perceive school and university education as necessary condition for finding a job and starting a career - and in the case of highly qualified professions, this can be considered justified (unless, of course, someone does not self-educate and then open his own business, which will turn the entire industry). However, between educational programs and employer requirements often lie in a chasm that graduates have to overcome on their own.

Pupils and students are caught in a vicious circle of grades seeking, which leads to high levels of stress and anxiety. Grades become the goal of life for them. Such students perceive grades as an indicator of their intelligence and their high value as individuals. Educators note that assessments and tests have replaced meaningful and effective teaching (from both the teacher and the student). And some teachers even consider grades to be the most in the worst way assess the child's development or personal and educational needs.

We were all wrong in our time: good school grades will lead to good careers and life in the future. But how can a control score affect a child's future life?

But there are several reasons for this desire to get only good grades: the educational system, parental pressure, high competition, and a love of measuring everything and everyone in society. Most effective method learning - to show the child the real world, to show the laws of society and the role of a person in it, and what grades and subjects for self-realization at school will be needed in the future, the child can decide for himself.

School tests typically assess a child's ability to prepare for it, remember information and reproduce it - this is a serious threat to discourage a child's creativity, problem-solving skills and desire to learn. Not only schools are to blame for this, but also teachers who are tired of their profession.

A teacher is one of the most creative professions in the world, but some teachers become over time (and others from the very beginning of their careers) uninterested in their business - they teach lessons without leaving the textbook and teaching materials. This approach of the teacher destroys the entire educational process and makes schools ineffective.

Let's summarize. Are the ratings so meaningless and bad? Of course not. A five or two on a test will not be an indicator of your intelligence or special significance, but will be an indicator of how hard you tried to get it. And this attitude towards grades must be consolidated in society: they show the student's work, and not his level of intelligence.

This attitude, coupled with an educational approach that emphasizes understanding the topic rather than memorizing and reproducing material, will create an educational culture that encourages critical thinking and refusal to pursue grades at any cost.

How are the final grades for the year given? This question worries not only the students themselves, but also their parents. Let's talk about the normative documents that Russian teachers use in their work.

Local acts

Each educational institution adopts its own Regulation, according to which the final grades are put for the year, for a quarter. It contains detailed instructions, which teachers use in their work.

In addition to the general Regulations, there are also special additions and explanations, according to which the final marks for the year in primary school, middle management, at the senior level of education.

The instruction is mandatory for all teachers who teach a specific academic discipline.

For a quarter, marks are put from the second half of the year in grade 2 to grade 9 inclusive. Evaluation of schoolchildren at the senior level (grades 10-11) is carried out only in six months.

Current grading

How are grades given for the year by half-year? Let's consider in detail the algorithm of the teacher's actions.

In the process of conducting a training lesson, the teacher checks the knowledge and skills of his pupils, exposes electronic journal current marks.

For each type of work: oral story, written test, practical experiments, defense of abstracts, a separate column is provided in the electronic diary. Weekly control over the current grades is carried out by the class teacher and the parents of the students. The final grades for the year should not be influenced by the behavior of children during classroom activities and extracurricular activities.

Half-year assessment

The marks that the teacher gives in their subject to high school students must be reasonable and timely. During the reporting period, the child must have at least three marks for disciplines taught once a week, and at least five for subjects, the teaching load for which is 2 hours per week.

About two weeks before the end of the semester, the teacher brings the preliminary grades to the class teacher. Marks are set in accordance with the terms indicated in the order for the school drawn up by the head educational institution.

After the introduction electronic diary, the teacher no longer needs to look for the arithmetic mean by summing all the student's marks, and then dividing the resulting figure by the number of marks. In Russian schools, an electronic journal has begun to be used, in which these actions are performed automatically. Depending on which answer option was given a mark, it affects the total score in different ways. For example, when you receive an unsatisfactory mark for the final test, the average weighted score for the six months is automatically reduced. And a student cannot count on being awarded "excellent".

How is the grade for the year set if the controversial mark is obtained at the end of two semesters? This issue is explained in detail in the new educational standards.

If, after carrying out mathematical operations, the mark "3.4" is obtained, then in this case the teacher puts it "satisfactory". When receiving a score of "3.6", the child receives a mark "good". FSES indicates rounding of marks towards the student, regardless of the level of education.

Annual marks

Let's try to figure out how the grade for the year at school is given. For schoolchildren of junior and middle management, quarter marks are used, which are taken into account when deriving the annual. IN high school take into account the estimates for the six months, on their basis, by calculating the arithmetic mean, the final result is obtained.

If a non-integer number is obtained, then the grade for the year is given in favor of the student. In the event of disputable situations, all control and verification work is taken into account. Parents have the right to express in writing their disagreement with the mark given to their child. In this case, a special commission is created in the educational institution by order of the director, which checks the correctness of the teacher's actions.

If the teacher complied with all the requirements of the instructions adopted in this educational institution, the parents receive a motivated written answer, and the finished grade does not change. If the commission reveals violations when setting a mark, it is corrected, which is also notified to the parents or legal representatives of the student.

Final marks

In addition to the fourth, semi-annual grades, final grades are also given in the final grades. What should be considered when doing this? If the child does not choose the final assessment in the ninth grade in the 11th grade) in this academic discipline, the final mark duplicates the annual assessment.

When the final result is displayed for the children who passed the exam in the subject, the resulting grade is summed up with the annual score, and the arithmetic mean is displayed. How are grades for the year correctly set, as well as marks in the certificate?

If the resulting number has a non-integer value, rounding is done in favor of the student.

In disputable situations, an oral or written test of the quality of the student's knowledge in the subject that has become the subject of the conflict is assigned. The decision of the study commission is drawn up in the form of a special protocol and is final.

Grading system

Many parents try to understand how grades are given for the year. Grade 2 assumes assessment only from the second half of the year. The mastery of academic disciplines is accompanied by intermediate control, final attestations.

An interim test of knowledge is a separate element of assessing the achievements of schoolchildren; it is not related to current academic performance.

Current control is a systematic verification of the educational achievements of schoolchildren. The teacher uses it in the course of educational activities according to thematic planning.

The main purpose of such a test of knowledge is to control the level of educational achievements of schoolchildren, which are provided for by the program for this academic discipline, to analyze the compliance of the results with the norms of educational standards, and to carry out self-assessment by students. Based on the results obtained, the teacher plans to correct knowledge and skills, builds individual development trajectories for each student.

The results of the current control are recorded on a five-point scale. In some educational institutions a decision is made to evaluate the current knowledge in the form of "pass" or "failure".

Individual training

IN recent times the number of schoolchildren who study according to individual programs has increased. The fixation of their universal educational skills is carried out in full accordance with curriculumdesigned for a specific child. If a student has serious health problems, inclusive education is organized for him. For example, using Skype, the teacher communicates with the child, conducts training sessions for him, checks homework.

The teacher has the right to think over his own version of grades for current control, but the final grades are set according to the same rules as for other students. In case of controversial grades for a quarter, half year or year, it is determined between all grades, and the final score is in favor of the child.

Important points

In the first grades of Russian schools, according to the new federal standards, mark-free teaching is used.

When conducting optional and elective courses in the middle and senior level, the credit system is chosen.

The assessment option is indicated in the course program and communicated to the students and their parents. It is also pre-approved by the pedagogical council.

If the academic discipline does not have a special manual, then the teacher can offer children creative assignments as a credit work. Such a system is suitable for subjects and courses where it is difficult to express the result of learning using the classic five-point scale.


Despite the innovative transformations that have affected Russian education for last years, the assessment system is still an effective tool in the work of teachers. In the lesson, the teacher conducts a frontal, individual survey, and puts marks in an electronic journal.

In the case of a credit test work, initially all schoolchildren are informed of the criteria by which the "pass" will be set. In addition, students may be presented with test questions, the correct answers to which will qualify them for "credit" in the course being assessed.

Currently, there is a heated debate between supporters and opponents of the five-point system for assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren. Some educators are suggesting that the grading system be abandoned entirely in high school and replaced with test items. Despite such tempting offers, so far in Russian education a five-point variant of assessing the educational achievements of schoolchildren is used.

    We often have several tests a day, especially at the end of the quarter. Is it correct?

No, it's wrong. schedule control works should be compiled in accordance with sanitary standards. It is not recommended to carry out tests on the first and last lessons, on Monday and Friday (if the lesson is only on this day, then it is possible), as well as to arrange several tests on one day. If you find out that two or more tests are planned for one day, you can go to the class teacher or the head teacher and ask to transfer one of the tests to another date.

    How do I behave if I think the teacher is giving me unfair grades all the time??

If you are convinced that the teacher is biased in the classroom (underestimates the marks, finds fault with your oral answers, does not give an opportunity to answer, and so on), then, with competent behavior, you can successfully solve this problem. What steps should you take?

    Collect evidence of teacher bias. It's not just your written work with grades and teacher notes. If your classmates confirm that the teacher has been unfair to you many times, then this will be the most powerful argument in your favor.

    Tell your parents about everything so that your further actions do not come as a surprise to them. If your parents support you, then you have already halfway solved your problem.

    Tell the class teacher frankly about the conflict situation, who can talk to the subject teacher.

    If a conversation with the homeroom teacher did not help, you (or better, your parents) have the right to contact the school administration or the School Board. To resolve the conflict moa special committee may be created to assess your knowledge of the subject.

Of course, all of the above is only suitable if you know the training material well and are ready to defend your position.

    According to current estimates, in a quarter I get a “four”, and I want a “five”. But the teacher does not allow me to rewrite several tests and does not want to ask additional questions. What to do?

The teacher is right. Each teacher has his own grading system, including quarter and annual grades. He should introduce this system to you and your parents at the beginning of the year. Try to accommodate this approach in the next quarter.

    What to do if a teacher gives bad marks not for knowledge, but for behavior?

It is impossible to put a mark for behavior in the lesson in the journal as for knowledge. But if you were distracted, the teacher asked you a question, and you cannot answer, then the teacher has the right to mark you precisely for a bad answer. If you haven't heard the question, ask again politely. Sometimes the teacher can put a bad mark in the diary for behavior, but does not put it in the journal. This is a signal to parents (as a remark) that you are misbehaving.

    If I missed classes due to illness, does the teacher have the right to give bad marks for unfulfilled assignments and ignorance of the missed material?

None of the laws describe how a teacher should act in this situation. But there is general rule: it is impossible to demand from the student knowledge of what the teacher did not explain to him. In addition, the teacher is obliged in his work to take into account the individual characteristics of the child, including the state of his health.

Whether the teacher had the right to put two marks depends on several circumstances:

First, it depends on how many lessons you missed: if you missed a completely new educational topic, then you cannot demand its independent study.

Secondly, on the nature of the disease: were you allowed to read, write, sit at the table, etc.

Thirdly, if you have been ill for several weeks, then it is very important whether the teacher (class teacher) made sure that you were given assignments, whether they offered you additional workouts when you came to class.If you are so unlucky and you came to the lesson at the moment when the teacher decided to give the test, then inform the teacher, class teacher that you cannot do it now. In extreme cases, contact the head teacher.

    In physical education, I am engaged in a preparatory group. On what basis does the teacher evaluate all those in this group not higher than four ”?

The teacher is definitely wrong. There are special rules for evaluating students in a special medical group. Of course, they can be given an "A" if they do well.

    Twos a year - what to do?

What awaits a student if there is one deuce among his annual grades? Should he be left for the second year?

No, he can be transferred to the next class conditionally. Over the next year, he must learn everything there is to know in this subject for both this and the previous year, that is, "liquidate academic debt." For such a transfer to be possible, the student's parents must vouch for the student. They become responsible for correcting a bad grade in front of the school, but the student must still learn. The specific terms of liquidation of debt should be stipulated in a local act - for example, in an order of the director.

    And if I got two or more twos in the school year?

You and your parents will be offered several options to choose from:

    Stay for a second year.

    Go to a compensatory class.

    Continue to study at home through family education. It is impossible to transfer conditionally to the next class of such a student.

    I am offered to move to a class of compensatory education. What is it? What awaits me there?

These classes are designed specifically to help healthy learners with learning disabilities, including those who receive two or more twos per year. The decision to send a student there is taken by the school psychological and pedagogical council. In such a class, there are fewer students (on average 9-12 people, no more than 20), each the student is given more time. Students study only in the first shift, but the program is in a class like in a regular school, but not lightweight.Parents must give their consent to your transfer to a compensatory class. Without the consent of the parents and the conclusion of the psychological and pedagogical council, no one can be transferred to the class of compensatory education.

Schools use a 5-point grading system, which assumes a maximum "five" and minimum score - "unit". The points can be characterized as follows: 5 - excellent, 4 - good, 3 - satisfactory, 2 - unsatisfactory and 1 - very bad.

To give grades to students, follow the norms that are given in the government programs for each specific school subject. To be objective, only check what has been asked and be prepared to argue for the mark. You may deduct one point for unkempt general appearance.

Do not log bad behavior grades along with subject scores. Do this only in a diary to draw the attention of the parents. However, if the child is too distracted in the lesson and does not listen to you, then this assessment may be adequate if he does not answer the question you asked.

Plan the lesson to interview at least five people. The minimum level for the number of grades in is one grade for each month for each student. Given the volume, in order to achieve this goal, the lesson should be quite active, but try not to underestimate the marks for a slow reaction, give the child some time to answer the question posed.

Grade all students for written tests. Essays and presentations are rated with a double mark for grammar and content. Check before the next lesson in accordance with the accepted standards of ZUN (knowledge, abilities, skills).

Assign additional time to a student who was absent from the test due to illness or truancy, and also received an "unsatisfactory". If necessary, provide an optional activity for those who are not doing well in your subject.

Print intermediate (for a quarter, half a year) and final (for a year) grades, based on the average score of all marks received by the student during the specified period. If it is too low or there are "debts" for tests or homework, schedule additional time for retaking.

Put in the oral answers: "5", if the student fully disclosed the content of the given material, skillfully used the knowledge gained in independent work, accurately applied the accepted symbols or terminology, demonstrated the sustainability of the acquired skills. One or two small inaccuracies due to reservation or negligence are forgivable. "4" - mistakes were made when covering additional questions, frequent leading questions from the teacher, there are small gaps that did not distort the general answer. "3" - the content of the material is not fully disclosed, but the student showed general understanding of the topic, there is no stability of skills, inability to immediately apply knowledge in a new task, terminology or subject, inability to answer without leading questions. "2" - the content of the material is not disclosed, the student does not know most of the given volume of the topic, numerous mistakes in solving, using terminology impossible to correct even after leading questions.

Evaluate written work for: "5" - maximum 1 minor mistake, general accuracy of the work performed, good spelling. "4" - up to 2 mistakes and 2 inaccuracies plus good design and student literacy. "3" - up to 4 mistakes and 5 inaccuracies, neat design. "2" - more than 4 blunders.

Any human labor should be appreciated, even if it consists in obtaining knowledge, and the workplace is school. But while the work of a mature person is assessed in accordance with the Labor Code, time worked and established wages, school marks are put down individually at the discretion of the teacher.

For most parents, the main goal of education is to acquire knowledge, and notes in the diary are just a formality. But on children, especially those who study in primary grades, low grades may not have the best effect in terms of subsequent motivation to study and the development of intellectual assessment in general. If in the graduating classes, low grades, as a rule, stimulate to get a higher score, because this will undoubtedly help to get a certificate with good grades, a medal, to enter a higher educational institution, then low performance in kids can permanently discourage the desire to study.

In this situation, the main thing is to understand the reason, does the child understand something or does the teacher underestimate the marks? In the first case, everything is simpler - you just need to study more, but what to do in the second case, what to do if the teacher underestimates the grades?

The teacher deliberately underestimates the grades or the child does not know the material well

If you think that the teacher is deliberately evaluating your child's knowledge lower, you should first try to objectively assess the situation. Any parent considers his child to be the smartest, for this reason he cannot receive unsatisfactory grades at school, respectively, it is a matter of the teacher. It should be understood that it is unprofitable for the teacher to simply underestimate the points, since it spoils his image in front of colleagues, besides, at the end of each quarter, he submits a progress report.

Not sure what to do if your teacher underestimates your grades? If a child studies in primary school, then parents certainly need to get to know the class teacher, find out his opinion about the behavior and mental abilities of the student, as well as understand what subjects are difficult for him and what to do to improve academic performance. Or, on the contrary, the child could be seriously carried away by some particular subjects, and then one should think about additional activities to deepen knowledge. In addition, you can agree with the teacher about the opportunity to attend some lessons under the pretext of acquaintance with the teaching methods and comparative research of the progress of your child with the rest of the children.

Not sure how to tell if a teacher is underestimating grades? The goal of the parent is to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the child and what the teacher thinks of him. The teacher's personal point of view can be easily understood by checking written assignments, where incorrectly corrected errors will be displayed. It is much more difficult with verbal answers. The fact is that many teachers place too high demands on oral answers, that is, on the presentation of homework. Some students have a fear of public speaking. Children cannot clearly state the material, they get confused, and sometimes they completely forget before the performance. As a result, the child gets a low score, but this is not due to ignorance of the lesson, but because of excitement.

Fear of speaking is a fear that can accompany a person throughout his life, not only in childhood. Therefore, if you find this problem in a child, warn the teacher about it. Explain to him that the student cannot answer not because of a lack of knowledge, he is just worried, and in such situations he needs help, and not an underestimate.

What should parents do if a teacher deliberately underestimates grades

Low scores for academic performance not only bring moral suffering, but also affect the final results, and, accordingly, the possibility of further education in secondary and higher educational institutions. Consequently, a parent or student has the right to defend their own interests at both the administrative and judicial levels.

The administrative procedure presupposes the right to appeal against the given grade both to the person who made this decision and to higher officials, that is, the school principal, but how can one prove that the teacher underestimates the grades? The mark for the written work will be challenged quite easily, this is noticeable by the incorrect nit-picking. But if it comes to an oral answer, then it becomes more difficult to solve the problem, it is necessary to fix the answer in advance, as well as the comments put forward on it.

The current assessment of students' knowledge is governed exclusively by the acts of a particular educational institution. Each educational institution has a regulation on the current certification and assessment of achievements. This document should contain clear parameters for assessing students' knowledge in all subjects, as well as a description of the criteria for not passing certification. The document is subject to review by parents and students.

The best solution for proving students' knowledge is participation in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren on a controversial subject.

When assigning marks, the teacher, as a rule, is guided not only by the established norms for assessing knowledge, but also by various pedagogical considerations. At his discretion, he can put the mark a point higher for the one who did something for the first time, and, on the contrary, underestimate it for an excellent student who has begun to be lazy. In both cases, this should serve as a stimulus from a pedagogical point of view. This is a rather controversial method, since every child is different, but in practice it is applied everywhere. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to calmly find out what considerations the teacher was guided by when setting the mark.

This is what the psychologist answers the question of how to talk to a teacher who underestimates grades.

A conversation with a teacher should initially be based on the wave of the "presumption of innocence", that is, from the point of view of the fact that he wants only the best for the student, you just understand him differently. For example, you are sure that self-doubt prevents your child from studying well, and accordingly, do your best to support him. The teacher adheres to a different point of view - he believes that a clear and strict environment is much more effective in the development of such qualities as conscientiousness and organization. Therefore, it is very important to understand what the teacher is guided by and what requirements he has. The parent decides whether to agree with them or not, but with the information, the requirements can be discussed. Ask the teacher to give a clear formulation of what actions my child should take to get an A, write everything down in the presence of the teacher and agree with the child to do this at least once. If in this case the assessment is not satisfactory, then you can safely complain to the authorities.

Where to file a claim

So, where to complain if the teacher underestimates the grades? Your patience has run out from the tears of a child, meetings with the teacher do not bring any result, and to all questions the teacher decisively and without explanation declares that he decided so, and there can be no other options? There is only one way out - to write a complaint! Not sure how to write a complaint against a teacher? Read on.

The first thing to do is to look through the regulatory documents of the educational institution and study the section on the criteria for assessing knowledge in them. This is necessary in order not to simply wave your hands, but to ask well-reasoned questions and know when you can object. You can get acquainted with the document only at school, since the assessment criteria are not established at the legislative level.

By the way, grades for students can also be given for behavior, but they are put down separately from the grade for the subject and should not affect the assessment of knowledge.

To revise the final results, as a rule, a commission of three people is assembled and in the presence of the parents, the actual knowledge of the child is tested.

What you need to pay attention to

Not sure what to do if your teacher underestimates your grades? It is important to understand that you can complain about every action of the teacher and prove the fact of underestimation, and this can be very difficult to do. The fact is that teaching activities are carried out within the framework of the Law on Education, which stipulates that he has the right to freely express his own opinion and resist interference in his activities. In simple words, the teacher independently chooses the methods and means of teaching, as well as education. Therefore, you will have to try very hard to prove that the teacher is acting non-pedagogically.

However, this can be combated. If a parent does not agree with the teaching method, then he or she has the right to contact the school principal or the education department at the location of the school with a request to re-certify or replace a certain teacher, respectively, indicating weighty reasons for this.

Visit to school

So, you have prepared, studied the criteria for grading, which means it's time to go to school.

Where to go if the teacher underestimates the grades? What to do when the administration of the educational institution defends the interests of the team and is not going to take any action? In this case, you will have to start "military actions" by contacting the Department of Education or by filing a complaint against the school administration for inaction to Rosoblnadzor, which is responsible for the educational activities of your region.

Maybe leave it as it is?

Not every parent is ready to go to the headmaster and defend the rights of the child, most often this is due to a stereotype that will get worse. There is, of course, some truth in this, but it is very unpleasant to put up with the fact that someone is wrong and continues to do as he wants, using his official position. In addition, think about what kind of example you are setting for the child: he will get into the habit of silently sitting on the sidelines and nodding to the one who is bolder and more authoritative.

Not sure how to influence a teacher who underestimates grades? If you are not one of those who will prove your own innocence and sort things out, then you have only one way out - to advise your child to be the best! That is, he will have to cram everything so that not a single teacher can find something to complain about.

This means that all written work must be done ideally, not only on the topic, but also on the design and literacy. The entire school curriculum must be 100% mastered. Only in this case, no teacher can find weakness... This approach costs incredible effort, but it will create good foundation - the child will be able to pass any exams and get the highest score even if everyone is against him

Some people prefer not to notice at all that their grades are underestimated, and just put up with it. By and large, beautiful "fives" and "fours" are needed only by parents. Therefore, if your child is not at all worried about teachers underestimating grades in the graduating class, he does not need certificates and medals, but at the same time he is sure that he will write the exam well, the results of which will open all the roads to higher educational institutions, then is it worth spending nerves?

If this is a matter of principle, then victories in the Olympiads will help to wipe the nose of the entire teaching staff. Prove to the teacher that you are the best by taking one of the prizes in a controversial subject. In this case, the teacher will certainly be called to the authorities and, looking in the eyes, will be asked how the winner of the Olympiad can have low scores in the subject.

You know what to do if the teacher underestimates the grades. The decision should be made based on your own character, as well as the mood and desires of the child himself. Maybe it doesn't really matter to him?

Good behavior is the key to success

In some cases, underestimation may be associated with inappropriate child behavior. As well as he may be familiar with the program, the relationship between the student and the teacher plays a huge role in setting the marks. Sometimes even insignificant impudence on the part of the student can be regarded by the teacher as an encroachment on his authority. The child does the following things during the lesson:

  1. Behaves boldly.
  2. Interrupts the teacher.
  3. Doesn't listen to the teacher.
  4. Doesn't complete tasks and so on.

Naturally, the teacher by any means tries to put the student in his place. Therefore, with excellent knowledge, but low scores, you should think about the child's behavior. The best solution in this case is to apologize to the teacher and change behavior during the lesson.

Reverse situation

It so happens that the teacher does his best to help the student, but this does not bring results. In this case, one cannot do without the help of parents, who, together with the teacher, can influence. Soul talk can clarify the reasons and provide solutions to improve student performance.


So, what if the teacher underestimates the grades? If there is a clear underestimation of grades, the student, as well as his parents, must take all possible steps to restore justice. Otherwise, the child may be deprived of the opportunity to continue education in secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. You can use all the options, as an active proof with facts before the commission or victories at the Olympiads with a demonstration of your own achievements. Someone will choose a different path and release everything on the brakes. The main thing is that you must show the child that you always need to defend your rights, choosing the most suitable way for this and become a reliable shoulder for him on which he can always rely.