Diablo 3 where to find the cube. Modes - Game - Diablo III. Bosses act iv

With the release of add-on 2.3, a so-called artisan called the Kanai Cube appeared in the game diablo 3. Most gamers familiar with the previous parts of the game are already familiar with the Kanai Cube and its capabilities. But compared to its predecessors, the Cube received completely new features, for example, a slot for three legendary properties, which do not need to be added to items, it is enough to put the cube on a pedestal in the city. They can also transform various magic items, immediately after the appearance. Although this item has such powerful properties, it is quite difficult to get it, and in this article we will try to describe the place where to find the kanai cube in diablo 3.

Ruins of Secheron

Together with the cube in update 2.3, a mini location of the Ruins of Secheron will appear. You can get there in the third act of the adventure mode by taking a task from Zoltun Kull. After passing the ruins and killing the crazed defenders of the once great civilization, the Kanai Cube will open to you. You can find him on a pedestal in the city market square.

Now you know where to find Kanai's Cube in diablo 3. It's worth noting right away that Secheron Ruins is the only place where you can find Kanai's Cube. Also, for any actions with the cube, you will need materials, for example, to extract magical properties from the subject. To do this, you will need 5 breath of death.

Update 2.3 will introduce the Kanai Cube to Diablo 3, which may sound familiar to those who played the previous Diablo. But it's not.

You can get it by going through, which are also new, find the gate of wandering to which you can in the adventure mode in the 3rd act. More precisely, we do not receive, but open the Kanai Cube, since it does not fall into our chest, but on the market square, in the form of an artisan (Zoltun Kull is responsible for him).

Although the Kanai Cube is very reminiscent of the Horadric Cube, it works in a fundamentally different way. It will store 3 legendary properties, added there by extracting from legendary items. And they do not have to be added to other items, your character will receive these bonuses anyway, despite the fact that the cube is in the city, on its pedestal.

In addition to this, its most powerful property, with the help of Kanai's Cube, it will be possible to carry out various magical transformations with objects. Immediately after opening it, 6 other basic recipes will be available in it.

Basic Cuba Kanai Recipes

  1. Extracting a legendary property into a cube;
  2. Reforging a legendary item;
  3. Upgrade a rare item (into a random legendary item of the same type);
  4. Convert set items (into a random item of the same set);
  5. Remove the level requirement (even a level 1 character can wear the item);
  6. Converting stones (for example, 9 rubies into 9 diamonds - essences are available from Jumpy);
  7. Material conversion (the color of the desired reagent is indicated through the item).

But that's not all, the list of recipes can be expanded by fulfilling certain conditions, such as, for example: opening a secret level with a shepherd's staff. So, with the release of update 2.3, you will hardly have time for something else. But so far, little is known about how to obtain recipes.

If someone else is not in the know, then in this patch the "Wonder Valley" has been updated! If earlier everyone was striving there for the sake of knocking out decorations in the form of wings, now you can still collect a lot of items, crystals and resources there! The best drop comes from gift boxes and mushrooms. Also, from each cloud you are guaranteed to get money and a lot of crystals! In order not to tell a lot - watch the video better:

Where to farm goblin?

  1. The first and easiest way is to search for goblins in standard locations in Adventure mode + you can combine this action with completing tasks for Tyrael's boxes. There are some patterns in their respawn and you can learn about them from the video below. The whole farm comes down to running around the standard places, clearing the existing goblins and then re-entering the game to repeat the actions.
    1. There is also an option to call Greed Portal (Treasury)"right in the city. To do this, we need a ring. You can get it in two ways - knock it out somewhere or exchange it with Kadala for bloody fragments. But there is also the third way to get the puzzle ring- in Kanai's Cube on the 3rd recipe, you can upgrade yellow (rare) items to legendary ones. This is especially helpful when you are trying to get a certain ancient legendary ring. After receiving - if you throw it in Kanai Cube and press activation, a portal will open in Halls of Greed.Some will now think that this way you can farm well if you first increase the difficulty level. It's possible, but don't rush, so that you don't get such a fail like mine 🙂 Also, for joy, this is playing a magician - I dressed up all the gear to increase gold production + hung a shoulder pad for more profit and gaining experience. According to the standard, I play on the difficulty level T6 and before calling the portal I switched to T10. On T6, there are no particular problems with killing mobs, but on T10, inside the portal, I was disappointed, because. my damage was not enough to take down the HP of the current mobs in time, and as a result, the small goblins that appeared had time to escape into their portals earlier. what I killed them with He has HP under 100 billion + with his blows, he just one-shots. After 6-10 attempts, I gave up on this matter and re-entered the game on a lower difficulty of T6 - as a result, the portal was gone.
      With grief, he went to look for goblins in locations and randomly knocked out another one of the same portal ring. This time I decided to pass it on T6 difficulty. As a result - everything went smoothly, the mobs lay down with ease.
      The conclusion from all this: if you can easily cope with mobs at your difficulty level, then before calling the portal from the ring, you can increase it by 1-2 points.
  2. Also remember that getting into Halls of Greed portal you can in adventure mode by killing ordinary goblins. The chance of opening a portal after death is small and random. In Nephalem Rifts, goblins do not open their portals.
  3. And another way to find goblins is to put on yourself before getting a buff at the shrines. This is not the first time these bracers instead of some boss-elite summon about 10 goblins of different types 🙂

Greedy goblins - where to look for them in the first act

So how do you get to the treasure chest? The answer is simple - kill as many goblins as possible! Some people write that killing 100 goblins is not the limit, but we opened the treasury after killing about 50 goblins. It doesn't matter if you beat the goblin in the First Act or in the Fifth - the chance of opening the treasury, in my opinion, is the same. Personally, I have opened a treasury once in the First Act, once in the Third and once in the Fifth.

Here I will list the places where greedy goblins can be found most often in Act One.

All the screenshots show goblins in pairs - this is what Battle.net had a week-long promotion: twice as many goblins.

1. Location Southern Highlands

Moon Clan Cave

Goblins appear randomly, either on the 1st or 2nd level of the caves. If you found goblins at level 1, then there is no point in going to level 2 or exploring the cave further - there are no goblins on two levels at once, they are mutually exclusive, just as there is no more than 1 goblin on one level.

Goblins in Moon Clan Cave Level 1

Goblins in Moon Clan Cave Level 2

Watch Tower

If you have opened this location, which also randomly appears in the Southern Highlands, then you can run here too, sometimes (very rarely), at level 2 you can meet a goblin. I also attach a map where I had goblins, of course, goblins are located in absolutely different places, but suddenly these same places will coincide with you.

Goblins in the Watchtower Level 2

Goblins in the Watchtower Level 2 - map

Southern Highlands

In the Southern Highlands you can meet goblins very often, the chances are 50/50, so to speak. No more than 1 goblin lives there, therefore, after finding him, you can go further without running around the entire location.

Goblins in the Southern Highlands

2. Caves of Arana

Also very often, with a probability of 50%, you can meet goblins here, if you're lucky, then more than one.

It happens that almost at the very beginning you can meet a yellow spider monster, passing next to which your hero will say something along the lines of "The spider caught its victim." We kill the spider, and after that we open the cocoon, from which the goblin jumps out. More on video.

This is one of the few cases where you can find not one, but two goblins in one location. After you have killed this spider (its appearance, by the way, is not very frequent), it is advisable to run around the entire cave in search of another goblin.

Goblins in the Caverns of Arana

Goblins in the Caverns of Arana

Goblins in the Caverns of Arana

Spider with goblin in Arana Caverns

Goblin spider location map in Caverns of Arana

3. Royal Tombs

The royal tombs are very small in size and easy to run around, and goblins appear there quite often, so it is very convenient to go there to look for them.

Goblins in the Royal Tombs

The cathedral is big, so running around everything every time is not very fun. But goblins are found there quite often. Most often, goblins appeared for me at levels 2 and 3 (it happened that they were immediately on, 2 and 3 levels). I am attaching maps, but, as always, I warn you that goblins mostly appear in random places.

Goblins in the Cathedral Level 2

Goblin Map Cathedral Level 2

Goblins in the Cathedral Level 3

Goblin Map Cathedral Level 3

5. Cursed Fortress

It is impossible to get into the cursed fortress directly, there is no portal in it, the easiest way is to transfer to the Halls of Agony Level 2, and from there run through the Crossing in the Highlands and to the fortress itself. It is not long to run around the cursed fortress, and the appearance of goblins there is a frequent occurrence. It was also noticed that they sometimes sit in the same places, so a map with the location here may be useful to you.

Goblins in the Cursed Fortress

Goblins in the Cursed Fortress

Goblins in the Cursed Keep - map

6. Dead Fields

Crypt of Decay

This location is a random drop with a roughly 33% chance in the Foul Fields. So how do you find the Crypt of Decay in the game? We are transferred to the Bad Fields and determine our location by the location of the Flooded Temple portal, since its location is unchanged, but in the Bad Fields you can appear in four different places. The location of the Crypt of Decay appears only in two places, respectively, by determining your location, you can understand where approximately the Crypt of Decay should be located. I am attaching a map to make it clearer.

Clarification: if a task appeared at the place of the crypt with the Elder, the Beast, Serpoklyk, a detachment of goats near the chest, or just a stub in the form of a curlicue, then you can not continue the search.

Map showing the location of the Crypt of Decay

Here, goblins can appear on both the first and second levels, but not on both at once.

Goblins in the Crypt of Decay Level 1

Crypt of Decay Level 1 - map with goblins location

Goblins in the Crypt of Decay Level 2

Lost Mine

It appears well, very rarely, but goblins live there most often on both levels 1 and 2.

Lost Mine Level 1 with Goblin

Lost Mine Level 2 with Goblin

dead fields

They, too, can often please you with one goblin.

Dead fields with goblins

Dead fields with goblins

7. Other locations where it is possible to meet goblins, but not as often as in previous places.

Hall of Leoric
The location is tiny, the chance of a goblin spawning is about 20%.

Goblin in Leoric's Hall

rotting forest
Chances are about the same as in the previous place.

Goblin in the Rotting Forest

Northern Highlands and Leoric's Hunting Grounds.
Random is so random... Everyone says that you need to farm goblins in the Northern Highlands, but I'm 15!!! rebooted this place once and never met a goblin there, but met him a couple of times in the Hunting Grounds (it's just above the Northern Highlands).

Goblins in Leoric's Hunting Grounds

Halls of Agony

Out of 6 times, only 1 time at the first level I met a goblin.

Goblins in the Halls of Agony Level 1

I do not advise you to go to the Cemetery of the Damned and Wailing Hollow - I did not see any goblins there.

Screenshots of goblins

Diablo 3: Farm goblins / How to farms goblins

Diablo 3: Farm goblins / How to farms goblins

Diablo 3: Farm goblins / How to farms goblins

Diablo 3: Farm goblins / How to farms goblins

Diablo 3: Farm goblins / How to farms goblins

On August 25, 2015, a major update was installed on the Diablo 3 servers for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It brought many bug fixes and new content: Ruins of Secheron and .

Fans of the game series will remember the powerful Horadrim artifact from Diablo 2, but it's just a toy compared to Kanai's Cube. So says Zoltun Kul, who manages a powerful artifact and makes caustic remarks.

Lost and forgotten

The precursor to the Horadric Cube, Kanai's Cube is a powerful artifact with almost limitless possibilities for modifying items. Initially, the Horadrim needed a powerful magical artifact to hunt the three great incarnations of Evil. For a long time, the magic cube served the order, but in the end, its members considered the artifact too dangerous and decided to hide it. To replace the first device, a less powerful horadric cube was created. The old artifact was given for safekeeping to a mysterious group of barbarians who lived on Mount Arreat. They regularly guarded the cube from outsiders, including members of their own clan who were not privy to the secrets. When the Horadrim decided to hide the cube, only one member of the order was against it: Zoltun Kull.

For many years, the barbarians guarded the cube, protecting it from the prying eyes of those who would want to use the power of the artifact for evil. The last guardian of the cube was Elder Kanai. He died when the demon lord Baal destroyed Secheron during the events of the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction expansion. According to the ancient tradition of the barbarians, warriors were always buried on the slopes of Mount Arreat. But after the destruction of the stone of the universe and the mountain peak itself, in the depths of which it was kept, the spirit of Kanai could not find peace. Now the deceased ruler carries eternal watch over the ruins of his homeland and guards the greatest treasure of the world. He is waiting for a powerful and noble hero, to whom he can transfer the artifact entrusted to him.

One vile creature has once again managed to infiltrate the mortal realm, and it is not averse to laying its immaterial raking hands on the treasure that its order abandoned long ago. Of course, the spirit knows only one candidate who can impress Kanai...

What can be done with Cuba Kanai?

According to the creators (be it Horadrim or Blizzard) anything. No, you can't use it to get the legendary angel wings or raise your level to 9000, but it's easy to improve items, open portals or take a legendary property for yourself.

Functions Cuba Kanai

  • Retrieve the property of a legendary item. Do you like the bonus that the legendary armor gives, but is it too weak? Now this is not a problem. With the help of the cube, you will destroy the legendary item, but you will take its property into the cube and use it! In total, three types can be extracted: weapons, armor and jewelry. Only 1 property in one category can be used at a time.

  • Reforge a legendary item. If you received a legendary item, but it turned out to be not of the best quality or with the wrong bonuses, then you can reforge it. Item affixes will be randomized as if you found it in combat. A normal legendary item can become ancient and vice versa, so be careful.

  • Upgrading a rare item. Basically, you can make a rare item legendary with new properties. The item obtained during the upgrade will belong to the same type as the original, but it is impossible to predict which legendary item you will get.

  • Converting a set item. A very useful feature. If on the battlefield you received two pairs of boots from the same set, for example Blacktron's Spurs, then you can try to exchange 1 pair for another item from THIS set. There is a chance that you will get the same boots only with different properties.

  • Removing a level requirement. Very useful if you want to fully equip your lvl 1 nephalem immediately into a lvl 70 item set.

  • Gem transformation. Converts 9 gems of one type to 9 gems of another type, while maintaining the same quality.

  • Material conversion. Converts 100 items of one type of material into 100 items of another, but you will not get the legendary material.

  • Enhance an ancient item. This recipe became available after update 2.4. You can upgrade your existing Ancient Legendary item. To do this, you need to have the following ingredients: a legendary gem from level 30 and 3 flawless royal gems of the desired color (ruby - strength, emerald - dexterity, topaz - intelligence).

Secret Recipes Cuba Kanai

If the Horadrim cube from the second part of Diablo had secret recipes, then there simply must be.
  • Portal to the NOT cow level. To get to it, you must find a Cow's Bardysh.

  • Portal to the treasure. To get into the lair of greed, you only need a puzzle ring. You can only open one portal in the game.
  • How to get the Kanai Cube?

    Very simple. Select adventure mode from the game menu. Go to the third act and you can immediately teleport to the new location of the Ruins of Secheron. After a long battle with enemies, you will find a hall where this cube is just lying on a pedestal.

    With the release of patch 2.3, Diablo 3 has more legendary items than ever before. And although the chance of their dropping was increased a long time ago, knocking out the much coveted "Crucible" from the demons is hardly easier. The addition of Kanai's Cube has also added another source of Legendaries to the game along with Kadala, but which one is better?

    Legendary items may be even more common in Diablo 3 than in World of Warcraft, but the goal for end-game in both games is the same: get more loot that is better than equipped items.

    WoW wants to correct us and says "Get prettier loot", while Diablo 3 chuckles and replies "You only dream of my transmog system". But while WoW guides players down the One True Path to get the best gear, Diablo 3 gives you multiple ways to earn Legendaries.

    As you know, players will find the “best” solution for everything. There are two main methods for obtaining a specific legendary item in Diablo 3, and we'll dig into the calculations behind each to determine which method is best depending on what you're trying to get.

    Tables for theorycraft

    Tables are especially closely related to theorycrafting when it comes to gear selection. While Diablo 3 doesn't feature traditional databases like Wowhead due to the randomness of stats on items, you can still use tables to figure out proportions and drop chances.

    Scrolling through the Diablo class subreddits, you'll often come across this table, although I find the alternate version of it a little more useful, as it contains comparisons not only of drop rates or blood shards required, but also the approximate number of death breaths required.

    And since the first table is its basis, it also corrects information about some items. For example, the Summoner's Thorns armor set used to be a multi-class armor set, but with the release of patch 2.3, it began to drop only for crusaders. The later version of the table corrects this slight difference in patches along with other changes, which in turn has little effect on the proportions.

    The easiest metric to understand would be the Legendary Drop Rate, which reflects the likelihood that the item will be exactly what we're looking for if a Legendary drops.

    It is calculated by dividing the “weight” of the legendary item you are looking for by the sum of all the “weights” of legendary items of the same type. Item types can represent huge categories of equipment shared by multiple classes, such as shoulder pads; or they can only combine class items, like voodoo masks (which can only be equipped by a sorcerer). The "weight" of an item, in fact, means its rarity: the lower it is, the less often this item comes across.

    You've probably noticed that you, for example, come across more gidbinns and Last Gasps among ceremonial knives than the much coveted starmetal kukris. Looking at the Raw Data post, you'll notice that the gidbinn's "weight" is 100, while the starmetal kukri is the rarest ceremonial knife, with a "weight" of just 25.

    So let's take ceremonial knives as an example. I want a dagger dart (CD) to complete my evil carnival mask build, so I want to know what is the chance that when the ceremonial knife drops, I will get exactly the CD?

    To do this, we take the "weight" of the CD equal to 50, and divide it by the total "weight" of ceremonial knives equal to 575 - we get 0.0869, or 8.69% chance.

    Now consider that Kadala's items follow the same calculations, but her categories are larger. Ceremonial knives are classified as one-handed weapons, so when rolling the dice at Kadala, we also need to take into account all other one-handed weapons that the sorcerer can use. The final "weight" becomes 3325:

    Ceremonial knives = 575
    - One-Handed Axes = 550
    - Daggers = 350
    - One-Handed Maces = 650
    - Spears = 200
    - One-Handed Swords = 1000

    Therefore, the chance of getting a dagger-dart (with a "weight" of 50), from all the choice of one-handed weapons available to the sorcerer, is 50/3325 or 1.50%.

    To consolidate the material, let's calculate the chance of getting an evil carnival mask. Since voodoo masks are class items like ceremonial knives, the drop rate for this particular mask will be similar - 50/550 or 9.09%.

    But voodoo masks are also a subspecies of helmets, which, however, are slightly smaller than the one-handed weapons from the previous example. Thus, the chance of getting an evil carnival mask from Kadala is approximately 3.70%.

    Calculating the cost of items

    Now that we've covered the basics of drop odds, we can calculate the average cost. Of course, the main point is that it average cost, and therefore not a fixed amount of blood shards or breaths of death that you spend guaranteed receive an item.

    You may get lucky and get the item you are looking for in the first few attempts, or you may not get the right legendary until the end of the season.

    The formula for the calculation is as follows: 100 / Kadala Drop Chance * Kadala Item Price * 10.

    Since our drop chances are in percentages, they have an inherent “out of 100 tries” factor, so we will flip the fraction to figure out how many tries out of 100 we will need on average to get the required legendary.

    Of course, each attempt will cost Kadala a certain number of Blood Shards, so we will multiply the final number of 100 attempts by the cost of the category in which we tried to get the item.

    The drop chances we looked at earlier were based on the fact that the item in question was originally legendary. Kadala doesn't guarantee you'll get a Legendary: she can fill your entire inventory with junk - literally and figuratively - and she won't care. It has a 10% chance to give you a legendary item, which gives us another multiplier in addition to the variables we already have.

    So if I'm trying to get a Dagger Dart, I'll have to spend a little less than 50,000 Blood Shards on average (calculations are: 100/0.0150 (Kadala's chance) * 75 Blood Shards * 10 = 49,875 Blood Shards). By comparison, that's 57 times more shards than I've currently mined with my heroic seasonal character. Well, you will! This price is negligible compared to the Starmetal Kukri, which will cost you an average of 99,750 shards!

    The evil carnival mask even has a higher chance - twice as high as that of a dagger-dart! Everything is even better, the price in bloody fragments for a helmet is only 25 units, which is three times less than the price for one-handed weapons. Therefore, on average, it will take you about 6,750 fragments to get an evil carnival mask.

    Kanai, please don't be stingy with weapons.

    Another method of obtaining the required legendary items appeared with patch 2.3 and the addition of Kanai's Cube to the game. One of the recipes, Kain's Hope, can turn a level 70 rare item into a legendary item of the same type.

    Unlike Kadala, this type of item will be narrowly focused, and therefore, if you put a rare voodoo mask, then you will get a legendary voodoo mask as a result. Thereby, this method good for weapon loot, because instead of rolling the dice for all the range of one-handed weapons available to you, the game will choose, for example, only one-handed swords.

    The only disadvantage of the method is its cost - 25 breaths of death. The calculation of the average cost for Breaths of Death will be the same as for Blood Shards, but since we are guaranteed to get a Legendary in the output, we do not need to multiply everything by the chance of a Legendary item drop.

    The formula would be: 100 / drop chance * 25 (fixed number of death breaths).

    The Evil Carnival Mask (9.09% chance) will cost an average of 275 Death Breaths, while the Dagger Dart will take about half an attempt more - 288 Death Breaths. If you gamble among smaller categories like two-handed staves, then, for example, on the "Diviner Su Wong" you will have even less breaths of death - 163 pieces on average.

    Conclusion: Kadala vs. Kanai

    Kadala is good for getting armor, especially if you are just starting to collect any set. For example, shoulder pads for any class will cost an average of 2,000 Blood Shards, or less. Trying to get class armor for other equipment slots - such as a helmet for a sorcerer, sorcerer or monk - is a little more risky, but still not as reckless as trying to win a good weapon from Kadala.

    Specific items, like weapons and class gear, are best looted from Kanai, as you'll either be rolling the dice for a small category or for a limited list of the total number of items.

    For example, there are seven legendary two-handed maces, but a sorcerer can only equip five of them. Kanai's main problem with gambling is the overall rarity of an item for its category. This means that the chances of a sorcerer getting Crucible are not 1 in 5 at all: the "weight" of this legendary mace means that you still have to spend about 375 death breaths on average.

    Rings and amulets are not profitable to get by any of the methods. Since there is not enough class jewelry to reduce the lists of available rings and amulets, they will be expensive for Kanai.

    Kadala is also not very generous with jewelry, because rings cost 50 blood shards, and amulets as much as 100. Truly rare items, like the same Crucible, will also be expensive using any of the above methods.