Fortune telling on the enemy who is dangerous. Fortune telling online for free. fortune telling on cards. fortune-telling

Fortune telling on the enemy is a kind of ritual with which you can find out the true attitude of a person to a fortuneteller, and also determine what awaits him in the future. You can bewitch both on stones and using cards. Proven methods of fortune telling on the enemy are presented in our article. Let's get started.

Fortune-telling on the enemy: what awaits him?

Since ancient times, people have learned not only to love and be friends, but also treat each other with hatred. They united in groups and went to war against their enemies. Nothing has changed in our time. Almost everyone has people who want good and people who hate.

How to understand who from the environment is friendly, and who is hiding anger under the guise of friendliness. In order to find out the true attitude of another person to the fortuneteller, one should use fortune telling on the enemy.

There are many techniques for this, one of which is fortune telling on stones. The ceremony can be performed using both ordinary river pebbles and precious stones, which in turn have personal energy. At first, it is not noticeable, but having penetrated into the subconscious, it can be seen and even felt. Since ancient times, it was believed that precious stones are endowed magical properties... Therefore, they were often used during various fortune-telling and rituals.

Fortune telling on stones

The basic rule when using stones for fortune telling is that they should be saturated with the energy of a fortuneteller. Only in this case they will be able to answer all questions and figure out enemies and ill-wishers.

Immediately before the procedure for divining the enemy, you need to clear the stones from excess energy. To do this, they are placed in water for a while and then dried. After that, the stones should be folded into a bag, mixed, mentally ask a question and draw out a few of them. In the event that an even number of stones have rolled out of the bag, the answer to the question is positive, odd - negative.

Tarot: divination on the enemy

What awaits him? To identify the presence of an enemy, you should use the Tarot layout called "Secret Enemies".

The duet of cards at positions 1-3 indicates the strength that affects the life of the fortuneteller. Cards 4 and 5 will show what and who is actually hiding a negative attitude towards a person (they will help to find out hidden enemies). And they will also be able to indicate the clear reason for the existing negative impact. The meaning of the cards at positions 6-8 does not contain anything complicated or difficult to understand and does not require any special comments.

In the event that the alignment is not entirely favorable, you should not think that this state of affairs will continue throughout the rest of your life. This is especially true for cards in position 6-8. There is no need to take everything strongly categorically and lose faith in a better future. At the moment, it is possible that the fortuneteller does not have enough strength, knowledge or means to change something. However, after some time they may appear in him, and life will sparkle with new colors.

In order not to fall into the trap of divination, making a similar alignment on the Tarot cards, do not forget that it is more predictive than diagnostic.

Fortune-telling on the enemy: methods and description - all the secrets of fortune-telling on our website site

Divination description:

Event fortune telling, will help to determine whether damage is imposed on the fortuneteller or whether these suspicions are empty, and unpleasant events occurring with a person are just a series of accidents and failures, without any background. In case of a positive result, you should not be very upset, it may be better to turn to professionals who will help you understand everything in more detail.

The technique of this fortune-telling:

For this fortune-telling, a deck of 36 cards is used, which is thoroughly mixed for a start. Then 9 cards are laid out on the table in 3 rows. The top 3 cards will be responsible for the future, the middle 3 cards for the present and the bottom row for the past. Next, take out the last, key 10th card and put it at the very bottom. You can start interpreting. Ace of spades and nine of spades among the cards on the table, they say that there is magic. Now you need to determine what kind of magic, if, in addition to the above cards, a card fell out:
Queen of Spades - a curse
7 peak - directed damage is directed
7,8,9,10 hearts - love spell
Nothing else - weak damage induced by someone from your close circle, probably an envious or ill-wisher.

Select the desired deck for divination

The "Hidden Enemies" Tarot layout will help to reveal the presence of a secret influence on the life of the questioner. This alignment is not an alignment to identify magical effects. Those. it, of course, can show magical effects, but it was created for a slightly different purpose. More precisely, it could be called "Hidden Enemies" - i.e. some not obvious circumstances, unfriendly people (not necessarily sorcerers and witches)), etc.

The author of the layout, Galina Nikulnikova, called this layout "Secret enemies." The name "Hidden Enemies" seems more correct to me. Therefore, I indicate the author of the alignment, but I offer my own name and interpretation. The author also says that this is the alignment of the correction level.

A quint of cards for positions 1-2-3 will show the power that affects a person's life.

4th and 5th position will directly tell about who and what has hidden negative influence on a person's life, help to find out secret enemies (if any).

Major Arcana in positions 4 or 5 may indicate a serious impact from the outside. If curly cards fell on one or both of these positions, this is an indication of some specific people who directly or indirectly have a negative impact on the life of the questioner.

The quint of cards for positions 4 and 5 will show the background (reason) of this negative influence.

The values \u200b\u200bof positions 6-7-8 do not contain anything difficult to understand, and do not require additional comments.

My special personal opinion is that if the alignment is not favorable, this does not mean at all that this state of affairs will last the rest of your life. Especially the card in position 6 - this must be accepted, because it cannot be changed. Don't be so categorical. Now - YES, perhaps the questioner does not have the strength and / or means, or knowledge. And after some time they will appear.

In order not to fall into such a trap, when making this alignment, remember that the alignment is not so much predictive as diagnostic.

Secret Enemies Tarot Layout

Layout scheme and the meaning of positions.

Let's look at the interpretation of this alignment with an example from real life. One of my clients saw this alignment on the network, and asked me to do it - suddenly she has secret enemies. She started a new business, and something is not going as well as she would like.

That's what came out of it.

An example of the interpretation of the layout

Does the questioner have hidden enemies at the moment. (Brief values \u200b\u200bof the card are given in brackets in italics)

*** Note. If a person does not have negative cards for positions 4-5, then there is no need to look for enemies, either hidden or explicit, where they are not.

  1. Past (reasons);

King of Swords (Strength; War; Wartime Leader; Business Relationships)

In the past, the client was a strong, domineering person. However, in spite of this, the emerging problems-questions preferred to be solved in a business way.

  1. The present;

Ace of Cups (A holiday to relieve emotional stress; Overwhelming emotions; State of intoxication)

Today the client is in a somewhat idle state, obviously, believing that in the past all tasks-problems have been solved and now everything will go well and happily.

  1. Development of the situation.

10 of Swords (Everything is very bad; External events; Get rid of the obsolete)

The card says the client has chosen the wrong time to celebrate and relax. If right now she does not take control of the situation, then some not very pleasant event awaits her. The map does not indicate the scale of this unpleasant event - it may be a zipper broken at the wrong moment, or some more serious grief.

Additional map to clarify 10 Swords - 2 of Wands (Become the first? Or become the best ?; Realize the situation; Explore the possibilities; Ambition, Vanity)

Most likely, 10 of Swords in this case speaks of a blow to the client's ambition, and she will have to reconsider the plans of her “blitz-krieg”, think about what she really wants - to become the best in her field, or to become the first? Be the first \u003d be the winner. As you know, the winners are not judged, and the winners get everything. Those. decide on these positions, and discard the rest as unnecessary, obsolete.

The quint of denominations of the first three cards will show the Power that affects a person's life.

Quint of poses 1-2-3 - The empress (Carrying; Mother; Profit, production; Slow gradual development)

In itself, this is a good, positive card. Its only drawback is the rather slow and gradual development of events. And they cannot be accelerated, just as they cannot be accelerated intrauterine development fetus.

  1. Who is the secret enemy

Force (Powerful Yin Energy; Overwhelming Difficulty; Willpower)

A somewhat ambiguous card for this position. On the one hand, this is not an “evil” force, but it lies in the “Enemy” position. Let's clarify - this "enemy" actually harms, or, without realizing it, helps the client.

Let's get two additional cards - this is strength FOR the client (9 Cups) or AGAINST the client (King of Cups) - 9 Cups says that someone is quite comfortable living at the expense of the client. In a sense, 9 Cups is a card that speaks of enjoying the results of your labor, your luck. And the King of Cups (this is not necessarily a man), who suppresses the client, speaks openly or indirectly hints that she cannot do something, does not know, does not know how, that she will not succeed. That the client will not be able to achieve the level of well-being that 9 Cups speaks of.

  1. What is the secret enemy

4 of Wands (House, summer residence; Holiday, refreshments; Good mood; Abundance)

What is the client's secret enemy is idleness. This card confirms the Ace of Cups card in position 2 "present".

  1. It must be accepted (you cannot change it)

Emperor (Power; Responsibility; Father)

Oddly enough, this card is also not so bad for the client. She invites her to accept the fact that she needs to take responsibility for what happens in her life, completely on herself. At the time of divination, she has no people in her environment on whom she can rely, or entrust them to perform any necessary actions.

  1. This can be changed (how to)

The sun (Clarity; Light, warmth; Family, home, children)

Very good card. Asks the client to find out what is happening and clean out all the rubbish that is present in her at the moment from her life. The fact that she caught sight of this alignment, and she wanted to do it, is already the first step towards bringing clarity and cleanliness and order in her life.

  1. The result that you get if you change what the card says in pos. 7)

Chariot (Profit; Trip; Car; Victory, trophies)

The client will defeat her secret enemies, and get her profit, her trophies. However, she should not relax and think that this is the final victory. The chariot is a short-lived card. Then you will need to take some more actions in order to maintain and continue to increase your income.

General conclusion on the layout

Fortune-telling showed that the client is able to develop her new project. Provided that she can cope with a hidden enemy who, through suppression, steals the results of her work, her success. She will take full responsibility for what is happening on herself, no matter how hard it may seem to her now. And also stop indulging in idleness. We'll have to roll up our sleeves and work hard for our own good.

I do not get tired of repeating - if something is wrong in your life, and you cannot figure it out on your own, do not deny yourself the pleasure of making an alignment and understanding what is happening. Or contact a good fortune-teller whom you trust for the alignment. This is much cheaper than then to disentangle the consequences of their mistakes and shortcomings.


For consultation, with questions about training, and with questions about the layouts that are posted on my website write or call me on Whatsapp... Or (your message will come immediately to my mail, it will not be published on the site). Just enter your valid email. the address. Otherwise, my answer will go “to my grandfather's village and you will not be able to read it.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

This fortune-telling has been preserved since ancient times, when people wanted to know what dangers awaited them from their enemies. This is relevant and our merciless time, especially for successful people who are full of envious people, ill-wishers, competitors.

Knowing about the potential threat that comes from enemies, it is easier to prevent it.

This is a specific fortune-telling of a narrow focus, it is not festive, as for example, and at the same time not everyday, but necessary in difficult situations.

Therefore, if you just want to know the distant future, unwind, then this option is not for you. For entertainment purposes, online is more suitable, and other options that do not require a serious approach.

For this, special elements are needed, let's find out which ones.

Attributes and fortune-telling techniques

It will take ten cardboard cards... They should have inscriptions, and ideally images the following: snake, wheel, mirror, spear, stone, pillow, vase, step, arrow, door.
Need to lay out cards round the picture down... In the center of the resulting circle, you need to place knifeyou need unwind and see which card he points to. After that, you can interpret their meaning.


We will find out what leads your enemies and what protective talismans are needed.

  • Wheel... Enemies are vain, selfish. They put their interests first and will stop at nothing to harm you. The ill-wishers are smart and cunning, they have started a real struggle, so serious difficulties lie ahead in order to defeat them. There is also a danger that the enemy can turn a friend against you - do not allow this. It is recommended to make a talisman ring with a natural stone. It will protect your aura from bad energy, give strength.
  • Snake. Bad sign. Enemies are evil and envious, they can rub into trust with insidious goals, and they will do it carefully and thoughtfully, they will pour promises. The main thing is not to believe and not give in. The weak side of the enemies is their forgetfulness, try to play on this. also, as a talisman, you can use any thread, rope on which knots with conspiracies against bad people will be tied. You need to wear it constantly to protect against meanness, hypocrisy.
  • Arrow. Good sign, meaning victory over enemies. You need to be patient, act carefully and calmly. Among the enemies there are false well-wishers, hypocrites, cunning ones. You need to be able to distinguish the truth from the mask. You must be able to quickly navigate in any situation, react instantly, and not get involved in scandals. Any item is suitable as a talisman white - it is designed to help you distinguish the real from the fake, to protect you from bad influences.
  • Vase... Ill-wishers are extremely cunning. They show a wonderful attitude in front of you. And in your absence, they begin to gossip, dissolve nasty gossip about you in the circle of your friends. This can cause discord with friends. Be extremely careful - do not trust new acquaintances too much, and in general, spread less about yourself even to trusted people. Hazelnut as a talisman with a crack in the shell will create protection from unnecessary chatter, repel backbiting.
  • Mirror. It means that the enemies act purposefully and methodically, trying to harm as much as possible. Your failures and failures inspire them to new nasty things. But these people are characterized by incoherence, disorganization, and most importantly - carelessness. This can be used to retaliate. the talisman will be a scarf, which must be kept in the right pocket. It will strengthen vitality, instill confidence.
  • A rock. A sign of resentment and disappointment. Those people whom you considered friends and trusted them will turn out to be scoundrels. Perhaps they are guided by envy, jealousy. They will insidiously disgrace you, ridicule you, make you look in the worst light, they can do meanness, and you most likely will not recognize the true motives of such an attitude. Sooner or later, you will become the winner in this struggle, but it is possible that your health will suffer and there will be a significant loss of strength. St. John's wort will help you, which you need to speak and put in a bag, using as a talisman.
  • Door... The most harmless card. But precisely because it means your unconditional victory over your enemies. No matter how difficult it is, no matter what the grievances, problems, as a result, the enemies will surrender their positions and obey your requirements. Any coin of your choice will become a talisman. but it cannot be exchanged for another, transferred to anyone else.
  • A spear... There are enemies among your close friends. Moreover, these people are very kind and gentle at first glance. Behind their backs, they skillfully do dirty tricks, but in such a way that no one would guess. Black agate will help you to recognize the true face of the well-wisher. You need to take him in hand and think about a dubious person from your environment - most likely, he will soon let you know about himself.
  • Pillow... Your enemy is the person you will one day rely on and rely on in a difficult situation. This person probably knows a lot about you, enjoys your confidence. In a difficult situation, he will act on the sly, but someone else will help you, from whom you do not expect this - he will become a real friend.
  • Step... You have no enemies, but there are people who dislike, create minor troubles. But they will not have enough intelligence and ingenuity for serious actions, they will drive themselves "into a corner", so you should not waste your strength and energy on envious losers.

So, you have learned what to expect from enemies. Remember that you can defeat any ill-wisher, and you should not accept the results of fortune-telling as an immutable truth.