Because of what games can slow down. Why won't games start on Windows. System requirements and settings in the game

To understand why this or that computer game slows down, you must first of all know what resources personal computer or a laptop she uses. If the game was purchased on a disc, then the minimum system requirements for this game are always indicated on the back of the disc. To compare these settings with those of your computer, look at the system properties in the control panel of your operating system.

The main parameters that affect the performance of a computer are the clock speed of the processor, the amount of RAM, as well as the parameters of the video card, which include its model and the amount of memory. As a rule, if the game slows down, then by comparing the minimum requirements of the game with the properties of your computer, you can immediately understand what exactly is missing. If this is not immediately apparent, then the algorithm is as follows. If the game implies good image quality and detail, you can reduce the graphics quality and check how the game speed changes. In the event that nothing has changed, we can assume that the reason for the game slowdown is not in the video card.

It remains to be assumed that either the RAM is not enough, or the processor frequency. Since you will not be able to “tweak” the processor frequency, the only possible way out is to purchase another RAM module if your computer's motherboard has free slots for it. It is important to note the case where the processor has multiple cores, each of which contains a certain clock speed. In this case, the minimum system requirements of the game in terms of the processor frequency must coincide with the clock frequency of one processor core, that is, you should not add up the frequencies of all cores, determining the processor frequency.

Graphics card problems

So, if you still notice that the game stops slowing down when the game details are reduced, then the problem lies in the low performance of the video card. Compare the graphics card requirements of the game with your graphics card: memory size and model. If there is enough memory, then perhaps the video card model itself is already outdated.

OS incompatibility issues

Another problem of slowing down a computer game may be its incompatibility with the bitness of the operating system. This reason becomes noticeable if you have a 64-bit operating system installed. The fact is that not all games are optimized to work in an OS of a given bit depth, so you should pay attention to this too.

Typical question from a user ...


One game slows down on my computer ( Diablo iii). Tried a bunch of everything, but nothing helps ...

The computer is several times higher than the minimum specifications of the game declared by the manufacturer. Reduced the graphics and performance settings in the game to the minimum - got ~ 10 FPS ...

Tell me why the game can slow down even on a relatively powerful PC?

Good time everyone!

There is probably not a single PC user who would not play computer games! And most of them faced brakes, lags, delays and other incidents. So the question presented in the article is very popular (perhaps only the name of the game changes).

In this article, I will consider the main reasons why games are slowing down, and give tips on how to eliminate and fix them. By the way, I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth 😉.

And so, now closer to the topic ...


First of all, pay attention to the system requirements of a particular game that slows down you. If her minimum requirements (and there are also recommended ones) your computer / laptop does not satisfy - the reason for the brakes is obvious (therefore, in this article I will not dwell on system requirements)... True, in this case, something can be done and speed up the game (more on that below).

Eliminate lags and brakes in games

I will build the article in the form of questions, for each of which I will give an answer. Going through them and checking your PC, optimizing it - you will get some kind of (at least small) gain in productivity.

What programs are loaded on the processor, hard disk, rAM and the network?

The very first thing I want to start with is checking what your processor, hard drive, and RAM are loaded with. The fact is that even on a powerful computer, brakes may appear if, in addition to the game itself, two dozen different programs are launched on it (I'm not talking about various conflicts).

The easiest way to find out about their download is to use task manager ... To open it - press the buttons Ctrl + Shift + Esc (or Ctrl + Alt + Del). By the way, it is highly advisable to first open the task manager, then start the game, and when the brakes start in it, minimize it and see what the main load is going on.

Note: to minimize the game, press the Alt + Tab key combination, or the Win button.

In the task manager, notice first what is the most loaded: CPU, memory, disk, or network. In my case - the CPU was loaded (approx. : the processor, by the way, is usually loaded more often than memory or disk) .

Pay attention to the screenshot below - the CPU is not loaded by the Civilization IV game, but by the conductor (in which there are five tabs and several operations open). Unsurprisingly, the computer started to slow down when starting the game ...

After the work in the explorer was finished (and it was restarted) - the game began to function normally, not a single lag or freeze. Here's a recipe for healing 👍 ...

Also, pay attention to hDD : torrents (so popular lately) can often give it a heavy load.

Note: Many programs that you have already closed may remain in memory and boot your PC. That is why, in cases of problems in games, it is advisable to always check in the task manager if there is any extraneous process that heavily loads the PC.

Therefore, to summarize, I will say the following: first of all, check if any extraneous programs are running that take the lion's share of PC resources instead of the desired game. After making sure that the load is created directly by the game itself, you can go further ...

To help!

How to increase processor performance through power settings (parking cores, how to enable all CPU cores ✔) -

Do you know about problematic graphics in some games: fire, water, shadows, etc.?

Very often the reason for the brakes lies in the game itself, for example, often the developers did not optimize the graphics, say, for a certain line of video cards. As a result, for the majority of users, everything works as it should, and for some users, the game is simply unrecognizable: everything lags, slows down, the picture twitches and distorts.

It is rather difficult to name for each game where and what problems it has (they can tell much more about this on some forum dedicated to a particular game).

As for Diablo III (and some other games as well), the game in the first releases had a problem with NVIDIA video cards due to the parameter enabled in the driver settings AMBIENT OCLUSION (Shading background lighting)... When it was turned off in the graphic settings, the game started to fly!

Pay attention to such elements like: fire, water, shadows, fog, dust, etc. If it is possible in the game to disable them (or reduce their detail) - try it! In some cases, games start to behave completely differently.

Have utilities been used to speed up games?

Who would not say anything about "magic buttons" that they do not exist, etc. - there are still utilities that can speed up your computer in a few steps, and as a result, reduce the number of errors and lags in games.

I will not talk about them in detail here, since this will require quite a lot of space and time (especially since the blog already has such an article).

Are the video drivers updated? Is there a conflict, are they optimal?

Video drivers have a very serious and significant impact on performance in games.

For some video cards, choosing the optimal driver is not always easy: the newest driver may not be optimized, it may contain errors, and may not work correctly with some types of textures (but, as a rule, in new drivers, on the contrary, the number of errors tends to a minimum).

One piece of advice: try downloading multiple driver versions for your video card. Then install one by one and check how the game works with one or another. Perhaps installing a different driver will make the error go away ...

Updating Drivers in Windows 10 - Overview 5 best programs (in Russian) -

How to update the driver for an AMD, nVidia and Intel HD graphics card: from A to Z -

In addition, I also recommend to go to device Manager and check if there is a conflict of drivers, for all equipment drivers have been found and installed (if there are yellow exclamation marks there. An example is what a problematic driver looks like in the device manager -).

To open device Manager : press the key combination Win + R and enter devmgmt.msc (example below).

Pay attention to the tabs "Video adapters" and "Unknown devices" - are there any devices with yellow exclamation marks (or just unknown devices ).

If they are, you need to find drivers for them and install them. Then restart your PC and check how the game performance changes.

To help!

How to find and install a driver for an unknown device -

Are the video drivers tuned for maximum performance?

I think it's not a secret for anyone that the performance in games depends very much on the settings of the video drivers. Sometimes, by changing some parameters, it is possible to increase in the game 1.5 (or more) times!

How to speed up an AMD (Radeon) graphics card -

How to improve the performance of NVIDIA graphics card in games -

How to speed up an IntelHD graphics card, increase performance by at least 10-15% -

Is the game set to low graphical values: resolution, detail, shadows, etc.?

In addition to the video card settings, there are also settings for the game itself. By the way, their influence is no less than the settings of the video card (and maybe more!).

Absolutely every game (99.9%) has graphics settings. Having entered them, pay attention (first of all) to the following things:

  1. screen resolution: has the strongest effect on the quality of the picture in the game, and on the load of your video card. By lowering the resolution a little, you can significantly increase the performance of your PC in the game. By the way, I'd like to add that in many games the resolution reduction will be hardly noticeable, while the performance will increase significantly! So there is always a balance to be found;
  2. quality of graphics, visualization, video: also has the strongest impact on performance. If the game lags, try lowering the settings from high to medium (or even low);
  3. detail of the landscape, shadows, fog, etc.: remove, or completely disable, if this is provided by the game;
  4. vertical sync: try to enable / disable. Sometimes it gives a significant increase in the number of FPS.

What to look for when setting up game graphics // using Civilization IV as an example

Does the integrated graphics card switch to discrete when running games?

This question concerns computers / laptops with dual video cards: integrated and discrete. The fact is that when running games, the computer must use a discrete graphics card for maximum performance.

But this does not always happen, often the device does not switch the video card, and you play on the built-in one. Then, even if you have a powerful gaming laptop, you may well see lags in relatively old games!

I already have an article on my blog dealing with this issue. I recommend reading it.

How to run a game on a discrete graphics card. How to check which video card the game is running on // using NVIDIA as an example -

Windows 10 Gaming Mode: Improving Your Computer's Gaming Performance -

Have you checked the temperature of the components for overheating?

Crashes and brakes in games can be associated with overheating. The fact is that games are quite demanding programs that significantly load both the processor and the video card, and sometimes the hard drive (with intensive data loading).

Particular attention should be paid to the temperature in the following cases:

  • strong hum of fans / coolers;
  • when the PC is unstable: reboots, brakes, freezes;
  • warm case (noticeable in laptops / netbooks);
  • frequent critical errors, etc.

Usually, the temperature has to be remembered in a warm summer, when the temperature in the room rises significantly and it becomes actually hot (not only for humans, but also for the computer 😊).

To find out and control the temperature of the main components (CPU, video card, hard drive), I recommend using one of the utilities:.

For example, in the screenshot below I have a utility Speccy.

In general, it is difficult to say which temperature is critical (a lot depends on the specific iron). But in general, in general, if you highlight, then:

  1. processor: pay attention to the temperature if it starts to exceed 60 ° C () in games;
  2. hard disk: the normal temperature of the hard disk is 25 ÷ 43 ° C. If yours is higher, I recommend seriously worrying, as leaving this zone can seriously affect the durability of your disk ();
  3. video card: in general, some models of video cards (for example, NVIDIA) can withstand temperatures up to 100 ° C (but personally I cannot call this a normal situation). At temperatures in games above 80 ÷ 85 ° C - I recommend reading the recommended temperature ranges of your video card manufacturer ().

To help!

Laptop is warming up: what to do? Temperature is high all the time: 85 ° C + -


One of the main "enemies" of computer hardware is dust. It penetrates absolutely everywhere, over time clogs the cooling system, which leads to an increase in temperature. And this, in turn, can affect the speed of the PC, as well as its service life.

To help!

Cleaning the computer from dust: monitor, system unit, keyboard -

Is Windows optimized for maximum performance?

It is no secret that an optimized Windows operating system can run significantly faster than one that no one else has done. Moreover, all this can also affect the performance of the PC in games (and the number of FPS).

Imagine yourself: unnecessary services and programs that you never use are loaded into memory for some reason, executed, etc. All this has to spend PC resources.

I'm not even talking about the fact that over time, a large amount of garbage accumulates in the system: temporary files, folders, erroneous entries in the registry, non-working shortcuts, etc. All this needs to be cleaned and tidied up, and then Windows will be much more responsive, the number of errors will be less, and the performance will be higher!

Optimizing Windows 10 // to speed up your computer - (also relevant for Windows 7, 8)

What kind of power supply scheme is used for the PC, is the economy mode enabled?

This point is more about laptops. The fact is that Windows has a power section where operating modes are set. There are several options among the modes: economical, optimal (or balanced), and high performance.

By default, most often, either optimal or economical is involved. The latter can have a very significant effect on the performance of a laptop (and, moreover, not only in games).

To open the setting and choosing a power scheme, go to Windows at: .

High performance // Power supply

If you have a laptop with Windows 10, please also note that you can add performance using the battery icon in the tray.

Also, for laptops, some manufacturers equip their devices with special software. Among this software, there are modules responsible for powering the laptop: for example, some devices from LENOVO have power saving modes.

By the way, in some cases Turbo Boost may be disabled due to power settings. (as a result, the processor works far beyond its capabilities)... You can find out how to check this point and use Turbo Boost from my previous article, the link to which is given below.

To help!

Because of what the low performance of the Intel processor on the laptop. How it can be accelerated (about Turbo Boost) -

I-❶ Do you have 2 hard drives? Does one of them turn off?

If the game works, works, and then after a certain time freezes for 0.5-1 seconds, and then works again, then this behavior is similar to turning off the hard disk. Those. Windows turned off the hard drive, and when it needed data from it and the game wanted to get it, it turned on again, and it took this time to turn it on (at the same time, if you listen, you can hear how the disk starts to work (make noise)).

The conclusion suggests itself - it is necessary to prohibit the hard disk from shutting down during operation. By the way, this often happens when you have 2 or more hard drives in your system. Some of them are disabled when inactive.

To prevent this from happening, Windows at: Control Panel \\ Hardware and Sound \\ Power ... Next, open the link "Setting up the power plan" the active circuit (example below)!

Next, expand the section "HDD" and put "0" in the tab "disconnect hard drive after" ... This means that the hard drive will never turn off (which is required). Save your settings and try to return to the game. Will this characteristic lag disappear?

never unplug hard drive // \u200b\u200bWindows 10

I-❷ Is antivirus / firewall enabled, have you tried without it?

And the last thing I wanted to dwell on in this article is viruses and antiviruses (and other security software). In some cases, antiviruses / firewalls can significantly affect performance, for example, they can schedule a computer scan for viruses while you are playing. Often, in this case, the game starts to slow down.

I'll be brief here:

This concludes the article.

Zand additions on the topic - I will be grateful.

Even with a powerful computer, you are not at all insured that your games will not slow down. Very often, to speed up the game, it is enough to carry out a small optimization of the OS - and the games begin to "fly"!

In this article I would like to focus on the most simple and effective ways acceleration. It should be noted that the article will be missing the topic of "overclocking" and the purchase of new components for a PC. Because the first is a rather dangerous thing for the performance of a computer, and the second requires money ...

1. System requirements and settings in the game

Well, firstly, system requirements are indicated for any game. Many users believe that if the game satisfies what they read on the disc box, then everything is fine. Meanwhile, on disks, the minimum requirements are often written. Therefore, it is worth focusing on a small variety of requirements:

- minimum - game requirements required to run it at the lowest performance settings;

So, if your PC meets only the minimum system requirements, then set the minimum values \u200b\u200bin the game settings: low resolution, graphics quality to a minimum, etc. It is practically impossible to replace the performance of a piece of hardware with a program!

2. Removing programs that load the computer

It often happens that the game slows down, not because there are not enough system requirements for its normal operation, but because another program is running simultaneously with it, which heavily loads your system. For example, the antivirus program of the hard disk is being checked (by the way, sometimes such a scan is launched automatically on a schedule, if you have configured it). Naturally, the computer cannot cope with the tasks and starts to slow down.

If this happened during the game, press the "Win" button (or Cntrl + Tab) - in general, minimize the game and go to the desktop. Then launch the task manager (Cntrl + Alt + Del or Cntrl + Shift + Esc) and see which process or program is loading your PC.

If there is an extraneous program (besides the running game), then disable and close it. If it is to you at all insofar as - it is better to delete it altogether.

Also check the programs that are in your startup. If there are unfamiliar applications, then disable them.

By the way, many users also install dozens of different icons, gadgets on the desktop, set up blinking cursors, etc. All this "creation", as a rule, can very heavily load your PC, besides, many users do not need it, because. to. they spend most of their time in various programs, games, where the interface is made in their own style. The question is, why then paint the OS, losing performance, which is never superfluous ...

3. Cleaning the registry, OS, deleting temporary files

The registry is a large database that your OS uses. Over time, this database accumulates a lot of "garbage": erroneous entries, program entries that you have deleted a long time ago, etc. This can cause a slower computer, so it is recommended to clean and optimize it.

The same applies to the hard drive, which can accumulate a large number of temporary files.

4. Defragment your hard drive

All files that you copy to your hard drive are scattered in "chunks" * (the concept is simplified). So, over time, such scattered pieces become more and more and in order to put them together - the computer takes more time. Because of what, you can observe a decrease in performance.

The easiest way is to use the standard Windows feature. Go to "my computer", right-click on the desired disk, and select the "properties" item.

It will not be superfluous to look into the "special settings".

Move all available sliders towards the speed of work. Then save and exit. The computer screen may flicker a couple of times ...

Then try starting the game. In this way, it is possible to speed up the game due to the quality of the graphics: it will become slightly worse, but the game will run faster. You can achieve optimal quality by adjusting the settings.

7. Special utility GameGain

GameGain ( - a utility for game lovers. She can choose the optimal settings for Windows, which will allow you to speed up your games. Moreover, the speed gain can be significant, especially in conjunction with all the other tips from this article.

After starting the utility, you will see a simple window in which you will be asked to select your OS and your processor. By default, usually, the utility itself correctly detects the OS and processor. Once selected, you need to click the "Optimize now" button and then restart your computer.

By the way, the utility supports all modern Windows operating systems: 2000, XP, 2003, Vista, 7, 8.


In this article, we looked at the easiest and fastest ways to optimize your computer to speed up games. Of course, no settings and programs can replace the new hardware. If you have the opportunity, then, of course, it is worth updating the computer components.

Good day.

All game lovers (and not amateurs, I think too) faced the fact that running game began to slow down: the picture changed on the screen in jerks, twitched, sometimes it seems that the computer freezes (for half a second or a second). This can happen for various reasons, and it is not always so easy to establish the "culprit" of such lags ( lag - translated from English: lag, lag).

As part of this article, I want to focus on the most common reasons why games start to jerk and slow down. And so, let's begin to understand in order ...

1. Required system characteristics of the game

The first thing I want to immediately draw attention to is the system requirements of the game and the characteristics of the computer on which it is launched. The fact is that many users (based on my experience) confuse the minimum requirements with the recommended ones. An example of minimum system requirements is usually always indicated on the packaging of the game (see example in Figure 1).

Figure: 1. Minimum system requirements "Gothic 3"

The recommended system requirements, most often, are either not indicated at all on the disc with the game, or they can be viewed during installation (in some file readme.txt). In general, today, when most computers are connected to the Internet, it is not long and difficult to find out such information 🙂

If the lags in the game are related to the old hardware, then, as a rule, it is quite difficult to achieve a comfortable game without updating the components (but it is possible to partially correct the situation in some cases, about them below in the article).

By the way, I don't open America, but replacing an old video card with a new one can significantly increase the performance of a PC and remove brakes and freezes in games. A fairly good assortment of video cards is presented in the catalog - you can have the most productive video cards in Kiev (you can sort by 10 parameters using filters in the sidebar of the site. I also recommend looking at the tests before buying. The question was partially raised in this article :).

2. Drivers for the video card (selection of the "necessary" and their fine tuning)

Probably, I will not greatly exaggerate, saying that the work of the video card is of great importance for the performance in games. And the work of the video card depends heavily on the installed drivers.

The fact is that different versions of drivers can behave completely differently: sometimes old version works better than newer (sometimes vice versa). In my opinion, the best thing is to check it experimentally by downloading several versions from the manufacturer's official website.

Regarding driver updates, I have already had several articles, I recommend that you read:

  1. best programs for auto-updating drivers:
  2. update drivers for video cards Nvidia, AMD Radeon:
  3. quick driver search:

Not only the drivers themselves are of no small importance, but also their configuration. The fact is that the graphics settings can significantly increase the speed of the video card. Since the topic of "fine-tuning" the video card is quite extensive so as not to be repeated, below I will provide links to a couple of my articles, where it is described in detail how to do this.

3. What is the processor loaded with? (remove unnecessary applications)

Often, the brakes in games appear not because of the low characteristics of the PC, but because the computer's processor is not loaded with the game, but with extraneous tasks. The easiest way to find out which programs "eat up" how much resources is to open the task manager (the combination of the Ctrl + Shift + Esc buttons).

Before starting the games, it is highly advisable to close all programs that you do not need during the game: browsers, video editors, etc. Thus, all PC resources will be used by the game - as a result, fewer lags and a more comfortable game process.

By the way, one more important point: the processor can be loaded and not specific programs that can be closed. In any case, with slowdowns in games - I recommend that you take a closer look at the processor load, and if it sometimes has an "incomprehensible" nature - I recommend that you read the article:

4. Optimizing Windows OS

You can slightly increase the performance of the game by optimizing and cleaning Windows (by the way, not only the game itself, but also the system as a whole will work faster). But I want to warn you right away that the performance from this operation will increase very slightly (at least in most cases).

I have a whole section on my blog dedicated to optimizing and tuning Windows:

Programs for cleaning PC from "garbage":

5. Checking and configuring the hard disk

Often, the brakes in games appear due to the work of the hard disk. The behavior is usually as follows:

- the game is running normally, but at a certain moment it “freezes” (as if a pause is pressed) for 0.5-1 sec., at this moment you can hear the hard drive start to make noise (especially noticeable, for example, on laptops, where hard drive is located under the keyboard) and after that the game runs normally without lags ...

This happens due to the fact that during idle time (for example, when the game does not load anything from the disk), the hard disk stops, and then when the game begins to access data from the disk, it takes time to start. Actually, because of this, such a characteristic "failure" often occurs.

In Windows 7, 8, 10, to change the power settings - you need to go to the control panel at:

Control Panel \\ Hardware and Sound \\ Power

Then, in the advanced parameters, note how long the hard drive will be idle after. Try changing this value for a longer time (say, from 10 minutes to 2-3 hours).

6. Antivirus, firewall ...

The reasons for the brakes in games can also be programs to protect your information (for example, antivirus or firewall). For example, an antivirus can start checking files on the computer's hard drive during a game, which will immediately "eat" a fairly large percentage of PC resources ...

In my opinion, the easiest way to determine if this is really so is to disable (or better, remove) the antivirus from your computer (temporarily!) And then try the game without it. If the brakes disappear, then the reason has been found!

If all else fails

1st tip: if you haven't cleaned your computer from dust for a long time, be sure to do it. The fact is that dust clogs the ventilation holes, thereby preventing hot air from leaving the device's case - because of this, the temperature begins to rise, and because of it, lags with brakes may well appear (and, not only in games ...) ...

2nd tip: it may seem strange to someone, but try to install the same game, but a different version (for example, I myself came across the fact that the Russian-language version of the game slowed down, and the English-language version worked quite well. at a publisher that hasn't optimized its translation).

3rd tip: it is possible that the game itself is not optimized. For example, this was observed with Civilization V - the first versions of the game slowed down even on relatively powerful PCs. In this case, there is nothing left but to wait until the manufacturers optimize the game.

4th tip: some games behave differently in different windows versions (for example, they can work fine in Windows XP, but slow down in Windows 8). This happens, usually due to the fact that game manufacturers cannot assume in advance all the "features" of new versions of Windows.

That's all for me, I will be grateful for constructive additions 🙂 Good luck!

Computer technology is not only a successful companion in performing work tasks, but also a good basis for excellent relaxation. A fairly large number of users are actively immersed in the gameplay, downloading and installing new games, as well as taking part in their online varieties.

High system performance is required to run games on PC

The gaming industry is developing at a rapid pace, each time significantly improving the graphics, as a result of which the characters and all objects in the game look amazingly realistic. However, such brightness, saturation entails increased requirements for computer technology. There are modern games that cannot be played on outdated technology. In addition, sometimes a modern PC can not cope with the task, seriously upsetting users who, of course, want to know why their games slow down. windows computer 7.

The reasons why games slow down can be divided into two categories: hardware and software. If the game slows down on the computer, then only after correct definition the category of reason will become clear what exactly needs to be done. There are hints, based on which, you can analyze problems, identify shortcomings and eliminate them so successfully, even without having practical experience in this direction.

Insufficient system resources

Each game comes with specific system requirements. If the game is purchased on disc, then these requirements will necessarily be written on the cover. If the game is downloaded from web resources, then it is there that you can read the requirements.

If the technical parameters of the computer do not meet the requirements of the game, experienced users recommend not even trying to download it, but it is best to look for something else or a previous version of the game. If you ignore this advice, the game can be loaded, installed, but it will still not work correctly.

There are technical tricks, using which, you can "overclock" the video card, bringing it closer to the desired parameters. Of course, by doing this, you can start the game, but the wizards do not recommend doing this, since the "overclocking" of the video card provokes a rise in temperature, as a result of which it can simply fail.

It sometimes happens that the system requirements seem to correspond to the gaming characteristics, but despite this, it still fails to play normally - something constantly freezes or knocks out.

During the game, the system resources of the PC are forced to work in an enhanced mode, and sometimes just at the limit. Due to this strenuous work, the video card heats up significantly. Operating systemtrying to prevent the video card from breaking down may cause the PC to restart or quit the game.

Confirming overheating of the video card is not difficult. If the game starts, but after a short period of time it starts to lag, and then it starts to slow down significantly, then the problems are connected precisely with the overheating of the video card. Games are especially slow when difficult scenes begin in their scenario.

What to do if games that were running normally began to slow down, and the reason is related to overheating? Even an inexperienced user can guess here: the cooling system should be improved. To do this, you can clean the fans, which can be covered with a large and dense layer of dust. Only cleaning should be done very carefully and carefully so as not to damage any boards and PC components. It is best to entrust this work to masters who can not only carry out effective cleaning, but also apply a new layer of thermal paste.

If the problem is not dustiness, experts recommend that gamblers purchase a special laptop stand with additional cooling mechanisms.

The temperature regime of the video card is easy to track using special programs that you can download yourself, but only from trusted sources.

Software reasons

In addition to hardware reasons closely related to computer hardware components, there are also software reasons that cause games to slow down excessively. PC owners often seek to put on their hDD all the programs they've ever heard of positive feedback. This is the wrong approach, since it is advisable to install on a computer only the software that is guaranteed to be used, and not "lie" on it as a dead weight.


Another reason why games slow down is a banal lack of resources. Quite often, users overfill their disk space, and as a result, the paging file decreases significantly. Of course, working with such a shortage of free space is simply impossible.

If earlier everything was fine, and the user enjoyed the game process, and then suddenly the games for some reason began to slow down on the computer, nothing complicated would have to be done. It is enough to view the load level of the disc on which the game is installed, and if necessary, remove unnecessary programs to free up disk space.

Slowdown can accompany gameplay if Windows has to simultaneously perform several system tasks. This happens when the "Startup" contains a lot of programs that are rarely used by the user. It is advisable to remove such programs from "Startup" in order to facilitate the work of the PC as a whole.

It does not prevent the PC owner from freeing disks from temporary files that accumulate constantly and sometimes take up quite a decent amount. You can clear computer equipment from temporary files and viewed web pages different waysbut it is best to install special programsthat will allow you to do all this easily and quickly. One such program is CCleaner. It is comfortable to work with such a program, it allows you to clear disks of temporary files, remove programs from "Startup", and also uninstall unused software.


It is also very useful to systematically (or as needed) defragment disks. This process is also very important for any PC. To launch a game, the computer has to perform multiple actions, part of which is to collect fragments of the game. The more difficult it is for the PC to assemble such fragments, the longer it will take to launch the game itself, or it will slow down in the process.

It’s just that the user will certainly not notice how hard the reading head has to “work”, what exactly it has to do. But most PC owners manage to notice a clear increase in the time interval between requested actions.

Defragmenting your disks is easy. Personally, the user himself will not have to do anything except call a special request. To do this, you need to go to "Start", go to "All Programs", then to "Standard", "System Tools", in the list that opens, you can easily find "Disk Defragmentation". By clicking on it, a window with a service task opens, it remains to select a disk and start the defragmentation process. The operating system, during the execution of such a service task, tries to collect all the individual fragments, placing them side by side. This careful systematization improves the performance of the PC, and also contributes to increased performance.

Software interference

If the game process is accompanied by interference that was previously completely unknown to the user, a possible cause may be outdated drivers responsible for the correct operation of the video card and audio card.

Explaining what to do in such cases, experts recommend reinstalling the drivers if they feel an obvious failure. You can also simply update such drivers using Internet resources.

Experts recommend that you systematically update your drivers even in cases where you don't feel any problems while working with your PC. Computer manufacturers are constantly developing updates that make important changes that fix bugs or shortcomings of previous versions.

Games can also be slowed down by "unwanted lodgers" who have infiltrated the PC while browsing the Internet or downloading any files. To detect viruses that interfere with the correct operation of your computer, you need to use antivirus software with fresh keys.

So, understanding why the games do not "want" to work normally, why they constantly slow down, it is better to seek professional advice. It is they who can easily recommend what to do and how to proceed, what simple or cunning techniques to apply. Actions based on useful recommendations are always accompanied by high efficiency, allowing the user not only to solve the problem associated with inhibition of games, but also to gain important practical experience, to rise one step higher in user skill.