Club dance training for girls. Club dances. Dance workout for every day


The basics club dancing for adults and children. The training program is designed taking into account new trends and basic classics. In the classroom, you will get acquainted with such styles as R "n" b, Hip-Hop, Street Jazz and other modern dance styles. Attention is paid not only to new trends, but also to basic movements. The program also includes general physical fitness and stretching, which are important for maintaining good physical shape.

Lady "s Style. Feminine mix of modern styles. Classes are designed to develop femininity of movements and plastics. These classes are for girls and women of any age who want to reveal their attractiveness, learn how to move harmoniously and artistically to modern music and feel confident on the dance floor.


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Alex Yarashov
DANCE MIX , sign up - 5 places out of 8 left
Modern dance styles (hip-hop, jazz-funk, vogue, etc.) For beginners from scratch! Wednesdays from 18:00 to 20:00 (two hours) Maria Kosheleva
Lady style / female plastic + stretching , sign up - 1 place out of 8 left
m. Novoslobodskaya, Tikhvinskaya st., 9A
LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS FROM ZERO! All that is needed for feminine plastics on the dance floor and in life is a complex activity for beginners. The basics of dance to modern music + flexibility and stretching exercises.
CLUB DANCES Mon.TueWedWedFri.Sat.Sun.
18:00 19:00 19:00
Maria Kosheleva
LADY STYLE / WOMEN'S PLASTIC + Stretching , sign up - 6 places out of 8 left
m. Novoslobodskaya, st. Tikhvinskaya, 9A
Intensive course on January 6, 8, two hours! For any skill level! The basics of dancing to modern music. We learn to move femininely, hear rhythms, coordinate the body.
CLUB DANCES Mon.TueWedWedFri.Sat.Sun.
13:00 13:00
Tamara Nefedova
Lady style / female plastic , sign up - 2 places out of 8 left
It combines elements of sensual Latin, seductive strip plastics and lyrical contempo. Everything that maximizes the development of female sexuality, grace and plasticity. Lady Style helps not only to reveal your femininity, but also to get the correct posture, beautiful gait and a toned body. Karina Sultanova
DENS MIX , sign up - 3 places out of 8 left
m. University, Prospect Vernadsky, 15
Recruitment to a new group! In Dance Mix lessons you can get acquainted with such styles as: Hip-Hop, Jazz-Funk, etc. modern trends... Learn to dance to any music! A group for any age and any skill level!
CLUB DANCES Mon.TueWedWedFri.Sat.Sun.
10:00 10:00 18:00 18:00

During the lessons you will learn basic elementsrepeating in different club styles, you will get acquainted with modern dance trends, develop femininity of movements and plasticity, begin to feel your body more confidently and hear rhythms! After passing basic course modern club dances, you can confidently join any active group of our school and / or use the acquired skills on your own, dancing in clubs and discos.


Dancing originated with the advent of humanity. In the ancient world, dance moves were part of rituals, later becoming a fine art. The ability to move well decorates and has a hypnotic effect on others. Dance classes promote physical and emotional health, energize and optimize.

Modern choreography assumes the ability to dance to any rhythm: from fiery Latin and club disco to sensual chill-out. The article contains the best, according to youtube users, dance videos of different genres for women.

Basic dance moves: step, swing

Hearing the rhythm and keeping the tempo is very important for the dancer. The training session offers effective training with simple steps and hip movements. The elements are great for warm-up before classes, relieve stiffness and muscle tension, liberate movements, and prepare the body for a dance load.

Dance workout for every day

Video for home dance training for every day - active and fun. Gives a boost of vivacity for a long time.

Jazz funk. Video tutorial for beginners

Jazz funk is a young dance style for the club and parties, suitable for girls and guys. The choreography presents a hooligan mix of jazz, hip-hop, strip-plastic, vogue. Jazz-funk classes provide an opportunity to go beyond a certain direction and fully reveal your dance potential, creating a style and manner for your own taste. An online lesson with a choreographer from the Marte dance school will teach you the basic steps and movements of the hands, head, hips. At the end of the lesson, beginners will learn a mini-dance in the jazz-funk style.

Club Dance: Basic Movements

A simple and effective connection for beginners, built on basic steps and arm movements. A bunch of three eights is ideal for training your sense of rhythm and dance style. Repeated repetition of the ligament at a dynamic pace will help to get a charge of vivacity and mood, will accustom the body to movement and balance.

How to dance at a disco for a girl

The lesson is suitable for those wishing to learn how to feel comfortable at a disco or party without choreographic skills.

Video dance lessons for beginners. Lady style

Online lesson on learning feminine modern dance to relaxing music. In the choreographic pattern, smooth and abrupt movements alternate: waves and flapping hair, sliding and hitting shoulders. The lesson is designed for dancers with minimal experience who know the basics. Beginners can learn and master the movements by pausing the video. The proposed dance link is universal and can be performed in medium, slow and fast pace to any club music.

Simple dance lesson for women

The lesson is suitable for beginners and professionals who want to replenish their dance baggage with new moves.

GoGo online video tutorial

Go-go is the most suitable choreography option for a club dance floor. A detailed video lesson from the Dance Paradise dance school will help you learn a bunch in the style of go-go dancers. Learn to confidently dance the proposed combination and use the mastered movements in the author's order, diluting with others. Professionals recommend that you practice such ligaments in high-heeled shoes in order to immediately accustom the body to the necessary balance and balance during the dance.

Go-Go. 7 chips by hand

Free Go-go improvisation requires a lot of movement. Less repetitions - more varied and more interesting dance. The video lesson shows 7 options for hand movements that can be combined with any hips (swing, circles, eights) and steps. Each piece is shown several times at a slow and fast pace.

Improvisation lessons for dummies

In choreography classes, they are usually engaged in learning dance patterns. It is much more useful to learn the ability to improvise. It is generally accepted to consider improvisation to be the highest degree of mastery of art. However, the author of the video lesson has developed a methodology for teaching improvisation from scratch. For a few workouts, beginners will be able to create their own choreographic pattern and dance style.

How to develop dance plastics

Flexibility and plasticity are like a voice: can be given from birth or developed with exercises. Good plasticity gives lightness and grace to movements, allowing you to perform dance steps without strain and effort. The video shows a special complex for plastic training. Exercises are recommended to be included in the warm-up before classes or to be performed independently.

Strip plastic: dance bunch

Strip plastic is a charming dance of femininity that demonstrates the beauty and capabilities of the body. An instructor-led instructional video introduces a step-by-step practice of sensual dance. The composition includes a beautiful gait with hand movements, deep plies and bends, dance on the floor (in the stalls). The session is recommended for those with good or medium stretching.

Learning to dance like Beyoncé

A short, step-by-step video will help you quickly learn a few MTV-style moves. You can create your own dance or improvisation based on dance fragments in Beyoncé's style. The lesson is designed for absolute beginners and is based on the principle of a dance lesson in a club: step-by-step learning of movements at a slow pace, combining several steps into one bundle and repetition at a fast pace.

Learning to dance with your hands

If a beginner dancer has naturally flexible fingers, hands, elbows and shoulder joints, you should pay attention to the Vogue genre. Hands performance is a fashionable dance technique based on hand movements: smooth and sharp, erratic and rhythmic, a mix of east and go-go. Spins, waves, punches look interesting and self-sufficient. A video with a professional will introduce beginners to the basic movements and their names, combination options.

Learn to dance with your feet

Simple training videos with active and incendiary leg movements.

Women's plastic. Dances with Ekaterina Firsova

Did you know that absolutely everyone can learn to dance club dances: regardless of gender and age, regardless of physique and dance experience? Step by step, element by element, while attending lessons at our Trinity Dance school, you will feel that you can safely come to a disco or a nightclub and in a few minutes become, if not the king of the hall, then certainly look worthy!

Look at most of the dance floors of modern discos - almost all the girls dance. It is unlikely that the ability to dance beautifully came to them from childhood by itself, they just practiced more often. It's more difficult for guys to start dancing at the sound of music, say, somewhere on the street - guys are somehow embarrassed, but girls are never afraid of such things. So isn't it time to dispel the myth that "men don't dance"? After all, in fact, most women like beautifully moving men.

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Come to our club dance lessons in Moscow!

We don't care who you are and what you are. In our club dance lessons in Moscow, we will simply turn on the music and all together will begin to move. Don't know where to put your hands? How to step with your feet in a dance to make it look beautiful? With experienced coaches, nothing is impossible: next time you will dance at the club!

A little information. Club dances, what in English is called Club Dance, is not even a definite clear style, it is more a mixture of a wide variety of dance directions. Club dance can be hip-hop, RnB, and even Go-go and many other styles. They are all determined by one goal - to learn how to dance beautifully and easily improvise to virtually any music of any style! Club dance is something that is danced in nightclubs, at some discos and just at parties. The movements are chosen in accordance with the music that is playing, sometimes personifying the flight of fantasy and sensations of the dancer. Today, a variety of club dances are gaining more and more popularity as a subject of study in dance schools.

"Club Dances" - the author's program of Svetlana Litvinova on the TV channel "LIVE!" Helps to update the repertoire of dance moves for regulars of discos and learn to dance even for those who have never tried. A must-see for everyone who wants to become a star on the dance floor.

How to learn to dance club dances?

If incendiary parties and dance battles seem to you something wonderful, but inaccessible, feel free to start training under the guidance of Svetlana Litvinova. Regular classes will help you overcome embarrassment, master a couple of dozen dance routines and learn to improvise.

In the "Club Dances" program, Svetlana mixes the most fashionable dance styles. “After watching a few of our classes, you will learn about what is happening on modern dance floors and how different dance styles differ from each other,” says Litvinova.

All that is needed for club dancing is a good mood and a desire to dance. No special clothing is required, and any dance hits are great as musical accompaniment.

Although there is still one condition: Svetlana Litvinova recommends to train not in sneakers, but in high-heeled shoes. “You can start training in any comfortable shoes,” says Svetlana, “but if you don’t get used to doing all the movements on high heels at home, then you will have a pale appearance on the dance floor.”

People who can dance attract attention at first sight. They have a special gait, posture, a confident smile, they are charismatic and charming. How to learn to dance if you did not practice as a child?

But not all dancers have a dance school behind them, many started at home. Homeschooling is one of the most affordable and simple ways learn to dance.

How to dance in a club and at a disco: video lesson

For many, dancing is primarily a club and disco. You don't have to go to a dance studio to impress your friends on the dance floor; you can successfully practice at home.

A harmonious dance is not one in which all movements and ligaments are consistently and correctly performed. Harmony is achieved when the dancer hears the music, feels it with his whole body and gives himself completely to the movement. Training is also important, because this way you learn to move beautifully, learn new dance elements, which can come in handy at a disco or club.

How they dance now: modern trends and styles

Now there are many directions, some of them are a mix of several styles, some grew out of authentic street dancing, some were born under the influence of a certain musical trend.

The most famous modern dances, elements of which can be used in a club or disco:

Hip-hop. One of the first street dances to be part of a whole culture. Hip-hop uses acrobatic techniques, jumps, various turns, dynamic movements of all limbs, body and even head.

R'n'B. All the popular singers of our time dance to the rhythm of R'n'B. All the dance patterns that can be seen in the clips of Madonna, Rihanna and Beyoncé are most likely R'n'B. The plasticity and seductiveness of the movements of this dance can rival the fashionable Vogue.

Vogue. A dance that bypasses R'n'B in popularity. Clear, well-coordinated, sexy movements make it look like a fashion show.

Break dance. Style with its own history. Complex tricks are welcomed in it, but some elements of this direction can be safely used on the dance floor in the club.

How to learn to dance hip hop

If you do not have the opportunity to go to a dance studio, but have a strong desire to learn how to move perfectly, then this can be done at home using lessons on the Internet.

Before you start learning the basic movements, make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and your muscles warmed up and ready to train.

The key to hip-hop is the right music, so turn on your favorite rap artists and move to the beat of their music.

How to learn to dance break dance

For guys, the best dance to absolutely amaze all the girls at the disco is break dance.

This is a dance that requires good physical fitness. It is subdivided into a low and high break. In the first, the legs and body are involved, in the second, the body, head and arms.

You should start with the simplest movements and ligaments and gradually move on to more complex elements.

How to dance in a club for a girl

To look confident and beautiful on the dance floor, girls need to master a few simple club dance moves such as R'n'B, vogue and go-go. Lessons in these areas can be found on the web.

The main thing is to feel the rhythm and not be shy, otherwise the dance will turn out lifeless and boring.

Several video lessons on club dancing will help you become more confident and teach your body to move without hesitation.

How to dance to a guy in a club

Guys should learn plasticity, which many lack due to internal tightness. You need to learn to listen to music more than think about the opinions of people around you and just enjoy what you do.

Knowing several combinations and combinations will help you feel more confident.

The main thing in club dancing is self-confidence and freedom of movement. It is important to remember that if you try too hard, you are unlikely to succeed in impressing everyone around you with your skills. The one who enjoys his dance looks much prettier, even if this dance looks a little unprofessional.