Divination symbols on wax. Geometric shapes: lines, circles, points. Fortune telling rules in ancient times

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The use of wax for divination is a very ancient practice in Russia. This activity was very popular with girls, both peasant women and townspeople. Fortune-telling was done, as a rule, on Christmastide, in the evenings. There were many different ways fortune-telling, but the most popular was fortune-telling for the future. At the head of such fortune-telling were magicians, as well as the girls' nannies, who showed them how and what to do.

The most common way of divination was the following. A vessel with water, usually cold, was taken, and melted wax was poured into it, which formed various bizarre figures in the water. Each figurine meant something, and experienced fortune-tellers nannies were engaged in their interpretation. Usually fortune-telling was carried out in the presence of a large number of people, despite the laws of the sacrament, and the human factor played an important role in this matter. Indeed, as a rule, noble girls received favorable predictions about their fate, while ordinary peasant girls did not receive pleasant prophecies. In addition, in such fortune-telling, intrigues were also observed between the girls themselves, who wanted to know their own and others' future. Some even bribed sorcerers to annoy their sworn girlfriends.

Wax was very often used in such divination, and over the years it became more and more popular. Figures for fortune-telling were made not only from wax, but also from tin, and based on the results of fortune-telling, they determined what awaited the girl next year - happiness or grief, good luck or bad luck, bad or good harvest. In addition, men were often involved in the divination processes. They also wanted to know about their future, however, they had slightly different preferences in desires to learn about the future than the female sex. If girls were usually interested love affairs, then the men were more eager to learn about the deeds, about the material benefits that await them.

Divination with wax is popular today. Such online fortune telling on wax are widespread not only in Russia, but also in countries such as Poland, Bosnia, Montenegro. The most suitable time for fortune-telling is the evening before the New Year, as well as the night before Christmas. If you try this method of fortune telling on yourself, you will see that very interesting and funny figures can be obtained from wax, which are very interesting to decipher. It is especially interesting to interpret the shadows that the wax figures form.

In ancient times, if girls saw some bad omen in the figurines, they threw them away along with the basin in which they swam, or gave them to the pigs. In the absence of living creatures, the figures were simply buried deep in the ground so that the bad could not come true. But if the figures prophesied something good, then, on the contrary, they were kept until next year, and they believed that they would bring good luck and fulfillment of desires. Today, carrying out such fortune-telling, girls use paraffin candles and plastic basins, and wax is deposited around the edges, describing a circle with a candle. Then the figures are clearer.

Since ancient times, fortune-telling with wax has been a favorite way to find out the future from all segments of the population. Peasant women, merchants, boyars - everyone wanted to know to look behind the veil of secrecy and learn the unknown. Of course, noble ladies could afford to visit fortune-tellers who took money for predictions, while poor girls were left with only home fortune-telling - and yet interest in predictions in wax never waned.

Even now, in the age of enlightenment, we continue to turn to candles for help and advice.

General information

What is required for fortune-telling, when is it best to be carried out, what can and cannot be done in the process? Previously, when knowledge was passed from mother to daughter, such questions did not arise. We have to consider the whole process from start to finish.

Reasons for the popularity of divination with wax and water

The fact that more than half of the currently known fortune telling methods use candles is hardly surprising, because they combine several powerful energy substances at once.

Wax itself is a material that is imbued with vitality through and through. In addition, a burning candle is also a fire, and it is, as you know, the most unbridled and honest of the elements. Their combination and endows candles with their unique properties.

However, in addition to deep hidden meanings, the popularity of candlestick fortune-telling has a much more mundane reason: accessibility.

Unlike more complex ways to find out the future, this one does not require serious material costs, but with the right approach, it gives an impressive result.

What is casting

There are a great many process options and interpretations. They vary depending on the purpose of the ritual, the seriousness of the approach to it and accessibility, however, they all have the main and main stage - the creation of the casting.

Casting- This is an object of irregular shape, obtained in the process of fortune-telling by pouring molten material into cold water and solidifying it in it.

In more complex versions, castings are made of soft low-melting metals, however, in our case, wax will act as a material.

The appointment of divination by candle

First of all - in order to look behind the veil of secrecy and at least with one eye to spy on the future, to find out what dangers and obstacles lie in wait for life path what to fear, what to bypass, and what, on the contrary, will bring good shoots.

This ritual has another purpose - identification and removal of spoilage, the evil eye and other negative energy imprints, intentionally or accidentally "sewn" to a person's aura.

The right time for the ceremony

The ritual can be performed at any time. But if you are aiming at obtaining reliable results that are not distorted by the influence of external factors, it should be borne in mind that there are favorable and unfavorable periods for fortune telling on wax figures. When choosing the time, it is worth paying attention to some recommendations.

It's best to wait until the sun sets, under night sky communication with higher powers is more fruitful.

Moon phase has the meaning. The ritual gains its greatest power on the full moon, but a different interpretation, on the contrary, is the most the right time calls "blind sky" - new moon.

There are certain days suitable for divination. Historically it so happened that girls and women wondered at Christmastide and Christmas... It is on these days that you can come closest to the secrets of fate along the path trodden by your ancestors.

Required items

Before you start casting, you need to purchase and prepare anything that may come in handy in the process. This should be taken care of in advance, communication with the Universe does not tolerate fuss and secondary.

To conduct a divination ritual in wax and water, you will need:

Let's consider each of the points in more detail.


If fortune telling on a candle is nothing more than entertainment for you, you can use paraffin bought from a regular store. However, if you want to get a complete answer to a serious question, do not look for easy ways. The wax should be natural, absorbing the power of nature.

Perfect fit melted church candles or wax, bought directly from the beekeepers. The latter option is even preferable when you are going to guess for the future, since in this case it will not undergo almost any processing and will pass the minimum number of hands, which means that it is less likely to acquire the imprint of someone else's energy.

On the other hand, the wax purchased in the temple is imbued with a special blessed power, and with its help it is much easier to identify the evil eye and damage.


When choosing water, the same principle applies as with wax. You can fill a vessel from the tap, and this will not lead to a catastrophe and extinction of humanity from supernatural cataclysms. However, if you are determined to have a serious conversation with higher powers, it is better to opt for holy, epiphany or charmed water... These options are most suitable for removing negative influences, evil eye and damage.

In the absence of these or for fortune telling for the future, they will fit melted snow or spring water... Such water is saturated with streams of energy of nature and carries a particle of universal power. But be careful - natural water can be capricious and strongly influenced from the outside.

Do not place the liquid prepared for the ritual next to trash can, dirty dishes or worse, TV.

Tanks for water and melting

Better to take the dishes from natural materials.

But don't get carried away. I assure you that melting wax over a candle in a wooden spoon will be somewhat problematic.

You should not forget about basic convenience, therefore, choose a fairly wide and deep container for water.

For melting, take with a long handle, sufficient in volume so that the contents do not splash out, but not too large, so that you do not have to scrape the contents off the walls.

A candle that will burn in the process

The candle should be on fire all the time. On it we will melt the future casting.

The sacred purpose is in additional communication with higher powers. In addition, the measured flickering of the light will help to tune in and concentrate, which is also important.

It is best to use candles bought in the temple. They will help drive away evil forces and will not allow negative energy to affect the process.

Fortune-telling and interpretation of meanings

When the preparation for the ritual is completed, you can proceed to the most exciting part - creating the casting and deciphering its meaning.

Stages of fortune-telling

The process of establishing contact with fate can be conditionally divided into three stages... Each of them has its own characteristics and neglect of the subtleties of at least one can lead to a distortion of the entire ritual. Therefore, it is very important to attend to every little thing.

1. Preparation of wax

From a practical point of view, this stage is of great importance only when you "prepare" the candle. In this case, you need to remove the wick from it and shape it into a shape suitable for melting.

The secret meaning of this action is much more significant. It is at this moment that you "tune" the wax to your wave, turning it from a simple piece of material into a reflection of your thoughts, desires, life path.

The main thing here is not to rush. Warm the impression slowly in your hands, then begin gently kneading it, making it pliable and flexible. Try at this moment to look at a pre-lit candle, this will help you distract from the bustle of the world, tune in and clear your mind.

In no case do not try to heat wax on the battery, soften it with blows or crumble it. This will instantly destroy the unity of your spirit and its physical vehicle.

When finished kneading, place the workpiece in the melting pot. From this moment, the second stage begins.

2. Melting

In a material sense, this stage consists in melting a softened piece in a previously prepared dish over a candle flame.

In a spiritual sense, this is a moment of concentration on your question. Try your best clearly articulate what is eating you. Do not forget that the more specific the question is, the easier and more accurate the decryption will be.

The worst thing you can do at this stage is to start "kicking" fate, picking out the melting wax so that it melts as soon as possible and you can proceed to the "main" part. Do not forget that there are no unimportant stages in the ritual. Don't rush heaven, they don't like it.

3. Making a casting

The result of this stage will be the creation of a wax ingot of irregular shape, the decoding of the values ​​of which will be the answer to the question. However, in no case try to cast a particular figure on purpose, even if you really want to. You are only a guide, a higher power guides the process.

All you need to do is pour it out gently liquid wax into cold water... Do not pour out all the wax at once, but there is no point in pouring it in an unnecessarily thin stream.

The method of pouring, of course, does not affect the result of fortune-telling in any way, but in the first case, there is a high probability of flooding everything around with water and getting burned with wax. In the second case, you simply risk falling asleep from boredom before you have time to interpret the signs of fate.

Meaning of symbols and methods of decoding

When the pouring on wax has been successfully completed, the most difficult thing awaits you - to find out what significance the resulting figure has.

It is worth remembering that this way of looking into the future, like many others, is very subjective and depends entirely on your perception. If you have formulated the question clearly enough, then you do not need to dig yourself in search of the meanings of each squiggle on a wax figure, the answer will come by itself and will be so obvious that you yourself will be surprised.

Fortune-telling with water and wax is one of the popular types of divination, which the fair sex turn to when they want to look into the future or find out their fate. Also in Ancient Rus people tried with the help of divination to reveal the secrets of the unknown. As a rule, girls and women gathered together and performed various rituals and fortune-telling on the eve of Christmas, New Year and Christmas. We will tell you about the main method of divination in wax and water, as well as its interpretation in our article.

When is the best time to guess?

The correct time for fortune-telling with water and wax is also considered to be Christmastide - two weeks of winter holidays from Christmas to Epiphany. In the event that serious changes occur in a person's life, it is allowed to tell fortunes not only on holidays, but without abuse of the ritual.

Christmas divination with wax and water is one of the most truthful ways. Many people believe that it is on these days that water has the greatest energy. This is also explained by the fact that the subconscious of the fortuneteller independently chooses its fate in the wax forms formed on the water. With the help of energy abilities, water only accompanies this, and wax conveys the necessary information, since it is an energy-informational material.

Among the signs received, only good meaning should be sought. Bad predictions should not be taken on faith, as they can set a fortuneteller to fail in business at the very beginning of the year.

Fortune telling rules in ancient times

In the days of Ancient Russia, for divination at Christmas (with wax and water), female representatives chose special places that enhance the effect of divination. As a rule, they used a barn, a bathhouse, a canopy, attics or abandoned housing for this. Immediately before the ritual, the young ladies loosened their hair and untied their belts. Removal of the pectoral cross was also a prerequisite.

In modern times, when divining, young girls do not strictly adhere to the rules and advice that our ancestors paid close attention to. Now, in order for the result of fortune-telling with water and wax to be more or less reliable, one should competently approach the choice of the main attributes.

Requirements when choosing a candle

Experienced experts in this field recommend purchasing candles from outside the business department. Since most likely in such a place they trade candles made of paraffin. Only a natural product is suitable for divination by candle wax on water, so it is better to buy wax in a beekeeping store. Church candles are also suitable for the ritual; they are usually made of wax.

Further, for fortune telling, the wick should be pulled out of the purchased candle, and the ball should be rolled out of the candle itself. This should be done carefully so as not to break it. It is believed that the upright fortune-telling attribute is a kind of symbol that directs the fortuneteller's desires to the Almighty. A broken candle breaks the connection, and the interpretation of divination for Christmas on water with wax turns out to be incorrect.

During divination, it is necessary to take seriously not only the choice of a candle, but also the quality of water, since it is she who is the transmitter of information. When fortune-telling on wax and water, you do not need to use settled water, such a liquid has already absorbed a lot of unnecessary information. The water supply will also not be the best option for divination, it has no energy and is considered dead.

What determines the accuracy of interpretation

In order for the interpretation of divination for Christmas on water with wax to be true, it is recommended to lower a small mirror at the bottom of a container with water and pour wax over it. With the help of a mirror, information will be concentrated in one place, and the image will be more accurate.

It is necessary to pour wax in one place. In the event that the image turns out to be blurry, the made wish is conceived inaccurately. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that before the process of divination with water and wax, one should completely abstract from reality and concentrate on a conceived desire. Otherwise, the answer may turn out to be inaccurate and vague.

Divination for Christmas on wax and water

You can bewitch with wax and water different ways, they are all simple and based on one mechanism of action. Fortune-telling with water and wax is used by girls to find out: the near future, early marriage, the number of children in marriage, what will be the relationship with the husband, whether he will be rich. You can guess yourself, a friend or a relative. This requires the following items:

  • deep capacity;
  • iron spoon;
  • cold water;
  • small mirror;
  • two candles;
  • Matchbox.

Experienced experts in this area recommend holding the ceremony at midnight. Immediately after divination with wax on the water, the figures that are formed do not need to be thrown away. Those that bear good signs can be used as a talisman, it is better to bury the bad ones in the ground so that the negative prophecy does not take effect.

Divination: drip wax into water

To start the ceremony, you need to put the prepared mirror in the center of the container. Then it is worth thinking about the question of interest and keeping it in mind throughout the whole process of fortune-telling. After that, water must be poured into the prepared container, so that the jet flows down to the surface of the mirror.

At this time, you need to get the wick out of the candle, roll it into a ball and put it on a spoon. The second candle should be lit and a spoon should be placed over its fire, gradually melting the wax ball.

The melted wax must be poured drop by drop into the water above the mirror and, after waiting a little, get the resulting figure. Then, using imagination, try to understand what the fortuneteller associates with the resulting three-dimensional image.

The meaning of the figures and the interpretation of symbols

The divination process does not take much time. More effort will have to be spent on the interpretation of figures when divining with wax and water. When decoding, you should be guided by your own inner feelings. The meaning of the image is subjective. As a rule, where one person sees a figure that will bring good luck, another will notice an image that promises grief and misfortune. In the event that an incomprehensible blurry image is obtained, a series of bad days awaits a person. The detailed designation of wax on the water during divination is below.

Animal world

  • A stork means that a fortuneteller will have a happy family life and replenishment in the family. Also for a creative person, such a figure symbolizes insight and a surge of new strength.
  • The butterfly foreshadows the emergence of serious problems. In the event that other figures are also present, this promises the appearance of a deceitful person on the path of life.
  • Squirrel speaks of the emergence of work that will take a lot of time.
  • The bull warns of a possible threat.
  • The dolphin symbolizes overcoming existing difficulties, perhaps with the help of a friend.
  • The hare indicates cowardice and insecurity.
  • The snake can foreshadow danger, as well as denote wisdom.
  • Crocodile means that a fortuneteller will be able to overcome troubles, thanks to the ability to understand people.
  • The cow symbolizes wealth.
  • The cat speaks of the onset of the black stripe and protects from betrayal.
  • The swan portends good news.
  • The horse speaks of the dedication of the fortuneteller.
  • The bear symbolizes stagnation in business.
  • Pisces warns that the fortuneteller will soon receive wise advice, which must be heeded.
  • The elephant says that it is necessary to calmly approach the solution of all problems.
  • The dog denotes loyalty and trust, the fortuneteller is surrounded by decent people.
  • The duck symbolizes good luck and luck.
  • The turtle advises that you should not rush things, everything that should happen will definitely happen.

Man, body parts

  • The eyes symbolize deception, you need to be careful.
  • The head portends a promotion or new discoveries.
  • The woman warns of the possible appearance of a homeless woman in life.
  • The embryo / embryo speaks of the birth of something new: love, friendship, job change, moving.
  • The bone symbolizes overcoming difficulties.
  • Face: if with a smile - joy, sad - the appearance of enemies or problems, several faces symbolize the holiday.
  • A man denotes the appearance of a guest with good news.
  • Heart: if clear, then to mutual feelings, with breaks and streaks, to heartache and experiences.
  • The human figure foreshadows the appearance of a new friend.

Technology and buildings

  • The arch symbolizes development, the transition to a new important stage in life. In addition, the arch can herald a journey.
  • The tower suggests that in the near future the fortuneteller will have a wedding or an opportunity to develop his talents.
  • The door marks a new stage in life.
  • The house foreshadows the emergence of a new economy, that is, a move, a successful marriage. Also, such a figure symbolizes happiness and harmony in the house.
  • The machine indicates that a new path awaits the fortuneteller ahead.
  • An airplane indicates an ambulance. In the event that the vehicle looks shabby, the trip will be unsuccessful.
  • Car: There is a new path ahead of you that will bring happiness. There will be a lot of new and interesting things, laziness and apathy will remain in the past.

Various subjects

  • Lampshade denotes possible deception. It is necessary to analyze the words and actions of colleagues and friends.
  • The angel talks about possible changes that relate to the character of the fortuneteller. Infantilism, laziness, passivity will go away. Also, such a figure can denote the appearance of new love, good news or help from loved ones.
  • Pancake symbolizes loneliness.
  • Bumps indicate possible troubles and difficulties.
  • Letters or all kinds of numbers indicate people or the date of an event that will be important for a fortuneteller in this period of time. The letter is the initials, the number is the date of an important event, which can relate both personally to a person and to someone from his inner circle.

  • The bouquet symbolizes joy, gifts, holidays.
  • The rope indicates the emergence of difficulties. In the event that nodules are visible on the figure, problems will affect health, loops - financial issues.
  • Mushrooms denote a change in life: a change in the type of activity or the emergence of a new feeling.
  • The dragon indicates that the fortuneteller will have to show willpower.
  • Stars speak of wish fulfillment, career success or love.
  • Open umbrella - the occurrence of minor troubles, closed - serious difficulties.
  • A ring or candles speak of an imminent engagement or wedding.
  • The dot symbolizes the emergence of additional income and profits.
  • The pit is the most undesirable figure in fortune-telling, as it portends illness or imminent death.

In order for the figure obtained during the fortune-telling to be interpreted correctly, you should observe the wax from the very beginning of the process. It is worth seeing how it flows down and which images appear first. How they over time flow into others and are finally formed.

Only when all the wax is poured into the container, you can proceed to the interpretation. When decoding, it is worth paying attention to which images came to replace each other. Individual figures may have the same decoding, but most of the images should be viewed individually.

In the event that the fortuneteller cannot explain the formed image in any way, do not give up fortune-telling or despair. You need to rest for 5 minutes and start the process again.

This type of predicting one's future is in great demand among both magicians and healers. In early times, fortune-telling was done with a bee (for example, Pushkin's Tatyana did it). Today, an ordinary candle and a basin (or a bowl) of water are quite suitable for these purposes.

How to prepare for wax divination

Candles. Some magicians and amateur fortune-tellers believe that paraffin candles are not at all suitable for this rite. According to them, only wax candles should be used. Nevertheless, the practice of fortune-telling shows that paraffin candles do their job quite well.

If you still want to use candles made of real wax for fortune-telling, then they can be purchased at the church. Smelling such a candle, you can smell a certain smell. To keep the table clean, it is recommended to expose candles in candlesticks or candelabra.

Faith. The most important rule of any fortune-telling is faith. Without a sincere hope for an invisible meeting with otherworldly forces and without a willingness to find out your future, this or that is unlikely to give the desired result.

Water. You can't guess at tap water... It must be either Epiphany, or at least thawed. The second option is, of course, easier. You need to collect water in a plastic bottle, freeze it in ice, and defrost it on the day of the fortune-telling rite.

How to read with wax

First you need to light a candle and wait for it to light up. Once the wax begins to melt, gently tilt the candle over a bowl of water (or basin) and let it drain into the water. In principle, this action can be performed multiple times. The most important thing here is to ensure that there is enough wax on the surface of the water for fortune telling. Attention! At the time when the wax flows into the water, it is necessary to think about the purposes of the fortune-telling rite.

The meaning of divination in wax is in the figures that arose in the water. It is these wax silhouettes that will allow the fortuneteller to look into his future. The wax figurines can be taken out of the water and interpreted. For example, if she was guessing and she got a wax wreath, then she is no longer for. It is worth noting that this method of divination with wax is perhaps the easiest.

The meaning of basic wax figures

The egg means some new trends in life. Perhaps it will be a newborn baby.

Wax in the form of an apple symbolizes some news about health, material prosperity, about harmony in family relationships.

If the apple turned out to be bitten, then there will be some temptations ahead that you should not succumb to.

The image of a person means a quick meeting with a person who will become a friend for a fortuneteller. If the figurine of a person turned out, then a romantic relationship is ahead.

The flower means the upcoming wedding ceremony. But it is not specified whose wedding it is.

The wreath symbolizes the marriage between the fortuneteller and his other half.

If liquid wax (or paraffin) has developed into long streaks, then they should be treated as roads. This is either a long trip or a move.

A figurine in the shape of a star means that in the future the fortuneteller will receive some news that he is so actively waiting for.

The mushroom is a symbol of perseverance, longevity and vitality.

The snake symbolizes troubles, diseases, problems.

Candles have a special place in magic rituals. The fire of a wax candle can clear the negative energy in the room and help restore mental balance. There are curious methods of divination for the future using an ordinary candle.

Fortune telling

For this divination, you will need a new wax candle. Sit down at a table, turn off the lights in the room, and focus. Think about what you care about at the moment, what you want from life. Mentally ask a question about your future and light a candle with your right hand. Watch it burn for 10-15 minutes.

Smooth high silent flame without carbon deposits and wax build-up. A pleasant event awaits you. A period of stability is entering your life. Good luck will accompany you in all your endeavors. The wish you made is likely to come true soon.

When burning, the candle "cries" (wax flows and drips). Unpleasant events await you that will bring you a lot of experience. You will worry, but this period will not last too long. Such burning of a candle suggests that all problems will soon pass - you just need to go through this unpleasant moment in your life.

If the wax starts flowing as soon as you light the candle, then this means that you have a powerful enemy in your life. He is capable of giving you a lot of trouble. You should beware of him and not trust people who want to enter your life.

The candle begins to crack, but the flame is clean, without carbon deposits and soot. Wait for good news soon. Your plans will come true in the near future.

There are many nodules on the candle, the wax lines go from top to bottom and intersect. This can mean a danger that may threaten you or your loved ones. If you were going on a trip, it would be better to postpone it. This sign is a warning.

The lighted candle was immediately extinguished. This is a very bad sign. Perhaps it is time to ask for forgiveness and remember all those you have offended in your life. You have accumulated a lot of negativity in your heart. After a while, you can try to light the candle again.

The candle smokes and bursts, then expect bad news. People who are near you are deceiving you. There comes a period when there is no need to take risks, especially in matters that are related to material issues.

Inflows form on the candle, but on the opposite side from you - this suggests that you will witness unpleasant events that will not affect you much, but will greatly affect your state of mind.

In general, with this method of fortune telling, the main thing is your inner feeling at the moment of burning a candle. You may suddenly experience feelings of excitement and joy, or, conversely, overwhelm with anxiety and sadness. Your feelings play a big role in the fortune telling process. Listen to them too, maybe you will find the right answers within yourself.

Divination by desire

You need to make several wishes (it is better if there are no more than 3). Write them on three pieces of paper and put a small candle on each sheet. The candles used in this fortune-telling must certainly be new. Now it remains to wait for which candle will burn out first, which means that this desire should be fulfilled with a greater degree of probability. If the candle went out during the burning, then this means that the wish you have conceived will not come true. Two or three candles burned out at the same time - a sign of the fulfillment of several desires at once.

There is an even easier way to divine a wish with candles. It is suitable for those who do not want to wait for the candles to burn out to the end. After all, this can take more than one hour.

For this method, you only need one new candle. Write your wishes on pieces of paper and start lighting them one at a time. There is no need to wait for the paper to burn to the end, so as not to burn your fingers. In this fortune-telling, the combustion process is important.

The paper burns evenly and quickly - good sign... Your wish will come true.

The candle crackled, and the paper began to burn from one edge - there are many obstacles in the way of your plans.

The paper caught fire and soon went out - the wish will not come true.

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Tip 3: How to find out your future with the help of fortune-telling on wax

One of the easiest ways to find out your future or the answer to a specific question of interest is fortune-telling with wax. Young girls of Ancient Russia got together and thus found out when they got married. It is accepted that guessing is best on New Year to see what it will be like next year. And guessing at Christmas is considered a Russian tradition. In fact, you can guess at any time, because you want to know your future at any moment of your life.

Fortune-telling in wax is also the simplest, because everything you need for this is in almost every home. But, despite this, you need to prepare for the fortune-telling itself.

Preparing for fortune telling

First you need to prepare the necessary attributes, then tune in to fortune-telling, this is the most important condition. Answers come depending on the mood.

So what you need to have:

Several wax candles. You can take the wax itself, but it is more convenient to hold and guide the candles. Now there are several types of candles on sale - colored, long and short, thin and voluminous. Choose which ones you like and for what purposes you need them. For example, if you are interested in health, use a green candle, money - gold, yellow, if important to you love relationship, then red. If you only have candles of one color, that's okay, use them.

Since divination is based on wax and water, prepare a clean vessel of water. Try to choose the color of the bowl so that the wax figures are clearly visible in its contrast. Better even to use a universally suitable color for this - white. Against its background, any colored figure will be clearly visible. Try, experiment, with which attributes will work most comfortably for you, and leave those.

Water. The ideal option is Epiphany or melt water. It is believed that then the information will be accurate and true. But you can also take ordinary tap water. The water must be cold.

List of interpretations. You should have such a list ready at hand. You can simply open a page of the site with the decoding of the figures.

Mood. If you want reliable information, you must take your divination ritual seriously. Do not do it in a hurry, in between things and just like that. Get down to business seriously and responsibly. Take it easy if you are agitated. Complete harmony inside. Tune in to what's important to you right now. Tune in to the fortune-telling itself. Calmly. Only inner calmness will allow you to receive information, open a channel of perception. Ready? Then let's get started.


You can guess by yourself or with friends. Remember only one thing. The general mood should be the same, the mood of each participant should coincide with the mood of the other and with the purpose of the fortune-telling itself. If someone comes to have some fun, don't even start. But if the whole company just wants to try, then there is only one general attitude and you can try. Just keep in mind that fortune-telling is receiving secret information from the Higher powers, from the Universe. And this is far from a joke.

Well then. Once you have everything ready, you have read the recommendations and followed them, you can start.

Pour water into a cup. You can put a mirror on the bottom. Take some candles, light them, and wait until the candle turns into wax. This can be done in a metal cup. While the candle is melting, mentally ask the question you want an answer to. Then slowly pour the wax into the water. Slowly and carefully. Free and relaxed. When the formed figures freeze, you can begin to interpret.

There are several important points in the interpretation. Better not to take literally what can be read on different sites. Build on your feelings.

Take a look at the resulting shape. What do you feel? Joy, anxiety, some phrase came to mind from the subconscious? Record your feeling. And now look at the list of interpretations. If you learn to guess with the help of your inner sensations, then, as a rule, feelings and decoding will coincide. In this case, your mind will not interfere and there will be no doubt. Such a coincidence of sensations and interpretations of the figures will be the most truthful.

If the information received pleases you, save this wax for the next divination. If you receive any warnings or something unpleasant so that it does not come true and does not affect your well-being, pour the water and wax somewhere on the ground and bury it with the bowl.

Remember! Much depends on your attitude. If you are expecting bad things, then you may see something like this. If you are initially set up for pleasant events in life, so be it.

Do not directly take very seriously the fortune-telling itself, take your mood seriously. Set yourself up for happy moments and start guessing. Even if something was going to happen, something not very pleasant, then with your attitude you take it away from yourself. Then the values ​​of the figures will mean only good. After all, people want not so much to know their future as to have a happy future, and in fortune telling they are looking for confirmation that this will be so. Let it be so!

How to guess with wax - this question in Yandex is gaining popularity closer to Christmastide. This way of looking into the future, as before, is very popular among young girls. Historians write that such methods to find out the future were known not only in Russia, but also in a number of European countries.

In the article:

Christmas divination of our ancestors

Researchers of Russian traditions and culture, as early as the nineteenth century, wrote about the popularity of fortune-telling on Christmastide.

Fortune telling in wax is used by rural and urban girls during Christmas evenings on advice from nannies and girls. This fortune-telling, performed in the presence of many in the house, is done as follows: melt the wax and pour it into a glass of cold water. At this time, experienced nannies begin to make predictions from the reflected figures. Familiar girls are predicted all good, favorable; on the contrary, the poor, the ignorant are guessed everything bad and insulting. Often there are intrigues between girls. Out of hatred for their friend, they bribe a witch that expresses all kinds of absurdities. From this, eternal family strife sometimes occurs.

Sakharov I.P. "Legends of the Russian people"

Until now, all kinds of fortune-telling methods are practiced by young girls on New Year's Eve, on Christmastide, and also on Epiphany. Our ancestors used, as a rule, materials at hand, everything that is in everyday life: wax, needles, combs, utensils, jewelry, brooms, some food.

We wondered at the beginning of the year to find out about the events that are pending. Most often, in Russia, girls wanted to find out if they were married, whether they would get married in the new year, what the marriage would be like.
As for fortune telling in wax, it is popular because of its simplicity and accessibility, since it does not need no special items, but only: a container of water and candles. There is also a similar one.

Correct divination in wax

For this method of fortune telling, the most ordinary large candles are taken, which could burn for at least an hour. The main thing is not to take those that are decorated with dried flowers, coffee beans and others, as in the process all of these decorations can catch fire.

Separately, it should be said about church candles. It must be understood that fortune-telling is not approved by any official religion, therefore church candles " will not reduce " your sin if you are considered fortune-telling.

If you have paraffin candles, use a large container, such as a basin. In this case, the melted paraffin must not be poured into the center of the container, but around the edge in circles.

As for the color of the candle, you can choose ordinary white ones, which are considered universal, or choose colored ones. depending on the question on which you are going to guess.
For example, red and pink are used for questions about love and relationships, green for money, purple or purple for questions about creativity and development, and gold for questions about health.

From ancient times, there was such a custom: if unpleasant figures were obtained that spoke of problems and hardships, then the basin was taken out into the yard, the water was poured into the ground, and the figures were buried.

And here "good ones" the figurines, on the other hand, were kept all year round. It was believed that this way the predictions would come true for sure.

Find out your future with wax

The divination procedure itself has not changed. Light a few candles in advance if you have a few questions. And into the basin with cold water start pouring the melted wax. For each new question, the water in the basin must be fresh.
Don't forget clearly formulate a question of interest to you... It is not necessary to say it out loud.
In the process of casting, carefully look at the shapes that you get, remember them, as they can transform and change. Interpretations should be started after the figures have finally hardened.

Do not forget that interpretation is a very individual matter and largely depends on imagination.

It is up to you to keep or throw away the figurines after fortune-telling. For example, you can save wax or record what he saw, and then, within a year, track whether the prediction came true and how accurate.

Rules that are important to follow during fortune-telling

First, choose a comfortable place and people who are pleasant to you. After all, there is nothing worse when a skeptic intervenes in the interpretation process.
Secondly, do not forget about safety precautions, make sure that the candles are on stands or in candlesticks. This way you don't put wax around everything. and you will not get burned.
Third, prepare everything you need in advance. Light the candles to melt the wax. Print. Do not forget to also turn off your phones so that at the right moment your hand does not flinch and distort the wax pattern.

And the most important thing when you can guess with wax. You should not do fortune-telling if you have Bad mood or you are not feeling well. You need to look into the future only being in a good mood and being healthy. After all, it is on your mood interpretations also depend.