Affirmations for love? Why not! Affirmations for love men and the rapid marriage of affirmation on joy in life

To be truly happy, it is necessary to find your only and unique love. But what to do when it is not all, and after unsuccessful relations, the mental wound does not overgrow, provoking the appearance of uncertainty in his own attractiveness? Your desire to create a happy and strong union should be strong, and faith in good luck is unshakable! And help strengthen their inner "I" affirmations for love.

How to make affirmations to attract love

For positive installations to attract love to your life, you can use ready-made positive statements, most importantly, not just read them, but to skip them through the heart. But affirmations can be made independently. The main thing is to adhere to several rules.

First of all, make expressions that will cause you only positive feelings. With the slightest appearance of internal resistance, delete the phrase, because your love formulas and happiness should lead you towards me, motivate to pleasant changes, and not catch melancholy. Those who encountered resistance, but the formula does not want to change, you need to do it gradually. Sometimes, if a person really desperately meet his love, it is difficult for him to immediately believe in the formula "I am happy." Therefore, you can change it a bit on "I become happier every day."

Be sure to use the pronoun "I", "me", "I" in your affirmations. This is incredibly important because they secure your presence in such cherished formulas. But you can't talk for another person! Never insert the name of the desired or this partner to your affirmations. This not only will not lead you to harmony and happiness, but also damages your energy and will push love. You can talk, only summarizing, for example - "The surrounding people love me. I answer my reciprocity. "

Another of the secretions of the efficiency of the installations - create new thoughts about love in the present time. Never use the future. If you violate this rule, affirmations or will not work or work after a long time. After all, when you say "I will" the Universe does not understand when you want to meet your soul mate - today, in a month or when you are 65.

Always make short affirmations. First, it is more convenient to repeat them, and secondly, they are easier to remember your subconscious and more quickly gain strength. But over time, when your wishes begin to sell and live life, you can use longer positive installations and even whole settings.

Finished installations for love

There are many ready-made affirmations for love. They are universal and will suit almost anyone. They are best used to use beginners in the world of positive thinking, which do not fully understand how such formulas work.

You can repeat the finished installations, loudly reading them or to ourselves, but best of all these statements to memorize by heart and periodically repeat during the day. Good results and method gives the method when your favorite phrase is printed on a regular leaflet and is attached in a prominent place (it is desirable to attach it in your bedroom). Thus, your subconscious mind absorbs the vibrations of love, which create positive installations.

Affirmations can be short:

  • I opened my heart for love.
  • I am a magnet that attracts love.
  • I radiate love, and she is three-time returning to me.
  • Every day I open my life for a happy relationship filled with love.
  • In a relationship with your beloved, I always feel harmony and intimacy.
  • I am worthy of all-consuming love.
  • Every second enjoy the closeness with your loved one.
  • I easily and just find a person I need. Every day there is passion and love between us.
  • I feel favorable happy in the relationship.
  • The passion between us is durable.
  • I feel tenderness and warmth in communicating with my beloved.
  • I love myself so much!
  • I let go of men in my life.
  • I treat myself as the most valuable in my life.
  • I am free to express feelings.
  • There are happy and long-term relationships in my life.
  • I give and accept love without effort.
  • I feel that always loved.
  • I let me love, I know it's safe.
  • My heart is open for good and gentle feelings.
  • I love and I am loved! It's great!

You can use longer positive installations, for example:

  • I am the center of attraction of happiness and love! Every second myself granted properly, realizing that I take a dominant role in my life! I know how to enjoy the abundance and completeness of the happy world!
  • I love to live with pleasure. I have a happy life in front with your loved one! I enjoy the harmony that fills my inner world.
  • I thank the Universe for this wonderful world, filled with happiness and love! I open the best qualities every day - tenderness, openness, gratitude.
  • I discover love and ready to live in a new beautiful world with your loved one!
  • I fill my daily life with love. Thank the Universe for every moment in my precious life. I quickly bloom under the rays of love.
  • Love is the norm in life. I enjoy her. Beauty and kindness lives inside me.
  • My desire is able to work wonders! I live in harmony with surrounding people and peace. I firmly and deliberately let in my everyday life.
  • I am the creator of my happy world. I love myself and deserve joy.
  • I incredibly love my body much. I enjoy sexuality and ready to give her beloved.

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Affirmations for love? Why not!

What about the repetition of affirmations for love?

What for? - you ask…

Do they work at all?

And where to take the best affirmations?

Today I will answer all these questions and tell what affirmations I use myself.

Well, many beautiful pictures you must set up to the desired way!

And also we We will deal with you as an affirmation for love men help change the inner state, tune in to the "frequency" of love, attract happy and strong relationships in your life.

Important! With the right and continuous use of these amazing statements, a positive result is guaranteed!

Each of us seeks to find the most ideal romantic relationships, but sometimes, it is not possible to achieve this. And all because of our prejudice, fears and beliefs ...

The practice of using affirmations is effective for all 100%, no matter, you have had a relationship, marriage or not. It works, independently, 20 years old or 30, 40. This method is always working.

What is affirmation?

From the Latin language, the word "Affirmatio" is translated as "confirmation".

Starting with the distant times of ancient Egypt, the wise men used the method of affirmations as a way of expressing conscious thought. For several centuries, this helps people change not only thoughts in the head, but also the surrounding reality.

In simple language, affirmation is a verbal formula for visualization of desires, thanks to which we can change the environment around us in the direction you need.

For example, for believers, the power of prayer works so - when a clearly formulated desires are expressed in a certain form.

It can be said that affirmations are the same as prayers, the only difference is that there are no fixed or pre-prepared texts here, everything is pronounced in an arbitrary form of personal formulations.

How to independently make affirmations for love?

First of all, that your romantic dreams began to incarnate, it is necessary as short as possible, but, at the same time, it is very clear to formulate your desire.

So, take a sheet of paper and handle.

Write in the form of a list all your wishes about what kind of relationship you want to have. Write what you make yourself a happy relationship, what is she for you - perfect love? Re-read your list several times, remove unnecessary, leave just as possible to determine the essence of your desire.

I advise you to adhere to several rules:

  • Phrases should be as short as possible and capacious.
  • They must be written in the present time, that is, write as if you have already achieved the desired.
  • Be careful with the word I want. Write: "I want to marry" - so you will want to get married all my life. It is important to write that the action has already happened
  • Affirmations - thoughts extremely positive, we do not write negative expressions or words with a particle "not".

Below I also give marriage as an example:

- next to me a man about which I dreamed

- I am married to the perfect man

- My man loves and appreciates me

- My relationship bring me happiness

- Our relationship is built on trust and respect

- Passion in the relationship flared up again and again

- My man wants me to spend all my life with him

Wrote? So, this whole list is yoursaffirmations for happiness and love.

What to do next?

Just say phrases from your list daily, you can aloud, you can use yourself.

You can do it at work, in transport, but anywhere. Can be connected to enhance the effect

But best of all and the speedy marriagedo morning after awakening and before bedtime.

At these time intervals, your body is most relaxed, calm and best answers your desires.

It is good about how to work with affirmations and approvals is written in these useful articles:

Affirmations for love for himself from Louise Hay

I will not be tired of repeating that in order to get love from the side of the man - it is necessary, first of all, love yourself. I already wrote about it in the article.

All details on this topic are read by moving by reference.

And now I want to talk about the beautiful authors - Louise Hay.

Methods from Louise Hay helped many people get rid of diseases, including to defeat cancer. In her books, she tells how to overcome fear, reveal their creative potential.

Using special phrases, a person can find everything that wishes, including health, good luck and love. If you want to change your life for the better in the near future, you will help effective affirmations.

Each word we pronounce has a certain energy, thanks to which a person can attract the desired life into his life. That is why with the help of some phrases you can improve your health, position the fortune to yourself and even find the second half. Earlier, we have already talked about simple phrases that help to gain money and success. But to be successful and rich is not all you need for full-fledged happiness. Now the site experts site represent your attention the most effective affirmations to attract health, good luck and love.

Effective affirmations on health

If a person has money and success, but at the same time suffers from constant ailments, it is difficult to call it happy. If you often experience health problems, these effective affirmations will help you:

  • i respectfully treat my body;
  • i follow my health and never sick;
  • i have a good dream, after waking up I feel cheerfulness and energy;
  • i follow my nutrition and eat only useful products;
  • i love my body and always support myself in shape;
  • i never eat the products that can spoil my shape and make me less attractive (since);
  • i am satisfied (en) by my state;
  • thanks to my positive thoughts, I can maintain my body in a tone;
  • i do not have habit to complain about your health;
  • i am grateful (en) to his body;
  • i love my appearance and always follow myself.

Support your health, give time to physical exertion, follow nutrition and be sure to use affirmations on health. In this case, the body will be grateful to you, which means to hurt you will be much less likely.

Affirmations for good luck

We do not always give the value to signals over, and sometimes the fate itself warns us that soon our life will change. In order not to miss the opportunity to become richer and lucky, we suggest you learn about the signs that the universe sends. We wish you happiness and success, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

13.09.2018 07:32

Each woman seeks to become happy. However, the pursuit of happiness is not always ...

The problems in personal life are not always possible and you need to correct the magical way. In the modern world, the word power is known not only to sorcerers, but also psychologists.

A lot of research and scientific checks have shown that affirmations for love and early marriage can cope with female and male loneliness.

The power of a word

For example, the word more our ancestors endowed with a special force, and even such a saying there is a "word not sparrow, it takes it to catch it." Such a message means that it is not worth the word without any need to send words into the universe, which is very sensitive to everything that says and thinks man.

Especially carefully applied to the strength of the words of magicians and sorcerers, because spells and conspiracies - this is a message to the universe with a certain task, wish or past. Appreciate the strength of the above and in world religions, because prayer is the same petition sent to the information field of our planet.

What means fashionable and frequently found in the modern world the word "affirmation". Specialists argue that this positive thought or approvalFormed by a person who is aimed at fulfilling his desire.

With the Latin word Affirmatio translates as "confirmation" and is a brief positive installation.

Thanks to such a positive phrase, a person can get everything that wishes and radically change his life. A woman is able to marry adequately and successfully, and a man - to meet the only understanding and caring, which has long dreamed of.

Power Installation

Modern literature is represented by many books of eminent psychologists on the theme of positive installations and "pumping" of your life. The whole series was released at the time of Louise Hay and Natalia Predian. Printed and virtual editions massively offer ready-made formulations of the necessary desires that can help in a particular matter.

However, this has its own nuance, the authors of the work on psychology came to the conclusion that the best affirmation to attract love and marriage or receiving another good, this is a formulation made up by the person himself. With the help of a positive installation method, you can get the following:

  • meet a loved one;
  • marry;
  • start a family;
  • plant children;
  • find the work of your dreams;
  • become successful and wealthy;
  • to buy a house;
  • lose weight and transform.

And this is only a small tolik of what is capable of human subconscious, when it changes its "settings". But the allegations laid down to parents in deep childhood, in more than 95% of cases continue to work in a person's subconscious of all his life. And they were not always positive and optimistic.

In this psychologists and find the root of all the troubles of an adult. For example, they spoke a little Natasha in the preschool age that the boys are bad and do not communicate with them and now, Already adult businesswoman Natalia cannot find his only one, although it has long wanted to create a family and have children.

It is very often common among parents and another negative installation, which pre-prepares her daughter in female life and early pregnancy. Such an approval warns the girl that she will not marry up to 25 years and will remain anyone who is not necessary and lonely. And so, Oksana, who wrote to the subconscious of moraling from parents, running to Vasily in 20 years and immediately starts children. And the spouse is, as it turns out, and he loves to drink, and does not want to work, and his wife is harmful when she points up for flaws.

However, there are also the right confirmations that wise moms sometimes supply their daughters. When the girl says that she is beautiful, smart and it turns out, it will definitely grow out of such a child, confident in their forces and skills.

Positive setting

Well in the human subconscious, that, despite all negative programs that constantly sound in the head and Natasha and Oksana can change their lives for the better. For this, just worth attaching a little effort and "overwrite" negative approval to positive.

There are several rules for creating their own positive phrases that will change the future in the selected direction. These include:

  • no denial;
  • no particle "not";
  • no more than 5 words;
  • positive assertion in everything;
  • present in the proposal.

Affirmation in which there is a denying of something or a particle "not" will not work incorrectly. It is known that the Universe does not perceive negation in a positive offer. Having said "I am not sick" or "I am not alone in this life," you get "undervoding," and accurate desire will not fulfill. Properly working affirmation on health or love It will sound like this: "I am healthy" and "I am happy with married."

Psychologists do not recommend making long positive assertions, because the shorter and clearer, the easier it is to remember it and the easier it will be "recorded" in the subconscious. The exceptions are positive formulations drawn up in poetic form, as they may include a whole set of qualities necessary and are also just remembered.

The created verbal formula should be clear exactly the compiler and cause positive emotions in it or even a smile. If, when using affirmation, the mood rises and want to move in the right direction, then the positive phrase is compiled correctly.

It is important to draw up affirmation proposals in the present time, as if the desired already received received and the person lives now with this feeling. The so-called rule here and now will allow you to catch the necessary emotions, and will be filled with the desire for the desired composition of the positive.

Problems with men

If a woman has problems in relations with the opposite sex, first of all it is necessary to work on the perception of yourself. No wonder in psychology, there is a so-called mirror effect, which says that a person receives what radiates or reflects. If men do not see her, then she simply does not notice himself or casually treat him.

In this case, you should look carefully on yourself in the mirror and consider your reflection. Explore your mirror twin and smile. Now listen to what the subconsciousness was issued, and because there probably sounded "what my big shoulders" or "Men don't notice me because of the growth." So there was a negative belief that fans scared you. Now it should be replaced by the one who will teach you to love yourself and become a magnet for the opposite sex. For example, you can say:

  • "I am beautiful";
  • "I love myself";
  • "I am attractive";
  • "I am an interesting person."

When such wording is firmly located in your subconscious, the changes will begin to occur in the space around you. Having learned to love yourself and turning out my own attention, you will choose from the cocoon of invisibility and will become noticeable.

Working further over relationships with the opposite sex it is necessary to work on affirmations for the love of a man.. If there is no specific chosen one yet, it is recommended to talk "I like Male" or "I am interested in a decent man."

It often happens that the man, with whom I want to fall asleep and wake up, is already there, but he does not pay attention to the woman interested in it. In this case, it is recommended to work on a positive statement, where the chosen is already next to the lady in love.

So, the most effective affirmations for the love of a particular man may look like this:

  • "I am happy next to (name the name of a man)";
  • "Alexander does not have a soul in me";
  • "My chosen one loves me with all my heart";
  • "I am the only favorite woman for Mikhail";
  • "Veniamin sees only me."

If the girl really wants to marry and is already ready to create a family, it is recommended to work on a positive promise for the universe, in which it all already has it. She can tell himself that "I am married and I have a strong family," and I can and I live in a sufficiency with my husband. " The options are many and it all depends on the nuances that you want to get.

Secrets of the right technique

There are several tricks that will help run the work of affirmation to attract a loved one and other desires. There are several of them:

  • reiteration;
  • vera;
  • visualization;
  • movement in the selected direction.

Repeating a daily compiled positive phrase or a few, a person stiffsly remembers information, and subsequently the installation will sound in the head itself, providing negative statements of the past. Having paid 5-10 minutes a day to pronounce the desire before the mirror loud or about themselves, the person is configured to the need for the wave. After 14 days, the positive phrase is finally "settled" in the subconscious and starts turning on the itself when it is necessary.

Vera is a very strong feeling that feeds affirmation and revives it. When a person in something truly believes, this eventually happens. By pronouncing a good installation with a feeling, warmth and in a good mood, it fills it with meaning.

It will help in the rapid performance of desire and the visual idea of \u200b\u200bwhat really wants. For example, you can write a positive wording about love against a happy couple, which keeps hands and hang in a prominent place. Subsequently, in real life, seeing lovers, a person will work the subconscious, and the positive installation will sound herself.

Movement in the selected direction towards the dream is also an integral part of working with the subconscious. For example, the girl really wants to meet his man, but nothing for this, in addition to conversations from the mirror, does not. It is wrong, because more chances to get acquainted with someone interesting, visiting various public events. Perhaps, on tomorrow's exhibition, it is waiting for her exactly that the most acquaintance.

Knowing the power of the word can safely implement the most cherished dreams. If you go to the goal, it will start moving towards you.

The perfect man, the reliable family and the fulfillment of desires is not as hard as it seems at first glance. It is affirmations to help each woman find their love, successfully build relationships with the right person, get married and build your own strong family.

What is affirmation for love

All women want to have a reliable satellite of life, to share grief and joy with him, wealth and poverty. However, in our twenty-first century it is difficult to find a truly worthy man. Alphonsees are increasingly found, grubes or simply not any male individuals. Many ladies even have the same man with whom she agrees and in the fire, and in water, meets all its "ideal satellite" parameters. But with him somehow it does not make up communication or he just does not notice her. What to do to create your love? How to attract the attention of the right person?

To begin with, we understand what affirmations are.

Affirmations are positive self-removal statements containing a verbal form, fixing in a person's subconscious installation on positive changes in life. The effectiveness of this psychological admission is that a person consciously forms his desire and program its own subconscious to achieve the goal. Simply put, affirmations are thoughts pronounced out loud to their materialization. In no case can not be confused by affirmation with the attractions. This is not a magic that leads to poor consequences, but only verbal setting up of its mind on a specific result.

There are several types of such assurances:

  • affirmations for love and the speedy marriage;
  • affirmations for happiness and love;
  • affirmations on the love of a concrete man.

How it works

In the cycle of negative thoughts that a person faces daily, blocked the influx of positive events in life. Small harmful thoughts interfere with building relationships, and familiar stereotypes are increasingly preventing their personal life. Without thinking, the older generation of women tells younger, what will happen if they remain in the "old devices", do not find a man in time, thereby bringing an exclusively negative.

Not many women have enough ability to deal with people, especially in men. So the families are obtained, where the husband raises his hand to his wife, drinks, walks and so on. And those who can understand the male representatives leaves much more time to choose a satellite and spouse for further life. After all, it is much easier to find "if anyone" than a really standing man. It is assurances that help concentrate their thoughts on specific qualities that a woman wants to see in his satellite, and thus the brain gives a specific installation for execution.

Such writers like Louise L. Hay and Natalia Predina, released books with ready-made assurances to any goal. However, as the majority of psychologists assure are, the most effective are affirmations of their own essaycompiled exclusively for themselves, taking into account all individual wishes.

All women are different, and the priorities in the life of each will also absolutely differ. One is important to have harmonious relationship with your husband and often ride on vacation, arrange romantic dinners and be completely satisfied with intimate life. Another important thing to have children, walk together in the park on weekends and cook hot dinner to the arrival of a husband from work.

When drawing up affirmation, only personal preferences and desires should be taken into account, otherwise there is a risk of getting something expected.

There are several mandatory rules.that are united for all types of assurances:

Do not get involved in the number of compiled assurances. It is enough to limit the two or three, but clearly related to individual preferences. Repeat out loud written phrases need every day. It doesn't matter, it will be in the morning or in the evening, the main thing is that it was with feeling, from the soul and at least 10 minutes a day. It will not be superfluous to write assurance on thematic picture. For example, affirmation about the family in the picture, in your opinion, the most clearly depicts it. This method will help combine both verbal function and visual.

And you can also write them on the voice recorder and listen to audio. Psychologists advise working with affirmation of at least two weeks daily. So the habit of positive thinking and attraction of the desired one will be formed.

It is not necessary to think that only this method will solve all female problems - if you do not make additional efforts, then nothing will fall from heaven. A woman needs to not forget to care for themselves, go to the events, do not be afraid to get acquainted with men. A huge role is played by a positive emotional mood. People always feel the mood of their interlocutor and new acquaintances do not like the spoiled location of the Spirit.

Examples of compilation

Requirements for happiness and love:

  • I'm open for love.
  • I attract the best man.
  • I am worthy of love.
  • I open the soul for passion.
  • I am loved and love, I deserve it.
  • I let himself be desired.
  • My life is open for a better man.
  • I accept and give love and desire.
  • I have a satellite of life.
  • I like me and people.

Affirmations for successful marriage and affirmation for love men:

  • I am happy in marriage.
  • My husband loves and respects me.
  • I am the most beautiful wife.
  • My husband is the best man for me.
  • I am special and deserve a reverent attitude towards myself.
  • I am next to whom I was looking for.
  • My husband wants me to be with him all my life.
  • I successfully married.
  • My family is reliable and strong.
  • My marriage is successful.

And remember the main thing - properly and competently program your subconscious, ask him the desired installation, and only then the desired result will not wait long for a long time. Affirmations will only help find what you need. And how to save it and create strong relationships, depends only on you. They will not help where the task is not only to change thinking, will not help if a person does not want to do anything himself. Affirmation is charged with your energy. Stay in harmony with me and then the universe will support you, the main thing is to tune in to the fulfillment of desires.

Your fate in your hands!

ATTENTION, only today!