How to learn to dance belly dance. Professional oriental belly dance. Belly dance for beginners: choosing clothes

Belly dance comes from the Middle East. Many choreographers go there to master this art. Eastern women performed it at certain and important moments in their lives. They showed them their femininity. It has already become a traditional art form. Women are taught this art from early childhood - beautiful and seductive movements. Vigorous movement is not only beautiful but also beneficial for the abdominal and back muscles.

With the help of this ritual, a girl or a woman also became closer to a man, liberated herself. IN modern world nothing has changed, and belly dancing in the East is used for the same purposes as before. Many also believe that belly dancing is combined with proper nutrition helps to lose weight. This is true, because the loads are large, which makes the muscles work and burn fat. With his help, this can get rid of extra pounds, and at the same time tighten the muscles of the press, arms and back. In addition to muscles, it strengthens the bone and circulatory systems, removes cellulite and makes the skin smoother. This technique for weight loss is used and oriental women... It is also effective in maintaining it (provided a moderate diet).

First of all, with the help of oriental belly dancing, one of the main dreams of every woman can be realized - ideal figure... With its help, you can noticeably "dry" the press, back, make the shape of the hips more feminine. Why is fat deposited in the hips and waist, and in obesity it is evenly distributed? All this is due to the hormonal background of the woman.

Nature provided that a woman should be a mother, and in order to feed her child and not die of hunger herself, she needs certain fat reserves. They are most often stored on the inner side of the thigh, in the lower abdomen. Special movements use these areas and help a woman get rid of the hated fat. Dancing Arabic belly dancing is much more enjoyable than doing circles around the stadium or squatting. In the process, you are in beautiful clothes, moving to the rhythmic music. The movements are quite smooth, but at the same time give a feeling of pleasant fatigue.

Please note: He changes gait and posture, makes her more graceful. One belly dance is enough to replace a full-fledged cardio workout.

Most often, one workout is accompanied by a single melody. During movement, the body warms up, improves blood flow to the muscles and skin. If you feel thirsty while exercising, be sure to drink: it will help to better break down and transport fat waste.

By the way, for effective weight loss during the day you need to spend more than the body receives. For example, you can follow a healthy diet or a balanced diet. You can also eat in moderation without overeating goodies and harmful products... They can replace sports, and voila - you are already on the way to losing weight. If your goal is to build up beautiful abdominal muscles or buttocks, then oriental dances will not suit you. For this you only need to go to the gym, perform complexes strength exercises... Belly dancing can only serve as a supplement to exercise and "dry" the fat that hides the muscles.

How to learn to dance

You can also learn oriental belly dance at home by watching paid video tutorials or free videos on the Internet. All you need to explore at home is plenty of space, the right clothing, and a willingness to learn. Such training has an indisputable plus - you can study at a convenient time.

Practical advice: If you are uncomfortable dancing in public with other people because of excess weight, then you should first lose it, and then sign up. It is better to do this with a lax diet and exercise, since it is necessary to prepare the muscles for prolonged stress. If you just sit on a diet, then the muscles can "burn" along with the fat, and then it will be difficult for you to start exercising.

You can also visit special rooms. There you will be taught the correct technique, and the money paid, the coach's beautiful figure and his skills will motivate you. The main thing is not to be shy while learning the movements. The trainer will tell you and help you learn the movement, as he knows better belly dancing for beginners.

Basic movements

How to learn belly dancing at home, if the choice fell on home study? Since you want to practice at home, there are a few basic moves to remember. The whole dance is based on them, then these movements are simply connected by small transitions and "set off" by other movements.

From this step by step instructions, of course, you cannot learn the whole dance, but some points may be useful to you:

  • Swaying the hips. This initial exercise will help you reshape your thighs, slim them down, and get rid of cellulite on your legs. We get up to the starting position: we put our legs together. Bend your knees a little. We begin to wiggle our hips a little, performing an up and down movement, slightly lifting and unbending our knees. In the process of movement, metabolism improves, the muscles of the back front of the thigh are strengthened, the back, lower press and buttocks are involved;
  • Eight... This exercise also has a beneficial effect on the thighs, removes cellulite and excess fat. We get up to the starting position: the back is straight, the feet are pressed against each other. We perform a figure eight movement, familiar to almost everyone. To do this, you need to perform a movement with your hips, without squatting or lifting. From above, these movements should resemble the number "eight". Wherein top part the body should not move, make sure that all movements are performed only by the hips;
  • Smile... This exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and remove that very fold in the lower abdomen, as it uses the lower abs. We get up to the starting position: an even back (you can even bend it a little), feet shoulder-width apart. The exercise involves the pubic region and the lower abdomen. It needs to be lifted up sharply, while straining the abdominal muscles. Usually, not everyone succeeds in this exercise, and in group lessons the task is to practice at home;
  • Strip... This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the inner arms, upper abs, and circulate blood throughout the body. We get up to the starting position: arms at the seams, feet shoulder-width apart, straight back. We carry out a movement similar to when you take off your jacket. To do this, you need to slowly raise your hands, and then gently lower them.

Belly dancing is a rather complex art, and in order to master it, perseverance and great willpower are required. In groups of oriental dances, a coach will help and support you, and the success of other dancers will not give up.

You should give preference to home workouts only if you have danced before, are shy about being overweight or do not have money for classes. In other cases, collective oriental dance classes should be preferred.

Practical tip: Belly dancing is a great way to get in shape and get a dose of good mood. It is relatively easy to learn it, and good plasticity and flexibility of the body will be a pleasant bonus.

Intensity consumes a lot of calories, tightens muscles, and burns off excess fat. Thanks to him, the body becomes more attractive and flexible, posture becomes more graceful. Outwardly, a woman becomes more confident in herself. Also, in the process of training, a woman acquires a special energy, which subsequently attracts men. Try this type of dance and you will definitely succeed.

Posted On 11.11.2017

  • strong flat feet;
  • cholecystitis,
  • pregnancy;

Why is belly dancing useful?

Video. Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

Should be tight enough to fit the legs so that knee and hip movements are visible, but not slip or squeeze. For coach control or self-control with a mirror, it is desirable that the abdomen is open. If you have large breasts, choosing a comfortable bra is very important. It is better to work out on the carpet in socks, on the floor - in light, non-slip shoes. A belt with beads or coins is a nice little thing, not a necessity.

In addition, belly dancing is very beneficial for the internal female organs and is a fairly effective and popular fitness area. This dance can be learned not only in the gym or in special courses.

Where to start learning dance?

Of course, it's easier than ever to sign up for an oriental dance class and study it under the strict supervision of an instructor. However, not every modern woman has enough free time for this, and maybe finances are not designed for such purposes. For this, there is a technique that allows you to learn how to dance this beautiful dance at home.

For self-study, you need video tutorials that can be found on the Internet, a suit for classes, well, a few hours a week of free time and a great mood. This dance can only be danced in a good mood, because it involves something like meditation. You feel every muscle in your body, communicate with the body with the power of thought, feel how you begin to move to the beat to the music and perform all new movements and ligaments.

Which movements should you learn first?

By far the most simple, or in other words, basic. Turn on a video lesson, or just any oriental, preferably slow, music. Such music will help you understand the principle of dance, teach you to connect the movements and the beat of this music, which will be very useful in the future when performing complex joints. So, in belly dancing, only legs, hips and arms work. All other parts of the body remain motionless.

What movements are performed by the hips?

Therefore, first try to master the movements of the hips. You can put your hands on the belt or spread them apart. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, bend your knees slightly and try to raise and lower each hip in turn. Try to do this to the beat of the music. When performing these movements, make sure that your shoulders remain motionless and your feet do not come off the floor. Belly dance involves not only smooth movements, but also rhythmic ones that go up to shaking the hips.

Try to speed up a little, then more, more, and in the end try to bring the movements to such a frequency that they visually resemble shaking. If you use a special belt decorated with coins for belly dancing, then you will hear their lungs and ringing. After you have mastered this first movement, then try a hip movement that resembles an infinity sign.

How to learn to dance belly dance

Your hips should kind of draw this mark in the air. Next, try to combine the first and second movements to the music.

What movements should you perform with your hands?

As already mentioned, for a start, your hands should be kept at the waist or spread apart. After the movements of the legs and hips are fully mastered, you can connect your arms. To do this, try moving your hips to hold straight arms in front of you, first in one direction, and then in the other. If your right thigh goes up, then the arms should move to the left, and conversely, if your left thigh goes up, then the arms should move to the right. With your brushes, in this case, perform a movement that will remind you that you are hooking jam or honey from a vessel with your fingers, and then offer it to the viewer. So, the hips began to move, the hands scooped up the jam, the hands move in the opposite direction.

Which step to use in the dance?

It is clear that just standing still and swinging your hips in different directions does not mean that you have learned to dance an oriental dance. For movement in the belly dance, a side step is used. The steps should be small, practically in place. In this case, it will appear as if you are floating in the air. As from one element to another, circular movements of the hips are used. To do this, after shaking your hips, try to draw a circle around your axis. However, make sure that the body and neck remain on the same line, that is, do not bend over. Remember, only your hips move.

How to learn to play with your belly?

Everyone saw how the masters of belly dancing sorted them out with incredible speed. There is nothing impossible in this movement, but in order to learn it, you need a very long training. First, try to suck in the entire belly, and then release different parts of it gradually.

For example, you sucked in the entire abdomen, then released the lower abdomen, then the navel region, and then the stomach region. Then try to do the same in the opposite direction. After this exercise began to work out, you can accelerate the pace, master it and move on to a higher one.

dance gymnastics

Short description: We advise all young ladies who want to learn oriental dancing in a comfortable home environment to watch this video clip. The plot describes in detail the version of the first independent lesson for people with little dance experience. The main guarantee of a pleasant dance is a competent warm-up, during which it is necessary to thoroughly warm up all parts of the body.

Belly dance

Particular importance in the plot is given to hand movements, to which special importance is given in oriental dances. The main thing is to achieve the ability to dance by immobilizing certain parts of the body, which is the main criterion for quality in Arabic dances.

Added: 2015-05-07

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Belly dance

East Dance (Arabic dance, belly dance) - feminine, charming. Belly dancing also helps to lose weight, improves posture, reduces cellulite, and has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system. The number of people who want to learn to dance oriental belly dance is increasing. For beginners, we suggest watching a video belly dance lesson. Simple but effective basic dance movements, a good instructor in just a few minutes you can learn belly dancing.

This is a video lesson on teaching belly dancing for beginners from the largest dance and vocal center "Shtab Kvartira". This is one of the best belly dance training videos for beginners! Everything is simple, clear and accessible.

In addition to online belly dancing lessons, of course, dance schools are also taught. Now there are such schools in every city, and in Almaty, Astana, in fact, in every quarter. Prices are different, depending on the popularity of the dance school, the popularity of the instructor, location (city center), class of the room. The cost is about 1,000 tenge for a single lesson, a month of classes from 5-6,000 tenge and above. Belly dancing training is more expensive in Almaty and Astana.

Belly dance is usually called Belly dance. This name is accepted all over the world and translated from English “belly” means belly, and “dance” means to dance. And so it turns out in Russian: belly dance. In Arab countries, this dance is usually called Raks Sharki, which literally can be translated as the dance of the East. In these countries, Belly dance was traditionally performed at weddings, in honor of the birth of children, at holidays dedicated to the New Year, sowing and harvesting.

Contraindications to belly dancing:

  • strong flat feet;
  • spinal diseases: hernia, etc.;
  • respiratory tract diseases (bronchitis, tuberculosis);
  • cholecystitis,
  • ovarian diseases, tumor, cyst, myoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • you need a consultation with a doctor if you have heart disease, varicose veins.

Why is belly dancing useful?

Belly dancing is good for women for example, oriental belly dancing enhances blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which is an excellent prevention of adhesions and other inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. If you already have diseases of the small pelvis, you first need to cure them, or first consult with your doctor if you can practice belly dancing.

Belly dance is a great way to lose weight, shape your figure, reduce cellulite, make the figure more feminine - highlight the waist, remove folds on the sides and fat on the hips. Of course, you will not be able to get rid of unwanted pounds very quickly, but this is only beneficial for the body.

Belly dance. Alla Kushnir. Stars of Arabat.

Firstly, rapid weight loss visually adds age: the skin becomes flabby, the chest becomes saggy, wrinkles on the face are more noticeable.

Secondly, excessive physical activity leads to an increase in the level of the stress hormone - cortisol, which "conserves reserves" and does not allow getting rid of body fat.

In the dance, the load is moderate, alternating with relaxation. It is not only the stomach that works, almost all muscles are involved in it, due to which the figure looks slim and embossed, and not "dried". In addition, dancing is a pleasure, and therefore the body is easier to part with excess.

Another positive side of belly dancing is the gentle effect on the spine. and the muscles supporting it. By exercising regularly, you can solve problems with posture, which in itself will improve your figure, since often a sagging or bulging belly is a consequence of back problems.

It is better to start dancing under the guidance of a coach, then the classes will be more effective. He will show you how to carry out the basic elements correctly, correct mistakes in their implementation. Perhaps the coach will select a program of independent home workouts, explain what you need to pay attention to in order to lose weight faster. Usually, after the first few sessions, problem areas are felt that require increased loads. The coach must be friendly and pleasant to you, otherwise, exercising through strength, it will be more difficult to achieve the desired result.

Clothes for beginners to practice belly dancing should be tight enough to fit the legs so that the movements of the knees and hips are visible, but not slip or squeeze. For coach control or self-control with a mirror, it is desirable that the abdomen is open. If you have large breasts, choosing a comfortable bra is very important. It is better to work out on the carpet in socks, on the floor - in light, non-slip shoes.

A belt with beads or coins is a nice little thing, not a necessity.

When doing belly dancing for weight loss, you should not resort to too strict low-calorie diets. With regular exercise, a fairly large amount of energy is expended, only it happens imperceptibly. A severe restriction in nutrition can lead to a deterioration in well-being, as a result of which classes will have to be interrupted.

Do not overeat before training - a full stomach will interfere, reminding of itself with nausea and heartburn. You can have a light snack so that after training there is no intolerable feeling of hunger. Since most beginners are just learning to breathe properly while dancing, a dry throat is possible, so it is best to have a bottle of water with you.

Dancing for pleasure, you can ensure your health and slim figure for years to come.

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Hello, dear friends, you are on the site. Enjoy reading! There are many types of sports that can help you lose weight, but nothing brings such pleasure and joy to a woman than dancing, of which there are so many. You can be like dance training or buy a training video course, the main thing would be a desire.

If you take care of how to learn belly dancing at home, then in a fairly short time you can comprehend this bewitching and beautiful body language, as well as tighten the muscles of the abs and buttocks. It is very useful to do oriental dancing after childbirth. For starters, the only thing you might need is a mirror and a selection of music. In oriental motives, strong and weak accents are very clearly audible, on the basis of which the dance is built.

The belly dance moves are as follows:

    Shaking. The legs are relaxed and slightly spread apart, the knees alternately beat back and forth, the faster the movement, the more effective it looks. Shaking the chest is performed with the shoulders: alternately the shoulders move back and forth.

    Eight hips. Bringing the right thigh forward first, the body weight should be transferred to the right leg, and then the left thigh forward. Performing these movements smoothly, it turns out that the hips outline a figure eight. With a reverse figure eight, the thigh moves back.

    Hip punches are made by unbending alternately bent knees from a leg position shoulder-width apart.

    Wiggle hips differs from the previous movement in the position of the legs: they are connected together, and the knees are still bent and unbend.

    Stomach blows. Put your legs together, bend your knees a little, then the stomach gathers in itself, then the muscles are pushed down.

    Thigh dump... Legs together, put one in front on the toe and make a movement with the hip up and down.

In addition to movements, there are a number of important aspects that help you understand how to learn belly dancing at home:

- correct stance. The back should be flat, the shoulder blades are slightly brought together, and the knees are as relaxed as possible;

- the hands have their own special place in the dance. The thumb is not tightly pressed against the four gathered together, the elbow is rounded (the hand is not rigidly extended);

- a spacious room. If there is not enough space, then there is a chance of getting injured while performing the dance;

- to dance either barefoot or in Czech shoes, it's more convenient.

If you dance for an hour at least 2 times a week, then you can quickly master this erotic and smooth dance.

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Every woman dreams of being graceful, attractive and sexy. Belly dance, which since ancient times has been one of the symbols of passion and femininity, can help her in this. Perhaps this is why belly dance is now taught in almost all fitness clubs called fitness bellydians.

Even our ancestors knew well that belly dance, thanks to its powerful energy, prolongs youth, strengthens the spine, corrects the figure and posture, renders positive effect on the physical and mental health of women.

How to learn belly dancing?

Many women dream of learning belly dancing. But this is not difficult, there would be a desire. As mentioned above, belly dancing lessons are taught by experienced instructors in almost all fitness clubs. But if for some reason you cannot attend classes, then DVD discs with recording of video lessons will help you.

It is important to understand that modern dance abdominal fitness is somewhat different from traditional dance. Most of his rules for building ligaments are taken not from choreography, but from aerobics. The belly dance lesson, although it is built on the basis of the traditional dance technique, still takes place in a more intense mode that does not provide for stops. Naturally, as a result of this, a rather severe exercise stress... Therefore, belly dancing lessons for beginners should be of shorter duration and should include simpler elements. When exercising, it is very important to observe the principle "from simple to complex" and increase the load gradually.

What are the benefits of belly dancing lessons?

Belly dance itself is a combination of shaking, banging and plastics. As a result of regular exercise, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and the muscles are flexible and mobile. Belly dancing allows you to burn up to 300 kcal in one hour, but this is natural with intense exercise. Its elements allow to reduce body weight, promote the redistribution of fat deposits, literally changing the shape of the body before our eyes.

Coming to belly dancing lessons for beginners, a woman should accept herself as she is, with all the features inherent only in her appearance. Of course, this is very difficult. But as you practice, not only the shape of the body begins to change, but also women's psychology. Various complexes disappear, the perception of the surrounding world and oneself in it changes, self-esteem rises. This is not surprising. After all, any element of belly dancing is performed by each woman in her own way, interesting and attractive.

Belly dance lessons allow you to:

  • Harmoniously change your figure;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes, due to which a decrease in body weight is achieved;
  • Increase the elasticity of the abdominal muscles and the skin of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Strengthen back muscles;
  • Normalize bowel function;
  • Reduce the severity of pain during menstruation;
  • To prevent the development of many gynecological diseases, due to the fact that they enhance the processes of blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • Eliminate the effects of stress and increase self-esteem.

Belly dance for beginners: choosing clothes

Beginners often wonder what is the most convenient way to do belly dancing lessons. Well, since this is still a belly dance, then it is natural that the belly should be open. Therefore, we can advise you to wear sports tight pants with a low rise and a top made of soft and light material. It is advisable to refuse sneakers, because they will only interfere with you when performing various ligaments and turns. It is best to buy ballet flats or practice in socks. A special ringing belt can be used to add extra magic to the dancer. But if you do not have it, then instead of it, simply tie a large bright scarf around your hips.

Belly dance for beginners: how is the lesson going?

Before proceeding directly to the dance itself, you should do a short ten-minute warm-up. During it, various sliding movements are performed with the body of the body. These simple exercises focus on pre-warming your muscles. Correct exercise is a good preventative measure for muscle sprains and other injuries.

The bulk of the workout involves working through previously learned movements and, of course, learning new elements. Of basic elements various combinations of the dance itself are created.

When conducting belly dancing classes for beginners, the instructor pays special attention to the correct positioning of the body and the implementation of the basic elements of shaking.

At the final stage of the training, the coach conducts a cool down, which consists in performing exercises aimed at restoring muscles and relieving fatigue.

Contraindications to belly dancing lessons

It may seem strange to you, but not everyone can practice belly dancing. Therefore, if you decide to learn belly dancing, consult your doctor before you start practicing. Contraindications to belly dancing lessons are:

  • Pronounced flat feet;
  • Spondylolisthesis (displacement of the vertebral bodies in relation to each other0;
  • Intervertebral hernia larger than 8 mm;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Any acute inflammatory or purulent processes, as well as chronic in the acute stage;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Cholecystitis, complicated by inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • Myoma of the uterus;
  • Liver disease;
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • Heart defects;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Intracardiac conduction disorders;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • Obstructive bronchitis;
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • Pregnancy.

What diseases can you practice belly dancing?

There are a number of different diseases in which belly dancing lessons improve their course and contribute to recovery. These include:

  • Cervical erosion. When performing belly dance elements, the blood supply to the genitals improves, which creates better conditions to heal a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • Gastritis;
  • Unexpressed scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal column);
  • Inflammatory processes in remission;
  • Adhesive disease;
  • Prolapse of the vagina and uterus. When practicing belly dancing, contractions of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor also occur, which helps to increase their elasticity and prevents further progression of the disease.

Belly dance is mesmerizing. For beginners, you can practice at home. The main desire. The dance is not only beautiful, but also very useful for the female body. It is not for nothing that all girls in the east are taught this art. The muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are involved in the dance movements, which guarantees the health of the female organs for bearing the child, as well as the gracefulness of movements and beautiful posture.


All muscle groups are involved in the dance. The load is distributed evenly, without overvoltage. Over time, you will learn to feel every muscle and control every part of the body. It feels good.

  • You will become plastic.
  • It will be easy to maintain correct posture.
  • Part with extra pounds.
  • Tighten your belly, hips, and buttocks.
  • You will feel more confident and free.
Benefits of belly dancing

The movements of oriental dance engage the muscles in the most problematic areas of the female body and remove fat, replacing it with elastic muscles. The waist becomes thinner, the figure is toned, the posture is royal.

Dancing dispels bad thoughts, improves mood and self-esteem. A good mood and self-confidence will make you irresistible.

Who suits

Training and pleasure, two in one - this is about oriental dances. This type of load has no age restrictions. Both children and older ladies can study. If you don't like monotonous workouts, choose dance.

Having learned the basics of basic movements, you can start improvising, it will not be boring for sure. Oriental colorful melodies will make the lesson more exciting.

This activity is especially useful in sedentary and sedentary work. Movement to music will disperse the stagnation of fluid in the body, lymph and blood, which will improve the functioning of internal organs. And they will also give a sufficient load to the muscles.


Like any physical activity, belly dancing should not be harmful. It is contraindicated:

  • in the last trimester of pregnancy;
  • with advanced cases of hernias;
  • in the postoperative period.

If you have a gastrointestinal disorder, talk to your doctor, because in many cases, belly dancing can improve your well-being.


How to choose clothes for classes? Oriental costumes are bright and colorful and very attractive. But keep in mind that after one to two months of training, your figure may change. Decrease volumes. Therefore, for beginners, the best suit will be a top that reveals the belly and breeches or leggings.

For color, you can buy or sew yourself a belt with coins and tassels to make it more interesting to study.

You can dance barefoot or in ballet shoes. Although there are belly dance styles that are performed in heels, such as Lebanese. Once you've mastered the basic movements, you can try these shoes. It looks impressive.

You can choose your favorite color

Where to start

The beauty of oriental dance is that when it is performed, parts of the body move, as if isolated from each other. To achieve this effect, one must learn to relax the upper body when working with the legs and hips, and the lower one when performing movements with the chest and arms. This is the only way to move without stopping for a long time. This skill will come with time, when the basic elements of the dance are learned.

The dance consists of four basic movements, which should be learned first. And then add new elements to them.

Dance elements are performed in horizontal and vertical planes, drawing an imaginary axis through the navel.

Basic movements

The first to learn the four basic movements of the hips: "rocking", hip accents, horizontal twisting of the hips, vertical eights.


We put our feet on the width of the feet. Soften the knees by bending them slightly. The pelvis is tucked slightly forward - this is important so as not to injure the spine. We spread our arms to the sides parallel to the floor. We also keep the chin parallel to the floor. And we begin to bend our knees slightly in turn.

Wiggle hips

Imagine that your hips are a swing that moves left and right without delay or accents. When performing the movement, you will feel a warming up in the pelvic area, because the blood rushes to internal organs... This is useful as it removes the congestion that is characteristic of sedentary work.

And if you make the "rocking chair" more intense, it will turn into shaking, which has an anti-cellulite effect.

Hip accents

Move your hips as in "rocking chairs", squatting slightly on bent legs. Straighten your knees in turn and fix the hip at the top point for a second. You should feel the gluteus muscle tightening. This delay is called an accent and looks spectacular and sexy.

Such movements tighten the front of the thighs and make the buttock more rounded.

Horizontal hip crunches

The next movement resembles a Latino eight with hips. Move the hips in a horizontal plane. The arms and chin are parallel to the floor. Soften your knees, but don't squat. We bring the right and left thighs forward alternately. The press and oblique abdominal muscles are included in the work. Try to twist your hip as much as possible.

The wider the amplitude of your figure eight, the thinner your waist will become.

Vertical figure eight

It is also performed on soft knees. Keep your hands parallel to the floor. We draw an eight with hips in a vertical plane, alternately bringing each hip as high as possible, pull it to the side and lower it down. Try to keep your upper body motionless.

Combine the basic movements one after the other and you have a simple oriental dance. Video tutorials selected by us will help you to master these and other elements of oriental dance.

How much to do

As with any activity, results can only be obtained with regular training. You can learn to dance belly dancing, doing three times a week for half an hour. And in two weeks you will already feel a change in your body. It will become more graceful, the volume of the hips will decrease, the waist will become thinner, the arms will be tighter and more flexible, the upper and back of the thigh will tighten.

How to do

When learning and performing movements, you do not need to count the repetitions. Better put on a three-minute music track, and do each movement while the music is playing. And at the end of the lesson, make a bunch of new and previously learned movements in order to consolidate what you learned and enjoy the lesson.