How to learn to dance with your belly at home. How to learn to dance belly dance. Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dancing

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 6 minutes


The best thing master the skill of belly dancing An experienced instructor will help, but you can learn to dance at home. We will tell you what is needed for this in our article.

How to start learning belly dancing for beginners at home - attributes and basic rules

Belly dancing requires a woman the ability to relax those muscle groups who are not involved in the work at the moment. This is the only way a dancer can perform dance movements for thirty minutes.

Belly dance lessons will require a lady forming your own sexual image of a dancer. You can completely immerse yourself in the world of oriental dance only by creating your own image. An important role is played here costume, jewelry and, of course, makeup. All of the above will focus on the sexuality and femininity of the oriental dancer.

  • In order to choose the right clothes for dancing, you should know that in the first months of training, the figure of a woman will change significantly ... The waist will become thinner and excess fat will disappear. It is recommended to purchase some elements of dress for oriental dances after some time.
  • For beginners, belly dancing is best done in combination short top with breeches or leggings.
  • Later, a woman can complement her image. loincloth with coins that create the intended mood during training.
  • As for belly dancing shoes, we recall that there has long been a tendency to dance oriental dances barefoot, thus marking the inseparable connection with the Earth. For women who do not want to dance barefoot, you can wear shoes ballet flats, gym shoes or socks.

In order to harmoniously and correctly perform belly dance, a woman must be well versed in the styles of oriental dances, know their differences, and also know what costume, music and vocabulary correspond to a certain style.

Video belly dance lessons for beginners - basic movements and elements of belly dancing

Video: belly dance - first lessons

  • A notable element of belly dancing is "Rocking chair". To perform this movement, a woman should stand on tiptoes with her legs put together, bend them slightly at the knees and mentally draw a vertical line through the navel. Along this line, you need to smoothly move your hips so that the navel stays in place. You can do the elements of the dance up - down or forward - backward.

To execute movements downwards - upwards, i.e. - in the vertical plane , put our feet together, rise on half-toes and bend our knees a little. In turn, pull up the thighs to the armpits so that the location of the navel remains unchanged. This dance element can also be performed with forward movement.

To perform movements in a perpendicular plane (forward - backward) we stand on full feet, bend our knees a little. Bending the lower back as much as possible, pull the pelvis back. We lead him forward and pull the pubis to the navel. Plastically moving the hips, we describe a semicircle. The center of the circle is at the navel. Accelerating the pace, we switch to shaking the stomach.

  • The next element of belly dancing is "pendulum" ... To perform the exercise from top to bottom, raise the right thigh up to the armpit, bring it to the right and lower it down, raising the left thigh to the armpit.

Pendulum from bottom to top performed by bringing the right thigh further to the side. By lifting the heel off the floor, the thigh is pulled up to the armpit. Lower the right thigh down diagonally, lifting the left thigh up to the armpit.

  • Hip circles. Do not forget - when dancing an element, you need to make sure that your back remains straight. In the horizontal plane, mentally imagine a circle. We strive to outline it from behind with the buttocks, bending the lower back as much as possible. In front, you need to bring the pubis to the stomach as much as possible.
  • Dump circles. We describe a circle and, taking back the pelvis, we perform a thigh drop from top to bottom. On the following laps, the movement continues without stopping. Circles can be horizontal, vertical, large, medium and small. If you try to make circles in the frontal plane, you get a new movement.

  • Dance element "Wave". With it, only the hips should work. The upper body is motionless. To perform the element, we stand on high half-fingers, half-turn to the viewer. In the vertical plane, we represent a circle, the axis of which passes through the femoral bones. In the direction from below - forward - up - back we try to describe it with our hips. The execution of this element is possible with movement to the side or forward. Waves are of several types - lateral and frontal.

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Belly dance comes from the Middle East. Many choreographers go there to master this art. Eastern women performed it at certain and important moments in their lives. They showed them their femininity. It has already become a traditional art form. Women are taught this art from early childhood - beautiful and seductive movements. Vigorous movement is not only beautiful but also beneficial for the abdominal and back muscles.

With the help of this ritual, a girl or a woman also became closer to a man, liberated herself. IN modern world nothing has changed, and belly dancing in the East is used for the same purposes as before. Many also believe that belly dancing is combined with proper nutrition helps to lose weight. This is true, because the loads are large, which makes the muscles work and burn fat. With his help, this can get rid of extra pounds, and at the same time tighten the muscles of the press, arms and back. In addition to muscles, it strengthens the bone and circulatory systems, removes cellulite and makes the skin smoother. This technique for weight loss is used and oriental women... It is also effective in maintaining it (provided a moderate diet).

First of all, with the help of oriental belly dancing, one of the main dreams of every woman can be realized - ideal figure... With its help, you can noticeably "dry" the press, back, make the shape of the hips more feminine. Why is fat deposited in the hips and waist, and in obesity it is evenly distributed? All this is due to the hormonal background of the woman.

Nature provided that a woman should be a mother, and in order to feed her child and not die of hunger herself, she needs certain fat reserves. They are most often stored on the inner side of the thigh, in the lower abdomen. Special movements use these areas and help a woman get rid of the hated fat. Dancing Arabic belly dancing is much more enjoyable than doing circles around the stadium or squatting. In the process, you are in beautiful clothes, moving to the rhythmic music. The movements are quite smooth, but at the same time give a feeling of pleasant fatigue.

Please note: He changes gait and posture, makes her more graceful. One belly dance is enough to replace a full-fledged cardio workout.

Most often, one workout is accompanied by a single melody. During movement, the body warms up, improves blood flow to the muscles and skin. If you feel thirsty while exercising, be sure to drink: it will help to better break down and transport fat waste.

By the way, for effective weight loss during the day you need to spend more than the body receives. For example, you can follow a healthy diet or a balanced diet. You can also eat in moderation without overeating goodies and harmful products... They can replace sports, and voila - you are already on the way to losing weight. If your goal is to build up beautiful abdominal muscles or buttocks, then oriental dances will not suit you. For this you only need to go to the gym, perform complexes strength exercises... Belly dancing can only serve as a supplement to exercise and "dry" the fat that hides the muscles.

How to learn to dance

You can also learn oriental belly dance at home by watching paid video tutorials or free videos on the Internet. All you need to explore at home is plenty of space, the right clothing, and a willingness to learn. Such training has an indisputable plus - you can study at a convenient time.

Practical advice: If you are uncomfortable dancing in public with other people because of excess weight, then you should first lose it, and then sign up. It is better to do this with a lax diet and exercise, since it is necessary to prepare the muscles for prolonged stress. If you just sit on a diet, then the muscles can "burn" along with the fat, and then it will be difficult for you to start exercising.

You can also visit special rooms. There you will be taught the correct technique, and the money paid, the coach's beautiful figure and his skills will motivate you. The main thing is not to be shy while learning the movements. The trainer will tell you and help you learn the movement, as he knows better belly dancing for beginners.

Basic movements

How to learn belly dancing at home, if the choice fell on home study? Since you want to practice at home, there are a few basic moves to remember. The whole dance is based on them, then these movements are simply connected by small transitions and "set off" by other movements.

From this step by step instructions, of course, you cannot learn the whole dance, but some points may be useful to you:

  • Swaying the hips. This initial exercise will help you reshape your thighs, slim them down, and get rid of cellulite on your legs. We get up to the starting position: we put our legs together. Bend your knees a little. We begin to wiggle our hips a little, performing an up and down movement, slightly lifting and unbending our knees. In the process of movement, metabolism improves, the muscles of the back front of the thigh are strengthened, the back, lower press and buttocks are involved;
  • Eight... This exercise also has a beneficial effect on the thighs, removes cellulite and excess fat. We get up to the starting position: the back is straight, the feet are pressed against each other. We perform a figure eight movement, familiar to almost everyone. To do this, you need to perform a movement with your hips, without squatting or lifting. From above, these movements should resemble the number "eight". Wherein top part the body should not move, make sure that all movements are performed only by the hips;
  • Smile... This exercise will help strengthen the abdominal muscles and remove that very fold in the lower abdomen, as it uses the lower abs. We get up to the starting position: an even back (you can even bend it a little), feet shoulder-width apart. The exercise involves the pubic region and the lower abdomen. It needs to be lifted up sharply, while straining the abdominal muscles. Usually, not everyone succeeds in this exercise, and in group lessons the task is to practice at home;
  • Strip... This exercise will strengthen the muscles of the inner arms, upper abs, and circulate blood throughout the body. We get up to the starting position: arms at the seams, feet shoulder-width apart, straight back. We carry out a movement similar to when you take off your jacket. To do this, you need to slowly raise your hands, and then gently lower them.

Belly dancing is a rather complex art, and in order to master it, perseverance and great willpower are required. In groups of oriental dances, a coach will help and support you, and the success of other dancers will not give up.

You should give preference to home workouts only if you have danced before, are shy about being overweight or do not have money for classes. In other cases, collective activities should be preferred. oriental dances.

Practical tip: Belly dancing is a great way to get in shape and get a dose of good mood. It is relatively easy to learn it, and good plasticity and flexibility of the body will be a pleasant bonus.

Intensity consumes a lot of calories, tightens muscles, and burns off excess fat. Thanks to him, the body becomes more attractive and flexible, posture becomes more graceful. Outwardly, a woman becomes more confident in herself. Also, in the process of training, a woman acquires a special energy, which subsequently attracts men. Try this type of dance and you will definitely succeed.

Beautiful rhythmic music, subtle ringing of jewelry, intricate, eye-catching and alluring movements of a beautiful female body, thin waist, flowing lines and a mysteriously attractive gaze - all this splendor is called oriental dances. No one can resist a woman who knows the art of oriental dance (or belly dancing)! The dancer creates magic to unusual music, attracting eyes and hearts with smooth but refined movements, she surprises every minute, and fills the air with magic that is possible only in "A Thousand and One Nights" ...

Yes, oriental dances are real magic, bewitching exoticism that every man dreams of, and which every woman can create. And the presented onwebsite video tutorials for beginner dancers who want to learn the basics of this art movement.

Oriental dances - an endless variety of styles and trends for a woman

It is difficult to find a person indifferent to oriental dances - these hip movements, belly dancing are incredible beautiful movements and mysteriousness awakens interest in any man, and women are always delighted with these dances. That is why in our time oriental dances have gained immense popularity, many girls and women want to understand and learn how to dance oriental dances, but many simply do not know how to start and join this world.

In fact, everything is very simple - not a school will help you to master the basics of various styles of oriental dances, but training at home online along with video lessons from! By carefully repeating and practicing the movements, which are described in detail by the oriental dance trainer Shkodin Alexandra, you will master this art, learn to win hearts, win attention and catch the eyes of men without a single word, literally with one body movement!

Learn oriental dances for beauty and health

But oriental dances are not only beauty. All the movements that are built on different styles and oriental dance directions, have the most beneficial effect on the female body. Perhaps this is the best workout for girls at home, which affects the organs and muscles of the small pelvis (which is very important for all girls and women!), As well as the muscles and ligaments of the whole body.

Oriental dance training (video) allows you to develop both the external muscles that form the characteristic silhouette of the female body, and the internal muscles that hold the internal organs. So this direction of dancing is an excellent prevention that prevents displacement and omission. internal organs, and this is extremely important for women, and for those who already have children, and for those who are just thinking about motherhood.

So all the movements that the dancer performs are not only aesthetics and attractive beauty, but also exercises that develop the body and maintain health. That's really really - here the useful and the pleasant are ideally combined!

What is the secret of oriental dancing?

Many women think that it is very difficult to master oriental dances, and this is “not for them”. In reality, everything is not so - if you carefully watch and listen to each video lesson, you will easily master this unusual and interesting art, and you will understand what a pleasure it is! After all, dancing is, in essence, a set of certain movements that must be learned to perform correctly. And all these movements not only look beautiful, but also have one or another effect on the body. Therefore, oriental dancing is a great workout at home for beginners, which will help improve health, develop a body, develop grace, fluidity of movements and a special appeal.

In total, two techniques of oriental dance can be distinguished:

Slow technique. Performing movements in this technique, you will feel and become aware of your body, work out all the muscles and ligaments;

Fast technique. Fast movements are already a real workout for strength and endurance, they are excellent cardio workouts, and, finally, they allow you to develop the clarity of dance movements, reaction and coordination of the whole body.

And this is not an exaggeration, since oriental dances (belly dancing) contain movements that affect all muscle groups.

Hip punches. Produced up, down, diagonally, they also have many variations. Working out the muscles of the torso, gluteal muscles of the thigh, oblique muscles, as well as the hip joints. Interestingly, these movements create a relationship between the hip joint, knee, and ankle.

Eights with hips. Produced inward, outward, etc. Working out the muscles of the torso, back, intercostal space, gluteal muscles, adductors of the thigh. These movements affect the spine, ensuring the functioning of each vertebra. The chest and, of course, the hip joints are also actively working. As a result, a relationship is established between the hip joint, knee and ankle, spine and chest.

Rotation of the hips ("plates"). The most active study of the external and internal muscles of the back and the press, as well as all the joints described above, is performed. And most importantly, these movements are a smooth massage of the pelvic organs.

Chest movements (circles, "eights")... The muscles of the back and neck, deep pectoral muscles, flexor and extensor muscles of the spine, muscles of the shoulder girdle are being worked out. Also, the shoulder joints, scapula, and most importantly the entire spinal column are actively working. These exercises are the best work to improve your posture.

"Shakes" and "rocking chairs" (movements of the hips, shoulders and knees)... It is these movements that are the basis of oriental dances, they are based on the supply of an impulse from the joint to certain muscle groups that are in a relaxed state. The resulting vibrations have a positive effect on the blood supply to the pelvic organs, massage the organs, and also have an anti-cellulite effect.

However, in order for all movements to produce positive effect, it is necessary to adhere to the standard requirements for any training - regularity, accuracy of performance and a deliberate approach. But one more factor is also important here - you need to immerse yourself in the world of oriental dances, feel its beauty and philosophy. Learning and practicing oriental dances is a real pleasure only for those who really want it!

Oriental dances on - learning online with pleasure

So, are you looking for things to do at home and turned your attention to oriental dancing? Then the online video tutorials presented here are what you need! The direction is led by the coach Alexander Shkodina, with which oriental dances are a real art that every woman can feel and know. By paying attention to this course, you will master the basics of oriental dances, and you can easily move on in this incredibly beautiful and wide direction.

The first video tutorials are available for free, and you can start dancing right now! Have fun with oriental dances from Shkodina Alexandra and video lessons on the site.

IMPORTANT!!! Subscription opens access to all directions and video lessons on the site!




Lesson 1 (free)

Watch online video tutorial

This video opens the Oriental Dance course - Lesson 1 will introduce you to the basic movements and techniques of dance and how they are performed. You will see that learning to dance is easy and affordable for every woman, regardless of age! You can watch experienced dancers (and a trainer) dance oriental dances and learn this art at home. And most importantly, all video lessons bring real pleasure from training!

An interesting detail: in this and subsequent video lessons, live drums sound, which energize and tune in the right way. We are sure that fiery rhythms will help you master all the subtleties of oriental dance.

Lesson 2 (free)

Watch online video tutorial

Continuing the course "Oriental Dances" - lesson 2 will help you to work out the already learned movements correctly and learn new ones. Here we will pay attention to movement, which is one of the foundations of oriental dance - shaking. You will learn how to shake, as well as the various ligaments and other movements that make up the dance. After this lesson, you will be able to note all the advantages of oriental dancing for your body, soul and mood.

Lesson 3 (free)

Watch online video tutorial

You have already mastered the first oriental dance lessons, and this online video will help you consolidate your knowledge and skills. Here we will continue to work on the movements of the hands in the oriental dance, on the correct setting of the body and other nuances that make oriental dance so exciting and attractive for men.

Please note that in the previous lessons you studied simple oriental dance, all movements were performed at a slow pace, and now we are moving on to fast oriental dance - the movements will be performed at an accelerating pace. You will find that it is incredibly beautiful and also helps in losing weight and keeping in shape.

Lesson 4

Available by subscription

New online video lesson, and new joy of dancing! You have already practically mastered the slow oriental dance, and it is time to learn and work out more complex movements performed in fast pace... You can learn this at home and be sure to succeed!

And after this lesson you will be able to dance for your loved one, show your best side and pleasantly surprise him!

Lesson 5

Available by subscription

Half of the course "Belly Dance" on the site has already been studied, you have learned how to perform basic movements and exercises, and now is the time to learn more complex and beautiful elements of oriental dance. Get ready for the fact that this work will be difficult, but its result will give you real pleasure!

Learning oriental dance at home, especially at this stage, has another result - burning fat, strengthening all the muscles in your body, and maintaining a good mood.

Lesson 6

Available by subscription

A new video lesson of oriental dances will help you master complex movements and ligaments to rhythmic music - during this hour-long training you will get one step closer to your goal and improve your skills. You can no longer be called a beginner, but there are still movements, ligaments and nuances, for the development of which it is worth further learning the oriental dance.

Surely, you have already noted that in the last lessons oriental dance and fitness are intertwined, and this is not surprising - complex movements and serious loads make dance akin to fitness training, and have the most beneficial effect on your body. And this is one of the advantages of oriental dance!

Lesson 7

Available by subscription

A new video lesson of the course "Oriental Dances", which you can watch here, will help you to consolidate a number of complex movements and ligaments. You have already been able to learn the dance and confidently show this show to your man, but, as you know, there is no limit to perfection! Therefore, we recommend that you continue to study oriental dances at home, if difficulties arise, refer to the lessons you have already watched, and practice all the movements.

Lesson 8

Available by subscription

This online video lesson completes the oriental dance course. Here you can try on an oriental dance outfit and show a real show for which all the last lessons were preparing!

The course has been completed, and now you are able to perform the basic techniques - the correct warm-up of oriental dances, all the basic movements and ligaments, and much, much more. Now you feel confident and perform a great oriental dance!

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Hello dear friends, you are on the site. Enjoy reading! There are many types of sports that can help you lose weight, but nothing brings such pleasure and joy to a woman than dancing, of which there are so many. You can be like dance training or buy a training video course, the main thing would be a desire.

If you take care of how to learn belly dancing at home, then in a fairly short time you can comprehend this bewitching and beautiful body language, as well as tighten the muscles of the abs and buttocks. It is very useful to do oriental dancing after childbirth. For starters, the only thing you might need is a mirror and a selection of music. In oriental motives, strong and weak accents are very clearly audible, on the basis of which the dance is built.

The belly dance moves are as follows:

    Shaking. The legs are relaxed and slightly spread apart, the knees alternately beat back and forth, the faster the movement, the more impressive it looks. Shaking the chest is performed with the shoulders: alternately the shoulders move back and forth.

    Eight hips. Bringing the right thigh forward first, the body weight should be transferred to the right leg, and then the left thigh forward. Performing these movements smoothly, it turns out that the hips outline a figure eight. With a reverse figure eight, the thigh moves back.

    Hip punches are made by unbending alternately bent knees from a leg position shoulder-width apart.

    Wiggle hips differs from the previous movement in the position of the legs: they are connected together, and the knees are still bent and unbend.

    Stomach blows. Put your legs together, bend your knees a little, then the stomach gathers in itself, then the muscles are pushed down.

    Thigh dump... Legs together, put one in front on the toe and make a movement of the hip up and down.

In addition to movements, there are a number of important aspects that help you understand how to learn belly dancing at home:

- correct stance. The back should be flat, the shoulder blades are slightly brought together, and the knees are as relaxed as possible;

- the hands have their own special place in the dance. The thumb is not strongly pressed against the four gathered together, the elbow is rounded (the hand is not rigidly extended);

- a spacious room. If there is not enough space, then there is a chance of getting injured while performing the dance;

- to dance either barefoot or in Czech shoes, it's more convenient.

If you dance for an hour at least 2 times a week, then you can quickly master this erotic and smooth dance.

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Every woman dreams of being graceful, attractive and sexy. Belly dance, which since ancient times has been one of the symbols of passion and femininity, can help her in this. Perhaps this is why belly dance is now taught in almost all fitness clubs called fitness bellydians.

Our ancestors were well aware that belly dancing, thanks to its powerful energy, prolongs youth, strengthens the spine, corrects the figure and posture, has a positive effect on the physical and mental health of women.

How to learn belly dancing?

Many women dream of learning belly dancing. But this is not difficult, there would be a desire. As mentioned above, belly dancing lessons are taught by experienced instructors in almost all fitness clubs. But if for some reason you cannot attend classes, then DVD discs with recording of video lessons will help you.

It is important to understand that modern dance abdominal fitness is somewhat different from traditional dance. Most of his rules for building ligaments are taken not from choreography, but from aerobics. The belly dance lesson, although it is built on the basis of the traditional dance technique, still takes place in a more intense mode, which does not provide for stops. Naturally, as a result of this, a rather severe exercise stress... Therefore, belly dancing lessons for beginners should be of shorter duration and should include simpler elements. When exercising, it is very important to observe the principle "from simple to complex" and increase the load gradually.

What are the benefits of belly dancing lessons?

Belly dance itself is a combination of shaking, banging and plastics. As a result of regular exercise, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and the muscles are flexible and mobile. Belly dancing allows you to burn up to 300 kcal in one hour, but this is natural with intense exercise. Its elements allow you to reduce body weight, contribute to the redistribution of fat deposits, literally changing the shape of the body before our eyes.

Coming to belly dancing lessons for beginners, a woman should accept herself as she is, with all the features inherent only in her appearance. Of course, this is very difficult. But as you practice, not only the shape of the body begins to change, but also women's psychology. Various complexes disappear, the perception of the surrounding world and oneself in it changes, self-esteem rises. This is not surprising. After all, any element of belly dancing is performed by each woman in her own way, interesting and attractive.

Belly dance lessons allow you to:

  • Harmoniously change your figure;
  • Accelerate metabolic processes, due to which a decrease in body weight is achieved;
  • Increase the elasticity of the abdominal muscles and the skin of the anterior abdominal wall;
  • Strengthen back muscles;
  • Normalize bowel function;
  • Reduce the severity of pain during menstruation;
  • To prevent the development of many gynecological diseases, due to the fact that they enhance the processes of blood supply to the pelvic organs;
  • Eliminate the effects of stress and increase self-esteem.

Belly dance for beginners: choosing clothes

Beginners often wonder what is the most convenient way to do belly dancing lessons. Well, since this is still a belly dance, then it is natural that the belly should be open. Therefore, we can advise you to wear sports tight pants with a low rise and a top made of soft and light material. It is advisable to refuse sneakers, because they will only interfere with you when performing various ligaments and turns. It is best to buy ballet flats or practice in socks. A special ringing belt can be used to add extra magic to the dancer. But if you do not have it, then instead of it, simply tie a large bright scarf around your hips.

Belly dance for beginners: how is the lesson going?

Before proceeding directly to the dance itself, you should do a short ten-minute warm-up. During it, various sliding movements are performed with the body of the body. These simple exercises focus on pre-warming your muscles. Correct exercise is a good preventative measure for muscle sprains and other injuries.

The bulk of the workout involves working through previously learned movements and, of course, learning new elements. Various combinations of the dance itself are created from the basic elements.

When conducting belly dancing classes for beginners, the instructor pays special attention to the correct positioning of the body and the implementation of the basic elements of shaking.

At the final stage of the training, the coach conducts a cool down, which consists in performing exercises aimed at restoring muscles and relieving fatigue.

Contraindications to belly dancing lessons

It may seem strange to you, but not everyone can practice belly dancing. Therefore, if you decide to learn belly dancing, consult your doctor before you start practicing. Contraindications to belly dancing lessons are:

  • Pronounced flat feet;
  • Spondylolisthesis (displacement of the vertebral bodies in relation to each other0;
  • Intervertebral hernia larger than 8 mm;
  • Ovarian cyst;
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Any acute inflammatory or purulent processes, as well as chronic in the acute stage;
  • Hypertonic disease;
  • Cholecystitis, complicated by inflammation of the bile ducts (cholangitis);
  • Myoma of the uterus;
  • Liver disease;
  • Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
  • Heart defects;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Coronary heart disease;
  • Aneurysm;
  • Intracardiac conduction disorders;
  • Pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • Obstructive bronchitis;
  • Exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • Pregnancy.

What diseases can you practice belly dancing?

There are a number of different diseases in which belly dancing lessons improve their course and contribute to recovery. These include:

  • Cervical erosion. When performing belly dance elements, the blood supply to the genitals improves, which creates better conditions to heal a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • Gastritis;
  • Unexpressed scoliosis (lateral curvature of the spinal column);
  • Inflammatory processes in remission;
  • Adhesive disease;
  • Prolapse of the vagina and uterus. When practicing belly dancing, contractions of the muscles of the vagina and pelvic floor also occur, which helps to increase their elasticity and prevents further progression of the disease.