A special school for adolescents with deviant behavior. The special school is a chance for difficult children. Schools for difficult adolescents: features of raising children with deviant behavior. We help addicted families

School is a familiar institution for the overwhelming majority of Russians (if not for all). There are gymnasiums, there are lyceums, there are ordinary secondary schools, but in general, the rules of the game are the same everywhere: you have to study well, otherwise you will get a bad grade, your parents will scold you, and then you will have to work for pennies and in some inhuman conditions. But besides the usual and familiar "temples of secondary education" there are those where everything happens a little differently. The correspondents of IA Sakh.com visited two unusual Sakhalin schools - a closed boarding school for difficult teenagers and an innovative school that deals with the socialization of children from the CIS countries.

First story. Closed school

The only school for deviant adolescents on the islands is hidden 130 kilometers from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, in the center of Kholmsky Kostroma. It is difficult to get lost in the village - one road, one "Comfort" store, and behind it a turn to the right, "propping up" the corner of an extended concrete fence, behind which they hid educational buildings and school workshops.

I draw your attention to the barred window of the checkpoint. Director Elena Yalina smiles softly and explains: "Our only grate. This is so that the boys do not break glass with a ball. They have hit it so many times." The checkpoint house is "planted" right in front of an old field and a gate that looks out from behind a wooden fence.

Previously, there was a special school for difficult-to-educate children, before that there was a boarding school for mentally retarded, and now they teach teenagers with deviant (socially dangerous) behavior from all over Sakhalin.

At the expense of this formulation, heavy for perception (deviant behavior in addition to socially dangerous), Elena Nikolaevna tried to protest at a meeting in the Ministry of Education. "Yes, this is a stigma in the guys' certificates!" - explains the director. - They are not dangerous, you will see for yourself. It's just that not everyone was lucky. "But it is difficult to argue with the federal order of the educational department over a small Sakhalin village, although I really want to.

We are not a prison, we still have a school. Yes, there is a certain schedule and schedule, but we are not employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, but teachers. And the guys are not criminals, but primarily children, - emphasizes Elena Nikolaevna.

And yet, only boys are sent here by court order. Girls are also hooligans and break the law, but there is no such place for them on the island.

“The procedure is as follows,” explains Elena Nikolaevna. “The court makes a decision, the child is sent to a temporary isolation center in Ukrainskaya, and then they bring him here or we ourselves go to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and take him away.”

Now 17 teenagers study at the boarding school. The oldest will become an adult in a year, the youngest, who entered school just a month ago, is 12 years old.

To my question: "How did you get here?" - Vladik, a little embarrassed, but rather firmly answers: "He stole." The short boy's track record includes opened shops, containers, garages, appropriated tools and stolen mopeds. Vladika is drawn to technology. Vladik dreams of becoming an auto mechanic, and it seems that he will succeed. Elena Nikolaevna has no doubts about this - Vlad will study the best for another three years under her supervision. Enough time for rethinking.

Vlad is laconic, but sociable at the same time. Like any 12-year-old, he likes to play playstation (casually mentions a couple of games), is not indifferent to physical activity and work, is interested in history. Elena Nikolaevna says the rest for Vladik: "He is a very well-read guy, you can see it in the lessons, he adds some moments, says: but I read this there, and this is somewhere else."

Elena Yalina has been working at the school for two decades - she came as an educator, then became a teacher, moved to the head teacher and has been holding the position of director for ten years.

Actually, I'm from Barnaul. Graduated there polytechnical Institute and ended up with her husband on distribution to Sakhalin, to the Kostroma state farm, which collapsed in 1996. There was no work. At that time the school was headed by Roza Georgievna Zavyalova, she told me: "Come to us as a teacher, try to work. You have good children." At that time, no special education was required, I later received pedagogical education. I came and stayed, ”says Elena Nikolaevna.

I walk with Elena Nikolaevna around the school, which is either cozy (slippers at the entrance, flowers on the windowsills, pictures drawn by a child's hand everywhere, six meals a day), or the special architecture of the buildings in a good way resembles an old kindergarten. I notice that the classrooms have glass doors. Another feature of the "regime" facility. This is really very convenient - he looked through the window, checked that everything was in place, and went about the director's affairs. On the second bedroom floor, the doorways in the rooms are completely empty - a tribute to the deviance in the name of the school.

During recess, the guys flock to the recreation room to watch TV, and after lessons play a console. There is also a rack, where each has its own shelf. Here the main teenage wealth is accumulated - the "iconostasis" of portraits of favorite football players, photographs with favorite friends, ping-pong rackets, notebooks and favorite books.

Elena Nikolaevna casually gives orders to colleagues ("Prepare for me, please, a court order against Ivanov by Monday"), pulls back rare students ("What lesson do you have?"), Takes care of trifles ("Don't pay attention here, the building old, 60s, steps chipped ").

When I started working, there were guys here for serious crimes - murder by negligence, for example. I took my dad's gun to show my friend how to shoot, and accidentally pulled the trigger. One boy was also for a serious one, but he had already graduated and even graduated from college, - says Elena Nikolaevna, - And now there are children who stole a phone or hijacked a bike or a moped, for minor hooliganism they are mostly sent.

The time frame for correction is different for everyone - for some three years, for five. But they can also be released from the boarding school ahead of schedule. True, for this you need to try: to prove yourself in studies, sports and social life. Or you can try to become "Student of the Year" - the boarding school has its own competition, with the help of which the boys accumulate points for achievements and get closer to the opportunity to leave school ahead of time. For a year, some gain a thousand points or more.

Points are awarded for everything: for behavior, for good studies, for participation in competitions. This is an incentive for the guys: whoever gets more points in the academic year becomes "Student of the Year". We consider his candidacy at an internal meeting at the school, decide whether he is worthy to leave earlier or not, - says Elena Nikolaevna. “But the system is more complicated. We ourselves do not make such decisions. And we release early and accept children by court order. After discussion at the internal teachers' council, we petition the commission on juvenile affairs, they confer and petition the court, the court schedules a session, we come to it with the child and the judge decides whether to release it or not.

One student graduates ahead of schedule per year. The length of stay in the boarding school can be reduced by a maximum of six months. Often there are those who do not want to leave a closed school - it is too good here, unlike the "home", where some teenagers saw nothing but drinking and unemployed parents. For many, celebrating a birthday with a cake and gifts, hearing a congratulation is a miracle that happens to them for the first time at school. But to leave students after the onset of 18 years in the boarding school are not allowed.

Many childhoods have been deprived. And here they get it all. Educators for many - instead of mothers, at home the boys did not see affection. It doesn't matter that he stole cars, the child must go through childhood. We have guys who played cars at the age of 13, although, it would seem, they should leave this behind. But if childhood was crumpled, they get everything here, this is natural, nature laid down, - says Elena Nikolaevna.

However, at school children are not fenced off from their parents. On the contrary, they are trying to unite them: they invite them to the holidays, arrange family contests, and include schools in life. Elena Nikolaevna follows the principle: "Whatever parents are, they are still parents." The boarding school even has a room where dads and moms, who most often travel from afar, can stay for a couple of days and spend them with their child.

Success Generation Incubator

The school employs 8 subject teachers, who are assisted by 17 teachers (among them social workers and psychologists). “The staff is full, we are well equipped,” notes Elena Nikolaevna. Classes and approach in the boarding school is practically individual - 17 pupils are distributed in six classes. In the fifth and sixth - 1 student each, in the seventh - 2, in the eighth - 3, in the ninth and tenth - 5. "Many children, explains Elena Nikolaevna, - mental retardation, many in a past life skipped school, just wandered, they had no time to study. " Therefore, in the boarding school, the children have to work hard to catch up, making up for lost time. There are no special breakthroughs in their studies, but thanks to the patience of the teaching staff, the boys close the school curriculum. They come out with quite decent certificates and knowledge, and most importantly - the goal to study further.

16-year-old Danil Minaev, who entered the Kostroma school from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (in the past as a teenager - a family story: in a conflict with his stepfather, he accidentally hit his mother), is quite ambitious. The boarding school did not change the plans of the good fellow Danila - the guy wants to go to college. He says that the school is not his level. True, I have not yet decided on a specialty. His interests include economics, medicine, law, management and computers.

Ideally, I would like to study abroad, so I focus on studying of English language... But if I don’t pull, then I’ll try to enter the FEFU, ”explains Danil. - I pulled up the marks decently. Threes are now a rarity. Our school is considered an ordinary secondary school, so I will have the same chances and knowledge when entering a university, like all graduates of Sakhalin. Guys come from here.

But basically, says Elena Nikolaevna, graduates from the school go to college. In the boarding school, children are taught to work with their hands - they add additional hours using technology. In the labors, adolescents saw, planted and hacked. Stools, tables and other wonderful objects of carpentry creativity come out from under their hands. And on the day of the village, which Kostromskoye celebrates in the fall, the guys welded P2D2 - a metal trash can in the shape of a Star Wars hero.

Another important pedagogical approach that was discovered at the boarding school is the correction of boys through sports. In addition to the usual physical education lessons, there are also optional lessons in basketball, volleyball, football and hockey. “We develop them physically. They improve our health here. They come with a bunch of diseases, they wander around, every second with gastritis,” explains Elena Nikolaevna. “I'm not talking about visits to the dentist, we almost drive every day.”

Sports and going to competitions, explains Elena Nikolaevna, allows you to create a situation of success for the children. This is one of the main tasks of the school - to program children for good luck.

We don’t take them to Olympiads in general subjects. How will they feel? They just started to study normally. Sport is another matter, we have a lot of awards and medals, our guys are always among the first. Through sports we create a situation of success for them. This has a very good effect on self-esteem and lays the foundation for a decent future, ”says Elena Nikolaevna.

Danila Kassov dived deeper into the situation of success. The guy last year became the best sportsman of the year according to the school. The tenth grader does not give up his position and confidently holds the bar (in the literal sense, too). After lessons, he cheerfully jumps on crutches (sports injury) to the horizontal bar and shows a real acrobatic circus there. His bold "escape" to the site is clearly visible through the director's window.

Putting the medical shells aside, in one jump, Danil "glues" his hands to the crossbar and twists, without removing the slates from his feet, the "sun" - makes a full revolution of his body around the horizontal bar, spinning by inertia a dozen times.

Well, what are you doing Danil! Well get off! Right now! Stretching is not enough for you? Otherwise, you’ll hurt yourself. Get off, I said! - it is Elena Nikolaevna in a hurry to temper the ardor of Kassov, who has come to success. The director's severity is, of course, feigned, but necessary. If you don't follow the boys, they will "put everything on their ears."

Smiling with a charming sly Danil concedes to the director. Dexterously jumps down, rubbing the weary palms, takes crutches and jumps away from the horizontal bars.

After school, the guys cluster in the yard - in the corner of an old football box. Sports crutches are also "parked" here.

In Kostroma, Danil is the second year, he came here like many - because of theft. A high school student from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk studied at school 11. He admits that he stole a lot of different things, but mostly phones. He assures that there is no return to the dark past. In the boarding school I realized everything, sports became his psychologist. Although he does not refuse to go to school specialists for group classes. They will not be superfluous.

Danil wants to finish school and enter the Faculty of Physics at the SakhSU - to become a physical education teacher, to instruct boys like him in the past on the right path.

One would give them advice. Better to take hold of your head earlier than later. I was lucky that I got to this school at that age and managed to realize everything. And if I was caught, when I was an adult, I would have gone further to prison. And after her, nothing good would have happened, - says, a little embarrassed, Danil. - In general, before that I was engaged in sambo and judo, defending russian Federation... And here I do everything: hockey, football, volleyball, basketball, athletics. Besides sports, I like work. I make frames and stools.

Elena Nikolaevna is sure: their school is not a prison or punishment, but an excellent chance for children to escape from the dark environment and start all over again. It's hard to rewrite life, but it's possible if there is support. Teachers and teachers of the school become such support for the boys. True, not all adults understand this.

This is a paradoxical situation. Not every judge will agree to send a child to a special school. They think this is a prison. Sometimes they pull or let go. And then what? The same company! - the director gets excited. - Well, what a prison here! It just has its own regime. Once we were in the colony on an excursion with the guys. So they were already at the checkpoint. We have them, first of all, children. Difficult but kids.

The second story. Integration, innovation, socialization

We have different guys here. There are those who have lived for a long time, there are those who have recently arrived and hardly speak Russian. But our teachers are professional - they always help, they give interesting lessons. I like it - 13-year-old Nuriza Baitova is in the eighth grade. The girl speaks Russian purely and without an accent - even somehow too correctly, like an official in an official speech or a teacher in a September 1 address to the class. The girl was born in Russia, grew up in a Kyrgyz family, and today, according to the Yuzhno-Sakhalin school number 4, she is one of the main local prides - she studies well, sings in the choir, performs at various city and regional events. - Everyone in my class already speaks Russian. There are newcomers who have recently arrived. From Chita, from Altai. But everyone speaks Russian. Concerts, Olympiads, all together with us, together.

School No. 4 of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, located just north-west of the intersection of Sakhalinskaya and Komsomolskaya streets, in the heart of a large private sector district, recently celebrated its 70th anniversary. A small educational institution, in which about 340 children study, began its history as an elementary school, deployed in Japanese barracks. Then, in 1953, a complete secondary education was started here. The Quartet was the only school for the whole district adjacent to Prospekt Mira. Children from Ukrainskaya Street and the TPP region came here to study.

It was a rather interesting area, with its own specifics ... A rather complicated contingent. Then, in the early 2000s, the boarding school "Swallow" was attached to the school, and our children from there, guys with a special destiny, studied with us, ”the school director Irina Kukanova slowly unwinds the ball of dates and events. Children with a boarding background scared children from ordinary families out of school. After the closure of "Swallow", the guys from there stopped studying here. But the school has a rather harsh reputation. - I came here in 2011 - after working in schools 16 and 5. And, naturally, restoration of the school's reputation became the top priority. We are working on this today.

Now, however, the "four" also have their own unusual flavor - national.

From the first days of work, I noticed that a lot of children of citizens from the former Soviet republics study with us. There are many private houses around where you can rent an apartment inexpensively, that's why such a density, - says the director. - And the children are completely different - there are those who speak Russian perfectly, studied in Russian schools, those who have lived here since birth attended kindergarten. These are adapted families, as we call them. Special problems they do not have to be included in the educational process. But there are those who come in the middle of the school year, say, in the eighth grade. And he does not know the language at all. But the school has no right to refuse him - if there are free places in the classes, they must take them, put them at the school desk and teach.

At the same time, the director smiles, it would be good for the child to somehow participate in the educational process, and not just be registered and look at the teacher sadly and incomprehensibly. This means that he just needs to know the language.

I am a subject myself and it is, of course, great when a child sits and looks at you attentively. Doesn't spin, doesn't talk. But if he already sat down at his desk, it would be good to teach him something. For three years we have been looking closely at this situation, thinking about how to approach it. And then we decided to go to the innovation platform and conduct an experiment at the school - the director leads me to one of the classes along the echoing school corridors. On the right and on the left, business-like children now and then rush - with backpacks at the ready, some kind of apples, yogurt buns in their hands. And the school itself, despite the obvious lack of "gymnasium gloss" on the walls, looks quite ordinary.

Is that brunettes in the corridors are more common than fair-haired or red-haired.

Stubborn like a sloth, dumb like a snail

Nikolai Kochkorov has been studying in the "four" for two months. In fact, his name is Kadyrbek - but, apparently, at school his first name is more familiar. Despite the fact that he only came across the Russian language before moving to Russia in some courses and never studied in depth, he speaks a non-native dialect quite confidently. Only sometimes he incorrectly intones and picks up words and endings for an unusually long time.

I love biology and mathematics, physical education. But somehow I don't communicate with the Russian guys in the class - they don't want to. Don't want to be friends with other guys. This is wrong, ”he notes thoughtfully.

For those who are a little worse with the style of Pushkin and Derzhavin, special weekly classes are held at the school - mostly primary school students attend them, but there are also older exceptions.

Even today, in a classroom painted by the autumn sun, several children diligently work over thin textbooks with a bright inscription "Russian language". At first glance, nothing complicated is required of them - to compare "vostro" and "ear", to solve simple poetic puzzles about parts of a human face and substitute "stable" nouns for adjectives.

Fast as ... - the teacher Rosalia Kuznetsova addresses the class.

Hare! - children answer.

Hungry as ...

He's like ...

Snail! one of the students shouts loudest. But no one laughs at his mistake - even those who have the right "fish" there.

Goodness, they admit at school, is generally an honor here. And instead of a joke and a reproach for ignorance, they prefer to let them write off or suggest in a particularly difficult situation.

Classes are held once a week, we gather children who find it difficult to navigate in Russian space. And together we deepen our knowledge on some topics, children adapt better. And those who help from the first grade work as translators. All for what - to raise the quality of knowledge, to instill a love for the Russian language. They are all ours, half of them already have Russian citizenship, - says Rozaliya Kuznetsova. - Basically, such activities are important for younger children. What we just do not study with them - morphology, vocabulary, orthoepy. It is convenient to use this watch to focus on the difficult questions that they will be asked during the transfer exam in the spring.

A 40-minute lesson flies by unnoticed - in fact, it is interesting to watch how persistently and tirelessly the guys storm puzzle after puzzle. The great and the mighty is given to everyone in different ways: there are those who do well, and there are those who are lagging behind. But the most difficult, they admit, regardless of baggage and experience, are stable expressions, colloquial turns, some kind of language "chips", usually absorbed literally with mother's milk. Here, for each such knowledge you have to fight to the death with verses, sayings and exceptions to the rules.

There is no such thing that non-Russians are good or bad. Enough and those, and others, and there, and there. An important problem for us is the lack of a language environment at home. So we communicate with parents and teach children that they "build" their parents at home, teach them to speak Russian. But the letters "y" and "s" are categorically not given to many. I don’t know why - they don’t have such letters, or something, ”Rosalia Kuznetsova throws up her hands.

No aggression - there is communication

The essence of the innovation platform, which is being implemented in the fourth school, boils down to several main tasks. First, it is necessary to solve the problem with the language barrier - today the Russian educational system does not make any discounts on the origin. Everyone will have to write the exam, and there questions and answers are strictly in Russian. Secondly, the school pays great attention to work on the prevention of conflicts on ethnic grounds: school-wide thematic events are held where different cultures "exchange" tradition and history. For example, the Traditions of My Neighbor Fair is held annually, where everyone reveals their uniqueness. Or a sandwich competition - that year, for example, Pushkin's fairy tales were chosen as its theme. But they try not to limit the participants' imagination to the theme: everyone sculpts a snack according to their own understanding. There is also a dance club where round dances alternate with national Kyrgyz motives.

What is society's problem? The parent is busy making money, and not much time is given to children. Hence, conflicts and misunderstandings arise. And we have a dialogue, and there is nothing of the kind, - continues Irina Kukanova. - And when the school gives such creative tasks, and the family, different families can work together in it ... All these nationalistic things are not in the minds of children, after all, but in adults: to call someone, to offend - it all comes from perception.

Under this thesis, the school is already giving a theoretical basis - a local pedagogue-psychologist (and part-time class teacher in 8b) Maria Pashkevich has been writing a work on child aggression for several years. It turns out that the children do not have very many claims to each other.

Russian children are more aggressive than, for example, the Kirghiz - I carried out diagnostics, while the data is such. Nevertheless, the guys get along with each other - I have 70% of Russians in my class, there are no conflicts. It is important educational work in which all the guys are involved. In general, foreign children are somehow kinder, until the 9th or 11th grade they respect teachers and elders. It comes from the family. And even Russian children are taught this - during recess, it happens that you catch some kind of conversation. And when the same Kirghiz talk about their family, traditions, it comes out with some special trepidation. Unfortunately, our children often do not have such an attitude, - says Maria Pashkevich. Before joining the fourth school, she worked as a teacher-organizer at the Trinity Orphanage. "I'm not looking for easy ways" - the teacher smiles.

Working in the fourth school, she admits, has become such an interesting educational program in international culture - it is better to get acquainted with the traditions of other peoples than it is perhaps impossible to communicate with them.

No, you cannot, of course, say that everything is going perfectly here. Rebuilding problems on educational program, the language barrier, the new social environment has not been canceled. In addition, there are problems with parents - they do not always approach some issues conscientiously (for example, despite a control or an important lesson, they may leave the student at home to look after the younger ones - this is a tradition). And if in an ordinary school the mechanism of influence on the child relies on the parent - he caused, explained, there is an effect, then everything is turned upside down. The child even more or less understands Russian speech, and the parent often does not speak at all. And it turns out that sometimes you can't write a note in the diary - all the same, his child will translate and tell dad and mom what is there. Yes, and personal communication is often built through our children - otherwise the parent simply will not understand you, - says the psychologist.

Melodies and rhythms of the international stage

In addition to studies and fairs, the fourth school has a choir. The "large" academic collective includes almost 100 students, and within the framework of the school internationalization program, a smaller association has been created - the "small Kyrgyz choir" of 40 representatives of the fraternal republic. They sing a variety of songs - from national anthems to Russian classics. But children are especially fond of, says music teacher Eleonora Mashenina, that folk motives and patriotic-pathetic hymns are used.

The international choir of school No. 4 of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk sings Glinka's "Glory"

Music unites. We visited 6b - there are only Kyrgyz, Uzbeks, Azerbaijanis, one Russian. And we started to study studied Russian culture. And they all listened with such pleasure to "The month is shining", "Kalinka", "Horse" ... They simply adore "Kalinka". "Kali-i-i-nka-malinka, my Kalinka!" - and emotions are directly Russian, dashing, enthusiastic. They all feel it and study such music with joy. And at the same time - culture, history, tools. And I always tell them: you live in Russia, and you need to know the culture of this country deeply. But we and your culture will all learn together. This is how we develop each other, - says the teacher enthusiastically.

In addition to schoolwork with children, she admits, together with her students, she conducts the most real practical research of international musical flavor: she works, looks at how musical culture differs in different countries, what melody different nationalities have.

So I would never touch. It is interesting that the Kirghiz have a major melody, while in Russia we have both minor and major. But they have mostly major, and the children are also some major. They try, study, study, work hard. Rarely who is restless, they cling to the study with an iron grip. Yes, it's hard for them - the language barrier, sentences are difficult to compose, listening to pass. But they don't give up. And we always put this even to other guys as an example, - continues Eleanor Mashenina.

"Glory, glory, dear Moscow! The head of the motherland of our country! May our beloved native country be strong for ever and ever!" - obeying the movements of the teacher-conductor, the class sings in different voices.

I quietly close the door and leave the classroom so as not to interrupt my singing - I think if my school approached music lessons in this way, I would love opera and other classical songwriting much more. A slight envy of the selflessly singing choristers.

The more children touch the music, the better - it unites. You know, they called themselves names about five years ago ... In all kinds of words. Now they won't allow that. They are so consonant that they are just children, they are a single whole, they are together, and all their disagreements fade into the background. In general, I think it is necessary, as in Japan, so that every child can play at least one instrument. Then they will be completely different children and a completely different country, - already in the corridor, Eleanor Mashenina suddenly adds an oriental flavor to the musical cocktail from Glinka.

A thin line of resentment

The school bell habitually fills the corridors of the "four" with children's hubbub and shouts. If you squeeze into one of the walls and pretend that you are intently studying something on your phone, you can even slightly intrude into the conversations of children who are making joint plans for football and building a winter headquarters somewhere in the bowels of the microdistrict.

We understand that we have a rather difficult direction - a fine line, when we need not to offend anyone, not to hurt anyone’s feelings. But at the same time, our main task is to fulfill. So far, fortunately, there are no special conflicts, we decide everything peacefully: once, for example, a mother and daughter came to us to sign up, both in hijabs. And I told them right away: "In the summer, all right, go as you see fit, but in the school year it will not be possible." Well, I see, they answer. And this understanding often happens in our country, we strive for this, - Irina Kukanova escorts off in the corridor. - Our work is a continuous process, it never stops. Everything flows: from lessons to additional lessons, from there home, then back to lessons. So far, the results are encouraging - the quality of knowledge is growing, the guys are getting certificates. So everything we do is not in vain.

The school door closes, and on the porch, briefcases and backpacks heaped in a heap, a gaggle of boys confers intently on something. All together, despite the different skin and hair color, cultural background and country of birth. And there really is a lot to learn.

Chance is the only Moscow school for teenagers convicted of criminal charges. Five days a week, children live and study at school - they are allowed to go home on weekends. Now there are students convicted of theft, robbery, drug dealing and murder. The Village wanted to prepare material about this educational institution for the general graduation of the 11th graders, but they could not get permission to communicate with students. A month later, an employee of Chance, who wished to remain anonymous, turned to the editorial office for another reason. He said that recently there was riots in the institution. Two pupils keep the rest of the children in fear, beat them and extort money. The staff of the institution and the parents of the students are aware of the situation, but they are silent - the aggressors threaten them with violence and refer to contacts in the department of social protection. The Investigative Committee and the Human Rights Council have already taken up the problem, but everything is kept secret.

The Village figured out how closed schools for teenage crime are organized and why this situation became possible.

"Pahan Misha Alekseev"

In June, four staff members of the Chance School wrote a collective letter called "Cry for Help!" (available at the disposal of the editors). It states that the new director of Chance, Kirill Kubarev, is rarely in the building, and “in fact, the school is run by one of the underage students.” Mikhail Alekseev (the name has been changed. - Ed.) together with another student Andrey Karpin (the name has been changed. - Ed.) beat other children and extort money.

A Chance specialist, who recently quit his job, says Alekseev is "a very angry boy who can send, humiliate and insult anyone." According to him, the teenager became the leader of the team after graduation in June, when the older children left school. Alekseev himself is less than 18 years old, he has been studying at Chance since 2015. According to what article he got there, it is not reported, but it is known that soon he should be released on parole. His accomplice, Karpin, is described by a former employee as a good boy who fell under the influence of Alekseev: “In a closed school, you have nowhere to go: you are either under Alekseev or against him and you get it. Moreover, Karpin recently lived with him in the same room. "

Only boys aged 11 to 18 can study in a closed school; you can stay here for at least a year and no more than three years. Now the school has 14 children. It simply won't fit anymore: the school grounds are a small two-story building and 300 square meters of yard. Perhaps that is why teenagers study in a different building on the second shift. They are taken by bus to school 196 on the next street. There they study three or four people per class.

All students are allowed to go to the family for the weekend, and if, when they return, they do not bring gifts or money to Alekseev and Karpin, they will be beaten. For example, so that the "godfather" allowed to use mobile phones, students pay him a thousand rubles. “At the graduation, my son came up to me and asked me to lend him a loan, otherwise he was fucked up,” says Elena, the mother of one of the students (the name was changed at the request of the heroine. - Ed.). From March to June, Elena regularly transfers money to Alekseev and Karpin so that her son will be left alone. In total, she has already given them more than 10 thousand rubles.

According to Elena, over the past three months, 12 schoolchildren have received 17 serious injuries. Another source from The Village talks about 15 injuries during this time and talks about two of the most notable ones: “Yartsev Mikhail (names of students have been changed. - Ed.), 17 years old, - broke the eardrum and caused many injuries. Kazakov Roman, 16 years old, - the bones of the skull and nose were broken. I need an operation. Both were in the Morozov hospital. "

A former employee of the reintegration department at Chance says that all 12 teenagers were afraid of Alekseev: “He could not even say anything, he just entered the room, and the state of the guys immediately changed. I heard that two boys were in the hospital, but I didn’t know the details - I quit already then. ” The specialist has repeatedly seen bruises on teenagers.

The publication failed to talk with the students of the school. Children do not even discuss what is happening with their parents. School staff say that the students do not complain, because “these guys have their own ideas” and so it is not accepted. “The guys say they hit the refrigerator or fell off the bunk bed. But they don't fall like that! Their arms and legs are injured, the teeth of children are flying out, ”says Elena.

One of Chance's students is 13 years old and convicted of murder. “He's not a sociopath, he killed a man in a state of passion. With a height of 190 centimeters and a weight of more than 90 kilograms, he is so afraid of those guys that he sleeps with a stick under his pillow, ”the source said. Adolescents threaten adults as well: Alekseev and Karpin told the mother of one of the students that it was better for her to shut up, otherwise she would remain disabled for life. The woman told the editorial office that she had filed a statement with the police about the threats.

With a height of 190 centimeters and a weight of more than 90 kilograms, he so afraid of those guys that he sleeps with a stick under his pillow

"Roof from the Department"

The school's teachers, doctors and psychologists know about beatings and extortion of money, but “they are silent because they are afraid,” says Elena. The former school teacher confirms that the school staff knew about the conflict situation.

The situation is complicated by the fact that Misha allegedly has a cover in the leadership of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. As stated in the collective letter, “if one of the adults makes a remark to Misha, he threatens to call Petrosyan (Vladimir Arshakovich Petrosyan- Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. - Approx. ed.) and Barsukova (Tatiana Mitrofanovna Barsukova- Deputy Head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection. - Approx. ed.)and he will fire, as he has already dismissed several people: a teacher on false charges, a regime officer and a director. "

Former employee School says that the situation at the school was influenced by the dismissal of the previous headmaster in March. (In December 2016, pupils of the school, in protest against the brutal treatment of the guards in the office. As a result, the school director, Natalia Weisner, who had been running the school for three years, was fired. - Ed.). Then "the management of the Department of Social Security shook hands with the boys and said: 'Guys, stick to this strategy, if any of the employees offend you, we will fire them." One employee did not want to work with Alekseev and asked to be assigned to another child, but was refused. After that, she quit. “I was afraid of Alekseev, it was uncomfortable for me to be alone with him. I didn’t come to work in prison, ”the teacher recalls.

In a conversation with The Village, the head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection Vladimir Petrosyan said that children cannot force anyone to quit: “And if they can, then the person has confessed to his own powerlessness, and he is so weak that he quits without telling anyone, that the children forced him. "

In March, Kirill Kubarev was appointed to the place of the previous director, who previously worked as deputy director for educational and methodological work at the Economic and Technological College No. 22. Kubarev is an economist and mathematician by education, and he also trained as a master of business administration at the Synergy Institute. In 2002, the director of "Chance" became a candidate of pedagogical sciences, however, according to the website of the Moscow Department of Education, Kubarev has no pedagogical education.

In June, the school staff wrote a collective letter - to the Investigative Committee, the Human Rights Council and the children's ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova. It states that on June 19, Kubarev, together with a certain guest, left his office drunk and began to communicate with the students: “The staff tried to take him away from the children, but he was excited, cheerful, joking, gesticulating, then he went to talk with the pupil Bandorin, right in this form, drunk as a lord! " According to the authors of the letter, the director's behavior was recorded on CCTV cameras. A former Chance employee who spoke with The Village did not catch the episode. However, she noted that Kubarev spent little time in the closed-type department: “I did not see that the control over the children was strengthened or any special work was carried out. As everything was, it remains. I can’t say that Kubarev looked closely at this conflict ”.

"Guys, stick to this strategy, if any of the employees offend you, we will fire them "

"The situation is always under the control of the department"

After the collective letter, they came to the school with a search. An anonymous source claims that a meeting was held at the Human Rights Council, which was attended by "people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs", school staff and parents of students. Advisor to the Ombudsman of the Russian Federation Maxim Ladzin confirmed this information to The Village and added that several meetings had taken place in the HRC. Ladzin declined to comment, as "the parents of the students do not want media coverage of the problem."

The Village asked five current school staff for official comment, but they all declined to speak. The nurse of "Chance" was at the Investigative Committee at the time of the correspondent's call and answered that she could not disclose confidential information. The school's doctor Anton Kondratenko said that during the investigation he was forbidden to disseminate any information, since the school employees are being prosecuted as witnesses. After the situation at the school reached the HRC and the Investigative Committee, Kondratenko resigned from the school - he told the Village correspondent about this. An anonymous source said that psychologist Marina Gudzenko also left Chance. Gudzenko herself declined to comment.

Kirill Kubarev

director of the school "Chance"

School "Chance" works in a normal, usual mode, nothing [unusual] happens. All other information - in the press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. I am not authorized to make any comments.

Vladimir Petrosyan

head of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the City of Moscow

The case is being dealt with by the Investigative Committee, but no criminal case has been initiated. None of the boys confirmed the beatings or extortion of money. Let the police and investigators deal with this. I have not seen the letter of the school staff, no one showed it to me. I haven't spoken to teachers yet, because only yesterday (The conversation was recorded on July 13th. - Ed.) came out of vacation. The teachers and psychologists who went to Fedotov call the students irreparable criminals. This is not normal, so they confess their complete impotence. Yes, these are juvenile criminals, but they cannot be branded for life, you need to work with them.

For the first time in my life I hear about the director's intoxication. By the way, under the previous director, the children confessed to me that there had been beatings and so on. As a result, it all turned into a riot, and we fired the director. But none of the teachers complained about him. And for some reason they complain about a new one who is interested in the fate and study of each child. In general, the situation in "Chance" is always under the control of the department.

Andrey Babushkin

member of the Expert Council under the Ombudsman for Human Rights in the Russian Federation

I was at Chance just yesterday. The instigators, whom everyone complained about, were not at school. One of them was taken into custody on suspicion of committing a crime (I do not know which one specifically), and the other is at home under recognizance not to leave. I'll go to these guys again.

There were 11 or 12 people at the meeting with me - I gave them a lecture. I know about injuries in children, but I didn't notice anything myself. The children were liberated, they communicated with me freely, without impudence and made an impression of self-confident people.

Of course, the director is aware of all the problems, he worries and is ready to fight for each child as for his own. This is not an easy situation for him, and he expected support from the teaching staff, but only complaints were received against him. For him it was a blow, he is somewhat discouraged by these showdowns. Probably, the teachers who wrote the complaint are somewhere right and fair, and somewhere their behavior is dictated by some personal grievances.

The conflicts that take place in this school are conflicts on a submarine, that is, in confined spacewhere it is impossible to spread your arms. The smaller the team, the more complicated the relationship in it. I also noticed that children live and study in a very cramped environment. For them to feel comfortable, the yard must be at least twice as large. "

A source from The Village claims that one of Chance's students, Andrei Karpin, is currently in jail, and Mikhail Alekseev is “on the run”. Children's Ombudsman of Moscow Yevgeny Bunimovich declined to comment on this information.

How it works

In Russia, children convicted under criminal offenses are sent to a juvenile colony, or, if the term is suspended, they are assigned to stay at home. According to those who served in the educational colonies, the children will face prison laws, violence and hazing. The Moscow closed-type school "Chance" in Yuzhny Butovo is a cross between these two options. Children leave her not after the usual graduation, but after the expiration of the sentence.

As stated on the institution's website, the basic principles of its work are "an individual approach, a family type of upbringing, support and restoration of family ties, interdepartmental interaction." Chance has a reintegration department that works with students and graduates of educational colonies, convicted adolescents who are not deprived of their freedom, and with students of a closed school.

Chance is supervised by the Moscow Department of Education and Social Protection. The decision to enroll in a closed school is made by the court. Parental consent is also required. It is not known why the majority of convicted children end up in juvenile colonies, and some of them are sent to "Chance" by the court. Some Moscow courts send teenagers there more often, others less often. According to the children's ombudsman of Moscow Yevgeny Bunimovich, everything depends on the personality of the judge - “there is no good, well-functioning system here”.

Evgeny Bunimovich

children's Ombudsman in Moscow

It would be wonderful and strange if such conflicts did not occur in closed schools. In general, the peculiarity of "Chance" is such that its students are periodically under investigation. I have been working with this school for a long time, and this is not the first such showdown.

In theory, such schools should take adolescents out of the criminal environment, but now the school is ineffective. The percentage of repeated crimes among graduates of such schools is higher than we would like. It is bad that after "Chance" children find themselves back in their usual environment and the effect of re-education is often lost. Some students perceive this school as a sanatorium. They live in conditions much better than at home; they are taken on excursions and organized sports competitions. But you need not only to entertain and educate, you need to prepare for future professions.

I like the positive experience of other countries, for example England, where convicted teenagers are placed in police families. On the one hand, children are punished, and on the other, they are in a family environment among trained police officers with a pedagogical education.

Vadim Tulegenov

phD in Law, Associate Professor, Researcher of the Problems of the Criminal Subculture

The situation when a leader appears in a community who dominates the rest can arise everywhere, even at Moscow State University. Another thing is that people with rich life experience, with a certain authority and good salary should work with convicted children. It all depends on the teaching staff, which must resolve such conflicts. The more professional the team, the less conflicts there will be. And children, naturally, enjoy their rights, which they have more than teachers, or the fact that a school employee cannot cope with work.

In any case, educators cannot look after students 24 hours a day. The teacher turned away, and the child stuck a compass into the fifth point of the neighbor. There are also toilets that teachers cannot enter, and there is also night time.

Yes, special schools and prisons are bad, but they must be, this is a severe necessity. In any society there will be people who have not found a place for themselves in life. And in adolescence there are more such people than in any other. A special school is the penultimate chance, if not the last chance for a child to change his mind and start living a normal life.

It is not customary to talk about this out loud, and boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow usually huddle on the outskirts. These are sullen gray buildings, more like a prison than a school. Such schools are bypassed, they scare naughty children, and, in general, there is something.

Almost 88% of adolescents, after leaving boarding school, soon go to prison. An unhappy perspective?

Many people mistakenly believe that difficult teenagers are the children of alcoholics, drug addicts, and other marginalized people. Separately, there are children from prosperous families, whose parents "missed" their children, in pursuit of financial well-being. Few people know that the cause of deviant behavior in adolescents can be hereditary anomalies, birth trauma, intrauterine infection, and many other reasons in which the parents are not guilty or it is too indirect.

Often, a teenager entering puberty exhausts parents so much that they are already ready for anything, even for special. school, just to save the child or take a break from this hell just a little bit. But try to find such a place. Immediately, accusations of wrong upbringing and in the search for an easy solution will fall on you. This solution is not easy and sometimes, it is the only one for both parents and a child.

Where to send a difficult child?

How can you tell if a child is “difficult”? Problems do not start overnight, but parents persistently try not to notice that the child has gone in the wrong place. At first, this is a lie, petty theft, absenteeism and conflict with classmates. Someone says: well, it's okay, we all went through this, and now we have grown up as normal people. Maybe so, but if the child does not outgrow, but starts running away from home, alcohol, drugs and aggressive behavior? The child needs to be rescued, and preferably until the moment he is registered as a "difficult child" or sent to a closed boarding school, which looks more like a prison than a school.

Unfortunately, there are not many places where you can send your child for re-education today. First of all, these are cadet schools. As a rule, in such schools there is iron discipline, order, and sometimes, children do get better. But is it so easy to get into a cadet school? Only healthy children are taken there, without mental problems and behavioral disorders. There is no overseer and this open school, with the usual daytime visit. Will the child go there or will have to lead him by the hand and fight with him again?

Under what conditions can a child be sent to a boarding school?

If the child is already completely out of control, the question of how to register the child in a boarding school in Moscow is no longer with the parents.

Children are sent to a boarding school for difficult teenagers by a court decision, and nothing depends on the will of their parents. Children find themselves in such institutions in the event of a crime, and they serve their sentences there, finishing school along the way.

The only school in Moscow for difficult teenagers is the Chance school. This school is attended by children convicted, including for murder, but, apparently, the correction does not happen like that. The school has the same order as in the adult zone with its hierarchy, and no one wants to change anything. Parents are afraid for their children, the education department does not want to wash dirty linen in public, and within the walls of the school children are forced to survive, as in prison. By default, there is no problem with children in Russia, and the parents are to blame for everything.
There are no other boarding schools for difficult teenagers in Moscow.

What kind of children are taken to the boarding school?

To save a child, parents have a long and shameful path, which not many people dare to take. Not everyone can admit that you have not taken place as a parent, and many give up, but this is how the system is built. You can't just walk into a boarding school and ask to take your child for reeducation. First you need to go to a psychologist to get his opinion.

The second step is to visit the district education department, which is likely to refer the parents to the juvenile committee. Having passed a lecture from all officials and their contemptuous and condemning views, parents will receive a referral to study at an open or closed boarding school, depending on the child's behavior.

In fact, there are not so many residential boarding schools for troubled teenagers in Moscow. there is correctional schools, which are of eight types. They educate children with various physical disabilities, from the visually impaired to the mentally retarded. It's just that a difficult teenager will not be taken to a boarding school for children with delayed speech development, or cerebral palsy.

Often parents have to knock on all doors, but receive only fines for unscrupulous child upbringing and condemnation of society.

The only option is to get direction to cadet boarding school or sports boarding. In most cases, boarding schools have a narrow focus. A school with in-depth study of mathematics, Chinese language, dance, sports, but motivated children with certain talents are needed there. No one will deal with the child and no one will correct him if he does not want to. Even if, by some miracle, a child is placed there, he can always be expelled for violating school rules.

Is it possible to send a child to a boarding school for a while?

It is a difficult decision to send the child to a boarding school temporarily, but perhaps it is the only one. The child needs to be shown what “not a family” is, and during this time the parents can restore their nerves and rest. Sometimes, after 2-3 weeks, the children are corrected and ask to go home, and they really do improve. Having lived for some time without parents, and having learned that no one cares about his tantrums and wishes, as well as himself, the child begins to appreciate the care and love of parents. You can also send a child to a boarding school in case of a difficult life situation when the parents cannot take care of him for health reasons or for other reasons.

A child can be registered in a boarding school for a period from 3 months to a year, with permanent residence in a boarding school. Parents can visit the child on weekends, and with good behavior, the pupil can be allowed home on holidays or on weekends.

To register a child in a boarding school, without deprivation of parental rights, you should contact the local guardianship and trusteeship authorities (PLO) with a written application. A kind of agreement is concluded between the PLO and the parents regarding the visits of the child, the duration of his stay, and other conditions are negotiated. This agreement must be respected in order to be able to pick up your child, without unnecessary paperwork.

Despite the fact that there are practically no municipal boarding schools for difficult adolescents in Moscow with accommodation, there are a lot of private rehabilitation centers. They offer treatment for drug addiction, alcoholism, classes with a psychologist and motivating the child for a normal life. Prices in such centers are different, and not for every wallet.

Of state institutions GKU SRC "Altufyevo" and GBU SRC "Vozrozhdenie" can be noted. This is an emergency aid, in case of frequent escapes of a child or his rehabilitation, due to falling into " bad company”, And the acquisition of bad habits. I will make a reservation right away that contacting this center automatically puts the family on record as “socially disadvantaged,” which does not happen when contacting a private center.

Children are our everything, and excessive parental love sometimes makes it difficult to look at the behavior of your child with a sober look. It is possible not to notice the misconduct of his children only until a certain time, but during this time he develops impunity, permissiveness and bad habits are fixed. The sooner the child is pulled out of this state, the easier his rehabilitation will be.

Take care of yourself and your children and do not be afraid of public condemnation. Everyone has the right to make a mistake, but you need to correct it in time.

Special schools are not only schools with advanced study of mathematics or french... It is also essentially a prison boarding school for teenagers under 14 years old. Although legally, of course, special schools do not belong to the penitentiary system, but to the Ministry of Education.

The fact is that adolescents under 14 years of age cannot be sent to places of imprisonment by law. Therefore, special schools are a kind of colony for children who have committed crimes.

I remember we had a hooligan boy in the 5th grade. He robbed youngsters, often fought, teachers said about him: he will end up in a slammer. Once in a fight, he knocked out another kid's eye. After that, we all heard this harsh word - "special school". This is where our bully was sent.

What is a special school? Officially, this institution is called a closed educational institution. That is, in fact, a boarding school. Teenagers of 11-14 years old who have committed criminal acts go there.

Children under the age of 14 in Russia are not subject to criminal prosecution, although for many years legislators have cherished the idea of \u200b\u200blowering this age, which, in principle, is logical. Crime is getting younger. Now there are ten-year-old murderers and twelve-year-old sexual maniacs. There are many who, after the crimes committed
do not bear any criminal responsibility. Children and adolescents are quite natural - there are a huge number of street children in Russia.

Special schools are sorely lacking for all juvenile offenders. Although it also happens that the special school is half full: there are too many escapes. It is not difficult to make a "leap" from there. I spoke with a convict who was serving his sentence in a juvenile colony, and before that he had spent a year and a half in a special school. He said that it was easy to escape from this place and the guys gave a fight every week.

As the teachers of these closed establishments tell, many of their "guests" cannot read and write at all. Therefore, it is almost impossible to build an educational process with them. According to statistics, 88% of graduates of special schools subsequently go to jail. I talked to one of these, Anton V., when he was already in jail. He ended up in a special school at the age of thirteen for domestic murder. Coming out of it, he held out for a year, and then for the robbery he found himself in the "juvenile" zone. Well, now and at all on the "adult". Such is the career ladder. And it all started with a special school. These are really teenage "universities" in front of the zone. And the orders are appropriate there.

In principle, a special school, although it is not an institution related to the prison system, according to a veil, it certainly is. Already there, children receive basic knowledge of the lattice: there is a common fund, there are authorities and "offended". When at such a tender age something is laid in the head, then this is for life. If everything is fine with the "concepts" in special schools, then everything is very bad with the protection of such institutions. Almost only women work as teachers, and they are not particularly upset with escapes - all the same, there is not enough money for all the children.

Concern about the large number of juvenile criminals walking in freedom, recently resulted in the authorities in the idea of \u200b\u200bincreasing the number of special schools. Of course, on the one hand, this is correct. But in their current form, special schools and orphanages can even more traumatize the psyche of a child than the street with its cruel laws of survival. In addition to the fact that children from a very early age live according to the laws of the zone, so their teachers, "guardians" sometimes get up such atrocities!

Probably, once every six months there is a scandal around a sadist teacher who regularly beat, rape, torture children. And in principle, teachers are not particularly eager to show their work for ridiculous money. And this work is extremely hard: difficult children are not sugar. In many correctional colonies, it has now been possible to establish both living conditions and the educational process. Therefore, in the case of special schools, it is worth starting with this. And a simple increase in the number of schools will only arrange conveyor deliveries to the zones of young, but already literate in all criminal gadgets of criminals.

It might really be worth lowering the age of criminal responsibility for juvenile offenders. After all, a special school gives them a feeling of impunity: whatever you do, even murder, nothing will happen to you. This feeling of permissiveness remains for life, that's what is scary. In this case, it is appropriate to recall the famous case. It thundered throughout the Soviet Union.

The only case in history when a minor murderer was sentenced to death and executed. This teenager smoked since he was 4 years old, since 7 he was registered in the children's room of the police, he stole, drank. On his fifteenth birthday, Neiland brutally killed a woman and her two-year-old son. The purpose of the murders is to raid a well-to-do apartment. I got the idea from the Izvestia newspaper, which published the adventures of a well-known mokrushnik at that time, Vladimir Ionesyan, nicknamed Mosgaz. Later, 17 chopped wounds, 32 bruises and 33 abrasions were found on the woman's corpse. When the investigator asked why Neiland had to kill a two-year-old boy, the killer shrugged his shoulders: “When the woman screamed, the child woke up and began to cry loudly. I got angry with him and first stunned him, and then hit him on the head with a hatchet until he was silent. "

talks about deviant children and their situation in the context of education reform. Nikolai Ruslanovich has been in charge of the Experimental Complex of Social Assistance to Children and Adolescents for almost 10 years - an educational institution for "difficult" children. Now this institution does not exist, as there are no other special schools for children with deviant behavior.

Now I work as a school psychologist, I am an educational psychologist. Most often parents of primary school students come. Their main problem is low pedagogical competence. Their children came to school, and the school requirements, in general, are rather mild, they do not always meet. And here breakdowns begin, misunderstandings begin. Parents come and ask: what is being done here? And it is not done “here,” but in the family: it turns out that the mother has done everything for her child all her life. It's not his mother who should pack his backpack, but he himself should put the textbooks. This is a measure of the student's responsibility, which should expand with age.

What children are considered deviant?

As a rule, deviant children are called those who violate generally accepted norms. He broke the glass at the school, was rude to Mary Ivanne and everything is a bully, deviant... And in this sense, it does not matter at all that the ball flew into the window by accident, and the teacher said this about him and his family, which a normal person cannot stand.

First, it is not clear what behavior is abnormal and what norms of behavior exist. To be offended is normal, from my point of view, an offended person is normal. If you are emotionally deaf, emotionally dumb, and you can do anything with you, is that okay? I think not really.

Let's agree on concepts: there is a statistical norm, and there is a social one, it can also be calculated through mathematics, but this is not entirely true, not entirely true. These norms are of a different nature, they are essentially different.

There are no rigid social norms. The norms are, in fact, floating, they change: from decade to decade, from family to family, from culture to culture. And we are talking about the norm as something that exists at all levels, from the birth of the world to the second coming. Nothing like this.

The second point: cases of violation of social norms are rather related to the field of ethics. And the philosophers themselves, the people who are engaged in ethics, do not understand what to do with the concept of the norm, and let this question go on the brakes. The more socially diverse the world is, the less reason to talk about an absolute norm.

In domestic psychological science, the concept of "joint activity" is accepted. Human activity in general and the joint activity of a group of people in particular. I say that a person who regularly destroys joint activities in the team to which he belongs should be considered deviant. Not accidentally broken glass, not skipping class, but regular destruction of joint activities - this is deviant behavior.

How do children become deviants?

The category of activity is closely related to many other psychological categories and concepts: for example, with the concept of the goal of an action, with the concept of ways of performing an activity; with motives of activity. And in this sense it becomes more understandable: if a person does not own the methods of joint activity, if he is a destroyer, because he can not, then my task as a psychologist is to teach him. So, children, due to the smallness of their life experience, are often poorly oriented in the motives of joint activity, its goals and methods.

By the way, not only children, but also many adults are deviants. Not so long ago I consulted a teacher. She has problems with her parents because she doesn't smile. She does not know how to interact in such a way as to show that she is benevolent. She is a good person, but her demeanor destroys joint activities - her with her parents and with her students. In this case, you just need to prompt.

There are cases - they are quite rare and not entirely for school, but, nevertheless, - when pace of activity a person, a child categorically does not coincide with the average rate of activity of the entire class. In my memory, it was when a child, in order to make a judgment about what it is, needs about 5 minutes. The teacher has 30 people in the class, and he cannot allow the student to think for so long. Moreover, with his silence and humming, he disrupts the lesson, that is, he destroys joint activity of the teacher and the class. I saw such a child, in general it makes a heavy impression. Then I specifically looked at the quality of his work - everything is fine. This is a completely different case of the destruction of joint activity, and here for the psychologist there is also his own work. For example, agree with teachers that they will not ask him orally, but only in writing. They put him at the front desk and he gets the job done.

But the main reason, nevertheless, is that children bring to school from their family life, including preschool, inability and unwillingness to interact with other people because of their egoism, a distorted value system, and categorical bad manners.

Is physiology behind this?

Yes of course. More precisely, the physiology of higher nervous activity. Then I don't know - I'm not a neuropsychologist.

« By the way, not only children turn out to be deviants, but also many adults. » .

It's just that psychology is different - there is a philosophical psychology, there is a natural science psychology. And I do the first.

Children with deviant behavior are not children with a diagnosis?

Differently. According to statistics, the risk of deviant behavior increases many times when children have a reduced psychophysiological potential (exhaustion, fatigue, inability to concentrate, reduced voluntary behavior), and at the same time their families are not very pedagogically competent. I'm not talking about children with mental health problems right now - this is a separate topic. Children who have mental health problems, such as borderline states, are more likely to exhibit deviant, disruptive behavior than children who are more stress-resistant. It depends on the physiology, and it's all quite complicated.

In general, are there many pedagogically competent families?

Yes, of course, and most of them. I'd like to believe that there are much more normal parents who love their children and are demanding at the same time. It is clear that there are not very many professional teachers among mothers and fathers, but this does not guarantee the absence of family problems. It's time to remember about Anton Semenovich Makarenko, a great teacher, whose family had its own problems. ( Soviet teacher and writer A.S. Makarenko in the 1920s led the children's labor colony he created near Poltava, then children's labor commune them. Dzerzhinsky and the colony them. Gorky near Kiev. The most famous work - "Pedagogical Poem", views on upbringing in the family are set out in the "Book for Parents" - Polit.ru).

A child who is constantly beaten is either crying or biting. He does not sing songs, he looks at the world as a place where it is always painful and scary. Hence the stable aggressive-defensive reactions. He does not have the strength to resist the world and accept cheerfully and cheerfully everything that falls on him.

« According to statistics, the risk of deviant behavior increases when children have a reduced psychophysiological potential (exhaustion, fatigue, inability to concentrate, reduced voluntary behavior), and at the same time their families are not very pedagogically competent »

How does a child end up in a special school - is he kicked out of the usual one?

It is not that simple. We accepted everyone who said that he needed it to the Experimental Complex. Yes, among them there were a large number of children who were registered with the internal affairs bodies, a certain number of children who had already committed an offense, and were left at large. In our school, there were 90% perfect poor students. They were not kicked out of their schools, but they were "squeezed out" little by little. After all, deviants are.

The special schools that opened later already accepted children only by order of the Commission on Minors' Affairs on the fact of committing an offense or other illegal act - and then, son, we will write you down. And when a school worker says that a child needs special conditions, and at the same time is not registered, he cannot be sent to a special school.

I repeat, those children whose parents do not provide education are more likely to become deviant. Do these parents care? Not everyone, many are worried about this. And the children are still under-educated. In fact, they are just unhappy children, but they do not know about it. They fight because they are cornered. There are villains among children - there are very few of them, and I have met with them. There are very few real villains among children, even those committing an offense, the rest are, for various reasons, already broken, and committing "wrong" acts not always from evil.

So I would not talk about deviant children as potential criminals, but rather as about children who do not know how to behave in the family and in society. And, accordingly, they destroy society. You need to pick and teach them.

How should they be taught?

Usually, as in a mass school, only in each class there should not be more than 10 people: no one, even the most talented teacher, will keep track of a large number of such special children and will not organize them.

But it's not the lessons that are more important, but what is after the lessons.

A long time ago I received 5 completely firing reprimands for incorrect work - for example, we organized primary school for children of middle and senior school age. We were told: no, there are no such children in Moscow, you are wasting government money. It was in the early 90s. And I get reprimanded for doing money somewhere.

I received the second reprimand for the fact that our Experimental Complex had a helpline for children. We had the first children's helpline. Thanks M.O. Dubrovskaya - she organized it. We were told: “What nonsense! The school should teach mathematics, Russian language and literature. We spent the money and hired telephone operators. "

I received the third reprimand for the fact that the most talented teacher S.A. Levin organized the Post-Boarding Adaptation Center. Because half of the graduates of boarding schools either commit offenses or become victims of crimes - this is according to statistics. They ask me: "Where are your employees?" - "They go to boarding schools, visit children, supervise, provide assistance" - "That is, they don't go to work?" - "Don't go." Well, then get it.

And then, however, for all the same I receive the State Prize. But that was later. This abnormality of the situation - when I cannot do what I consider necessary, and I am always to blame - literally knits hand and foot for any normal director of any educational institution.

What about now?

And now the Experimental Complex of Social Assistance to Children and Adolescents of the Moscow Department of Education has long ceased to exist, just as the majority of special schools for children with deviant behavior organized in 2002-2003 do not exist. Someone thought that it was too expensive to maintain them, and that inclusion (what a magic word!) will solve all problems. But he will not decide, and deviant teens will continue to destroy joint educational activities within the walls of mass general education schools, and no amount of money savings will save. But the big bosses must live to see this fact.