Tuleyev resigned, he explains with an unbearable "moral burden." Aman Tuleyev announced his resignation Why Tuleyev resigned

The governor of Kuzbass himself asked Putin to resign. His request was immediately granted. He explained his decision in a video message to residents of Kemerovo

Aman Tuleyev. Photo: Snapshot from video / government press service Kemerovo region/ TASS

Updated at 17:53

Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuleyev left office. He resigned on the morning of April 1. Tuleyev sent a statement to Vladimir Putin of his own free will. The president immediately accepted the resignation. He called Aman Tuleyev and thanked him for his many years of work as governor of the Kemerovo region.

Tuleev's first deputy Sergei Tsivilev was appointed acting head of the region, who was remembered for his ambiguous behavior after the fire, when he first went to the protesters, then accused them of PR on the mountain, and eventually knelt in front of them.

Tuleyev did not come out to the people, instead he apologized for the fire to the president, and called those who had gathered in the square as buzoters. He later stated that he met with the relatives of the victims and warned them that they could be manipulated. “After the fire, I did everything I could, but I have to live on,” Tuleyev said in a video message to his fellow countrymen and bowed to them. The politician called his decision to resign the only correct one. The record of the appeal is posted on the YouTube channel of the Kemerovo administration:

“Dear fellow countrymen, we are all experiencing a terrible tragedy that happened in Kemerovo on March 25th. We lost 64 people, and most of them are children, our children. Each of us has already passed all this through our hearts, and all this horror, the pain of this catastrophe. Dear people of Kuzbass, I did everything I could: I met with the families of the victims, tried to resolve issues of assistance. Once again, I offer my deepest condolences. But you have to live on. The cause of the fire is being investigated by Russian law enforcement agencies. Dear fellow countrymen, we went through a big, very big life path: from the Kuzbass striking, sitting on the rails, knocking with helmets, hunger strike, strike to the Kuzbass building and support of our state. And all this was done by you, you, and I am immensely grateful to you. Quite honestly, as in front of an icon, I can tell you that in my work I have always been guided by the interests of our country, Russia, and our region. Thanks again to everyone for always being there in grief, in joy, and accept my bow. I have submitted my resignation to the President of the Russian Federation. I consider for myself the correct, conscious, only correct decision. Because it’s impossible to work as a governor with such a heavy burden, it’s morally impossible. Peace and goodness to you and your families. May the Lord protect each of you and our native blacksmith land. "

Tuleyev has been in the post of governor for over 20 years, since 1997, according to this indicator, he ranked second in Russia after the governor of the Belgorod region Yevgeny Savchenko. Four times Tuleyev was re-elected as the head of the region with a score of more than 90%. Back at the beginning of this year, he was expected to step down after presidential elections due to serious illness.

Last spring, he underwent spinal surgery, after which he was on sick leave until the winter, and then moved in a wheelchair. It was planned that Tuleyev would resign after celebrating his 74th birthday at the governor's post - May 13, 2018, two RBC sources close to local authorities said. Tuleyev was looking for a replacement. The fire provoked the resignation, experts say, but the case was framed in such a way that it is not Putin who dismisses Tuleyev, but he himself asks to resign.

president of the Petersburg Politics Foundation“Resigning at will is some kind of ritual that has been adopted. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, this is an attempt to show that Tuleyev, in one way or another, is in control of the situation and his resignation is taking place according to a scenario that is comfortable for his team, that there will be elements of continuity or, at least, there will be respect for the Tuleyev heritage. The text of the statement is quite formal, there is no feeling that the logic of one paragraph follows from another. At first he says about the same thing that he said during the week about the victims of this tragedy, and then suddenly turns to the topic of resignation. In general, it is clear that this is a written text. Perhaps, it is not absolutely inorganic for Tuleyev, but nevertheless it is not something so emotional, or something, the urge is not read in him. And I would not absolutize the date of April 1. It seems to me that on April 1 at last years in Russia, it is experiencing some decline of the genre, it is not so much a day of jokes as it once was. Plus, the dynamics are such that it was especially better not to postpone it. In addition, it is probably more logical to say this on weekends, because after all, Tuleyev is seen off with the words that he needs to leave on time. These words are not always comfortable for federal officials to hear. "

As for Sergei Tsivilev, he was appointed vice-governor recently, on March 2. He is called a Varangian for Kuzbass. A video message from the acting governor to the residents of Kemerovo appeared on the website of the regional administration.

“Dear residents of Kemerovo, I am accepting the region at a very difficult moment. I want to tell you, residents of Kemerovo and the entire region, that I will do everything to ensure that those guilty of this terrible tragedy are severely punished. The investigation will be provided with all the information to punish those responsible. No one will be fenced in or hidden. This terrible tragedy united not only Kemerovo, but the whole country in grief and compassion. We will not leave the victims and relatives of the victims alone with the misfortune, we will and will do everything to support them in these difficult days, provide them with all possible help and support. I consider it necessary to emphasize: direct communication with people is the most important thing for me. You and I have to solve a lot of difficult, complex tasks. "

Tsivilev is a captain of the third rank, he graduated from the naval school in Sevastopol and served in the navy until 1994. Second higher education for an official - economic. In the mid-1990s, Tsivilev worked as the head of the security service of the St. Petersburg branch of Aeroflot Bank, which went bankrupt in 1997. Then Tsivilev, together with his brother Valery and Igor Sobolevsky, created the Nortek law firm in St. Petersburg, which worked for 15 years.

The surname, name and patronymic of the Tsivilevs' partner in "Nortek" coincide with the data of Vladimir Putin's classmate and ex-deputy head of the RF IC Igor Sobolevsky. In 2007, Tsivilev became a co-founder of the Lenexpoinvest company, which was supposed to build a new Lenexpo complex, where, in particular, the St. Petersburg Economic Forum is held annually.

In the early 2010s, Tsivilev became interested in the mining business. Two years later, he became deputy chairman of the board of directors of the Kolmar group. At the same time, Integro, owned by Mikhail Prokhorov, sold a controlling stake to Gennady Timchenko's structures. Kolmar is engaged in coal mining in Yakutia.

In 2014 Tsivilev became the CEO of the company. In the fall of 2016, he spoke to Putin at a meeting with promising Far Eastern investors at the Eastern Economic Forum. Then Tsivilev asked to support joint projects of Kolmar with Japanese companies.

On February 27, Tsivilev met with Putin in the Kremlin. Then the president noted that in a very short period of time the company has achieved serious results. Three days later, Tsivilev was appointed vice-governor of the Kemerovo region.

The fact is that when he took office, Tuleyev did not take the oath, as required by local legislation. Kemerovo social activist Maxim Uchvatov drew attention to this.


The man demanded that the Russian Prosecutor General's Office investigate the situation and deprive Tuleev of his deputy mandate, reports Ura.ru. "Aman Gumirovich did not take the oath during the entire session. On the basis of this, I formed an appeal addressed to the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaiku with a request to take measures of the prosecutor's response," Uchvatov explained.

The ex-governor of Kuzbass on April 10 was elected chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of the Kemerovo Region. Aman Tuleyev has been the head of the region for over 20 years. He resigned on April 1 in connection with a major fire in the shopping center " Winter cherry"in Kemerovo on March 25. The tragedy claimed the lives of 64 people, including 41 children.

According to the website, Igor Vostrikov, a resident of Kemerovo who lost his family in a fire, was outraged by the appointment of the former head of Kuzbass to the new position. He believes that after the tragedy, the ex-governor should have completely withdrawn from politics.

“And take a bow,” he said, and bent his old forehead almost to the table, trimmed with mahogany and green leather. - May the Lord protect each of you ... "

In the bureaucratic office, the unspeakable echoed: "And Kuzbass" ...

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Aman Tuleyev resigned.On Sunday, April 1, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, officially submitted his letter of resignation. He has been in his post since 1997. Tuleyev resigns after a fire broke out in the Zimnyaya Vishnya mall in Kemerovo, in which 64 people died. In his special video message, the head of the Kemerovo region explained the reasons for leaving

The permanent governor of the Kemerovo region, who ruled for more than 20 years, resigned, eaten by fakes about 400 corpses and 40 children, locked up by a controller and burned alive. We, the media, and the law enforcement agencies exposed this lie, provided relatives with access to morgues and distributed videos in which the cinema door was thrown open, but the network mongrels again jumped in and bit the governor:

"Only one person was left out of the tragedy - this is Aman Tuleyev!"

“Just a couple of kilometers from his office, dozens of people were burnt to death, and he did not even come that terrible night to somehow support their relatives.”

"Didn't go to the rally!"

"I transferred to the victims a one-day earnings of 5724 rubles."

"He did not apologize to the victims and the Kuzbass people, but he apologized to Putin !!!"

“The tragedy has shown the true mug of a man who was respected by many! Why did you eat our children, corpse eater? .. Fuck you ... after that! Even the last bastard doesn't do that. Not like the governor! " - on Friday, the Kemerovo media mogul Mikhail Shkuropatsky, who recently personally received a medal "For Serving Kuzbass" from the hands of Aman Tuleyev, wrote on his web page on his web page, and has now collected all the dirt of unfair accusations and posted, as an illustration to the post, a photograph of Tuleyev's huge blurry face, with cheeks lying on the shoulders.

(And it is useless to prove that these photos are old, a year ago, when the Siberian Kazakh was almost overcome by diabetes, and now Tuleyev is dry and gray-haired.)

Who did not immediately come to the scene of the tragedy, because the Minister of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov asked so at that moment: not to distract people when the count went on for minutes.

Who personally led the reception of victims in his office and did not sleep for three days.

And he did not list one day's earnings, but organized 5 million rubles for each family for each victim: 1 million from the regional administration, 1 million from the government, 3 million from local entrepreneurs with whom “there was substantive work,” as Tuleyev vaguely put it in a video message to fellow countrymen in the middle of the week (social responsibility of business is detected).

A family that has lost two will receive ten million, a family that has lost three - fifteen.

This is without taking into account the help of the oligarch Shtengelov, whom Tuleyev personally asked Putin to get from Australia, so that not only the watchman, security guard and usher, but also the owner of the building, and without taking into account the money transferred by residents of other regions of Russia, the mayor of Riga and others compassionate citizens. Five million is just from Kuzbass.

I'm not saying that money will replace children for people, but lying about 5724 rubles against the background of this amount is low: as low as posting old photographs of a person in illness.

"Aman was eaten by public opinion," network political analysts write bluntly.

Which they, political scientists, are excellent at managing.

Although, to be honest, for all twenty years that Tuleyev was in charge of Kuzbass, the population of the region was definitely for him. Public opinion? Oh well...

So who and for what actually brought down the mighty Khan Aman?

And are the inhabitants of Kuzbass happy about this?

But, if in truth, Tuleyev is a courageous man and politician. Few people already remember that during the first presidential elections in the RSFSR in 1991, the then unknown former head of the Kemerovo railway, Aman Tuleyev, confronted Boris Yeltsin, who was at its peak of popularity, and eventually gained more than 6 percent of the vote. And that on more than one occasion he openly opposed Yeltsin, openly accusing the latter of betraying Russia's interests to please American interests. He even refused to accept the Order of Honor. That, however, did not prevent both politicians from getting along quite peacefully.

And for some reason no one will remember that the same Tuleyev has repeatedly negotiated with terrorists, offering himself instead of hostages. But such is the property of human memory that the good is not remembered for long.

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Tuleyev: 200 people will be lost at the rally.How Governor Aman Tuleyev reported to Putin at a meeting on eliminating the consequences of a fire in Kemerovo


On the square, where a few days ago a small but loud rally about "Power is hiding corpses" raged, there is a bench with the inscription: "The park sofa was made and installed as a gift to the townspeople from the family of Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich with the wishes of a pleasant stay." All Kemerovo authorities are in this image.

Tuleyev was even called the father of the people in the opposition press, he is a real people's governor, '' local journalists tell me. - All these countless distributions of goats, chickens, and rams to large rural families from the administration: they simply brought a ram and a little baby in the trunk of a car, brought it into the barn. Pensioners - food packages, potatoes in the fall, children - free bicycles: a thousand, then five thousand. Aman Gumirovich says that as a child he lived poorly and did not have a bicycle, so let the children ride. And all this is not window dressing, it is systemic, real! On Miner's Day, if a child is born - 10 thousand to each mom. On March 8 the same. A young family gets married on a holiday - 50 thousand from the administration and an interest-free loan for the purchase of housing, in the summer travel for pensioners to summer cottages is free, for university students who have good grades - compensation from the administration for renting housing. For orphans, children of dead miners, the region is free of charge, but what a price! In the 2000s, they were sent to Greece! Now - in Sochi. And how many fellows did Tuleyev personally have: students, graduate students ...

Directly a relict preserve of socialism, a paternalistic state in a separate area. And it kept on the figure of the governor.

By the way, when Tuleyev talked about the measures to support the families of those killed in "Winter Cherry", he said so:

“Not that: buried, 40 days and forgotten - no. Now I will personally deal with each family: maybe the children are still alive, the parents. If they are children, they need to be led up to the age of 18, as is customary in Kuzbass. We will help you thoroughly. Further - banks. People took loans, other situations. These banks fully undertake write-off obligations. "

Now think, do the banks like it?

At whose expense the entire banquet in the depressed region, you guess?

The practice of agreements between the regional authorities and business on social and economic cooperation, or simply milking business for social needs, was never hidden here: “ Kuzbassrazrezugol”And other enterprises reported how many hundreds of millions of rubles they would give to orphans and old women. Business preferred to negotiate because there were precedents: those who did not come to an agreement with Aman could not work in the region and even live in Russia.

“On Miner's Day, it gathers all the coal miners of Mezhdurechensk: you are reconstructing the sports palace, you are building a new bridge, you must change the asphalt in the city. Every year chooses new town: that's it, for the holiday it turns into a picture! - says the former deputy. “We had a joke that we still need to make a regional Metallurgist Day: involve EVRAZ and RUSAL!”

Will the new broom, which sweeps in a new, liberal way, all these relics of socialism, is a rhetorical question.

Well, what service did the Kemerovo doctor Andrei Volna, including the families of those killed in the Winter Cherry, rendered with fanfare the title of Kuzbass Prize Laureate and spat at Aman Tuleyev: “You were cowardly, you did not apologize, you didn’t resign "?

Knocked out the salaries of the miners and burned out

In 2011, I came to Kuzbass to write about a local gang of police officers, the material was helped to collect by employees of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Suddenly, the press secretary of the local UK, a sweet girl, fell into a stupor: “How so? We cannot give interviews on this topic! What will Aman Gumirovich say? "

They explained to me: Tuleyev imposed a ban on any negative from the region, even if it is a criminal case that took place in court. Local journalists who just tried to write about the miners' hunger strike due to non-payment of wages are threatened with dismissal.

Aman made decisions across the federal center: he banned collectors and introduced a curfew for children, Aman cleaned out all the bright politicians who could become his competitors (as soon as someone was talked about as a successor, he instantly referred, at best, to the regional center), and ... Aman personally knocked money out of careless owners who did not pay the miners' salaries. On this I got burned.

We had a headquarters under the governor, - say the locals. - The owners were summoned there and worked with them in every conceivable and inconceivable way: they threatened with the Economic Crime Department, deprivation of a license, and a criminal case. Tuleyev could have forbidden to conclude contracts with those who had been fined, declared: “I have already had enough time with the miners on the rails”. The businessman was told: “If you don’t know how to work, we will manage for you,” and the shares of the enterprises were transferred to a holding company, which is headed by a friend of Tuleyev. It was created in 2002 from scratch and has grown to an unimaginable size (the enterprises "purchased" by the holding are listed, including the well-known Moscow radio station. - Author) ...

Until recently, this holding was a sponsor of all events in Kemerovo. People in an amazing way did not like him: “Rag, they all row for themselves,” just as they loved Tuleev.

But in 2016, the system was broken: in July, the Kemerovo region administration began to "work" with the owner of the Inskoy open-pit mine, whose two shifts of miners refused to go underground because they had not been paid since April. Tuleyev personally summoned the foreman ... And in November, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Siberian Federal District opened a criminal case, but not against the owner for non-payment, but against the very same headquarters for extorting the owner of shares worth a billion rubles.

Suspects, attention: the head of the Kemerovo Investigative Committee Sergei Kalinkin and two deputy governors Alexei Ivanov and Alexander Danilchenko.

The latter, shortly before his arrest, directly told the press that the Kuzbass authorities "made it clear" to the owner of "Inskoy" that he was not fulfilling his duties and should transfer the company to a new owner.

The governor was left without military support, - say people close to the administration. - They changed the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, sent from another region. The holding began to urgently sell assets, now we don't even know what they have left. Anarchy has come. Feeling like everything is falling apart.

Grocery stores began to close in Kemerovo: the local Chibis chain left, the Holiday store closed, their owners left the region, - the journalists share. - People's wages began to fall. Compared to zero, when everything was growing, depression came.

Everything was superimposed on the fall in coal prices and the crisis of 2009: it was then that the miners' working week began to shrink and wages fell.

And then, in the spring of 2017, Tuleyev fell ill. Disappeared for a long time. Then they announced that he had undergone spinal surgery in Germany.

He returned as a gray-haired grandfather.

He was accused of not going out to the people for the rally, and he almost does not walk: they lead him by the arms. Rumor has it that the leg is amputated. The press service denies it.

Amangeldy himself said that Roosevelt was leading from a wheelchair, so nothing ...

But - did not sit still.


Three are called the beneficiaries of Tuleyev's resignation: the new vice-governor Sergei Tsivilev, who had a conversation with the president a month ago (it was Tsivilev who was appointed acting governor), the same media mogul Mikhail Shkuropatsky, who ate from Tuleyev's hand exactly until the moment he fell ill, and the only one the Kemerovo oppositionist Maksim Uchvatov, who wets the authorities on his own website, is a local Navalny.

Only Tsivileva is called a serious contender, Shkuropatsky, according to the general opinion, is aiming for a deputy.

A confused Aman Tuleyev told on TV how the region was being shaken these days: mines were being “mined” by phone calls, so that the miners, having gone wild, went down and ascend to the surface five times ... they called the relatives of the deceased: preliminary hearing, "- people come, and the judgment - neither sleep, nor spirit. People are crying ...

We should remember these technologies: when we have grief, a large-scale tragedy, there are forces that can open up the wound, play on the most sensitive: alive. Children. Four hundred...

I'm going to put a carnation on that bench as a sign of the end of the Amangeldy Tuleyev era.


- They say, Aman Gumirovich, you allegedly went alone on armed bandits, saved people?

Yes cho there. On the seventh of June of the ninety-first year it was. I left the Rossiya Hotel, walk, bothering no one. Guys from some services come up, they don't know me, but they explain the situation to me: on the Vasilievsky Spusk in the bus, a bandit took a seven-year-old girl hostage and demands money. And since the bandit, they say, is of a nationality similar to you, so you give him the money. As you give it, it will fall down here, it will tilt, you - to the side, and we - for the cause. Got it! I get on the bus, and he is holding a knife right on the girl's throat. What kind of money is there to transfer! At such moments, maybe something from above comes to my aid, I don't know, the power of suggestion, so to speak. I told him with some inner voice: "Boy, you are not a murderer, do not destroy the child, the money is not worth it." He dropped the knife and gave up. Now this girl Masha has already grown up. I am friends with her family, we correspond.

- But I heard that more than once you went to the bandits.

Yes, I'm lucky for this case. Two years ago, here, in Kemerovo, again a bus, again hostages, a terrorist, hung with real explosives. I go and think: “I’ll die now, in a week they will forget and not one with… the family will help! How small and everything in this life has gone. Some are starving, others, robbing the first, build palaces. I always say to these palace builders: “Okay, you have no conscience, so fear God. After all, you will have to pay for everything, for everything in this life. If God does not take from you in full, so your children and grandchildren for you - the thief will pay off! And if you don't believe in God, fear the anger of the people. The time will come - they will all burn, to the mother, they will burn together with you! " They seem to understand, but animal greed - it prevails over the human mind. I myself have a salary of 2,300,000 ( the amount in rubles before the 1998 monetary reform, approximately $ 380 at the 1997 exchange rate - approx. Ed.), I also want to live richly. I want to have my own house. But to be rich - together with everyone. And so you look at all this poverty, and a piece of fat will not go down your throat! (Details)

How Ulyana Skoybeda searched for a gypsy arsonist in Kemerovo

Special report from the city where the fire investigation is ongoing

In Kemerovo, no one believes in 400 people killed in the fire

Our correspondent Ulyana Skoybeda on the mood in Kemerovo: everything calms down, psychosis is stopped


"No one will be fenced in or hidden": Acting Governor of Kuzbass Sergei Tsivilev promised to punish all those responsible for the fire in "Winter Cherry"

Acting Governor of the Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev appealed to the Kuzbass people after his appointment. He promised that all those responsible for the fire in the Kemerovo shopping and entertainment center "Winter cherry" will be punished

Aman Tuleyev's resignation: the governor of the Kemerovo region addressed the president with a statement

Governor Aman Tuleyev appealed to Vladimir Putin with a letter of resignation after the fire in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping and entertainment center. The address of the head of the Kemerovo region appeared on the Web (

What awaits Kuzbass after the resignation of Aman Tuleyev

On Sunday, April 1, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, submitted a letter of resignation to the president. He noted that this is the only correct decision after the tragedy that took place in the Kemerovo shopping center "Winter cherry". Vladimir Putin accepted the resignation of Tuleyev, who has led the region for the past 20 years. We talked with the Kuzbass political scientist, Doctor of Historical Sciences Alexander Konovalov about what will happen to Kuzbass after Tuleyev


How do you remember the galaxy of leaders of the Yeltsin call?

Arthur CHILINGAROV, Hero Soviet Union, Hero of Russia, famous polar explorer:

The fact that they always knew how to leave their posts on time. This is what Yeltsin himself did in December 1999, and now Tuleyev. With such a load ... difficult to lead. I wish Aman good health.

Ilya SHAKALOV, Director of the Krasnodar Region Development Fund:

Since the Yeltsin era, there are still leaders - as a rule, these are governors - who turn bronze, live in their own world, breaking away from reality, not noticing the obvious things. And this puts ordinary citizens in a dangerous position, up to tragic events.

Irina POLEZHAEVA, mother of many children (6 of her children, 19 foster children), Moscow:

I would not say that in the Yeltsin era, the leaders were so bad. For example, the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, I remember as a rather approachable and sentimental person. He was sympathetic to orphans and helped our family-type children's home.

Nikolay SVANIDZE, historian, publicist:

People so different got into the Yeltsin call that it is difficult to call them a galaxy. These are Gaidar and Tuleyev ... And the leaders were very strong, and very weak, and very controversial.

Vladimir SHEVCHENKO, former chief of protocol for President Boris Yeltsin:

Leaders of the Yeltsin era, such as Tuleyev, were not afraid to go down the mine, go to the workers, and talk to them directly. I think Tuleyev did everything he could, and maybe even more. He did a lot, but some - not, as we all do. He was a good governor and worked for a long time.

Sergey MALINKOVICH, member of the Central Committee of "Communists of Russia":

I remember this galaxy for its incompetence, contempt for people and the desire to grab more to provide for myself and my immediate environment. As for Tuleyev, I have long said that he needs to be removed. It is a pity that it is too late ...

Evgeny ROYZMAN, Mayor of Yekaterinburg:

They have preserved their regions and set a serious message forward. But you can't stay in power for so much. We must leave on time. Tuleyev's example is one of the brightest.

Sergey DARKIN, ex-governor of Primorsky Krai:

They are strong business executives. Largely. But another feature is that as soon as they retire, they immediately have fewer friends. I know this from myself.

Ivan, listener of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (97.2 FM):

All of them, starting with Yeltsin himself, sagged under America - and nothing good came of it anyway ...

Irina Alksnis, for RIA Novosti

The resignation of Aman Tuleyev from the post of governor made us recall those quite old times when any changes in the leadership of the Russian regions were akin to tectonic shifts in the political system of the entire country.

Many governors and presidents who took office in the 1990s were at that time political heavyweights not only at their regional level, but also at the federal level. But even in those days, few could compete on equal terms with the Kemerovo governor, who not only successfully headed a very complex and important region, but was also a truly influential federal politician.
Those days are long gone.

Governors in Russia have long ceased to be inviolable political persons, and there are now a minimal number of iconic figures of a federal scale among them. Rotation in their ranks has become an ordinary process and interests - apart from the actual citizens in these regions - mainly the Russian management class and a small circle of experts in this area. And criminal cases against former and current heads of regions are now being initiated in batches.

Changes in the Russian political system fully affected Aman Tuleyev, who long ago turned into just one of the many dozens of Russian governors who stand out among their colleagues except for their political longevity and special respect for him from colleagues and the federal center.

But ironically, the circumstances of leaving the post kemerovo governor such that they bring to mind the old days when any governor's resignation caused heated discussions and numerous assumptions among the widest audience.

There is hardly any doubt that if Aman Gumirovich had the opportunity to turn the clock back, he would have preferred a quiet and boring resignation, like most of his colleagues from the 1990s. But you can't turn the story back, and the finale of the Kemerovo governor's career is now forever associated with a terrible fire, in which dozens of people died.

Although you can look at this situation from the other side.

Aman Tuleyev became the first case in history modern Russiawhen the head of the region (albeit not immediately) took responsibility for the tragedy that occurred in his jurisdiction and left his post in this regard.

As you know, just a couple of days ago, the Kremlin emphasized the topic of the resignation of the Kemerovo governor, refusing to comment on this issue. At the same time, statements russian President During the trip to Kemerovo, there was no doubt that this time the punishment of the "switchmen" would not be enough, and all those responsible for the incident would receive theirs, regardless of status and past merits.

Despite this, however, Tuleyev's departure from office came as a surprise to many: most observers were inclined to believe that, although his resignation was inevitable, there would be a pause of several months before it was announced.

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We must pay tribute to one of the veterans of Russian politics, who with his current step actually laid a new tradition of the Russian state-political system. And Vladimir Putin's phone call after the acceptance of the petition for early retirement with gratitude for the work, it makes sense to consider it in this context.

The ability of a high-level leader to take personal responsibility deserves respect in any case. And even in a situation where he is a "pioneer" in this traditionally difficult region for Russia, especially.

Another thing is that Aman Tuleyev became very good example for the Russian system and in a different sense. The Kemerovo authorities were harshly criticized not only for the tragedy that occurred, but also for serious flaws in the reaction to it, in particular, for problems in communication with the shocked residents of the region.

The State Duma named the tasks facing the interim head of KuzbassSergey Tsivilev will have to preserve and increase all the achievements of the regional authorities. Aman Tuleyev managed to achieve a lot as governor, MP Sergei Neverov said.

Here, of course, a natural question arises: would these frictions arise between the authorities and the residents of Kemerovo if Tuleyev was still full of strength, energy and talent to talk with people whom he was so well known throughout Russia twenty years ago?
This reminds the leaders of the state-political system of Russia the lesson of the dire consequences of the Soviet gerontocracy.
However, taking into account how intensively the new generation of managers has been prepared and put into operation in recent years, at the very top of the Russian state this is obviously well understood.

After the tragedy in the Zimnyaya Vishnya shopping center in Kemerovo, the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, submitted a petition to Vladimir Putin for early resignation from office on April 1. The President accepted the petition, appointing Vice Governor Sergei Tsivilev as Acting Governor. Despite Tuleyev's statement that his decision to resign was voluntary, social networks considered the resignation forced, and also remembered the governor's efforts to follow the instructions "from above" in everything.

The governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, resigned ahead of schedule of his own free will. Tuleyev announced his decision in a video message to the residents of the region. The recording was published on the website of the Kemerovo Region administration, as well as on the YouTube channel of the press service on April 1. In his address, Tuleyev noted that he had made a decision to resign in connection with Kemerovo.

Today, now I want to tell you, I have submitted my resignation to the President of the Russian Federation. I think for myself, well, the correct, conscious, the only correct decision. Because with such a heavy burden, you can't work as a governor. Morally impossible.

Some media outlets and users agreed that Tuleyev's resignation was not at all voluntary and that such a decision was "let down" to the former governor from above. So, according to the expert of the Center for Political Technologies Alexei Makarkin, if it were not for the fire in the shopping center, Tuleyev would not have surrendered his post, writes.

Probably, from somewhere above him, to put it mildly, they asked him, but they formalized it in the form of his decision, because this is still an era in the history of the region and it would hardly be possible to simply fire a person here. I think that if it were not for this tragedy, he would have been the head of the region for some time.

There is a version that the head of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin convinced Tuleyev to resign, writes FlashSiberia, citing a source from the agency. According to the interlocutor of the agency, Bastrykin met with Tuleyev in Kemerovo on March 31 and gave him a message about the need to leave his post.

He (Bastyrkin) conveyed to Tuleyev Moscow's wish to announce a voluntary resignation, which he did. In this case, Moscow gave Tuleyev the opportunity to save face as much as possible in a difficult situation. Aman Gumirovich understood everything and did not argue.

Some users agreed with this opinion. social networks, considering that Tuleyev himself was not going to leave the post of governor.

Stanislav Shkel

Tuleyev's resignation has once again convincingly shown that personnel issues of this level are resolved by a very narrow circle of people and absolutely situationally. Therefore, all these questions from journalists about the forecasts of resignations or appointments and the experts' answers to these questions are all empty chatter and blah-blah-blah.

Other users considered Tuleyev's departure an April Fool's joke and, until recently, refused to believe in the veracity of his intentions.

In connection with the appointment in the public "VKontakte" "Typical Kemerovo" Tsivilev's appeal to the residents of the region was published.

Some users expressed support for the new Acting Governor, noting that they consider Tuleyev's resignation to be correct. However, the comments dedicated to Tsivilev himself suggest that the residents of Kemerovo, who saw his speeches in the media, are unhappy with the appointment.

But I watched from and to the online broadcast of the rally on March 27. This is not a person who is worthy of respect. At the rally, he even tried to tell about himself to his beloved, until they shut him up. And these words about PR on blood to Igor Vostrikov are worth something. Expand