Dream interpretation is burning straw. Dream Healer Charwin What does Straw mean in a dream. What dreams to you in a dream straw

1 Sonner Simon Kananita

Straw - to see - to meet difficulties - a blank empty - in vain work - flaming - do not torment yourself in vain - sleep on her - poverty

2 Dream Healer Feedorovskaya

To see a straw in a dream means:

If you dreamed of straw - you are waiting for failure in business.
If you dreamed that you twist the straw - in the near future you will have to do unpleasant things for you.
If you have dreamed that you are lying on straw - the boss will make you a reprimand.
If you have dreamed that you dry a straw - you yourself put yourself in a stupid position and bring the wrath of the authorities or government officials.
If you dreamed that you were selling a straw - you will be able to do so that the anger of your bosses or government officials will fall on your enemies.
If you dreamed that you bought a straw - in the near future you make a huge stupidity.
If you dreamed that you were hiding in straw - in the near future you will commit some kind of unfair act and try to hide it thoroughly, but soon everything will open
If you dreamed that you set fire to the straw, saw how someone was settled by a straw or saw a burning straw - in the near future you have to solve a lot of painful problems, the solution of which you were constantly postponed.
If you dreamed of rotten straw - know all your concerns are in vain.

3 Female dream book

See Sleep about Straw - If you dreamed of straw - your undertakings will be fruitless, bringing you a lot of trouble.

If a woman is dreaming of a straw - she should be more careful about his time, without squinting it meaningless to empty conversations and useless occupations. Also, such a dream may impose a threat to your reputation. The bunch of straw in a dream predicts the deterioration of health or the unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting. If in a dream you feed the straw animals - this means that you will be able to provide existence to people depending on you. If you cover the roof of the straw - you threaten the disadvantage, which you will be able to prevent thanks to your prudence. The burning Skird Straw foreshadows the onset of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being.

4 Creative dream book

Sleep with straw means:

You dreamed of straw to what it is 1. Straw in dreams illuminates weakness and emptiness. If the image arises not within the framework of a rural landscape, then we are most likely aware of the transient phase that practically nothing means. The straw house - as a temporary structure - will assume the state of the short period of one thing in our life. 2. When we say empty things, you are aware of what they are not found on anything. We need to look at what we perceive in your life as a non-permanent, and repel from it. 3. The straw appears in dreams can reveal what has not has a lot of support for us, or what the support that we have, during our spiritual journey it turns out to be dry and fragile.

5 Home dreamy

Straw sleep value:

You dreamed of straw - fruitless undertaking, anxiety. Bunch of straw - deterioration of health; Unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting; Heaps of straw - in vain time spent; reputation loss; Burning Skird Straw - Successful Surveys; well-being; Fake a straw cattle - care for the family.

6 Altercore 1829.

Sololic to see - marks poverty and sadness; A straw associated with bundles means joy and pleasure.

7 Dream of a modern woman

If you dreamed of straw - your undertakings will be fruitless, bringing you a lot of trouble.
If a woman is dreaming of a straw - she should be more careful about his time, without squinting it meaningless to empty conversations and useless occupations. Also, such a dream may impose a threat to your reputation.
A bunch of straw in a dream - predicts worsening health or unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting.
If in a dream you feed the straw animals - this means that you will be able to provide existence to people depending on you.
If you cover the roof of the straw - you threaten the disadvantage, which you will be able to prevent thanks to your prudence.
Burning Skird Straw - foreshadows the onset of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being.

8 Family dream book

Straw, in a dream means:

Straw - dream of fruitless endeavors and anxieties.
If a woman dreamed of a pile of straw - she is not worth spending time on gossip and other useless classes. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the threat of its reputation.

9 Esoteric dream book

Straw - bedding you need rest.
The roof of straw - you have an unreliable home furnishings, instability in the family.
To see a bunch, collect unstable income - temporary well-being that may end up at any time.

10 Dream E. Erixon

What means in a dream of straw - some difficulties, flaming - conscience suffer, sleep on straw - poverty. Scat out a straw - baptize the child.

11 English Dream

What dream of a solo woman is:

Straw - This dream says that the intrigues you have conceived poorly prepared and your intentions will be disclosed earlier than you expect. In addition, the person in love with, despite all their ambitions, will be in fact empty and worthless.

12 Dream lovers

To see a straw in a dream means:

If a woman dreamed of a straw - that means she wasted shershes her time for gossip and peres. Perhaps only finding a lesson in the soul, she will be able to avoid loneliness.

13 Dream of flowers

Sleeping with straw in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Straw - Profit.

14 Modern dream book

Sleep with straw means:

Sleeping about straw - warns that failure and devastation awaits you.
See the burning stacks of straw - a sign of the time of prosperity.
If in a dream you are feeding homemade cattle straw - in reality you will not be able to fully provide those who depend on you.
To see a straw on the field - to unpleasant changes in your life associated with work and money.
If straw is confused in your hair - this dream speaks of your frivolity, which can lead to ruin. A woman who saw such a dream - must beware of trusting her money lover.
To see a dirty straw in a dream - means that you are wrong to behave at work, so you can permanently lose your holiday and sleep.
If you dreamed that the wind carries a straw - you are waiting for payment for your irresponsibility. A business person is such a dream - can tear the ruin or bankruptcy of his company.
If in a dream you have a straw hat on your head - you are deceived in love.
To see an old hat - a sign that you can refuse to give up a good plan, see a new hat - you will find a new interesting job.

15 Dream Interpretation Krada Veles.

Straw sleep value:

Straw - profits / quarrel, bad gossip, empty work; Discusant - sadness, poverty; associated - joy; Lit - not sad in vain.

16 Gypsy dream book

What does it mean if the woman is dreaming straw:

Sololi to see in a dream - the distilled to see the poverty and sadness marks; A straw associated with bundles means joy and pleasure.

17 Nina Grishina's dream book

What could the straw be dreamed of:

Soloma see - meet the difficulties.
Throw empty straw - in vain work.
Flashing - do not suffer yourself in vain.
Flying in the air - the baptism of the child.
Sleep on her - poverty.
Sheaf straw - works and effort.

18 Akulina healer dream book

Straw, in a dream means:

You dreamed of straw - your efforts will be fruitless. Imagine that it is not straw, but the stalks of non-sections, full grains.

19 American dream book

If the girl dreams straw, then that means:

Straw - the feeling that life stifles you. The inability to express yourself, creatively expressly.
Straw also - may mean a warning about health.

20 Old Russian dream book

Why dream of solo woman:

21 Dream Miller

A bunch of straw in a dream - predicts you a deterioration in the state of health or the unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting.
If you just dream of straw - sleep foreshadows fruitless beginnings, which, besides you bring you a lot of trouble.
If pile of straw dreams of women - sleep warns against in vain time spent on gossip, useless classes. In addition, such a dream foreshadows and threatening your reputation.
Burning Skird Straw - promises the offensive of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being.
If in a dream you feed the straw cattle - this means that you will be able to ensure food to those who depend on you.
If you cover the roof straw or you dream that your indoor straw roof has been prudent - you threaten the unfair kicking, which you will be able to take away your reasonable behavior.

22 Russian dream book

Straw is a big noise because of nothing.

23 Dream Miller

A bunch of straw - your affairs will be developed not for the better, and healthy-Yie will deteriorate;
scattered straw - fetal undertakings that will bring you a lot of trouble;
For women - to see a straw - in vain time of time;
The burning straw is time good;
feed straw Skob Tina - you will help in need;
Cover the roof of straw or see that the solo-change roofing of your home was prouded - the trouble, to distracted which you can, only manifesting prudence in matters.
Also, see Cattle (Herd), Roof.

24 Small dream book

If you see a straw in a dream, then I'll get off the failure. If you dreamed of burning straws, then the period of prosperity comes in your life. Feed homemade cattle straw means that in reality you will not be able to ensure a decent life for your family. To see a straw on the field - to unpleasant changes in your life associated with work and money. If straw is confused in your hair, this dream speaks of your frivolity, which can lead to ruin.

For a woman, such a dream means that it should not give his own beloved money. To dream in a dream dirty straw means that you do not know how to properly organize your working hours.

25 Ukrainian dream book

What dream of straw is:

Straw is stupid gossip, failure, empty case, as burning - do not be crushed in vain.

26 Dream Khasse

Straw hat - you will seem to you.
Straw, see her - meet difficulties; pissing empty - in vain work; flaming - do not suffer yourself in vain; Flying in the air - the baptism of the child; sleep on her - poverty.

27 Dream of the XXI century

Solla in a dream to see - to trouble, scandal in the house, work without payment.
WHO straw see - to success in affairs or to classes with love in the fresh air.

28 Dream of the XXI century

Suffocation. The feeling that life stifles you. The inability to express yourself, creatively expressly.
May mean a warning about health.

29 Dream 2012.

Straw - reflection of prudency.

30 Persian dream book Tiflisi

What dream of straw is:

31 Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

To drink a cocktail through the straw foreshadows difficulties in affairs. Lying on the straw mattress - to poverty and job search. Wear a straw hat in a dream - will be lucky in trifles, see various crafts or inlaid from straw - renew the former acquaintance. McOVA straw - your mental disorder will take a threatening character.

To see a freshly accelerated straw on the field - to a torn event because of the non-appearance of the majority, raking it - will take a blank business, which only takes you a lot of time, but will not bring a practical result. Stop the straw in a shop or a stack of either a church foreshadows an annoying Uchager.

Knit a straw in shear - you will write a blister, anonymous or vile denuncore. To carry onto the straw ohkki - easy work that gives a lot of free time. Cut or sch a straw - to a difficult test for strength and endurance. Easy into a skid or a stack of straw with your beloved and not to lose there with a gift - your suspicion of pregnancy is justified.

Burning straw says that you do not suffer a Hamletovsky question, but decided the problem of the destructive proud node. See an ancient hut or barn with a roof, indoor straw, - to nostalgic memories.
Skird or bunch of straw: a sign of fruitless undertaking and vain hopes for cooperation with partners.

At the same time, see a bright flame devouring Solla: foreshadows you a tide of energy in solving some question.

Perhaps in the near future your employment enthusiasm will lead you to great success.

34 Dream Rommel

Bundles of straw starring as a sign of deterioration of health or property position (especially if the straw is scattered).

Straw in female dreams means aimless time, gossip, squabbles, threat of reputation.

Remove fresh straw - disturbing because of some love story.

Burning straw skirds - to good change in affairs.

Feed cattle straw - to ensure life depending on you.

35 Newest dream book Ivanova

What dream of straw is:

To the disease of the joints.

36 Newest dream book Ivanova

Straw - to the disease of the joints.

37 Dream Interpretation Catherine Great

Straw - You see in a dream of a straw - you are in vain expect a positive result, your business is fruitless. Woman dreaming straw This woman will lose a lot of time, telling gossip and listening to gossip in response; It will enclose someone else's lingerie and cast a shadow on his reputation. You see a bunch of straw in a dream - soon you will feel unreasoning. You dream that straw is burning - the dream says that you have to start serious things, - everything will succeed. You seem to feed the cattle straw - you will soon be engaged in product replenishment. You seem to cover the roof of the straw - the trouble (and maybe not alone) comes on you, but you are so prudent that you can take it. You dream of a mattress, stuffed by the straw-man, whom you love, will make something like that why you will turn out; The stronger will your excitement be, the less sure you are in this person. A young woman dreams the straw mattress - this woman will have a rival, from which everyone can be waiting for, is a completely unpredictable type.

The wind seems to drag on the road to Soloma - you in the past differed with windy behavior, you made irresponsible actions, now - when you overwhelm when you became wiser, "you have to answer. Straw as if confused in your hair - the dream says that you are a completely frivolous person; In other times, such as you, it would be difficult to demolish your head at all; Become more responsible, otherwise you will be ruined. A woman dreams that straw was confused in her hair - the lover of this woman is difficult to call a decent person; In any case, this woman should not show him where he keeps her money.

The straw-preceded in a dream is considered to be a symbol of hypocrisy, useless dreams and disadvantages. When you are on the border of the newest enterprises, the dream book recommends waiting for them to implement. Everything that the straw is dreaming is cautioned about the spiritual emptiness, the loss of optimism, vital energy.

For the lady, the greeted straw heap speaks of the past time, which was spent on meaningless actions, crosses and Caverza, which is able to bring to the fall of the authority in the eyes of others.

Everything that the contaminated straw is dreaming is explained by dream interpretation with incorrect actions of a dream in the workplace, as a result of which it is possible to leave himself without the right of rest and any money remuneration.


To see the dry stalks of plants in the field expanses predicts sleepy-minded changes in the future, directly interrelated with finance and workfront. He dreamed like a busting of the wind blows them - in reality it is foreseen to respond to their irresponsible acts.

The glowing dried plant stems, indicates carelessness, which is capable of making a disaster. Snovidice such a sleepy vision can explain about the betrayal of her companion of life, which should not be trusted both physically and spiritually.

Sleep about the hay, assembled into a crow, promises a spontaneous connection with his beloved, loss of sincerity and understanding to each other. A young person identical plot prepares to a meeting with an unworthy young man.

Various manipulations

According to the dream book from A to Z, what dreams of raking the straw in the fields, the empty undertakings are promoting, which you spend a lot of strength and your free time without reaching profitable results.

Dream Soloma If you dreamed of straw - your undertakings will be fruitless, bringing you a lot of trouble. If a woman is dreaming of a straw - she should be more careful about his time, without squinting it meaningless to empty conversations and useless occupations. Also, such a dream may impose a threat to your reputation. The bunch of straw in a dream predicts the deterioration of health or the unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting. If in a dream you feed the straw animals - this means that you will be able to provide existence to people depending on you. If you cover the roof of the straw - you threaten the disadvantage, which you will be able to prevent thanks to your prudence. The burning Skird Straw foreshadows the onset of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being. Modern dream book

Dream Soloma Sleeping about straw: warns that failure and devastation awaits you. See burning staves: a sign of prosperity time. If in a dream you feed homemade cattle straw: I will not be able to fully provide those who depend on you. To see a straw on the field: to unpleasant changes in your life associated with work and money. If straw is confused in your hair: this dream speaks of your frivolity, which can lead to ruin. A woman who saw such a dream see in a dream dirty straw: Means that you will behave wrong at work, so you can quickly lose rest and sleep. If you have dreamed that the wind carries a straw: payable for your irresponsibility awaits you. A business man is so kind if in a dream you have a straw hat on your head: you are deceived in love. To see an old hat: a sign that you regret you will refuse a good plan, see a new hat Modern dream book

Dream Soloma To drink a cocktail through the straw foreshadows difficulties in affairs. Lying on the straw mattress - to poverty and job search. Wear a straw hat in a dream - will be lucky in trifles, see various crafts or inlaid from straw - renew the former acquaintance. McOVA straw - your mental disorder will take a threatening character. To see a freshly accelerated straw on the field - to a torn event because of the non-appearance of the majority, raking it - will take a blank business, which only takes you a lot of time, but will not bring a practical result. Stop the straw in a shop or a stack of either a church foreshadows an annoying Uchager. Knit a straw in shear - you will write a blister, anonymous or vile denuncore. To carry onto the straw ohkki - easy work that gives a lot of free time. Cut or sch a straw - to a difficult test for strength and endurance. Easy into a skid or a stack of straw with your beloved and not to lose there with a gift - your suspicion of pregnancy is justified. Burning straw says that you do not suffer a Hamletovsky question, but decided the problem of the destructive proud node. See an ancient hut or barn with a roof, indoor straw, - to nostalgic memories. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Meaning sleep straw If a woman dreamed of straw, it means that she wasted shershes his time on gossip and peres. Perhaps only finding a lesson in the soul, she will be able to avoid loneliness. Dream interpretation for lovers

Snowstation Soloma Straw dreams of fruitless endeavors and anxieties. If a woman had a bunch of straw, she should not waste time on gossip and other useless classes. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the threat of its reputation. Large universal dream book

Interpretation of the dream of straw This dream says that the intrigues you have conceived poorly prepared and your intentions will be disclosed earlier than you expect. In addition, the person in love with, despite all their ambitions, will be in fact empty and worthless. Vintage English Dream Interpretation

What dream of straw Straw: bedding you need rest. The roof of straw: you have an unreliable home furnishings, instability in the family. To see a bunch, collect unstable income: temporary well-being, which may end up at any time. Esoteric dream book

Dream Soloma If you dreamed of straw: your undertakings will be fruitless, bringing you a lot of trouble. If a woman is dreaming of a straw: she should be more careful to treat his time, without squinting it meaningless to empty conversations and useless occupations. Also, such a dream may impose a threat to your reputation. A bunch of straw in a dream: predicts worsening health or unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting. If in a dream you feed the straw animal: this means that you will be able to ensure the existence of people dependent on you. If you cover the roof of the straw: you threaten the unfair kicking, which you will be able to prevent thanks to your prudence. Burning Skird Straw: foreshadows the onset of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being. Dream of a modern woman

Dream Soloma Straw: dream of fruitless endeavors and anxieties. If a woman dreamed of a pile of straw: she is not worth spending time on gossip and other useless classes. In addition, such a dream foreshadows the threat of its reputation.

Straw is what remains after grain thread. Straw, unlike hay, is not a valuable pet food, since its nutritional value is minimal. In essence, it is a garbage that can be burned. The semelter of the villagers allows you to use this useless raw material in construction, with roofs, for clay kneading, flooring devices.

From straw, a special way treated, toys weave, make crafts, mats, blinds and even furniture. But if you are far from needlework and folk crafts, straw in a dream means an extra volume, garbage, meaningless work. Consider what dream of straw in dreams.

Main values

The main value is fake values, deception, fuss without a significant result.

If you see a straw - do not rush to respond to advantageous offers, to join a new financial company providing reliable investments. If you can - temporarily reduce financial activities to a minimum and do not conclude new deals. If you are looking for a job - carefully check potential employers and do not waste time on an empty chatter.

Straw in a dream - sign of meaningless confrontation. Strength Lomit Soloma - This saying characterizes the confrontation of nonsense. It seems that you have many lungs, but tedious battles in which you have to defend your point of view. Empty troubles are annoyed due to the simultaneous need and meaninglessness. If possible, try to automate the process.

  • The wind carries the straw - to the waste, pay for rapid promises. All condition, the results of stubborn efforts with incredible ease turns into nothing. The place is important where the dry grass is scattered in the wind, it is in such places, as you saw in a dream, the risk of meaningful and empty for the usefulness of spending, maximum.
  • Straw bed - to poverty. Straw hat - irresponsible flirting, deception.
  • Knit sheaths, put stacks - attempts to start empty, but annoying relationships, evil chatter behind his back.
  • The burning straw is quickly flashing feelings that can burn, cut eyebrows and eyelashes, but do not give heat. For people engaged in financial fraud and the game on the stock exchange, this sign can help quickly get rich or burned at one moment. If you were able to independently become a igniter, the dream book says that you are absolutely right in your intention to solve complex problems with the fastest way.
  • Dry grass in the disheveled hairstyle is a sign that you consider a person empty and frivolous, not worthy of attention or a serious relationship. If this is your close person - he or she does not deserve confidence. Do not undermine the common business and try not to make general children. If this is your hairstyle, you will have to learn responsibility. Otherwise, you are threatened with a small poverty, despite the beauty and self-confidence. An attractive appearance is a perishable goods, on a stinging, but a member of the remark of the female dream room. Medele's dream book even recommends choosing lovers for a short period from among those who have hair like a straw, but in no way trust these people and not to show them where the values \u200b\u200bare stored. Because of his nonsense, they will not be able to cause serious harm, but do not put them in temptation.
  • Feelable to land, sprinkle a straw piva, to make pillows for beds - you are a practical person who knows how to benefit from everything that falls into your hands.
  • We are weave toys and make crafts from the smoothed straw - beautifully and fun to lie, inspirely fantasy, tell the magic fairy tales. I would like to warn that the respect and weight in society do not add these fairy tales, although you will love you, of course, will be more.
  • Add straw in cattle feed - worry about food reserves, replenish the storerooms. Pay attention to the quality of canned and be sure to remove the swollen banks from the distant shelves, which changed the color of stocks, blind bags.

Interpretation of authorities

  • Women's dream book treats a straw as empty peres, ridiculous fiction, spending time on an endless discussion of not too important topics to the detriment of real work. You risk staying without money and lose all weight in society. With you will be done unfairly, but your position will not cause sympathy.
  • Family dream book assures that dreaming means undertaking that will not succeed, but associated with losses, anxiety on empty reasons, in vain spending of time.
  • Wang's dream book warns about the dangers of chatter and gossip. Evil jokes and glooming, fiction and unnecessary details, told to investigate another person, can become a stot on your own reputation. You may encounter a request to confirm your words and prove false statements. This situation is extremely humiliating and leads to complete collapse and reputation and self-conceit. Restrast from gossip and direct your fantasy into another channel.
  • The English dream book treats a straw through which someone in a dream drinks a cocktail, as a sign of vulgarity and unreasonable claims, overestimated self-esteem. Sleep on straw mattresses, wearing bales stuffed with straw - a sign of easy work leaving a lot of free time.


To see a straw - a warning against empty spending time and empty people. What has been published seems to be a gold shine and a romantic adventure may be an empty breed and a huge number of small problems. In the near future, you should not arrange carefree pranksters, charming entertainment, aimless meetings.

Instead of pleasant idleness, you can expect sudden problems and loss of reputation. If your job is related to tale telling, stories, game industry - you have the opportunity to quickly get rich and get a huge fee.

Walk to date with the development of Taro "Map of the Day"!

For proper divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about at least 1-2 minutes.

As you will be ready - pull the map:

The probability of the execution of dreams

Since some people are more susceptible to the influence of the moon, and other influence of the Sun, you can choose which system it is more suitable for you.

Today is the 28th day of the month. Dreams, who dreamed at night for today, promise some difficulties and come true within 30 days.

Today is the 23rd lunar day. Dreams, dreamed at night for today, usually empty, although it can dream.

Today is Sunday. Sun day. Sunday, tells about what is able to warm our heart, bring happiness, make life joyful. The sun is a planet of love, inspiration and limitless creativity. Sunny dreams will show situations or people illuminating our lives that are saturated with interesting activities or, on the contrary, darling joyful moments.

If Sunday's Sunday is beautiful, then soon you will have new ideas, interesting acquaintances with unusual abilities. Perhaps with a colorful sunny dream to you will come strong love or you will reveal the talent, which was not suspected. A beautiful sleep calls for active creative activity. But the stingy Sunday's sleep warns about the approach of the bladder, empty period and calls for the search for positive sides in any trouble. Surrious Sunday dream can also talk about the waste of energy as a result of pity for anyone or nervous stresses.

found: 4

Soloma - Miller's dream book

A bunch of straw in a dream predicts you a deterioration in the state of health or unsuccessful completion of an important business meeting. If you just dream of straw - sleep foreshadows fruitless beginnings, which, besides you bring you a lot of trouble. If piles of straw dreams of women - sleep warns against in vain time spent - on gossip, useless classes. In addition, such a dream indicates a close threat of your reputation.

Burning Spring Solutions promises the offensive of the time of successful accomplishments and well-being.

If in a dream you will fook a straw cattle, it means that you will be able to ensure food to those who depend on you.

If you cover the roof of the straw, or you dream that your indoor straw roof has been tamed - you are threatened with the dysfast, which you will be able to take away your reasonable behavior.

Straw - Modern Dream Interpretation

You see in a dream of a straw - you are in vain expect a positive result, your business is fruitless.

A woman dreams straw - this woman will lose a lot of time, telling gossip and listening to gossip in response. It will enclose someone else's lingerie and cast a shadow on his reputation.

You see a bunch of straw in a dream - soon you will feel unreasoning.

You dream that straw is burning - the dream says that you have to start serious things, - everything will succeed.

You seem to feed the cattle straw - you will soon be engaged in product replenishment.

You seem to cover the roof of the straw - the trouble (and maybe not alone) comes on you, but you are so prudent that you can take it.

You dream of a mattress, stuffed by straw - the person you love, will make something that you will have come true. The stronger will your excitement be, the less sure you are in this person.

A young woman dreams the straw mattress - this woman will have a rival, from which everyone can be waiting for, is a completely unpredictable type.

The wind seems to be dragging along the road Soloma - you in the past differed with windy behavior, you committed irresponsible actions, now, - when you burned out when you became wiser, "you have to answer.

Straw as if confused in your hair - the dream says that you are a completely frivolous person, in other times such as you, it would be difficult to demolish your head. Become more responsible, otherwise you will be ruined.

A woman dreams that straw was confused in her hair - a lover of this glanity is difficult to call a decent person. In any case, this woman should not show him where he keeps her money.

Straw - Slavic Dream Interpretation

Straw - Persian Dream

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