Chicken leg aspic at home. Chicken leg aspic for joints. Turkey cooking technology

Who among us does not like to feast on delicious jellied meat? When rich transparent jelly vibrates in the plate, as if it begs to be in your mouth :) And if you also season with mustard, horseradish or a teaspoon of vinegar, you get a real yummy.

In addition to excellent taste, jellied meat is also very useful. It is recommended to be used more often for everyone who suffers from joint diseases.

But not everyone knows how to cook jellied meat. Although there is nothing complicated in its preparation.

Let's find out today how to cook chicken jellied meat from the legs so that it turns out tasty and rich without the addition of gelatin.

When you serve this dish, your culinary talent will be appreciated by your friends and family.

So let's get started!


  • 2 kg of chicken legs;
  • 800 g chicken breasts;
  • 3 carrots;
  • 3 onions;
  • 4 small heads of garlic;
  • Salt and spices to taste (pepper, mustard, bay leaf, salt).

The listed amount of ingredients is perfect for cooking jellied meat in a 6-liter saucepan. If you are planning to cook this delicious snacks less, then their number should be reduced in proportion to the volume.

Cooking chicken jellied meat

1. First of all, you need to cut the claws from the chicken legs. To do this, you need to take special kitchen scissors and cut each claw to the very root:

2. After removing the claws, remove the rough upper skin from each leg. To do this, pour boiling water over all the legs, hold in it for a couple of minutes, after which the skin is removed easily, like a stocking.

In this case, you should be careful not to leave pieces of rough skin on any of the legs.

3. Put the processed legs in a saucepan, where also add the chicken breast meat.

4. Pour water over a saucepan with legs and breast meat, put on fire and bring to a boil.

5. At the beginning of the boil, foam forms on the surface of the water. It must be carefully collected with a spoon or slotted spoon and removed from the pan so that the broth is clean and transparent.

6.After the foam has been removed, you can add carrots and onions, cut into large pieces:

The vegetables are cut coarsely so that they can be easily removed from the broth after cooking. They are needed only to give the broth additional flavor and aroma.

7. Add spices to the broth - hot pepper, allspice, a teaspoon of mustard seeds, salt, stir and reduce the heat a little.

When you salt, do not forget that some of the broth will boil away during the cooking process. Therefore, you need to salt carefully so as not to oversalt.

After that, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5-6 hours.

15-20 minutes before the end of cooking, a few bay leaves should be added to the pan.

8. After the allotted time has passed, the stove can be turned off. Open the lid and carefully using a slotted spoon remove all the contents from the pan into a bowl or saucepan of suitable size for further cooking.

9. All contents must be quickly, so that the meat does not cool down, sort it out by hand, chopping the meat and separating it from the bones and uncooked cartilage.

So that the broth does not cool down during the bulkhead, you can cover it with something or leave it on a very small fire so that the broth does not boil.

After the meat is sorted out, you need to add the garlic chopped in a garlic press:

10. After that, the meat with garlic should be put in portioned trays and covered with broth.

Good afternoon.

People have different attitudes to jellied meat. Many consider it too fatty and high in calories, thinking that its main component is frozen fat. But this is a delusion. The jelly-like form of aspic is given by collagen - a special protein contained in ligaments and tendons. There is practically no fat in the jellied meat - only about 4 grams per 100 grams of product. The rest is protein. When the jellied meat freezes, most of the fat rises and forms a film on the surface, which it is desirable to remove.

So jellied meat is not only tasty, but also dietary and fits well into almost any concept. Well, in order to make it as useful as possible, I offer you several recipes for making jellied meat from the leanest meat - chicken.

How to cook chicken jelly with gelatin

Gelatin is used in the preparation of jellied meat if you take meat completely without bones or with very little of them. In this case, there will be almost no collagen in your broth (since there is practically no collagen in pure meat) and it will not become jelly-like when cooled.

It's neither good nor bad, it's just a slightly different way of cooking.

Ingredients for 1.5 liters of broth:

  • 600-700 gr broiler breast on the bone
  • 1 boiled carrot
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 40 g of instant gelatin
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 4-6 pieces of black peppercorns
  • 1 medium onion


1. Boil the chicken in a saucepan with 1.5 liters of water. We do this for 2-2.5 hours on the lowest heat. Don't forget to add salt to the broth. In the same saucepan, along with the chicken, put the bay leaf, pepper and onion.

The first rule for obtaining a transparent broth: you do not need to peel the onion, put it whole, removing the easily loose husk

2. Boil carrots too. This should be done separately from the chicken in another saucepan.

The second rule of transparent broth: vegetables (except onions) are boiled separately, and the foam formed during the cooking process of meat must be constantly removed

3. We disassemble the boiled chicken into fibers.

4. Rub the carrots on a coarse grater, press the garlic through a garlic press.

5. Mix chicken with carrots and garlic, put in prepared forms. If desired, the jellied meat can be slightly pepper at this stage.

6. Take 1 ladle of warm (not hot) broth and fill it with gelatin. Dissolve it with thorough mixing.

7. Then pour the gelatin into a saucepan with broth and beat everything well with a whisk.

8. Pour the broth into molds with meat.

9. Done. We put the forms in the refrigerator for 2.5 - 3 hours.

After that, it will acquire the desired consistency and can be eaten.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe for transparent jellied chicken legs without gelatin

As I said, if we need a jelly-like consistency, then we need to take the most bony part. In a chicken, these are legs. So we will cook jellied meat without gelatin from chicken drumsticks.


  • Chicken legs - 5-7 pieces
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • onions - 1-2 pieces
  • Black pepper - 10-12 peas
  • Bay leaf - 3-5 leaves
  • Salt to taste
  • Garlic - 1-3 cloves


1. Wash the chicken legs in running water, put them in a saucepan and fill them with 1.5 liters of water. Add the unpeeled onion, pepper, salt and bay leaf. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to minimum, cover (not completely) and cook for 3 hours.

Do not forget to look under the lid for the first hour and remove the foam

2. After 3 hours of boiling, a little more than 0.5 liters will remain from the broth. We take out the meat from it, and filter the broth itself through a sieve and add garlic grated on a fine grater to it.

3. Peel and boil the carrots in a separate saucepan. Then cut into circles and put on the bottom of the mold, into which the jellied meat will be poured.

4. Put the chicken meat on top, which was removed from the bone, peeled and finely chopped.

5. And fill it with broth.

6. When the broth has cooled to room temperature, put the jellied meat in the refrigerator. It is desirable about 12 hours. Without gelatin, it hardens much longer.

7. After 12 hours, the jellied meat is completely frozen and ready to eat.

Please note that when using chicken meat, there is practically no fatty film on the surface.

Chicken leg aspic

Well, we got to the very, most bony part, the legs. This is a very good option, in which the jellied meat will turn out one hundred percent. But just paws are not enough - there is almost no meat in them.


  • Chicken legs - 300-400 gr
  • Chicken legs 2-3 pcs
  • Onion - 1 head
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs
  • Black peppercorns - 6-8 pieces
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves
  • Salt - 1 tablespoon


1. Boil the legs and legs over low heat for 3 hours. Pour water into a saucepan so that it covers the meat by 2 fingers. Don't worry about the exact amount. Put one onion at once and add salt.

Do not forget to remove the resulting foam during the cooking process.

An hour before the end of cooking, add bay leaves and black pepper.

2. Take the cooked meat out of the pan, remove the pulp from the bones and cut it into small pieces.

3. Add finely grated garlic to the meat and mix everything well.

4. Put the meat in the prepared form and fill it with still hot broth.

If you want the jellied meat to turn out transparent, then first pass the broth through a fine sieve or cheesecloth

5. When the broth has cooled down, put the dish in the refrigerator. When using chicken legs, a lot of collagen is released into the broth, so the jellied meat will be ready in 2-3 hours.

How to make chicken and pork leg jellied meat

If you want the jellied meat to turn out to be more "tasty", then you can mix chicken with pork. Please note that the fat film with this option turns out to be much larger.

Ingredients for a 5 liter pot:

  • Pork hooves (legs) - 2 pieces
  • Chicken fillet - 3 pieces
  • Chicken leg - 2 pieces
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 piece
  • Black peppercorns
  • Bay leaf


1. Put the pork legs, well peeled and washed in running water, together with the legs and fillets in a saucepan.

Put peeled carrots and an unpeeled onion there. Add 2 tablespoons of salt and 5-6 black peppercorns.

2. In the first 30-40 minutes, a foam will form, which must be removed.

The broth should stand on the fire for exactly 5 hours. At the same time, it should not boil, but simply languish, so try to make the fire as small as possible. Do not cover with a lid!

3. When the specified time has passed, throw the bay leaf into the pan, cover the pan with a lid and leave it to cool for 30 minutes.

4. When the broth has cooled down, a film of fat will appear on its surface. It needs to be removed.

5. Take the meat out of the broth, let it cool slightly and disassemble it into pieces of the desired size using a fork. It will not be difficult to do this, because the meat is completely boiled down in 5 hours.

6. Cut the carrots into half rings and put them on the bottom of the prepared forms. You can also add greens.

7. We spread the meat in the form, filling it by a third.

8. Pour the broth into the molds.

Ready. It remains only to put the forms in the refrigerator and after 6-8 hours the tasty and tender jelly is ready.

Video recipe for cooking jellied meat in a slow cooker

Each of the recipes shown is good in its own way. One saves time, the other saves money. But they are all equally good. Try it, you will definitely like it.

How to cook chicken leg jellied meat without gelatin

A recipe with a photo of chicken jellied meat will show you step by step how to cook this simple, not insanely delicious holiday dish.

Prepare all the ingredients you need: chicken legs, thigh or drumstick, onions, carrots, garlic.

This simple recipe for chicken leg jelly with a photo is for 8-10 servings. If you are going to prepare a treat for more guests, increase the amount of ingredients, including water.

Before cooking chicken legs jellied, they will need to be thoroughly cleaned from claws and skin on the fingers. Rinse them in cold water and then soak in clean water for 20 minutes and rinse again.

Chicken leg jelly is the cheapest way to make a great meat snack quickly.

Pour water into a saucepan, put all the chicken in it, add onions and carrots. For the broth to have a beautiful golden color, do not remove the skin from the onion - just rinse it well in cold water.

This recipe for chicken leg jellied meat is ideal for those who do not like fatty foods - the dish turns out to be low in calories and is perfect even for a diet. Due to the fact that gelatin is not added to the broth, the ready-made treat can be given to the elderly.

Look at the photo of chicken leg jellied meat, and you will see that cooking it is not at all difficult.

How to cook chicken leg jellied meat: a quick and easy way

You need to cook the broth for about 3 hours - do not forget to skim off the foam.

To make the jelly transparent, after boiling the broth, reduce the heat and simmer it over low heat.

While the meat is cooking, you will need to peel the garlic. Separate a few cloves and cut them into small pieces with a knife.

If you want to add an egg, boil it until tender, peel and cut into thin slices.

There are several ways how to cook jellied meat from chicken legs, but this one is the fastest and easiest.

When the meat is well behind the bones, it will need to be carefully removed from the broth and cooled.

Let the broth cool slightly, then strain with a fine strainer and cheesecloth.

Carefully separate the meat from the legs and feet.

Chicken for jellied meat can be cut into small pieces or simply divided into fibers by hand.

Prepare a convenient dish - a deep plate, bowl, or salad bowl. Put a layer of chicken meat on the bottom, if you add eggs, sprinkle the entire surface with garlic.

Gently pour the strained broth into a plate and refrigerate.

Now you know how to cook jellied meat from chicken legs and you can cook it not only for the holiday, but also pamper your loved ones with it at any time.

Optionally, you can add your favorite vegetables to it - boiled carrots or green peas.

As soon as the chicken leg jelly hardens, you can serve it on the table. Bon Appetit!

Nowadays, few people serve traditional dishes on the table that require lengthy or complex processing, cutting and cooking of products, preferring to buy ready-made jellied meat, for example. Although a truly delicious jellied meat can only be prepared at home, and not necessarily from beef or pork legs.

A tasty and inexpensive jelly can also be made from chicken paws. In addition, it is extremely useful, since it contains a special kind of very high-quality natural collagen, which is necessary for absolutely everyone, and especially for those who suffer from joint diseases.

Chicken paw jelly is able to compete with expensive pharmaceutical preparations with chondroitin and glucosamine. Such jellied meat is not only a relatively light, healthy and budget dish, but also a dish that is quite capable of becoming a decoration. festive table.

In addition to the paws themselves, you will also need chicken thighs and drumsticks to make the jelly even tastier.

Why is chicken leg jelly useful?

According to Japanese scientists, chicken leg broth can help reduce blood pressure, because it is in the paws that most of the protein contributes to the normalization of pressure in the arteries.

And the bones of the paws contain, as mentioned above, the maximum percentage of collagen, which contributes to the elasticity of the ligaments, joints and human skin. And the older we get, the more relevant it is, so this dish should certainly be present in the diet of older people.

In addition to collagen and protein, chicken paws and their processed products contain choline and a whole complex of vitamins C, E, A, K, PP, B vitamins, as well as important minerals: iron, magnesium, which helps to fight stress, calcium for bones, zinc for skin health, natural antioxidant selenium, which increases the performance of potassium, as well as copper, sulfur, phosphorus, sodium and manganese.

With such a tangible benefit and low cost of the product, it is also suitable for those seeking to lose weight: the calorie content of chicken legs of this product is only 215 kcal.

How to cook healthy, tasty and beautiful chicken leg jelly

Ingredients Quantity
Chicken legs - 700 g
Chicken fillet or drumsticks - 600 g
Onion - medium head
Medium carrots - 1 PC.
Garlic - about 4 cloves or to taste
Peppercorns - 10 pieces.
Lavrushka - 3 leaves
Salt - 1 tbsp. l. or to taste
Parsley - 1 bundle
Cooking time: 420 minutes Calorie content per 100 grams: 220 Kcal

Place the chicken legs in cold water and leave in it for 3 hours, so that later you can easily scrape off all the dirt from them. After rinsing, remove the film from the clean paws and place them in a deep container at least 3 liters.

Coarsely chop the washed and peeled carrots into several pieces. Wash the onion, cut off the dried top and bottom, without completely peeling off the husk, put the vegetables, fillets or drumsticks in a saucepan to the prepared legs, pour in 3 liters of cold water and cook for about 2 or even 3 hours.

An important point when cooking is not to miss when the water boils. In order to avoid clouding of the broth and preserve its transparency (which is necessary for a beautiful appearance jellied meat), all the foam and scale formed at the time of the broth boiling must be carefully and thoroughly removed.

After 2-3 hours, remove the pan from the stove and strain the broth. The onion that gave the broth its flavor and golden hue during cooking should be discarded, and the carrots can be set aside to decorate the dish.

The legs themselves are also not useful, and the rest of the boiled meat must be taken out, divided into fibers and lowered back into the broth.

Season the broth with chicken meat with spices and send to simmer for at least half an hour or forty minutes, then remove from heat and check how the jellied meat thickens.

This is done like this: cool a teaspoon of broth so as not to burn yourself, and check with your fingers - the consistency of the broth should become viscous, reminiscent of a paste. If, nevertheless, the jellied meat has not solidified properly, this can be corrected with the help of gelatin, which must be boiled along with the broth.

Then cut the peeled garlic into pieces, coarsely chop the parsley, add them to the broth and cover with a lid, letting stand for a short time. Pour the finished broth into suitable molds and cool.

Decorate, if desired, with the remaining boiled carrots, cut into stars or circles, boiled eggs (you can use quail eggs) and fresh herbs. Put in the refrigerator.

Serve jellied chicken legs with horseradish and mustard, you can also serve it with pickled vegetables. Before serving, additionally (optional) decorate the surface of the dish with mayonnaise.

Amazing recipe in a slow cooker aspic


  • Chicken feet large size- 5 pieces.;
  • If desired, neck and head - 2-3 pcs.;
  • Chicken legs - 3 pcs.;
  • Garlic - 5 cloves;
  • 1 large carrot;
  • Lavrushka - 3 leaves;
  • Black peppercorns - 6-8 pcs;
  • Salt.

Before cooking, the legs of the chicken should be treated in the same way as in traditional recipe: Soak for 3 hours in cold water, wash and scrub thoroughly, removing films and dirt.

If it is decided to add heads and necks to the paws, then they must first be tarred on an open fire of a gas burner or with the help of fire from special combustible tablets, etc. funds, then we wash thoroughly.

Put the prepared chicken parts in a slow cooker and pour 1.5 liters of water into the bowl so that it only slightly covers the meat. Season with salt and pepper to taste and set a timer in the multicooker for 5 hours on the "Stew" mode.

In the meantime, the carrots must be peeled and placed in the bowl for cooking no earlier than 3 hours after the start of stewing the chicken.

When the chicken leg jelly is ready, you need to get all the chicken parts from the broth, separate the meat from the skin and bones, chop finely or divide into fibers.

Spread the meat evenly in the forms for the jellied meat, then remove the carrots from the multicooker, cut them into circles, if desired, give a curly shape (for example, stars), gently lay the carrots on top of the meat.

Gently pour the broth on top, which must first be filtered. Add peeled and finely chopped cloves of garlic to each mold with jellied meat.

Put to cool first at room temperature, and then in the refrigerator for 6 - 8 hours until the dish solidifies completely. You can also serve jellied meat from chicken paws with herbs, mustard, horseradish, halves of boiled eggs, pickled vegetables.

What if the chicken jelly is not frozen?

Regardless of experience, any housewife may face a problem when jellied meat prepared according to all the rules and a familiar recipe for some reason does not want to freeze.

What to do? To correct the effect, it is necessary to identify the cause. Any experienced professional chef will name just two main reasons for failure with a jellied dish.

The first and most common cause is out of proportion, in which the ratio of liquid to meat is not correct. It is important that there is no more water than is needed, it should only slightly cover the layer of meat and bones during cooking.

In order for the proportions to be observed during cooking, the fire after boiling must be reduced, the foam removed, and then the pan (or other container) should be tightly covered with a lid.

The second not much less common reason for failure is that the jellied meat simply did not have time to cook, and the broth is not saturated with the necessary amount of gelling substances from meat products rich in them.

It is very simple to check the readiness of the broth to freeze: you need to pour a little liquid into a plate and put it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. If the broth is frozen, it means that the jellied meat will turn out to be of the desired consistency, and if not, then the contents of the pan must be boiled to an optimal state.

The broth should be salted a little more generously than the soup is usually salted - when solidifying, the taste of the jellied meat will be optimal.

You can please the guests by preparing puff jellied meat: when the broth is completely ready, separate the meat from the bones and disassemble it into fibers. Lay the meat in one layer, then a layer of chopped garlic on top, pour the broth, cool until tender.

If the dish is still not frozen after several hours in the refrigerator, it must be corrected: heat and strain.

Put the meat back into molds, and add half a tablespoon of gelatin, previously diluted with 100 ml of cold water, into the liquid broth.

Heat all the liquid over low heat, avoiding boiling, then pour the meat back into the molds and let it cool until it thickens.

Bon Appetit!

I present to you one of the most favorite dishes of my family - jellied meat from chicken legs, chicken and pork without gelatin. Despite the fact that many new dishes have appeared in cooking, many new trends and also many new possibilities, we often give preference to old and proven classics. And the classic of the festive table for many simply does not exist without the traditional jellied meat. This dish is more than one century old, even our distant ancestors prepared it, but we are also happy to pay tribute to the tradition. And this is good.

Aspic is traditional dish for Christmas, Easter. Many people cannot imagine celebrating their birthday and other family holidays without it. Young housewives are afraid to cook this dish, meanwhile, jellied meat is one of the simplest dishes. The most important thing in cooking is to be patient for a few hours. However, the jellied meat is cooked, and we go about our business.

To freeze the jelly, you can use gelatin. But I prefer to cook without it. I use parts of an animal's carcass that give a lot of gelling substances. These are the head, legs (paws), ears, tail, knuckle. Today I will make a combined jellied meat - from pork shoulder and chicken thighs. And I'll take chicken paws as a source of gelling substances.

Taste Info Meat appetizers


  • pork - 0.7 kg;
  • chicken thighs - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken legs - 0.6 kg;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc .;
  • garlic to taste;
  • turnip onion - 1 pc.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • salt to taste.

How to cook pork, chicken paws and chicken jellied meat

We will wash the meat, prepare the onion, garlic, spices. Put the meat (pork and chicken) in a saucepan, add cold water. There should be enough water so that the meat is covered by 2-3 centimeters.

Chicken feet need more preparation. They need to be cleaned (if the skin does not separate well, then this place needs to be held over the fire). The claws must be cut off. After all this, the paws should be rinsed well.

Add the paws to the meat and put the pan on the fire. First, bring the mass to a boil over high heat, then remove the foam and reduce the heat. Next, just cook over low heat, covering the pan with a lid. The broth boiling time is several hours. Cook until the bones come off easily and the meat becomes tender. It took me 4 hours. But if you are using a pressure cooker, it will cook faster.

Take onion and garlic. We take the amount of garlic to taste.

Remove the finished meat from the pan. We'll get the paws too, we won't need them. Put the cut onion, salt to taste, bay leaf, peppercorns in the broth. And also garlic, passed through a special press. Let's continue boiling the broth over low heat while we do the meat.

Let's free the meat from bones, divide it into fibers. If you wish, you can chop it or even mince it. Divide the meat mass into molds or plates.

Fill with broth, filtering it through a sieve or cheesecloth.

Leave in a cold place until the jelly from chicken legs, pork and chicken hardens.

Note to the hostess

  • Pour raw meat for cooking on jellied meat with cold, and preferably ice water. By gradually heating meat products over high heat, they will give all their nutrients to the water. After all, this dish requires a rich concentrated broth.
  • Salt broth with raw meat at the beginning of cooking should not be. Otherwise, the meat pieces will soften longer. Better to salt the broth immediately before straining.