Al diary 2.0. Personal account of parents and students cabinet ruobr ru - registration, entrance and opportunities for citizens of the Kemerovo region. How to enter an electronic diary through the State Services of the Perm Territory

Personal account cabinet ruobr ru was created as part of the automated information system " Electronic school 2.0 ". It is designed specifically for citizens, or rather, parents (legal representatives) of students educational institutions Kemerovo region... By registering on the website https cabinet ruobr ru, you will get access to a number of electronic services, such as:

  • registration of an application for queuing in preschool educational institutions;
  • view the current information on the advancement of the queue in kindergarten;
  • applying for admission to school and monitoring its status;
  • control over the learning process of their children through an electronic diary;
  • communication with teachers and employees of the administration of educational institutions.

Login and registration of new users of the system is carried out on the page

Here you need to enter your registration data. Or register if you are visiting the resource for the first time.

So, at the first visit, you must click on the "Register" button. In the form that appears, you need to enter your last name, first name, number mobile phone and e-mail address. Then again you need to click the "Register" button

After that, a letter will be sent to the e-mail address you specified, containing the login and password automatically created for entering the system. Subsequently, they can be exchanged for your own.

For citizens who have an account on the portal of State Services Russian Federation, it is possible to enter personal Area cabinet ruobr ru using a username and password from the site of public services. To do this, in the login form, you need to click on the "Login through State Services" button.

In the form that appears, enter your password from the portal of public services and click the "Login" button.

Personal account of citizens of the Kemerovo region

The main page of your personal account looks like this:

personal information

To get started and gain access to all services cabinet ruobr ru you need to fill out the "Personal information" subsection of the "ABOUT ME" section:

To do this, go to the subsection and click "Change data". You will need to provide the following information about yourself:

  • Surname*
  • middle name
  • Date of Birth*
  • Place of Birth
  • Citizenship*
  • Number of children in the family *
  • Passport Series
  • Passport ID
  • Date of issue of passport
  • SNILA No. *
  • Email
  • contact number
  • Education*
  • Job Information *
  • Residence address *
  • Registration address (if different from your residence address) *

✔ Items marked with an asterisk * are required ✔

In addition to changing personal data, this subsection provides the ability to change the login and password issued during registration to enter the system.


Having filled in the required personal data, parents in cabinet ruobr ru need to add the data of their children. This is done in the "Children" section by clicking the "Add child" button. The information that needs to be specified is visible in the figure below:

Items marked with an asterisk are required.

After adding all the necessary data, all the possibilities provided by the cabinet ruobr ru service become available to parents.


In the subsection of the personal account cabinet ruobr ru "Kindergarten" you can:

  • view statistics on preschool educational institutions of the area you are interested in;
  • queue up for enrollment in the kindergarten of your choice;
  • monitor the status of the submitted application for enrollment and watch your current place in the queue;
  • exchange the received places in kindergartens with other users of the system.

To apply for kindergarten, you must have a child under the age of seven added. In addition, you must provide his birth certificate. This is done by uploading a scanned copy of the document to the site.

Further, after clicking the "Application to kindergarten" button, you need to select the number of the preschool educational institution, which you want to get into. You can also specify the desired date of enrollment and the appropriate mode of the group.


To apply to the school through the personal account of citizens of the Kemerovo region, you need to enter the subsection "School"

Submission of applications is available if you have added a child aged 6.5 years and older to cabinet ruobr ru and uploaded his documents (birth certificate and residence permit).

The system allows you to submit three applications simultaneously. One - to the school at the address of residence and two - to any other schools you are interested in.

After submitting applications in your personal account, you can track their current status.

Viewing an electronic diary

From home computer

Access to the functionality of the online diary is given to parents by the class teacher. You can go to it from the main page of cabinet ruobr ru by clicking on the large button "View electronic diary". This section allows parents online:

  • promptly receive reliable information about the marks and absenteeism of their children;
  • control all grades, absences, homework, teacher remarks;
  • take timely measures to correct the situation with the academic performance of their children;
  • find out what topics of lessons the child missed during absence due to illness or other reasons;
  • track the dynamics of student progress;
  • see the current approximate final grade for each subject, which allows you to make adjustments to your homework with the material.

What does it look like electronic diary in cabinet ruobr ru is shown below:

Active lessons are marked in blue here. These are the lessons during which the teacher has made any changes (made a record) in the electronic journal. For example, he put a mark, gave homework, indicated the topic of the lesson, etc. If you click on such a lesson, more detailed information will appear.

At the top of the diary is the "Calendar" button. It allows you to view the schedule of lessons for the period of your interest.

From a mobile device

Especially for students and parents, the developers of the AIS "Electronic School 2.0" offer mobile version student's electronic diary for downloading to your phone or tablet. The mobile application works on the basis of AIS data and allows parents and students on their gadgets to see all the up-to-date information about the schedule of lessons, about the current academic performance and average scores of the child, about missing, about the homework received. Moreover, all information comes instantly, after the teacher enters it into the online journal in the form of push notifications.

Download mobile app “Electronic School. Diary "can be by clicking on the following pictures:

Important information!!!

If suddenly at school you were denied a login and password to enter the electronic diary, you must perform the following steps:

Step 1) At the bottom of the login form in cabinet ruobr ru, click on the button "Does the school give out a username / password?"

Step 2) In the form that appears, fill out a complaint to the Department of Education and Science of the Kemerovo Region about this:

Please enter your details correctly when filling out the form. This will allow you to later learn about the results of your appeal.

GPS monitoring of children

This service allows parents to monitor the location of their children online. It is provided by the cabinet ruobr ru system free of charge. To make monitoring work, you need to do the following:

  1. Download the mobile application “Electronic School. Diary".
  2. The child must create his own account in the system and be authorized in it using his username and password, which he, like the parents, receives from the class teacher. This automatically creates a GPS tracker.
  3. Go to the subsection of your personal account cabinet ruobr ru "Additional services" and activate the service "GPS monitoring of children".
  4. Ask your child to turn on the tracker in their phone settings.

Important!!! On mobile device (phone or tablet) of your child must be used operating system "Android".

In conclusion, we note the following: when working with an electronic diary, children and their parents expand the general skills of working with information technology... This contributes to the development of information competence. Keeping an online diary helps to identify problems with academic performance and student attendance in a timely manner. Allows you to quickly take action to eliminate these problems. It makes it possible to predict the future activities of the student to improve the level of academic performance.

Today cabinet ruobr ru is the best way resolving topical issues that are related to the educational process. Moreover, this applies to schools, and to parents, and to students.

UIA "School Nutrition" together with Sberbank of Russia were the first in Siberia (from institutions that organize meals for schoolchildren) to implement the possibility of online crediting of payments when paying for meals.

Now funds are credited to the student's personal account instantly, and information about the payment in the Internet service "E-School 2.0" in the "Food" section will be reflected on the day of payment.

Such a service will make the process of paying for meals for schoolchildren easier and more convenient for parents, and it is now possible to make and control payments in REAL TIME.

To pay, you will need to indicate your child's personal account number. You can find it out in the personal account of the parent of the "Electronic School 2.0" service.

Payment via Sberbank of Russia

Payment by card of any bank

Payment for meals is made through the bank's authorization server using bank cards of the following payment systems:

You will be redirected to the payment gateway of Sberbank of Russia to enter your card details. Please prepare your plastic card in advance. The connection with the payment gateway and the transfer of information is carried out in a secure mode using the SSL encryption protocol.

If your bank supports the technology of secure online payments Verified By Visa or MasterCard Secure Code, you may also need to enter a special password to make a payment. You can check the methods and possibility of obtaining passwords for making online payments at the bank that issued the card.

This site supports 256-bit encryption. The confidentiality of the reported personal information is ensured by Sberbank of Russia. The entered information will not be provided to third parties, except as provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Making payments on bank cards is carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of Visa Int. and MasterCard Europe Sprl.

"Education web2.0"

Our Portal unites schools from different regions of Russia into a single educational network. Teachers are taught in the system electronic magazines their schools. Students and parents review class schedules, homework assignments, and grades. All participants communicate with each other in a secure social network, keep blogs and participate in exciting contests that we regularly hold on the Portal.

Join us!

We will be glad to see you on the pages of the "Education web2.0" Portal!

Autonomous non-profit organization

"Accelerator of social and cultural projects"

The subject of activity of ANO "ASP" is the provision of services for the organization, implementation and assistance in the implementation of socially significant projects in the field of culture, physical culture and sports, and other areas.

The objectives of ANO "ASP" are:

  • Support and popularization of scientific and technical creativity, education and enlightenment, spiritual, moral and patriotic education, all-round personal development.
  • Popularization of the study and preservation of cultural and historical heritage, cultural and historical monuments, traditions and identity, the creation of new constructive forms of leisure.
  • Formation of ecological culture, promotion of ecological knowledge in the field of environmental protection and protection, animal protection, support of landscaping and gardening of the territory, development of educational and ecological tourism.
  • Promotion of a healthy lifestyle, strengthening of family institutions, support and creation of conditions for the development of physical culture and sports, prevention of socially dangerous forms of behavior.
  • Support and promotion of values \u200b\u200band practices of charity, volunteering, volunteering.

In the traditional system, familiar to all of us, the student comes to school, where the teacher tells him a new topic, then he returns home and does his homework. In the new scheme, it is assumed that the student listens to all lectures at home (via a computer or TV), then he comes to the class and there, under the supervision of a leader, performs an assignment on the topic he just listened to remotely. The main advantage is that the most valuable (and, probably, the most scarce) in any teaching, the time of personal communication between the teacher and the student is tried to be used only where it gives the maximum effect. The main idea of \u200b\u200bsmart education looks like it allows you to prepare a person for life and work in the same society.
The gymnasium has the status of a regional innovation platform and works in the direction of "Developing models e-learning and teaching using distance learning technologies ”(scientific consultant Nina Aleksandrovna Rusakova, candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor). This is one of the 14 priority areas of innovation, working in a single scientific and methodological space of the regional education system, where the Kuzbass Regional Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educators provides scientific and methodological support for innovation in the region.
In accordance with the program of the regional innovation platform "Formation of educational space based on SMART-technologies" (in practice, the term "smart" is used), the municipal budgetary educational institution "Gymnasium No. 6 named after S.F. Venzelev" of the city of Mezhdurechensk, Kemerovo region, created and operate two innovative product: smart-textbook "Interest" and the tab "Portfolio" on the resource "Electronic School 2.0" (site These developments were awarded with diplomas and a gold medal of the International Exhibition “Expo. Siberia "(Kuzbass Educational Forum) in 2017.
Products that appeared on this resource can be classified as electronic tutorials... These are not electronic textbooks, the requirements for which are determined at the level of the Ministry of Education and Science (systematic presentation of the entire course, selection of content in accordance with the fundamental core, mandatory product examination, competitive selection). Textbook content is created by publishers; the consumer buys not so much the textbook as the right to use it equally well on all media in a certain period of time. The creation of a textbook is a serious scientific and methodological activity. Developments in this direction are being actively pursued - in each publishing house, departments have been created that are engaged in the development of textbooks in more than 20 areas. At the same time, representatives of publishing houses emphasize that the materials of the textbook should be constantly updated by teachers who use the textbook in their practice. Thus, the work on filling the "Smart Textbook" tab is a space in which a teacher can be prepared for the use of electronic textbooks.
An educational institution must have interactive electronic content in all academic subjects, including the content of subject areas, represented by educational objects that can be manipulated, and processes that can be interfered with (FSES LLC, clause 26, section "Requirements for the implementation of FSES LLC ", Approved by order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1897 dated December 17, 2010). Filling out the “Smart-textbook” tab should also be considered as a condition for preparing the teacher to use interactive electronic content in all academic subjects.
Of interest to the public is the electronic manual "Smart Textbook". This module is one of the first components distance learningimplemented in the Electronic School 2.0. It helps the interaction of the teacher and students with each other at a distance, reflects all the components inherent in the educational process. The tutorial is presented with materials in which you can add pictures, video, audio, lectures. It is also possible to create sections "Discussion of the completed task", "Practical tasks" (testing). The space of the manual allows you to create your own textbooks, share the material with colleagues, track the learning path of each student, thereby understanding which material turned out to be more successful.
The smart-textbook consists of the following blocks: learning new material, a block focused on mastering the educational material, practical material, discussion and control. All blocks can be arranged in any order required by the teacher. Each of the blocks can be included in the tutorial, or turned off from it, and some blocks can be turned on repeatedly. Thus, you can ensure the variability of the textbook for the teacher.
The study of the material in the manual can be carried out both vertically (new material, tests for understanding and studying the material, practical work, discussion, test), and horizontally (there is a choice for each of the modules of the textbook).
Features of each of the blocks:
Block for studying new material. In each class (group) there are children with different leading systems of information perception. Someone understands the material in text form, someone prefers the video sequence, the third will understand only after he himself tries to do something. This requires a large number of educational sources on this topic in various forms (video lectures, scanned version of paper text, electronic textbook, presentation, audio file, etc.).
Block of mastering educational material. It is necessary to make the course adaptive to the perception of the student, and for this it is imperative to introduce elements of knowledge control into the course itself and to ensure a return to those objects that are not mastered.
Block of practical material. Practice is the criterion of truth, Marx said. This block assumes the implementation of simulators and self-control.
Discussion block. Of course, as a result of studying a new topic, students will have questions. How to arrange this space is the teacher's personal choice.
Control unit. Here the teacher's task is to prepare multilevel assignments for students so that each of the students can choose their own material according to their level.
Let's look at the example of the topic of mathematics "Percentage", the work of the electronic manual "Smart textbook".
In the framework of the general education school, the topic of "Interest" is given unfairly little study time, and therefore, the level of knowledge necessary to acquire skills, skills for freely operating them in the lessons of mathematics, chemistry, physics and just in everyday life, is insufficient. The topic "Interest" is universal in the sense that it connects many exact and natural sciences, everyday and industrial spheres of life.
The study of this topic unfolds in a spiral and takes place in several approaches up to the 11th grade inclusive. At each stage of studying the topic, students return to percentages at a new level, their knowledge is replenished, new types of problems and solutions are added. Tasks on this topic are included in the content of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.
The tutorial is structured as follows:
1. The role of the depository on the site is performed by the knowledge base, where all are located:
teaching aids;
Any teacher of the Kemerovo region has access to the accommodation and all available materials.
2. The button of the same name is responsible for the smart tutorial, by clicking which we get to the development environment. Here we fill the textbook with the necessary content.
Under these conditions, the textbook will be able to provide an individual trajectory for each student.
3. After you create a finished textbook, you can assign it to the class. How does this happen? On the lesson page via the "Attach a smart tutorial" button.
4. After the teacher has assigned a smart textbook, students see a table in their diary.
5. Pupils enter a smart lesson and, each moving along its own trajectory, study the proposed topic.
6. When the student passes his trajectory, the teacher will have the necessary information on the page.
How can this resource be used?
1. To organize training:
during quarantine;
during a child's illness;
trips to the camp during the educational process.
2. For preparation:
for exams;
to the exam, exam.
The student has the opportunity to return to the study of this topic starting from the 5th grade and restore the missing knowledge.
3. For an in-depth study of the topic.
4. You can use part of the resource as needed.
The peculiarity of studying mathematics is the continuity and consistency of the study of topics.
The electronic manual "Smart Textbook" meets the requirements of the federal state educational standard of general education and provides independent educational and self-assessment activities of the student.

Elena ANDREEVA, Gulnara CHETVERUKHINA, Roman ISHMURATOV, Angela SOKOLOVA, Victoria MAISURADZE, Kemerovo region

Dear visitors of the portal!

For the correct operation of the personal account on the portal Electronic School of Primorye

must be specified inpersonal account Unified portal of state and municipal services

region of actual residence -Primorsky Krai... Details in your personal account.

“Personal data of users published in the information system“ Electronic School of Primorye ”are protected by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-fz“ On Personal Data ”.

Link to the regulations of the Primorsky Territory Administration on the protection of personal data:\u003d4823117


lesson schedule, academic performance, homework
tasks, SMS informing


personal pages, friends, communication,
communities, chat, blogs, forum


access from any computer with the Internet,
no additional costs


registration by invitation, settings
privacy, technical support

Dear Guys!

On the portal " Education web 2.0»You can not only find out your grades, see the lesson schedule, homework and topics of the lessons passed, but also get to know and make friends with your peers from the Primorsky Territory and other regions of Russia.

Easy-to-use social services let you blog, create communities of interest, add files and photos, and participate in a variety of interesting contests.

The portal will report on important events and changes in the life of the class, school, territory and region.

Dear Parents!

Your child's electronic diary, presented on the portal " Education web 2.0", Unlike its paper counterpart, it is always available, provides more information in a visual and understandable form:

Extracts of all grades with teacher's comments
- student rating
- accurate data on the attendance of each lesson
- lesson topics
- information about homework and the time required to complete it.

You will be able to communicate directly with your child's teachers, receive advice from highly qualified specialists (online or in blogs) from various educational institutions throughout Russia, find out the news of education of a class, school, your territory, region.

Your child's diary will become available to you via the Internet at any time convenient for you - at home or at work, from a computer, laptop or mobile phone.

Dear teachers!

Portal " Education web 2.0”Will help you accumulate your individual pedagogical experience in the form of a“ piggy bank ”of lessons, teaching materials, files and other useful information for teaching. You will always know your schedule and study load, you will be able to track the progress of the program, communicate directly with students and parents, build individual learning paths for children, effectively work with the class using modern interactive technologies.