Women's names with the most powerful energy. Five female names with very strong energy Male names with weak energy

The name plays a huge role in the life of every woman and even determines her entire future fate and the attitude of those around her. Consider seven female names that are considered the most energetically strong.


The name Tatyana is translated from Greek as "organizer". This is a very active and bright nature. She never sits idle, is constantly busy with something and likes to control everything. Her excessive impulsiveness helps to easily solve life's problems, including those of her loved ones, which often gives them a lot of worries. Given the strong energy that comes from this woman, she often attracts weak and spineless men. Therefore, next to her, you have to constantly prove your case.

You should not constantly succumb to the qualities of Tatyana's leader if you do not want her to solve your problems throughout life. Sociable and sociable, she finds a common language with all people, but often remains lonely in her soul, because even a woman with such a bright temperament wants to find her “tamer”, next to whom she will be comfortable and calm.


“Blessed”, “born on Christmas” in Latin. Despite her inherent softness and even some suppleness, the bearer of this name has a strong energy. Natalia is feminine, elegant, kind. However, this is often what others use. As a rule, she chooses a strong, independent man who will appreciate and love her for the rest of her life. This woman is able to become the best friend for her children and grandchildren, completely envelop them with warmth and attention. You can't break Natalya - you don't even have to try. She knows how to find inner strength in herself to forgive her offender, but once and for all she will draw conclusions about him and will not let her in again.


The name of the goddess of love and beauty Margarita is translated as “pearl”. She has masculine character traits that often do not allow her to easily converge with the opposite sex. In addition, she rarely compromises, which creates some difficulties in love and family relationships. Those close to Margarita either need to learn to control her excessive leadership manifestations or to succumb to them impeccably.

She loves freedom, but does not choose a life partner for years: sometimes Margarita, due to her ambitiousness, makes hasty decisions and marries a man, having poorly understood him. Because of this, she may later regret her decision greatly. However, quickness and love of life in the literal sense of the word do not allow her to sit still, and after a while she can already be seen again with another lover.


From Latin, this name is translated as “victory”, which speaks of Victoria’s desire to always be the first in everything. The stubbornness and assertiveness of the winner is expressed in the desire to see next to her no less strong man. However, in reality, this does not always work out, so if the chosen one is at least somewhat weaker than this woman, she will subconsciously feel like a leader in the relationship. Victoria loves when loved ones admire her. At work, she almost always occupies high positions. If something does not go according to her plan, then Victoria will have enough strength to completely change the field of activity and start all over again.


From the Slavic "bestowed by God." Daria is very categorical in everything: she does not tolerate offenders, she can easily refuse people who spoil her life, and she always achieves her goals. Decisiveness and diligence allow her to reach the heights that she has set for herself. This also applies to the love sphere. If Daria has already decided that her lover will spend her whole life with her, then so be it. She is ready to surround her and other people's children with care, take care of all those in need and come to the rescue if there is such a need.


The name comes from the male Vladislav - "possessing fame." Considering that it is of male origin, strong and strong-willed character traits are concentrated in this woman. The desire to always be the first comes to a thirst for fame and power, which, of course, may not always please her environment. However, Vladislav does not care much about this. She wants to be the first in everything - both in work and in her personal life. And if something doesn’t go according to plan, it gets very upset. But quick-wittedness and uncompromisingness make her wipe her tears and again follow the path to her dream with her head held high.


The name is derived from the name of the ancient Greek goddess Eirene. She concentrates the best feminine traits in herself and is the guardian of the peace and tranquility of her close and dear people. Irina does not tolerate quarrels and scandals, she is always ready to listen and accept the point of view that is the most correct in this situation. Excellent housewives, loving mothers and wonderful wives - Irina is ready to sacrifice her own career for the happiness of her family. She never makes dirty linen in public, does not discuss personal problems even with close friends, so it seems to others that this woman has everything perfect in life.

Agree, as soon as we hear a name, we immediately imagine one or another type of woman, her alleged character and behavior. And having heard these seven female names, it is very difficult to assume that some kind of modest and insecure nature is hiding behind them.

A person's name is his calling card. It should be not only harmonious, but also have a good meaning. Married couples who have recently become the parents of a girl need to know that there are 5 female names with the strongest energy. One of them can become your daughter's calling card.

Does the name affect the fate of a person?

There is no single answer to this question. Representatives of different religious denominations and magical schools hold different points of view. Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, are sure that the name is not capable of rendering anything. The only requirement is that the name must be presented in the Orthodox calendar. If you don't like what your parents called you, or if you think your name has a negative connotation, you cannot be baptized again.

Muslims look at the renaming much easier. However, they also deny the influence of external factors. The source of all blessings and torment is Allah, who wished that a person had this or that fate. For Islam, such concepts as female names with strong energy are not relevant.

Buddhists, for example, the Japanese were so casual about their name that they could change it when they got tired of it.

Any external factor, of course, affects the fate of a person, be it the country of birth, the religion adopted in this state, the level of prosperity of the family, the climate, etc. However, one should not assume that at least one of these factors can completely determine a person’s life . You should not think that you are unlucky just because your parents named you unsuccessfully. The psychological aspect plays a leading role here. Ashamed of his name or not loving it, a person becomes more shy, which makes him avoid publicity in any form. There are widely known cases when only after changing the name people found long-awaited happiness.

5 female names with the strongest energy

The name cannot be good or bad, have weak or strong energy. Certain properties of the name are attributed to him by people. And over time, it begins to be associated with certain qualities and character traits. As a result, we ourselves endow with energy a once neutral word.

5 female namespresented above glorified many of their owners. However, if you did not get any of them, this does not mean at all that you will not succeed. Not only the form is important, but also the content. Very often a person has no power over the form. He does not have the ability to change his appearance or name, to wear different clothes. The content is always in our hands. Everyone is able to improve his mind by raising the level of education, and his soul - by noble deeds.

Remember the history of medieval Europe - if she was beautiful, or simply loved cats - she could be accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake. At that time, a large number of wise women, healers, etc. died. Thousands of innocent lives were ruined, simply being misunderstood by others.

Real witches - who are they?

· Witches love the earth and nature, believe in their magical powers. And nature is not Satan, and not something bad. The myth that a witch must have gray hair, and a huge wart on her nose, was formed as a result of the influence of Hollywood films.

· Witches are beautiful and natural, like nature. Such women do not harm anyone and live according to the rules of karma: everything they do is returned to them three times. The more we destroy the earth, the more we destroy ourselves. Witches enjoy unity with nature, are influenced by the cycles of the Earth and the Moon.

How to understand that you are a witch?

1. Communication with the earth.

Female strength and energy is similar to. A woman can find answers to her questions in simple things, in the signs that the Universe sends her. If you are active in the summer, feel lethargic in the fall, feel dead in the winter, and in the spring feel like you are reborn, then you are completely dependent on the whims of nature.

2. inner wisdom

You can think about the fact that you are a witch if you feel great wisdom inside you, people turn to you for advice, talk about their life, love, share advice, problems, in the hope that you will help them. You can give them effective advice, herbal tinctures, potions.

3. closeness to nature

If you live near a body of water, or spend a lot of time in such places, or dream of moving to live in the countryside, you probably have a strong connection with nature. Witches try to stay away from noisy cities as much as possible, next to herbs, trees, streams. After all, it is from nature that their natural beauty feeds.

4. You are not afraid of storms and storms

You do not experience fear of a storm, thunderstorm, lightning, even when the matter is approaching the “apocalypse”. Moreover, you enjoy such weather.

5. Love to the animals

And you empathize with them very much, you feed homeless cats and dogs, you may sometimes visit shelters. Cats live in your house, and sometimes you steal that you are able to understand the whole animal race, you know how to interpret the signs and symbols that they give you.

6. Moon influence

You may not even notice it yourself, but your activity depends on, and its energy affects you. Are you following? ? Do you start new relationships and projects only on the growing moon? You may have noticed that when the moon is full, all things, people, events around you begin to behave strangely, and when the moon falls, everything is vice versa, it starts to decline.

7. The power to make wishes come true

Have you noticed that everything you dream about or think about, sooner or later comes true? don't wish anyone harm. Because both good and bad things can happen.

8. The ability to heal people

If you know how to heal people (for example, give a wellness massage that helps to heal), you know how to choose healing herbs, prepare potions from them, etc. - for sure, you are a witch.

9. Memories of a past life

Witches can, some excerpts from it. Perhaps some may feel anxious or afraid of water or fire- just as they were burned at the stake or drowned in the Middle Ages. You are often visited by a feeling of deja vu.

10. introverts

As a rule, witches feel uncomfortable around people, they can be underestimated, despite the fact that they are full of wisdom and knowledge. They just don't understand. Sometimes, they are spoken of as outsiders, as witches withdraw into themselves, avoid people, although a real volcano boils inside. If you have - for sure, you do not adhere to generally accepted norms and rules, you can see things that others cannot understand. You should devote a lot of time to thinking, dreaming, communicating with nature.

11. Mystic crystals

You like beautiful rocks that contain the energy of the earth. Among your jewelry, there are those that contain rose quartz, turquoise, amber. witch can, use them as protection against negative influences, and also wear them as jewelry.

12. Magic

You believe in, that there is something higher. You are attracted to unusual things, objects, stories. The people around you may not believe in mystical signs, but you know the truth. You like mystical books, creepy and strange stories about witches. You believe that all accidents are not accidental.

13. Intuition

You have a very, you know how to predict events, you see prophetic dreams. As a rule, people listen to your opinion. You can see the energy of a person. You know how to predict fate with the help of. People think you are an unusual woman, sometimes even strange.

If you can confidently attribute several of these 13 signs to yourself, it is quite possible that you are a real witch.

Meaning of the name

In ancient times, people used sounds and music to heal, balance and energize. One of the key methods of their "work" was the correct use of the sound of their name.

The sound of a human name is a constant energy impact throughout life, for obvious reasons.

In ancient times, the name of a person was of decisive importance, because with its help others could read the energy of the owner. People tried not to pronounce names against the background of negative emotions, because these subtle energies were mixing.

However, on the wave of positive, the names were pronounced everywhere, which strengthened the energy connection. In order to strengthen their power, people also used their names often in appropriate situations.

Consider how you pronounce your name? When you introduce yourself to someone, does your name sound like a question? Or maybe as a kind of request for approval? Or is it a warm and inviting sound?

By thinking and analyzing the situation, we can easily understand how other people react to us. This rather subtle art equips us with the power to trigger vibratory fields with our voice so that other people react to us in the way we need.

This may sound complicated, but it's actually easy to do, just put your feeling into saying your name. This exercise intertwines your name with an energy that radiates more strongly in all directions across all quantum fields. This is tantamount to the obvious difference between throwing a pebble or a brick into a lake.

The Sumerians used the art of name sound on another level. They transformed the names into music through several processes. One of the systems is called gematria, according to which each letter in the alphabet was assigned a number, according to its location.

For example, the 25th letter of the alphabet was represented by the number 25, and so on. The numbers were then used as frequencies. That is, the number 25 correlated with 25 cycles of sound per second, or with a very low musical note. Thus the letters of the name were converted into sound.

Ancient people listened to the music of their names and harmonized with these sounds. In such a positive and pleasant way, they accepted their energy, their strengths and weaknesses.

Many sages believed that the pitches, rhythms, and harmonics of a person's name (they are created by vowel sounds) are the building blocks of energy. For example, one of the important components of energy is the speed at which a person pronounces his name.

Energy of different sounds

Vowels and consonants are said to give different vibrational benefits. Each vowel has a subtle psychological and chemical effect because both the physical and emotional bodies are subject to vibration.

For example, the letter I is a subtle feeling of feminine qualities, namely: grace, wisdom, beauty and receptivity, and the letters O, Yu have masculine qualities: strength and active self-expression, the letter A carries the characteristics of both sexes.

The letter U gives its bearer in its name a surge of energy and strength, and also enhances the dynamics of human life. The letter E and the chanting of this sound enhances the enterprise and ingenuity of a person, and also makes him more sociable.

By focusing intensely, vowels can be assigned to specific body parts with which they resonate. Through "feeling" resonance, these sounds interact with subtle energy in a particular part of the body.

For example, Yu resonates with the pelvis, hips, legs, that is, with the entire lower body. The letter O resonates with the abdomen, from the solar plexus to the groin. The letter A is "responsible" for the chest, heart and general condition of the body. The letter I is the throat, upper chest and head area. The letter E is the thyroid gland, the trachea.

The vowels within your name tend to subtly care for the health of the responsible areas. Interestingly, a person can take a pseudonym that contains sounds that are responsible for areas of the body that need additional energy.

Energy of a person's name

Another theory says that to determine the energy of a particular name, you need to count the number of letters in your full name. Many numerologists believe that nominal energy is the basis of a person’s fate and character.

Two-letter names

According to the numerology of the name, people with such names are not sufficiently protected. The owners of these names are very vulnerable in life. Often they are subject to more tests than the average person. For this reason, they should be engaged in strengthening energy.

Three letter names

The owners of such names are controversial natures. People with three-letter names very often cannot find their calling in life, or it is very difficult for them. It is worth noting that not least this is due to their frivolity and inconstancy. They get carried away very quickly and just as quickly switch to something else.

What is the energy of the name

Four letter names

These people are liberated and open. The downside of this feature is that they cannot keep secrets and often behave very defiantly. However, despite this fact, the bearers of such names highly value stability in their careers and personal lives.

The name of a person and his energy

Five letter names

In numerology, the owners of five-letter names are the real leaders. These are very organized people who are excellent at finding a common language with others and always want to be the first in everything. However, they often commit spontaneous, illogical and thoughtless actions.

Six letter names

These people are very harmonious. They know how to enjoy what they have, but nevertheless, they always strive for more. One of the main places in their lives they assign love.

Seven letter names

The bearers of these names are very gifted. But, unfortunately, they rarely manage to realize their talents due to the fact that they do not have a strong enough character. Despite the fact that these people come across as very collected and confident, they actually almost always doubt everything.

name energy

Eight-letter names

The owners of such names strive for freedom and independence more than others. They are revolutionaries and reformers. But because of the very difficult nature of their path is quite thorny. It is worth adding that people with these names do not find a common language with those who do not like them.

The name plays a huge role in the life of every woman. The properties that they possess made it possible to choose the 5 most energetically strong Russian names. These names make their bearers happier and more successful.


The name Irina is of ancient Greek origin. Most likely it came from the name "Eirene" (Eirena), which belonged to the ancient Greek Goddess of peaceful life.

This name was extremely popular at the end of the Soviet Union, but now its popularity has declined sharply. And absolutely undeservedly, since the energy of that name is one of the strongest. The owners of this name often note that their life is full of interesting events. Irina are prosperous, lucky and very beautiful, not only externally, but also internally.

Irina is very sexy and smart, which makes them excellent business women, independent ladies and worthy business rivals even for men.


The name Natalia is very ancient, it was formed in the first centuries of Christianity from the Latin "Natalis Domini", meaning "birth", "Christmas". The modern translation of the name is “born on Christmas, Christmas”. The name Natalya has various translation options, but they are all close to the concept of "birth".

Natalya is distinguished by stable energy. Breaking these women is almost impossible. If other names have strengths and weaknesses, then Natalia has everything so balanced that she achieves in everything, albeit not the best, but stable and worthy results.

Outwardly, Natalya are those women who are in harmony with others, although sometimes it seems that they are not of this world. Natalyas are mysterious in moderation, which is why men love them. This name has an aura that attracts members of the opposite sex.


Name Tatyana translated from the ancient Greek language means “organizer”, “founder”, derived from the Greek “tatto”, meaning “I establish, establish, approve”.

Tatiana is a family name, although Tatiana hostesses are not necessarily the best. But Tatyanas are always sincere, as well as kind and very attractive due to their strong energy. In their presence, many feel peace, kindness, warmth and comfort. Therefore, Tatyana's house is often full of guests, and everything usually goes well in her personal life.

No one can raise a child in such a warm environment as Tatyana. Someone may be bored with them, but this is an absolutely imperceptible minus with which you can live your whole life side by side. After all, Tatyana has much more advantages.


Victoria stands for Victory. This name itself suggests that such ladies win everywhere and always. Of course, they have their weaknesses, but they simply pale in comparison to their strength and capabilities. Victorias have such a strong energy and desire to be the best that they can compete with men in this.

Victorias are less likely than other women with strong names to find husbands for life, because it is difficult to live with them under the same roof. This is not common to everyone, but to most Victorias. Such women need a special approach. Victoria-wife will become a real partner and will never leave her man to solve problems, but will stand with him, shoulder to shoulder.


Name Elena Greek origin. His translation ambiguous, most likely means "chosen", "bright". Also name Elena can be interpreted as "torch", "fire", "light"; “light”, “sparkling”, “shining”, “brilliant”, “solar”, “lunar”, “fiery”, “chosen”.

Helens have a lot of advantages and only one drawback - they hardly use their imagination. On the other hand, thanks to this habit, they rarely get jealous, so even that they turn into dignity. Elena perfectly absorb any knowledge and information, therefore they are excellent teachers and excellent bosses. They are also good mothers and wives. Their energy is full of positive aspects that attract both friends and men.

Elena are people of logic and long love. They are practically incapable of evil and betrayal, which is valued above all else in our world.